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NFT: Is AMC the next GameStop?

NJBlueTuna : 1/28/2021 7:53 am
I know there is another thread on GameStop but this is AMC. Tomorrow I think contracts come due on GameStop and will be a wild day. At some point, this crazy trend will be looking for the next heavily shorted stock and it seems to be AMC based upon yesterday’s indications. I’m not a market expert and this seems more like gambling then investing as it’s inevitable GME will topple over in a dramatic swift way, but it’s a crazy phenomenon and have to imagine there will be a new GameStop stock very quickly.

Any thoughts? It appears it has to be a heavily shorted stock to qualify.
mattlawson : 1/28/2021 7:55 am : link
Wanted to get in at 2 bucks in my longer term a couple weeks ago. Really kicking myself and my broker for that one.

There are others too - look for volatile stocks with a high short float
It's definitely more like speculating than investing  
Heisenberg : 1/28/2021 8:08 am : link
There was a good argument that GameStop was a value play a while ago, it was probably driven artificially low and if you believe in the new management and that they can cut the stores they have, reinvent the ones they keep and move into being more of an online gaming retailer, whose valuations are different than brick and mortar.

At this point, it's GME is crazy overvalued and is really just a speculative trade in hopes of joining the squeeze. It's a perfect storm. There are still a lot of folks with short positions or who sold call options at lower prices who will need to buy stock for those positions. There's a herd of whackos at Reddit who are acting like a ruthless hedge fund. I don't think the exposure on those positions at other companies is nearly as deep as it was for GME. Also, the hedge funds know that reddit is looking for the next GME and I'm sure they're quietly clearing those positions now. GME made things worse for the hedge funds, because as they were being shorted and their stock went down, they bought it back - like 34M shares. That's really how they got to 140% short. These other companies haven't done that (AFAIK)

The Reddit bros can probably pump those stocks up a bit but not to the crazy levels they have with GME. Youu can probably ride their coattails for a bit for some nice returns. But the problems for AMC are still there, I don't see any turnaround coming like you could have argued for GME so you could also be the guy who buys it at 18 and sells it for 3. (just my opinion obv)
RE: It's definitely more like speculating than investing  
NJBlueTuna : 1/28/2021 8:29 am : link
In comment 15136655 Heisenberg said:

The Reddit bros can probably pump those stocks up a bit but not to the crazy levels they have with GME. Youu can probably ride their coattails for a bit for some nice returns. But the problems for AMC are still there, I don't see any turnaround coming like you could have argued for GME so you could also be the guy who buys it at 18 and sells it for 3. (just my opinion obv)

That’s the crazy part Re now hope for a turnaround via AMC. GameStop has zero chance of survival as its analogy is Blockbuster. No one goes to a via store to buy gaming discs. It’s all down streamed now even the next gen gaming consoles are designed for streaming. There will also be a place for movies at a theatre as a “night out” once the pandemic ends. Albeit, streaming is big at home now too but it’s a different experience from going to a luxury movie theatre which has big Hollywood dollars behind it.

The conviction of this grassroots stock trading is incredible. Eventually GameStop will fall in a straight line and the mania it has created will force the next stock to follow a similar linear trajectory up, and then down in a straight line. It’s scary stuff
AMC is shorted nowhere near the % of float that GME was/still is  
KerrysFlask : 1/28/2021 8:30 am : link
There is no "next" Gamestop and Gamestop isn't over. The gamma squeeze and retail flurry has driven the price up so far, but the short squeeze has yet to occur.

Hedge funds shorting 140% of GME was one of the catalysts that kicked this off. AMC is maybe what... 20% shorted?
AMC, BB, NOK, BBBY - none of these are the same as GME  
KerrysFlask : 1/28/2021 8:33 am : link
The mechanics just aren't the same.

pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 8:57 am : link
stopped allowing AMC to be traded. also blocked Nokia and Naked Brands (from what i read - I haven't tried to trade them).

No idea their reasoning.
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 8:58 am : link
· 11m
BREAKING: Robinhood removes GameStop, AMC; Puts notice on pages saying 'You can close out your position on this stock, but you can not purchase additional shares' $AMC - @benzinga
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 9:01 am : link
what a clusterfuck this turned into.
It's incredible that they would do that.  
Heisenberg : 1/28/2021 9:10 am : link
Hard to believe. I'd think a class action suit would be filed next week.
I sure hope it is  
bigblue1124 : 1/28/2021 9:13 am : link
I was going to buy GME at 88.00 but pulled back figuring it would not last :( If I could kick myself in the balls I would.

I did get in with AMC yesterday at 13.00 for 700 so obviously hoping we can see something along the lines?

If not live an learn. I am fully prepared to loss money but would love to make a lot. lol
RE: .  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 9:13 am : link
In comment 15136690 pjcas18 said:
· 11m
BREAKING: Robinhood removes GameStop, AMC; Puts notice on pages saying 'You can close out your position on this stock, but you can not purchase additional shares' $AMC - @benzinga

I'm clearly no expert - but is there a way this can be considered market manipulation, not allowing people to purchase a stock?

On another note, it's crazy how divided the media is. Some people are claiming WS is getting a taste of their own medicine while others are trying to run a smear campaign against Reddit.. Financial Times tried linking them to the alt-right, NY Times claiming they're just bored and greedy (haha), one guy on CNBC even thought there was a chance it would be a foreign influencer trying to ruin the market (even funnier)
So Robinhood  
bubba0825 : 1/28/2021 9:15 am : link
Has blocked anyone from trading a few of these popular stocks, pushing the price down, how does the sec not get involved now? Free market my ass
Sec 103 : 1/28/2021 9:15 am : link
If you have to ask BBI about this  
DCOrange : 1/28/2021 9:25 am : link
It is not for you. Someone bought GME at $500 two hours ago and it is now below $300 and the market has not even opened. 40% loss. Stay away. The 'easy' money for the people who got in this 'easy' trade made money and should be bailing.

As the saying goes - bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.
This has kind of become a circular  
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 9:27 am : link
firing squad of chaos.

People claiming the "elites" are getting their asses handed to them by the "nerds".

but two of the primary flame stokers are Elon Musk and Chamath Palihapitiya even Mark Cuban is piling on (saying his 11 year old is making money on it trading on his own). Aren't they the elites?

It almost reminds me of the story behind bringing down the house and the reaction to it.

Cuban and others  
DCOrange : 1/28/2021 9:31 am : link
Easy to trade when there is no fear of losing your rent money. Immoral that they are encouraging people who are to trade when they have no idea what they are doing. Update: AMC down 30%
Robinhood not allowing new deposits  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 9:32 am : link
the page is basically broken, haha.

Sure, the elites have chimed in but this was happening well before them. I think they are just flexing their muscles at this point, part of it is just their own marketing.
Citadel pays Robinhood $100M per quarter  
Metnut : 1/28/2021 9:38 am : link
It’s clear they gave RH a tap on the shoulder here.

RH should be done after this. What’s the point of a brokerage if they won’t let you buy the stock you want? It’s clearly not being done for the retail investors’ benefit here.
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 9:38 am : link
i think you underestimate a little the reach someone like Musk has.

He posted a meme of DOGE and it doubled in price, a fun, jokey crypto (still can make money on it) but people like Musk have sway.

Agree they didn't initiate it, it was already happening via reddit, but Musk and Palihapitiya blew it up IMO.
RE: Robinhood not allowing new deposits  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 9:40 am : link
In comment 15136728 UConn4523 said:
the page is basically broken, haha.

Sure, the elites have chimed in but this was happening well before them. I think they are just flexing their muscles at this point, part of it is just their own marketing.

It's not broken. It's deliberate
I know its deliberate  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 9:42 am : link
however, its the entire site now. Nothing loads on my phone or PC.
TD Ameritrade blocked GME as well  
bubba0825 : 1/28/2021 9:44 am : link
I think some others as well. I know a lot of us are amateurs but something isn’t right with this
RE: I know its deliberate  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 9:44 am : link
In comment 15136741 UConn4523 said:
however, its the entire site now. Nothing loads on my phone or PC.

ah, sorry. It's loading fine on my phone and I can purchase most stocks except for a certain few...
its back now  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 9:46 am : link
wasn't letting me access my funds at market open.
This is just the start of the shenanigans.  
State Your Name : 1/28/2021 9:49 am : link
"We're screwing you for your own good. Trust the process."
Hahaha everything they try to do just makes it worse.  
guitarguybs12 : 1/28/2021 9:51 am : link
Back up to 400. Full on fuck the system mood this AM.
Yesterday it was limiting the types of opening trades you can make  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 9:56 am : link
Today they just pull the plug. I understand they are manipulating the market to help their Wall Street buddies, but they’re fanning the flames. There are people who are now more emboldened to buy and hold on principle.

Rude awakening. Btw, RH is trash and you should find a new broker.
State Your Name : 1/28/2021 10:01 am : link
This comes to a head
RE: This has kind of become a circular  
giants#1 : 1/28/2021 10:01 am : link
In comment 15136725 pjcas18 said:
firing squad of chaos.

People claiming the "elites" are getting their asses handed to them by the "nerds".

but two of the primary flame stokers are Elon Musk and Chamath Palihapitiya even Mark Cuban is piling on (saying his 11 year old is making money on it trading on his own). Aren't they the elites?

It almost reminds me of the story behind bringing down the house and the reaction to it.

Hard to even claim the initial(?) or at least prominent Redditor that helped start the frenzy with his >$50K position wasn't an "elite". How many everyday Joes are willing to bet $50k on a single stock (with debatable future prospects)?
That guy had done due diligence and was making a case for GME  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 10:06 am : link
Since 2019. He closed up around $48mm yesterday.

Now his position is somewhere around 60-70mm if he’s still holding right now. From 50k.

Elon Musk
Jeff Bezos
Bill Gates
Warren Buffet
Briefly touched 480  
RomanWH : 1/28/2021 10:07 am : link
before coming back down. There's a lot of pissed off buying happening. FWIW, I wouldn't lump Musk in with the "elites." Remember he hates hedge funds. They shorted the shit out of Tesla for years. He's very much in favor of the little guy coming out on top vs any short selling hedge fund.
RE: Briefly touched 480  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 10:12 am : link
In comment 15136781 RomanWH said:
before coming back down. There's a lot of pissed off buying happening. FWIW, I wouldn't lump Musk in with the "elites." Remember he hates hedge funds. They shorted the shit out of Tesla for years. He's very much in favor of the little guy coming out on top vs any short selling hedge fund.

It’s a real good idea to shut out their access. Not like that won’t motivate them even more. A Streisand effect on Reddit steroids.
Ill certainly close  
terz22 : 1/28/2021 10:12 am : link
my robinhood account after this. Total joke. Any suggestions for a better platform.
TDA is where a lot of people decamped to last year when RH couldn’t  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 10:15 am : link
Handle several basic functions and screwed up the leap year dates, too. Tons of people lost money due to their garbage service.
I just hope anyone who is buying right now  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 10:17 am : link
knows when to get out, right now you are just making the people who bought in early very careful and watch it constantly. This is not going to last.

And anyone who thinks this is some amateur common joe who started this is naive..
CoughlinHandsonHips : 1/28/2021 10:24 am : link
So stock purchasing platforms get shut off during all this?

Sure love the level playing field
Citadel handles 60% of Robinhood trades  
The Dude : 1/28/2021 10:32 am : link
the choice to not allow anyone to buy anymore of these stocks came straight from Ken Griffen/Citadel. Unreal
Uh oh - foul language is used on Reddit!  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 10:34 am : link
Better shut them down.
This is elite vs elite  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 10:40 am : link
with the common traders being used as pawns
I guess RH and citadel  
bubba0825 : 1/28/2021 10:42 am : link
Figure the fine will be less than the cost of allowing the trades to happen
With RobinHood having an IPO soon  
The Dude : 1/28/2021 10:43 am : link
it's in their best interests to have the hedgefunds on their side.....
It would be shame  
RomanWH : 1/28/2021 10:46 am : link
if someone decided to short RH.
Looking brutal right now  
widmerseyebrow : 1/28/2021 11:19 am : link
Will the WSB followers be able to jump to another platform in time? Robinhood should be burned down after this.
Robinhood just cancelled my order for  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 11:20 am : link
American Airlines and its now pulled off their site.
RE: With RobinHood having an IPO soon  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:29 am : link
In comment 15136836 The Dude said:
it's in their best interests to have the hedgefunds on their side.....

Sure, but not if it comes at the expense of absolutely alienating their core market, retail investors. I can't imagine anyone is going to want to go with them.

The optimist in me says this is a new day. The realist in me says they are just going to make it illegal to retail trade and now need to be licensed or go through a licensed broker. In fact, if something similar happened even 20 years ago, you could almost bank on that happening. Too much information and outcry for that to happen now.
RE: This is elite vs elite  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:30 am : link
In comment 15136831 nygiants16 said:
with the common traders being used as pawns

No expert, but from the outside in, the move right now would seem to be to short the stock today and wait for it's tumble Friday/Monday. I'd imagine thats what some big players are doing now, no?
RE: RE: With RobinHood having an IPO soon  
The Dude : 1/28/2021 11:33 am : link
In comment 15136883 Zeke's Alibi said:
In comment 15136836 The Dude said:


it's in their best interests to have the hedgefunds on their side.....

Sure, but not if it comes at the expense of absolutely alienating their core market, retail investors. I can't imagine anyone is going to want to go with them.

The optimist in me says this is a new day. The realist in me says they are just going to make it illegal to retail trade and now need to be licensed or go through a licensed broker. In fact, if something similar happened even 20 years ago, you could almost bank on that happening. Too much information and outcry for that to happen now.

My point is...they need the billions from wallstreet over the $$ from retail investors.

And again, the fine they'll pay might be in the millions. The loss they would take if they allowed those stocks to be bought would've been in the billions. The games rigged but they saved $$$$$$$$.
RE: I just hope anyone who is buying right now  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:34 am : link
In comment 15136799 nygiants16 said:
knows when to get out, right now you are just making the people who bought in early very careful and watch it constantly. This is not going to last.

And anyone who thinks this is some amateur common joe who started this is naive..

It wasn't, and the movement was started by a guy who frequents the WSB reddit with this in mind. He's posted there that this shorting didn't make sense from a perspective of who joined the board and where they thought they company was heading and evolving into long term. Brilliant play honestly, just needed the proper marketing for it to take off. Fucking over hedgefunds is like Reddit gold.
RE: RE: RE: With RobinHood having an IPO soon  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:35 am : link
In comment 15136890 The Dude said:
In comment 15136883 Zeke's Alibi said:

My point is...they need the billions from wallstreet over the $$ from retail investors.

And again, the fine they'll pay might be in the millions. The loss they would take if they allowed those stocks to be bought would've been in the billions. The games rigged but they saved $$$$$$$$.

Yeah, but why would retail investors touch Robinhood after these shenanigans? There are other options out there.
RE: RE: This is elite vs elite  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 11:39 am : link
In comment 15136886 Zeke's Alibi said:
In comment 15136831 nygiants16 said:


with the common traders being used as pawns

No expert, but from the outside in, the move right now would seem to be to short the stock today and wait for it's tumble Friday/Monday. I'd imagine thats what some big players are doing now, no?

Yup it will go back up because people are shorting it then buying back in at a lower price to cover themselves, it wont be new buyers
everything is tanking now  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 11:43 am : link
with buying abilities halted.
RE: everything is tanking now  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:44 am : link
In comment 15136907 UConn4523 said:
with buying abilities halted.

Just like the system was designed to work. What a farce.
giantfan2000 : 1/28/2021 11:45 am : link
I am just stunned what is happening
resticting Retail traders from buying a stock so these hedge funds can unwind their shorts

these hedge funders SHOULD go to jail for this but we know that won't happen
RE: everything is tanking now  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 11:45 am : link
In comment 15136907 UConn4523 said:
with buying abilities halted.

They halted buying with margins
All this being said, learned a lot about Gamestop and it seems  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:46 am : link
like a good buy after it inevitably hits rock bottom.
RE: RE: everything is tanking now  
Tim in Capital City : 1/28/2021 11:49 am : link
In comment 15136915 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15136907 UConn4523 said:


with buying abilities halted.

They halted buying with margins

From a risk management perspective, that makes a ton of sense.
Now all the people who sold at 480  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 12:01 pm : link
and shorted the stock are now buying back in when it gdt down to 126
This is whats going to happen now for awhile  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 12:17 pm : link
people will sell, let it drop then buy back and hope to keep riding mini waves until it dies out
we don't live in  
Mr. Nickels : 1/28/2021 12:18 pm : link
a free country
I think the more interesting thing is that the shenanigans Robinhood  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 12:25 pm : link
just pulled could effectively destroy them as a company. They are pre IPO and are going to lose massive amounts of customers. Why the hell would any retail trader use them now? Especially with competitors in the space now? Toast.
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 12:30 pm : link
doesn't just need to worry about an IPO there could be legal implications.
Route 9 : 1/28/2021 12:33 pm : link
Is now the time to move on and invest in Enron?
RE: we don't live in  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 12:33 pm : link
In comment 15136971 Mr. Nickels said:
a free country

hedgefunds jist have a lot more money to ckntrol stocks..

RE: RE: everything is tanking now  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 12:35 pm : link
In comment 15136915 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15136907 UConn4523 said:


with buying abilities halted.

They halted buying with margins

Is buying 2 shares of stock at the current price buying with margin (I don't know much about terminology etc)? They're not letting any purchases right now
RE: RE: RE: everything is tanking now  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 12:39 pm : link
In comment 15137010 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 15136915 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15136907 UConn4523 said:


with buying abilities halted.

They halted buying with margins

Is buying 2 shares of stock at the current price buying with margin (I don't know much about terminology etc)? They're not letting any purchases right now

No new buyers now, the only people buying the stock are the people who already had it, so they sold probably when it got over 400 and bought bakc in ag 126 thatz why you see it going back up...

Robinhood Android app currently at a 1 star rating in the Play Store  
widmerseyebrow : 1/28/2021 12:41 pm : link
Please excuse my ignorance,  
mattyblue : 1/28/2021 12:41 pm : link
I really don’t know anything about trading or any of this but I have followed the story and all along have seen articles and people claiming that this is illegal, but those seemed to have stopped now. While I don’t fully understand how this all came to be, if people are making millions why doesn’t this happen more often, or does it? And is it illegal, questionable, or totally fine?
RE: Please excuse my ignorance,  
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 12:42 pm : link
In comment 15137023 mattyblue said:
I really don’t know anything about trading or any of this but I have followed the story and all along have seen articles and people claiming that this is illegal, but those seemed to have stopped now. While I don’t fully understand how this all came to be, if people are making millions why doesn’t this happen more often, or does it? And is it illegal, questionable, or totally fine?

it is completely legal.
RE: Please excuse my ignorance,  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 12:50 pm : link
In comment 15137023 mattyblue said:
I really don’t know anything about trading or any of this but I have followed the story and all along have seen articles and people claiming that this is illegal, but those seemed to have stopped now. While I don’t fully understand how this all came to be, if people are making millions why doesn’t this happen more often, or does it? And is it illegal, questionable, or totally fine?

It doesnt happen all the time, it happens on a much small scale, hedgefunds normally do this they buy a stock, short it and then buy it at a really low price and watch it grown..

They did it to Tesla and that is why Musk hates hedgefunds...

The reason this pissed off the hedgefunds, they shorted this stock when it was at 20 bucks i believe and it got down to 1, before they could buy it back, people jumped on it and the price skyrocketed costing the hedgefunds a ton of money...and they dont buy just 1,000 shares they are biying 20 million shares...

Now you will see it drop back down because they will restrict new buyers, hedgefunda will biy it up and short it until it goes back down...
Kevin999 : 1/28/2021 12:58 pm : link
this seems to be an extreme example. There were most shorts on the stock then actual stocks. It seems the hedge funds got caught and paid a serious price.
RE: RE: RE: RE: everything is tanking now  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 12:59 pm : link
In comment 15137020 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15137010 JayBinQueens said:


In comment 15136915 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15136907 UConn4523 said:


with buying abilities halted.

They halted buying with margins

Is buying 2 shares of stock at the current price buying with margin (I don't know much about terminology etc)? They're not letting any purchases right now

No new buyers now, the only people buying the stock are the people who already had it, so they sold probably when it got over 400 and bought bakc in ag 126 thatz why you see it going back up...

So, I had bought some on Monday. It's only letting me sell and not letting me buy even though I have stock. Am I missing something obvious?
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: everything is tanking now  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 1:00 pm : link
In comment 15137062 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 15137020 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15137010 JayBinQueens said:


In comment 15136915 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15136907 UConn4523 said:


with buying abilities halted.

They halted buying with margins

Is buying 2 shares of stock at the current price buying with margin (I don't know much about terminology etc)? They're not letting any purchases right now

No new buyers now, the only people buying the stock are the people who already had it, so they sold probably when it got over 400 and bought bakc in ag 126 thatz why you see it going back up...

So, I had bought some on Monday. It's only letting me sell and not letting me buy even though I have stock. Am I missing something obvious?

I dunno i lnow people sold it when it got over 400 and then bought back in when it got down to 126
RE: RE: Please excuse my ignorance,  
mattyblue : 1/28/2021 1:02 pm : link
In comment 15137044 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15137023 mattyblue said:


I really don’t know anything about trading or any of this but I have followed the story and all along have seen articles and people claiming that this is illegal, but those seemed to have stopped now. While I don’t fully understand how this all came to be, if people are making millions why doesn’t this happen more often, or does it? And is it illegal, questionable, or totally fine?

It doesnt happen all the time, it happens on a much small scale, hedgefunds normally do this they buy a stock, short it and then buy it at a really low price and watch it grown..

They did it to Tesla and that is why Musk hates hedgefunds...

The reason this pissed off the hedgefunds, they shorted this stock when it was at 20 bucks i believe and it got down to 1, before they could buy it back, people jumped on it and the price skyrocketed costing the hedgefunds a ton of money...and they dont buy just 1,000 shares they are biying 20 million shares...

Now you will see it drop back down because they will restrict new buyers, hedgefunda will biy it up and short it until it goes back down...

Thank you
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: everything is tanking now  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 1:07 pm : link
In comment 15137062 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 15137020 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15137010 JayBinQueens said:


In comment 15136915 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15136907 UConn4523 said:


with buying abilities halted.

They halted buying with margins

Is buying 2 shares of stock at the current price buying with margin (I don't know much about terminology etc)? They're not letting any purchases right now

No new buyers now, the only people buying the stock are the people who already had it, so they sold probably when it got over 400 and bought bakc in ag 126 thatz why you see it going back up...

So, I had bought some on Monday. It's only letting me sell and not letting me buy even though I have stock. Am I missing something obvious?

Yeah, they stopped people from buying a slew of stocks across a few trading platforms, including RH. Totally normal.
what hedge funds do still conduses me a little bit  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 1:08 pm : link
but the basic premise is they see a failing stock and they borrow shares and sell them right away with the intent of bjying back when it dropa
Love all the  
Route 9 : 1/28/2021 1:13 pm : link
"Just live within your means" memes

RE: what hedge funds do still conduses me a little bit  
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 1:14 pm : link
In comment 15137077 nygiants16 said:
but the basic premise is they see a failing stock and they borrow shares and sell them right away with the intent of bjying back when it dropa

that is one form of it, but the more risky from of it often done by hedge funds is naked shorting. Meaning you sell shares of stock without "borrowing" them. Technically it's illegal, but it still happens and when/if a short squeeze happens much bigger losses.

Class action suit against Robinhood already filed  
Heisenberg : 1/28/2021 1:14 pm : link
that was quick
Link - ( New Window )
RE: Class action suit against Robinhood already filed  
Del Shofner : 1/28/2021 1:16 pm : link
In comment 15137087 Heisenberg said:
that was quick Link - ( New Window )

and so many people are trying to read it, the SDNY PACER function has crashed, which is a pain in the butt for lawyers who are trying to get some actual work done...
Route 9 : 1/28/2021 1:16 pm : link
Just got one on my M1 app saying they're not allowing purchases of Gamestop, AMC, KOSS and those trades will be cancelled.
RE: ......  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 1:24 pm : link
In comment 15137091 Route 9 said:
Just got one on my M1 app saying they're not allowing purchases of Gamestop, AMC, KOSS and those trades will be cancelled.

They are doing you a favor with gamestop right now, AMC once it opens it may not hurt to buy
RE: I sure hope it is  
Gatorade Dunk : 1/28/2021 1:27 pm : link
In comment 15136707 bigblue1124 said:
I was going to buy GME at 88.00 but pulled back figuring it would not last :( If I could kick myself in the balls I would.

I did get in with AMC yesterday at 13.00 for 700 so obviously hoping we can see something along the lines?

If not live an learn. I am fully prepared to loss money but would love to make a lot. lol

For a $700 position, you're probably safe. And probably won't make a lot - your initial footprint just isn't big enough.
RE: RE: ......  
Route 9 : 1/28/2021 1:31 pm : link
In comment 15137106 nygiants16 said:
They are doing you a favor with gamestop right now, AMC once it opens it may not hurt to buy

Oh yeah I haven't put money into anything since around September. I don't even have a lot in there, just for fun.
Tyrion : 1/28/2021 1:33 pm : link
In comment 15136710 Sec 103 said:

Not available for purchasing on RobinHood, of course.
RE: what hedge funds do still conduses me a little bit  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 1:44 pm : link
In comment 15137077 nygiants16 said:
but the basic premise is they see a failing stock and they borrow shares and sell them right away with the intent of bjying back when it dropa

Right, but the sketchy part is where they go all over and announce that they are shorting it or trash the stock on tv. Then your average investor is like shit if they are doing/saying this, there must be something to it. They then sell and tank the stocks making profits for the shorters
And then they go and buy regular stocks at a severly undervalued price  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 1:45 pm : link
RE: RE: ......  
schabadoo : 1/28/2021 1:56 pm : link
In comment 15137106 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15137091 Route 9 said:


Just got one on my M1 app saying they're not allowing purchases of Gamestop, AMC, KOSS and those trades will be cancelled.

They are doing you a favor with gamestop right now, AMC once it opens it may not hurt to buy

Not sure most people want these kind of favors.
RE: RE: I sure hope it is  
bigblue1124 : 1/28/2021 1:59 pm : link
In comment 15137111 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 15136707 bigblue1124 said:


I was going to buy GME at 88.00 but pulled back figuring it would not last :( If I could kick myself in the balls I would.

I did get in with AMC yesterday at 13.00 for 700 so obviously hoping we can see something along the lines?

If not live an learn. I am fully prepared to loss money but would love to make a lot. lol

For a $700 position, you're probably safe. And probably won't make a lot - your initial footprint just isn't big enough.

I may not have been clear in my post, I bought 700 shares for 13 so yeah today has sucked.
RE: RE: RE: I sure hope it is  
Gatorade Dunk : 1/28/2021 2:02 pm : link
In comment 15137164 bigblue1124 said:
In comment 15137111 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 15136707 bigblue1124 said:


I was going to buy GME at 88.00 but pulled back figuring it would not last :( If I could kick myself in the balls I would.

I did get in with AMC yesterday at 13.00 for 700 so obviously hoping we can see something along the lines?

If not live an learn. I am fully prepared to loss money but would love to make a lot. lol

For a $700 position, you're probably safe. And probably won't make a lot - your initial footprint just isn't big enough.

I may not have been clear in my post, I bought 700 shares for 13 so yeah today has sucked.

Ooof, yeah, that's a big difference. Sorry for misunderstanding.
Route 9 : 1/28/2021 2:39 pm : link
I hear they're targeting Nokia and Circuit City next?
Wow. Webull reversed their decision and is now allowing GME + AMC  
guitarguybs12 : 1/28/2021 2:54 pm : link
...and of course the prices go up
Founder of twitch saying  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 2:54 pm : link
Citadel reloaded their shorts right before telling robinhood to stop trading
Link - ( New Window )
No idea if true  
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 2:56 pm : link
but holy shit.

Robinhood Insider Information

I work for Robinhood. Don't kill me.

Low-level, technical shit, comp sciences major, not finance side.

Guess what we overhead today?

Vladimir, yes founder Vladimir, and the C-Suite, received calls from Sequoia Capital and the White House that pressured into closing trading on GME etc. I guarantee you the same took place at E-Trade and the others who closed trading.

File reports on the SEC page. If I wasn't scared to be out of work in a pandemic I'd quit. I'm disgusted. We all need to rise up, this is as bad as it gets when we talk about how the rich get one set of rules, and the rest of us get screwed 🪛 over, and over, and over again left to bail them out and pick up the tab for their trillion dollar tax breaks. We need to pile pressure on every government and financial institution involved in this travesty of justice.

I'm taking a massive career risk even posting here but fuck these motherfuckers.

link - ( New Window )
RE: No idea if true  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 3:01 pm : link
In comment 15137232 pjcas18 said:
but holy shit.


Robinhood Insider Information

I work for Robinhood. Don't kill me.

Low-level, technical shit, comp sciences major, not finance side.

Guess what we overhead today?

Vladimir, yes founder Vladimir, and the C-Suite, received calls from Sequoia Capital and the White House that pressured into closing trading on GME etc. I guarantee you the same took place at E-Trade and the others who closed trading.

File reports on the SEC page. If I wasn't scared to be out of work in a pandemic I'd quit. I'm disgusted. We all need to rise up, this is as bad as it gets when we talk about how the rich get one set of rules, and the rest of us get screwed 🪛 over, and over, and over again left to bail them out and pick up the tab for their trillion dollar tax breaks. We need to pile pressure on every government and financial institution involved in this travesty of justice.

I'm taking a massive career risk even posting here but fuck these motherfuckers.

link - ( New Window )

Saw that like 5 mins ago. Seems a little fishy. How would a work from home low level IT guy be privy to that?

Very Holy shit it true
overheard doesn't mean ear to a door  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 3:03 pm : link
word travels fast especially when your company is public enemy #1 in the internet age.

It all sounds 100% plausible anyway.
If all these brokers  
bubba0825 : 1/28/2021 3:05 pm : link
Stopped you from selling GME who is buying?
record setting amount of dark money  
KDavies : 1/28/2021 3:05 pm : link
who knows...
RE: overheard doesn't mean ear to a door  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 3:05 pm : link
In comment 15137237 UConn4523 said:
word travels fast especially when your company is public enemy #1 in the internet age.

It all sounds 100% plausible anyway.


Let's say it's true... what are potential fall outs from this
RE: RE: overheard doesn't mean ear to a door  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 3:14 pm : link
In comment 15137242 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 15137237 UConn4523 said:


word travels fast especially when your company is public enemy #1 in the internet age.

It all sounds 100% plausible anyway.


Let's say it's true... what are potential fall outs from this

Nothing. And the geezers wonder why all these kids are communists these days.
If this is true how is this not CRIMINAL?  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 3:21 pm : link
Robinhood selling people's stocks. Apparently, it's in their TOS they can do that. They are toast as a company for sure.
Link - ( New Window )
RE: If this is true how is this not CRIMINAL?  
KDavies : 1/28/2021 3:26 pm : link
In comment 15137252 Zeke's Alibi said:
Robinhood selling people's stocks. Apparently, it's in their TOS they can do that. They are toast as a company for sure. Link - ( New Window )

What crime is violated if Robinhood does something if it something agreed upon in their TOS?

I do agree that they are toast as a company.
RE: RE: If this is true how is this not CRIMINAL?  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 3:28 pm : link
In comment 15137258 KDavies said:
In comment 15137252 Zeke's Alibi said:


Robinhood selling people's stocks. Apparently, it's in their TOS they can do that. They are toast as a company for sure. Link - ( New Window )

What crime is violated if Robinhood does something if it something agreed upon in their TOS?

I do agree that they are toast as a company.

I'm not a lawyer, but it seems like that's in there in case they need to liquidate as a company, which is understandable. Instead, they are selling people's stocks to protect their investors.
well, they claim they are protecting their investors...  
KDavies : 1/28/2021 3:31 pm : link
there will be a ton of civil litigation spawning from this. Class actions are already filed.
RE: If all these brokers  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 3:34 pm : link
In comment 15137240 bubba0825 said:
Stopped you from selling GME who is buying?

It is most likely big companies and investors with big portfolios, they are jjst bjying and selling, letting it drop then buyign it for cheap, let it rise and sell again...rinse and repeat..

and i think if you currently have stock you can sell and buy back in
RE: If this is true how is this not CRIMINAL?  
Gatorade Dunk : 1/28/2021 3:38 pm : link
In comment 15137252 Zeke's Alibi said:
Robinhood selling people's stocks. Apparently, it's in their TOS they can do that. They are toast as a company for sure. Link - ( New Window )

Bull Investments has 482 followers.

You're circling the drain lately dude.
Robinhood is toast  
NJBlueTuna : 1/28/2021 3:49 pm : link
I can’t see how they do their planned IPO now with the class actions already rolling in and announced congressional inquiries being demanded by dems and republicans alike. Tbh, I don’t even know how their action today to forbid buying of shares and only allow selling of them is legal? That’s a classic squeeze/trap to hold investors hostage and force selling out of fear.

I can’t believe how this is unfolding. Will be interesting to see what forces coerced Robinhood to take this action as a private company.
Fuck Robinhood and fuck Wall Street  
adamg : 1/28/2021 3:57 pm : link
If it's not clear to you that the whole thing is a fucking money making scheme for the super rich now, I don't know what to tell you.
RE: Robinhood is toast  
santacruzom : 1/28/2021 4:02 pm : link
In comment 15137283 NJBlueTuna said:

I can’t believe how this is unfolding. Will be interesting to see what forces coerced Robinhood to take this action as a private company.

If this indeed tanks Robinhood as a company, I wonder if they'd remotely have a case that they were intimidated/coerced into making this decision.
RE: Robinhood is toast  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 4:02 pm : link
In comment 15137283 NJBlueTuna said:
I can’t see how they do their planned IPO now with the class actions already rolling in and announced congressional inquiries being demanded by dems and republicans alike. Tbh, I don’t even know how their action today to forbid buying of shares and only allow selling of them is legal? That’s a classic squeeze/trap to hold investors hostage and force selling out of fear.

I can’t believe how this is unfolding. Will be interesting to see what forces coerced Robinhood to take this action as a private company.

ot happens alot just not to this scale...Whenever a stock fluctuates up or down 10 points they halt the stock for certain period of time, its called a circuit breaker to try and stop momentum of a stock
RE: RE: Robinhood is toast  
giants#1 : 1/28/2021 4:03 pm : link
In comment 15137296 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15137283 NJBlueTuna said:


I can’t see how they do their planned IPO now with the class actions already rolling in and announced congressional inquiries being demanded by dems and republicans alike. Tbh, I don’t even know how their action today to forbid buying of shares and only allow selling of them is legal? That’s a classic squeeze/trap to hold investors hostage and force selling out of fear.

I can’t believe how this is unfolding. Will be interesting to see what forces coerced Robinhood to take this action as a private company.

ot happens alot just not to this scale...Whenever a stock fluctuates up or down 10 points they halt the stock for certain period of time, its called a circuit breaker to try and stop momentum of a stock

Circuit breakers aren't the same as brokerages preventing you from buying stock.
RE: RE: Robinhood is toast  
NJBlueTuna : 1/28/2021 4:09 pm : link
In comment 15137296 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15137283 NJBlueTuna said:


I can’t see how they do their planned IPO now with the class actions already rolling in and announced congressional inquiries being demanded by dems and republicans alike. Tbh, I don’t even know how their action today to forbid buying of shares and only allow selling of them is legal? That’s a classic squeeze/trap to hold investors hostage and force selling out of fear.

I can’t believe how this is unfolding. Will be interesting to see what forces coerced Robinhood to take this action as a private company.

ot happens alot just not to this scale...Whenever a stock fluctuates up or down 10 points they halt the stock for certain period of time, its called a circuit breaker to try and stop momentum of a stock

What? They shut buying down all day but only allowed you to sell on fear. Look up the company and see who has down all their pre-IPO financing.
RE: RE: RE: Robinhood is toast  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 4:13 pm : link
In comment 15137306 NJBlueTuna said:
In comment 15137296 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15137283 NJBlueTuna said:


I can’t see how they do their planned IPO now with the class actions already rolling in and announced congressional inquiries being demanded by dems and republicans alike. Tbh, I don’t even know how their action today to forbid buying of shares and only allow selling of them is legal? That’s a classic squeeze/trap to hold investors hostage and force selling out of fear.

I can’t believe how this is unfolding. Will be interesting to see what forces coerced Robinhood to take this action as a private company.

ot happens alot just not to this scale...Whenever a stock fluctuates up or down 10 points they halt the stock for certain period of time, its called a circuit breaker to try and stop momentum of a stock

What? They shut buying down all day but only allowed you to sell on fear. Look up the company and see who has down all their pre-IPO financing.

I am saying it doesn happen where they stop buying and selling, obviously not all day this is extremem
RE: RE: RE: RE: Robinhood is toast  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 4:15 pm : link
In comment 15137311 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15137306 NJBlueTuna said:


In comment 15137296 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15137283 NJBlueTuna said:


I can’t see how they do their planned IPO now with the class actions already rolling in and announced congressional inquiries being demanded by dems and republicans alike. Tbh, I don’t even know how their action today to forbid buying of shares and only allow selling of them is legal? That’s a classic squeeze/trap to hold investors hostage and force selling out of fear.

I can’t believe how this is unfolding. Will be interesting to see what forces coerced Robinhood to take this action as a private company.

ot happens alot just not to this scale...Whenever a stock fluctuates up or down 10 points they halt the stock for certain period of time, its called a circuit breaker to try and stop momentum of a stock

What? They shut buying down all day but only allowed you to sell on fear. Look up the company and see who has down all their pre-IPO financing.

I am saying it doesn happen where they stop buying and selling, obviously not all day this is extremem

Halting trading and not allowing a certain segment of the market from buying are very different
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Robinhood is toast  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 4:19 pm : link
In comment 15137315 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 15137311 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15137306 NJBlueTuna said:


In comment 15137296 nygiants16 said:


In comment 15137283 NJBlueTuna said:


I can’t see how they do their planned IPO now with the class actions already rolling in and announced congressional inquiries being demanded by dems and republicans alike. Tbh, I don’t even know how their action today to forbid buying of shares and only allow selling of them is legal? That’s a classic squeeze/trap to hold investors hostage and force selling out of fear.

I can’t believe how this is unfolding. Will be interesting to see what forces coerced Robinhood to take this action as a private company.

ot happens alot just not to this scale...Whenever a stock fluctuates up or down 10 points they halt the stock for certain period of time, its called a circuit breaker to try and stop momentum of a stock

What? They shut buying down all day but only allowed you to sell on fear. Look up the company and see who has down all their pre-IPO financing.

I am saying it doesn happen where they stop buying and selling, obviously not all day this is extremem

Halting trading and not allowing a certain segment of the market from buying are very different

true bad example on my part
Robinhood just announced it will allow limited purchasing tomorrow  
NJBlueTuna : 1/28/2021 4:29 pm : link
But the damage was done as it allowed hedge shorts to unwind their positions before contracts are due tomorrow. They just made the legal case against them even worse for the company.
This is a complicated situation.  
Mike from SI : 1/28/2021 4:38 pm : link
But one thing I believe is that Robinhood threw away all its goodwill today. I don't see why any retail investor would use their platform now. I obviously do not know or understand the pressure they were under, but just from the perspective of alienating their customer base forever, it seems to me to have been an incredibly short-sighted decision.
one oft-repeated joke I've seen on Twitter  
santacruzom : 1/28/2021 4:54 pm : link
Robinhood is quite misnamed, and from this point forward should be referred to as "Sheriff of Nottingham."
RE: This is a complicated situation.  
santacruzom : 1/28/2021 4:55 pm : link
In comment 15137348 Mike from SI said:
But one thing I believe is that Robinhood threw away all its goodwill today. I don't see why any retail investor would use their platform now. I obviously do not know or understand the pressure they were under, but just from the perspective of alienating their customer base forever, it seems to me to have been an incredibly short-sighted decision.

Totally. I mean, aside from the inherent risk of trading stock, now Robinhood customers have to consider the risk that the platform will suddenly prevent buying and cause a massive shift in that stock??

No thanks.
The head of Interactive Brokers was on tv today  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 5:10 pm : link
Saying they were stepping in by stopping trading to protect their clearing house. That people shouldn’t be buying a stock that is not rationally priced. That the fundamentals don’t support the price and that the only motive to buy is more or less illegal so they won’t support it.

GMAFB. Reddit got the death penalty for daring to make a hedge fund pay for its bad trades. Nobody stopped to assist Melvin’s risk management people in ensuring they knew what they were doing. If they didn’t expose their flank, this never happens. But they did, and we had to shut down the free market to help them and the other billionaires unwind their positions before resuming, “limited trading.”

Why should we think anything running on silicon will not be manipulated if it is in the interest of those at the controls? And in this case the ostensible loser on the GME trade has a ton of control over the literal instrumentality used by the kids.

Class action filed in New York. Get a fat payout of $3.28 from the settlement.
Are we supposed to really believe  
giantBCP : 1/28/2021 5:28 pm : link
that "retail traders" from reddit boosted the market cap of GME 15 billion dollars? Am I wrong to be a skeptic of everything as it's being portrayed in the media? It seems to me like there's some big money involved here, and it's not just from redditors.
For you guys that know this stuff  
montanagiant : 1/28/2021 5:33 pm : link
Isn't what RH did an obvious slamdunk of a Securities Fraud case? Is this not market manipulation?
RE: Are we supposed to really believe  
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 5:47 pm : link
In comment 15137402 giantBCP said:
that "retail traders" from reddit boosted the market cap of GME 15 billion dollars? Am I wrong to be a skeptic of everything as it's being portrayed in the media? It seems to me like there's some big money involved here, and it's not just from redditors.

that's how it started, it snowballed beyond what they imagined I think, but absolutely how it started - but it's not college kids on a reddit board using their weed money (initially), it was 50k from the guy who runs wallstreetbets forum, but eventually caught the attention of Elon Musk, Chamath Palihapitiya, and Mark Cuban.

Heck, my 18 year old college freshman called me and asked if she should buy it.

Then the vehicle that enabled it was robinhood, which is a mobile/web based equity trading tool that is much more in accessible and up the "Gen Z' alley.

Think of Robinhood like Draft Kings or Fan Duel, but for stocks - it's that easy to trade (usually).
RE: RE: Are we supposed to really believe  
giantBCP : 1/28/2021 5:53 pm : link
In comment 15137414 pjcas18 said:
In comment 15137402 giantBCP said:


that "retail traders" from reddit boosted the market cap of GME 15 billion dollars? Am I wrong to be a skeptic of everything as it's being portrayed in the media? It seems to me like there's some big money involved here, and it's not just from redditors.

that's how it started, it snowballed beyond what they imagined I think, but absolutely how it started - but it's not college kids on a reddit board using their weed money (initially), it was 50k from the guy who runs wallstreetbets forum, but eventually caught the attention of Elon Musk, Chamath Palihapitiya, and Mark Cuban.

Heck, my 18 year old college freshman called me and asked if she should buy it.

Then the vehicle that enabled it was robinhood, which is a mobile/web based equity trading tool that is much more in accessible and up the "Gen Z' alley.

Think of Robinhood like Draft Kings or Fan Duel, but for stocks - it's that easy to trade (usually).

Yes, but how much of the actual trading was from Wall St., and how much of it was from the “retail traders”? $20B is a huge amount of money, and I don’t think that the majority of that volume was from the average joe.
RE: Are we supposed to really believe  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 5:57 pm : link
In comment 15137402 giantBCP said:
that "retail traders" from reddit boosted the market cap of GME 15 billion dollars? Am I wrong to be a skeptic of everything as it's being portrayed in the media? It seems to me like there's some big money involved here, and it's not just from redditors.

The average joe just rode the wave, the heavy hitters were the ones to make it go
RE: RE: RE: Are we supposed to really believe  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 5:59 pm : link
In comment 15137415 giantBCP said:
In comment 15137414 pjcas18 said:


In comment 15137402 giantBCP said:


that "retail traders" from reddit boosted the market cap of GME 15 billion dollars? Am I wrong to be a skeptic of everything as it's being portrayed in the media? It seems to me like there's some big money involved here, and it's not just from redditors.

that's how it started, it snowballed beyond what they imagined I think, but absolutely how it started - but it's not college kids on a reddit board using their weed money (initially), it was 50k from the guy who runs wallstreetbets forum, but eventually caught the attention of Elon Musk, Chamath Palihapitiya, and Mark Cuban.

Heck, my 18 year old college freshman called me and asked if she should buy it.

Then the vehicle that enabled it was robinhood, which is a mobile/web based equity trading tool that is much more in accessible and up the "Gen Z' alley.

Think of Robinhood like Draft Kings or Fan Duel, but for stocks - it's that easy to trade (usually).

Yes, but how much of the actual trading was from Wall St., and how much of it was from the “retail traders”? $20B is a huge amount of money, and I don’t think that the majority of that volume was from the average joe.

Wallstreetbets subreddit gained 2.5 million users in the last week. Some people claimed to have put thousands in (if not more). There's power in numbers...

But, to be fair - there are definitely some big players involved as well
typically you would not see anywhere close to this volume  
mattlawson : 1/28/2021 6:22 pm : link
It’s crazy volatile. Big hitters and retail traders alike - that targets have narrowed from thousands of options down to like 10-20. The same 5 are pumped over and over and the media blitz is feeding into it.

The one guy lost 14 million in value today. This is nuts
RE: typically you would not see anywhere close to this volume  
Tyrion : 1/28/2021 6:32 pm : link
In comment 15137430 mattlawson said:
It’s crazy volatile. Big hitters and retail traders alike - that targets have narrowed from thousands of options down to like 10-20. The same 5 are pumped over and over and the media blitz is feeding into it.

The one guy lost 14 million in value today. This is nuts

He's still holding too.
His post spawned 17k+ comments from people  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 6:40 pm : link
Saying if he’s still in I’m still in. He won’t be for much longer, but amc and GME are up big AH.
If this is true, RH is finished  
montanagiant : 1/28/2021 6:58 pm : link
Robinhood has started selling users' stock without their permission and has been hit with a class-action lawsuit accusing the stock trading app of siding with Wall Street hedge funds by blocking investors' ability to buy shares of GameStop following a Reddit-fueled rally.
RE: If this is true, RH is finished  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 7:01 pm : link
In comment 15137449 montanagiant said:


Robinhood has started selling users' stock without their permission and has been hit with a class-action lawsuit accusing the stock trading app of siding with Wall Street hedge funds by blocking investors' ability to buy shares of GameStop following a Reddit-fueled rally.

Even if not true - do you see a way for them to survive this?
RE: RE: If this is true, RH is finished  
montanagiant : 1/28/2021 7:07 pm : link
In comment 15137454 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 15137449 montanagiant said:



Robinhood has started selling users' stock without their permission and has been hit with a class-action lawsuit accusing the stock trading app of siding with Wall Street hedge funds by blocking investors' ability to buy shares of GameStop following a Reddit-fueled rally.

Even if not true - do you see a way for them to survive this?

No way, their rep is ruined. But I think this really would open them up badly for lawsuits
I was stupid  
DC Gmen Fan : 1/28/2021 7:21 pm : link
I had a little play money and thanks to my FOMO I bought a couple shares this morning. Within 10 minutes I was up a lot. 30 minutes later I looked and was down and dropping. Got out with a loss but managed to stop the bleeding. Lesson learned. Maybe I should have kept holding until tomorrow but oh well.
RE: I was stupid  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 7:28 pm : link
In comment 15137470 DC Gmen Fan said:
I had a little play money and thanks to my FOMO I bought a couple shares this morning. Within 10 minutes I was up a lot. 30 minutes later I looked and was down and dropping. Got out with a loss but managed to stop the bleeding. Lesson learned. Maybe I should have kept holding until tomorrow but oh well.

Its going to be like this for awhile, fluctuate, people selling high then buying back in when it drops..
RE: RE: I was stupid  
DC Gmen Fan : 1/28/2021 7:34 pm : link
In comment 15137475 nygiants16 said:
In comment 15137470 DC Gmen Fan said:


I had a little play money and thanks to my FOMO I bought a couple shares this morning. Within 10 minutes I was up a lot. 30 minutes later I looked and was down and dropping. Got out with a loss but managed to stop the bleeding. Lesson learned. Maybe I should have kept holding until tomorrow but oh well.

Its going to be like this for awhile, fluctuate, people selling high then buying back in when it drops..

I do my trading through Schwab. Is it permissible to buy/sell a stock in the same day more than once and not be labeled a day trader?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2021 7:38 pm : link
I haven't been following the news that much of late-I needed a break-...can someone give me a quick synopsis of WTF is going on? Haha. Thanks. Much appreciated.
RE: If this is true, RH is finished  
BlackLight : 1/28/2021 7:38 pm : link
In comment 15137449 montanagiant said:


Robinhood has started selling users' stock without their permission and has been hit with a class-action lawsuit accusing the stock trading app of siding with Wall Street hedge funds by blocking investors' ability to buy shares of GameStop following a Reddit-fueled rally.

Those forced sells might be for margin calls.
widmerseyebrow : 1/28/2021 7:46 pm : link

video of interview - ( New Window )
RE: ...  
Route 9 : 1/28/2021 7:57 pm : link
In comment 15137477 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I haven't been following the news that much of late-I needed a break-...can someone give me a quick synopsis of WTF is going on? Haha. Thanks. Much appreciated.

BBI closed at 437.00 a share
RE: If this is true, RH is finished  
JohnF : 1/28/2021 8:01 pm : link
In comment 15137449 montanagiant said:


Robinhood has started selling users' stock without their permission and has been hit with a class-action lawsuit accusing the stock trading app of siding with Wall Street hedge funds by blocking investors' ability to buy shares of GameStop following a Reddit-fueled rally.

This screenshot is floating around twitter, supposedly from one or more RobinHood users. I'd take it with a grain of salt until it's confirmed. The lawsuit is real, though:

There are screenshots on WSB board  
State Your Name : 1/28/2021 8:01 pm : link
of people who were able to sell GME for over $2600/share today right before RH pulled the plug.
We were seconds away from a virtual black hole of liquidity in GME.

RH had no choice. But wow are they screwed. and this isn't close to being over yet.

There literally aren't enough shares to sell any more. Get your popcorn ready for tomorrow.
Chamath and AOC on Twitch at 8:30 to discuss RH and GME  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 8:23 pm : link
Is the most 2021 thing I can write.

Link - ( New Window )
RE: ...  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 8:31 pm : link
In comment 15137477 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I haven't been following the news that much of late-I needed a break-...can someone give me a quick synopsis of WTF is going on? Haha. Thanks. Much appreciated.

Hedge fund shorted over 120% of gamestop stock
Reddit found out and started raising the price
Wall st found out and Melvin Capital (the hedgefund) took an almost $3bil loan out to help stop the bleeding. Didn't work.
Robin Hood and other trading platforms stopped allowing regular people to purchase the stock this morning after crazy overnight movement.
Rumors have it the hedgefunds took out more shorts right before RH etc did this. Stock plummetted from almost 500 to low 100s.. It's been going up since but has been blatant market manipulation in favor of the hedgefunds
RE: There are screenshots on WSB board  
Vanzetti : 1/28/2021 8:32 pm : link
In comment 15137493 State Your Name said:
of people who were able to sell GME for over $2600/share today right before RH pulled the plug.
We were seconds away from a virtual black hole of liquidity in GME.

RH had no choice. But wow are they screwed. and this isn't close to being over yet.

There literally aren't enough shares to sell any more. Get your popcorn ready for tomorrow.

Anyone who buys GME at $2600 is making an
Incredibly risky
Purchase. They deserve what they get. Plus I doubt this is true. It was some OTK trade
It's fascinating.  
Del Shofner : 1/28/2021 8:38 pm : link
I don't really do this kind of work any more, but I used to litigate market manipulation and short selling cases. This is like the science fiction version of what used to be much more manageable, even if things were dicey (or crooked) sometimes. This is hedge funds meet the masses on the internet. Crazy stuff. I'll be watching the legal cases with great interest. There will be both investigations and discovery in civil suits as to what happened here.
Reddit users are not some heroes here  
Vanzetti : 1/28/2021 8:39 pm : link
Conspiring to buy a stock solely to
Manipulate its price is securities fraud.

I did not read the Reddit thread. So I don’t know how it was
Phrased . Maybe they avoided illegal sction but they are definitely skating close to the line
RE: Reddit users are not some heroes here  
BlackLight : 1/28/2021 9:11 pm : link
In comment 15137509 Vanzetti said:
Conspiring to buy a stock solely to
Manipulate its price is securities fraud.

I did not read the Reddit thread. So I don’t know how it was
Phrased . Maybe they avoided illegal sction but they are definitely skating close to the line

You don't have to be a blameless hero in this scenario to see the deeper point. Institutional investors manipulate stock prices routinely, and rarely, if ever get slapped down for it. But action gets taken when Reddit upsets the applecart.
RE: Reddit users are not some heroes here  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 1/28/2021 9:29 pm : link
In comment 15137509 Vanzetti said:
Conspiring to buy a stock solely to
Manipulate its price is securities fraud.

I did not read the Reddit thread. So I don’t know how it was
Phrased . Maybe they avoided illegal sction but they are definitely skating close to the line


The billionaire cheaters who game the system on a daily basis got burned by the peasants and you cry outrage!

No need to worry, the full weight of the system will bury those upstart peasants. And your faith in the "system" will be restored.
This twitter user  
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 9:36 pm : link
has a good summary of the whole back story to what we are seeing now, if you don't know stocks/finance at all you might need to look up some terminology.

I'll paste the whole twitter story (?) and then a link to it.

Josh Gross
So many folks (esp. the media) are missing the complete backstory on $GME and how we got here.

This has been simmering for over a year and the story behind it is great. I’ve been tracking this since September and devoured all of the details from the origin through today.
4:51 PM · Jan 27, 2021·Twitter Web App

Josh Gross
Jan 27
Replying to
So back in September 2019 (!) some guy named DeepFuckingValue posted this on r/wallstreetbets:

Josh Gross
Jan 27
It was just a post about his LEAPS (aka,
Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities — tl;dr long-dated calls) on GME.

At the time, nobody understood his position at all. The top comment on that post?

"Bid-ask spread on these are ridiculous, good luck getting rid of them" lol.

Josh Gross
Jan 27
For the next year, every month about once a month, he posted his "YOLO GME" position. Every month for a year he got made fun of.

I caught wind of this trade back in September 2020, a FULL YEAR after this guy was already holding. I also thought it was weird—the dying retailer?

Josh Gross
Jan 27
So I dug into the public quarterly reports of GameStop. Every quarter, public companies are required to release what's called a "10-Q" which is a quarterly report of their financials. You can find them here:

Josh Gross
Jan 27
And what did I find? GameStop was actually in a great financial position; they weren't going broke! In fact, they had a lot of cash-in-hand, enough to pay off all their debts.

So why was it trading at like … $2-4/share?

Josh Gross
Jan 27
Next, I looked at their short interest. "Shorting", for those who don’t know, is when you borrow a stock (from someone) and sell it on the market expecting the price to go down. You eventually buy back the stock at a lower price, return the borrowed shares, and pocket the diff.

Josh Gross
Jan 27
So, the short interest was over 100% of total shares. In fact, it was 140%. Which makes no sense—how can you sell more shares than there are shares?

Keep in mind, not all shares are actively traded. In fact, over 75% of $GME is locked up in passive funds and GME board & C-suite.

Josh Gross
Replying to
So really, short interest was like 300-500% of *float* (float is how many shares are actively traded, basically).

Which is insane. Basically, the shorts (which are hedge funds like Melvin) were expecting $GME to go bankrupt and they'd never have to cover (return their shares).
5:17 PM · Jan 27, 2021·Twitter Web App

Josh Gross
Jan 27
u/DeepFuckingValue had figured this out long before anyone. Even Michael Burry (yes, The Big Short guy) who bought in AFTER u/DeepFuckingValue.

And he bought in, with conviction in his trade, ignoring the haters.

Josh Gross
Replying to
A year later and people start to take notice on reddit. The price has started to inch up, from $4 to $8 to $12 over September and October.

And more people on r/WallStreetBets started buying in.

And then more people.

And then more people.
5:17 PM · Jan 27, 2021·Twitter Web App

Josh Gross
Jan 27
Replying to
Which, of course, makes the price go up. So the price keeps going up and more people keep taking notice and so on.

Eventually, the shorts are supposed to cover. But how? They need to purchase more shares than there are in the company. Well, that means purchasing at any price.

Josh Gross
Jan 27
So they start to cover, which means buying hundreds of thousands of shares, which pushes the price up more.

And then last Friday, thanks to momentum and growing interest from retail traders, we had what is called a "gamma squeeze." Which isn’t the short squeeze!

Josh Gross
Jan 27
So, quick aside to explain this: Market Makers (the big banks and funds, like GS, Citadel, etc) write options. When they do, they have to remain "market neutral" by law. So there are what's called "the greeks" on options: theta, gamma, etc. Look 'em up if you'r curious.


Josh Gross
Jan 27
"Gamma" is a number between 0-1 that changes on a call as the price of a stock gets closer to the call price. Lets say you buy a $300 call and the stock is $290. Gamma would be ~0.98.

Meaning for every call purchased (which rep. 100 shares), MMs buy 98 shares to be neutral.

Josh Gross
Jan 27
As gamma changes, they have to buy more or sell more shares.

On Friday, the price was over every available call strike, which meant that MMs had to buy millions of shares—if a call is "in the money" (stock price > call price) they have to deliver the shares.

Josh Gross
Jan 27
So on Friday and Monday, the price ran up very quickly as MMs hustled to cover the calls and settle them.

Then the news took notice and everything went wild. More people piled in, larger firms are piling in on the buy side, Elon, Chamath… and the price exploded.

Josh Gross
Jan 27
So that’s how we're where we are now. Supposedly, a number of shorts have covered. That being said, last I checked, the short interest was still ~138% so either:

(a) the shorts haven’t covered or,
(b) more people are shorting to replace the shorts that covered

Josh Gross
Jan 27
When you short, you pay a borrow fee which can change from day to day. Right now that fee on $GME is between 20-80%. That’s like… credit card interest rates! To borrow a stock!

So the longer you’re holding your short position, the more it costs.

Josh Gross
Jan 27
Eventually it either costs too much and you have to close your position for a loss, or you go bankrupt. Melvin almost went bankrupt (they got a $2.75B bailout from 2 other hedge funds).

This is where we are now. Where does it go from here? I’m not sure!

Josh Gross
Jan 27
Sorry this was so long, I find it really interesting and have been very invested in the story for months :)
link - ( New Window )
RE: RE: Reddit users are not some heroes here  
islander1 : 1/28/2021 9:58 pm : link
In comment 15137535 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 15137509 Vanzetti said:


Conspiring to buy a stock solely to
Manipulate its price is securities fraud.

I did not read the Reddit thread. So I don’t know how it was
Phrased . Maybe they avoided illegal sction but they are definitely skating close to the line


The billionaire cheaters who game the system on a daily basis got burned by the peasants and you cry outrage!

No need to worry, the full weight of the system will bury those upstart peasants. And your faith in the "system" will be restored.

Ding ding ding!
Noob Question.  
islander1 : 1/28/2021 10:25 pm : link
I've read that Gamestop's stock was shorted 140%.

How is that even possible? Or legal?
RE: Noob Question.  
guitarguybs12 : 1/28/2021 10:40 pm : link
In comment 15137570 islander1 said:
I've read that Gamestop's stock was shorted 140%.

How is that even possible? Or legal?

Because brokers can lend out already held shares to short sellers to sell short, which in turn once bought by someone, their broker can lend it out to be sold short again...

So the same share can end up getting borrowed and sold twice. Thus allowing short shares to mathematically exceed 100%
RE: This twitter user  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 10:45 pm : link
In comment 15137539 pjcas18 said:
has a good summary of the whole back story to what we are seeing now, if you don't know stocks/finance at all you might need to look up some terminology.

Thanks for posting this
Route 9 : 1/28/2021 10:56 pm : link
Any predictions about what happens next?
RE: RE: Noob Question.  
Knineteen : 1/28/2021 11:24 pm : link
In comment 15137579 guitarguybs12 said:
Because brokers can lend out already held shares to short sellers to sell short, which in turn once bought by someone, their broker can lend it out to be sold short again...

So the same share can end up getting borrowed and sold twice. Thus allowing short shares to mathematically exceed 100%

Noob question of the day (we all get one)...

How can something "borrowed" be sold? If I borrow my parent's car, I have no legal right to sell it.

How exactly does this work in the investing world? If I short a stock, how can I possibly sell a "borrowed" stock?
GameStop issues  
KWALL2 : 1/28/2021 11:24 pm : link
100+ million new shares? 🤪
RE: RE: RE: I was stupid  
Knineteen : 1/28/2021 11:30 pm : link
In comment 15137476 DC Gmen Fan said:
I do my trading through Schwab. Is it permissible to buy/sell a stock in the same day more than once and not be labeled a day trader?

What are the implications of being labeled as a day trader? I have a cash account with TDA; should I do anything differently if I want to try timing the dips tomorrow?
RE: RE: RE: Noob Question.  
widmerseyebrow : 1/28/2021 11:34 pm : link
In comment 15137593 Knineteen said:
Noob question of the day (we all get one)...

How can something "borrowed" be sold? If I borrow my parent's car, I have no legal right to sell it.

How exactly does this work in the investing world? If I short a stock, how can I possibly sell a "borrowed" stock?

Well, you can borrow money to buy a house and sell it for a profit if the value appreciates. Of course the value can go down and you would be responsible for the difference if you had to sell it.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Noob Question.  
Knineteen : 1/28/2021 11:57 pm : link
In comment 15137598 widmerseyebrow said:
Well, you can borrow money to buy a house and sell it for a profit if the value appreciates. Of course the value can go down and you would be responsible for the difference if you had to sell it.

Yeah, that makes sense. I get hung up on the idea of stock as an object...which then leads me to ask, how were shorts handled back in the day where owners were issued physical stock certificates?

I can understand the process in today's electronic age. But if I have physical custody of a stock, how can someone "borrow" and then sell it?
When you short  
pjcas18 : 1/29/2021 12:07 am : link
a stock, you borrow it, and sell it right away, but with the obligation to buy it back and return it to the original owner.

if a stock is trading at $10 and you think the company sucks, you short it which means you "borrow" a share(s), sell it at $10 (so you get $10 per share) the stock shits the bed you buy it at $1 (so you buy n shares at $1 per share and return them to the person you borrowed them from - and you make $9 per share profit).

In extreme cases if the company goes bankrupt, and you had shorted it, you never need to return the shares, since common stock holders are the last to get paid in a bankruptcy, IOW almost never get paid.

I've actually got a GameStop store near me,  
Del Shofner : 1/29/2021 12:17 am : link
on the other side of the river but I have to be over there anyway on Saturday. I'd like to buy something there to express my support; Does GameStop have any products that a BBI senior citizen might want to buy?
RE: I've actually got a GameStop store near me,  
UConn4523 : 1/29/2021 7:59 am : link
In comment 15137612 Del Shofner said:
on the other side of the river but I have to be over there anyway on Saturday. I'd like to buy something there to express my support; Does GameStop have any products that a BBI senior citizen might want to buy?

They sell used cell phones, might be able to find a Nokia and support two of these companies at once!
RE: GameStop issues  
Heisenberg : 1/29/2021 8:56 am : link
In comment 15137594 KWALL2 said:
100+ million new shares? 🤪

This is what AMC is doing which is really smart.
5 shares limit on Robinhood on GME  
glowrider : 1/29/2021 9:10 am : link
And other sales restrictions on the uncouth. Increased margin requirements. Forced sales.

Gonna be a helluva day.
RE: 5 shares limit on Robinhood on GME  
Heisenberg : 1/29/2021 9:11 am : link
In comment 15137758 glowrider said:
And other sales restrictions on the uncouth. Increased margin requirements. Forced sales.

Gonna be a helluva day.

Has the forced sales thing been confirmed?
They stopped  
pjcas18 : 1/29/2021 9:13 am : link
DOGE too. WTF.

I recommended that on the crypto thread and was mercilessly attacked. lol.

It was under a penny and spiked yesterday over .07. BTC at 34,000 or DOGE at half a cent.

I am not greedy, I wanted to unload it.
RE: RE: 5 shares limit on Robinhood on GME  
glowrider : 1/29/2021 9:17 am : link
In comment 15137762 Heisenberg said:
In comment 15137758 glowrider said:


And other sales restrictions on the uncouth. Increased margin requirements. Forced sales.

Gonna be a helluva day.

Has the forced sales thing been confirmed?

There are many screenshots of forced market sales, some on margin, others not.

I suppose they all could be photoshopped. I doubt that, though.
RE: They stopped  
glowrider : 1/29/2021 9:18 am : link
In comment 15137766 pjcas18 said:
DOGE too. WTF.

I recommended that on the crypto thread and was mercilessly attacked. lol.

It was under a penny and spiked yesterday over .07. BTC at 34,000 or DOGE at half a cent.

I am not greedy, I wanted to unload it.

Build your own stock market they say...
RE: They stopped  
JayBinQueens : 1/29/2021 9:26 am : link
In comment 15137766 pjcas18 said:
DOGE too. WTF.

I recommended that on the crypto thread and was mercilessly attacked. lol.

It was under a penny and spiked yesterday over .07. BTC at 34,000 or DOGE at half a cent.

I am not greedy, I wanted to unload it.

Lol i tried to throw a few $$ on it but it said I didn't have the 'buying power needed'
RE: RE: They stopped  
pjcas18 : 1/29/2021 9:28 am : link
In comment 15137791 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 15137766 pjcas18 said:


DOGE too. WTF.

I recommended that on the crypto thread and was mercilessly attacked. lol.

It was under a penny and spiked yesterday over .07. BTC at 34,000 or DOGE at half a cent.

I am not greedy, I wanted to unload it.

Lol i tried to throw a few $$ on it but it said I didn't have the 'buying power needed'

lol, it's .045 you need to be a heavy hitter to absorb that cost.
Robinhood back to not loading  
UConn4523 : 1/29/2021 9:37 am : link
RE: Robinhood back to not loading  
nygiants16 : 1/29/2021 9:39 am : link
In comment 15137811 UConn4523 said:

They will never let the Stock skyrocket, thats why people should of sold high yesterday or the day before...

As soon as it stsrts going up they will stop it
And it is going to be littered with people  
nygiants16 : 1/29/2021 9:40 am : link
short selling and trying to ride waves, it wont be new buyers
I can’t get into  
cjac : 1/29/2021 9:41 am : link
My Fidelity account

RE: RE: RE: RE: I was stupid  
DC Gmen Fan : 1/29/2021 9:44 am : link
In comment 15137597 Knineteen said:
In comment 15137476 DC Gmen Fan said:


I do my trading through Schwab. Is it permissible to buy/sell a stock in the same day more than once and not be labeled a day trader?

What are the implications of being labeled as a day trader? I have a cash account with TDA; should I do anything differently if I want to try timing the dips tomorrow?

If you are labeled a pattern day trader at CS, you must maintain 25000 liquidity
this is hilarious/crazy  
UConn4523 : 1/29/2021 9:45 am : link
I'm not really even trying to buy, just following the anarchy. Todays news will be wild.
RE: this is hilarious/crazy  
nygiants16 : 1/29/2021 10:05 am : link
In comment 15137829 UConn4523 said:
I'm not really even trying to buy, just following the anarchy. Todays news will be wild.

Its going to fall alot
RH gave THEIR EMPLOYEES $40 door dash gift cards  
glowrider : 1/29/2021 12:01 pm : link
Because the staff was upset about the plug being pulled yesterday.

This has been an uneventful day so far  
Knineteen : 1/29/2021 2:15 pm : link
a few ups and downs but nothing like it was the past few days.
So is this why Robinhood froze buying?  
montanagiant : 1/29/2021 2:41 pm : link
Reuters) - Online broker Robinhood has raised more than $1 billion of fresh capital from existing investors, having been strained by high volumes of trading this week and raising the ire of customers, celebrities and politicians for curbing the purchase of some hot stocks.

Robinhood's existing investors include venture capital firms Sequoia Capital and Ribbit Capital, who came together on Thursday night to offer the emergency funding, according to a New York Times report.

Reuters could not immediately verify if Sequoia and Ribbit helped with the emergency infusion.

"We're pleased to share that we've raised over $1 billion from existing investors to continue to invest in record growth. This is a strong sign of confidence from investors that will help us continue to further serve our customers," a Robinhood spokeswoman said in an email.

Why would Robinhood need emergency money if all they're doing is being a vehicle for others to use to trade stocks?
Tim in Capital City : 1/29/2021 2:45 pm : link
This NYT article does a good job explaining it.

The surge in trading forced Robinhood to raise cash. As waves of investors poured into the markets, Wall Street’s central clearing hub, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, demanded billions more in collateral from brokerages to shield it from the volatility. Robinhood, which had already drawn millions from its credit lines to meet margin requirements, turned to existing investors for additional capital so it wouldn’t have to impose further limits on customer trades.

A more detailed explanation: Brokerages post money with the D.T.C.C. to cover customers’ transactions while they wait for the trades to settle. With such a big surge in trading, the clearing hub wanted more assurance: “It’s the D.T.C.C. saying ‘This stuff is just too risky,’ ” said the Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Larry Tabb.

Other online brokerages also cited the D.T.C.C. as a factor in decisions to impose trading restrictions.

Link - ( New Window )
RE: Montana  
montanagiant : 1/29/2021 3:25 pm : link
In comment 15138206 Tim in Capital City said:
This NYT article does a good job explaining it.


The surge in trading forced Robinhood to raise cash. As waves of investors poured into the markets, Wall Street’s central clearing hub, the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, demanded billions more in collateral from brokerages to shield it from the volatility. Robinhood, which had already drawn millions from its credit lines to meet margin requirements, turned to existing investors for additional capital so it wouldn’t have to impose further limits on customer trades.

A more detailed explanation: Brokerages post money with the D.T.C.C. to cover customers’ transactions while they wait for the trades to settle. With such a big surge in trading, the clearing hub wanted more assurance: “It’s the D.T.C.C. saying ‘This stuff is just too risky,’ ” said the Bloomberg Intelligence analyst Larry Tabb.

Other online brokerages also cited the D.T.C.C. as a factor in decisions to impose trading restrictions.

Link - ( New Window )

Thank you Tim for the link. That definitely helps me understand all of this.
This guy has been a fun  
JayBinQueens : 1/29/2021 3:36 pm : link
listen to/watch

Blackberry taking a hit now
Link - ( New Window )
If anyone is looking to short GME, just buy the LEAP Jan '23 $2 PUT's  
Kev in Cali : 1/29/2021 3:53 pm : link
Low risk given the cost of the option contract. Gives you great exposure to the down side with little initial investment. I just bought 20 contracts @ .67.

The company isn't worth that much and is priced on hype. I wasn't planning on getting involved with this GME game, but I don't think it sustains the current pricing over time. As another poster mentioned, with many current and future systems going to streaming based, what is GME going to sell? Accessories that can be bought via e-commerce?
RE: This guy has been a fun  
montanagiant : 1/29/2021 4:04 pm : link
In comment 15138272 JayBinQueens said:
listen to/watch

Blackberry taking a hit now Link - ( New Window )

He is definitely furious and rightly so
RE: This has been an uneventful day so far  
schabadoo : 1/29/2021 4:23 pm : link
In comment 15138169 Knineteen said:
a few ups and downs but nothing like it was the past few days.

Closed yesterday at $193
Closed today at $325.

Omg the Redditors discovered they can exercise their options  
glowrider : 1/29/2021 4:25 pm : link
To break the purchase limits 😂😂😂
RE: This guy has been a fun  
Kev in Cali : 1/29/2021 4:35 pm : link
In comment 15138272 JayBinQueens said:
listen to/watch

Blackberry taking a hit now Link - ( New Window )

It sounds like he should be more upset with his trading platform, not WS. If one doesn't like their rules (robin hood), open an etrade/morgan stanley/TDA brokerage account and buy/sell as one likes. I didn't have any limitations other than NYSE breaker which halted all trading of the stock the other day.

RE: RE: This guy has been a fun  
schabadoo : 1/29/2021 4:50 pm : link
In comment 15138367 Kev in Cali said:
In comment 15138272 JayBinQueens said:


listen to/watch

Blackberry taking a hit now Link - ( New Window )

It sounds like he should be more upset with his trading platform, not WS. If one doesn't like their rules (robin hood), open an etrade/morgan stanley/TDA brokerage account and buy/sell as one likes. I didn't have any limitations other than NYSE breaker which halted all trading of the stock the other day.

Which rules forced them to halt purchases but not sales? I haven't heard an explanation on this, even with Vlad's terrible interviews.
RE: If anyone is looking to short GME, just buy the LEAP Jan '23 $2 PUT's  
Tim in Capital City : 1/29/2021 5:22 pm : link
In comment 15138309 Kev in Cali said:
Low risk given the cost of the option contract. Gives you great exposure to the down side with little initial investment. I just bought 20 contracts @ .67.

The company isn't worth that much and is priced on hype. I wasn't planning on getting involved with this GME game, but I don't think it sustains the current pricing over time. As another poster mentioned, with many current and future systems going to streaming based, what is GME going to sell? Accessories that can be bought via e-commerce?

Kev - wouldn’t the stock need to dip below $1.33 sometime before 1/2023 in order for you to make money on that trade? Am I missing something?
I’d like to know why RH is limiting their users to one or two shares  
glowrider : 1/29/2021 5:38 pm : link
or a up to a generous 10 shares in a broad swath of securities like Starbucks Amd GM and more. Why?
RE: RE: This has been an uneventful day so far  
Knineteen : 1/29/2021 5:43 pm : link
In comment 15138344 schabadoo said:
Closed yesterday at $193
Closed today at $325.


Correct, with little fanfare in between. Most of those gains were from after hours yesterday anyways. Today didn't have any breaking news leading to panic selling. The past two trading days did.
The Bastages at RobinHood also restricing CCIV  
KWALL2 : 1/29/2021 5:59 pm : link
This is a SPAC with rumors of a merge with Lucid. If the merger happens it goes to the moon.
Intraday swings were wild. Not just after hours.  
glowrider : 1/29/2021 6:04 pm : link
Pardon the resolution, but this is today 1m chart. Shaded areas are the PM and AH.
RE: The Bastages at RobinHood also restricing CCIV  
JayBinQueens : 1/29/2021 6:17 pm : link
In comment 15138450 KWALL2 said:
This is a SPAC with rumors of a merge with Lucid. If the merger happens it goes to the moon.

Can you say this again in english for us dumb folks?
RE: RE: If anyone is looking to short GME, just buy the LEAP Jan '23 $2 PUT's  
Kev in Cali : 1/29/2021 6:48 pm : link
In comment 15138418 Tim in Capital City said:
In comment 15138309 Kev in Cali said:


Low risk given the cost of the option contract. Gives you great exposure to the down side with little initial investment. I just bought 20 contracts @ .67.

The company isn't worth that much and is priced on hype. I wasn't planning on getting involved with this GME game, but I don't think it sustains the current pricing over time. As another poster mentioned, with many current and future systems going to streaming based, what is GME going to sell? Accessories that can be bought via e-commerce?

Kev - wouldn’t the stock need to dip below $1.33 sometime before 1/2023 in order for you to make money on that trade? Am I missing something?

No because as the underlying (GME) price goes down, the value of the options contract goes up. So, if GME goes down to lets say $100, the option could be around $2-3 based on volatility and downward movement . Plus by shorting it long term, you have about 2 years to see how it all pans out. The closer the underlying price of the stock is to the strike price, the value of the option goes up.

In this scenario, one doesn't need to wait the full two years to see results. If it takes a sharp downturn at some point between now and expiration, I'll likely close out the options contracts or sell a portion and take a profit.

forgot to add.  
Kev in Cali : 1/29/2021 7:02 pm : link
Options have a time decay where as they grow closer to expiration they lose time value/utility each day.

The flip side of the PUT option is the CALL option. One can short the stock this way as well but would have to purchase the underlying and then sell a deep in the money CALL. Essentially you want the same outcomes, but the covered call will cost much more to get into.
KWALL2 : 1/29/2021 7:16 pm : link
SPAC help companies go public. Provides funding for the companies and a faster path for the company to go public (less regulations).

The SPAC does an IPO itself. Raises a ton of cash with 1 purpose. To take another company public. Once it has the $, it hunts for a company to take public.

They were really popular in 2020. Many more now with celebrities and athletes jumping in (Shaq, Baron Davis)

They trade like stocks. So you buy a share of the SPAC, in this case I bought CCIV, usually based on the management of the SPAC or rumors of a merger.

CCIV is rumored to be merging with Lucid (electric car maker with a great looking product). Typical SPAC stock trades from 10 to start and usually jumps to $12-13. If rumors start it jumps to $18-20.

Google CCIV. The rumors have been all over. Site called has a reddit type thread with people posting about the rumors.

CCIV stock is now $22-24 range. If the rumor falls through it will probably drop down to 13-14. If the Lucid merger happens? It will jump a lot.
Route 9 : 1/29/2021 8:20 pm : link
This thread is beautiful
RE: Jayb  
JayBinQueens : 1/29/2021 8:47 pm : link
In comment 15138532 KWALL2 said:
SPAC help companies go public. Provides funding for the companies and a faster path for the company to go public (less regulations).

The SPAC does an IPO itself. Raises a ton of cash with 1 purpose. To take another company public. Once it has the $, it hunts for a company to take public.

They were really popular in 2020. Many more now with celebrities and athletes jumping in (Shaq, Baron Davis)

They trade like stocks. So you buy a share of the SPAC, in this case I bought CCIV, usually based on the management of the SPAC or rumors of a merger.

CCIV is rumored to be merging with Lucid (electric car maker with a great looking product). Typical SPAC stock trades from 10 to start and usually jumps to $12-13. If rumors start it jumps to $18-20.

Google CCIV. The rumors have been all over. Site called has a reddit type thread with people posting about the rumors.

CCIV stock is now $22-24 range. If the rumor falls through it will probably drop down to 13-14. If the Lucid merger happens? It will jump a lot.

Thanks man. That's really interesting and exciting
Kev in Cali  
Kevin999 : 1/29/2021 9:32 pm : link
Aren't you betting the company goes kaput? If the company goes bankrupt and the stock goes to 0, those contract would be worth a max of $2. Even if Game Stop tanks to 50 on Monday I don't see the value of those puts going up very much.
RE: Kev in Cali  
steve in ky : 1/29/2021 9:44 pm : link
In comment 15138663 Kevin999 said:
Aren't you betting the company goes kaput? If the company goes bankrupt and the stock goes to 0, those contract would be worth a max of $2. Even if Game Stop tanks to 50 on Monday I don't see the value of those puts going up very much.

If the price goes to $59 on Monday than the price of his options would rise and he could sell the option for a profit. People rarely buy options to ride them out to the expiration date, they trade them when they move in a favorable direction.
RE: RE: Kev in Cali  
Tim in Capital City : 1/29/2021 11:12 pm : link
In comment 15138670 steve in ky said:
In comment 15138663 Kevin999 said:


Aren't you betting the company goes kaput? If the company goes bankrupt and the stock goes to 0, those contract would be worth a max of $2. Even if Game Stop tanks to 50 on Monday I don't see the value of those puts going up very much.

If the price goes to $59 on Monday than the price of his options would rise and he could sell the option for a profit. People rarely buy options to ride them out to the expiration date, they trade them when they move in a favorable direction.

The strike price of the option is $2. What is the maximum anyone would pay for the right to sell something at $2/share? $2ish bucks if the stock was at $0?
RE: RE: RE: Kev in Cali  
Kev in Cali : 1/29/2021 11:58 pm : link
In comment 15138726 Tim in Capital City said:
In comment 15138670 steve in ky said:


In comment 15138663 Kevin999 said:


Aren't you betting the company goes kaput? If the company goes bankrupt and the stock goes to 0, those contract would be worth a max of $2. Even if Game Stop tanks to 50 on Monday I don't see the value of those puts going up very much.

If the price goes to $59 on Monday than the price of his options would rise and he could sell the option for a profit. People rarely buy options to ride them out to the expiration date, they trade them when they move in a favorable direction.

The strike price of the option is $2. What is the maximum anyone would pay for the right to sell something at $2/share? $2ish bucks if the stock was at $0?

Not much. If I had more guts I'd of bought the $80-100 strikes....but I treat this like Vegas/gambling money and it's fun.
Amc bonds  
capone : 1/31/2021 11:47 am : link
Opined from a message board wondering if anyone has a comment :

I’m long AMC and sold calls against my common yesterday ... the $40 strike selling at $1.85 maturing in 7 days ...that’s an expected $29 increase in 7 days over the $13 the common trades at which is a 223% implied return in one week or 116x on an annualized basis ... I don’t know what Gen ex Rock star bought those calls from me but you have bigger stones than Yosemite.

If the Amc bonds are indeed trading at a deep discount ( can one of you bond guys confirm ?) that is good and bad but mostly bad. The good is the bond holders dont think amc can/will issue a shit ton of equity and buy the bonds back in the market or redeem them. So the risk of a highly dilutive equity raise to allow the shorts to cover is not priced in the bond market. The bad is that if those bonds are trading at a discount the bond market ( which has yet to be infiltrated by lunatic Robin Hood hyenas with stimulus money) also thinks the equity is worth zero. silver lake ( a blood thirsty hard money lending PE shop ) issued them $600m in debt but converted the notes to common at $13 in all this madness and did very well

The positive is that silver lake negotiated a $13 conversion price months ago so there MAY appear to be some rational scenario in which the equity is worth $13.

The bonds had an jnterest rate of 2.95% but there was a equity PIK ( payment in kind ) component at a discount to current prices .. it was secured debt so it was senior to much of the debt stack. Amc has $5b still in debt, would like to understand how the company is worth more than that let alone how the common equity is worth $13, I’m looking for the exit Monday or Tuesday absent and brilliant contrarian analysis.
I got my answer for those interested  
capone : 1/31/2021 6:48 pm : link
Silver Lake converted at a 30% discount to market per the loan agreement or about $13 and they sold it all at an average price of about $18. Using per pandemic cashflow of $600m to get to a $13 price teh equity is worth 4.5b at $13 + $4.5b in debt is an enterprise value of $9b or about 15x per pandemic cashlflow - which is nuts .....
Hey I just want to thank everyone  
montanagiant : 1/31/2021 11:46 pm : link
Who took the time to respond to us uneducated Stock folks to explain everything. I learned more about stocks in one week and 3 threads on here than anything else I ever read.

Correct me if I'm wrong  
Matt M. : 2/1/2021 1:31 am : link
or if I missed it here, as I only had time to go through the last page of posts...RobinHood claims they have suspended or limited trading at times because they act as their own clearing house for transactions. The overwhelming volume was becoming too expensive for them to complete. This is likely what the infusion of capital was for, right?

I forget the name of the other platform that suspended trading, but they had similar claims, except it was their 3rd party clearing house that could not handle the volume without an infusion of funding.
RE: Correct me if I'm wrong  
JayBinQueens : 2/1/2021 3:03 pm : link
In comment 15140369 Matt M. said:
or if I missed it here, as I only had time to go through the last page of posts...RobinHood claims they have suspended or limited trading at times because they act as their own clearing house for transactions. The overwhelming volume was becoming too expensive for them to complete. This is likely what the infusion of capital was for, right?

I forget the name of the other platform that suspended trading, but they had similar claims, except it was their 3rd party clearing house that could not handle the volume without an infusion of funding.

Yes. the big issue people are having is that Vlad (Ceo of Robinhood) claimed there was no liquidity issue and it was in the best benefit of their clients to suspend/limit buying stocks.

Looks like the fun might be over, guys  
Heisenberg : 2/2/2021 4:03 pm : link
It was a fun time.
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