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Steve Tisch saved the Giants from having Chris Mara as GM?

Sean : 12/15/2021 10:03 am
I have never heard this before. Ian O’Connor was interviewed on the NYG Weekly podcast. Per Ian, John Mara wanted to give the GM job to Chris Mara back in 2007 (when Reese was hired). Tisch apparently blocked it stating that this would make the GM unfireable.

That is very troubling, and say what you want about Tisch - his 50% stake is important.

I linked the podcast, discussion starts around the 47:00 mark.
Link - ( New Window )
Ok, find that somewhat odd  
jvm52106 : 12/15/2021 10:06 am : link
that it becomes a thing now. We have since hired another GM that wasn't Chris Mara so I am not too worried about that.

Les in TO : 12/15/2021 10:09 am : link
Take the keys away from John Mara. We need another George Young moment where we bring in the best external manager not someone in his Rolodex
Even though it didn't happen  
Pork Chop : 12/15/2021 10:11 am : link
it's troubling that it was even a possibility. Either John Mara has horrible judgement, or the family has undue influence over the franchise.

Either way, not a good state of affairs for the Giants. It's time for Goodell to pull a Rozelle, install an adult GM and turn this ship around.
Chris Mara  
Enzo : 12/15/2021 10:13 am : link
was in fact given an interview back on 2007. Four total candidates were interviewed. Reese was obvioulsy one of them. If you can't figure out the other two candidates here's a hint - they're both currently employed by the team.
RE: Even though it didn't happen  
clatterbuck : 12/15/2021 10:13 am : link
In comment 15496489 Pork Chop said:
it's troubling that it was even a possibility. Either John Mara has horrible judgement, or the family has undue influence over the franchise.

Either way, not a good state of affairs for the Giants. It's time for Goodell to pull a Rozelle, install an adult GM and turn this ship around.

And you assume it was a real "possibility" because...?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 12/15/2021 10:15 am : link
Mara is an incompetent boob.
Would Chris Mara have been a worse hire?  
GiantsRage2007 : 12/15/2021 10:18 am : link
Nepotism aside, he might have been a better hire than Gettleman. Win/loss record-wise, it would be hard to be worse, right?

Gettleman will go down as one of the worst GM's in history. Matt Millenesque.
That was the word at the time  
JonC : 12/15/2021 10:22 am : link
I'm pretty sure that got out too.
RE: RE: Even though it didn't happen  
rsjem1979 : 12/15/2021 10:25 am : link
In comment 15496492 clatterbuck said:
In comment 15496489 Pork Chop said:


it's troubling that it was even a possibility. Either John Mara has horrible judgement, or the family has undue influence over the franchise.

Either way, not a good state of affairs for the Giants. It's time for Goodell to pull a Rozelle, install an adult GM and turn this ship around.

And you assume it was a real "possibility" because...?

If you listen to the linked conversation, Ian O'Connor knows it was a possibility because he spoke each of the people involved. He directly quotes Steve Tisch, and relays that Chris Mara was "heartbroken" that he wasn't hired.

I vaguely recall that being a rumor around the time  
truebluelarry : 12/15/2021 10:30 am : link
but never gave it much credence.
I'd completely forgotten about it until seeing this, and looking back with 14 years perspective, the thought of that having possibly occurring is chilling.
Goddell? HA!! There's a joke. The commissioners role has changed alot  
Victor in CT : 12/15/2021 10:32 am : link
since then. Rozelle was there to grow the business but also keep the integrity of the league and rep in good standing. Today it's strictly about enriching the owners. And Goodell is also a phony asshole.
That's old news  
arniefez : 12/15/2021 10:42 am : link
Unfortunately for Giant fans Tisch doesn't pay enough attention to see that the Mara bros went around him.
O'Connor playing the role of Grim Reaper  
ghost718 : 12/15/2021 10:42 am : link
as for Chris Mara,he actually said things were tense between Tisch and John Mara.

Doesn't really support the theory that Chris Mara is just collecting a check.
Ian O'Connor  
Pete44 : 12/15/2021 10:44 am : link
Having Ian on our podcast next week, will follow-up on this.
Ian is one of the good ones  
djm : 12/15/2021 10:51 am : link
RE: Chris Mara  
mfsd : 12/15/2021 10:53 am : link
In comment 15496491 Enzo said:
was in fact given an interview back on 2007. Four total candidates were interviewed. Reese was obvioulsy one of them. If you can't figure out the other two candidates here's a hint - they're both currently employed by the team.

One was Gettleman, obviously. I recall him being butt hurt that Reese got the job. Who was the other, or forget. Abrams?
RE: Chris Mara  
Sammo85 : 12/15/2021 10:53 am : link
In comment 15496491 Enzo said:
was in fact given an interview back on 2007. Four total candidates were interviewed. Reese was obvioulsy one of them. If you can't figure out the other two candidates here's a hint - they're both currently employed by the team.

Giants have had some really laughable and illegitimate hiring searches going back last few decades. Even Coughlin was an "in the bag" hire because Wellington demanded him and Fassel was a sitting duck end of the season.
this has been known for a while  
ron mexico : 12/15/2021 10:56 am : link
The quote, you can't fire an owner has been stated by John as well I believe in interviews

In all honestly, we might be better off with one of the owners on the position over the current model
Here's a question I don't think I've seen discussed  
Go Terps : 12/15/2021 10:57 am : link
Is there a succession plan after John Mara and/or Steve Tisch?
RE: Here's a question I don't think I've seen discussed  
ron mexico : 12/15/2021 10:59 am : link
In comment 15496558 Go Terps said:
Is there a succession plan after John Mara and/or Steve Tisch?

Nephew Timmy is being groomed to take over for John.

Not sure about the Tisch side of things
Two Giants' co-owners disagreeing  
RCPhoenix : 12/15/2021 11:02 am : link
Is exactly what caused the Rozelle moment.

Even if it's old news I find it encouraging that Tisch actually pays attention to these things and it's not just John Mara making all the decisions.
RE: RE: Chris Mara  
Enzo : 12/15/2021 11:08 am : link
In comment 15496549 mfsd said:
In comment 15496491 Enzo said:


was in fact given an interview back on 2007. Four total candidates were interviewed. Reese was obvioulsy one of them. If you can't figure out the other two candidates here's a hint - they're both currently employed by the team.

One was Gettleman, obviously. I recall him being butt hurt that Reese got the job. Who was the other, or forget. Abrams?

yeah, it was Abrams. 10 years later, they were more or less operating from the same group of candidates.
I KNEW Chris Mara  
I Love Clams Casino : 12/15/2021 11:17 am : link
was meddling with personnel decisions!

Damn near a smoking gun as you're going to get to confirm he has input on who the Giants are getting. He must have been pissed!

Damn it Chris Mara! Hands off! You're a freaking horse trader, not an NFL guru....

Too many damn cooks in the kitchen
I really  
MtDizzle : 12/15/2021 11:34 am : link
dislike the Mara family.
Maybe Tisch should have let it happen.  
smshmth8690 : 12/15/2021 11:46 am : link
Would the results have been any worse?

Yes, I am kidding, but could it have been worse?
RE: RE: Here's a question I don't think I've seen discussed  
BillT : 12/15/2021 11:59 am : link
In comment 15496561 ron mexico said:
In comment 15496558 Go Terps said:


Is there a succession plan after John Mara and/or Steve Tisch?

Nephew Timmy is being groomed to take over for John.

Not sure about the Tisch side of things

Jonathon Tisch is currently the Giants’ treasurer.
Going by their record  
Bill in UT : 12/15/2021 12:00 pm : link
I'm not sure he really saved them
RE: I really  
NoGainDayne : 12/15/2021 12:13 pm : link
In comment 15496620 MtDizzle said:
dislike the Mara family.

Honestly I'd feel a lot better about them if it wasn't for their obsession with creating a narrative that they are "good" people.

You own the team, pal around with your friends and brother and whoever, it's annoying but I get why you would want to do that.

Don't insult my intelligence and tell me how much "you care" about putting a good team on the field when you make those choices. It's clearly not your priority don't twist the knife by peddling BS in addition to that.

You can be a very nice person and still be incredibly selfish with your actions.
RE: RE: RE: Here's a question I don't think I've seen discussed  
ron mexico : 12/15/2021 12:15 pm : link
In comment 15496681 BillT said:
In comment 15496561 ron mexico said:


In comment 15496558 Go Terps said:


Is there a succession plan after John Mara and/or Steve Tisch?

Nephew Timmy is being groomed to take over for John.

Not sure about the Tisch side of things

Jonathon Tisch is currently the Giants’ treasurer.

he is only 4 years younger than Steve
RE: Maybe Tisch should have let it happen.  
Section331 : 12/15/2021 12:18 pm : link
In comment 15496654 smshmth8690 said:
Would the results have been any worse?

Yes, I am kidding, but could it have been worse?

Well, seeing as it was 2007, yes, it could have been far worse.
RE: That's old news  
sb from NYT Forum : 12/15/2021 1:11 pm : link
In comment 15496530 arniefez said:
Unfortunately for Giant fans Tisch doesn't pay enough attention to see that the Mara bros went around him.

Apparently Tisch has had other things on his mind...

I am sure he has no voice in player personnel  
Justlurking : 12/15/2021 1:13 pm : link
LOL...this franchise is fucked
I have been beating this drum for a while now  
Chris L. : 12/15/2021 1:56 pm : link
until the Mara's get themselves the hell out of the personnel side of the business you are being delusional if you think this mess is going to turn around. The fish stinks from the head down. The first announcement we need to hear at the end of the season is that Chris Marra is stepping down as Vice-President of Player Personnel.
RE: Even though it didn't happen  
darren in pdx : 12/15/2021 2:18 pm : link
In comment 15496489 Pork Chop said:
Either John Mara has horrible judgement, or the family has undue influence over the franchise.

Lol, the family owns the team and runs the football side of operations. Of course they influence the entire franchise.
Chris Mara would not be the first GM/Owner  
kdog77 : 12/15/2021 2:19 pm : link
Jerry Jones and Mike Brown technically hold those titles for their teams. Dan Snyder probably thinks he is the GM of WFT.

Honestly it is surprising that a team owned 50/50 is overwhelming controlled by one partner.
I would almost prefer if they were up front with it  
ron mexico : 12/15/2021 2:26 pm : link
like jerry is. At least he faces the press regularly

Ummm the Cincinnati Bengals and the Dallas Cowboys  
Chris L. : 12/15/2021 4:41 pm : link
...if you remove the first three years of Jerry's tenure as GM (we all know Jimmy Johnson handled the draft for those teams) you basically have 60 years combined with ZERO Super Bowls for those two teams who have owners as GM. Like I said...its a VERY VERY bad idea!
RE: RE: That's old news  
Ten Ton Hammer : 12/15/2021 4:48 pm : link
In comment 15496776 sb from NYT Forum said:
In comment 15496530 arniefez said:


Unfortunately for Giant fans Tisch doesn't pay enough attention to see that the Mara bros went around him.

Apparently Tisch has had other things on his mind...

If Johnny did more of this and less football the team would be better off.
If true, this report does not fit with the narrative...  
EricJ : 12/15/2021 4:48 pm : link
that some people have about Chris Mara. That he has a vanity job in the organization.
RE: 2007  
whozzat : 12/15/2021 6:01 pm : link
In comment 15496491 Enzo said:
Four total candidates were interviewed.

Actually, there were five. Charlie Casserly interviewed as well.

Still turns my stomach that they considered casserly  
Ten Ton Hammer : 12/15/2021 6:09 pm : link
Who sabotaged his own Rookie QB behind a garbage OL just like gettleman did.
These are our Royals!  
trueblueinpw : 12/15/2021 6:19 pm : link
I used to ridicule people who followed the British royal family. But now it occurs to me, the Mara’s are kind of our royal family aren’t they?
IF this is true...  
EricJ : 12/15/2021 6:19 pm : link
that 4 of the candidates were essentially from the inside plus Casserly... then it just shows you how clueless John Mara is. It was never a serious GM search.
It very well was a 'lock' for Gettleman to get the job  
Jimmy Googs : 12/15/2021 6:32 pm : link
but he still didn't need to be incompetent in the role. It is almost difficult to get that many things wrong in 4 years. Just the law of averages would suggest a better hit rate.

Will always have his pressers though which were just classic...
This is old news.  
FStubbs : 12/15/2021 7:15 pm : link
Chris Mara also wanted to be GM in Atlanta.

But yet people deny he has any role in personnel and is just there drawing a check - despite the fact he could easily do so as owner anyway.

He took over the role in 2012 and that's when this dark age of Giants football began.

Coincidence or not, what we should hope for is that he really DOES reassign himself to a "drawing a check" position if for nothing more than optics.

As far as Jonathan Tisch being Treasurer, I don't think we as fans care about that stuff, we just want football guys making the football decisions.
Tisch as Treasurer  
Jimmy Googs : 12/15/2021 7:25 pm : link
was he in student council too?
Jonathon Tisch co-runs the very successful Loews Corp  
arniefez : 12/15/2021 8:31 pm : link
not the Lowe's hardware chain for those of you confused. He is not his brother living in LA and producing movies every once and while. He has a day job running a multi billion dollar company that employs 12,000 people and ranks in the Fortune Top 250.

As Giants fans IMO having him take over as CEO of the Giants would be the best thing to happen since the day Lawrence Taylor was drafted.

This is the guy someone is making fun of because the Giants list him as treasurer.

Doing Business As: Loews Corporation
Company Description: When it comes to diversification, Loews definitely has the low-down. The holding company's main interest is insurance through publicly traded subsidiary CNA Financial, which offers commercial property casualty coverage. It also owns hotels in the US and Canada through its Loews Hotels subsidiary. The group's energy holdings include contract oil-drilling operator Diamond Offshore Drilling, and interstate natural gas transmission pipeline systems operator Boardwalk Pipeline. Loews is controlled and run by the Tisch family, including co-chairmen and cousins Andrew and Jonathan.

Employees (all sites): 12,200
Revenue: $13.67 billion in 2020

Ranking: # 239 Fortune 1000 Revenue Rank

Do you want Jonathon Tisch running your team or John and Chris Mara who have the combined business experience of being training by Wellington Mara and are in the process of honoring the part of his legacy they have tried so hard to hide and white wash? I know which line I'll be in.

There as a thread about will you ever see the Giants win another Super Bowl. Have Jonathon Tisch run the franchise as CEO and my answer would change to yes.

I've said before the NFL put in a rule after the sale to Robert Tisch that 50/50 partnerships are no longer allowed. I hope there's tension and I hope it leaks out that the Tisch family thinks the Mara's are football and business incompetent. It's probably our only hope.
Jonathan Tisch....  
Bill E : 12/15/2021 9:03 pm : link
...might make a great CEO, but unless the Maras are willing to cede football operations to legitimate football professionals, nothing will change.
RE: That was the word at the time  
Red Right Hand : 12/15/2021 9:16 pm : link
In comment 15496505 JonC said:
I'm pretty sure that got out too.
It did, this was common knowledge, and there was no attempt to hide it. was reported on and discussed openly.

I'm not sure it would have been a mistake.he'd worked around the leaguye, been around the team and had basically spent his life grooming for the job. Was crushed when he wasn't hired, and took what was basically a figurehead job instead, which led to his general disengagement. Still not sure he wouldn't have done a better job than what we had/have.
RE: RE: That was the word at the time  
Ten Ton Hammer : 12/15/2021 10:20 pm : link
In comment 15497241 Red Right Hand said:
In comment 15496505 JonC said:


I'm pretty sure that got out too.

It did, this was common knowledge, and there was no attempt to hide it. was reported on and discussed openly.

I'm not sure it would have been a mistake.he'd worked around the leaguye, been around the team and had basically spent his life grooming for the job. Was crushed when he wasn't hired, and took what was basically a figurehead job instead, which led to his general disengagement. Still not sure he wouldn't have done a better job than what we had/have.

The concern was legitimate though. If he wasn't the right person for the job, how do you fire an owner/brother? It's a question that is best left not explored.
fkap : 12/16/2021 8:47 am : link
What makes you think Chris took a figurehead job?

Doesn't it make just as much sense to think he simply shifted his influence to a behind the scene role? That the more the team foundered, the more his role would grow as the view would be 'if only we'd hired Chris instead of Reese, and then DG'?

Our hope should be that DG was the figurehead, with Chris the man running the show, or at least with massive input. IF it becomes obvious Chris needs to have his voice dampened, only then will his voice be dampened.

Or, Tisch was right - you can't fire an owner. We're stuck with CM being a man with a voice in the room.

Any way you look at it, Chris had football ambition. That ambition isn't likely to have just magically disappeared.
and we are not just dealing with Cris anymore  
ron mexico : 12/16/2021 9:22 am : link
Tim McDonnel (nephew of Chris and John) is a rising voice.

He has made player personnel his entire career and doesn't look to be going anywhere.

It is easy to say that there are too many voices being heard  
NYGgolfer : 12/16/2021 10:19 am : link
in the NY Giant Front Office right now, some of them being owners and related family members.

But who is to say that these voices are not providing better opinions than what the last couple General Managers have brought to the table?

It is probably better to have the final decision-making group be a smaller one, but a broader team approach of gathering and developing the decision-making materials/info is fairly common. And as long as done with proper guidance, standards and controls is actually a favored approach.
By accounts Tim is a capable guy  
ron mexico : 12/16/2021 10:23 am : link
but there is really no way us as fans can verify that.

Whether or not we are entitled to verify that is a separate question.

Honestly, I would have no problem if they named Tim GM. It would at least show some balls. Maybe that will translate onto the field.
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