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NFT: Mets - Vogelbach gone

Arcade_Games : 11/18/2023 12:34 pm
Am I the only one who liked him? The article says Mets fans are happy about this, but you would not know that he was a reviled player by going to Citi field and watching the Mets games in a bar with virtually no one being negative towards him or booing him.

I guess the pipe dream of signing a bunch of Japanese all stars to the mets have clouded judgment or realistic mets team proposals ....
This is going to be the best day  
Jay on the Island : 11/18/2023 12:53 pm : link
of Frank the Tanks year.
Besides playing the field  
Metnut : 11/18/2023 12:56 pm : link
running the bases and hitting the ball, he was great.
What's to like?  
Csonka : 11/18/2023 1:07 pm : link
Average bat, no field, no run.
If the argument is that he wasn't a bad deal for $1.5M last year ... sure.

But DJ Stewart gives you more for the same price, and you certainly don't need both.

What do you mean by running bases?  
Arcade_Games : 11/18/2023 1:23 pm : link
like stealing bases or just running them regular?

If it is the later -- he can make it home ona single if he is at 2nd base and he can make it to 2nd base if he hits it in the gap in the outfield no?

I thought he played first base for the Mariners no?

He was kind of a unique player to me inthe sense that he got on base a lot by walking but he also had a lot of power.
As a personality I like him just fine  
moze1021 : 11/18/2023 1:33 pm : link
But he was playing too much over superior baseball players, hence the angst from fans.

He is a bench bat  
spike : 11/18/2023 1:36 pm : link
at best.
I admired his  
Drewcon40 : 11/18/2023 1:40 pm : link
aggressive gun chewing as he took the first two pitches to go down 0-2 in the count.
With his skillset  
allstarjim : 11/18/2023 2:00 pm : link
He needs to be a 40 HR a year guy.

He walked a lot, and then he can't get around the bases without multiple hits behind him or a HR.

His departure is a net value-add.
I'd feel better  
allstarjim : 11/18/2023 2:10 pm : link
About Vientos than Tellez.
RE: He is a bench bat  
Dr. D : 11/18/2023 2:28 pm : link
In comment 16293084 spike said:
at best.

A poor bench bat on a bad team. Barely a 1 tool player (other than a fork and knife).

Might be fun guy to have a beer with, but no way should he be on a roster of a team with championship aspirations.
When he's good, he's somewhat useful — but he's a luxury at best.  
81_Great_Dane : 11/18/2023 2:33 pm : link
He can't play the field, so he's strictly a DH. Not even an emergency first baseman. He's a base-to-base runner; no use as a pinch runner. So he'd better hit.

When he's on his game he's a potent lefty bat who chews up RH pitchers. But he went long stretches where he didn't hit a lick. He seemed like a sensible addition as depth for a contending team. He's a bad fit on a losing team. He's not the only reason they were a losing team, he's not even a main reason, but he sure didn't help most of the time he was with the Mets.

The game is changing. Versatility and athleticism are becoming more important. A guy who isn't athletic and who does only one thing well, and is inconsistent even at that, is not who the Mets need going forward.

He'll probably find a job somewhere, with an organization that needs what he can offer, limited as that is. The Yankees could do worse than Vogey at the end of their bench.
He's an end of the bench player on a contending  
BigBlueNH : 11/18/2023 2:41 pm : link
team. He shouldn't be playing over youngsters on a team like the Mets. If the Mets find themselves contending next year, players like him will be available at the trade deadline. I think virtually every Mets fan will be glad he won't be taking ABs away from Vientos, Baty or Stewart.
Can he play right tackle?  
GiantBlue : 11/18/2023 2:50 pm : link
Sign him up, Joe!
RE: He's an end of the bench player on a contending  
Arcade_Games : 11/18/2023 3:11 pm : link
In comment 16293126 BigBlueNH said:
team. He shouldn't be playing over youngsters on a team like the Mets. If the Mets find themselves contending next year, players like him will be available at the trade deadline. I think virtually every Mets fan will be glad he won't be taking ABs away from Vientos, Baty or Stewart.

You will fit right in on the Mets game threads where you will see vitriolic responses to me but I will not be one of those.

1. Vientos and baty both play 3B and not particularlywell I might add. Si it should be obvious one has to go.

The same is true for Mauricio who plays SS really.

Why go through hoops trying to fit these guys somewhere where ...

1. they are not stars.
2. they don't fit.

All this has nothing to do with Vogel.

Stewart may have played well late last year and did earn his prove it deal but man this guy is north of 30 and is a career .220 hitter.
RE: RE: He's an end of the bench player on a contending  
JayBinQueens : 11/18/2023 3:16 pm : link
In comment 16293150 Arcade_Games said:
In comment 16293126 BigBlueNH said:


team. He shouldn't be playing over youngsters on a team like the Mets. If the Mets find themselves contending next year, players like him will be available at the trade deadline. I think virtually every Mets fan will be glad he won't be taking ABs away from Vientos, Baty or Stewart.

You will fit right in on the Mets game threads where you will see vitriolic responses to me but I will not be one of those.

1. Vientos and baty both play 3B and not particularlywell I might add. Si it should be obvious one has to go.

The same is true for Mauricio who plays SS really.

Why go through hoops trying to fit these guys somewhere where ...

1. they are not stars.
2. they don't fit.

All this has nothing to do with Vogel.

Stewart may have played well late last year and did earn his prove it deal but man this guy is north of 30 and is a career .220 hitter.

Just want to make sure I'm reading this correctly - your argument is that we should have kept Vogey because the younger players who the Mets should be giving more ABs to are not stars and 'don't fit'?
Thank god  
Sammo85 : 11/18/2023 3:27 pm : link
Stearnsy is making moves.

RE: RE: RE: He's an end of the bench player on a contending  
Arcade_Games : 11/18/2023 3:28 pm : link
In comment 16293153 JayBinQueens said:
In comment 16293150 Arcade_Games said:


In comment 16293126 BigBlueNH said:


team. He shouldn't be playing over youngsters on a team like the Mets. If the Mets find themselves contending next year, players like him will be available at the trade deadline. I think virtually every Mets fan will be glad he won't be taking ABs away from Vientos, Baty or Stewart.

You will fit right in on the Mets game threads where you will see vitriolic responses to me but I will not be one of those.

1. Vientos and baty both play 3B and not particularlywell I might add. Si it should be obvious one has to go.

The same is true for Mauricio who plays SS really.

Why go through hoops trying to fit these guys somewhere where ...

1. they are not stars.
2. they don't fit.

All this has nothing to do with Vogel.

Stewart may have played well late last year and did earn his prove it deal but man this guy is north of 30 and is a career .220 hitter.

Just want to make sure I'm reading this correctly - your argument is that we should have kept Vogey because the younger players who the Mets should be giving more ABs to are not stars and 'don't fit'?

I'm assuming Vogelbach can play first base. So if that is the case -- if you are asking me of we should be jumping through hoops to accomadate 2 3rd baseman and a shortstop when we already have Lindor -- the answer is no.

Vogelbach is simply a better hitter than those 3 while they play positions wher back-ups can be had that offer much more defensive prowess as well.
DanMetroMan : 11/18/2023 3:39 pm : link
career at 1b -15 DRS, Pete Alonso for context +5.

Vogelbach debuted in 2016. 2016-2023 80 1b have played at least 1,000 innings at 1b, Vogelbach is 75th in DRS.

2 of the 5 worse than him have since retired (Miggy/Chris Davis) and a third is no longer a big leaguer (Luke Voit).
You’re likely not the only one who likes him,  
Section331 : 11/18/2023 3:43 pm : link
but you’re probably the only one surprised by him being non-tendered. He is a DH v only RHP and doesn’t play a position. His greatest skill is getting on base, but he’s a liability when there. The fact that he MIGHT be able to score from 2nd on a single doesn’t change that.

MLB teams can’t have a part time DH-only on their rosters, it is awful roster management.
RE: You’re likely not the only one who likes him,  
Arcade_Games : 11/18/2023 3:45 pm : link
In comment 16293195 Section331 said:
but you’re probably the only one surprised by him being non-tendered. He is a DH v only RHP and doesn’t play a position. His greatest skill is getting on base, but he’s a liability when there. The fact that he MIGHT be able to score from 2nd on a single doesn’t change that.

MLB teams can’t have a part time DH-only on their rosters, it is awful roster management.

That is simply not true. I don't know of how many teams that have dedicated DHs any longer. Further his stats are pretty middle of the reoad as far as DHs go.

The question really is -- can he play 1B. And not I am not expecting a high DRS -- whatever the hell that is. But can he play relatively error free baseball at the position.
RE: RE: You’re likely not the only one who likes him,  
Section331 : 11/18/2023 3:50 pm : link
In comment 16293200 Arcade_Games said:
In comment 16293195 Section331 said:


but you’re probably the only one surprised by him being non-tendered. He is a DH v only RHP and doesn’t play a position. His greatest skill is getting on base, but he’s a liability when there. The fact that he MIGHT be able to score from 2nd on a single doesn’t change that.

MLB teams can’t have a part time DH-only on their rosters, it is awful roster management.

That is simply not true. I don't know of how many teams that have dedicated DHs any longer. Further his stats are pretty middle of the reoad as far as DHs go.

The question really is -- can he play 1B. And not I am not expecting a high DRS -- whatever the hell that is. But can he play relatively error free baseball at the position.

What’s not true? So you don’t think teams carry DH only players any more, but you want the Mets to carry a DH-only who only plays against RHP.

He’s an atrocious defensive player, he can’t move. Sure he can catch a throw from an infielder but he can’t field. You’re obsession with this guy is really bizarre.
RE: RE: You’re likely not the only one who likes him,  
DanMetroMan : 11/18/2023 3:56 pm : link
In comment 16293200 Arcade_Games said:
In comment 16293195 Section331 said:


but you’re probably the only one surprised by him being non-tendered. He is a DH v only RHP and doesn’t play a position. His greatest skill is getting on base, but he’s a liability when there. The fact that he MIGHT be able to score from 2nd on a single doesn’t change that.

MLB teams can’t have a part time DH-only on their rosters, it is awful roster management.

That is simply not true. I don't know of how many teams that have dedicated DHs any longer. Further his stats are pretty middle of the reoad as far as DHs go.

The question really is -- can he play 1B. And not I am not expecting a high DRS -- whatever the hell that is. But can he play relatively error free baseball at the position.

DRS = how many runs he saves. He was 15 runs LOST at the position.

If you prefer-

From 2013 (BP) Glove 35/80

"Definition of bat-only profile, but the bat could be impactful. Defense not progressing as much as I’d hoped from previous views; DH looking more and more like the best future fit"

From 2016 (FG's) Field: 30/30 (out of 80)
Arm: 40/40 (out of 80)
DanMetroMan : 11/18/2023 4:02 pm : link
next organization will be Vogelbach's 7th.
DanMetroMan : 11/18/2023 4:07 pm : link
familiar (from 2021)

Claimed off waivers from Toronto during the 2020 season, Vogelbach’s bat erupted for a 161 OPS+ during a 19-game stint with the Brewers last season. His .219/.349/.381 slash line this year, however, registered slightly below the league average (97 OPS+). The 28-year-old continued to hit the ball with authority this year and even cut his strikeout rate to a personal best 22.1%, but his defensive limitations and middling offensive performance were enough for the budget-conscious Brewers to move on. The lefty slugger can be controlled through 2025 via arbitration if he latches on with another Major League team this winter.

Teams simply can’t carry one dimensional players anymore  
Jim in Fairfax : 11/18/2023 5:39 pm : link
You can’t carry a guy who doesn’t play the field and just DHs unless he’s an elite hitter. With pitching staffs the size they are now, there’s simply not enough fielding backups to sacrifice a spot.

And giving positional players a day off in the field without losing their bat in the lineup is too valuable a thing to give away to a mediocre bat. For the Mets, if Alvarez is the hitter we hope is you’re going to want to DH him for 30-40 games a year to keep him from breaking down. And Lindor is going to need some days off in the field going forward.
If you look  
pjcas18 : 11/18/2023 6:00 pm : link
at all players on Fangraphs with just limited to 100 plate appearances, and rank them by fWAR Vogelbach is tied for 344 out of 461.

he is bottom 25% of all players in terms of fWAR and he is barely above average for wRC+ (meaning his hitting isn't justifying the fact he doesn't play the field).

People can like whoever they want, I mean he seems like a good dude to have a beer with or to have on your softball team but he's not really a fit for a MLB team.

And for the Mets, a team with a 200+ million dollar payroll having him as DH is an embarrassment.

Arcade trolling and hooking up  
Rob in Rockaway : 11/18/2023 6:20 pm : link
RE: RE: RE: You’re likely not the only one who likes him,  
giantsFC : 11/19/2023 1:17 am : link
In comment 16293213 DanMetroMan said:
In comment 16293200 Arcade_Games said:


In comment 16293195 Section331 said:


but you’re probably the only one surprised by him being non-tendered. He is a DH v only RHP and doesn’t play a position. His greatest skill is getting on base, but he’s a liability when there. The fact that he MIGHT be able to score from 2nd on a single doesn’t change that.

MLB teams can’t have a part time DH-only on their rosters, it is awful roster management.

That is simply not true. I don't know of how many teams that have dedicated DHs any longer. Further his stats are pretty middle of the reoad as far as DHs go.

The question really is -- can he play 1B. And not I am not expecting a high DRS -- whatever the hell that is. But can he play relatively error free baseball at the position.

DRS = how many runs he saves. He was 15 runs LOST at the position.

If you prefer-

From 2013 (BP) Glove 35/80

"Definition of bat-only profile, but the bat could be impactful. Defense not progressing as much as I’d hoped from previous views; DH looking more and more like the best future fit"

From 2016 (FG's) Field: 30/30 (out of 80)
Arm: 40/40 (out of 80)

I’m going w what DanMetro says. All I ever see from him are legit detailed scouting Mets player info that’s very organizational detailed. I feel the jury and judge has spoken.
RE: Teams simply can’t carry one dimensional players anymore  
Section331 : 11/19/2023 10:09 am : link
In comment 16293336 Jim in Fairfax said:
You can’t carry a guy who doesn’t play the field and just DHs unless he’s an elite hitter. With pitching staffs the size they are now, there’s simply not enough fielding backups to sacrifice a spot.

And giving positional players a day off in the field without losing their bat in the lineup is too valuable a thing to give away to a mediocre bat. For the Mets, if Alvarez is the hitter we hope is you’re going to want to DH him for 30-40 games a year to keep him from breaking down. And Lindor is going to need some days off in the field going forward.

Good post, but it’s not even a non-position playing DH, it’s a PART TIME non-position playing DH. He can’t hit LHP. He can’t play in the field. Ha can get on base, but can’t run when he does.
he's the poster child of what's wrong with big league baseball.  
Victor in CT : 11/19/2023 10:41 am : link
can't run, can't field, can't throw, zero athleticism, strikes out like crazy but occasionally hits one over the fence.

I'm sure Pee Wee Herman in the Bronx is drawing up an offer as we speak.
From his career stats..  
MNP70 : 11/19/2023 12:03 pm : link
Looks like he performed pretty much on target to what he's done in the past (hitting wise). Unless you expected him do be something different, he did exactly what he came here to do. He played to the back of his baseball card.
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