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NFT: If your state legalized weed would you take up smoking?

pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 9:58 am
if this thread violates the TOS then please delete, I don't know why it would though.

So, Massachusetts voted to legalize recreational weed this past November.

Conversationally I mentioned to some of my buddies and hockey teammates that I was looking forward to this since I was thinking about taking up smoking weed.

Most were surprised, some felt like "that's what was holding you back all these years? that it was illegal"? Others felt like it was just strange.

I told my wife the same thing and she just thought I was joking and then just thought I was insane (as usual).

But when I thought about it, if alcohol were illegal most of my life I'd probably not drink so much. I might occasionally have had a drink in private (illegally like people did during prohibition) but I probably wouldn't regularly drink alcohol. I don't think as a teenager I'd have been drinking as early and as often, and I am pretty sure my adult drinking habits would be different.

Why should weed be different?

I was never a big smoker growing up, tried it a few times, and whatever didn't appeal to me. and I lived with some 24/7 wake and bake hard core weed users during and after college - I was just never seriously interested, but I'm willing to give it another shot.

For some reason, chilling out on the back deck summer evenings with a high ball of bourbon or scotch or vodka whatever I'm in the mood for that night and smoking a joint or hitting a weed pen seems appealing.

Would anyone else change their habits based on the legal status?
I'd smoke the same as I do now  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 10:02 am : link
Like twice a month.
Though I'd probably enjoy an edible every now and then  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 10:03 am : link
in addition.
I guess the next question  
Bleedin Blue : 5/5/2017 10:03 am : link
would be, does your employer prohibit drug use whether legal or not?
Have fun in hell, sinner.  
BrettNYG10 : 5/5/2017 10:08 am : link
Sure there's plenty of devil's lettuce there.
Nope ....  
Beer Man : 5/5/2017 10:08 am : link
Not my thing
take up?  
Sonic Youth : 5/5/2017 10:14 am : link
Already there
hell no  
Greg from LI : 5/5/2017 10:14 am : link
I ain't no fuckin' hippie.

Now, if speed were legal.....
RE: hell no  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 10:16 am : link
In comment 13461726 Greg from LI said:
I ain't no fuckin' hippie.

Now, if speed were legal.....

what about adderall? I have friends who swear by it, say it gets them more focused and more productive. they talk about it like it's a wonder drug. Given their experiences I can see why NFL players like it so much.
Absolutely not.  
GiantFilthy : 5/5/2017 10:18 am : link
Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.
My answer is no...  
EricJ : 5/5/2017 10:18 am : link
Plus, if I was an employer in MA I would not hire someone who is a frequent user of weed....whether it is legal in the state or not.
I don't think so.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/5/2017 10:19 am : link
Never been that big into it. I'm more of an alcohol man.
I have dabbled in edibles over the years  
djm : 5/5/2017 10:20 am : link
but not enough to really formulate a strong opinion. I know it's a "body high" or whatever, sort of a more thorough high, lasts longer too....but I had a gummi bear on Sunday night while playing poker. Let's just say I have no clue how I managed to win money. There are

Edibles are fun but be warned. They can pack a wallop. Probably shouldn't have smoked along with it...but I lived to tell about it.

pj, I was actually prescribed adderall when I was in college  
Greg from LI : 5/5/2017 10:21 am : link
There was a problem. Let's just say I'd never take it again.
RE: Absolutely not.  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 10:27 am : link
In comment 13461732 GiantFilthy said:
Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.

Can't tell if serious...
RE: RE: Absolutely not.  
Brown Recluse : 5/5/2017 10:29 am : link
In comment 13461758 UConn4523 said:
In comment 13461732 GiantFilthy said:


Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.

Can't tell if serious...

Filthy is never serious. How have you not figured this out yet? :)
Gary from The East End : Admin : 5/5/2017 10:33 am : link
I'm all in favor of legalization, but I have no desire to try it myself.

Also, even if it's legal in your state, marijuana is still a schedule I drug. It's a federal crime to buy, sell, grow, distribute or possess it. Anyone involved in the "legal weed" industry is betting their freedom on the forbearance of the Department of Justice.
RE: RE: RE: Absolutely not.  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 10:35 am : link
In comment 13461765 Brown Recluse said:
In comment 13461758 UConn4523 said:


In comment 13461732 GiantFilthy said:


Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.

Can't tell if serious...

Filthy is never serious. How have you not figured this out yet? :)

Good point, haha.
I already smoke  
Metnut : 5/5/2017 10:35 am : link
and don't think I'd smoke more if it became legal. It'd be nice to have the "stigma" of smoking go away and have it be treated more like alcohol.
just being able to shop for what you want  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 10:36 am : link
and know its legit and not tainted is a massive plus for anyone that smokes.
No interest, but even if I did want to  
jcn56 : 5/5/2017 10:38 am : link
I get drug tested at random twice a year, and I have enough stress in my life already without having to find ways around that.
I'm with you....  
Tesla : 5/5/2017 10:39 am : link
If NY/NJ legalized I'd smoke probably a couple times/month. Right now I probably smoke once every 2 years or so.
This thread  
Old Dirty : 5/5/2017 10:40 am : link
should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.
Been living in Mass for 30 years  
mgreenie03 : 5/5/2017 10:45 am : link
and have been an everyday smoker for about 25 of them. I don't drink or smoke cigarettes. This is my way of decompressing from a usually busy day at work. It helps me relax and get to sleep at night.
The change in laws here in Mass didn't really have much impact on me. If anything it made it easier to get better quality weed.
I smoked in the later 1970's  
mrvax : 5/5/2017 10:49 am : link
and would probably try it again. I hate getting a paranoid feeling so I'd have to chose the brand carefully.

Probably only do it at night, at home, with wife.
Giants : 5/5/2017 10:50 am : link
Protection is the reason so many older people will turn to weed
RE: This thread  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 10:50 am : link
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:
should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.

Same but you gotta go Indica. Sativas are no joke for a minimal smoker, waay to intense for me.
Well, not take up,  
Mad Mike : 5/5/2017 10:50 am : link
but I'd smoke more than I do. Probably once a week'ish.
RE: Been living in Mass for 30 years  
mrvax : 5/5/2017 10:52 am : link
In comment 13461800 mgreenie03 said:
... If anything it made it easier to get better quality weed.

Another point is that it won't be laced with any chemicals, think PCP or something to spike the potency. Nor sprayed with paraquat.
PatersonPlank : 5/5/2017 10:52 am : link
fucking hypocrites. If public weed smoking should be legal  
Victor in CT : 5/5/2017 10:55 am : link
then why shouldn't public tobacco smoking?
Smoked enough in HS  
well...bye TC : 5/5/2017 10:57 am : link
and college to last me a lifetime. Pass.
RE: No  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 10:57 am : link
In comment 13461771 Gary from The East End said:
I'm all in favor of legalization, but I have no desire to try it myself.

Also, even if it's legal in your state, marijuana is still a schedule I drug. It's a federal crime to buy, sell, grow, distribute or possess it. Anyone involved in the "legal weed" industry is betting their freedom on the forbearance of the Department of Justice.

This is true, it's still not federally legal, however, the federal government even under Sessions DOJ, I doubt has the desire or the bandwidth to pursue marijuana users, especially in states that allow it's use recreationally.

plus I doubt congress allows him to.

congress already preempted him on medical marijuana
RE: fucking hypocrites. If public weed smoking should be legal  
giants#1 : 5/5/2017 11:01 am : link
In comment 13461818 Victor in CT said:
then why shouldn't public tobacco smoking?

Who said anything about public smoking?
RE: RE: hell no  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 11:02 am : link
In comment 13461730 pjcas18 said:
In comment 13461726 Greg from LI said:


I ain't no fuckin' hippie.

Now, if speed were legal.....

what about adderall? I have friends who swear by it, say it gets them more focused and more productive. they talk about it like it's a wonder drug. Given their experiences I can see why NFL players like it so much.

At age 31 I got a prescription for it last month. Simply put, I'm a different person.
RE: Alzheimer  
Mark C : 5/5/2017 11:03 am : link
In comment 13461807 Giants said:
Protection is the reason so many older people will turn to weed

Can you say more about that? I wasn't aware that weed could affect Alzheimers...
RE: This thread  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 11:05 am : link
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:
should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.

I've shared the same experience. I had stretches in my early 20s when I'd enjoy it regularly. But same as you, I get paranoid and unsatisfied with the decision shortly after smoking now. Only time I'll do it at this point is 1) before starting a good film 2) after a couple drinks on a weekend
I'd smoke most days like I usually do  
GMenLTS : 5/5/2017 11:05 am : link
Only I'd take advantage of the healthier options more often because they'd be readily available.

Ironically, our fearless AG hobbit and his mindnumbingly stupid stance that good people don't smoke marijuana, and baseless rejection of the factual notion that more access to weed will alleviate other issues in the drug war, I expect he's gonna galvanize the legalization movement more than ever.

But whatever, rabble rabble, gate way drug, rabble rabble, reefer madness, rabble rabble
RE: RE: This thread  
Metnut : 5/5/2017 11:06 am : link
In comment 13461838 Mike in Long Beach said:
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:


I've shared the same experience. I had stretches in my early 20s when I'd enjoy it regularly. But same as you, I get paranoid and unsatisfied with the decision shortly after smoking now. Only time I'll do it at this point is 1) before starting a good film 2) after a couple drinks on a weekend

Imbibing on the porch at McMahon's after a few drinks before walking in and seeing another disappointing Islander game has been a fun little tradition the past two yeasr.
RE: RE: This thread  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 11:06 am : link
In comment 13461808 UConn4523 said:
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:


should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.

Same but you gotta go Indica. Sativas are no joke for a minimal smoker, waay to intense for me.

I prefer Sativa 100 times out of 100. It's more of an "upper" or an energetic high which is my thing. I feel much more in control which is important to me. With indicas I melt into my couch and feel like a piece of shit.
RE: RE: This thread  
mgreenie03 : 5/5/2017 11:07 am : link
In comment 13461808 UConn4523 said:
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:


should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.

Same but you gotta go Indica. Sativas are no joke for a minimal smoker, waay to intense for me.

So the rule is - if you want to relax and veg go indica (AKA - In Da Couch) if you have yard work or other home tasks Sativas are the way to go. They will keep you more focused on the job at hand.

A great site to explore the different strains is - sorry cant post the link below. The site will give you the affect and medical pros and cons of the different strains.
I don't enjoy smoking much,  
Section331 : 5/5/2017 11:09 am : link
but I would partake in edibles now and then, maybe twice a month.
Trainmaster : 5/5/2017 11:13 am : link
Not my thing and since I'm subject to random drug tests from my employer and I value my job, another reason to not do it.

There are already too many semi-zombies on the road addicted to their cell phones.
BrettNYG10 : 5/5/2017 11:13 am : link
I'd smoke


good people don't smoke marijuana

Fact check: True.
RE: RE: RE: This thread  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 11:17 am : link
In comment 13461842 Metnut said:
In comment 13461838 Mike in Long Beach said:


In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:


I've shared the same experience. I had stretches in my early 20s when I'd enjoy it regularly. But same as you, I get paranoid and unsatisfied with the decision shortly after smoking now. Only time I'll do it at this point is 1) before starting a good film 2) after a couple drinks on a weekend

Imbibing on the porch at McMahon's after a few drinks before walking in and seeing another disappointing Islander game has been a fun little tradition the past two yeasr.

Hahaha I do enjoy smoking before an Islander game, but if it actually matters it's way too intense for me lol
RE: .  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 11:18 am : link
In comment 13461855 BrettNYG10 said:


I'd smoke




good people don't smoke marijuana

Fact check: True.

Well I never claimed to be a good person. In fact, before I ever smoked anything I had it on good authority I'd be spending eternity south of the border (aka the underworld, aka perdition).

If you've never been laid while stoned on really good weed...  
x meadowlander : 5/5/2017 11:23 am : link've kind of missed out on something special.

I've grown out of it - enjoyed grass when I was young, too strong for me now - an all-day commitment, plus I've got kids, plus I work for the Government...

That said, if Fed legalized it, I'd probably try it here and there once the kids moved out.
Very interesting topic.  
Gene : 5/5/2017 11:27 am : link
If it were up to me I'd have to say, um...I would, er...perhaps, ah...what was the question?
never have  
jlukes : 5/5/2017 11:38 am : link
never will
until they refine the testing  
Rocky369 : 5/5/2017 11:39 am : link
to know if someone is currently under the effects, that's a no.
Are you people serious?  
Stan in LA : 5/5/2017 11:39 am : link
Have you not seen this?
Wake up folks... - ( New Window )
Hell No.  
Ron from Ninerland : 5/5/2017 11:40 am : link
Why bother ? All I have to do is take a walk in SF and inhale.
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 11:42 am : link
I do most nights after I'm done working before I go to bed. Helps me decompress and sleep better. I usually catch up on any of the shows I'm way behind on or re-watch other stuff.

I don't really do it socially anymore. I did when I was younger. The pens are awesome. They don't make everything smell, they're quick, and you can just puff them a couple times and feel good without being stereotypically stoned to the point where your eyes are popping out of your skull and you're eating everything in the house.

I'm in the industry and I smoke regularly.  
Davisian : 5/5/2017 11:43 am : link
Not during the work day, but in the evening when the kids go to bed, it's time to puff.

that image of sitting on the back deck with a drink and a puff at home is the image the Marijuana business needs to convey. The image of the 420 FOR LIFE BRO!!! shit needs to stop. I appreciate people like Tommy Chong for fighting for legalization, but the hippie stoner look just doesn't help the industry grow into the mainstream.

Weed is good for a great many people for a great many reasons. It's also not a wonder drug and it's just not for many other people.

X meadowlander  
PA Giant Fan : 5/5/2017 11:44 am : link
That is the little secret people don't talk about. Its like the best time ever.....every
RE: .  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 11:45 am : link
In comment 13461896 arcarsenal said:
I do most nights after I'm done working before I go to bed. Helps me decompress and sleep better. I usually catch up on any of the shows I'm way behind on or re-watch other stuff.

I don't really do it socially anymore. I did when I was younger. The pens are awesome. They don't make everything smell, they're quick, and you can just puff them a couple times and feel good without being stereotypically stoned to the point where your eyes are popping out of your skull and you're eating everything in the house.

I like the pens too, I have it plugged in to the USB on my computer. A couple hits and I'm asleep in 30 minutes.
To the people who haven't smoked today's weed  
Doubledeuce22 : 5/5/2017 11:49 am : link
I can tell you that it is much much different and very easy to control the high that you get from different strains. If it were to become recreational legal, budtenders would be able to steer you towards the high that you are looking for. Weed is not a drug, it's a plant that is illegal for all of the wrong reasons. Who would you trust driving your children around? Someone who has had a few drinks or someone who has had a few puffs? Not even a comparison and laughable as to why alcohol is legal and not weed.
Wouldn't change my smoking habits  
aquidneck : 5/5/2017 11:54 am : link
But if it was legal I'd save myself $320/month by growing it in the back yard.
jpennyva : 5/5/2017 11:56 am : link
husband is a former Marine who suffers from PTSD. His ability to sleep, and sleep well, is dramatically improved with pot use. I've tried it, it's not my thing. I enjoy a good glass of wine but my husband is not much of a drinker. Pot is proven to help with sleep, pain, and the side effects of some diseases' treatment (nausea from chemo) so I am rather surprised it has taken so long to become widely legal, especially for medicinal use. I don't really see how alcohol is legal but pot is not.
Should Be Fun When the Entire Country  
Aloha Alan : 5/5/2017 11:56 am : link
of Canada becomes legal for recreational marijuana.

Guess they'll also have to build a large wall on the US Northern border (and we'll get Prime Minister Trudeau to pay for that wall, too.) or the wacky Canadians will be throwing marijuana seeds all over Montana, Idaho, North Dakota, Minnesota, NY, Vermont, New Hamphire and Maine.

Can't wait to see the marijuana forests up north. "Oh Canada.....our stoned and native land......."
I am waiting to read about the person...  
EricJ : 5/5/2017 11:57 am : link
who landed the big job or some other major accomplishment (other than medical treatment) because he or she was high.

RE: I am waiting to read about the person...  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 11:58 am : link
In comment 13461921 EricJ said:
who landed the big job or some other major accomplishment (other than medical treatment) because he or she was high.

Not sure I understand this. Would you elaborate?

And just to inform you all.  
Davisian : 5/5/2017 11:59 am : link

Judging by how  
Craigg619 : 5/5/2017 12:01 pm : link
Angry and anxious many of you get just by talking about he Giants, I would suggest that more of you should smoke weed. Much much better than alcohol and too many people are so high strung that weed would be great for them.
If it is legal at the state level  
Deej : 5/5/2017 12:01 pm : link
is it illegal to buy/possess/use at the federal level? I know that at a minimum distribution is illegal at the federal level. Sounds a little silly, but as a lawyer I dont need to be constantly breaking the law; I think an officer of the court has a higher obligation to comply with the law. It's like "illegal" music downloads -- havent dont one since I went to law school in 2001.

I really dont know. I dont drink much. Got that out of my system in high school and college. But part of that is I actually dont like the taste of alcohol. So maybe I'd smoke pot.
RE: I am waiting to read about the person...  
Aloha Alan : 5/5/2017 12:04 pm : link
In comment 13461921 EricJ said:
who landed the big job or some other major accomplishment (other than medical treatment) because he or she was high.

And you won't.

Any idiot that thinks they should be high at work and can perform at the highest level is just kidding themselves.

Treat recreational marijuana as what it is....recreational.....not for work.
RE: I am waiting to read about the person...  
Deej : 5/5/2017 12:09 pm : link
In comment 13461921 EricJ said:
who landed the big job or some other major accomplishment (other than medical treatment) because he or she was high.

Are you familiar with art, literature, movies, and television?
can't smoke any more than I do now  
Rory B. Bellows : 5/5/2017 12:12 pm : link
A blunt a day keeps the evils away

Would like the opportunity to grow without having to look over my shoulder
-not to sell, just for personal use
RE: I am waiting to read about the person...  
Rocky369 : 5/5/2017 12:18 pm : link
In comment 13461921 EricJ said:
who landed the big job or some other major accomplishment (other than medical treatment) because he or she was high.

Are you familiar Milton? (not Milton Waddams.)
RE: just being able to shop for what you want  
Giants in 07 : 5/5/2017 12:19 pm : link
In comment 13461782 UConn4523 said:
and know its legit and not tainted is a massive plus for anyone that smokes.


I smoke concentrates and its like double the price here compared to places where its legal
RE: Absolutely not.  
gtt350 : 5/5/2017 12:21 pm : link
In comment 13461732 GiantFilthy said:
Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.

god i hope that was sarcasm, that's like saying drinking a beer will lead to alcoholism. for some yes, most not. the same thing
isnt smoking weed worse than smoking cigs?  
GMAN4LIFE : 5/5/2017 12:21 pm : link
in terms of smoking in general
RE: isnt smoking weed worse than smoking cigs?  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 12:22 pm : link
In comment 13461958 GMAN4LIFE said:
in terms of smoking in general

Not even close.
I'm not into smoking much anymore  
WideRight : 5/5/2017 12:26 pm : link
Did so regularly for 30+ years, so I don't have a problem with it. I probably have a few edibles.
I would smoke a few times a day if it was legal  
DennyInDenville : 5/5/2017 12:27 pm : link
Nj wants to legalize to 19+ people and have it sold anywhere tobacco is sold so it will be by far the most aggressive legalization movement in any US State..

Scheduled for 2018... hope it's true and we beat the locals to the punch and get the head start and tourist $$$$

I smoke concentrates. Shatter being my favorite.

I like bud too, I enjoy platinum bubba kush by night and sour diesel by day
RE: isnt smoking weed worse than smoking cigs?  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 12:28 pm : link
In comment 13461958 GMAN4LIFE said:
in terms of smoking in general

No way, and that's even if we are talking joints. With vapes I can't see how its even a fraction as dangerous as cigs.
weed is great, legal out here in vegas  
gtt350 : 5/5/2017 12:30 pm : link
the best part are the vaporizers, easy peasy.

hiking, tennis, massages just terrific stoned. you can't enjoy that on alcohol.

don't get me wrong I enjoy a good Martini and bottle of good wine at dinner.

Happy Cinco De Mayo yahoo!
LOL, of course not.  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 12:32 pm : link
I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.
come on dave they drink beer too  
gtt350 : 5/5/2017 12:33 pm : link
So this thing's been on the board  
lugnut : 5/5/2017 12:37 pm : link
all of 2.5 hours and look at ALLLL the response. BBI is either a nation of potheads or civic-minded people only interested in public policy.

All I know is...I'd love to grow it in my basement as a side-gig and be a supplier of some sort. My wife thinks I'm insane, but she's yet to come up with a good reason why. Plus, the thought of (unsmoked) weed fumes wafting out into my gated community kind of cracks me up.
RE: LOL, of course not.  
aquidneck : 5/5/2017 12:37 pm : link
In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:
I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

Lol, I'm in my 60s and smoke several times every day.
I'm still curious about this  
WideRight : 5/5/2017 12:41 pm : link
In speaking with my daughters, who watched the whole thing before I even knew what it was, I still get lots of enthusiasm for the richness of the characters and the storyline, but absolutely no suggestion that anything in this drama is more pertinent to their real world than any other trash they watch. So whats the big deal? Unfortunately, they see gun violence all the time and think nothing of it. Why would this be processed differently? Because we fear it, or perceive it to be close to some sort of taboo? That's probably why they liked it. And studios have probably already noticed and are planning more in this genre. Blocking it gets us nowhere.
RE: Alzheimer  
steve in ky : 5/5/2017 12:41 pm : link
In comment 13461807 Giants said:
Protection is the reason so many older people will turn to weed

There are findings that support the exact opposite because it lowers the blood flow to the area of brain that actually increases ones vulnerability of Alzheimer's.

And then there is also the recent findings that link it to increased risk of schizophrenia
no nicotine in pot  
Chip : 5/5/2017 12:42 pm : link
which is the addictive substance in cigarettes. Looking forward to being comfortably numb
Sorry wrong thread  
WideRight : 5/5/2017 12:42 pm : link
RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 12:45 pm : link
In comment 13461992 aquidneck said:
In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

Lol, I'm in my 60s and smoke several times every day.

LOL. Sad.
RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
aquidneck : 5/5/2017 12:48 pm : link
In comment 13462011 Dave in Hoboken said:
In comment 13461992 aquidneck said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

Lol, I'm in my 60s and smoke several times every day.

LOL. Sad.

You think that's sad? Based on what? You don't know me. Don't be an asshole and put strangers down in the insult.
RE: RE: isnt smoking weed worse than smoking cigs?  
GMAN4LIFE : 5/5/2017 12:48 pm : link
In comment 13461960 arcarsenal said:
In comment 13461958 GMAN4LIFE said:


in terms of smoking in general

Not even close.

ok so its perfectly safe to inhale this smoke? thats what i mean. nothing to do with weed itself but the smoking act.
RE: RE: isnt smoking weed worse than smoking cigs?  
GMAN4LIFE : 5/5/2017 12:49 pm : link
In comment 13461971 UConn4523 said:
In comment 13461958 GMAN4LIFE said:


in terms of smoking in general

No way, and that's even if we are talking joints. With vapes I can't see how its even a fraction as dangerous as cigs.

ok so its perfectly safe to inhale this smoke? thats what i mean. nothing to do with weed itself but the smoking act.

arent you still inhaling smoke?
RE: LOL, of course not.  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 12:52 pm : link
In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:
I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

This is a pretty ignorant take.
RE: RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 12:53 pm : link
In comment 13462015 aquidneck said:
In comment 13462011 Dave in Hoboken said:


In comment 13461992 aquidneck said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

Lol, I'm in my 60s and smoke several times every day.

LOL. Sad.

You think that's sad? Based on what? You don't know me. Don't be an asshole and put strangers down in the insult.

Don't worry, if I'm doing that at that age (or even my current age), I'll call myself the same. Unless one is taking it for medicinal purposes; that's different.
RE: RE: RE: isnt smoking weed worse than smoking cigs?  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 12:54 pm : link
In comment 13462016 GMAN4LIFE said:
In comment 13461960 arcarsenal said:


In comment 13461958 GMAN4LIFE said:


in terms of smoking in general

Not even close.

ok so its perfectly safe to inhale this smoke? thats what i mean. nothing to do with weed itself but the smoking act.

Cigarettes have all types of harmful ingredients in them that marijuana doesn't. It's not the vapor that is harmful as much as it's what it contains. There are all types of carcinogenic compounds in cigarettes as well as other chemicals.

Huge difference between the two.
WideRight : 5/5/2017 12:54 pm : link
You are sad.

Whatever age you are
RE: RE: RE: isnt smoking weed worse than smoking cigs?  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 12:56 pm : link
In comment 13462017 GMAN4LIFE said:
In comment 13461971 UConn4523 said:


In comment 13461958 GMAN4LIFE said:


in terms of smoking in general

No way, and that's even if we are talking joints. With vapes I can't see how its even a fraction as dangerous as cigs.

ok so its perfectly safe to inhale this smoke? thats what i mean. nothing to do with weed itself but the smoking act.

arent you still inhaling smoke?

weed is given to cancer patients to help with the pain and nausea effects of chemo treatments for their cancer, do you really think if someone has lung cancer they're going to give them weed if it's a carcinogen as well?

Plus, some studies have in fact shown the opposite, that weed has anti-cancer/protective qualities.

Lastly, there are multiple methods of weed ingestion that don't involve smoke.
Mike in NY : 5/5/2017 12:57 pm : link
Never saw the allure
ok cool... just curious...  
GMAN4LIFE : 5/5/2017 12:58 pm : link
how are the edible forms of weed?
the combustion has some carcinogens  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 12:58 pm : link
like smoking from a pipe/bong or having it rolled, but vaping pretty much cuts all of that right out.
RE: ok cool... just curious...  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 1:00 pm : link
In comment 13462038 GMAN4LIFE said:
how are the edible forms of weed?

I've never tried any, and they are the part of the legalization that makes me nervous mainly because kids could be the target or unintended recipient.

I don't do edibles  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 1:03 pm : link
its too much for me and I need to be able to see and control how much i'm consuming. Since it doesn't hit you until 20-30 minutes later it can lead to a lot of unintended outcomes.
RE: ok cool... just curious...  
Giants in 07 : 5/5/2017 1:04 pm : link
In comment 13462038 GMAN4LIFE said:
how are the edible forms of weed?

Fantastic, but they can be very, very strong.

A few years ago a few buddies and I made brownies with an ounce inside. I swear I was high for 3 days
RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
Craigg619 : 5/5/2017 1:06 pm : link
In comment 13462011 Dave in Hoboken said:
In comment 13461992 aquidneck said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

Lol, I'm in my 60s and smoke several times every day.

LOL. Sad.

You think it's sad that he does what he enjoys and relaxes in his home and doesn't hurt anybody doing it? Get off your high horse, guy. I wonder what your hobbies are.
Yea edibles are crazy if you eat to much  
DennyInDenville : 5/5/2017 1:07 pm : link
I made a large batch of cookies many years ago and ate a good 10-12 cookies in a 3-4 hour period.

Needless to say I was higher then I ever imagined humanly possible on earth.
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 1:08 pm : link
I generally stay away from edibles only because it's harder to gauge how much you're putting in your system at once. Some of them can be really strong so you kind of have to be careful or take it super slow.
I live in California. Legalization already passed.  
81_Great_Dane : 5/5/2017 1:09 pm : link
Will I smoke more? That's a very specific question. No, I won't smoke more. But I don't smoke at all.

Will I consume more marijuana? That's a very complicated question, but the short answer is "yes."

I am looking to try CBD for medicinal purposes. I have several chronic maladies endemic in middle-aged men like me. I would like to try hemp oil, which has been recommended to me by people who are already using it -- illegally, I guess -- for the same conditions.

I'm not much interested in THC or in getting stoned. I got a medical marijuana card a couple of years ago, tried an edible, which was probably the first time I'd been stoned in about 30 years. Meh, didn't care for the feeling then, don't care for it now. My wife and I were using a CBD tincture for a while, hard to know for sure how effective it was. Also hard to know the quality of the thing in a half-legal industry.

Hoping that changes and I can try again with more confidence.
Geomon : 5/5/2017 1:10 pm : link
I have chronic back pain and arthritis so, it's a no brainer for me. Plus I'm so afraid of getting addicted to these damn vicodin pills that I often go days or sometimes weeks without taking any.
DanMetroMan : 5/5/2017 1:12 pm : link
careful with edibles (I don't mean like you might die careful) rather it's much harder to monitor your dosage (especially if you buy them vs. make your own). I've had some great experiences and some that were terrible (basically missed an entire Jack White concert because I was too out of it to stay). Made brownies once, went into the other room came back and saw my brother (back from the bar) downing 3-4 at once... needless to say he was wrecked after.
if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 1:14 pm : link
RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
David in LA : 5/5/2017 1:14 pm : link
In comment 13462025 arcarsenal said:
In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

This is a pretty ignorant take.

Isn't that the majority of his takes?
RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 1:15 pm : link
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:

without a doubt.
RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
David in LA : 5/5/2017 1:15 pm : link
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:

Not sure if serious or joking.
RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
JayBinQueens : 5/5/2017 1:16 pm : link
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:

no - because one harms another person while the other would only potentially harm me
RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 1:17 pm : link
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:

Well, the idiot portion of your handle is certainly accurate...
RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 1:18 pm : link
In comment 13462076 David in LA said:
In comment 13462025 arcarsenal said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

This is a pretty ignorant take.

Isn't that the majority of his takes?

'depends on who, amirite?'  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 1:19 pm : link
''RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?
pjcas18 : 1:15 pm : link : reply

In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:


without a doubt.''
Maybe if Dave in Hoboken smoked weed  
Giantology : 5/5/2017 1:21 pm : link
He wouldn't be such an asshole.
RE: Be  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 1:22 pm : link
In comment 13462070 DanMetroMan said:
careful with edibles (I don't mean like you might die careful) rather it's much harder to monitor your dosage (especially if you buy them vs. make your own). I've had some great experiences and some that were terrible (basically missed an entire Jack White concert because I was too out of it to stay). Made brownies once, went into the other room came back and saw my brother (back from the bar) downing 3-4 at once... needless to say he was wrecked after.

LOL, yeah.. a friend of mine is big on edibles. He and another one of our friends, who really doesn't smoke at all, went to a Knicks game a couple months ago. My friend who had the edibles convinced our other friend to try them before the game and about 10 minutes in, he started freaking out.

It was a funny story in retrospect but he was so paranoid. Which is exactly why I don't mess around with edibles. If I did, I'd eat like a crumb at a time.
RE: 'depends on who, amirite?'  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 1:22 pm : link
In comment 13462088 idiotsavant said:
''RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?
pjcas18 : 1:15 pm : link : reply

In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:


without a doubt.''

Exactly, just stay on my good side and you're fine, but once that legalized murder bill is passed if you're on my bad side, you should probably decline that visit invitation. Odds are I'm going to murder you and throw you into the pile in my neighbors hedges with the dead rodents and birds.
RE: RE: Be  
JayBinQueens : 5/5/2017 1:23 pm : link
In comment 13462093 arcarsenal said:
In comment 13462070 DanMetroMan said:


careful with edibles (I don't mean like you might die careful) rather it's much harder to monitor your dosage (especially if you buy them vs. make your own). I've had some great experiences and some that were terrible (basically missed an entire Jack White concert because I was too out of it to stay). Made brownies once, went into the other room came back and saw my brother (back from the bar) downing 3-4 at once... needless to say he was wrecked after.

LOL, yeah.. a friend of mine is big on edibles. He and another one of our friends, who really doesn't smoke at all, went to a Knicks game a couple months ago. My friend who had the edibles convinced our other friend to try them before the game and about 10 minutes in, he started freaking out.

It was a funny story in retrospect but he was so paranoid. Which is exactly why I don't mess around with edibles. If I did, I'd eat like a crumb at a time.

Nick Swardson has a great bit on it. Can't find the video but the opening line is "just a public service announcement - if you're going to have a pot brownie, know how strong it is first"
Lol funny the Knicks game on edibles came up  
DennyInDenville : 5/5/2017 1:24 pm : link
One of the other days I made cookies I ate 8-9 cookies before the game because I abused them and didn't care lol

Anyways my buddy and I drove to Hoboken took the path to msg and sat next to two cute girls our age. I was so damn high I didn't even say 1 word to them lol
Can't compare edibles to bud  
Giants in 07 : 5/5/2017 1:24 pm : link
To me, the edible high is completely different. It's a full body high rather than a head high
People With Moustaches-check  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 1:25 pm : link
People With Two First Names-check

''I mean, you'll be doin society a favor, the sunna bitches braver getting braver.

We gonna put his ass in the STIR.

We gonna pin this trip of MurDer, on him, who did the the old Nigerian Creed''

(Dylan quote within a quote within a quote)

There's bud high, edible high, and concentrate high  
DennyInDenville : 5/5/2017 1:25 pm : link
Aka dabs, wax, etc

mgreenie03 : 5/5/2017 1:26 pm : link
Make them on your own. Take a stick of butter and a half oz of weed, grind up the weed as fine as possible, put on very low heat for about 12-14hrs strain off the leftovers and you have weedbutter to use for anything you would use butter, toast, make cookies or brownies etc.

You can control what goes in. The affect on the body is different than smoking. Edibles are great for pain management. As some have said it can hit harder but it is much different high than smoking. Hard to explain the feeling.
RE: There's bud high, edible high, and concentrate high  
Giants in 07 : 5/5/2017 1:27 pm : link
In comment 13462104 DennyInDenville said:
Aka dabs, wax, etc

Dabs are the best.
DanMetroMan : 5/5/2017 1:28 pm : link
had a cool segment on an "old" lady and her daughter who cook with weed, interesting piece
Link - ( New Window )
Before I smoked, I only had edibles once in a while  
Giantology : 5/5/2017 1:28 pm : link
Now, when I have edibles they have very little effect on me. Of course it depends on whats in them and all of that, but I generally skip them now.
RE: RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
Deej : 5/5/2017 1:29 pm : link
In comment 13462079 pjcas18 said:
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:



without a doubt.

Yeah, Im already putting together a list.
Johnny5 : 5/5/2017 1:30 pm : link
... I been thinking about that Mr. Hand...
I wouldn't smoke  
phil in arizona : 5/5/2017 1:41 pm : link
but I'd probably use some of the other products.

When I was in Colorado this year I bought these low dose mints. I'd have one every so often while skiing, it was great. I'd take another one before bed and I'd sleep like a rock. I think I would use those on the reg.
just to  
phil in arizona : 5/5/2017 1:41 pm : link
sleep like a champ
People who say 'at the end of the day'  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 1:44 pm : link
Anyone in sweats and crocs at the supermarket on weekday mornings.

You know, serious deviants.
regularly, no  
LG in NYC : 5/5/2017 1:46 pm : link
would I be less apprehesive about engaging in it on an 'if any' basis, perhaps.
YAJ2112 : 5/5/2017 1:51 pm : link
The pot.
Link - ( New Window )
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
aquidneck : 5/5/2017 1:52 pm : link
In comment 13462027 Dave in Hoboken said:
In comment 13462015 aquidneck said:


In comment 13462011 Dave in Hoboken said:


In comment 13461992 aquidneck said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

Lol, I'm in my 60s and smoke several times every day.

LOL. Sad.

You think that's sad? Based on what? You don't know me. Don't be an asshole and put strangers down in the insult.

Don't worry, if I'm doing that at that age (or even my current age), I'll call myself the same. Unless one is taking it for medicinal purposes; that's different.

Ok, you are a judgemental asshole who has an opinion on all kinds of things you have no clue about.

That's my take. As valid as yours.
I had to give up mood altering substances tears ago  
TJ : 5/5/2017 1:53 pm : link
Legal and illicit. If not for that I'm sure I would. The determining factor for alot of people would be the attitude of their employers. The fact that it's legal wouldn't necessarily eliminate the current pot use policies of most companies. companies.
Dave in Hoboken is making an absolute fool of himself  
Overseer : 5/5/2017 2:03 pm : link
on this thread.
I'm 39 and a Leukemia survivor  
GiAnT4LYFE : 5/5/2017 2:10 pm : link
and because my company has a zero tolerance on marijuana use, my oncologist couldn't prescribe me medical marijuana when I went through treatments. Instead I was on Zofran and a boat load of other drugs with major side effects to minimize the 8 months worth of treatments.

I do believe that the drug test for marijuana will be reformed to be similar as checking for someone currently under the influence of alcohol. When that happens and my company changes their stance on it, I will be lighting up. Or I just have to wait for the day that I retire to do it. Can't risk losing my job over smoking weed. I have faith that we will move to this within the next 10 years though.
I don't see anything changing.  
Matt M. : 5/5/2017 2:20 pm : link
I don't recall knowing of too many people in HS who openly smoked. In college, I lived with and was friend's with plenty of guys who were doing bong hits daily. It wasn't until late in my college career that I even tried weed and after that probably no more than a down or so times ever. I didn't particularly care for it then, so I can't see myself suddenly smoking now.
RE: Dave in Hoboken is making an absolute fool of himself  
David in LA : 5/5/2017 2:41 pm : link
In comment 13462162 Overseer said:
on this thread.

Just on this thread?
aah lovely a bunch of stoners fightin' over an old roach  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 2:58 pm : link
fuchin loverly
Sgrcts : 5/5/2017 3:22 pm : link
What do you do in in the industry? I work in it as well.
RE: Davisan  
Deej : 5/5/2017 4:40 pm : link
In comment 13462270 Sgrcts said:
What do you do in in the industry? I work in it as well.

RE: Dave  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 4:41 pm : link
In comment 13462029 WideRight said:
You are sad.

Whatever age you are

Relax; have a joint.

RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 4:43 pm : link
In comment 13462076 David in LA said:
In comment 13462025 arcarsenal said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

This is a pretty ignorant take.

Isn't that the majority of his takes?

The Stalker strikes!
Don't flatter yourself  
David in LA : 5/5/2017 4:52 pm : link
Your dumbassery tends to stick out above and beyond everyone else. You have that to be proud of.
Sure thing.  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 4:53 pm : link
Stalk some more, not like I'm the only one, either, creep-o.
(Mostly) funny thread!  
trueblueinpw : 5/5/2017 6:10 pm : link
Davisian, the pic of Forrest Whitiker is fucking high-larry-us!

idiotsavant with a strong double post move: sharing some of the lyrics from Bob Dylan's "Hurricane" (and apparently some of his own lyrics) and for asking, "if your state legalized murder would you kill people".

Really fucked up to read that someone had cancer but couldn't use medical Mary Jane because of a zero tolerance employer. Please tell me you no longer have cancer or that employer.
I would probably just do edibles  
Jay on the Island : 5/5/2017 6:59 pm : link
once in a blue moon. A friend of my wife routinely gets edible gummy bears that her brother makes and I had them a few times and they were very good. The key is to take a small portion especially if they taste very strong. A friend of mine gave me these thc strips and i took half of one and I was higher than ever before and I will never do that again. I was so paranoid and my eyes were bright red.
RE: I would probably just do edibles  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 7:27 pm : link
In comment 13462516 Jay on the Island said:
once in a blue moon. A friend of my wife routinely gets edible gummy bears that her brother makes and I had them a few times and they were very good. The key is to take a small portion especially if they taste very strong. A friend of mine gave me these thc strips and i took half of one and I was higher than ever before and I will never do that again. I was so paranoid and my eyes were bright red.

Haha. I haven't had many "bad" experiences - but many moons ago, when I was a freshman in college, I had a pretty rough one.

A good childhood friend of mine went to the same school as me, so I went over to his dorm to hang out one of the first days we got there and his roommate had this huge bong and some crazy "blueberry" pot. I took a massive hit and it was one of those "oh fuck that was too much" right away hits and I couldn't even stay there, I had to leave because I was super paranoid.

Anyway, I left their dorm and decided I needed to just go back to mine and let it wear off but I had literally just gotten to the campus about 2 days prior and really didn't know my way around yet. Compound that with the fact that it was night time and I was out of my fucking mind and I wound up wandering around like a lunatic for about an hour before I figured out where the hell I was.

It was terrible at the time but hilarious in retrospect.
How is it different from cigarettes? Or certain food types?  
Bill L : 5/5/2017 7:56 pm : link
Or adultery? Or vices in general. They're (some vices at least) legal but I'm not eager to partake. For some choices, legality is irrelevant.
RE: How is it different from cigarettes? Or certain food types?  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 7:59 pm : link
In comment 13462553 Bill L said:
Or adultery? Or vices in general. They're (some vices at least) legal but I'm not eager to partake. For some choices, legality is irrelevant.

I don't understand comments like this.

Cigarettes have cancer-causing carcinogens and chemicals in them. They're deadly. Marijuana is not. There's a HUGE difference.

And I have no idea what adultery has to do with smoking weed.

If you aren't interested in it, that's fine - it's not for everyone. But some of these comparisons are ridiculous and if you want to talk about irrelevance, well.. those comps fall right into that category.
RE: LOL, of course not.  
Route 9 : 5/5/2017 8:02 pm : link
In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:
I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

Love it. Good stuff.
What if they raised the speed limit to 80???  
x meadowlander : 5/5/2017 8:05 pm : link
Would you do it?!
RE: What if they raised the speed limit to 80???  
Route 9 : 5/5/2017 8:11 pm : link
In comment 13462568 x meadowlander said:
Would you do it?!

Do it all the time coming home from MetLife during the football season
RE: RE: How is it different from cigarettes? Or certain food types?  
Bill L : 5/5/2017 8:16 pm : link
In comment 13462557 arcarsenal said:
In comment 13462553 Bill L said:


Or adultery? Or vices in general. They're (some vices at least) legal but I'm not eager to partake. For some choices, legality is irrelevant.

I don't understand comments like this.

Cigarettes have cancer-causing carcinogens and chemicals in them. They're deadly. Marijuana is not. There's a HUGE difference.

And I have no idea what adultery has to do with smoking weed.

If you aren't interested in it, that's fine - it's not for everyone. But some of these comparisons are ridiculous and if you want to talk about irrelevance, well.. those comps fall right into that category.
theyre all behavioral vices that people can make a value choice to do or not do and make the choice indepently of whether or not they are legal.
RE: RE: RE: How is it different from cigarettes? Or certain food types?  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 8:23 pm : link
In comment 13462589 Bill L said:
In comment 13462557 arcarsenal said:


In comment 13462553 Bill L said:


Or adultery? Or vices in general. They're (some vices at least) legal but I'm not eager to partake. For some choices, legality is irrelevant.

I don't understand comments like this.

Cigarettes have cancer-causing carcinogens and chemicals in them. They're deadly. Marijuana is not. There's a HUGE difference.

And I have no idea what adultery has to do with smoking weed.

If you aren't interested in it, that's fine - it's not for everyone. But some of these comparisons are ridiculous and if you want to talk about irrelevance, well.. those comps fall right into that category.

theyre all behavioral vices that people can make a value choice to do or not do and make the choice indepently of whether or not they are legal.

So are a billion other things that are completely unrelated. Not sure what point you're trying to make.
RE: How is it different from cigarettes? Or certain food types?  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 8:26 pm : link
In comment 13462553 Bill L said:
Or adultery? Or vices in general. They're (some vices at least) legal but I'm not eager to partake. For some choices, legality is irrelevant.

Of course for some choices legality is irrelevant, that's why I asked the question. I was specifically asking how legality would change people's behaviors FOR THIS ISSUE if at all. I even mentioned in the OP that some people's reaction was surprised that the legal status is the only thing holding me back. Some people I'm sure wouldn't be interested regardless.

And for some choices legality is relevant.

I liken it in some ways like I said in the OP to prohibition. While alcohol was banned I am sure that some people refrained from drinking. Others drank while it was illegal, and once prohibition was repealed I am sure some people enjoyed alcohol again.

I feel like most of my opinions on weed is based on what Brian Griffin  
Anakim : 5/5/2017 8:29 pm : link
from Family Guy and Bill Maher taught me

But I think there needs to be more evidence that weed is indeed harmless. I've heard it's no worse than prescription drugs or alcohol, but color me skeptical. I just would like some more evidence.

If it was deemed harmless, then yeah, I would. I need it. I have a few health issues, including anxiety, and weed is supposedly beneficial towards dealing with them.
Thanks to states like Colorado being proactive and reasonable  
GMenLTS : 5/5/2017 8:34 pm : link
More and more evidence is being produced. It's out there and it'd be even better if the schedule 1 designation was removed.

Just need to look around anakim.

Good to see Dave in Hoboken displaying his superior intellectual prowess above everyone here...
Route 9 : 5/5/2017 8:37 pm : link
Never have done it in my life. Don't feel the need to start either. Never felt any peer pressure from my classmates to try it either. I mean I had a bunch of high school friends who tried to get me to do it. I just always thought it was laughable because why on earth would I have to do anything to appease them? lol. Just laughable thinking about it and the adults they all grew up to be, 10-15 years later.

The not so common users/smokers whatever, that do it must do it out of a pure nostalgia thing, no? I work with some people who tell me they do it from time to time, whatever, but the friends who I went to high school with and got high a lot and made it "their way of life" into adulthood were the real annoying pot advocates that we all know and love, and eventually, just got caught up into other drugs. Then they unfortunately died.

To be honest, I forget it exists until someone mentions it because for years I choose not to be around people who do it, and it actually does remind me of the goofy idiot stoners from high school who still use it to this day and can’t give it up. They'd always question me why I never did it and how come, and this and that and I'd tell them man, if you're so confused why someone doesn't do something and such a life exists without your “recereational habit”, you must really have a fucking problem. If you are talking to me in person and can’t give up talking about how great pot is for five minutes straight, I’m probably going to walk away from you and stand next to bunch of strangers or a trash can instead.
RE: Thanks to states like Colorado being proactive and reasonable  
Anakim : 5/5/2017 8:40 pm : link
In comment 13462610 GMenLTS said:
More and more evidence is being produced. It's out there and it'd be even better if the schedule 1 designation was removed.

Just need to look around anakim.

Good to see Dave in Hoboken displaying his superior intellectual prowess above everyone here...

True, but what about the long-term effects? I agree, more studies should be done and I think Dr. Gupta has investigated the pros and cons of it.

Nice to see you, by the way. You should post more.
And FTR, I've smoked weed a few times  
Anakim : 5/5/2017 8:41 pm : link
Just like I've smoked cigs a few times just to see what it was like. But the hypochondriac in me would prevent me from doing anything on a consistent basis.
Route 9 : 5/5/2017 8:43 pm : link
Then funny thing is, one of the guys I worked with who smokes pot and is 60 years old, his drug dealer is one of my high school friends I talked about getting funny
RE: .....  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 8:44 pm : link
In comment 13462612 Route 9 said:
Never have done it in my life. Don't feel the need to start either. Never felt any peer pressure from my classmates to try it either. I mean I had a bunch of high school friends who tried to get me to do it. I just always thought it was laughable because why on earth would I have to do anything to appease them? lol. Just laughable thinking about it and the adults they all grew up to be, 10-15 years later.

The not so common users/smokers whatever, that do it must do it out of a pure nostalgia thing, no? I work with some people who tell me they do it from time to time, whatever, but the friends who I went to high school with and got high a lot and made it "their way of life" into adulthood were the real annoying pot advocates that we all know and love, and eventually, just got caught up into other drugs. Then they unfortunately died.

To be honest, I forget it exists until someone mentions it because for years I choose not to be around people who do it, and it actually does remind me of the goofy idiot stoners from high school who still use it to this day and can’t give it up. They'd always question me why I never did it and how come, and this and that and I'd tell them man, if you're so confused why someone doesn't do something and such a life exists without your “recereational habit”, you must really have a fucking problem. If you are talking to me in person and can’t give up talking about how great pot is for five minutes straight, I’m probably going to walk away from you and stand next to bunch of strangers or a trash can instead.

This kind of just sounds like a biased opinion based on people you've encountered. Not all people who smoke are like this.

It's the same thing as alcohol in that there are people who can go out, have a couple drinks and call it a night and people who get loaded on a regular basis and can't control themselves.

It doesn't need to be a "way of life" or mean that you're some sort of fuck up if you do it. I don't work while I'm stoned. I take care of my business and keep my priorities straight. Pot helps me relax and sleep better at night. I'm not looking to get obliterated or tell everyone else how high I can get.

There are annoying stoner bros out there for sure. There are also a lot of people who aren't like that at all and maintain full-time jobs and have their lives in order while still partaking in smoking every now and then or in their free time.
Route 9 : 5/5/2017 8:53 pm : link
Of course the most obnoxious ones/annoying friends are going to be what sticks out in my mind when this subject in particular is brought up. However, any person who I came across who did it and I made it known I didn’t (why wouldnt I?), they all had that "hint" of why aren't you doing it, whether it was to a higher degree or not. Yes, higher.

I'd continue to hang out with them throughout the years and think I would be left alone, and not get picked on. That never went well and I guess we all have things we regret in our youth. Haven't seen them since I was 21, after a bunch of botched reunions. I thought that kind of stuff would go away after high school but it was even worse outside the world. Who knows what they’re doing with their lives? I’m never on Facebook.

Don’t think I don’t know that side of the story either, lol. I’ve even heard the “Snoop Dogg and successful CEOs smoke weed, why not you?” arguments as well. My neighbors are potheads, if you’ve been in or around Little Egg Harbor, you’ve probably bought weed from them. You’re right, they never bugged me once.
You must be young  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 8:59 pm : link
or hang out with some weird people.

I've never been pressured to smoke weed in my life even when I lived with a couple guys post-college who smoked 24/7 and even sold it.

Alcohol definitely had more pressure, tons of it from the time i was 12 or 13 years old.

if someone offered weed and I said no, I never felt uncomfortable simply saying I'm not interested. And I never felt judged for that.

So, while I was able to acknowledge there were absolutely some slacker stoners there were also many mature "normal" people who smoked weed and basically anything I've ever done or not done in my life has been my decision (or done out of pursuit of a female - but still kind of my choice).
Lol yeah  
Route 9 : 5/5/2017 9:01 pm : link
I know some real weirdos
RE: RE: Thanks to states like Colorado being proactive and reasonable  
GMenLTS : 5/5/2017 9:25 pm : link
In comment 13462620 Anakim said:
In comment 13462610 GMenLTS said:


More and more evidence is being produced. It's out there and it'd be even better if the schedule 1 designation was removed.

Just need to look around anakim.

Good to see Dave in Hoboken displaying his superior intellectual prowess above everyone here...

True, but what about the long-term effects? I agree, more studies should be done and I think Dr. Gupta has investigated the pros and cons of it.

Nice to see you, by the way. You should post more.

Again like I said, the studies are coming. Long term ones have been done before too. But in general much has been limited because of schedule 1.

One thing is for sure, I don't need studies to tell me weed ought to be on the same legality of alcohol and cigarettes rather than linked to fucking heroin. That's just common sense.

Good to see you as well and I hope all is well with you, but you won't see me posting unless it's mets or current events stuff like this. And given the state of our Mets right now, well.....
When I was a teen I did it a few times  
bigblue1124 : 5/6/2017 6:41 am : link

It was not my drug of choice so never got into it. Unfortunately my choice drug got me into many issues with the law when I was younger.

I am now 46 have not thought about a drug for at least 25 years and never will. I personally don’t get the need for people my age using it but respect their choice providing they are not breaking the law.
Unrelated to smoking or not but just a public service FYI  
bhill410 : 5/6/2017 7:31 am : link
Because it's a federally classified drug there really have been no clinical studies (arguably the biggest crime of this whole thing by government) but there are a lot of "alleyway" clinical trials around both topical as well as smokel use. Outside of the pain aspects there have been pretty impressive personal testimonies around chrones, Tourette's, and colitis. Gw pharma had some impressive euro based results, In addition, and really most important, is that topical application (distilled to remove thc) has had profound impact on late term skin and postate cancer.
Just based on the draft threads,  
adamg : 5/6/2017 8:02 am : link
I could see Anakim becoming the guy who knows every strain and variation of weed and has his own grow shed out back with the proper calibrators and lights etc. for his perfect euphoric indica-heavy blend.

Also, my dad committed adultery and smoked weed, and the adultery was infinitely worse than the smoking. The smoking isn't even on the fucking radar. That parallel is fucking stupid and totally off base.

And Route 9 must have some weird fucks in his background. Most of the stoner types I know didn't get into harder drugs at all. Even the dealers I know are more carefree types than ones who'd try to make you smoke a bowl.

And, idiot's question isn't a good one. Murder is defined as an illegal act of killing, so murder is by definition illegal. Also, using the british spelling of legalization should be an automatically bannable offense. FOH with that.
I'm turning all of you hippies into  
mikeygiants : 5/6/2017 10:42 am : link
the DEA. I've got all of your info right here from Mr. Kennedy. The next knock on your front door, that white van parked outside your house, the person sitting next to you that "just knows," the next ring of your phone... you won't know when, but they're coming for you.

Sorry, just wake and baked in the garage. 40 year old, father of 2, professional, daily user, lover of all strains, DaVinci ascent vaper, ABV edibles. I smoke before most Giants and Islanders games for pain management. Lol
No, too much risk  
Ron Johnson 30 : 5/6/2017 10:55 am : link
Jeff Sessions comes after you and you end up in private prison.
RE: I'm turning all of you hippies into  
adamg : 5/6/2017 12:32 pm : link
In comment 13462908 mikeygiants said:
the DEA. I've got all of your info right here from Mr. Kennedy. The next knock on your front door, that white van parked outside your house, the person sitting next to you that "just knows," the next ring of your phone... you won't know when, but they're coming for you.

Sorry, just wake and baked in the garage. 40 year old, father of 2, professional, daily user, lover of all strains, DaVinci ascent vaper, ABV edibles. I smoke before most Giants and Islanders games for pain management. Lol


You're killing my buzz, meahn.

Seriously though, toke on brahman.

Haven't bought in a while (a few years). With finals for my master's these next couple weeks, I could use some respiration-inspiration...
So this thread is really educational for me  
Rover : 5/6/2017 12:43 pm : link
1) I had no idea pot was now LEGAL in Mass for recreation.
2) I didn't know pot helps with sleep. I've had sleep issues for years and been on and off all kinds of shot. I currently take Remeron which helps but leads to a god awful AM grogginess. I'm trying to get Nuvigil to help, but the insurance company is denying pending appeal.
I never asked about Pot, living in VA I wonder if I could get it legally since my doctor is not instate?

I did know pot helps IBS, which I have.
RE: So this thread is really educational for me  
JayBinQueens : 5/6/2017 11:16 pm : link
In comment 13462974 Rover said:
1) I had no idea pot was now LEGAL in Mass for recreation.
2) I didn't know pot helps with sleep. I've had sleep issues for years and been on and off all kinds of shot. I currently take Remeron which helps but leads to a god awful AM grogginess. I'm trying to get Nuvigil to help, but the insurance company is denying pending appeal.
I never asked about Pot, living in VA I wonder if I could get it legally since my doctor is not instate?

I did know pot helps IBS, which I have.

Sounds like it would help. There are many different types thing so if you don't like one, I'd try another strain or two to see if they're any better
RE: You must be young  
JayBinQueens : 5/6/2017 11:17 pm : link
In comment 13462631 pjcas18 said:

I've never been pressured to smoke weed in my life even when I lived with a couple guys post-college who smoked 24/7 and even sold it

if someone offered weed and I said no, I never felt uncomfortable simply saying I'm not interested. And I never felt judged for that.

Smokers are friendly overall than drinkers imo. They won't pressure you to do it but they'll always offer
In my case...  
OlyWABigBlue : 5/7/2017 12:12 pm : link
No, and pot has been legal for a while now. I don't have a problem with its legality, its just my choice not to use it. Plus it has work consequence for me if I wish to continue work in the offshore industry.
RE: RE: So this thread is really educational for me  
Rover : 5/11/2017 9:43 pm : link
In comment 13463617 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 13462974 Rover said:


1) I had no idea pot was now LEGAL in Mass for recreation.
2) I didn't know pot helps with sleep. I've had sleep issues for years and been on and off all kinds of shot. I currently take Remeron which helps but leads to a god awful AM grogginess. I'm trying to get Nuvigil to help, but the insurance company is denying pending appeal.
I never asked about Pot, living in VA I wonder if I could get it legally since my doctor is not instate?

I did know pot helps IBS, which I have.

Sounds like it would help. There are many different types thing so if you don't like one, I'd try another strain or two to see if they're any better

So my GI doctor is in VA; my sleep doctor in DC; how do I go about getting a prescription?
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