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NFT: Baseball game etiquette

oghwga : 6/29/2024 8:01 am
Went to a brewers game last night. (Great stadium btw) It's been a long time since I've been to a major league game but there was a constant stream of people walking up and down the aisle the entire game, not just in our section but everywhere. I thought the unspoken rule was you stay out of the way during the action. If you need to get up and go, you wait until it's between innings or at the midpoint of an inning or when the action stops for some other reason like a pitching change.

You time it right, you get your snacks and you wait at the top to get back to your seat until the sides change.

And you wear your hat forwards.

Rant over but the amount of people standing around annoyed the crap out of me. Maybe the drawback of sitting on the aisle.
Those idiots  
SoZKillA : 6/29/2024 8:13 am : link
are the worst. Getting beer every 2 minutes, getting up to pee.

Falcons playoff game(football I know) I had to tell these 2 dumb twits that theyre gonna have to get out of the other side of the aisle because I was done getting up. From 15 mins before kickoff to 8 mins in the 1st qtr they both got up 8 times. Keep fucking still.
It's been that way  
k2tampa : 6/29/2024 8:25 am : link
For more than two decades. I recall when ushers at hockey games used to keep you from re-entering your section until there was a stoppage. No more. The worst are the ones who sit through the inning break talking to their friends, then get up to leave when the batter steps into the box.
winoguy : 6/29/2024 8:31 am : link
Unfortunately, it's all a part of the live " experience ". One of several reasons I rarely go to games anymore.
I’m an usher for Frisco Roughriders AA Texas Rangers team  
Rick in Dallas : 6/29/2024 8:32 am : link
It’s like that all game long. Up and down with no regards to fans watching the game.
Just crazy.
Another reason hockey is great  
JayBinQueens : 6/29/2024 8:33 am : link
Ushers don't let people in while puck is in play
Down in Front!  
Fred-in-Florida : 6/29/2024 8:39 am : link
Live sports is an absolute chore  
UConn4523 : 6/29/2024 8:49 am : link
and lack of decency and etiquette is one of the main reasons why. Too many people that don’t give a shit about the people around them make it a no brainer to stay home, haven’t been to a live game for any sport in almost a decade.
Went to a Mets game a month back  
JB_in_DC : 6/29/2024 8:59 am : link
And this was the worst I’d ever seen it. This fine group was constantly up - they must have had ten tall boys each.

Live game experience is more drinking oriented post covid it seems - Citi Field has the Tullamore Dew bars (whiskey at a baseball game?), booze buckets… I like having a beer at a game but its gone too far for my taste.

Will likely stand in Shea Bridge in future games to avoid .
RE: It's been that way  
robbieballs2003 : 6/29/2024 9:18 am : link
In comment 16545367 k2tampa said:
For more than two decades. I recall when ushers at hockey games used to keep you from re-entering your section until there was a stoppage. No more. The worst are the ones who sit through the inning break talking to their friends, then get up to leave when the batter steps into the box.

I'll take this a step further. Two of the last 3 comedy shows I went to I had to tell people to shut the fuck up. What asshole spends money on a show and talks through the whole thing? Why not stay home or go to a bar to talk? It is so fuckin annoying.

When it comes to football plays, wait until the whistle blows to go to your seat. That is why I hate aisle seats. Put me right in the middle of the row.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/29/2024 10:20 am : link
Yeah, that's annoying AF. When I go to games, I wait until there's a break to make moves, i.e. hit the bathroom or grab a beer or whatever.
Those days are long gone  
Matt in SGS : 6/29/2024 10:53 am : link
and it's in football too. Giants games you used to wait until the play was over to get up and move. People knew to kneel in the aisle waiting for the play to end.

Now, forget it. People pop up in the middle of a play to get up and go to the bathroom, get a drink/food, etc. Alcohol is a big part of it because people feel the need to get as many as they can before they shut it down. That's a whole other issue, I have no idea why people would go to a game to get bombed out of their mind and pay twice what they could if they just stayed home to get hammered on their own couch.

And yes, I'm going to be "get off my lawn", but it is absolutely generational on this. Mainly younger fans with short attention spans popping up and moving around as the play is going on. PSLs and stubhub also killed things because I rarely see the same people the entire season like I used to at old Giants Stadium. There are people who go for the experience, take a selfie and post it to their socials and then move on. I get it, the glory days of me going in the 80s/90s when I saw the same fans year after year are looooooong gone. And everything you describe is basically an end result of this happening over the course of the last 20 or so years.
We have seats 1-4  
Fred-in-Florida : 6/29/2024 10:55 am : link
Whoever is in the first seat was designated’Row captain’ couldn’t let anyone in until the play was over.

Didn’t help stopping the 10 rows in front when they blocked everyone on back from seeing.

Oh well! I don’t have that problem anymore!
I don't know I've been going to games since the 70's  
Stu11 : 6/29/2024 11:33 am : link
and I haven't noticed a spike of it necessarily. People have always been annoying at baseball games getting up and down. It was worse at the old Yankee Stadium where the upper deck rows had no space whatsoever. I can't speak for football because unlike many in here my great great great grandfather didn't have Giants season tickets, so up until the early 2000's and the advent of the secondary market I got to go to maybe 10 Giants games until I was like age 35. Like people have said with hockey it's better. They don't let you go to your seats at Devils games while the puck is in play.
What about the Screaming?  
NJLCO : 6/29/2024 11:43 am : link
I watched a few SF Giants games these past few weeks and there was a guy screaming before every pitch. How do those ticket holders put up with it?

I would be going crazy sitting through 9 innings of that shit.
I went to a AAA Aviators game in Vegas and the guy in back of me  
gtt350 : 6/29/2024 1:31 pm : link
spilled his whole beer on me. Live events have truly lost there appeal
I was invited to the AT&T Box at the old Giant stadium  
gtt350 : 6/29/2024 1:34 pm : link
by a friend and we spent more time at the bar in the box watching the game on TV so theres that for perspective
RE: Down in Front!  
Sec 103 : 6/29/2024 2:30 pm : link
In comment 16545375 Fred-in-Florida said:

LOL Fred!!!
Civility across the board  
Bill in UT : 6/29/2024 6:07 pm : link
is, and has been, in decline for decades. Read a thread on BBI sometime :) You wonder why people are rude at ballgames? Why do people curse each other out on BBI?
RE: Civility across the board  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/29/2024 6:10 pm : link
In comment 16545646 Bill in UT said:
is, and has been, in decline for decades. Read a thread on BBI sometime :) You wonder why people are rude at ballgames? Why do people curse each other out on BBI?

I think civility was trending downwards & then it hit the accelerator button with COVID.

As for civility on BBI, I agree. & I consider myself guilty at times too. There's times after I hit 'submit' where I say to myself, 'Really? I'm better than that. & I'm sure that guy is a nice dude in person.'
It's not about watching the game  
ZogZerg : 6/29/2024 6:23 pm : link
It's about posting, tweeting, etc. that you are AT the game.

Seriously, you should look for middle row seats next time. You probably won't need to move.
It was a baseball game.  
gridirony : 6/29/2024 7:12 pm : link
You didn't miss anything.
RE: It was a baseball game.  
Bill in UT : 6/29/2024 7:41 pm : link
In comment 16545685 gridirony said:
You didn't miss anything.

Touche. Is the the 2nd touche I've given you?
RE: It's not about watching the game  
nygiantfan : 6/30/2024 9:41 am : link
In comment 16545657 ZogZerg said:
It's about posting, tweeting, etc. that you are AT the game.

Seriously, you should look for middle row seats next time. You probably won't need to move.

Totally agree. Phone watching, people watching and then game watching in that order.

And if fans moving down the aisle chafes you so much then sit in the middle as you noted. Turn the tide some if you so choose.
Agree 100 percent that our seat choice  
oghwga : 6/30/2024 12:28 pm : link
Put us in a bad spot but so many people are oblivious to other people it makes me sad.
my kids  
pjcas18 : 6/30/2024 12:39 pm : link
are part of the problem, but I probably was too at their age to an extent.

they get the student tickets at Fenway for $9 and come home and I ask who won (already knowing, just seeing if they do) and they don't even know who the Sox were playing many times. it's entertainment for them, and it's fun, not hard core sports. but I cringe when I picture their in stadium behavior.

I do think the home viewing experience with the quality of TV's, DVR's, the quality of media coverage, social media, etc. has become so great that while the in-stadium experience is awesome and unique, is less desirable than it once was because the negatives associated with it are exacerbated by all the advances I mentioned with the home viewing experience.
RE: my kids  
Matt M. : 6/30/2024 1:16 pm : link
In comment 16545929 pjcas18 said:
are part of the problem, but I probably was too at their age to an extent.

they get the student tickets at Fenway for $9 and come home and I ask who won (already knowing, just seeing if they do) and they don't even know who the Sox were playing many times. it's entertainment for them, and it's fun, not hard core sports. but I cringe when I picture their in stadium behavior.

I do think the home viewing experience with the quality of TV's, DVR's, the quality of media coverage, social media, etc. has become so great that while the in-stadium experience is awesome and unique, is less desirable than it once was because the negatives associated with it are exacerbated by all the advances I mentioned with the home viewing experience.
I have to constantly get phones put down at the game. But, even at that, I even catch myself getting distracted by everything else going on in the stadium between the video boards, digital displays, etc. The stadium experience (ay least at Yankee Stadium) really takes away from the actual game, in my opinion.
And to the thread starter  
Matt M. : 6/30/2024 1:19 pm : link
I don't think it's baseball game etiquette; it's just an etiquette issue in general.
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