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NFT: Paramount to remake Planes Trains and Automobiles

pjcas18 : 8/18/2020 8:37 am
with Will Smith and Kevin Hart.

I like both actors, but why?

Is this a get off my lawn reaction?

Will Smith and Kevin Hart will star in a "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" remake

Put this on the list of movies  
figgy2989 : 8/18/2020 8:38 am : link
That would not come to mind for a remake.

Why not just call this Hitch 2?
no thanks  
Jints in Carolina : 8/18/2020 8:39 am : link
the first one is a classic.
I like Will Smith, I like Kevin Hart  
Greg from LI : 8/18/2020 8:43 am : link
But I'm guessing this will bomb
Yeah, the movie was a classic  
ZogZerg : 8/18/2020 8:46 am : link
I don't the point of remaking it. I guess a new generation will check it out.
RE: Put this on the list of movies  
figgy2989 : 8/18/2020 8:46 am : link
In comment 14951687 figgy2989 said:
That would not come to mind for a remake.

Why not just call this Hitch 2?

Yeah, this joke bombed as I confused Kevin James for Kevin Hart.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 8/18/2020 9:03 am : link
is almost as if studio execs were actively trying to lose money at this point.
GiantEgo : 8/18/2020 9:04 am : link
No Citizen Kane remake this year?
I'm guessing it will most likely make money  
bigblue5611_2 : 8/18/2020 9:04 am : link
from the younger crowd as Kevin Hart has a huge following. But count me in the camp of this didn't need to be done, first one is a classic. Can't beat John Candy...
Victor in CT : 8/18/2020 9:07 am : link
Makes about as much sense as 'The In-Laws" remake abomination
Please NOOO..  
GManinDC : 8/18/2020 9:07 am : link
That is a classic! That is a remote full stop movie.

Some things should be sacred from remakes. This is one of them..

And I do not like Keven Hart in movies.
RE: I'm guessing it will most likely make money  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 8/18/2020 9:08 am : link
In comment 14951719 bigblue5611_2 said:
from the younger crowd as Kevin Hart has a huge following. But count me in the camp of this didn't need to be done, first one is a classic. Can't beat John Candy...

If this makes money, I'll be shocked. I expect more of a Ghostbusters remake bomb here.
Daniel in Kentucky : 8/18/2020 9:15 am : link
Just shows how bad the writing in Hollywood is currently.
Copy paste a script, add some modern lingo and some crass jokes, add multi ethnic popular cast, and cross our fingers.
RE: Sigh  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 8/18/2020 9:17 am : link
In comment 14951733 Daniel in Kentucky said:
Just shows how bad the writing in Hollywood is currently.
Copy paste a script, add some modern lingo and some crass jokes, add multi ethnic popular cast, and cross our fingers.

My wife just said, "How would this movie even work today? Every has cell phones and access to their credit cards via your cell phones, not to mention Uber drivers."
RE: Sigh  
section125 : 8/18/2020 9:22 am : link
In comment 14951733 Daniel in Kentucky said:
Just shows how bad the writing in Hollywood is currently.
Copy paste a script, add some modern lingo and some crass jokes, add multi ethnic popular cast, and cross our fingers.

If this  
pjcas18 : 8/18/2020 9:29 am : link
movie wasn't billed as a planes, trains, and automobiles remake they maybe would get a better reaction - even if it stole everything from the original.

Will Smith, Kevin Hart, and a writer from Brooklyn-99 sounds interesting.

In the old days they used to rip of a story line, change the title, and package it and call it a day.

How many "freaky friday" movies have there been? how many cinderellas? Even westerns. all with different names.

Seems like they just got lazy or forgot what used to work and now they're going in with a "hollywood is lazy" stigma, when they've always been lazy to an extent.
RE: RE: Sigh  
GMAN56 : 8/18/2020 9:29 am : link
Every year I watch this movie I say, this cannot be made today UNLESS you set it back to that year in the 80s. I was thinking of what if they did this with a female cast who would they pick? You know Melissa McCarthy would be one of them as she can be a good annoying person.

I am curious to see how they do this...Ill give it a shot.

In comment 14951746 section125 said:
In comment 14951733 Daniel in Kentucky said:


Just shows how bad the writing in Hollywood is currently.
Copy paste a script, add some modern lingo and some crass jokes, add multi ethnic popular cast, and cross our fingers.

RE: RE: Sigh  
Greg from LI : 8/18/2020 9:39 am : link
In comment 14951740 Eric from BBI said:
My wife just said, "How would this movie even work today? Every has cell phones and access to their credit cards via your cell phones, not to mention Uber drivers."

Kind of like how at least half of Seinfeld plots wouldn't happen in a world with smartphones.
Speaking of remakes...  
BamaBlue : 8/18/2020 9:42 am : link
Top Gun 2 was supposed to come out in June, got pushed to December and most recently, the movie was pushed again till June 2, 2021.
I mean...  
Jan in DC : 8/18/2020 9:51 am : link
I'm not going to watch it, so I could care less, but remaking a movie doesn't offend me. The old one still exists so there's no point hand-wringing.

The issue I have is that they don't really seem to add anything. It's just shuffling new actors in. Watched "The Hustle" the other day. Had no idea it was a remake of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" which I loved as a kid. After about 30 minutes I looked at my girlfriend and told her I knew everything that was going to happen in the movie.

But that movie was a remake of "Bedtime Story" which I didn't know. So maybe the younger generation wouldn't be exposed to it at all if not for these remakes.
the sooner you guys realize how hollywood operates  
UConn4523 : 8/18/2020 9:53 am : link
the less you'd complain about it.

For every Kevin Hart movie there's 10 indie films with up and coming writers and actors that simply can't make the studios money. Blame the consumers, not the product.
RE: the sooner you guys realize how hollywood operates  
pjcas18 : 8/18/2020 9:58 am : link
In comment 14951792 UConn4523 said:
the less you'd complain about it.

For every Kevin Hart movie there's 10 indie films with up and coming writers and actors that simply can't make the studios money. Blame the consumers, not the product.

How does that have anything to do with this?

Not understanding the need to remake a specific movie is hardly on the consumer.

Especially when there is a track record of failures.

By your logic, people don't like or want remakes, but the industry pushes them because of the consumer.
well you've got people complaining that hollywood makes remakes  
UConn4523 : 8/18/2020 10:02 am : link
and ran out of ideas. I'm saying that isn't true. The new ideas come out all the time they are just too risky for most to fund, thus, we get the stars making stuff like this because its more likely to make money.

This is 100% on the consumer. This stuff wouldn't be made if people didn't see it.
RE: well you've got people complaining that hollywood makes remakes  
pjcas18 : 8/18/2020 10:12 am : link
In comment 14951801 UConn4523 said:
and ran out of ideas. I'm saying that isn't true. The new ideas come out all the time they are just too risky for most to fund, thus, we get the stars making stuff like this because its more likely to make money.

This is 100% on the consumer. This stuff wouldn't be made if people didn't see it.

Ok, fair enough, but I didn't say that (and it still doesn't justify remaking a movie that doesn't need to be remade).

I do wonder if someone has done a good analysis and determined if in fact people do want to see remakes.

I'm not sure it's really true.

I will allow it could be a generational thing. Gen-X or Boomers might not be the target here and those are generally probably who loved Planes, Trains and Automobiles.

I didn't see why Total Recall was remade. Seemed like it was still new and then I realized it was 22 years old. Is that long enough?

So, in this case, if the target is the younger crowd, who maybe never saw the original I guess. Still a high bar to set for yourselves (see Ghostbusters female version)

And why limit yourselves so much when a massive segment of the population who would normally like a movie like this is predisposed to not like it or compare to an excellent original?

Something like Ocean's 11 (a remake I liked) went 41 years between versions.

Cape Fear went almost 30 years between remakes.

So, I guess in this case 30+ years is maybe enough, but they are not making it easy on themselves to either a) make money or b) make a good movie (IMO)
the next 1-2 years is really going to be interesting  
UConn4523 : 8/18/2020 10:19 am : link
and I'm wondering if hollywood salaries take a big hit, which I can see being needed if people still aren't going to theaters.

In contrast that would also help entities like Netflix make movies without feeling like they need to contend with massive budgets.

What that does for remakes i'm not sure. I'm guessing they will still get made, especially those with a big overseas audience, but I'm hoping it leads to more budget flexibility for the young talent that's out there and getting overlooked.
No. Leave this classic alone.  
Don in DC : 8/18/2020 10:24 am : link
Why mess with it?
it's about economics and branding  
PaulBlakeTSU : 8/18/2020 10:34 am : link
It's possible there was probably a script floating around about two mismatched personalities who get stuck together and have to go through a number of obstacles together and their conflict makes the comedy. It's a common movie tropepl.

Some studio exec perhaps bought the rights to it and decided that it would make more money globally and have a better chance of success by repackaging it as a Planes, Tranes, and Automobiles re-make because the original already has brand recognition.

This happens all the time with action movies. For example, Live Free or Die Hard was originally an action movie about Russian terrorists. Instead, it was repurposed as a Die Hard movie because it then could market as that franchise.

You know why there are so many superhero movies? Because they sell. They have brand recognition, and because they don't require as much dialogue which makes it more accessible and appealing to a global audience.

Maybe that happened here. Or maybe someone always wanted to remake the movie but with modern constraints and different types of comedic actors.
RE: RE: Sigh  
PaulBlakeTSU : 8/18/2020 10:42 am : link
In comment 14951740 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 14951733 Daniel in Kentucky said:


Just shows how bad the writing in Hollywood is currently.
Copy paste a script, add some modern lingo and some crass jokes, add multi ethnic popular cast, and cross our fingers.

My wife just said, "How would this movie even work today? Every has cell phones and access to their credit cards via your cell phones, not to mention Uber drivers."

The idea that it couldn't work today because of modern technology doesn't hold because all it takes is some creativity to constrain them. In fact, everything said herew was tied to cell phones. All it takes is for them to not have cell phones on them anymore and then they are stuck. How many phone numbers to many people now remember by heart? And how many payphones are still out there for people rendered phone less?

For example: Will Smith gets robbed, doesn't have his cell phone or wallet. He's with Kevin Hart, angry at him for some reason, and makes Kevin Hart get him to his destination. Kevin Hart has a phone and so they would be able to use Uber, except Kevin Hart has a terrible rating from an incident in the past-- which of course wasn't his fault that he will explain in his Kevin Hart style of storytelling-- and so now no one will pick them up. Kevin Hart's wallet? He doesn't need one because he uses a digital wallet. All his credit cards are on his phone.

Meanwhile, Kevin Hart drains his battery on social media or streaming a movie. Now neither has a working phone or money, and given the hell they've been through from some other incident, they look disheveled and so regular people avoid them because they look unseemly.

I'm ok with remakes, some of my favorite films are remakes.  
Jim in Forest Hills : 8/18/2020 10:47 am : link
Star Wars was Hidden Fortress for example.

They say every idea has already been done, so its just about the creative way to pull things together. I wonder what the last truly original film was that didn't pull from the past, can't be too many out there.

I imagine filmmakers themselves, indie or otherwise channel their experience from watching cinema and it regurgitates itself in some new spins, but not really "New" films.
Hard to imagine  
Peter from NH (formerly CT) : 8/18/2020 10:48 am : link
not being able to borrow someone's cell phone to make a call. I did last week when my dog got lost. But whatever....

It won't be on my list to see.
RE: RE: RE: Sigh  
BamaBlue : 8/18/2020 10:53 am : link
In comment The idea that it couldn't work today because of modern technology doesn't hold because all it takes is some creativity to constrain them. In fact, everything said herew was tied to cell phones. All it takes is for them to not have cell phones on them anymore and then they are stuck. How many phone numbers to many people now remember by heart? And how many payphones are still out there for people rendered phone less?

For example: Will Smith gets robbed, doesn't have his cell phone or wallet. He's with Kevin Hart, angry at him for some reason, and makes Kevin Hart get him to his destination. Kevin Hart has a phone and so they would be able to use Uber, except Kevin Hart has a terrible rating from an incident in the past-- which of course wasn't his fault that he will explain in his Kevin Hart style of storytelling-- and so now no one will pick them up. Kevin Hart's wallet? He doesn't need one because he uses a digital wallet. All his credit cards are on his phone.

Meanwhile, Kevin Hart drains his battery on social media or streaming a movie. Now neither has a working phone or money, and given the hell they've been through from some other incident, they look disheveled and so regular people avoid them because they look unseemly.

Well... that plot line killed it for me.
PaulBlakeTSU : 8/18/2020 11:01 am : link
one would hope that a writer (or group of writers) actually spending time to come up with a plot would do something that lands better than what I came up with in the time it took to type it.

The point is that it's very easy to get around the idea of having cell phones. Just find a way to remove their cellphones.

Also, all of these types of comedies have absurd plot lines. It comes down to the dialogue and the delivery.
RE: RE: RE: Sigh  
Beezer : 8/18/2020 1:01 pm : link
In comment 14951759 GMAN56 said:
Every year I watch this movie I say, this cannot be made today UNLESS you set it back to that year in the 80s. I was thinking of what if they did this with a female cast who would they pick? You know Melissa McCarthy would be one of them as she can be a good annoying person.

I am curious to see how they do this...Ill give it a shot.

In comment 14951746 section125 said:


In comment 14951733 Daniel in Kentucky said:


Just shows how bad the writing in Hollywood is currently.
Copy paste a script, add some modern lingo and some crass jokes, add multi ethnic popular cast, and cross our fingers.


I think it’s already kind of been made with Melissa McCarthy And Jason Bateman. It’s a comedy, a “buddy travel” story, has a straight man and an antagonist. And SPOILER, it even has a resolution that’s reminiscent of Planes, Trains Etc.
Steve Martin is one of my favorites  
steve in ky : 8/18/2020 1:09 pm : link
but he ruined Lemmon's classic The Out of Towners by remaking if, so I guess it's Hollywood karma that he's getting one of his classics butchered with a remake.
RE: Steve Martin is one of my favorites  
DieHard : 8/18/2020 1:20 pm : link
In comment 14951986 steve in ky said:
but he ruined Lemmon's classic The Out of Towners by remaking if, so I guess it's Hollywood karma that he's getting one of his classics butchered with a remake.

Martin also did Inspector Clouseau -- I think Hollywood owes him a few more shitty remakes of his movies.
pjcas18 : 8/18/2020 1:30 pm : link
agreed, I think calling it publicly a remake limits them.

From my post above....

....In the old days they used to rip of a story line, change the title, and package it and call it a day.

How many "freaky friday" movies have there been? how many cinderellas? Even westerns. all with different names.....
CoughlinHandsonHips : 8/18/2020 2:42 pm : link
I mean it's a buddy comedy with two guys trying to travel from point A to point B. Theres a ton of these.

Why remake at all? I'd think these two (Kevin Hart especially) would have enough pull on their own
Kevin Hart is funny.  
RicFlair : 8/18/2020 3:06 pm : link

I’ll stream it.
RE: It  
Beer Man : 8/19/2020 7:42 am : link
In comment 14951716 Eric from BBI said:
is almost as if studio execs were actively trying to lose money at this point.
And running out of ideas. Remakes and Super Hero movies seem to be dominating the movie industry.
cjac : 8/19/2020 8:07 am : link
are you kidding me?

they remade Dirty Rotten Scoundrels with Rebel Wilson and Anne Hathaway, how much money did that make?

Does anyone have a fucking original idea? This is just stupid.
What I don't get with remakes like this  
Matt M. : 8/19/2020 10:29 am : link
There is nothing to retain the fans of the original. If anything, the idea of a remake probably keeps a lot of fans away. So, do they think this would have a strong enough new fan base to make money? It's not like a movie starring Smith and Hart will be cheap. Is that going to make enough money for a profit?
its funny, they can remake  
UConn4523 : 8/19/2020 10:40 am : link
any of my favorite movies of all time and it wouldn't tarnish the original.

If Shawshank 2 came out I'd laugh at the idea and move on. If anything it would remind me how awesome the original was and get me to go watch it again.

The amount of market research that goes into these decisions is vast. Take the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels remake titled "The Hustle" as mentioned earlier. It made close to $100m with an estimated $21m budget - so there's your answer.

Hart and Smith are huge draws. On average a Kevin Hart movies draws $75m and Smith almost double that. They will be making money on this most likely.
RE: its funny, they can remake  
Matt M. : 8/19/2020 10:47 am : link
In comment 14952605 UConn4523 said:
any of my favorite movies of all time and it wouldn't tarnish the original.

If Shawshank 2 came out I'd laugh at the idea and move on. If anything it would remind me how awesome the original was and get me to go watch it again.

The amount of market research that goes into these decisions is vast. Take the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels remake titled "The Hustle" as mentioned earlier. It made close to $100m with an estimated $21m budget - so there's your answer.

Hart and Smith are huge draws. On average a Kevin Hart movies draws $75m and Smith almost double that. They will be making money on this most likely.
Interesting points. But, I wonder if this falls in a weird category. First, with The Hustle, 2 stars from a young generation starred in the movie, banking on a new audience. With Smith and Hart, you are talking about stars more in line with a lot of fans of the original. Those fans would go see new movies from both stars. But, will enough young fans do the same with them?
RE: I'm guessing it will most likely make money  
BlueLou'sBack : 8/19/2020 11:00 am : link
In comment 14951719 bigblue5611_2 said:
from the younger crowd as Kevin Hart has a huge following. But count me in the camp of this didn't need to be done, first one is a classic. Can't beat John Candy...

This ^^^^>

Candy's performance in the original is epic, an all time great single move performance. Very hard to follow that.
Still waiting for this reboot  
ghost718 : 8/19/2020 11:02 am : link

I guess they're saving the best for last
Kevin Hart is simply a massive draw right now  
UConn4523 : 8/19/2020 11:04 am : link
with the young audience. He's basically slightly less popular than the Rock. Will Smith will pull in some of the older crowd, whether they watched/liked the original or not.
their goal isn't to follow what John Candy did  
UConn4523 : 8/19/2020 11:05 am : link
its to make money. This will likely have nothing to do with the original. The are basically using the name to generate buzz, and pull a bit from the story.

I wouldn't bother comparing them.
Money grab  
Torrag : 8/19/2020 1:26 pm : link
There isn't an original idea left to turn into a film at this point(or very few)...

what does Cell phones have to do with anything...  
Amtoft : 8/19/2020 1:53 pm : link
Didn't Ben Afleck just do some similar movie with Sandra Bullock or something where he had to get to his wedding and even with phones and such it was like problems getting to where they needed to be.
The anger always confuses me.  
RicFlair : 8/19/2020 3:28 pm : link
If they were taking away the original and nobody ever got to see it again then I’d understand.
I saw the same angerw  
RicFlair : 8/19/2020 3:28 pm : link
When Jumanji got “remade”, the 2 Jumanjis with the rock and Kevin Hart are way better than the Robin Williams one.
Some people  
pjcas18 : 8/19/2020 3:40 pm : link
are capable of disliking something or not being enthusiastic about something without being angry or outraged about it.

No idea why a 2020 thing is for any time someone isn't a fan of something or doesn't love it they are considered angry or outraged.

I don't feel like remaking Planes, Trains and Automobiles is a great idea. I am neither angry they plan to do it nor am I outraged about it. Yet I still don't think it's a good idea.

this concept used to exist freely in the process of normal discourse, people should try and bring back those days, not for nostalgia, but for the survival of a civil society.

Get off my lawn?
I miss John Candy  
GManinDC : 8/19/2020 3:45 pm : link
Uncle Buck
The Great Outdoors
Brewster's Millions
Summer Rental
Cool Runnings

RE: Some people  
UConn4523 : 8/19/2020 4:08 pm : link
In comment 14952836 pjcas18 said:
are capable of disliking something or not being enthusiastic about something without being angry or outraged about it.

No idea why a 2020 thing is for any time someone isn't a fan of something or doesn't love it they are considered angry or outraged.

I don't feel like remaking Planes, Trains and Automobiles is a great idea. I am neither angry they plan to do it nor am I outraged about it. Yet I still don't think it's a good idea.

this concept used to exist freely in the process of normal discourse, people should try and bring back those days, not for nostalgia, but for the survival of a civil society.

Get off my lawn?

It exists, you just have people that abuse it, and people that are tired of it being abused. Its also the internet, nuance is lost, complaints look magnified. That's 2020 for you, and it won't get any better.

I will say that when it comes to BBI there's a select group of posters I disagree with but am able to have a productive, adult conversation with. And then there's the other group that absolutely sucks ass to converse with, provides nothing in their criticisms where I genuinely do think they complain just to complain.
I also don't think RicFlair thinks people are angry  
UConn4523 : 8/19/2020 4:10 pm : link
seems like my hyperbole than anything. But his point remains and its one I made mention of earlier. Making a sequel or remake doesn't take anything away from the original work. You are still allowed to watch them whenever you want.
RE: I miss John Candy  
Grey Pilgrim : 8/19/2020 4:14 pm : link
In comment 14952840 GManinDC said:
Uncle Buck
The Great Outdoors
Brewster's Millions
Summer Rental
Cool Runnings


He made me laugh so many times!

Personally I didn't even like the first one that much  
PatersonPlank : 8/19/2020 4:17 pm : link
so I am definitely skipping the 2nd one
RE: I also don't think RicFlair thinks people are angry  
pjcas18 : 8/19/2020 4:25 pm : link
In comment 14952861 UConn4523 said:
seems like my hyperbole than anything. But his point remains and its one I made mention of earlier. Making a sequel or remake doesn't take anything away from the original work. You are still allowed to watch them whenever you want.

that has nothing to do with it. You are both creating straw men.

No one said you can't still watch the original. No one said it takes anything away from the original. But it still doesn't mean you have to think it's a good idea.

When I see Karate Kid on the channel guide and I check the year and see it's the Jaden Smith version and not the Ralph Macchio one I'm a little bit sad that if I don't find anything better I can't watch Johnny and the Cobra Kai torment Daniel Larusso like I am used to.

When I see Total Recall on the guide, and see it's the Colin Farrell version, same feeling.

I am not outraged, I am not angry I prefer the originals in these cases.

And it could be a generational thing, I will allow for that.

I prefer the Deniro/Nolte Cape Fear, the ensemble Ocean's 11 with Clooney, Pitt, Garcia, Roberts, etc., so it's not all remakes, but some can benefit from modernization, I don't see how this one can.

RE: RE: I also don't think RicFlair thinks people are angry  
GManinDC : 8/19/2020 4:40 pm : link
In comment 14952879 pjcas18 said:
In comment 14952861 UConn4523 said:


seems like my hyperbole than anything. But his point remains and its one I made mention of earlier. Making a sequel or remake doesn't take anything away from the original work. You are still allowed to watch them whenever you want.

that has nothing to do with it. You are both creating straw men.

No one said you can't still watch the original. No one said it takes anything away from the original. But it still doesn't mean you have to think it's a good idea.

When I see Karate Kid on the channel guide and I check the year and see it's the Jaden Smith version and not the Ralph Macchio one I'm a little bit sad that if I don't find anything better I can't watch Johnny and the Cobra Kai torment Daniel Larusso like I am used to.

When I see Total Recall on the guide, and see it's the Colin Farrell version, same feeling.

I am not outraged, I am not angry I prefer the originals in these cases.

And it could be a generational thing, I will allow for that.

I prefer the Deniro/Nolte Cape Fear, the ensemble Ocean's 11 with Clooney, Pitt, Garcia, Roberts, etc., so it's not all remakes, but some can benefit from modernization, I don't see how this one can.

I agree with this. And we do same thing when it comes down to movies. Funny, Cape Fear is one of those movies. except for the Karate Kid. Don't think I ever so the whole movie..
RE: RE: I also don't think RicFlair thinks people are angry  
RicFlair : 8/19/2020 4:40 pm : link
In comment 14952879 pjcas18 said:
In comment 14952861 UConn4523 said:


seems like my hyperbole than anything. But his point remains and its one I made mention of earlier. Making a sequel or remake doesn't take anything away from the original work. You are still allowed to watch them whenever you want.

that has nothing to do with it. You are both creating straw men.

No one said you can't still watch the original. No one said it takes anything away from the original. But it still doesn't mean you have to think it's a good idea.

When I see Karate Kid on the channel guide and I check the year and see it's the Jaden Smith version and not the Ralph Macchio one I'm a little bit sad that if I don't find anything better I can't watch Johnny and the Cobra Kai torment Daniel Larusso like I am used to.

When I see Total Recall on the guide, and see it's the Colin Farrell version, same feeling.

I am not outraged, I am not angry I prefer the originals in these cases.

And it could be a generational thing, I will allow for that.

I prefer the Deniro/Nolte Cape Fear, the ensemble Ocean's 11 with Clooney, Pitt, Garcia, Roberts, etc., so it's not all remakes, but some can benefit from modernization, I don't see how this one can.

Well then clearly you’re not the type of person I’m referring to in my post.
ugghh forget it  
UConn4523 : 8/19/2020 4:42 pm : link
Don't know what to tell you man. You took his comment very literally, that's all I pointed out.

Myself, I will stick with my above comment. Certain posters can not like something and articulate just that, and a conversation can be had. Others whine about everything and provide no actual reason for their distain.

No I don't think anyone is angry at this remake. I do find some of the other thoughts on here questionable, but no sense in rehashing them.
You don't have to tell me  
pjcas18 : 8/19/2020 4:46 pm : link
anything. No one asked you to.

RicFlair responded for himself.
ok dude  
UConn4523 : 8/19/2020 5:12 pm : link
I typed that while he responded and didn't see it until after I submitted. A thousand apologies.
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