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NFT: At age 63 I can still do a lever!

Milton : 12/15/2023 9:18 pm
Today in class one of my students was showing pics of the transformation his body has gone through since he joined a gym. A very popular kid, he's one of the stars on the football team (WR/CB). Anyway, I asked him, "hey, can you do this?" and I did a lever (perfect form too!) using the edge of the desk. He couldn't even come close to doing it. Another kid on the football team tried it and he couldn't do it, either.

This is a lever...

Tony Soprano understands why I did it.... - ( New Window )
Ah, the ever popular...  
BMac : 12/15/2023 9:25 pm : link
...humble brag. Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?
I have never done a lever  
oghwga : 12/15/2023 9:29 pm : link
And don't think I ever will but good for you dude. Nice to show the kids a thing or two
RE: Ah, the ever popular...  
Milton : 12/15/2023 9:31 pm : link
In comment 16325134 BMac said:
...humble brag.
What was the humble part?
RE: Ah, the ever popular...  
Chris in Philly : 12/15/2023 9:49 pm : link
In comment 16325134 BMac said:
...humble brag. Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?

Milton uses a sheet of steel.
RE: Ah, the ever popular...  
sb from NYT Forum : 12/15/2023 10:00 pm : link
In comment 16325134 BMac said:
...humble brag. Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?

Literally nothing humble about his brag
That’s a planche not a lever  
Tuckrule : 12/15/2023 10:43 pm : link
I’m sure I missed the joke in there but just sayin
RE: That’s a planche not a lever  
Milton : 12/16/2023 12:23 am : link
In comment 16325152 Tuckrule said:
I’m sure I missed the joke in there but just sayin
It's called an elbow lever. A planche is with arms straight and is more difficult. I can't do a planche.
I mean good for you  
eli4life : 12/16/2023 3:36 am : link
But unless your a gymnast why would one want to?
RE: Ah, the ever popular...  
jvm52106 : 12/16/2023 6:43 am : link
In comment 16325134 BMac said:
...humble brag. Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?

Well, a girl has to have her standards.. Love that movie.
I think that s  
joeinpa : 12/16/2023 7:29 am : link
Impressive at any age. I ve always been pretty fit, still am, I could never do that now, and never have done it
RE: RE: That’s a planche not a lever  
Sec 103 : 12/16/2023 8:44 am : link
In comment 16325170 Milton said:
In comment 16325152 Tuckrule said:


I’m sure I missed the joke in there but just sayin

It's called an elbow lever. A planche is with arms straight and is more difficult. I can't do a planche.

Do you teach in Jefferson or W Milly?
Not only is it not a humble brag  
j_rud : 12/16/2023 9:07 am : link
But if true it shouldn't be.
RE: Ah, the ever popular...  
PEEJ : 12/16/2023 9:36 am : link
In comment 16325134 BMac said:
...humble brag. Can you hammer a six-inch spike through a board with your penis?

Nice reference
I'm more of a "planking" guy myself  
PatersonPlank : 12/16/2023 12:15 pm : link
Hey Milton.  
MOOPS : 12/16/2023 1:34 pm : link
Video or GTFO.

That's awesome  
noro9 : 12/16/2023 3:19 pm : link
RE: RE: RE: That’s a planche not a lever  
Milton : 12/16/2023 4:58 pm : link
In comment 16325226 Sec 103 said:
In comment 16325170 Milton said:


In comment 16325152 Tuckrule said:


I’m sure I missed the joke in there but just sayin

It's called an elbow lever. A planche is with arms straight and is more difficult. I can't do a planche.

Do you teach in Jefferson or W Milly?
Pittsfield, MA, I teach in the vocational high school. Two years ago it was said to be the school with the most violent incidents in western massachusetts (I assume there are schools in Boston that are more violent!). Despite the violence (teachers have been punched), I love the diversity of the school's population, but that's probably the writer in me. Lots of storylines and I'm already fashioning an HBO-type series about a "failed writer" (not that I consider myself that) from Holllywood who buys a house in Pittsfield with his girlfriend but winds up isolated because she gets forced to stay behind in LA, so he gets a job teaching math because nobody wants to teach these kids math (and for good reason!) and he was a former math wiz back in the day (I was high scorer and top board on my high school math and chess teams) and the kids (and teachers too!) treat him like he's famous because he wrote a handful of episodes for a Saturday morning cartoon ("Recess").

Btw, for the most part I get along great with the students, but I did have a run-in last year with a 9th grader (but already 6 ft tall and playing linebacker) who said "fuck you" to me. At the end of the class, I approached him and gave him an opportunity to apologize, which he refused and then got in my face (and kept calling me "my nigga" during the exchange). I didn't back down one bit, because I wasn't gonna let a 9th grader intimidate me, but a month later he got suspended for punching the 6'5" 250lb interim dean of students in the face (he was "interim" because they already had a dean of students and he was hired as basically the school bouncer, but they didn't have an official title for that job description).

I refused to go back to teaching math, mostly because of the 9th graders. I didn't mind the 11th and 12th graders, although I did have one get in my face over something. Instead of backing down, I actually moved a step closer so we were nose to nose, which made him laugh and say, "Chassman, you crazy!" He was a troubled kid who had lost his older brother to gang violence. I wound up getting along great with him which pleased his guidance counselor, the assistant principal, and his mother very much.

RE: Hey Milton.  
Milton : 12/16/2023 6:01 pm : link
In comment 16325349 MOOPS said:
Video or GTFO.

It's just something I've always been able to do with relative ease, I don't know why. I'm not a gymnast, nor did I ever excel at it in gym class.
SomeFan : 12/17/2023 7:37 am : link
and $5.25 will get you a venti oat latte at Starbucks.
RE: That  
Milton : 12/17/2023 11:47 am : link
In comment 16325638 SomeFan said:
and $5.25 will get you a venti oat latte at Starbucks.
Depends on the Starbucks.
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