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NFT: Most annoying commercials of all time

gtt350 : 6/13/2016 10:04 am
I vote for this Bon Jovi, I got the power . Makes me want to smash the set with a baseball bat. any others come to mind?
I'm pretty tired of hearing about how a bottle is just a bottle,  
Mad Mike : 6/13/2016 10:06 am : link
and can never become a superhero.
J.G. Wentworth  
Kulish29 : 6/13/2016 10:08 am : link
Link - ( New Window )
Big Al : 6/13/2016 10:09 am : link
For Kids.
The Bon Jovi/Direct TV  
mrvax : 6/13/2016 10:09 am : link
commercial sucks. There have been2 so far. I chuckled the first time I saw it and then hated it after seeing it again every 1/2 hour.

Many of the "Flo" commercials suck also.
Agree with OP  
Steve L : 6/13/2016 10:10 am : link
Awful. Oh and Jon is starting to sound like Jack Black when he sings.
Kars for Kids  
Kulish29 : 6/13/2016 10:10 am : link
Forgot about that unholyness.
yep Cars for kids might take the prize  
gtt350 : 6/13/2016 10:12 am : link
When your bank says no  
Mike in Long Beach : 6/13/2016 10:12 am : link
Champion, says YES.
Kill Flo  
Greg from LI : 6/13/2016 10:13 am : link
Kill her with fire.

There's something about car insurance, I guess, since Geico has innumerable awful commercials - the cavemen, the talking pig, the guys playing banjos, the guy made of money, the guy with the slicked-back hair spouting aphorisms, etc.
Bon Jovi  
AP in Halfmoon : 6/13/2016 10:13 am : link
The ad company should be fired
my wife is traumatized by those Bon Jovi commercials  
Greg from LI : 6/13/2016 10:16 am : link
She can't stand seeing him look so old. Ruins her daydreams, I guess.
another vote for kars for kids  
mfsd : 6/13/2016 10:16 am : link
i actually change the station when it comes on whenever possible to try and avoid getting that fucking mind numbing jingle in my head

that puppy monkey baby idiocy from the super bowl was pretty bad too
I actually didn't care either way about this one  
Greg from LI : 6/13/2016 10:18 am : link
But I can remember a LOT of bitching about it on here a few years ago - saved by zerooooooooo
RE: Kars for Kids  
Big Al : 6/13/2016 10:19 am : link
In comment 12991675 Kulish29 said:
Forgot about that unholyness.
About a year ago I mentioned on here that John McCain came on the Imus show right after that commercial and when asked about it jokingly said whoever made that commercial should be killed.
Kars for Kids takes 1st place for sure  
Bluester : 6/13/2016 10:21 am : link
but I'd give an honorable mention to "Let me get a McPick 2", Puppy Monkey Baby, and that Dorito's commercial where they're doing a sonogram the father is teasing the fetus with a chip.
Kars 4 Kids  
Giantophile : 6/13/2016 10:29 am : link
is a good one. I don't even get what it is!

One that wasn't that annoying at first but has been around for like 5 years now is that stupid Nick Backstrom Geico commercial where he skates around to a generic rock song ("I did it, for the love of the gaaaameee"). Go away already.
An obscure reference...  
FatMan in Charlotte : 6/13/2016 10:37 am : link
but I'll go with "Boats, Boats, Boats"....
It's obviously Kars 4 Kids  
Deej : 6/13/2016 10:39 am : link
so everyone should just post about the 2nd most annoying commercial.
McDonalds commercials  
Jay on the Island : 6/13/2016 10:50 am : link
are awful. Also can Geico please move on from the fucking gecko?
Another Vote for Kars 4 Kids  
Man In The Box : 6/13/2016 10:51 am : link
Here's a pretty funny write-up:

In case you’ve never heard it (let’s trade lives!), the jingle starts with what can only be described as anti-music—a limp tapping of the cymbals and a twangy, bouncy circus-like beat. The voice of a young boy recites the jingle (I’ll spare your sanity by not repeating it) with the enthusiasm of a kid that’s been dragged off the playground and held in front of a studio microphone at gunpoint. The jingle is then repeated by a man who sounds like Bob’s Burgers’s monotoned title character doing a half-assed Johnny Cash impression. Some information about the charity and tax deductions is then rattled off by a spokesperson but by that point, your brain has shut off, having been lulled into a mushy pile of numb cells whose singular thought is this: Kill.

1-877-KARS-4-KIDS: Behind the Most Hated (and Best) Jingle of All Time - ( New Window )
How about a vote for a great commercial  
BillT : 6/13/2016 10:56 am : link
The Honda "square world" commercial. Brilliant.
Saved By Zero  
Go Terps : 6/13/2016 10:57 am : link
Suburu ads  
mavric : 6/13/2016 11:00 am : link
drive me crazy. They show a person getting creamed in an accident and then say they survived because "Suburu is made with love"...duhhh. As an engineer for my entire adult life, I know that everything in the world of complex manufacturing is made with a combination of engineering skills, fine tuning manufacturing operations to maximize profits and efficiency, and some infighting over style, color, etc. Trust me, engineers don't sit in a circle singing Kumbaya and pondering how much they love their customers and then design cars with love. They design with the objective of selling as much product as possible to keep the stockholders happy. Just irritating. The only thing made with love is a baby....or maybe a personally made bouquet of flowers for a friend. Not cars.

Xifaxan ads also are unbearable. It's a medicine to help people stop from shitting themselves. It shows a walking talking pink intestine and the things mouth is supposed to be the rectum.

Myrbetriq ads with a pink bladder grabbing the hand of a woman and taking her to the bathroom because she always has to pee.

The commercial  
Dirt1 : 6/13/2016 11:02 am : link
With the girl calling her car Brad. Can't stand it. Have to change the channel as soon as she pops up on the screen.
that new one for recycling  
I Love Clams Casino : 6/13/2016 11:03 am : link
where they attach a cam to a shampoo bottle and it becomes a comb.

I see this commercial so frequently. I've actually seen it aired back to back. I've switched the channel only to find that 2 other channels also happen to be airing the commercial as well.

It's really starting to piss me off.
I could do without  
Deej : 6/13/2016 11:05 am : link
Roscoe the bed bug sniffing dog.
RE: Bon Jovi  
I Love Clams Casino : 6/13/2016 11:07 am : link
In comment 12991690 AP in Halfmoon said:
The ad company should be fired

Is that him on the "turn back time" commercial?
RE: The commercial  
mavric : 6/13/2016 11:08 am : link
In comment 12991833 Dirt1 said:
With the girl calling her car Brad. Can't stand it. Have to change the channel as soon as she pops up on the screen.

Good call...I cringe when she comes on and if I'm near the remote, change channels immediately. She needs to be slapped up side the head for acting like a moron. Anyone who names their car needs a good slapping to come back to reality. Grrrr
I Love Clams Casino : 6/13/2016 11:08 am : link
Dial 7, 7 times....UGH!
Anyone see the ikea commercial  
terz22 : 6/13/2016 11:14 am : link
Where it's the family all taking pictures of the food the made? It's soooooo infuriating.
the dancing  
pjcas18 : 6/13/2016 11:20 am : link
Sprint person is so annoying. I only ever heard cars for kids on the radio and one note and I'd change the station - for an hour as a punishment to them for playing it.

but the dancing Sprint person looks like she stuck a fork in a socket.

no clue how that passes marketing. I always felt like I'd never switch to Sprint in any circumstance, now I don't even want to associate with Sprint users.

this one:

Kars 4 Kids  
Mike from SI : 6/13/2016 11:27 am : link
Both the radio and tv spots. I will donate to any legitimate charity ever before that one. The person who invented that jingle is a criminal.
Anything with a "guarantee" that's ... not a guarantee  
MetsAreBack : 6/13/2016 11:32 am : link
The Men's Wearhouse cheap suits were the worst - "You're Gonna Like the Way You Look... I Guarantee It"

So what happened if you didnt like the way you look? Do you get your money back? No? Then fuck off.

DraftKings and FanDuel commercials are also the worst too. It's gambling. Which is fine, but lets not market it to teenagers and mass audience please. Take it elsewhere.
Head On...  
BMac : 6/13/2016 11:37 am : link
...rivals Kars for Kids, but was run much less frequently.
that does'nt suck.....  
BCD : 6/13/2016 11:44 am : link
hated that one at I can't get that shitty song out my head!!!
Danny Kanell : 6/13/2016 11:57 am : link
Those Subaru "stories" commercials are without a doubt the most douche chill inducing commercials of all time. I wouldn't drive a Subaru for free just because of those commercials.
liteamorn : 6/13/2016 12:01 pm : link
Commercial with those two assholes in the locker room making armpit farts.
Kars for kids  
gm7b5 : 6/13/2016 12:23 pm : link
Is relief from. Flo for me. I especially hate the 20s gangster bit
Route 9 : 6/13/2016 12:28 pm : link
I see FLO as one of those annoying specimens, where the CEO and the bigwigs at Progressive are just rubbing it out to the angry backlash about her while they get more richer. It's obvious she is just sticking around longer than people want. That act got stale 8 years or whatever it was ago. Let it go! Let it go!
Cellino and Barnes  
feelflows : 6/13/2016 12:35 pm : link
injury attornies...dial 800-888-8888

my wife's pick is a Little Caesar's ad with a pizza moon saying "PIZZA TIME!!"

she gets angry lol
Anyone who lives near Ocean county NJ  
Route 9 : 6/13/2016 12:36 pm : link
Knows the Lester Glenn commercials are up there. .

The NY lottery commercials are awful too
I have said this before  
bhill410 : 6/13/2016 12:36 pm : link
but I encourage anyone to actually look up the Kars for Kids charity. While some may view their mission as a charitable endeavor, I personally would rather my car donation go to something like cancer research. Frankly I think its fairly sheisty how non-transparent they are.
RE: Kill Flo  
YelbertonA : 6/13/2016 12:38 pm : link
In comment 12991687 Greg from LI said:
Kill her with fire.

There's something about car insurance, I guess, since Geico has innumerable awful commercials - the cavemen, the talking pig, the guys playing banjos, the guy made of money, the guy with the slicked-back hair spouting aphorisms, etc.

+ 1 gazillion
The Nancy Grace ad  
YelbertonA : 6/13/2016 12:43 pm : link
"and really, that's why I'm here".

right - you sound so sincere

and another stupid insurance commercial:

"What are you supposed to do, buy 3/4 of a car?"

No you nimrod, you buy a smaller/cheaper car, or you pony up some cash.

Percy : 6/13/2016 12:50 pm : link
Hands down.
is it Chevy  
UConn4523 : 6/13/2016 12:52 pm : link
who has that commercial now where a panel comments on the car with emojis? Whatever that commercial is, that's the worst, along with the Bon Jovi one. Simply putrid, both of them.
RE: is it Chevy  
feelflows : 6/13/2016 12:58 pm : link
In comment 12992108 UConn4523 said:
who has that commercial now where a panel comments on the car with emojis? Whatever that commercial is, that's the worst, along with the Bon Jovi one. Simply putrid, both of them.

good point... any commercial that says the word "hashtag"
RE: Kars 4 Kids  
Ron from Ninerland : 6/13/2016 1:21 pm : link
In comment 12991887 Mike from SI said:
Both the radio and tv spots. I will donate to any legitimate charity ever before that one. The person who invented that jingle is a criminal.

+1. And by the way, they are not a legitimate charity.
RE: is it Chevy  
MetsAreBack : 6/13/2016 1:42 pm : link
In comment 12992108 UConn4523 said:
who has that commercial now where a panel comments on the car with emojis? Whatever that commercial is, that's the worst, along with the Bon Jovi one. Simply putrid, both of them.

Speaking of Chevy -- those "Our Country, Our Truck" commercials. You've got some set of balls to make that claim. How about putting out a superior product and earning that right.
Trainmaster : 6/13/2016 1:43 pm : link
Kars For Kids.

TV Progressive / Flo.
maybe not as mainstream...  
BillKo : 6/13/2016 1:50 pm : link
...but I hated the NFL apparel commercial where the mother talked about how her kids became fans of other teams, and how they had "Bengal babies".

Could not F'ing stand her voice..............
RE: Kars  
EricJ : 6/13/2016 1:51 pm : link
In comment 12991670 Big Al said:
For Kids.

I second this choice. Hate it and the whole thing is a scam too.
RE: maybe not as mainstream...  
MetsAreBack : 6/13/2016 1:52 pm : link
In comment 12992225 BillKo said:
...but I hated the NFL apparel commercial where the mother talked about how her kids became fans of other teams, and how they had "Bengal babies".

Could not F'ing stand her voice..............

Not to mention that whole babies nine months after superbowl ad last year was a blatant rip-off of what the World Cup had done 18 months prior.
Kars 4 Kids without question  
sjnyfan : 6/13/2016 2:08 pm : link
but not far behind is

Also Rapid Advance whose commercial makes a high school play look like Broadway.

Worst of 2016--the abomination that is Puppy Monkey Baby. Everyone involved in the creation of that should be castrated. It reminds me of Dr. Mephesto's sidekick from South Park but computerized.
when the NFL had this guy on the Thursday Night Football commercials  
Greg from LI : 6/13/2016 2:15 pm : link
it made me want to punch my screen

the Geico cavemen  
Moondawg : 6/13/2016 3:54 pm : link
Why not joke about social and racial biases to sell insurance?
I didn't realize that was actually Bon Jovi  
Patrick77 : 6/13/2016 3:58 pm : link
I thought that was some corpse pretending to be him... Jesus he must have aged two decades in the last 3 years?

Flo sucks balls - just the worst.
It's interesting  
AP in Halfmoon : 6/13/2016 4:20 pm : link
How these sucky commercials are effective. Some are hard to forget.
OC2.0 : 6/13/2016 4:36 pm : link
I wanna throw that bitch in a wood chipper.
Kars 4 Kids  
giantsfan227B : 6/13/2016 4:38 pm : link
It was horrible when we had to listen to some country bumpkin singing it. Now they have 5 of the fuggliest kids with awful glasses, messed up teeth singing a song about a charity full of scandal.

I am starting to lose my mind with the Bon Jovi Directtv commercial. Turn back time to when my career was something good and I didn't need to sing for my supper.

Some local ads make the grade.

Hey where's Rosco?
Dial 7, Dial 777-7777 or is it 666-6666 for car service. They all suck.
Most of the cheesy steak house commercials in the city. Sound like a porno commercial. I just picture BIG, JUICY, STEAK with BONE IN as they play that music.
Bad Commercial Hall of Fame  
BobOnLI : 6/13/2016 5:20 pm : link
Mister Coffee
4 Free credit report jingles at once.  
manh george : 6/13/2016 6:07 pm : link
You can't touch that. Nor would you want to. Worse than KARS for Kids, just not played as often, thank god.
Link - ( New Window )
Was going to say any commercial for boner pills...  
sb from NYT Forum : 6/14/2016 7:17 am : link
...but yeah, that dancing Sprint girl is just freakish.
When I was in college  
Mike in NY : 6/14/2016 7:36 am : link
Got irritated by the Billy Fucillo car dealership commercials. IT'S HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!
Absolutely +1....  
BamaBlue : 6/14/2016 8:06 am : link
In comment 12991833 Dirt1 said:
RE: The commercial With the girl calling her car Brad. Can't stand it. Have to change the channel as soon as she pops up on the screen.

This commercial is nails on the chalkboard.
RE: maybe not as mainstream...  
NINEster : 6/14/2016 11:55 am : link
In comment 12992225 BillKo said:
...but I hated the NFL apparel commercial where the mother talked about how her kids became fans of other teams, and how they had "Bengal babies".

Could not F'ing stand her voice..............

Yes, this commercial was absolutely terrible!
NINEster : 6/14/2016 11:56 am : link
the idea that you could spawn so many new fanbases through offspring and spouses is so unrealistic and cringeworthy.

A great narrator wouldn't have been able to save it.
Oh Nooooooooooo...  
Rich on LI : 6/14/2016 11:56 am : link
I am now re-evaluating my entire editing career.
I worked on 2 of the commercials listed here.
Tom Carvel commercials were the worst back in the day.  
manh george : 6/14/2016 12:10 pm : link
Advertising smooth ice cream with a voice that sounds like soggy sandpaper.
An oldie, but definitely not a goodie.  
Klaatu : 6/14/2016 12:49 pm : link
Jimmy Breslin for Piels
If you lived in Richmond in the 1990s  
Greg from LI : 6/14/2016 1:41 pm : link
Then you'll remember the clownish commercials of Joel Bieber. People actually hired this man to represent them in court?
Link - ( New Window )
There are actually people on BBI  
B in ALB : 6/14/2016 1:44 pm : link
who think Flo is hot.

RE: When I was in college  
tony stg : 6/14/2016 2:35 pm : link
In comment 12993032 Mike in NY said:
Got irritated by the Billy Fucillo car dealership commercials. IT'S HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!

Those are here in the Tampa area now. My wife immediately changes the station when she hears his voice come on.

RE: Absolutely +1....  
tony stg : 6/14/2016 2:40 pm : link
In comment 12993050 BamaBlue said:
In comment 12991833 Dirt1 said:


RE: The commercial With the girl calling her car Brad. Can't stand it. Have to change the channel as soon as she pops up on the screen.

This commercial is nails on the chalkboard.

In her four years with "Brad" she went through 3 jobs and two boyfriends. That's not a lot of staying power in important relationships. I'm guessing she was dumped and fired in all cases because no one can stand being near her.

tony stg  
BobOnLI : 6/14/2016 5:53 pm : link
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