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Al Michaels compares NYG to Harvey Weinstein.....

No Where Man : 10/16/2017 1:17 am

Social Media is all over him.....
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Hold on, RetroJint,  
Pego61 : 10/16/2017 10:01 am : link

Pea brain, consider this. A few years back I attended the stage redux of Thr Producers. When I got to my seat ,I discovered that Dolph Schayes ((RIP) was seated next to me, along with Naomi , his wife . I began to feel uncomfortable . They were a Jewish couple. You know what? Dolph laughed his sacks off throughout the whole play.

You were worried about Dolph Schayes's reaction to The Producers? What Jew would be offended by The Producers? It is literally a musical made by Jew, essentially for the enjoyment of Jews. If there was ever a musical made for Jews, aside from Fiddler, it's that.
I totally understand why some people  
eclipz928 : 10/16/2017 10:16 am : link
would have been rubbed wrong the wrong way by the joke, but really it was harmless.

Unfortunately this is just a biproduct of how we're at a point right now where there is a more than usual overlap between sports and the ongoing social issues in the country - reflected both in the fact that Michaels felt comfortable making that quip during the telecast, and also in the reaction to it on social media.

Things are just so tense right now in the current political environment that even seemingly tepid remarks about a current event is met with intense scrutiny.
Anytime I hear... You can't joke about something  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 10/16/2017 10:24 am : link
I'm always remind of George Carlin's bit about rape. I'll share.

Ohh, some people don't like you to talk like that. Ohh, some people like to shut you up for saying those things. You know that. Lots of people. Lots of groups in this country want to tell you how to talk. Tell you what you can't talk about. Well, sometimes they'll say, well you can talk about something but you can't joke about it. Say you can't joke about something because it's not funny. Comedians run into that shit all the time.

Like rape. They'll say, "You can't joke about rape. Rape's not funny." I say, "Fuck you, I think it's hilarious. How do you like that?" I can prove to you that rape is funny. Picture Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd. See? Hey, why do you think they call him "Porky," eh? I know what you're going to say. "Elmer was asking for it. Elmer was coming on to Porky. Porky couldn't help himself, he got a hard-on, he got horny, he lost control, he went out of his mind."

A lot of men talk like that. A lot of men think that way. They think it's the woman's fault. They like to blame the rape on the woman. Say, "She had it coming, she was wearing a short skirt." These guys think women ought to go to prison for being cock teasers: don't seem fair to me.

Don't seem right, but you can joke about it. I believe you can joke about anything. It all depends on how you construct the joke. What the exaggeration is, what the exaggeration is. Because every joke needs one exaggeration; every joke needs one thing to be way out of proportion.

Give you an example. Did you ever see a news story like this in the paper? Every now and then you run into a story, says, "Some guy broke into a house, stole a lot of things, and while he was in there, he raped an 81 year old woman." And I'm thinking to myself, "Why!? What the fuck kind of a social life does this guy have?" I want to say, "Why did you do that!?" "Well, she was coming on to me. We were dancing and I got horny. Hey, she was asking for it, she had on a tight bathrobe." I'll say, "Jesus Christ, be a little fucking selective next time, will you?"

Now, speaking of rape, do you know what I wonder? I wonder is there more rape at the equator or the north pole. These are the kind of things I think about when I'm sitting home alone and the power goes out. I wonder is there more rape at the equator or the north pole. I mean per capita, I know the populations are different.

Most people think it's the equator: I think it's the north pole. People think it's the equator because it's hot down there, they don't wear a lot of clothing, guys can see women's tits, they get horny and there's a lot of fucking going on.

That's exactly why there's less rape at the equator: because there's a lot of fucking going on. You can tell there's a lot of fucking at the equator, take a look at the population figures. Billions of people live near the equator. How many Eskimos do we have? Thirty? Thirty-five? No one's getting laid at the north pole, it's too fucking cold.

Guys say to their wives, "Hey, tonight honey, huh? Tonight, huh?" "Are you crazy? The wind chill factor is three hundred below." These guys are deprived. They're horny; they're pent up. Every now and then - puhpmm! They bust out, they got to rape somebody.

Now, the biggest problem an Eskimo rapist has: trying to get wet leather leggings off a woman who is kicking. Did you ever try to get leather pants off of someone who doesn't want to take them off? You would lose your hard-on in the process. Up at the north pole your dick would shrivel up like a stack of dimes.

That's another thing I wonder. I wonder, does a rapist have a hard-on when he leaves the house in the morning, or does he develop it during the day while he's walking around looking for somebody? These are the kind of thoughts that kept me out of the really good schools
RE: Never like the schmuck  
montanagiant : 10/16/2017 10:28 am : link
In comment 13651450 Bluesbreaker said:
Eric from BBI : Admin : 1:19 am : link : reply
Tone deaf.

Because rape is so funny, isn't it Al?

It's a typical lefty response he's a friggen tool .

Erics about as conservative as it gets you dumb fuck
I also do not see it as a big deal  
Boatie Warrant : 10/16/2017 11:55 am : link
No we are not talking about Rape. We are talking about a guy who used a bad analogy about an "alleged" rapists week and a football teams week.

I for one found it funny and cringe worthy at the same time. As in "Damn that's wrong, but semi true". But I am definitely not offended by the comment. Then again not much offends me. I don't give enough of a shit to care in most cases.
RE: it was a foolish thing to say  
jcn56 : 10/16/2017 12:00 pm : link
In comment 13651492 PaulBlakeTSU said:
he's a sports broadcaster and he made light of the week had by a guy who has been finally outed this week for being a sexual predator. His comment essentially conveys "boy, Harvey Weinstein can't catch a break this week." There are a lot of people, women especially, who think our society takes sexual assault against women way too lightly

It was inappropriate and it was necessary that he apologized immediately on air. Michaels isn't a comedian, this wasn't a comedy club, and this wasn't a joke in someone's living room.

It's even more cringe-worthy when you consider how much the NFL is trying to show that it cares about stopping violence against women, it seems even more tone-deaf.

It doesn't make Al Michaels a terrible person. But it was an idiotic decision to make that joke at best; at worst, it suggests a person who takes sexual assault lightly.

This, exactly - he made a stupid comment in the moment, someone caught it over there (if he didn't realize it himself) and he corrected the mistake. Beyond that, there's no sense in defending it.

When half the women in Hollywood are all over the news reporting they've been exposed to systemic harassment (and in some cases, outright sexual assault), an entertainment entity trying to expand it's demographic to include more women should try to avoid making jokes about that.
bad judgement....  
BillKo : 10/16/2017 12:08 pm : link
and he apologized immediately after the commercial. Sure, someone probably told the broadcast crew Twitter was blowing up over it but a sincere apology seems like enough to me.

As someone said above, it's a sports show and you don't necessarily want outside news - esp a joke in bad taste - to appear. And the NFL doesn't need more attention drawn to it in that way so Al should be obviously more aware.

People make mistakes, you apologize and move on.......there are worse things.
Stan in LA : 10/16/2017 12:08 pm : link
"You...don't want it to lead to a witch hunt atmosphere, a Salem atmosphere, where every guy in an office who winks at a woman is suddenly having to call a lawyer to defend himself."

Woody Allen on Harvey Weinstein sexual assault accusations
RE: .  
jcn56 : 10/16/2017 12:16 pm : link
In comment 13651811 Stan in LA said:


"You...don't want it to lead to a witch hunt atmosphere, a Salem atmosphere, where every guy in an office who winks at a woman is suddenly having to call a lawyer to defend himself."

Woody Allen on Harvey Weinstein sexual assault accusations

Great, just what we needed, Woody Allen taking up our cause.

Sexual Predators Everywhere
RE: ...  
BlackLight : 10/16/2017 2:59 pm : link
In comment 13651357 Eric from BBI said:
I don't understand the responses here.

We're talking about RAPE. Do you guys even understand what RAPE actually is?

What if Michaels had said, the Giants have had as bad a week as the shooting victims in Las Vegas?

Ha ha ha ha ...

This is a truly silly comparison.
christian : 10/16/2017 3:17 pm : link
What's borering on worse than PC run wild is the hyperbolic instisting that when dumbass gets dressed down for being a dumbass, that equates to "outrage."

Al Michaels made a bad joke, in poor taste. It was awkward, it was ill-timed, and maybe worst of all not even funny.

Getting shit on for being stupid is not outrage, it's life.
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