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Team's adversarial relationship with the fans

Ned In Atlanta : 11/21/2023 8:16 am
In the past few years I have noticed how incredibly sensitive the team, particularly on social media, is of any fan criticism

We've seen the head of PR get into arguments with fans. I remember in 2021 Hanlon got into it with someone about either Gettleman or Kevin Abrams if my memory serves me

The worse offender is Bob Papa, who clearly reads BBI, which he condescendingly refers to as a "chat room." They do not like it when people don't bend the knee to the "Giants way" and don't go in line with whatever narrative they are trying to push. They are either too stubborn to see how bad the product is or are delusional as to the current state of affairs. If you look at Papas twitter replies it's filled with condescending spats with fans who are critical of the product

Are other professional sports teams like this? For as much as they want to talk about how classy the franchise is, patronizing the paying customers seems like an odd strategy
Evan Neal too.  
robbieballs2003 : 11/21/2023 8:20 am : link
Good of him to own up to it but he wasn't the only player either.
RE: Evan Neal too.  
Ned In Atlanta : 11/21/2023 8:22 am : link
In comment 16297838 robbieballs2003 said:
Good of him to own up to it but he wasn't the only player either.

Forgot about Neal. Yeah, that was bad. Always seemed like a standup guy. Hopefully that was a one off, we were all young and dumb at one point, I suppose
Bob Papa is  
Silver Spoon : 11/21/2023 8:24 am : link
a hack and an annoying listen. I'll never understand the love for him.
They are sensitive to all forms of media  
Lambuth_Special : 11/21/2023 8:31 am : link
Not just Giants fans. Michael Lombardi seems to get under the organization's skin, when really they should just ignore whatever he says.

Really, when they are so defensive and reactive, I get the impression that they are not focused on what they need to do to be better than the other 31 teams in the league, and are more concerned about proving people wrong about certain players or front office personell that get criticized.
It is odd  
Sean : 11/21/2023 8:32 am : link
These people love to gaslight the fans for being critical. More disturbing, they talk as if the Giants have been right in their decision making process.

This is a team that is 35-75-1 since the start of the 2017 season.
My younger brother and I used to prank call "Bob" all the time back in  
Optimus-NY : 11/21/2023 8:41 am : link
the WNEW days when they had their Monday Night Show at the Steakhouse in the city, or wherever the heck it was, lol. We actually had them recorded too, but lost them! Damn, they were hilarious. Even as a young teen I knew Bob was full of it, lol.
It's a good observation  
Andrew in Austin : 11/21/2023 8:44 am : link
On the other hand, we are in a different world where one can be constantly bombarded with negative sentiment via social media, internet, television.

I certainly have had bad days in my career that were not broadcasted incessantly for the world to see - and as much as I would like to think I would be mentally tough enough to deal with it, I guess you just don't know until you are in the meat grinder.

It does definitely come with the territory these days - they likely should have some training for these young adults getting into an entertainment career.
Shocking - in an age  
section125 : 11/21/2023 8:48 am : link
of uncontrolled social media, people are reviled at being it is ok the make crazy claims on social media but it is not alright for the entity receiving the crazy claims to answer back with their own crazy claims....

Plenty of thin skin to go around.

Society has become much more negative and vocal  
JonC : 11/21/2023 8:50 am : link
with the Internet providing endless platforms, ability to create noise loops, and there's no place to hide if an organization chooses to participate. For a group with a lot of older men in the building, I'm sure it's a shift in the universe and quite alot to absorb.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/21/2023 8:52 am : link
I suspect some of these men are doing it after some cocktails too.
RE: …  
section125 : 11/21/2023 8:54 am : link
In comment 16297869 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I suspect some of these men are doing it after some cocktails too.

And just how would you come to suspect that? hahaha

Not that any of us would do that....
I think older people in positions of authority  
cosmicj : 11/21/2023 9:14 am : link
Aren’t used to how respect for institutions has decayed in the last few years. And social media has allowed that lack of respect to be communicated clearly with few filters. It’s a double whammy.
RE: I think older people in positions of authority  
JonC : 11/21/2023 9:19 am : link
In comment 16297904 cosmicj said:
Aren’t used to how respect for institutions has decayed in the last few years. And social media has allowed that lack of respect to be communicated clearly with few filters. It’s a double whammy.

Agreed, good post.
RE: I think older people in positions of authority  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/21/2023 9:22 am : link
In comment 16297904 cosmicj said:
Aren’t used to how respect for institutions has decayed in the last few years. And social media has allowed that lack of respect to be communicated clearly with few filters. It’s a double whammy.


And that "Respect" they were granted back in the day was used to hide the fact that they weren't good at their jobs.

Nowadays criticism is everywhere. Can't hide behind the walls anymore.

Adaptation is tough for some.

Social media...  
Brown_Hornet : 11/21/2023 9:32 am : link
...has given a big voice to small minds.

RE: RE: I think older people in positions of authority  
section125 : 11/21/2023 9:36 am : link
In comment 16297916 SirLoinOfBeef said:
In comment 16297904 cosmicj said:


Aren’t used to how respect for institutions has decayed in the last few years. And social media has allowed that lack of respect to be communicated clearly with few filters. It’s a double whammy.


And that "Respect" they were granted back in the day was used to hide the fact that they weren't good at their jobs.

Nowadays criticism is everywhere. Can't hide behind the walls anymore.

Adaptation is tough for some.

You are perfect example of what cosmicj was talking about. You agree with him but then say that "respect" was used to hide faults. That is not respect.
Respect is a filter. Criticism, some/perhaps much warranted, is everywhere. A lot of criticism is not warranted but simply someone's opinion of what they believe to be true.

In this case silence by Papa would have been the smart thing to do - ignore the "ignorance" and don't lend credence to the criticisms. Nothing he said was going to quell the beliefs of anyone but only exasperate it.
RE: Social media...  
BlueHurricane : 11/21/2023 9:39 am : link
In comment 16297935 Brown_Hornet said:
...has given a big voice to small minds.

Remember the kids who used to eat the Play-Doh in class? They are now holding phones and posting the first thoughts that come in to their brains.
Or maybe Papa  
joeinpa : 11/21/2023 9:44 am : link
Understands what is valid criticism and what is nonsense, and there is plenty of that here. Fans stating speculation as fact and creating conclusions based on false hood.

None-of them try to defend the product on the field

There's always that, but that's cherry-picking too  
JonC : 11/21/2023 9:47 am : link
Winning four Super Bowls...  
bw in dc : 11/21/2023 9:49 am : link
in four consecutive decades will create a sea of arrogance.

So, it's obvious - to me - that the original owners of the franchise don't like criticism and being told their business. And they are very slow to change.

The fans are the proletariat. Just buy your season tickets, keep a stiff upper lip, and enjoy an occasional free medium Pepsi.

I agree with all of the comments about social media's impact on society and the uprise in negativity. But when the professional team you follow is the dreadful, it's a nice way to vent frustrations and ideas.

RE: Or maybe Papa  
BigBlueShock : 11/21/2023 9:51 am : link
In comment 16297957 joeinpa said:
Understands what is valid criticism and what is nonsense, and there is plenty of that here. Fans stating speculation as fact and creating conclusions based on false hood.

None-of them try to defend the product on the field

Have you thought about applying to work in the Giants PR department? You may as well get paid for all the work you put in defending everything they do, no?
I think they genuinely care about the team  
UberAlias : 11/21/2023 9:51 am : link
I don't see them defending excessively or unjustly. They admit the flaws with the team. I see them responding more when they believe the fan narrative is off compared to what they see in the building. I can totally get why they feel that way. There is a lot of crap that gets thrown around here which is flat out wrong. I'm not speaking to the things they have addressed specifically because I don't have inside knowledge of that, but there is a whole lot of inaccurate shit that gets thrown around in social media.
RE: RE: RE: I think older people in positions of authority  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/21/2023 9:53 am : link
In comment 16297943 section125 said:
In comment 16297916 SirLoinOfBeef said:


In comment 16297904 cosmicj said:


Aren’t used to how respect for institutions has decayed in the last few years. And social media has allowed that lack of respect to be communicated clearly with few filters. It’s a double whammy.


And that "Respect" they were granted back in the day was used to hide the fact that they weren't good at their jobs.

Nowadays criticism is everywhere. Can't hide behind the walls anymore.

Adaptation is tough for some.

You are perfect example of what cosmicj was talking about. You agree with him but then say that "respect" was used to hide faults. That is not respect.
Respect is a filter. Criticism, some/perhaps much warranted, is everywhere. A lot of criticism is not warranted but simply someone's opinion of what they believe to be true.

In this case silence by Papa would have been the smart thing to do - ignore the "ignorance" and don't lend credence to the criticisms. Nothing he said was going to quell the beliefs of anyone but only exasperate it.

Criticism is warranted at times, no?

I'm allowed to criticize the organization when I feel they are not performing up to the high standards they claim to have. That's my right as a fan. Like it, don't like it, it really doesn't matter.

Nobody agrees with everyone else's critiques. That's natural. However, it doesn't make me ignorant if someone disagrees with me.

I have no idea why many of you remain fans of the team  
UberAlias : 11/21/2023 9:55 am : link
You seem to have so much hate and distain in every aspect of the team. What's keeping you in hold? Because it was the team you rooted for as a kid, but now despise every aspect of the organization from top to bottom? Nice...
So if one criticizes the Giants they have a small mind?  
jinkies : 11/21/2023 9:55 am : link
The Giants are a family run organization  
UberAlias : 11/21/2023 9:59 am : link
From what I can see, they tend to treat the people who work for it well. Of course those people are going to be defensive when supposed fans are slandering the team.
Here come the fan stasi  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/21/2023 10:06 am : link

RE: RE: RE: RE: I think older people in positions of authority  
section125 : 11/21/2023 10:13 am : link
In comment 16297978 SirLoinOfBeef said:

Criticism is warranted at times, no?

I'm allowed to criticize the organization when I feel they are not performing up to the high standards they claim to have. That's my right as a fan. Like it, don't like it, it really doesn't matter.

Nobody agrees with everyone else's critiques. That's natural. However, it doesn't make me ignorant if someone disagrees with me.

Critisize away, but then you'd better expect to get criticism back especially if you are wrong - and bitching about return criticism is silly. You reap what you sow. (Just like we are doing here - back and forth)

Respect and social media have nothing to do with each other. Social media is the antithesis of having respect. Unfiltered diatribes are disrespectful. Being able to spew nonsense and not expecting blowback is ignorance.
The Eagles are eating their lunch because they  
jinkies : 11/21/2023 10:13 am : link
don't treat the franchise as a family heirloom and they don't value loyalty and sentimentality above clear, objective analysis and self evaluation.

Giants management is backwards. If that's being disrespectful to an "institution". Tough noogies.

I don't view the Giants as an essential institution like education, military, press, medicine... they're an entertainment product. And they're not good at it.
RE: The Eagles are eating their lunch because they  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/21/2023 10:24 am : link
In comment 16298006 jinkies said:
don't treat the franchise as a family heirloom and they don't value loyalty and sentimentality above clear, objective analysis and self evaluation.

Giants management is backwards. If that's being disrespectful to an "institution". Tough noogies.

I don't view the Giants as an essential institution like education, military, press, medicine... they're an entertainment product. And they're not good at it.

Now you've done it.

Expect a glove slap from a fop in a powdered wig soon...
I think Bob is a workhorse and generally does a great job  
FranknWeezer : 11/21/2023 10:29 am : link
My main gripe with him is he needs to drop "thanks for a couple minutes" he says to EVERY guest on every show he's ever worked.
Yea I think it just comes with the territory...  
Jan in DC : 11/21/2023 10:31 am : link
Social media and sites like this allow people to voice their opinions and engage with one another.

One thing that I would point out, if you're looking for negativity, you can find it. And oftentimes, when you're looking for it, you're more likely to view BBI or Reddit or the whole internet as a monolith. A lot of the time when I see a thread where I know there's going to be unbridled negativity or a thread I'm just not interested in engaging in debate in, I just steer clear.

But if you're looking at it and there's just a thread about how DJ is washed and there's 100 people talking about it agreeing with each other... It's an easy trap to fall into not realizing that there's a whole group of the community who might choose to not take part in the conversation.
RE: I think they genuinely care about the team  
Lambuth_Special : 11/21/2023 10:44 am : link
In comment 16297975 UberAlias said:
I don't see them defending excessively or unjustly. They admit the flaws with the team. I see them responding more when they believe the fan narrative is off compared to what they see in the building. I can totally get why they feel that way. There is a lot of crap that gets thrown around here which is flat out wrong. I'm not speaking to the things they have addressed specifically because I don't have inside knowledge of that, but there is a whole lot of inaccurate shit that gets thrown around in social media.

What does it matter "what they see in the building?" What they are putting on the field is subpar, so whatever they they are seeing in the building is not translating, and that's a big problem with self-evaluation that they deserve to be critcized for.

They should be focused on proving 'bad fans' wrong, they should be focused on the 31 other teams they are competing against.
*Should not be focused  
Lambuth_Special : 11/21/2023 10:47 am : link
on proving bad fans wrong.
christian : 11/21/2023 10:53 am : link
A multibillion dollar organization has no business having its representatives bicker with their customers. It's pathetic and low-rent behavior.

The teams and the league employ advisors who beg the players to stay off social media and only let professionals handle their accounts.

That the professionals on the Giants staff tangle with their customers over social media is putrid.

Only the Giants management uncommon sense of loyalty saved Hanlon's job when he had his episode. Replace the Giants with any other similarly sized company, and Hanlon would be gone.
RE: ...  
Ned In Atlanta : 11/21/2023 11:01 am : link
In comment 16298052 christian said:
A multibillion dollar organization has no business having its representatives bicker with their customers. It's pathetic and low-rent behavior.

The teams and the league employ advisors who beg the players to stay off social media and only let professionals handle their accounts.

That the professionals on the Giants staff tangle with their customers over social media is putrid.

Only the Giants management uncommon sense of loyalty saved Hanlon's job when he had his episode. Replace the Giants with any other similarly sized company, and Hanlon would be gone.

That's my point. I agree with the people who say that social media allows people to be overly negative. Hand up, I'm guilty. But the Giants love to pat themselves on the back for how classy they are. They don't have to engage with their customers on social media. That's a choice. They could easily ignore it
You want to improve social media commentary?  
jinkies : 11/21/2023 11:06 am : link
Get better.

Win games.

Compete for championships.

That's the recipe. Not arguing with fans on social media. Bunch of dimwits.
I would typically suggest they should ignore it  
JonC : 11/21/2023 11:09 am : link
but at the same time it seems the building is pretty clearly an echo chamber in need of invasion or intervention.
RE: RE: ...  
BigBlueShock : 11/21/2023 11:10 am : link
In comment 16298061 Ned In Atlanta said:
In comment 16298052 christian said:


A multibillion dollar organization has no business having its representatives bicker with their customers. It's pathetic and low-rent behavior.

The teams and the league employ advisors who beg the players to stay off social media and only let professionals handle their accounts.

That the professionals on the Giants staff tangle with their customers over social media is putrid.

Only the Giants management uncommon sense of loyalty saved Hanlon's job when he had his episode. Replace the Giants with any other similarly sized company, and Hanlon would be gone.

That's my point. I agree with the people who say that social media allows people to be overly negative. Hand up, I'm guilty. But the Giants love to pat themselves on the back for how classy they are. They don't have to engage with their customers on social media. That's a choice. They could easily ignore it

Do the Giants really go around patting themselves on the back for how classy they are? I’ve heard players say it. I’ve heard former players say it. I’ve heard folks in the national media say it. But I’m not sure I’ve seen Mara and company running around talking about how classy they are
RE: RE: Or maybe Papa  
joeinpa : 11/21/2023 11:59 am : link
In comment 16297973 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16297957 joeinpa said:


Understands what is valid criticism and what is nonsense, and there is plenty of that here. Fans stating speculation as fact and creating conclusions based on false hood.

None-of them try to defend the product on the field

Have you thought about applying to work in the Giants PR department? You may as well get paid for all the work you put in defending everything they do, no?

When you use absolute words like everything, it disqualifies that take as legit.
I have been critical of the team often. There are many criticisms aired here that I do not respond to because I agree with them.

But I do often respond to what I consider inaccurate takes.
If you don’t agree that much nonsense is shared here, fine. But no need to inaccurately try to label me.
Blaming social media is lazy and misplaced  
Go Terps : 11/21/2023 12:03 pm : link
The Giants have been a disgrace for ten years, and that is be measured objectively by the terrible stadium, cycling through GMs and coaches, terrible product on the field, and pathetic attempts by state media to polish the turd.

As an example of the latter, remember this [I] pathetic[I] planted attempt to prop up Gettleman's image before announcing he'd be back as GM.
Disgusting - ( New Window )
I fucked up the italics but you get the point  
Go Terps : 11/21/2023 12:03 pm : link
christian : 11/21/2023 12:06 pm : link
Class is in the eye of the beholder. From my view the Giants are loyal, which is not synonymous with class.

There are a handful of incidents reported over the years I don't find to be classy. This is an unpopular opinion, I get it. But classy simply isn't the word I think of, when I think about the Giants.
christian : 11/21/2023 12:09 pm : link
Terps -- there are a number of more serious missteps the organization has made, but none more cringey than that puff piece while Rome was burning.
Gettleman going a farewell tour  
Ned In Atlanta : 11/21/2023 12:13 pm : link
before the Jake Fromm double qb sneak game, when tickets were selling for $6 on stub hub shows how disconnected from reality the franchise is
RE: Gettleman going a farewell tour  
Ned In Atlanta : 11/21/2023 12:14 pm : link
In comment 16298173 Ned In Atlanta said:
before the Jake Fromm double qb sneak game, when tickets were selling for $6 on stub hub shows how disconnected from reality the franchise is

By that I mean going on the field with his family before the game.
We are  
PaulN : 11/21/2023 12:16 pm : link
A chat room. What the fuck else are we? Experts? At bullshut, sure. You or we deserve any bullets we get. If we are going to openly criticize players, announcers, whatever, then we should also get criticism. If you can't understand and accept that, then go home and suck your thumb. For Pete's sake thry are human. I criticize, sure, and get criticized, you can't take any of it personal. You just can't. These players, who are just people like us, are young people, some almost kids. Playing a game! Maybe we take it all too serious. I yelled at the TV, at a player, for dropping a pass, my granddaughter says to me, but you know he tried his best, right grandpa. I said, yes, I know. But I was lying, here an 8 year old is showing me what a child I am. Without saying it because she still believes the best in people. So now we want to say whatever we wish, but the player should just shut up? Why, because he is getting paid? You jealous? I am, so I understand, but tgmhey are people, young people. Maybe we should be nice if we wish it back. But that ship sailed a long time ago.
IMO Its really the other way around  
blueblood : 11/21/2023 12:23 pm : link
the fans adversarial relationship with the team and they feel that the team doesnt capitulate enough to them.
RE: Bob Papa is  
Essex : 11/21/2023 12:23 pm : link
In comment 16297840 Silver Spoon said:
a hack and an annoying listen. I'll never understand the love for him.

I don't know if i would use the word hack, but I do not find him to be a good radio listen in terms of play by play.
Ironic re: Papa  
sb from NYT Forum : 11/21/2023 12:48 pm : link
He is as harsh as anyone during the radio broadcasts.
Much of the criticism is leveled at the team  
Mike from Ohio : 11/21/2023 12:48 pm : link
lately is warranted. They have been a hot mess of losing, hiring and firing people, and putting people in front of the media and public like Gettleman and John Mara who don't know how to come across as anything but sensitive and defensive.

The problem for the Giants is that this mess has gone on so long that they get on benefit of the doubt on anything (except for the sub-section here that would cheer if they took a punter at #5 overall because you have to 'trust the professionals").

The team should be telling its people to avoid responding on social media at all. Hanlon is a mess, and Papa seems to be following his lead. While your house is a mess for a decade, you don't get to publicly shout down criticism, warranted or other.

RE: …  
cosmicj : 11/21/2023 12:51 pm : link
In comment 16298158 christian said:
Class is in the eye of the beholder. From my view the Giants are loyal, which is not synonymous with class.

There are a handful of incidents reported over the years I don't find to be classy. This is an unpopular opinion, I get it. But classy simply isn't the word I think of, when I think about the Giants.

I’m with you, Christian. John Mara has behaved dishonorably repeatedly to Giants employees who deserved better. He clearly has favorites and treats those well. That’s not the same as behaving with class.
christian : 11/21/2023 1:20 pm : link
In comment 16298228 cosmicj said:
Class is in the eye of the beholder. From my view the Giants are loyal, which is not synonymous with class.

There are a handful of incidents reported over the years I don't find to be classy. This is an unpopular opinion, I get it. But classy simply isn't the word I think of, when I think about the Giants.

I’m with you, Christian. John Mara has behaved dishonorably repeatedly to Giants employees who deserved better. He clearly has favorites and treats those well. That’s not the same as behaving with class.

What Mara did to Reese and McAdoo is one of the grimiest actions I've ever witnessed.

Both of them deserved to lose their job at the end of the season. But not for participating in a charade Mara kicked off.

The others are a third rail that gets the temperatures rising on BBI, but I was not impressed with how they handled the memorabilia fraud, the accusation from the employee who said he was physically assaulted at work, nor their response the Flores accusation.
Some people just need to growq the hell up  
blueblood : 11/21/2023 1:27 pm : link
seriously... why they hell do you care about what Bob Papa or Pat Hanlon says.
Fans feel empowered by social media  
joe48 : 11/21/2023 2:10 pm : link
Keyboard queens make rude comments that they would never make face to face. Constant criticism here by some about the Giant organization makes me wonder why they even bother to root for the team.
RE: Social media...  
gidiefor : Mod : 11/21/2023 2:12 pm : link
In comment 16297935 Brown_Hornet said:
...has given a big voice to small minds.

this totally sums up the problem and why there is so much scorn for such
The Giants become adversarial mostly because they think  
ThomasG : 11/21/2023 2:23 pm : link
they are trying hard and making sound decisions that just don't work out in their views. They certainly don't come off as having enough self-awareness to realize they aren't good at their jobs, individually or collectively, despite the losing. So when they hear the criticism it doesn't sit well with them.

As for Papa, he isn't an idiot. And he isn't throwing his gravy-train and relationship away to take shots at the team, even if they are fair shots.

RE: Fans feel empowered by social media  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/21/2023 2:28 pm : link
In comment 16298334 joe48 said:
Keyboard queens make rude comments that they would never make face to face. Constant criticism here by some about the Giant organization makes me wonder why they even bother to root for the team.

Who's afraid of John Mara?...

Maybe a chair or a trash can? Barely.
RE: Social media...  
christian : 11/21/2023 2:28 pm : link
In comment 16297935 Brown_Hornet said:
...has given a big voice to small minds.

To be fair, Papa's small mind had a voice before Social Media.
RE: Social media...  
Wiggy : 11/21/2023 2:47 pm : link
In comment 16297935 Brown_Hornet said:
...has given a big voice to small minds.
this. In my opinion it’s the Fucking worst thing that has ever been invented. I guarantee you that 98% of the people who post that shit would never say it to their face. Society has become a bunch of negative narcissistic cowards. I guarantee if they met Bob Papa they would be lining up for selfies and fighting for positions to choke on his dick
RE: The Giants become adversarial mostly because they think  
joeinpa : 11/21/2023 3:12 pm : link
In comment 16298353 ThomasG said:
they are trying hard and making sound decisions that just don't work out in their views. They certainly don't come off as having enough self-awareness to realize they aren't good at their jobs, individually or collectively, despite the losing. So when they hear the criticism it doesn't sit well with them.

As for Papa, he isn't an idiot. And he isn't throwing his gravy-train and relationship away to take shots at the team, even if they are fair shots.

You ever even listen to his podcast? You re take about what he is willing to say is laughable
RE: RE: The Giants become adversarial mostly because they think  
ThomasG : 11/21/2023 3:32 pm : link
In comment 16298398 joeinpa said:
In comment 16298353 ThomasG said:


they are trying hard and making sound decisions that just don't work out in their views. They certainly don't come off as having enough self-awareness to realize they aren't good at their jobs, individually or collectively, despite the losing. So when they hear the criticism it doesn't sit well with them.

As for Papa, he isn't an idiot. And he isn't throwing his gravy-train and relationship away to take shots at the team, even if they are fair shots.

You ever even listen to his podcast? You re take about what he is willing to say is laughable

I listen to him on SiriusXM. What's so funny?
Toxic fans  
dancing blue bear : 11/21/2023 3:39 pm : link
Expect to spew their bile AND still have their asses kissed?

I got news. You are a customer they are indifferent about keeping. Truth be told you are probably unwanted.
RE: Toxic fans  
Lambuth_Special : 11/21/2023 3:52 pm : link
In comment 16298427 dancing blue bear said:
Expect to spew their bile AND still have their asses kissed?

I got news. You are a customer they are indifferent about keeping. Truth be told you are probably unwanted.

Gotta love the defiant tough talk on behalf of a franchise with the second worse record in the league during the past decade.
RE: RE: Social media...  
section125 : 11/21/2023 4:33 pm : link
In comment 16298362 christian said:
In comment 16297935 Brown_Hornet said:


...has given a big voice to small minds.

To be fair, Papa's small mind had a voice before Social Media.

Not sure that I agree with that point. This crap is a two way street. And the traffic flow is a lot more from ourside.

Papa would have been better served ignoring the chatter, true. Hanlon would have been better served a few years back, also. A lot of the good things he did were wiped away in that fit of rage. Both came off as pompous boors. There was nothing to be gained throwing down on the "chat room" crowd.(makes me crack up) The guy that somehow escaped the backlash was Eli. God love him, but his refusal to play in that game was bush league and a tantrum. I agree with you that John went overboard canning McAdoo and Reese, but I always regarded Eli's action as the one that caused the problem and fan revulsion.

However sitting here day to day reading some of the crap that is posted(and you have had tiffs with numbskulls yourself) causes some of the good posters to leave, some for the season and a few for good. In farness it isn't just here. This place is pretty sedate compared to a few I look at from time to time - freakin X(Twitter) is just vicious.

I don't mind a good back and forth. But some of the pure trash and vitriol(more than infrequently) is enough to make me wonder why I open some threads or engage (guess I'm not too smart). There is a point were both sides a wrong and need to walk away before the bridges are burned.

Didn't mean to bore you. Anywho, not looking to pick a fight with anyone. Just an observation and an opinion.
RE: Or maybe Papa  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/21/2023 6:07 pm : link
In comment 16297957 joeinpa said:
Understands what is valid criticism and what is nonsense, and there is plenty of that here. Fans stating speculation as fact and creating conclusions based on false hood.

None-of them try to defend the product on the field

When the radio guy is scolding fans and claiming insider knowledge, he's no better than the speculating fans. When he uses lies and omissions (like not mentioning a GM and HC getting fired for the way they handled a QB situation that the owner had approved - or that the owner had approval authority for a lineup change in the first place), he's worse than the speculating fans, because at least the fans are trying to be honest even if they're wrong.

As for Bob's credibility or knowledge on the topic itself, no serious professional organization is sharing their personnel strategy or even the meeting calendar itself with the fucking radio guy. So again, no better than a speculating fan. Just a different biased viewpoint, defending the guy who signs his checks (shocker!).

But some fans lap it up as though it's genuine insider info, so it continues.
RE: I have no idea why many of you remain fans of the team  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/21/2023 6:10 pm : link
In comment 16297984 UberAlias said:
You seem to have so much hate and distain in every aspect of the team. What's keeping you in hold? Because it was the team you rooted for as a kid, but now despise every aspect of the organization from top to bottom? Nice...

Because the Giants are one of the things that my father imprinted upon me from birth. Just because he's gone, doesn't mean the imprint is.

I have just as much birthright to the Giants as any Mara. Just less ownership.
RE: RE: Social media...  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/21/2023 6:15 pm : link
In comment 16298340 gidiefor said:
In comment 16297935 Brown_Hornet said:


...has given a big voice to small minds.

this totally sums up the problem and why there is so much scorn for such

Do you not think BBI is a micro-version of any other social media site?
We may be ignoramuses  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/21/2023 6:35 pm : link
but at least we ain't no clown show.
christian : 11/21/2023 7:29 pm : link
In comment 16298456 section125 said:
To be fair, Papa's small mind had a voice before Social Media.

Not sure that I agree with that point. This crap is a two way street. And the traffic flow is a lot more from ourside.

1) I only trimmed down your response for the sake of keeping the thread tidy 2) A lot of great notes in there that I will think more about.

I've had a number of professional experiences where the ignorant, naive, brilliant, and brutal public have weighed in on the job my coworkers and I did. It's not easy to read or keep quiet. But it's your job as a pro to do so.

The old workshop approach of WAIT (Why am I talking) is a good tool to pull out before posting on social media on behalf of your employer.
RE: ...  
section125 : 11/21/2023 7:39 pm : link
In comment 16298571 christian said:
In comment 16298456 section125 said:


To be fair, Papa's small mind had a voice before Social Media.

Not sure that I agree with that point. This crap is a two way street. And the traffic flow is a lot more from ourside.

1) I only trimmed down your response for the sake of keeping the thread tidy 2) A lot of great notes in there that I will think more about.

I've had a number of professional experiences where the ignorant, naive, brilliant, and brutal public have weighed in on the job my coworkers and I did. It's not easy to read or keep quiet. But it's your job as a pro to do so.

The old workshop approach of WAIT (Why am I talking) is a good tool to pull out before posting on social media on behalf of your employer.

I always trim down to try an keep it tidy - I applaud that simple technique and wish others would do the same.

Totally agree with paragraphs 2 & 3. Whenever I had to reply to a stupid request/email from my boss, I would write it, keep it in drafts and re-read both(his and mine) in the morning. Amazing what waiting for unemotional response can do and how stupid I "sounded" the night before.

Even here, I try to re-read to see if I come off as a boob. Sometimes I still do.
RE: RE: Or maybe Papa  
joeinpa : 11/21/2023 7:44 pm : link
In comment 16298530 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16297957 joeinpa said:


Understands what is valid criticism and what is nonsense, and there is plenty of that here. Fans stating speculation as fact and creating conclusions based on false hood.

None-of them try to defend the product on the field

When the radio guy is scolding fans and claiming insider knowledge, he's no better than the speculating fans. When he uses lies and omissions (like not mentioning a GM and HC getting fired for the way they handled a QB situation that the owner had approved - or that the owner had approval authority for a lineup change in the first place), he's worse than the speculating fans, because at least the fans are trying to be honest even if they're wrong.

As for Bob's credibility or knowledge on the topic itself, no serious professional organization is sharing their personnel strategy or even the meeting calendar itself with the fucking radio guy. So again, no better than a speculating fan. Just a different biased viewpoint, defending the guy who signs his checks (shocker!).

But some fans lap it up as though it's genuine insider info, so it continues.

I disagree that someone in Papa s position doesn t have credible information we fans are not privy to. I m surprised that s your take
RE: RE: RE: Or maybe Papa  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/21/2023 7:57 pm : link
In comment 16298580 joeinpa said:
In comment 16298530 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16297957 joeinpa said:


Understands what is valid criticism and what is nonsense, and there is plenty of that here. Fans stating speculation as fact and creating conclusions based on false hood.

None-of them try to defend the product on the field

When the radio guy is scolding fans and claiming insider knowledge, he's no better than the speculating fans. When he uses lies and omissions (like not mentioning a GM and HC getting fired for the way they handled a QB situation that the owner had approved - or that the owner had approval authority for a lineup change in the first place), he's worse than the speculating fans, because at least the fans are trying to be honest even if they're wrong.

As for Bob's credibility or knowledge on the topic itself, no serious professional organization is sharing their personnel strategy or even the meeting calendar itself with the fucking radio guy. So again, no better than a speculating fan. Just a different biased viewpoint, defending the guy who signs his checks (shocker!).

But some fans lap it up as though it's genuine insider info, so it continues.

I disagree that someone in Papa s position doesn t have credible information we fans are not privy to. I m surprised that s your take

We can agree to disagree on that, but how do you reconcile Papa explicitly claiming that Mara doesn't meddle with player personnel when we know (and Mara himself has confirmed) that Mara was directly involved in the Eli fiasco in 2017, both before and after it occurred?

Papa is either mistaken or he's actively gaslighting fans.
christian : 11/21/2023 8:14 pm : link
And I am sure I come off as a boob plenty myself. One thing I've recently come to terms with is not everyone was around here 20 years ago. We all really ripped each other to shreds, and came back the next day with no hard feelings. I probably haven't evolved much from that time.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Or maybe Papa  
joeinpa : 11/21/2023 9:51 pm : link
In comment 16298586 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16298580 joeinpa said:


In comment 16298530 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16297957 joeinpa said:


Understands what is valid criticism and what is nonsense, and there is plenty of that here. Fans stating speculation as fact and creating conclusions based on false hood.

None-of them try to defend the product on the field

When the radio guy is scolding fans and claiming insider knowledge, he's no better than the speculating fans. When he uses lies and omissions (like not mentioning a GM and HC getting fired for the way they handled a QB situation that the owner had approved - or that the owner had approval authority for a lineup change in the first place), he's worse than the speculating fans, because at least the fans are trying to be honest even if they're wrong.

As for Bob's credibility or knowledge on the topic itself, no serious professional organization is sharing their personnel strategy or even the meeting calendar itself with the fucking radio guy. So again, no better than a speculating fan. Just a different biased viewpoint, defending the guy who signs his checks (shocker!).

But some fans lap it up as though it's genuine insider info, so it continues.

I disagree that someone in Papa s position doesn t have credible information we fans are not privy to. I m surprised that s your take

We can agree to disagree on that, but how do you reconcile Papa explicitly claiming that Mara doesn't meddle with player personnel when we know (and Mara himself has confirmed) that Mara was directly involved in the Eli fiasco in 2017, both before and after it occurred?

Papa is either mistaken or he's actively gaslighting fans.

I think the Eli situation was not indicative of normal operations and I never heard Papa deny anything regarding that particular scenario.

I think Papa s recent stance is specific to what he has been reading about the team drafting a quarterback and Mara s possible interference in that process

That is the impression I took from his podcast
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Or maybe Papa  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 9:10 am : link
In comment 16298640 joeinpa said:
I think the Eli situation was not indicative of normal operations and I never heard Papa deny anything regarding that particular scenario.

I think Papa s recent stance is specific to what he has been reading about the team drafting a quarterback and Mara s possible interference in that process

That is the impression I took from his podcast

I think people are inclined to believe what they want to believe, and that applies to both of us as well.

But I'm not buying that he just skipped the Eli situation because it was an anomaly, when he went back as far as Wellington not blocking Young from releasing Simms and Bavaro. He was spanning 30 years and somehow skipped right over a blatant example of ownership involvement (leaving aside the semantics of defining when "involvement" becomes "meddling") and a very clear directive by Mara's own actions of what he was expecting his next GM and HC to do at the QB position.

And I'm not talking about the podcast. I'm talking about the Twitter rant. That's where Papa was trying to make himself out to be more informed than a fan about a topic that he would have absolutely no more insight on than a fan would. And if he does have more inside info, then skipping over the 2017 Eli fiasco was intentional.

Papa appears to be following the Michael Kay playbook of state-sponsored media. Not a good look. Maybe he should jump into the "chat rooms" and learn us all a thing or two.
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/22/2023 12:02 pm : link
best to have a zero tolerance policy regarding this issue. I also am not as bothered by some especially when you are looking at very long term employees who have done a lot of good things (i.e., Hanlon).

When your team was 2-9 with a HC who had lost the team I don't think he is entitled to make a decision like that with Eli. Mara certainly seems to have been involved and he danced around the issue a bit.

It would have been very awkward to keep Reese around and let's not act like he had not already been throwing plenty of people under the bus including imv our future HOF HC and very accomplished OC. Certainly not something that people should be crying over.
RE: Probably  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 12:31 pm : link
In comment 16299020 Lines of Scrimmage said:
best to have a zero tolerance policy regarding this issue. I also am not as bothered by some especially when you are looking at very long term employees who have done a lot of good things (i.e., Hanlon).

When your team was 2-9 with a HC who had lost the team I don't think he is entitled to make a decision like that with Eli. Mara certainly seems to have been involved and he danced around the issue a bit.

It would have been very awkward to keep Reese around and let's not act like he had not already been throwing plenty of people under the bus including imv our future HOF HC and very accomplished OC. Certainly not something that people should be crying over.

To be clear, I'm not trying to defend McAdoo or Reese. Just pointing out that Papa's suggestion that John Mara doesn't involve himself in player personnel is untrue. Not only was Mara involved before McAdoo ever went to Eli with the silly plan that McAdoo/Reese/Mara collaboratively hatched (and admitted as much), but then his punitive firing of Reese and McAdoo as a pound of flesh offering to an angry mob of fans also made clear the expectations that Mara had for whomever he hired to replace Reese and McAdoo (which of course wound up being Gettleman and Shurmur).

I agree that Reese deserved to be fired, right alongside Coughlin. And I have no problem with McAdoo being shown the door as well. But the timing of it suggested that they were fired entirely for their roles in the Eli fiasco, which also meant that Gettleman and Shurmur had to have understood when they walked in the door that even the consideration of benching Eli was a fireable offense. That seems pretty clearly to be an example of the owner dictating the most important cog of the starting lineup. Why should anyone believe that Mara wouldn't repeat that same behavior? Just because the radio guy says so?

Hard to see how Bob Papa can suggest that Mara is as hands off as he wanted to portray in his Twitter rant, IMO.
christian : 11/22/2023 12:34 pm : link
In comment 16298783 Gatorade Dunk said:
But I'm not buying that he just skipped the Eli situation because it was an anomaly, when he went back as far as Wellington not blocking Young from releasing Simms and Bavaro. He was spanning 30 years and somehow skipped right over a blatant example of ownership involvement (leaving aside the semantics of defining when "involvement" becomes "meddling") and a very clear directive by Mara's own actions of what he was expecting his next GM and HC to do at the QB position.

Spot on GD. This isn't an ambiguous situation where we have to guess what happened. Here are the selects from Mara:

On his involvement in instigating benching Manning:
I had a conversation with Jerry a week or two ago. I normally don't speak to the coach directly about which players are playing and which players aren't playing. I'll have that conversation with Jerry ... I had mentioned to him a week or two ago, 'don't you think it's time we get a look at these other quarterbacks at some point during the games?' He agreed, and said he'd already had a conversation with Ben (McAdoo, the Giants' head coach) about that.

On whether he knew the plan before it was communicated to Manning:
Jerry called me on Monday afternoon - I was at a family function in Virginia - to tell me that Ben was going to be speaking to Eli to let him know he was going to be continuing to start the game, but that at some point, Geno would come in.

On what he hoped would happen:
I was hoping he'd come in, he'd play, we'd be playing well, we'd have a chance to win the game and maybe he'd stay in there or something. But at some point, he understands we've got to look at the other quarterbacks, because he's not going to play forever.

On how Manning's crying changed his position:
I met with him this morning. I had a good talk with him. It was very emotional. He's obviously not happy with the decision, but he understands it. ... He's a special player, and a special person. When you see him get that emotional, it's tough.

On why Eli was his favorite:
The thing about him is, to a lot of players, this is just another team, another franchise. But to him, it means something to be a New York Giant.
The relationship soured a bit because they have sucked  
Matt M. : 11/22/2023 1:21 pm : link
for the better part of a decade, or longer. We are not talking competitive and just missing the playoffs. They have been one of the worst teams overall for the last decade. They had 2 outlier seasons and 8 horrific ones, including this year. There does reach a point where fans can't stomach that much shit.
cosmicj : 11/22/2023 1:30 pm : link
Thanks for gathering those quotes. I don’t understand how in a reasonable world this would lead to Reese and McAdoo getting fired.
RE: …  
IchabodGiant : 11/22/2023 1:38 pm : link
In comment 16298590 christian said:
And I am sure I come off as a boob plenty myself. One thing I've recently come to terms with is not everyone was around here 20 years ago. We all really ripped each other to shreds, and came back the next day with no hard feelings. I probably haven't evolved much from that time.

This 100%. It was A LOT rougher back then. I did not participate; but the newbs around here would be shocked at some of the back and forth that took place back then. (And I miss that!)
So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
dancing blue bear : 11/22/2023 1:42 pm : link
is that the thing Mara didn't want to happen, actually happened. Good shit! The plan that Reese and Macadoo "hatched" was implemented, in spite of it not being the owners preference. And not even Eli crying was enough to interject and demand that the plan be abandoned and Eli start. Cool story, brah. Maranoia indeed. opininion + supposition + theory = fact. good math.
RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
christian : 11/22/2023 2:05 pm : link
In comment 16299126 dancing blue bear said:
is that the thing Mara didn't want to happen, actually happened. Good shit! The plan that Reese and Macadoo "hatched" was implemented, in spite of it not being the owners preference. And not even Eli crying was enough to interject and demand that the plan be abandoned and Eli start. Cool story, brah. Maranoia indeed. opininion + supposition + theory = fact. good math.

On one hand, good on me for being able to tune out your specific brand of stupid for the last 14 years, because who are you again?

On the other, maybe I'm losing my fastball. Because this is some goodness I should have been tearing down for years.

The proof is that Mara came into the room fumbling his own balls and didn't have a clear sense of what he wanted from Reese, was too busy at the family croquet match to listen to Reese's plan, then got taken behind the shed by Manning in a fit of tears.

I can picture it so clearly. Manning with snot dripping out of his nose, and the shame of what Mara had done transforming him into a man of action.
RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
cosmicj : 11/22/2023 2:15 pm : link
In comment 16299126 dancing blue bear said:
is that the thing Mara didn't want to happen, actually happened. Good shit! The plan that Reese and Macadoo "hatched" was implemented, in spite of it not being the owners preference. And not even Eli crying was enough to interject and demand that the plan be abandoned and Eli start. Cool story, brah. Maranoia indeed. opininion + supposition + theory = fact. good math.

What? Maybe write coherent English?
RE: RE: …  
ThomasG : 11/22/2023 2:22 pm : link
In comment 16299122 IchabodGiant said:
In comment 16298590 christian said:


And I am sure I come off as a boob plenty myself. One thing I've recently come to terms with is not everyone was around here 20 years ago. We all really ripped each other to shreds, and came back the next day with no hard feelings. I probably haven't evolved much from that time.

This 100%. It was A LOT rougher back then. I did not participate; but the newbs around here would be shocked at some of the back and forth that took place back then. (And I miss that!)

Yeah, bet you saw some real good arguments over 23 years of lurking and not participating.
RE: Christian  
christian : 11/22/2023 2:26 pm : link
In comment 16299117 cosmicj said:
Thanks for gathering those quotes. I don’t understand how in a reasonable world this would lead to Reese and McAdoo getting fired.

It's mind blowing.

Mara intervenes, but has no real plan, and then fires a guy for executing a plan he had run by Mara.

And again for the avoidance of doubt, I wanted Reese fired after 2015, and certainly after 2017.

But not mid season, and not for the hurting Manning's feelings.
RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
ThomasG : 11/22/2023 2:29 pm : link
In comment 16299126 dancing blue bear said:
is that the thing Mara didn't want to happen, actually happened. Good shit! The plan that Reese and Macadoo "hatched" was implemented, in spite of it not being the owners preference. And not even Eli crying was enough to interject and demand that the plan be abandoned and Eli start. Cool story, brah. Maranoia indeed. opininion + supposition + theory = fact. good math.

Even though facetious, I have no idea what you are saying here. Try again?
BrettNYG10 : 11/22/2023 2:32 pm : link
My issue with the claim that the owner doesn't interfere is that owners 100% should interfere. For example, I was very happy when Mara came out and said we were not trading for Deshaun Watson. I want owners to intervene in situations such as that. Frankly, Mara was to slow to react to Josh Brown's issues.

But there is obviously a line. I expect the owners to have conversations--at minimum--about franchise legends such as Eli. But I don't want them to reject drafting a replacement when the football people want to move on.
christian : 11/22/2023 2:36 pm : link
In comment 16299192 BrettNYG10 said:
My issue with the claim that the owner doesn't interfere is that owners 100% should interfere. For example, I was very happy when Mara came out and said we were not trading for Deshaun Watson. I want owners to intervene in situations such as that. Frankly, Mara was to slow to react to Josh Brown's issues.

Absolutely. The owner should step in on big football issues. Hell, the owner has to fire the GM if he's underperforming.

But he has to step in with clear direction, and it'd be a bonus if he stepped in and made good decisions.
I'm embarrassed for some of you  
oghwga : 11/22/2023 2:38 pm : link
This has been there approach for awhile  
ghost718 : 11/22/2023 2:38 pm : link
The end of the year Mara press conference is the only time they like to hear how much they screwed up.

Although after getting booed at Eli's ceremony,who knows if he'll do that again.
RE: RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
dancing blue bear : 11/22/2023 2:42 pm : link
In comment 16299154 christian said:
In comment 16299126 dancing blue bear said:


is that the thing Mara didn't want to happen, actually happened. Good shit! The plan that Reese and Macadoo "hatched" was implemented, in spite of it not being the owners preference. And not even Eli crying was enough to interject and demand that the plan be abandoned and Eli start. Cool story, brah. Maranoia indeed. opininion + supposition + theory = fact. good math.

On one hand, good on me for being able to tune out your specific brand of stupid for the last 14 years, because who are you again?

On the other, maybe I'm losing my fastball. Because this is some goodness I should have been tearing down for years.

The proof is that Mara came into the room fumbling his own balls and didn't have a clear sense of what he wanted from Reese, was too busy at the family croquet match to listen to Reese's plan, then got taken behind the shed by Manning in a fit of tears.

I can picture it so clearly. Manning with snot dripping out of his nose, and the shame of what Mara had done transforming him into a man of action.

Truth be told, it is I who have avoided you. There is little point in engaging with delusional know-it-alls.

again your fantasy entails Mara, not having a clear directive for the GM on handling a personel issue, leaving it to his discretion with perhaps (i am guessing, not declaring- note the difference... an overarching mandate to treat an icon with respect and don't embarass the franchise) and then being too involved in activities outside the building while leaving the GM to do his job. got it. It sounds like the opposite of meddling. You can create fiction, and i do believe that you believe the horseshit you conjure. that's what is sad.

RE: ...  
BrettNYG10 : 11/22/2023 2:43 pm : link
In comment 16299199 christian said:
In comment 16299192 BrettNYG10 said:


My issue with the claim that the owner doesn't interfere is that owners 100% should interfere. For example, I was very happy when Mara came out and said we were not trading for Deshaun Watson. I want owners to intervene in situations such as that. Frankly, Mara was to slow to react to Josh Brown's issues.

Absolutely. The owner should step in on big football issues. Hell, the owner has to fire the GM if he's underperforming.

But he has to step in with clear direction, and it'd be a bonus if he stepped in and made good decisions.

Right. The Papa post about no interference is just obviously false. Does Mara have clear lines of when he will speak up and when he will shut up?

My concern is that Mara makes a lot of suggestions behind closed doors about certain players.

I think the Gettleman hire was partially predicated on Mara's hope that Eli could be the starting QB.
christian : 11/22/2023 2:52 pm : link
In comment 16299206 dancing blue bear said:
Truth be told, it is I who have avoided you. There is little point in engaging with delusional know-it-alls.

again your fantasy entails Mara, not having a clear directive for the GM on handling a personel issue, leaving it to his discretion with perhaps (i am guessing, not declaring- note the difference... an overarching mandate to treat an icon with respect and don't embarass the franchise) and then being too involved in activities outside the building while leaving the GM to do his job. got it. It sounds like the opposite of meddling. You can create fiction, and i do believe that you believe the horseshit you conjure. that's what is sad.

I don't have to guess amigo.

I am basing my opinion on literally what John Mara said. He didn't have a clear sense of what he wanted. His plan for seeing what the other quarterbacks could do was hoping Manning played and stayed in the game.

I was hoping he'd come in, he'd play, we'd be playing well, we'd have a chance to win the game and maybe he'd stay in there or something.

I honestly don't care if the president of the team has an opinion on how to operate the team. I care that his opinions suck and don't make sense.
RE: ...  
dancing blue bear : 11/22/2023 3:00 pm : link
In comment 16299226 christian said:
In comment 16299206 dancing blue bear said:


Truth be told, it is I who have avoided you. There is little point in engaging with delusional know-it-alls.

again your fantasy entails Mara, not having a clear directive for the GM on handling a personel issue, leaving it to his discretion with perhaps (i am guessing, not declaring- note the difference... an overarching mandate to treat an icon with respect and don't embarass the franchise) and then being too involved in activities outside the building while leaving the GM to do his job. got it. It sounds like the opposite of meddling. You can create fiction, and i do believe that you believe the horseshit you conjure. that's what is sad.

I don't have to guess amigo.

I am basing my opinion on literally what John Mara said. He didn't have a clear sense of what he wanted. His plan for seeing what the other quarterbacks could do was hoping Manning played and stayed in the game.


I was hoping he'd come in, he'd play, we'd be playing well, we'd have a chance to win the game and maybe he'd stay in there or something.

I honestly don't care if the president of the team has an opinion on how to operate the team. I care that his opinions suck and don't make sense.

So the thing he was hoping happened, did not happen. When it was certainly within his power to make it happen. quite the smoking gun.
christian : 11/22/2023 3:06 pm : link
In comment 16299232 dancing blue bear said:
Truth be told, it is I who have avoided you. There is little point in engaging with delusional know-it-alls.

again your fantasy entails Mara, not having a clear directive for the GM on handling a personel issue, leaving it to his discretion with perhaps (i am guessing, not declaring- note the difference... an overarching mandate to treat an icon with respect and don't embarass the franchise) and then being too involved in activities outside the building while leaving the GM to do his job. got it. It sounds like the opposite of meddling. You can create fiction, and i do believe that you believe the horseshit you conjure. that's what is sad.

I don't have to guess amigo.

I am basing my opinion on literally what John Mara said. He didn't have a clear sense of what he wanted. His plan for seeing what the other quarterbacks could do was hoping Manning played and stayed in the game.

I was hoping he'd come in, he'd play, we'd be playing well, we'd have a chance to win the game and maybe he'd stay in there or something.

I honestly don't care if the president of the team has an opinion on how to operate the team. I care that his opinions suck and don't make sense.

So the thing he was hoping happened, did not happen. When it was certainly within his power to make it happen. quite the smoking gun.

The plan he had to achieve the thing he was hoping to have happen was nonsensical.

Maybe you aren't actually reading.

Mara's plan to see how the other quarterbacks performed was hoping Manning played well and stayed in the game.

You don't seem capable of understanding my opinion on this. I don't care if Mara intercedes on football decisions. I care that his direction and opinions don't make any sense.
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/22/2023 3:19 pm : link
screwed up not getting rid of Reese and addressing the front office after 2013. The drafts were the much bigger problem.
I fault him more for that than the Eli fiasco. The drafts were the root cause for most of the issues.

Next stop is the HOF for Eli and that unfortunate situation will be a distant memory soon enough.

RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 3:20 pm : link
In comment 16299126 dancing blue bear said:
is that the thing Mara didn't want to happen, actually happened. Good shit! The plan that Reese and Macadoo "hatched" was implemented, in spite of it not being the owners preference. And not even Eli crying was enough to interject and demand that the plan be abandoned and Eli start. Cool story, brah. Maranoia indeed. opininion + supposition + theory = fact. good math.

Mara wanted it to happen. It was his fucking idea, dimwit. He even said that it was his idea in his explanation.

The problem that Mara had, however, was that he had just run out of people to fire by the time he got around to explaining the situation to an angry mob that was out for blood, and he couldn't fire the guy whose idea it was because that guy owns the team. So he repositioned his role as asking Reese to talk to McAdoo about seeing what they had in their other QBs (note that even Mara acknowledges that he wasn't even asking to see Webb in particular, just the other QBs), and then hoping that his own plan never came to fruition. And you bought that explanation as a reasonable one? If your kids tried to tell you that they wanted to see what was in the cookie jar but they were hoping it was empty, would you believe them?

Let me ask you something - does the bullshit taste a lot better when you convince yourself that they're feeding you the truth? Or are you just that naive that you actually believed it?
RE: Mara  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 3:25 pm : link
In comment 16299252 Lines of Scrimmage said:
screwed up not getting rid of Reese and addressing the front office after 2013. The drafts were the much bigger problem.
I fault him more for that than the Eli fiasco. The drafts were the root cause for most of the issues.

Next stop is the HOF for Eli and that unfortunate situation will be a distant memory soon enough.

I know this is something you clearly feel very strongly about, but do you honestly think that John Mara, the king of extended loyalty, would fire his GM 22 months after winning the second Super Bowl of his tenure?

With the benefit of hindsight you might feel like that was the inflection point (and we don't have to agree on that for me to accept that as your view), but if you're being reasonable, you'd admit that "after 2013" there was a 0% chance of Reese getting fired.
RE: Mara  
christian : 11/22/2023 3:26 pm : link
In comment 16299252 Lines of Scrimmage said:
screwed up not getting rid of Reese and addressing the front office after 2013. The drafts were the much bigger problem.

Your opinions is the Giants should have fired their GM after his first losing season -- two years removed from his second championship, and after having winning season in 5 of his first 6 years?

LOL of course it is.
RE: RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
dancing blue bear : 11/22/2023 3:37 pm : link
In comment 16299253 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16299126 dancing blue bear said:


is that the thing Mara didn't want to happen, actually happened. Good shit! The plan that Reese and Macadoo "hatched" was implemented, in spite of it not being the owners preference. And not even Eli crying was enough to interject and demand that the plan be abandoned and Eli start. Cool story, brah. Maranoia indeed. opininion + supposition + theory = fact. good math.

Mara wanted it to happen. It was his fucking idea, dimwit. He even said that it was his idea in his explanation.

The problem that Mara had, however, was that he had just run out of people to fire by the time he got around to explaining the situation to an angry mob that was out for blood, and he couldn't fire the guy whose idea it was because that guy owns the team. So he repositioned his role as asking Reese to talk to McAdoo about seeing what they had in their other QBs (note that even Mara acknowledges that he wasn't even asking to see Webb in particular, just the other QBs), and then hoping that his own plan never came to fruition. And you bought that explanation as a reasonable one? If your kids tried to tell you that they wanted to see what was in the cookie jar but they were hoping it was empty, would you believe them?

Let me ask you something - does the bullshit taste a lot better when you convince yourself that they're feeding you the truth? Or are you just that naive that you actually believed it?

Dick rider to the rescue!

I'm skeptical about anything i see or read. The difference is I don't stuff the blank spaces full of my own half baked theories, rumors, conjecture, etc. I don't bend or create "facts" to support the conclusion I long for.

I accept there are things I don't know. So while some of the crackpot conspiricies I see are plausible, they don't fit the facts (this word is often misunderstood) that are currently availabe.

And if it were to be proven, I would accept that and go on with my life. That is the condition of the team. I can continue to be a fan/ customer or not. What I wouldn't do is cry like a bitch for years on end about things that are not in my control.
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/22/2023 3:46 pm : link
respond then Christian if you know this already? It is a opinion and not opinions.

The fact that Jerry has not been hired again is pretty telling and this suggests that my opinion may have merit.

christian : 11/22/2023 3:54 pm : link
I appreciate your copy editing LOS.

But it's an opinion.
RE: RE: RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 3:59 pm : link
In comment 16299272 dancing blue bear said:
I'm skeptical about anything i see or read. The difference is I don't stuff the blank spaces full of my own half baked theories, rumors, conjecture, etc. I don't bend or create "facts" to support the conclusion I long for.

I accept there are things I don't know.

These aren't blank spaces. It's Mara's own words. You are the one taking them to mean anything other than exactly what he said.

And acceptance is a good thing. Clearly you have plenty of practice on that front.
RE: Why  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 4:04 pm : link
In comment 16299281 Lines of Scrimmage said:
The fact that Jerry has not been hired again is pretty telling and this suggests that my opinion may have merit.

No one ever hired Coughlin or Gilbride to coach again either. Does that validate their terminations for you?
Coughlin was  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/22/2023 4:25 pm : link
69 years old and Reese was in his early 50's when both were let go. You're not making a good argument.

The bigger issue was forcing your offensive HC to change his system when the attention should have been to fixing the drafts.

All was good in the front office though with Ross being promoted a second time.
RE: Coughlin was  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 4:34 pm : link
In comment 16299308 Lines of Scrimmage said:
69 years old and Reese was in his early 50's when both were let go. You're not making a good argument.

The bigger issue was forcing your offensive HC to change his system when the attention should have been to fixing the drafts.

All was good in the front office though with Ross being promoted a second time.

That's a fair point. Although I think there's also a possibility that Reese hasn't been throwing his hat in the ring for every open position, either. I do agree that it's odd that a former GM with two rings hasn't been a hot commodity. I also agree that he probably has more blemish than shine on his reputation at this point.

Your Ross observations may also be valid, but I think it's curious that you never seem to land on another significant front office promotion that happened in 2011, especially since it very closely aligns with the timing of the roster decline that you often point to.
christian : 11/22/2023 4:47 pm : link
In comment 16299308 Lines of Scrimmage said:

The bigger issue was forcing your offensive HC to change his system when the attention should have been to fixing the drafts.

Forcing a change in the system improved the Giants from 28th league in 2013, to 13th and 6th in 14 and 15 respectively.

That was unequivocally the right move.
Reese has had interviews  
Sean : 11/22/2023 5:29 pm : link
Something I admire about Reese, he never became a media blowhard like most of these ex executives do. These GM's get fired and they all love to talk. Keim is constantly making the rounds, he hasn't even been out of the role for a year.

Reese stays out of the limelight and doesn't play the PR game which would no doubt help him get another job.

I think Reese is wildly disrespected and under appreciated on this board. Everyone loves to rip Marc Ross and lump him in with Reese, well why doesn't Reese get the credit for delivering excellent drafts when he had the role of Marc Ross with Accorsi? Seems to be some double standards there.
RE: We are  
JOrthman : 11/22/2023 6:31 pm : link
In comment 16298184 PaulN said:
A chat room. What the fuck else are we? Experts? At bullshut, sure. You or we deserve any bullets we get. If we are going to openly criticize players, announcers, whatever, then we should also get criticism. If you can't understand and accept that, then go home and suck your thumb. For Pete's sake thry are human. I criticize, sure, and get criticized, you can't take any of it personal. You just can't. These players, who are just people like us, are young people, some almost kids. Playing a game! Maybe we take it all too serious. I yelled at the TV, at a player, for dropping a pass, my granddaughter says to me, but you know he tried his best, right grandpa. I said, yes, I know. But I was lying, here an 8 year old is showing me what a child I am. Without saying it because she still believes the best in people. So now we want to say whatever we wish, but the player should just shut up? Why, because he is getting paid? You jealous? I am, so I understand, but tgmhey are people, young people. Maybe we should be nice if we wish it back. But that ship sailed a long time ago.

Good post
christian : 11/22/2023 7:24 pm : link
In comment 16299344 Sean said:
I think Reese is wildly disrespected and under appreciated on this board. Everyone loves to rip Marc Ross and lump him in with Reese, well why doesn't Reese get the credit for delivering excellent drafts when he had the role of Marc Ross with Accorsi? Seems to be some double standards there.

Sean, over the years you know I've been consistent about this opinion: general managing a team each year is a collosal task. Each year presents myriad decisions, and each year a GM has it within his power to swing the pendulum.

Reese as you mentioned was also the guy who scouted and was a party to acquiring most of the players he inherited.

I don't remember Gilbride complaining about the top tier pass weapons Reese gave him that enabled his vaunted option route offense. Or any of the defensive coordinators complaining about the movable feast of top tier defenders Reese acquired.

What's always conveniently left out of the story is the comical amount of injuries and the number of very good careers cut short. Thomas, Phillips, Beatty, Cruz, Nicks, Ballard. Even everyone's most hated pick David Wilson was an All Pro returner.

Reese's philosophy was build a track team that could beat teams over the top. And he succeeded. He has the ring to prove it. That the core of those players all had their careers cut short is the tragedy. If Nick's, Cruz, and Ballard are all healthy in 2012 the Giants compete for another ring.

And I guarantee you Manning would rather go to battle with the 2011 skills players over the 2008 offensive line.

Reese, like Coughlin, did a bad job in the aftermath of the championship years. They both deserved to be fired in 2015. Three losing seasons is cause to lose both of those jobs.

But it doesn't change what Reese accomplished.
RE: RE: RE: …  
IchabodGiant : 11/22/2023 11:11 pm : link
In comment 16299178 ThomasG said:
In comment 16299122 IchabodGiant said:


In comment 16298590 christian said:


And I am sure I come off as a boob plenty myself. One thing I've recently come to terms with is not everyone was around here 20 years ago. We all really ripped each other to shreds, and came back the next day with no hard feelings. I probably haven't evolved much from that time.

This 100%. It was A LOT rougher back then. I did not participate; but the newbs around here would be shocked at some of the back and forth that took place back then. (And I miss that!)

Yeah, bet you saw some real good arguments over 23 years of lurking and not participating.

Yes I did.
Let's face it  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/23/2023 3:11 pm : link
Reese was probably in over his head. TC and Eli covered a lot of the warts for the GM and in the end he threw both under the bus. I think most leaders if they assessed the situation would see the drafts were the big issue. Especially on the fronts.

Perhaps a few posters get a little too emotional over JR and don't accept it for what it was. Solid GM for 4-5 years and terrible after.

Mara unfortunately made a mistake. Hopefully he learned from it.

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