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NFT: It's hard out here for a... Terrence Howard blows your mind!

Beezer : 6/4/2024 4:38 pm
Dude is a super-genius. Or he's nuts. Somewhere in between?

Holy crap ... he lost me a bunch of times. But I've been enjoying the hell out of this today.

Pretty interesting conversation with Joe Rogan.
Terrance on the Joe Rogan Experience - ( New Window )
Guy is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs  
Greg from LI : 6/4/2024 4:44 pm : link
You've heard this podcast?  
Beezer : 6/4/2024 4:45 pm : link
Not the whole thing, just a clip of a few minutes  
Greg from LI : 6/4/2024 4:48 pm : link
But he sounded utterly insane to me
lol there's a lot ...  
Beezer : 6/4/2024 4:54 pm : link
Pretty fascinating.

He might be nutty, but he's not dim.
two nuts jabbering...  
Chris in Philly : 6/4/2024 4:55 pm : link
at each other. I can get that here...
Sure you can  
Greg from LI : 6/4/2024 4:56 pm : link
But it hits differently when it's *famous* nutcases instead of anonymous BBI nutcases
Giantsfan79 : 6/4/2024 4:58 pm : link
we've finally got around to defeating gravity
Just because you’re paranoid  
LauderdaleMatty : 6/4/2024 5:02 pm : link
Doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out to get you.
Crazier than a shit house rat  
djm : 6/4/2024 5:13 pm : link
Did you  
Pete in MD : 6/4/2024 5:25 pm : link
listen to all three hours?
Getting toward the end now.  
Beezer : 6/4/2024 5:28 pm : link
Love Rogan  
UConn4523 : 6/4/2024 5:29 pm : link
Howard not so much. Can only watch clips of this one, no shot I can listen to Howard for 3 hours.
I've got it running off the screen  
Beezer : 6/4/2024 5:30 pm : link
on a second monitor. It's pretty entertaining. lol
I listened to a big chunk of it.  
Crispino : 6/4/2024 6:33 pm : link
He’s clearly a brilliant guy, but I’m not sure if it’s in a good way or a bad way. You know, the old maxim that there’s a fine line between genius and insanity. He holds a bunch of patents, but that can mean he has a lot of novel, perhaps crazy ideas that may never come to fruition or have a practical application. I’d like to hear someone with the appropriate background in physics bat it a round with him to see if his ideas hold water or not. The problem with that is, he simply says all physics as we know it is wrong. Hard to disprove his ideas when he discounts the accepted parameters as being fallacious.
You'reMyBoyBlue!! : 6/4/2024 6:58 pm : link
“1 x 1=2”
-Terence Howard (not joking)
There is a world of actual scientists  
larryflower37 : 6/4/2024 8:28 pm : link
On line with a easy Google search. He is an idiot .. insane would let him off the hook.
Here is one. - ( New Window )
Rogan was unfunny and dumb on News Radio and  
bwitz : 6/4/2024 9:03 pm : link
continues to be to this day. Good thing he got in on UFC early. Otherwise, he’d just be a hack.
He reminds me a lot of my best friends dad.  
j_rud : 6/4/2024 9:12 pm : link
He was always a smart guy and he knew a lot about a lot of different things. But then he got sober and went on that typical spiritual journey and everything was filtered through this Kahlil Gibran/eastern philosophy/new age mysticism, and he would sound very much like Howard. Depending on the topic you'd get a lot of solid information interspersed with comments about maximizing your vibration.
I am amazed anyone could  
larryflower37 : 6/4/2024 9:21 pm : link
Listen to the incoherent ramblings for 3 hrs. Was everyone stoned out of their minds?

RE: I am amazed anyone could  
j_rud : 6/4/2024 9:25 pm : link
In comment 16530891 larryflower37 said:
Listen to the incoherent ramblings for 3 hrs. Was everyone stoned out of their minds?

I gave it about 20 mins. But you know 90 seconds in he's bananas when he starts talking about detailed prenatal memories.
RE: Rogan was unfunny and dumb on News Radio and  
UConn4523 : 6/4/2024 10:07 pm : link
In comment 16530876 bwitz said:
continues to be to this day. Good thing he got in on UFC early. Otherwise, he’d just be a hack.

I don’t like Rogans comedy but he’s a great interviewer and I enjoy his perspective on a whole bunch of topics. Why people make his opinions about anything more than just that is strange.

What exactly is he a hack at besides not being a top tier comedian which isn’t even some big failure?
RE: two nuts jabbering...  
Johnny5 : 6/4/2024 10:40 pm : link
In comment 16530726 Chris in Philly said:
at each other. I can get that here...


Now that was funny! (and true lol)
RE: Rogan was unfunny and dumb on News Radio and  
Optimus-NY : 6/5/2024 8:22 am : link
In comment 16530876 bwitz said:
continues to be to this day. Good thing he got in on UFC early. Otherwise, he’d just be a hack.

Pretty much. He found his niche.
11m average listeners per episode is niche? Lol  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 8:45 am : link
And what about his impact on helping grow MMA/UFC, niche too huh? Just say you don’t like the guy/his views.
Lol, right on. *Super* niche  
j_rud : 6/5/2024 8:51 am : link
Biggest podcast in the world, prominent voice in one of the globes fastest growing sports. He's a real DIY, cottage industry kinda guy.

I don't care if people don't like Rogan but goddamn the characterization he receives online is precious.
People taking Howard seriously  
Kevin_in_Pgh : 6/5/2024 9:01 am : link
explains so much, including why so many fall for conspiracy theories.
Kevin_in_Pgh : 6/5/2024 9:08 am : link
great link, larryflower37
RE: RE: Rogan was unfunny and dumb on News Radio and  
Kmed6000 : 6/5/2024 9:17 am : link
In comment 16530925 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16530876 bwitz said:


continues to be to this day. Good thing he got in on UFC early. Otherwise, he’d just be a hack.

I don’t like Rogans comedy but he’s a great interviewer and I enjoy his perspective on a whole bunch of topics. Why people make his opinions about anything more than just that is strange.

What exactly is he a hack at besides not being a top tier comedian which isn’t even some big failure?

Cmon, you know the answer to this. He's a hack because he thinks differently than these clowns.
Rogan's problem is that he's got a huge audience  
Heisenberg : 6/5/2024 10:25 am : link
and he talks with certainty with his audience about stuff that he actually knows very little. And he brings on people who do the same.

His audience "learns" way too much from these engrossing conversations and so he's a source for spreading bullshit to a lot of folks.
RE: Rogan's problem is that he's got a huge audience  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 10:40 am : link
In comment 16531104 Heisenberg said:
and he talks with certainty with his audience about stuff that he actually knows very little. And he brings on people who do the same.

His audience "learns" way too much from these engrossing conversations and so he's a source for spreading bullshit to a lot of folks.

Him talking with certainty is BS - he makes it very clear what he’s an expert on (MMA, fitness, etc) and what he isn’t (astrophysics, economics, etc). The guy, like everyone else on the planet, has an opinion and he shares it. If people take his word as gospel that’s on them, no different than anyone else.

Which experts should we all listen to and not question?
RE: RE: Rogan's problem is that he's got a huge audience  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/5/2024 10:49 am : link
In comment 16531124 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16531104 Heisenberg said:


and he talks with certainty with his audience about stuff that he actually knows very little. And he brings on people who do the same.

His audience "learns" way too much from these engrossing conversations and so he's a source for spreading bullshit to a lot of folks.

Him talking with certainty is BS - he makes it very clear what he’s an expert on (MMA, fitness, etc) and what he isn’t (astrophysics, economics, etc). The guy, like everyone else on the planet, has an opinion and he shares it. If people take his word as gospel that’s on them, no different than anyone else.

Which experts should we all listen to and not question?

Emphasis mine - this is the problem. Not everyone needs to have an opinion on everything. And even fewer need to share it when their opinion is uninformed.
Sure, but now you are advocating for censorship  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 10:55 am : link
people need to do their research regardless of what a podcaster, doctor, or elected official says. Need more self accountability and less blaming and complaining.

Steve O has a popular podcast, I tune in on occasion to be entertained, that’s it.
RE: Sure, but now you are advocating for censorship  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/5/2024 10:58 am : link
In comment 16531138 UConn4523 said:
people need to do their research regardless of what a podcaster, doctor, or elected official says. Need more self accountability and less blaming and complaining.

Steve O has a popular podcast, I tune in on occasion to be entertained, that’s it.

I didn't mean for it to come across as censorship. I meant that the idea that everyone is entitled to an opinion AND for a platform on which to share it is a relatively recent phenomenon (driven by the internet and social media).

People could just shut the fuck up when they have no idea what they're talking about. No one ever took that option away.
It's not censorship  
Kevin_in_Pgh : 6/5/2024 11:03 am : link
unless an authority bans it. It has nothing to do with whether something is a good, responsible idea/action.

In this case, Terrance Howard is a crank. Joe Rogan's interview makes him appear legitimate to a large number of Joe's followers. It's one thing to say he 'shouldn't' give this platform to people like Howard. It's totally different if you're saying the government should shut Rogan down.
The thing  
pjcas18 : 6/5/2024 11:11 am : link
I like about Rogan though is he is willing to be told he's wrong and get educated and while he does often host contrarian guests, and comedians and fringe personalities, he also often does host experts. It's not all Terrence Howard and Katt Williams.

Rogan's podcast with Coleman Hughes taught me a lot about that subject I was not familiar with, neither was Rogan and he acknowledged that, and I would guess neither was a lot of his audience.

furthermore, a lot of the opinions Rogan had about subjects that cannot be discussed on here where he was vilified for having turned out to be more accurate or fairer than the "experts". Not all of his opinions to be clear, but many and the fact that there are not many voices with his reach on an accessible platform that support critical thinking or even dissension from the main stream (vs grandstanding or shit stirring or trolling under the guise of "just asking questions" - which I do not support) makes him an important figure IMO.

I'm not even talking about Rogan per se  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/5/2024 11:31 am : link
but more so Terrence Howard. No one needs to hear Lucious Lyon tell us about conjugating wavelengths and 1x1=2, and anyone who gives a wackjob like that a platform is doing so with purely sensationalist, clickbait motivation - it's not about getting more informed.

We need to stop giving a megaphone to the lunatic fringe, especially now that we as a society have stopped being capable of even deciphering the difference between truly informed experts and "do your own research" idiots.
RE: Rogan's problem is that he's got a huge audience  
djm : 6/5/2024 11:35 am : link
In comment 16531104 Heisenberg said:
and he talks with certainty with his audience about stuff that he actually knows very little. And he brings on people who do the same.

His audience "learns" way too much from these engrossing conversations and so he's a source for spreading bullshit to a lot of folks.

Yep. But he's just thinking differently than the idiots. Sure he is.
funny how this day and age it's totally fine  
djm : 6/5/2024 11:39 am : link
for an uninformed individual to espouse or speculate on things they literally aren't qualified to speak on with any certainty, but far too many of the educated speaking to things they are qualified to speak on? They get death threats.

I always say it, years ago, every village had its idiot,  
oghwga : 6/5/2024 11:47 am : link
Now, thanks to the internet, they can get together and expand their numbers. That's why we have "Goop," and flat earthers, and just generally every stupid person on the planet (half of us are below average) finding another stupid person who echoes their "research" so the stupidity gets magnified by an order of 10.

Rogan is what he is  
Johnny5 : 6/5/2024 11:51 am : link
He doesn't hide what he is, and censorship is bullshit no matter how you slice it. I'm not a fan but I don't have issue with him. However, with the amount of stupid and gullible on this planet, I don't think a mandatory disclaimer would be a bad idea. I mean even Preparation H includes a disclaimer to not take orally for those select few that need it. lol

And 1x1=2? Holy fuckballz. LOL
yea I've heard Howard's rants  
Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy : 6/5/2024 12:09 pm : link
before. It's definitely an interesting listen to say the least. He's in his own world.

I preferred Rogan a lot more like 5-10ish years ago when he was just f'ing around with Redban. I still listen when he has certain guests on, but he's so full of himself these days that it becomes hard to listen to. I guess that kind of success gets in your head, can't blame him. But it's definitely made him worse over the years.
Every time one of these threads appear  
steve in ky : 6/5/2024 1:11 pm : link
People get censorship wrong.

If someone wishes there were less avenues for loons to have a voice and influence people it’s not censorship. If the government stepped in and stopped them from talking then it would be.

RE: Every time one of these threads appear  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 1:26 pm : link
In comment 16531261 steve in ky said:
People get censorship wrong.

If someone wishes there were less avenues for loons to have a voice and influence people it’s not censorship. If the government stepped in and stopped them from talking then it would be.

No, you are wrong because you are deciding who the loon is, in your hypothetical.
I'm not a Joe Rogan fan,  
Go Terps : 6/5/2024 1:41 pm : link
but I do recall when he had an epidemiologist on his show in early March 2020 to talk about COVID, and I found the interview to be really compelling and much of what the epidemiologist said was borne out. This was a few days before the world basically shut down. It was informative and scary.

Much of the shit Rogan went on to say on the topic in subsequent years was really irresponsible, but if people are getting medical advice from people like him and Aaron Rodgers then that's on the people listening to them. "Idiocracy" was a fucking documentary, not a comedy.
RE: RE: Every time one of these threads appear  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/5/2024 1:45 pm : link
In comment 16531273 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16531261 steve in ky said:


People get censorship wrong.

If someone wishes there were less avenues for loons to have a voice and influence people it’s not censorship. If the government stepped in and stopped them from talking then it would be.

No, you are wrong because you are deciding who the loon is, in your hypothetical.

We know who the loon is. The guy who claims 1x1=2 because he doesn't even understand the concept of multiplication.
RE: yea I've heard Howard's rants  
SimpleMan : 6/5/2024 1:47 pm : link
In comment 16531214 Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy said:
before. It's definitely an interesting listen to say the least. He's in his own world.

I preferred Rogan a lot more like 5-10ish years ago when he was just f'ing around with Redban. I still listen when he has certain guests on, but he's so full of himself these days that it becomes hard to listen to. I guess that kind of success gets in your head, can't blame him. But it's definitely made him worse over the years.

Came here to say similar. I used to love the Rogan podcast. When I drove across country and back in 2016-17 I had it on nonstop. He used to have such great conversations with a wide variety of people. These days, he definitely has a certain built-in stance with himself and his guests. He is not as open minded as he portrays himself to be. He throws in the same talking points and espouses way more bullshit. Theres plenty of clips of him where he is talking absolute nonsense and gets caught up (usually by Jamie "pulling it up"). I don't hate him or anything, and still listen to him for MMA talk. But he is not what he used to be.
RE: RE: Every time one of these threads appear  
steve in ky : 6/5/2024 1:51 pm : link
In comment 16531273 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16531261 steve in ky said:


People get censorship wrong.

If someone wishes there were less avenues for loons to have a voice and influence people it’s not censorship. If the government stepped in and stopped them from talking then it would be.

No, you are wrong because you are deciding who the loon is, in your hypothetical.

No because none of us even if we believe someone is or isn’t a loon don’t have the power to censor anyone. And even if a private company that employed someone who the masses judged to be a loon and chose to limit them because they feared loss of revenue because of it, that wouldn’t be censorship. That would be their prerogative. The loons would still be free to say whatever they desired to, they just maybe would no longer make an income from it.

Censorship is when the government limits their ability to speak out.
RE: RE: RE: Every time one of these threads appear  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 1:52 pm : link
In comment 16531290 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16531273 UConn4523 said:


In comment 16531261 steve in ky said:


People get censorship wrong.

If someone wishes there were less avenues for loons to have a voice and influence people it’s not censorship. If the government stepped in and stopped them from talking then it would be.

No, you are wrong because you are deciding who the loon is, in your hypothetical.

We know who the loon is. The guy who claims 1x1=2 because he doesn't even understand the concept of multiplication.

Although that’s not who I was referring to, he should be allow to say whatever he wants and if it’s so obvious he’s crazy, he will be ignored. Who’s the arbiter of what should be allowed on air anyway? that’s my point on censorship and goes back to my earlier post on self accountability as well.
RE: RE: Rogan's problem is that he's got a huge audience  
Heisenberg : 6/5/2024 1:58 pm : link
In comment 16531124 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16531104 Heisenberg said:


and he talks with certainty with his audience about stuff that he actually knows very little. And he brings on people who do the same.

His audience "learns" way too much from these engrossing conversations and so he's a source for spreading bullshit to a lot of folks.

Him talking with certainty is BS - he makes it very clear what he’s an expert on (MMA, fitness, etc) and what he isn’t (astrophysics, economics, etc). The guy, like everyone else on the planet, has an opinion and he shares it. If people take his word as gospel that’s on them, no different than anyone else.

Which experts should we all listen to and not question?

Whatever his bonafides are in fields, he often presents his opinions with certainty. And his tendency to not really question what his guests have to say means his platform is available to folks who are spreading a lot of stuff that is shaky at best.

I don't want to censor anyone, I just think it's regrettable that the biggest podcast in the world helps to spread a lot of bullshit to an audience that seems to love the bullshit.
Steve, yes the literal definition is true  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 1:58 pm : link
but you also want to limit it as you said above so I’m speaking directly to you - you want Terrance Howard or whoever to not be given as many opportunities to speak/be heard. That’s wild to me. Just move along if you don’t like him (I don’t) like mostly everyone else is doing.
RE: Steve, yes the literal definition is true  
steve in ky : 6/5/2024 2:15 pm : link
In comment 16531311 UConn4523 said:
but you also want to limit it as you said above so I’m speaking directly to you - you want Terrance Howard or whoever to not be given as many opportunities to speak/be heard. That’s wild to me. Just move along if you don’t like him (I don’t) like mostly everyone else is doing.

I actually never said I wanted to limit anyone. But that’s the way things work, people are free to say what they choose and others are equally free to object to them saying it.
You “wish” to have his voice limited  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 2:21 pm : link
how else is that supposed to be read?
Maybe you didn’t mean it that way, that’s cool  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 2:22 pm : link
that would be similar to my view on the Kardashians - i hate the message they send and money they make off of it but they should be free to do so.
RE: Steve, yes the literal definition is true  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/5/2024 2:46 pm : link
In comment 16531311 UConn4523 said:
but you also want to limit it as you said above so I’m speaking directly to you - you want Terrance Howard or whoever to not be given as many opportunities to speak/be heard. That’s wild to me. Just move along if you don’t like him (I don’t) like mostly everyone else is doing.

I can't speak for Steve, but it's not that I want to force someone like Howard to have his opportunities limited. It's that I hate that we live in a world where there's not only demand for these stupid fucking alternative viewpoints, but there are people who believe them, and think that a mid-level actor is qualified to even have a take on the nonsense he discusses.

I don't want to limit the supply of stupidity. I just wish we didn't have so much demand for stupidity. If there wasn't demand for it, there'd be no market for it. Without a market for it, there'd be no money in it. With no money in it, there'd be no reason to give any oxygen to the nonsense in the first place.

The voracious appetite that our society has for stupidity (and the consumption of that stupidity as though it's based in fact) is bleak and depressing.
RE: RE: Steve, yes the literal definition is true  
Cap'n Bluebeard : 6/5/2024 3:12 pm : link
In comment 16531343 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16531311 UConn4523 said:


but you also want to limit it as you said above so I’m speaking directly to you - you want Terrance Howard or whoever to not be given as many opportunities to speak/be heard. That’s wild to me. Just move along if you don’t like him (I don’t) like mostly everyone else is doing.

I can't speak for Steve, but it's not that I want to force someone like Howard to have his opportunities limited. It's that I hate that we live in a world where there's not only demand for these stupid fucking alternative viewpoints, but there are people who believe them, and think that a mid-level actor is qualified to even have a take on the nonsense he discusses.

I don't want to limit the supply of stupidity. I just wish we didn't have so much demand for stupidity. If there wasn't demand for it, there'd be no market for it. Without a market for it, there'd be no money in it. With no money in it, there'd be no reason to give any oxygen to the nonsense in the first place.

The voracious appetite that our society has for stupidity (and the consumption of that stupidity as though it's based in fact) is bleak and depressing.

Pretty much this. There are people in this thread debating whether or not someone who doesn't understand the most basic arithmetic is a genius or not. Think about that. We're actively having a conversation about the merits of a man who doesn't understand that 1x1 is a fundamentally different thing than 1+1. Listening to this man gives you brainworms.

I don't think it's censorship to wish that a man who has a platform that reaches over 10 million people would use that platform more responsibly. Even if only 1% of the people who listen to the podcast believe the lunacy Howard espoused, that's still 100,000 people walking around telling their friends and family this nonsense. This kind of shit is one of the ways we've ended up so polarized as a country. A whole lot of people listening to fringe weirdos and basing their entire worldview on misinformation.
Might want to turn the internet off then  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 3:49 pm : link
Rogan isn’t the problem and does way more good than bad, IMO.
RE: Might want to turn the internet off then  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/5/2024 4:20 pm : link
In comment 16531388 UConn4523 said:
Rogan isn’t the problem and does way more good than bad, IMO.

I guess that's one option.

The other might be to put a slightly higher premium on intelligence instead of racing to the bottom under the guise of entertainment, but that's never happening. We're already past the tipping point and the idiots have rightfully declared victory.
RE: You “wish” to have his voice limited  
steve in ky : 6/5/2024 4:25 pm : link
In comment 16531328 UConn4523 said:
how else is that supposed to be read?

Again, I never said that. Others did, it was called censorship and I responded to that. I was just adding my point of view on that, no big deal though.

RE: RE: Might want to turn the internet off then  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 4:32 pm : link
In comment 16531405 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16531388 UConn4523 said:


Rogan isn’t the problem and does way more good than bad, IMO.

I guess that's one option.

The other might be to put a slightly higher premium on intelligence instead of racing to the bottom under the guise of entertainment, but that's never happening. We're already past the tipping point and the idiots have rightfully declared victory.

You and I don’t and won’t agree on what’s quality content. You might find some episodes laughable and I find them interesting. And as someone posted earlier, he’s been right on some things he almost got cancelled for.
RE: RE: RE: Might want to turn the internet off then  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/5/2024 4:44 pm : link
In comment 16531410 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16531405 Gatorade Dunk said:


In comment 16531388 UConn4523 said:


Rogan isn’t the problem and does way more good than bad, IMO.

I guess that's one option.

The other might be to put a slightly higher premium on intelligence instead of racing to the bottom under the guise of entertainment, but that's never happening. We're already past the tipping point and the idiots have rightfully declared victory.

You and I don’t and won’t agree on what’s quality content. You might find some episodes laughable and I find them interesting. And as someone posted earlier, he’s been right on some things he almost got cancelled for.

We're also arguing about two different people. I don't care about Rogan other than thinking that it's irresponsible to give someone like Howard a platform without challenging him.

When I say the idiots have won, it's because of people like Terrence Howard being celebrated as some sort of genius or savant when it's much more likely that he's just a mentally-ill narcissist.
Mark Twain  
pjcas18 : 6/5/2024 4:47 pm : link
has a quote attributed to him that fits this era we live in to a T.

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled"

You know who you are. Or worse, maybe you don't.
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 5:08 pm : link
What was there, one throw away comment about him being a genius earlier in the thread? It sounded facetious to me and paid it no mind. And he may actually be really smart, I have no idea other than what I’ve read about some of his collegiate background and accomplishments. I don’t like him from his earlier acting days for reasons unrelated to this thread, so him saying 1x1=2 is just something I’ll ignore.

I’m strictly talking Rogan. I’ve learned a lot from his podcast, and also laughed a lot. That’s a pretty good combo and no one is doing it better.
RE: Mark Twain  
ChrisRick : 6/5/2024 5:15 pm : link
In comment 16531416 pjcas18 said:
has a quote attributed to him that fits this era we live in to a T.

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled"

You know who you are. Or worse, maybe you don't.

Good quote. From my experience in this life (I'll be 46 in a couple of months), the second that I thought I knew enough about myself or this life, I branded myself a fool.

There are things about me that I can see now that I could not or did not want to see earlier in my life. It is reasonable to expect the same thing to happen later in my life (God willing). Overall, I think this is the case for most people as is my belief that humans overall have a terrible sense of awareness about themselves.

I know that I lie to myself about my intentions too often.
RE: GD  
Gatorade Dunk : 6/5/2024 5:21 pm : link
In comment 16531439 UConn4523 said:
What was there, one throw away comment about him being a genius earlier in the thread? It sounded facetious to me and paid it no mind. And he may actually be really smart, I have no idea other than what I’ve read about some of his collegiate background and accomplishments. I don’t like him from his earlier acting days for reasons unrelated to this thread, so him saying 1x1=2 is just something I’ll ignore.

I’m strictly talking Rogan. I’ve learned a lot from his podcast, and also laughed a lot. That’s a pretty good combo and no one is doing it better.

I'm not just talking about Howard being celebrated on here, in this thread. I'm saying public sentiment in general, for those who care at all, seems to include more people who feel like Howard really gave them something to think about than it does people who recognize that he's a complete wacko. Is he harmful? Probably not. But the departure from objective truths in favor of a full spectrum of alternative theories is a step backward in general, IMO. This is not the advancement of intelligent thought; it's the equivalent of a burnout stoner on the couch of his frat house wondering if "C-A-T really spells 'dog'."

Somehow, humans are simultaneously smarter than ever before (given to our tech advancements and access to knowledge) right now while also dumber than ever before. And our ability to differentiate (and agree upon the differentiation of) the former from the latter has never been more under siege, IMO.

Putting the dumb on the same platform as the smart and doing nothing to indicate which is which leaves the shallow end consuming all of it equally.
RE: RE: RE: Rogan was unfunny and dumb on News Radio and  
bwitz : 6/5/2024 6:27 pm : link
In comment 16531031 Kmed6000 said:
In comment 16530925 UConn4523 said:


In comment 16530876 bwitz said:


continues to be to this day. Good thing he got in on UFC early. Otherwise, he’d just be a hack.

I don’t like Rogans comedy but he’s a great interviewer and I enjoy his perspective on a whole bunch of topics. Why people make his opinions about anything more than just that is strange.

What exactly is he a hack at besides not being a top tier comedian which isn’t even some big failure?

Cmon, you know the answer to this. He's a hack because he thinks differently than these clowns.

It’s good to know the morons in his audience.

The fact that some people here can’t comprehend  
bwitz : 6/5/2024 6:32 pm : link
why Rogan is an asshole isn’t mind boggling at all.

Usual suspects. Sad.
RE: The fact that some people here can’t comprehend  
UConn4523 : 6/5/2024 6:34 pm : link
In comment 16531485 bwitz said:
why Rogan is an asshole isn’t mind boggling at all.

Usual suspects. Sad.

One might call your insults and lack of anything of substance, acting like an asshlole. Dare I say, on brand response?
j_rud : 6/5/2024 7:52 pm : link
Wait, who is gobbling up the Terrence Howard interview  
widmerseyebrow : 6/6/2024 12:21 am : link
As anything more than pure entertainment? I'll need to see more than a couple tweets or a Rolling Stone piece.
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