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Kaepernick sits during National Anthem

Big Blue '56 : 8/27/2016 9:27 am

The national anthem is and always will be a special part of the pre-game ceremony, the team said in a statement issued to PFT. It is an opportunity to honor our country and reflect on the great liberties we are afforded as its citizens. In respecting such American principles as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, we recognize the right of an individual to choose to participate, or not, in our celebration of the national anthem.

Its unclear why Kaepernick sat. However, Kaepernick retweeted the following message on Thursday, which accompanied images of the American and Confederate flags: The fact that you really believe that there is difference in these flags means that your [sic] ignoring history.

At a time when NFL players are criticized for not speaking out on social issues, Kaepernick has provided a very significant and conspicuous gesture. As the team noted, its his right to do so. But given that Kaepernick opted to make a stand by sitting during the traditional pregame honoring of the country and its flag which is so tightly woven into the DNA of the NFL there surely will be a reaction.

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Some of you people take  
Marine One : 8/27/2016 12:06 pm : link
a hell of a lot for granted. Sure, it's a symbol one that has stood the test of time and had the balls to stand up against tyrrany and shit around the world, THAT SYMBOL! The problem with some of you younger guys is you were "educated" by a gathering of leftists who have no regard for country or American exceptionalism. You bitch and complain about the smallest of inconveniences and then disrespect the country that affords you to live with your parents well into adulthood. Try that in El Salvador, Burma, MEXICO! Realize what you have here, you know, that whole Carpe Diem thing? On the topic of the black cause, I played sports scholastically and collegiately with blacks, served with blacks in the Marine Corps and never had one racial incident! In fact, I was looked at as an honorary "brother" of sorts. So, and having said that, Kapernick can kiss my ass and needs to spend more than two weeks in someplace other than the US. This whole disrespect and disregard for the American Symbol is tired and disgusting. When I watch Usain Bolt pay homage to our National Anthem and this wannabe Joe Montana sits there, Fuck Him and all that think it doesn't make a difference. It (the flag) means too much around the world to those that live in repression and squalor and shit in the street. So before you blow it off as some publicity stunt, there is someone, somewhere watching saying, "see, that whole democracy thing doesn't work as well as you think it does" and will do everything thay can to shit on the USA as opposed to in the street! You stomp, burn, rip the flag in front of me and I'm kicking your ass, or die trying and that is not some beer muscles, or cyber gym workout talking here. You get paid millions per year to play a game (marginally at that) you stand the hell up, or sit permanently! Which in Kapernick's case is not too long down the road!
Dude doesn't seem to have a problem  
B in ALB : 8/27/2016 12:07 pm : link
taking millions of American dollars though.
Anakim : 8/27/2016 12:08 pm : link
Justin Pugh ‏@JustinPugh
I will be STANDING during the National Anthem tonight. Thank you to ALL (Gender,Race,Religion)that put your lives on the line for that flag
CK7 also stated that  
LAXin : 8/27/2016 12:14 pm : link
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

I always ask someone who holds such a view of white-oppression: then why do Asians in this country -- not just a selective few at the top, but on average as an ethnic group of tens of millions -- somehow achieve higher education, lower crime rate, and higher income than even the whites, who are supposedly doing all these terrible oppressions from the top?

Are Asian people not color enough to be oppressed by the whites? Or did the white ruling class just somehow forgot to oppress this particular ethnic group? Or is the whites' oppression against the Asians so damn sophisticated and well-hidden that it already goes beyond and deeper than the trivial and mundane stuffs like education, income, and incarceration rate?
RE: Some of you people take  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 8/27/2016 12:15 pm : link
In comment 13088586 Marine One said:
a hell of a lot for granted. Sure, it's a symbol one that has stood the test of time and had the balls to stand up against tyrrany and shit around the world, THAT SYMBOL! The problem with some of you younger guys is you were "educated" by a gathering of leftists who have no regard for country or American exceptionalism. You bitch and complain about the smallest of inconveniences and then disrespect the country that affords you to live with your parents well into adulthood. Try that in El Salvador, Burma, MEXICO! Realize what you have here, you know, that whole Carpe Diem thing? On the topic of the black cause, I played sports scholastically and collegiately with blacks, served with blacks in the Marine Corps and never had one racial incident! In fact, I was looked at as an honorary "brother" of sorts. So, and having said that, Kapernick can kiss my ass and needs to spend more than two weeks in someplace other than the US. This whole disrespect and disregard for the American Symbol is tired and disgusting. When I watch Usain Bolt pay homage to our National Anthem and this wannabe Joe Montana sits there, Fuck Him and all that think it doesn't make a difference. It (the flag) means too much around the world to those that live in repression and squalor and shit in the street. So before you blow it off as some publicity stunt, there is someone, somewhere watching saying, "see, that whole democracy thing doesn't work as well as you think it does" and will do everything thay can to shit on the USA as opposed to in the street! You stomp, burn, rip the flag in front of me and I'm kicking your ass, or die trying and that is not some beer muscles, or cyber gym workout talking here. You get paid millions per year to play a game (marginally at that) you stand the hell up, or sit permanently! Which in Kapernick's case is not too long down the road!

Jesus Christ.
RE: Dude doesn't seem to have a problem  
Joe in Cambridge : 8/27/2016 12:26 pm : link
In comment 13088587 B in ALB said:
taking millions of American dollars though.
Why should he? Protesting is just about the most American thing a person can do.
He may have the right to sit  
njm : 8/27/2016 12:29 pm : link
But I have the right to say he doesn't know jack shit about US history. The armies of one of those flags suffered close to 600,000 casualties (killed, wounded, missing) , the majority of them suffered after the Emancipation Proclamation, fighting against slavery.
There have been online rumors  
Andy Sky : 8/27/2016 12:37 pm : link
About Kap and his girlfriend for months now that might put his actions into a little more contex. This reminds me of another high profile athlete who created a stir when he refused to stand for the anthem. I wonder if a name change is coming soon .
RE: Sadly this kid doesnt get it.  
Giants2012 : 8/27/2016 12:40 pm : link
In comment 13088458 bigblue1124 said:

As Eric said as well in current times the men and womens lives that have been lost fighting for that flag he obviously has zero knowledge or respect for.

RE: CK7 also stated that  
giantsfan44ab : 8/27/2016 12:42 pm : link
In comment 13088593 LAXin said:
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."

I always ask someone who holds such a view of white-oppression: then why do Asians in this country -- not just a selective few at the top, but on average as an ethnic group of tens of millions -- somehow achieve higher education, lower crime rate, and higher income than even the whites, who are supposedly doing all these terrible oppressions from the top?

Are Asian people not color enough to be oppressed by the whites? Or did the white ruling class just somehow forgot to oppress this particular ethnic group? Or is the whites' oppression against the Asians so damn sophisticated and well-hidden that it already goes beyond and deeper than the trivial and mundane stuffs like education, income, and incarceration rate?

I think it's a result of the socioeconomic divide than race. I'm sure if you separated the violence stats based on personal income rather than simply race the data would look much worse. All these shootings recently (some horrible, some blown out of proportion) haven't exactly been occurring with rich folk.

There may very well be certain underlying causes that link educational/economic opportunity with race, which I believe is the root cause of the problem. But I don't think the police are race-targeting civilians on the streets. There's a bigger issue that's causing this and pointing fingers at the police/government for being racist is just childish.
Big Blue '56 : 8/27/2016 12:42 pm : link
"Our man in Charleston" sounds fascinating, just downloaded it onto my Kindle (via Amazon)..Thanks for the heads up
Considering the racial and social divide  
B in ALB : 8/27/2016 12:46 pm : link
Plaguing this country right now, was this really necessary? How about conveying a message of change in a positive context rather than sit there like a spoiled, entitled, and ungrateful child?
CoughlinHandsonHips : 8/27/2016 12:47 pm : link
He's just trying to get more sittin on the bench reps because he's certainly playing himself there
RE: Probably just the beginning.  
Sonic Youth : 8/27/2016 12:53 pm : link
In comment 13088460 Tark10 said:
This is what happens if a person spends too much time in California. There are school districts passing out "Pledge Of Allegiance" waivers. If they don't want to stand and recite the pledge, the waiver allows them to sit and stare at their I-phones. Just another sad indication of a country in the decline. Kap just may be suffering from "tattoo poisoning". Here in Houston, the school district has major budget problems. The Board Of Directors decided to close some schools and lay off teachers to save some money. Meanwhile, they have also decided to spend 1.4 million to rename 8 schools because the current names are affiliated with the confederacy. This is what happens when liberals are placed in decision making positions. Its all about political correctness with common sense thrown out the window.
Hahahahahah what a fucking load of horseshit. You should be ashamed for writing this pointless, partisan, bullshit drivel
RE: One way tickets to Canada or Mexico $79-$129  
Sonic Youth : 8/27/2016 12:55 pm : link
In comment 13088541 DennyInDenville said:
Europe $119-$220

If anyone feels oppressed here in the USA, please leave. Pretty simple
Not really. People want to make their homes better places for everyone. Pretty simple.

Though re: Kap, I get where you're coming from. But that statement does not apply to everyone.
Bottom line  
Carl in CT : 8/27/2016 12:57 pm : link
A fucking piece of shit!
and yes  
Sonic Youth : 8/27/2016 12:59 pm : link
what Kap did was stupid, but I think some of the reactions to it are also kinda crazy.

Kap is a dumbass, this doesn't really surprise me
That was some rant by Marine One  
Overseer : 8/27/2016 12:59 pm : link
When you say Kaepernick needs to spend more than two weeks in someplace other than the US, would you suggest like New Zealand or Canada or Norway? Would "roughing it" in those countries engender the requisite level of appreciation you believe America deserves?

A 64 American male would no doubt have a rooooough time in South Korea (and by that I mean his penis would be so rough from the endless sex he's having with fawning young women).

Really you can embody and proclaim an appreciation for America minus the over the top rah-rahing, complete with the inclusion of trivializing the virtues of the rest of the advanced world. Its just embarrassing.
And, indeed, Tarks post was a trainwreck.  
Overseer : 8/27/2016 12:59 pm : link
If I'm the owner after that statement  
Carl in CT : 8/27/2016 1:00 pm : link
He doesn't make the first cut. Don't need garbage like that on my team. I'd rather him be a drug addict, wife beater etc than to dishonor the American Flag!
RE: If I'm the owner after that statement  
Big Blue '56 : 8/27/2016 1:03 pm : link
In comment 13088631 Carl in CT said:
He doesn't make the first cut. Don't need garbage like that on my team. I'd rather him be a drug addict, wife beater etc than to dishonor the American Flag!

Wife beater? Really?
Bleedin Blue : 8/27/2016 1:05 pm : link
but this Country has a lot of warts as does any of our families. We are not perfect, we have a lot of wrongs to right, but when I see that Flag I'm reminded that there isn't anywhere else I'd rather be. I know I have the right to disagree with my government and say so. Maybe KP should understand that Flag is the very symbol of why he has the right to his opinion and be a bit more respectful to what it is actually a symbol of! It's not a symbol of oppression, that is very far from the truth! for if it was he'd be in a gulag right now!
Well, his actions do make him relevant again,  
MOOPS : 8/27/2016 1:16 pm : link
at least temporarily.
Hope he invested his US dollars well, because after this year he'll be working for scale, if at all.
Amazing to me how Americans, who supposedly understand  
baadbill : 8/27/2016 1:27 pm : link
their freedoms, get all worked up over someone sitting during the national anthem. Burning the flag - sitting during the national anthem - are two of the most patriotic things I can think of. What other country in the world would allow that? Would honor that?

I can't think of a group more revolting than the KKK. Yet I would protest vigorously for the right of the KKK to march publicly down every street in America. I'd do that because that is what makes my country great. It is only when we silence the rights of others to protest that we better start worrying about our democracy. Because your voice is likely to be the next one silenced.
I know a lot of you say you admire and respect Muhammad Ali  
David in LA : 8/27/2016 1:38 pm : link
I'm not so certain some of you would have respected the Young Muhammad Ali in this day and age.
GiantFilthy : 8/27/2016 1:40 pm : link
Probably just the beginning.
Tark10 : 9:51 am : link : reply
This is what happens if a person spends too much time in California. There are school districts passing out "Pledge Of Allegiance" waivers. If they don't want to stand and recite the pledge, the waiver allows them to sit and stare at their I-phones. Just another sad indication of a country in the decline. Kap just may be suffering from "tattoo poisoning". Here in Houston, the school district has major budget problems. The Board Of Directors decided to close some schools and lay off teachers to save some money. Meanwhile, they have also decided to spend 1.4 million to rename 8 schools because the current names are affiliated with the confederacy. This is what happens when liberals are placed in decision making positions. Its all about political correctness with common sense thrown out the window.

Shitting in my own mouth would be more enjoyable than reading more of your posts.

Some of you people take
Marine One : 12:06 pm : link : reply
a hell of a lot for granted. Sure, it's a symbol one that has stood the test of time and had the balls to stand up against tyrrany and shit around the world, THAT SYMBOL! The problem with some of you younger guys is you were "educated" by a gathering of leftists who have no regard for country or American exceptionalism. You bitch and complain about the smallest of inconveniences and then disrespect the country that affords you to live with your parents well into adulthood. Try that in El Salvador, Burma, MEXICO! Realize what you have here, you know, that whole Carpe Diem thing? On the topic of the black cause, I played sports scholastically and collegiately with blacks, served with blacks in the Marine Corps and never had one racial incident! In fact, I was looked at as an honorary "brother" of sorts. So, and having said that, Kapernick can kiss my ass and needs to spend more than two weeks in someplace other than the US. This whole disrespect and disregard for the American Symbol is tired and disgusting. When I watch Usain Bolt pay homage to our National Anthem and this wannabe Joe Montana sits there, Fuck Him and all that think it doesn't make a difference. It (the flag) means too much around the world to those that live in repression and squalor and shit in the street. So before you blow it off as some publicity stunt, there is someone, somewhere watching saying, "see, that whole democracy thing doesn't work as well as you think it does" and will do everything thay can to shit on the USA as opposed to in the street! You stomp, burn, rip the flag in front of me and I'm kicking your ass, or die trying and that is not some beer muscles, or cyber gym workout talking here. You get paid millions per year to play a game (marginally at that) you stand the hell up, or sit permanently! Which in Kapernick's case is not too long down the road!

I fought for your right to protest. RESPECT ME. Also if you protest in front of me I'm going to try and physically harm you. -Marine One

If I'm the owner after that statement
Carl in CT : 1:00 pm : link : reply
He doesn't make the first cut. Don't need garbage like that on my team. I'd rather him be a drug addict, wife beater etc than to dishonor the American Flag!

Much rather have women get a beating than see someone unhappy with how things are in this country? Patriotism is fucking weird, man.
Never Liked Him from Day One ...  
Bluesbreaker : 8/27/2016 1:40 pm : link
Actually he is actually in the Cam Newton category for me .
If anyone is using Roids or whatever it has to be him .
Can Remember him early in his career when he took over
for Alex Smith he is such a friggen jack ass and I hope
he gets decleated every time he touches the FootBall .
It Takes some kind of an asshole not to show common
curtisy during National Anthem .
No matter what his or anyones beliefs are he is a classless
asswipe ..
RE: If I'm the owner after that statement  
David in LA : 8/27/2016 1:41 pm : link
In comment 13088631 Carl in CT said:
He doesn't make the first cut. Don't need garbage like that on my team. I'd rather him be a drug addict, wife beater etc than to dishonor the American Flag!

Obviously you're not smart enough to be in that type of position in the first place.
As an American he is free to express his opinion in any way  
BurlyMan : 8/27/2016 1:41 pm : link
that doesn't bring harm to others and that's what makes this country great. There isn't going to be a knock on his door tonight or unmarked cars following him in the streets. If he wants to sit while others stand. Fine with me.

As a veteran it bothers me what game day patriots make a big stink out of the national anthem not by singing along or reflecting on what makes this nation what it is but hassling others to get up, take off your hat, take out your earbuds, put down your phone, etc. Hearing the national anthem is important to me. It may not be to you. Fine. I think playing God Bless America at ballgames is a crock of shit. You may not feel the same way. Fine with me.

But NFL is a money game and the money masters aren't going to like this. And it always saddens me when issues like this come up and the vast majority of fans unreflectively side with the people with all the power and all of the money.

I disagree with most of the posts on this thread  
Capt. Don : 8/27/2016 1:42 pm : link
but that doesnt mean I am siding with CK.

A few points:

If I am unhappy with something in our society, I should just move to another country and live the life least resistance, rather than try to change it?

Ridiculous. Using that logic, no one should complain about anything. No push to improve anything at all. Just move to another country and shut up. What if MLK, Medgar Evers, Rosa Parks etc had done that?

If I am unhappy with something in our society but also make lots of money in that same society, I should keep my mouth shut.

It is oftentimes wealthy people that have the time, resources, security and platform to make a stand publicly. Just because he makes lots of money in the society that he is displeased with does not make him a hypocrite. It is not like he is making money off racial bias and oppression. That would be hypocritical. Making lots of money should not preclude someone from protesting and exercising their rights.

Not standing during the national anthem in protest is an affront to those who have served.

He is not protesting those who have served. He is utilizing a right that they fought and died to give him. Protesting is one of the most liberating, American things you can do.

Because people of color have proudly served this country since The Revolution and including the Civil War, he is uneducated and is disrespectful to them and their memory.

I feel comfortable saying that every minority in history has proudly fought for our country. So using that logic no one can protest using our national symbols without being deemed uneducated and disrespectful to those minorities who proudly served.

What if a Native American protested the United States stance on several land disputes? What if they refused to stand for the National Anthem? Are they uneducated because of the invaluable and proud service of the code talkers in WWII?

I think this is a pretty ineffective way for CK to go about it and I would be interested to know what he is doing behind the scenes to help this cause and ultimately
I do not think it will inspire the change he is looking for. That said, I do not think he is a bad guy for exercising his rights as an American.

Lmao Filthy just knocking them out of the park!  
David in LA : 8/27/2016 1:42 pm : link
Good for Kap  
Rob in CT/NYC : 8/27/2016 1:45 pm : link
Or not - I think the basis of his protest is more than a little silly, but if he is willing to accept the consequences of his protest in an effort to effect positive change, reasonable disagreement over where this country is and how it should proceed is fine.
That'll show 'em!  
Dave in Hoboken : 8/27/2016 1:46 pm : link
Too bad he's sucked in recent years.
RE: Amazing to me how Americans, who supposedly understand  
Jimmy Googs : 8/27/2016 1:47 pm : link
In comment 13088645 baadbill said:
their freedoms, get all worked up over someone sitting during the national anthem. Burning the flag - sitting during the national anthem - are two of the most patriotic things I can think of. What other country in the world would allow that? Would honor that?

I can't think of a group more revolting than the KKK. Yet I would protest vigorously for the right of the KKK to march publicly down every street in America. I'd do that because that is what makes my country great. It is only when we silence the rights of others to protest that we better start worrying about our democracy. Because your voice is likely to be the next one silenced.

While I get your point, I would hope you can find just a few more patriotic things to do than burn a flag or sit your ass during the anthem...
Actually, it does make him a hypocrite  
Bill L : 8/27/2016 1:48 pm : link
It's just that he has the absolute right to be one.
I've got no problem with doing this to draw attention  
chris r : 8/27/2016 1:51 pm : link
to an issue where you think the US is in the wrong. Say for example Guantanamo.

But this is just so poorly thought out and articulated it's hard to take as anything more than juvenile insolence.
RE: Actually, it does make him a hypocrite  
Capt. Don : 8/27/2016 1:53 pm : link
In comment 13088677 Bill L said:
It's just that he has the absolute right to be one.

I don't think hypocrite means what you think it means.
I just like the opposing logic that I've seen across many sites  
David in LA : 8/27/2016 1:54 pm : link
I've seen people suggest Kaep leave "their" country, while this country was stolen from natives. 🤔
RE: RE: Amazing to me how Americans, who supposedly understand  
baadbill : 8/27/2016 1:54 pm : link
In comment 13088673 Jimmy Googs said:
In comment 13088645 baadbill said:


their freedoms, get all worked up over someone sitting during the national anthem. Burning the flag - sitting during the national anthem - are two of the most patriotic things I can think of. What other country in the world would allow that? Would honor that?

I can't think of a group more revolting than the KKK. Yet I would protest vigorously for the right of the KKK to march publicly down every street in America. I'd do that because that is what makes my country great. It is only when we silence the rights of others to protest that we better start worrying about our democracy. Because your voice is likely to be the next one silenced.

While I get your point, I would hope you can find just a few more patriotic things to do than burn a flag or sit your ass during the anthem...

Actually, I honestly can't think of anything more patriotic than to hand him the flag and a match to burn it - while at the same time disputing whatever it is he's protesting.

It's pretty ironic that the ones who get most worked up about "respecting" America and her symbols are really not much different than the fanatic fringe who kill people for making fun of the Koran. Freedom and tolerance are what make this country great. It's when either one is threatened that I'll begin to worry.
Do I agree with Kap? No  
dpinzow : 8/27/2016 1:57 pm : link
Do I agree with his right to protest in this manner? Yes, he has the 1st amendment right
RE: I know a lot of you say you admire and respect Muhammad Ali  
Big Blue '56 : 8/27/2016 1:58 pm : link
In comment 13088653 David in LA said:
I'm not so certain some of you would have respected the Young Muhammad Ali in this day and age.

100% supported Ali back in the day..One of the very few sport's idols in my life
RE: RE: Actually, it does make him a hypocrite  
Bill L : 8/27/2016 1:58 pm : link
In comment 13088687 Capt. Don said:
In comment 13088677 Bill L said:


It's just that he has the absolute right to be one.

I don't think hypocrite means what you think it means.
hes not protesting an issue; it's a rejection of the country through its symbols. So yeah, glomming its benefits is hypocritical.

But he's still free to be one. He's sheltered and nurtured by the country, and still allowed to behave as he wishes.
Well, I think we have the plot for an upcoming episode of....  
MOOPS : 8/27/2016 2:00 pm : link
A 90-second sit down protest...far too easy. A flag and a match  
Jimmy Googs : 8/27/2016 2:02 pm : link
will be over and done too quick as well.

How about Kap grabs a gun and stands a post somewhere. I would think that would be more patriotic Bill...
Good statement from the Niners  
jeff57 : 8/27/2016 2:02 pm : link
Kap will be sitting alot  
averagejoe : 8/27/2016 2:03 pm : link
Because it is very hard to watch him try to play QB. Defensive coordinators in the NFL are evil oppressors that have denied CK the chance to succeed because of his color. Whatever color that is.

He is no brighter off the field than he is on. He needs to visit a library.
RE: Well, I think we have the plot for an upcoming episode of....  
David in LA : 8/27/2016 2:05 pm : link
In comment 13088699 MOOPS said:

That's an awful joke, come on.
I see no problem with him protesting  
moespree : 8/27/2016 2:06 pm : link
I'd have far more respect  
dep026 : 8/27/2016 2:11 pm : link
if he didnt take the 17 million dollars that this country pays him a year out of protest.
RE: I see no problem with him protesting  
Greg from LI : 8/27/2016 2:12 pm : link
In comment 13088713 moespree said:

Leftist agrees with leftist, film at 11
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