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Henry Ruggs is working at the Nevada Governor's mansion.

MOOPS : 6/3/2024 1:00 pm
Henry Ruggs, former Raider, sentenced for DUI and killing another motorist while driving 156MPH, has been classified as a 'community trustee inmate'. Now doing work at the Governor's mansion. Hope that doesn't include being the Governor's chauffeur.
Up for parole in 2026 when he's 27. I'm sure he'll have learned his lesson by then.
The Cowboys  
Jay on the Island : 6/3/2024 1:02 pm : link
are waiting to sign him.
MOOPS : 6/3/2024 1:06 pm : link
Link - ( New Window )
it's been proven  
djm : 6/3/2024 1:08 pm : link
punitive measures don't really teach anyone much of anything. The prison system isn't really beneficial to anyone unless you're one of the select few that controls the prisons for profits network. Not beneficial to anyone except the wealthy. But I digress...

Ruggs doesn't deserve anything positive. He fuct up. Badly. Please don't misinterpret my disdain for how fucked up this world is with defending anyone who gets behind the wheel shit faced and speeding like that. Anyone doing that should never be allowed to drive again if they are lucky enough to walk and breathe free air anytime soon.
RE: it's been proven  
Straw Hat : 6/3/2024 1:23 pm : link
In comment 16529935 djm said:
punitive measures don't really teach anyone much of anything. The prison system isn't really beneficial to anyone unless you're one of the select few that controls the prisons for profits network. Not beneficial to anyone except the wealthy. But I digress...

Ruggs doesn't deserve anything positive. He fuct up. Badly. Please don't misinterpret my disdain for how fucked up this world is with defending anyone who gets behind the wheel shit faced and speeding like that. Anyone doing that should never be allowed to drive again if they are lucky enough to walk and breathe free air anytime soon.

Who cares about teaching him anything? He killed people, in an ignorant totally preventable fashion. Let him rot.
Capt. Don : 6/3/2024 1:35 pm : link
A kid who graduated last year from my wife's school was killed last night by a drunk driver who was drag racing. The girl was actually driving some friends as their DD. 18 years old.

I dont mean to hijack the thread but despite never meeting the kid, I am just so out of it today and then the timing of this thread compelled me to comment.
RE: it's been proven  
allstarjim : 6/3/2024 1:44 pm : link
In comment 16529935 djm said:
punitive measures don't really teach anyone much of anything. The prison system isn't really beneficial to anyone unless you're one of the select few that controls the prisons for profits network. Not beneficial to anyone except the wealthy. But I digress...

Ruggs doesn't deserve anything positive. He fuct up. Badly. Please don't misinterpret my disdain for how fucked up this world is with defending anyone who gets behind the wheel shit faced and speeding like that. Anyone doing that should never be allowed to drive again if they are lucky enough to walk and breathe free air anytime soon.

Private prisons... there's really not that many of them. Only 8% of the federal and state prisoners are incarcerated at a private prison. We could argue that number should be zero, although I think there's also arguments to be made in their merit as well, with proper regulation. That's as far as I'm going with this.
it's so sad  
Giantsfan79 : 6/3/2024 1:49 pm : link
when the criminal justice system isn't harsh enough.
A whole lot of issues  
Blueworm : 6/3/2024 2:45 pm : link
Being brought up for a "no-politics" site.

It's kind of hard to argue for penal abolition or reform while also condemning this crime. Separate the arguments, folks.

Do you think there is any chance he gets reinstated?

He would not be the first guy to kill someone while driving and get back in.

It would probably take some extraordinary acts of contrition.

I think it would require some exemplary acrs of contrition between now and then for the NFL to risk it.
Wish we could edit  
Blueworm : 6/3/2024 2:46 pm : link
For stuff that gets hidden by the small window.
RE: A whole lot of issues  
Mad Mike : 6/3/2024 5:34 pm : link
In comment 16529991 Blueworm said:
Do you think there is any chance he gets reinstated? He would not be the first guy to kill someone while driving and get back in. It would probably take some extraordinary acts of contrition. I think it would require some exemplary acrs of contrition between now and then for the NFL to risk it.

Was the most recent Stallworth? That's awhile ago, and the league's become a lot more serious about misconduct since then. I'd be surprised if he plays again, but never say never I guess.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/3/2024 6:50 pm : link
As an aside, I'll never get athletes who drive drunk or under the influence of something. All these teams have services for FREE! to come pick you up. This isn't like you're a poor college kid maxing out your credit card on an Uber or a Lyft.

It is arrogance & entitlement.
RE: ...  
Chris in Philly : 6/3/2024 7:02 pm : link
In comment 16530113 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
As an aside, I'll never get athletes who drive drunk or under the influence of something. All these teams have services for FREE! to come pick you up. This isn't like you're a poor college kid maxing out your credit card on an Uber or a Lyft.

It is arrogance & entitlement.

Along with a dose of “it can never happen to me.”
Fuck him.  
DC Gmen Fan : 6/3/2024 7:04 pm : link
He had the whole world in his hands, and he fucked it up and killed an Innocent person and shattered her family’s world. Just because he’s an athlete doesn’t mean he should get a “pass”. 3 years in prison? AYFKM?? Me or any average joe off the street would never be able to work again. It would likely be a lot more prison time. Fuck him.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/3/2024 7:05 pm : link
That too.
Be back in the league  
SleepyOwl : 6/5/2024 5:05 pm : link
In no time.
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