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NFT: Opinions wanted: Minding your own business

j_rud : 1/26/2015 6:24 pm
So here's the story: in recent weeks a relatively new neighbor has reached out and gotten to know the neighborhood and his neighbors better. This has been met with mixed results. Now he apparently hasn't told everyone these things but he's bragged to several people, myself included, about committing welfare fraud.

He boasts about collecting a disability check yet works off the books as a laborer/contractor. He also has another part time, under the table gig. In addition he receivers SNAP benefits (food stamps) and just today informed me that he has been approved for subsidized housing, meaning he'll only need to pay roughly $180 a month to rent his house; the State will be covering the rest.

Now, I was raised to mind my own business and I stick to that. Lord knows I've seen the disastrous results of not doing so. On the other hand there's a part of me that's incredibly pissed off. I'm a social worker by trade and this guy is precisely what is wrong with the system. People like this have a lot to do with the general publics attitude, perception, and frustrations with the system. It also drives me crazy on a personal level. My wife and I put ourselves through college and will be paying for it until we're in our 50s. We, like so many others, do things the right way, work hard and strive for everything we have. And while there is pride in that it still drives me nuts to see this guy just take and take and take.

A few of my neighbors have approached me, stating they wanted to report him and asking my advice on how to do so because of my knowledge of the system. I flat out told them no and that I wanted no part of it but I'd be lying if I said part of me didn't want to.

Just curious to see what people here think, I have a feeling this can be a good discussion if people can stay away from politics.


do whatever lets you sleep at night  
markky : 1/26/2015 6:26 pm : link
you have to live with yourself for a long time.

i don't know which is the right thing for you. but you do.
Why bother?  
GeneInCal : 1/26/2015 6:28 pm : link
It's encouraged.
I'd snitch  
jlukes : 1/26/2015 6:29 pm : link
What would you do  
Fast Eddie : 1/26/2015 6:32 pm : link
If you caught a neighbor burglarizing your house or stealing your car? He is stealing from you and all of us. I wouldnt think twice
Tough question  
Mike from Ohio : 1/26/2015 6:33 pm : link
No real 'right' answer. You need to ask yourself which one you would feel better living with - seeing him all the time knowing he is likely gaming the system, or reporting him and likely getting involved up to your neck in righting the perceived wrong.

Whichever way you go, best of luck to you.
If I suspected someone of cheating I would certanly mind my own B  
steve in ky : 1/26/2015 6:33 pm : link
And as you I was raised to mind our own business, but if the guy is brazen enough to brag about it I would sure consider reporting him. Can't say I would, but I would sure consider it.
Just out of curiosity  
BlackLight : 1/26/2015 6:34 pm : link
What does "not" minding your own business look like, in this scenario? Were you thinking of confronting the guy? Is there a way to report him in such a way that you see results from it?

Obviously, if you could do something about this guy's fraud, then the most likely reason you wouldn't would be the open knowledge of being "that guy." Is that a practical concern? If not, then I see nothing wrong with taking steps to report to whatever authority would care. It doesn't sound like you have much in the way of proof, other than the guy's bragging - but that isn't really your problem.
RE: What would you do  
TJ : 1/26/2015 6:35 pm : link
In comment 12110379 Fast Eddie said:
If you caught a neighbor burglarizing your house or stealing your car? He is stealing from you and all of us. I wouldnt think twice

so cleverly staying in poverty to game systems  
Nitro : 1/26/2015 6:36 pm : link
fuck this guy - if you know how to go after him, do it.
BobOnLI : 1/26/2015 6:37 pm : link
You could suggest to neighbors what office they should direct a complaint to. Myself, I would stay completely out of it and trust that eventually the system catches up to him. It isn't a great way to have to live anyway.
I'd have no qualms with reporting him  
WeatherMan : 1/26/2015 6:37 pm : link
Societal leeches are scum, the social safety net exists for people who actually need help and jerks like him give rise to those who would rather cut it completely.
Whatever you do...  
Chris in Philly : 1/26/2015 6:39 pm : link
make sure your name stays out of it. It's bad enough your other neighbors already pinned it on you. You must have access to people who could, ah, correct this idiot's perception of the law.
I'd be beyond interested  
Stufftherun : 1/26/2015 6:43 pm : link
to know what the penalty would be and whether reporting someone like this miscreant would be met with a bureaucratic apathy.

Scum! Scum! Scum! Go back to where ya from!
Help your neighbors  
natefit : 1/26/2015 6:43 pm : link
report him but leave no trail if you prefer to stay out of it. Letting it go will drive you crazy.
I am also a social workee  
JerryNYG : 1/26/2015 6:50 pm : link
and my advice is to report him to your local Welfare Fraud unit. In my district they take welfare fraud very seriously and it leads to criminal prosecution on a regular basis. People who cheat the system are literally stealing from the tax payers and are also taking valuable and scarce resources from children, the elderly, the infirm, etc. Fuck that guy. If you tell the investigator to keep your name out of it they will.
JerryNYG : 1/26/2015 6:51 pm : link
I am a social workER not social workEE. That would be one of the clients, I suppose.
Make sure he earns those disability checks  
David in LA : 1/26/2015 6:55 pm : link
if you catch my drift.
Are you suggesting that he and his  
steve in ky : 1/26/2015 7:02 pm : link
neighbors go all vigilante on him for gaming the system? OK Paul Kersey that's the answer.
It's the  
ctc in ftmyers : 1/26/2015 7:07 pm : link
American way. leave him alone.:)


What ever makes you sleep at night. You know how to make sure your name is not involved. Guy sounds like a dirtbag. He's bragging like wants to get caught.

He's unbelievably stupid for letting....  
Phlegm : 1/26/2015 7:16 pm : link
everyone in on his little secret.
What would you do if he told you he was robbing a bank once a month to make ends meet?
Personally I'd have absolutely no qualms about dropping a dime on this asswipe simply for being a blithering idiot.
Shovel at 2:00am  
JohnF : 1/26/2015 7:17 pm : link
That will teach him. If you can't sleep, nobody sleeps!
RE: Shovel at 2:00am  
steve in ky : 1/26/2015 7:21 pm : link
In comment 12110461 JohnF said:
That will teach him. If you can't sleep, nobody sleeps!

fkap : 1/26/2015 7:27 pm : link
applies to things where you have no business interfering. reporting serious breaking of the law is civic responsibility. Now, I'm not going to pretend I practice what I preach. I'm typically too apathetic, but that's different than staying out of it because of some "bro's before ho's" sort of ethic.

If you feel that this is a serious breaking of the law, and it bugs you, you should report it, especially if you can do it anonymously.

What was your reaction when he told you? With strangers, I typically have smaller muscles than behind a keyboard (being 5'2, and 140 lbs tends to turn one into a keep your mouth shut kind of guy), but the more I know a person, the more likely I am to speak my mind.
Does he have a wife and kids?  
Marty in Albany : 1/26/2015 7:28 pm : link
Let your neighbors report him  
montanagiant : 1/26/2015 7:35 pm : link
You stay out of it
Doesnt your profession  
old man : 1/26/2015 7:41 pm : link
have a code to drop a dime on dishonesty?

If he's bragging he won't know who did it, even if he thinks it is you; deny and poopoo it off.

If he's doing it to pull your chain, UI will just let it go.
You can make the call anonymous in most states.

By the way, UI is a federal program, therefore federal crime.
old man : 1/26/2015 7:47 pm : link
I forgot it was disability.
If a SSI collection he can make a certain $$$ each month working, weird as that is; if its a TDI, that's a different matter.
RE: Does he have a wife and kids?  
Chef : 1/26/2015 7:56 pm : link
In comment 12110477 Marty in Albany said:

Who gives a shit.. he is a shit stain.. and they would still collect similar benefits if he was outed and placed in jail...
fuck him  
spike : 1/26/2015 7:56 pm : link
you are paying taxes to support his welfare fraud. Have the government make him repay it all back. The money can be used toward better causes
RE: I am also a social workee  
Gman11 : 1/26/2015 7:57 pm : link
In comment 12110406 JerryNYG said:
and my advice is to report him to your local Welfare Fraud unit. In my district they take welfare fraud very seriously and it leads to criminal prosecution on a regular basis. People who cheat the system are literally stealing from the tax payers and are also taking valuable and scarce resources from children, the elderly, the infirm, etc. Fuck that guy. If you tell the investigator to keep your name out of it they will.

This. Nail the motherfucker.
Did anyone actually just  
Daniel in MI : 1/26/2015 8:03 pm : link
Start by telling him what he's doing isn't cool, but actually stealing from everyone? And especially from people that really need it?

And he made it others' business by bragging publicly...I don't get to both brag about something illegal I do then say it's not your business. If it wasn't your business I should stfu.
RE: Why bother?  
BMac : 1/26/2015 8:06 pm : link
In comment 12110372 GeneInCal said:
It's encouraged.

Turn him in  
buford : 1/26/2015 8:23 pm : link
just for being stupid and arrogant to brag about it.
Mind your own business  
JerseyCityJoe : 1/26/2015 8:25 pm : link
As you said,"A few of my neighbors have approached me," so let them do the deed. Life is too short to worry about what other the idiots in your neighborhood are involved in.
mrvax : 1/26/2015 8:37 pm : link
This guy could be pulling your chain. Most frauds want to keep this stuff a secret. There are a few people (I've met a few) that want to impress you with their knowledge on how to rip off the system.

If you are certain that he's ripping off taxpayers, contact a co-worker and have him/her look into it. Stay clear yourself.

Sounds like the guy's an asshole either way, IMO.
There are ways to anonymously  
EricJ : 1/26/2015 8:44 pm : link
report this. Like someone else said earlier...he is essentially taking money from others who need it. The problem is that there are a million people out there just like him. If you dont report him, then you can assume that nobody is reporting their guilty neighbors either.

Just ask yourself this...
Where do you draw the line as to what crime you would report? This is a felony isn't it?
If your goal is to have a clear conscience over this, then  
Mark C : 1/26/2015 9:01 pm : link
I'd suggest that ratting him out might not be the best strategy. The better way, albeit not the easiest one, is to confront the guy, tell him he should be ashamed of himself, and then let go of it. Believe in the law of Karma. It's not your place to make sure somebody pays for their transgressions, and if you're really all that verklempt over the taxpayer being robbed then I'd suggest you start with the wall street banker as opposed to the welfare cheat. Just live the right way yourself, and if you want, hope that you live long enough to see that guy get what's coming to him.
I wonder if there are any manditory reporting issues here  
MBavaro : 1/26/2015 9:09 pm : link
if you work in the system he is gaming. As a teacher, I'm legally obligating to report any suspicion of child abuse, whether it's one of my students or not. And by report, I don't mean call the police directly. There are channels to go through that will investigate to make sure there is something happening. Might there be something like this in your case?
When I lived in PA, once upon a time,  
Berrylish : 1/26/2015 9:12 pm : link
There were TONS of people doing exactly this. And they drove mercedes and lexus' etc. Had no teeth.... but they didn't care. Meanwhile I was working two jobs and changing my own oil and doing my own brakes because I didn't have the extra money to spend. Most of these people worked under the table doing something. It really sucked to struggle the way I was, and they certainly were not. Completely working the system.
RE: When I lived in PA, once upon a time,  
spike : 1/26/2015 9:21 pm : link
In comment 12110635 Berrylish said:
There were TONS of people doing exactly this. And they drove mercedes and lexus' etc. Had no teeth.... but they didn't care. Meanwhile I was working two jobs and changing my own oil and doing my own brakes because I didn't have the extra money to spend. Most of these people worked under the table doing something. It really sucked to struggle the way I was, and they certainly were not. Completely working the system.

That seems to be the NEW AMerican Dream, by scamming the system
People like this are a blight on society...  
sb from NYT Forum : 1/26/2015 9:27 pm : link
...and they are fucking us directly by increasing the defecit and raising our insurance rates.

So, yeah, rat him out. Plus, you might get some sort of bounty payment, so win win.
Report his ass  
Dave in Buffalo : 1/26/2015 9:41 pm : link
There's nothing noble in looking the other way.
Wow. I mean, seriously ... some people actually think MYOB  
baadbill : 1/26/2015 10:02 pm : link
applies here? All I can say to that is you people have zero fucking character. None at all. I mean, holy fucking shit.
I'd report him  
jcn56 : 1/26/2015 10:08 pm : link
about 5 minutes after I told every last neighbor that asked 'well, that isn't my style, I just mind my own business'.

Report him, just make sure it doesn't get back to you.
RE: Just out of curiosity  
j_rud : 1/26/2015 10:09 pm : link
In comment 12110382 BlackLight said:

Obviously, if you could do something about this guy's fraud, then the most likely reason you wouldn't would be the open knowledge of being "that guy." Is that a practical concern? If not, then I see nothing wrong with taking steps to report to whatever authority would care. It doesn't sound like you have much in the way of proof, other than the guy's bragging - but that isn't really your problem.

First off I have absolutely no concerns about being "that guy". If i do something it's because I think it's the right thing to do, and its a situation where I don't particularly concern myself with others opinions.

Second, you could've asked if I have proof before assuming I didn't. Several neighbors see him get picked up in a work van daily at 9. I've seen him get dropped off by said van on multiple occasions. And I don't know anyone who would brag about padding their income with a part time job.

The fraud he's commiting is a felony. If someone reports him he could do up to 3 years in prison and would probably be ordered to pay restitution on the fraudulently received disability checks and would be barred from most welfare programs.
J Rud  
jjgmrg901 : 1/26/2015 10:15 pm : link
This is such a difficult situation for you. You have received some good suggestions and a number of questionable ones. I can only tell you what I have done and not what you should do. It's my belief that when I put my head on my pillow I ask if I have done what I'm supposed to. I am not the judge of others actions nor am I the accuser. I only can take care of my side of the street. I am also a strong believer in what goes around comes around and that everyone gets their due. It may not occur in my time or when I think it should but it will. Hope this helps.
FWIW, since the sites connection to NY state via the Giants  
j_rud : 1/26/2015 10:16 pm : link
He's a lifelong Brooklynite who has several times told me NY is a lot "better" for benefits, easier to get stuff.
If you are going to report it  
montanagiant : 1/26/2015 10:38 pm : link
I'm sure its something you can report via online that keeps you anonymous
ImThatGuy : 1/26/2015 10:39 pm : link
for sure.

If he has kids/family I might feel a little bad about it, but assuming he's able bodied and fan do construction then he should be able to find a way
RE: Does he have a wife and kids?  
j_rud : 1/26/2015 10:43 pm : link
In comment 12110477 Marty in Albany said:

Nope, single guy in his late 40s Marty. Collecting a full time check, part time check, disability check, food stamps, and soon Uncle Sam will be paying about 75% of his rent.

Must be nice
In a related story...  
EricJ : 1/26/2015 10:53 pm : link
you see statistics of huge increases of unwed mothers in this country. It is intentional. They have figured out that marrying your boyfriend stops the checks from coming in. There are people who have figured all of this out like others have mentioned earlier. Then, they teach their kids, family and friends exactly what to do.

I am all for having a welfare system for those who truly need it. It needs to be reformed. If we are able to close some of these gaps and stop the scams, then we could actually cut spending in this area AND add benefits to those who need them.
RE: In a related story...  
j_rud : 1/26/2015 11:04 pm : link
In comment 12110754 EricJ said:
you see statistics of huge increases of unwed mothers in this country. It is intentional. They have figured out that marrying your boyfriend stops the checks from coming in. There are people who have figured all of this out like others have mentioned earlier. Then, they teach their kids, family and friends exactly what to do.

I thought I'd heard it all after 15 years in the system, 8 in north Philly. But my jaw finally hit the floor when a clients daughter told me, upon being asked a general "so what do you want to do?" question because she just started high school, told me "Get pregnant, have my baby, and get my check".

It's really sad and more than a little worrisome for the future: there is a large, I'd even venture measurable, portion of our populations parents who instead of teaching their children work ethics and the importance of education, are being schooled on how to best work the system.
The hard reality  
steve in ky : 1/26/2015 11:19 pm : link
is that it likely that mindset won't change unless money is less accessible. If people believed that having a child was a financial burden instead of a financial gain the problem would begin to reverse itself.

is your neighbor's name "John Quinones"  
SHO'NUFF : 1/27/2015 2:26 am : link
and works for a show called "What Would You Do?"
I would say to mind your own business  
Mr. Nickels : 1/27/2015 2:53 am : link
It will catch up to him sooner than later. No need to take it upon yourself.
Report him and don't think twice  
Randy in CT : 1/27/2015 3:40 am : link
about it.
He could be BSing  
bbfanva : 1/27/2015 5:42 am : link
but I'm not sure what good reporting him would do. It could take years for this to get to a point where an action will be taken by some governing body. Regardless, if you feel strongly about it, report it but make it so that you and your neighbors all can do so anonymously.
RE: RE: Does he have a wife and kids?  
buford : 1/27/2015 6:38 am : link
In comment 12110745 j_rud said:
In comment 12110477 Marty in Albany said:



Nope, single guy in his late 40s Marty. Collecting a full time check, part time check, disability check, food stamps, and soon Uncle Sam will be paying about 75% of his rent.

Must be nice

Is his name High-Pitched Eric?
Mind your own business  
eli10 : 1/27/2015 7:30 am : link
Maybe he is full of bullshit. It seems strange he would tell everyone what he is doing. People he doesn't know? He must be a nutbag.
Yes, we should all mind our own business  
Randy in CT : 1/27/2015 7:49 am : link
and then complain that there are too many freeloaders in the world...*Sigh*
I've heard of people...  
rptl530 : 1/27/2015 8:01 am : link
that are collecting disability checks being "busted" by agency workers watching them go to the types of jobs you're describing. It's happened here in Central Va.

He's either lying or he better be damn careful. There aren't a lot of eyes out there but he better hope a couple don't focus on him.

Not sure how to answer your question though.

for about 6 years, maybe more 8 or 10 years  
idiotsavant : 1/27/2015 9:04 am : link
I was 'qualified ' for welfare, food stamps, healthcare and the works, - and did not take any of them.

I use quotes on 'qualified' because it seemed crazy at the time to have an administrator say it as if I had won the lottery.

I did take unemployment, however, obligations through the state would not wait, I HAD to take the unemployment or face jail time.

During that period, while looking for job search help services (state funded, privately run) I was told in very clear terms "taking services and money from the state is good for the economy" which is logic that has holes in it, as above noted by some of you, someone else, other private citizens, are paying for that. Plus there are inefficiencies.

But those particular state funded people refused to think along those lines and strongly encourage taking all. Similar may have encouraged your neighbor. .

By the way, later, - that same organization [that encouraged me to take], was outed for faking its client lists (simply made up the 'jobs found' data, named people who were only there one day or less as clients) to garner state funds.

At the same time, listen, some individuals, those who have come against state regulations or state involvement in a possibly very negative way, in a way they felt interfered with their own ability to maneuver in the market or even which they felt, took their own liberty without any due process...may [FEEL THAT] they are then 'justified in taking something back', retribution if you will.

However, obviously, that is obviously not an emotionally mature or rational response, even if it such intrusions were real and out of line.

For their part, meanwhile, there may be a few state agency employees who justify themselves, as they administer such intrusions, with the logic that 'they will be ok, they will work the system.' So you can see, it can be a vicious cycle.

I would talk to your neighbor one on one in private, listen honestly and carefully, comment directly yet respectfully (to avoid confrontation) and then leave it alone.

I don't know if it has been said yet..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 1/27/2015 9:11 am : link
but IMO minding your own business stopped being a consideration once this guy starting bragging about it and making it known to a group of people.

That step makes it less about you minding your own business and more about protecting the interests of others.

I've always felt that once something is out in the open that it is fair game.
PaulBlakeTSU : 1/27/2015 9:17 am : link
should be reported.

I am a proponent of government-sponsored social programs to help those in need, but some opposition to using tax dollars for these programs stem from the idea that it is being wasted on people abusing the system and effectively stealing from the government. As such, I believe in "policing our own" when it comes to this. He is not only stealing from taxpayers, but he is also preventing those who do meet the criteria for benefits from getting what they need.
EricJ makes a good point  
idiotsavant : 1/27/2015 9:19 am : link
that I will change slightly [using brackets]:

'''In a related story...
EricJ : 1/26/2015 10:53 pm : link : reply
you see statistics of huge increases of unwed mothers in this country. It is intentional. They have [been told by administrators strongly] that [breaking up your family starts] the checks [ .] coming in. There are people who have figured all of this out like others have mentioned earlier. Then, they teach their kids, family and friends exactly what to do.

I am all for having a welfare system for those who truly need it. It needs to be reformed. If we are able to close some of these gaps and stop the scams, then we could actually cut spending in this area AND add benefits to those who need them.''
I wouldn't directly confront him at all - this isn't a friend/family  
Eric on Li : 1/27/2015 9:44 am : link
member, what has he done to earn that level of trust/respect? I'd imagine a good, old fashioned, "standup guy" conversation isn't going to do much for someone already comfortable gaming the system to such a crazy degree (and openly talking about it). Whether or not you do anything at all, directly involving yourself isn't worth it under any circumstance. Who knows what other cons he's cooked up before and how he reacts to an outright accusation (who wants some litigation?!?!)? It's a total fantasy to think there's any 'scared straight' positive result that can come from that.

I'm personally a pretty big believer in karma and likely wouldn't go to any great lengths to report him directly unless I'd seen something more specifically concerning happen (beyond talk), but if others are contemplating reporting him I wouldn't be opposed to that either. Again, who knows what other cons this guy could be running that affect others? Does it seem at all unrealistic that through his actual businesses he could be ripping off honest people directly? I'm not at all familiar with "the system" and what would happen if reported, but I'd imagine there'd be some form of an investigation and if it turns out he's innocent, not actually ripping anyone off, and just FOS there's a check/balance on that.
Have you considered that he's completely  
I Love Clams Casino : 1/27/2015 10:19 am : link
full of shit?

Who does this and then brags to neighbors he barely knows?

Something's up....
like mom used to say - nobody likes a tattletale  
B in ALB : 1/27/2015 10:26 am : link
The guy obviously has some serious issues. Let him wallow in his own bullshit. You just concentrate on you.
Why does it fall on the thread starter  
Headhunter : 1/27/2015 10:36 am : link
if his neighbors know also? Rather than put your neck out for any possible recriminations, form a committee of "concerned citizens" and report him as a group
RE: Have you considered that he's completely  
j_rud : 1/27/2015 11:14 am : link
In comment 12111027 I Love Clams Casino said:
full of shit?

Who does this and then brags to neighbors he barely knows?

Something's up....

He's not full of shit. I used the word "relatively new" to describe him bc he's the newest guy on the block. He's here just under a year, I've lived here for a decade so he's still "New" to me. As for why he would talk about it, I dunno. It's only 3 or 4 of us on the block and its only the last couple of weeks that this has come to light. I don't know why he told me, this sort of thing seems to happen to me a lot- people I've just met or don't know well regularly show a very high level of comfort in talking to me. I dunno. Makes me better at my job though, I can tell you that.

But trust me, there's no bullshitting here. People see him go to work, I see him come home. The only thing he could be bullshitting about is receiving benefits but I've never met anyone who bragged about being a welfare recipient.
RE: like mom used to say - nobody likes a tattletale  
montanagiant : 1/27/2015 11:34 am : link
In comment 12111037 B in ALB said:
The guy obviously has some serious issues. Let him wallow in his own bullshit. You just concentrate on you.

That is pretty much my take also. Karma always seems to catch up to people (both good and bad) and this guy has a boatload of bad coming
Especially considering the fact  
montanagiant : 1/27/2015 11:35 am : link
He is not discreet, nor quiet about what he is pulling
How is it karma against j_rud?  
buford : 1/27/2015 11:39 am : link
This guy, if it's true, is breaking the law and scamming money off of taxpayers. This is not a small problem. There are lawyers and judges on the take who facilitate these cases. There was a huge investigation in Kentucky or somewhere and it was one judge and one law firm responsible for putting many people on disability for millions. This guy could be the tip of an iceberg.
RE: RE: Have you considered that he's completely  
I Love Clams Casino : 1/27/2015 11:41 am : link
In comment 12111094 j_rud said:
In comment 12111027 I Love Clams Casino said:


full of shit?

Who does this and then brags to neighbors he barely knows?

Something's up....

He's not full of shit. I used the word "relatively new" to describe him bc he's the newest guy on the block. He's here just under a year, I've lived here for a decade so he's still "New" to me. As for why he would talk about it, I dunno. It's only 3 or 4 of us on the block and its only the last couple of weeks that this has come to light. I don't know why he told me, this sort of thing seems to happen to me a lot- people I've just met or don't know well regularly show a very high level of comfort in talking to me. I dunno. Makes me better at my job though, I can tell you that.

But trust me, there's no bullshitting here. People see him go to work, I see him come home. The only thing he could be bullshitting about is receiving benefits but I've never met anyone who bragged about being a welfare recipient.

OK OK....Report him. Is there a way to do it anonymously? If so, it sounds like you'd be one of the last people he'd suspect. Minding your own business has it's limits, and the limit is to the point where you sacrifice your integrity as a good citizen. To me if you see a crime that rips off taxpayers to this level, and you say nothing, that integrity is compromised.
Minding own business  
stretch234 : 1/27/2015 11:41 am : link
Interesting that people use 'ratt' and 'snitch' on a guy who could be rigging a system we ultimately all pay for.

As one who has relative with a traumatic brain injury and all the shit you have to go through to get legitimate services, I would not hesitate to mention it to the proper fraud authorities

If he is indeed doing this, he makes it more difficult for those who legitimately are in need
RE: How is it karma against j_rud?  
montanagiant : 1/27/2015 11:41 am : link
In comment 12111147 buford said:
This guy, if it's true, is breaking the law and scamming money off of taxpayers. This is not a small problem. There are lawyers and judges on the take who facilitate these cases. There was a huge investigation in Kentucky or somewhere and it was one judge and one law firm responsible for putting many people on disability for millions. This guy could be the tip of an iceberg.

Its karma against the other guy, holy shit!
I'd mind my own business  
Go Terps : 1/27/2015 11:55 am : link
This guy belongs in jail  
Mike in Marin : 1/27/2015 11:58 am : link
Throw him to the wolves, but I would speak to your neighbors/friends to see what they think about his guilt. If that exposes you, then skip that part and report this POS.
I'd get the license plate number of the van that picks him up  
njm : 1/27/2015 12:11 pm : link
I can see some concern about possible retaliation so I'd report anonymously and provide a trail to the "off the books" employer as well.
Criminals are stupid. That's why he's bragging about it.  
schnitzie : 1/27/2015 12:13 pm : link
He's got it so rationalized in his head, and his head screwed on so sideways that he thinks it's something that will win admiration from ripping off the taxpayers is such a great accomplishment.

But a mind like that fails to make that crucial connection of his selfishness and its ultimate impact on the taxpayers. That's how people rationalize doing reprehensible zoning out on the real life, cause-and-effect connections and consequences.

A very dear friend of mine is genuinely disabled. She has severe ADHD, Bi-polar disorder, and severe depression. She is dirt-poor. Has a severely disabled son whom she cares for 24-7. He gets SSI. Her husband ditched them and pays no child support.

She can't even afford flea treatment for her pets, all of which are rescues...some that other dirtbags dumped on her. Last month, some kind people paid her electric bill and to have her elderly dog put to sleep.

I sent her 32 pounds of cheap-ass Purina Cat Chow, since she fostered a little kitty for my rescue network. She WANTED to do *something* to be able to give to others and to help, so she wouldn't feel so worthless, helpless and dependent. All she could give was love and some space in her home, so a little calico short hair shoulder cat could escape euthanasia and find a forever home. That kitty was adopted to a family who is over-the-moon in love with her.

My friend was turned down for disability. And she effing NEEDS IT. But her disability is invisible and does interfere with her ability to focus and follow-through on various tasks. I feel awful for her.

The dirtbag in the OP is the reason why my friend is despairing over whether she can cover her electric bill. She has no cable or internet connection. No car (lost that), none of the stereotypical extravagances. And worrying about her ability to cover the essentials further aggravates her mental illness.

Disability is extremely difficult to get these days. I say blow this fucker in. He's no doubt bragged to multiple people, so he won't know who it was who blew him in. He should learn a painful that my friend, who doesn't deserve it, is learning for him.

RE: I'd get the license plate number of the van that picks him up  
montanagiant : 1/27/2015 12:15 pm : link
In comment 12111209 njm said:
I can see some concern about possible retaliation so I'd report anonymously and provide a trail to the "off the books" employer as well.

Yeah that is the guy that pisses me off the most. Owning my own business in an industry where that is common with regards to the lowballers and crappy companies, makes that a sticky point for me. I continuously have to deal with co's that have a huge illegal advantage due to using illegal overseas help, and not paying legally. We have even tried to get ICE involved and they won't do shit. Meanwhile millions of dollars are going unreported and out of this country
RE: Criminals are stupid. That's why he's bragging about it.  
j_rud : 1/27/2015 12:48 pm : link
In comment 12111217 schnitzie said:
He's got it so rationalized in his head, and his head screwed on so sideways that he thinks it's something that will win admiration from ripping off the taxpayers is such a great accomplishment.

But a mind like that fails to make that crucial connection of his selfishness and its ultimate impact on the taxpayers. That's how people rationalize doing reprehensible zoning out on the real life, cause-and-effect connections and consequences.

A very dear friend of mine is genuinely disabled. She has severe ADHD, Bi-polar disorder, and severe depression. She is dirt-poor. Has a severely disabled son whom she cares for 24-7. He gets SSI. Her husband ditched them and pays no child support.

She can't even afford flea treatment for her pets, all of which are rescues...some that other dirtbags dumped on her. Last month, some kind people paid her electric bill and to have her elderly dog put to sleep.

I sent her 32 pounds of cheap-ass Purina Cat Chow, since she fostered a little kitty for my rescue network. She WANTED to do *something* to be able to give to others and to help, so she wouldn't feel so worthless, helpless and dependent. All she could give was love and some space in her home, so a little calico short hair shoulder cat could escape euthanasia and find a forever home. That kitty was adopted to a family who is over-the-moon in love with her.

My friend was turned down for disability. And she effing NEEDS IT. But her disability is invisible and does interfere with her ability to focus and follow-through on various tasks. I feel awful for her.

The dirtbag in the OP is the reason why my friend is despairing over whether she can cover her electric bill. She has no cable or internet connection. No car (lost that), none of the stereotypical extravagances. And worrying about her ability to cover the essentials further aggravates her mental illness.

Disability is extremely difficult to get these days. I say blow this fucker in. He's no doubt bragged to multiple people, so he won't know who it was who blew him in. He should learn a painful that my friend, who doesn't deserve it, is learning for him.


Wow schnitzie, thanks for sharing that, sorry to hear about your friend. I've seen it too and its maddening to see someone who needs the system be continually turned away by it while so many are able to take advantage of it.

But this is what I was talking about in my OP: not only do his actions stigmatize the concept of receiving benefits in the first place, but it's taking scarce resources from those who truly do need them.

RE: I don't know if it has been said yet..  
Amtoft : 1/27/2015 1:08 pm : link
In comment 12110962 FatMan in Charlotte said:
but IMO minding your own business stopped being a consideration once this guy starting bragging about it and making it known to a group of people.

That step makes it less about you minding your own business and more about protecting the interests of others.

I've always felt that once something is out in the open that it is fair game.

Exactly this... Minding your own business means not snooping into his personal life. He basically told you of the unlawful act he is committing. I understand though as it is hard to basically put someone away and not feel guilty about it.

Still though there really is only one answer. You need to report him in good faith. If you report him in good faith than it doesn't matter if he is lying about it. Stupid thing to lie about and he deserves what he gets.
Gaming the system is and has been the American way.  
Cam in MO : 1/27/2015 1:18 pm : link
The important distinction is who it is that's doing the "gaming" that determines whether we think they're scumbags or geniuses.

RE: RE: How is it karma against j_rud?  
buford : 1/27/2015 2:56 pm : link
In comment 12111155 montanagiant said:
In comment 12111147 buford said:


This guy, if it's true, is breaking the law and scamming money off of taxpayers. This is not a small problem. There are lawyers and judges on the take who facilitate these cases. There was a huge investigation in Kentucky or somewhere and it was one judge and one law firm responsible for putting many people on disability for millions. This guy could be the tip of an iceberg.

Its karma against the other guy, holy shit!

Sorry, I misread your post.
Cam in MO  
schnitzie : 1/27/2015 3:45 pm : link
My recruiting in the Defense Industry and the Healthcare Industry revealed some truly disgusting practices. All the BIGS in Defense -- Raytheon, Northrup Grumman, L3 -- were engaging in fraudulent billing on a scale that robbed hundreds of millions, if not billions, from the taxpayers on a regular basis.

I was recruiting for a controller and Finance Manager. Multiple candidates reported irregularities that they witnessed first hand. It is what motivated them to leave to their jobs and seek employments with much smaller companies, where they could actually do something to avoid engaging in such wholesale fraud and theft from US coffers.

The health care industry was the same thing. The most successful businesses found ways to "upcode" charge more for care actually given or to provide more expensive care wherever it could be justified, even if a less expensive treatment would be just as effective, if not moreso.

There are huge incentives for fraud and borderline fraud. It was all I needed to conclude that for-profit healthcare is a voracious, hydra-headed monster, with all the wrong motivations driving it.

Those who get rich off the public trough in these industries are regarded as "geniuses," when really, they're just more expensive versions of the scam artist in the OP.
This is why I don't talk to my neighbors  
rsjem1979 : 1/27/2015 5:03 pm : link
I want to be able to truthfully answer "I don't know" to any question I'm asked about them.

Granted that's in an apartment building and not a neighborhood, but I imagine my desire if I ever did move into a house would be to maintain superficial friendships with neighbors. Just don't tell me anything about you, and we'll get along great.
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