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NFT: Two "Saving Private Ryan" Questions

Anakim : 6/7/2024 9:58 am
Watched it again yesterday in honor of D-Day, but two things occurred to me:

1) In the opening scene, an elderly James Ryan is seen walking to a specific grave. Is this intended to create ambiguity about the character's identity? Initially, without context, we don't know who the character is. Is it meant to suggest that the character could be either Private Ryan or Captain Miller, only revealing that it's Ryan when we see the aged Matt Damon standing over Tom Hanks' character's grave? Going into the film, was the audience aware that Matt Damon's character would survive the war (it is called "SAVING Private Ryan" after all)?

2) More of a confirmation: Steamboat Willie (the Nazi soldier they let go) and the soldier who killed Mellish are two different people, right? I always thought they were the same person. If they are different, they both fought in the same battle, and Upham eventually works up the courage to kill Willie. Do we ever find out what happens to Mellish's killer? Is he part of the group that Upham orders to leave after he kills Willie?
Miller is dead  
UConn4523 : 6/7/2024 10:02 am : link
the point of the opening scene is that it’s Ryan paying tribute to the men that died saving him.
Yes, the guy who kills Mellish is a different German  
Greg from LI : 6/7/2024 10:04 am : link
And I don't think we see him again.

Agree with Uconn  
George from PA : 6/7/2024 10:07 am : link
I have since seen movie a few times but never thought there was ambiguity
I reread your question since I was still confused by it  
UConn4523 : 6/7/2024 10:07 am : link
you can ignore my initial response. Not sure if it was misdirection but I can see why one might think that since they don’t show who’s grave it is I don’t believe.
RE: Yes, the guy who kills Mellish is a different German  
Johnny5 : 6/7/2024 10:08 am : link
In comment 16532446 Greg from LI said:
And I don't think we see him again.

Agreed, and bad luck for the German soldier to meet up with Upham again right after Mellish was killed.
RE: I reread your question since I was still confused by it  
Anakim : 6/7/2024 10:13 am : link
In comment 16532448 UConn4523 said:
you can ignore my initial response. Not sure if it was misdirection but I can see why one might think that since they don’t show who’s grave it is I don’t believe.

Typing on my phone on the go, so I apologize if it wasn't clear.

But yes, once the movie begins, we see an unknown elderly man walking to a grave. As the movie goes on, are you meant to believe that it's POSSIBLE that this elderly gentleman could be Miller (or even potentially someone else)?
I must have seen the movie  
section125 : 6/7/2024 10:17 am : link
a dozen times and always thought the guy they let go(Steamboat Willie), the guy that kills Mellish and the guy Upham eventually kills were the same, until recently.
At that time, Upham shoots Willie because Willie tries to sweet talk Upham into letting he and his guys go, again. Upham was basically a pushover twice but had had enough.
Mellish death haunted me for a long time  
Ben in Tampa : 6/7/2024 10:19 am : link
I was around 13 when the movie came out. Just brutal.
The first time you see the movie  
Greg from LI : 6/7/2024 10:19 am : link
You have no idea who the old man in the cemetery is. There is no dialogue and you don't see the name on the headstone. The only clue to his identity is the 101st Airborne pin on his jacket, but on first viewing you don't know what character is a paratrooper. The end of the scene then transitions to the beach landings, which Ryan wasn't a participant in. So, yes, it's deliberately ambiguous.
RE: I must have seen the movie  
Anakim : 6/7/2024 10:21 am : link
In comment 16532454 section125 said:
a dozen times and always thought the guy they let go(Steamboat Willie), the guy that kills Mellish and the guy Upham eventually kills were the same, until recently.
At that time, Upham shoots Willie because Willie tries to sweet talk Upham into letting he and his guys go, again. Upham was basically a pushover twice but had had enough.

Wait, it's three different people? But then how does the guy Upham kills know his name? He calls him "Upham". I figured he killed Steamboat Willie.
I've seen the movie a dozen times and  
Rob in Rockaway : 6/7/2024 10:25 am : link
I always thought it was the same German at the Machine Gun nest, and he kills Mellish, and he is eventually shot by Upham. I gotta pay more attention I guess...
RE: RE: I must have seen the movie  
section125 : 6/7/2024 10:25 am : link
In comment 16532458 Anakim said:
In comment 16532454 section125 said:


a dozen times and always thought the guy they let go(Steamboat Willie), the guy that kills Mellish and the guy Upham eventually kills were the same, until recently.
At that time, Upham shoots Willie because Willie tries to sweet talk Upham into letting he and his guys go, again. Upham was basically a pushover twice but had had enough.

Wait, it's three different people? But then how does the guy Upham kills know his name? He calls him "Upham". I figured he killed Steamboat Willie.

No, two guys. The guy that they let go from the machine gun nest earlier is the same guy Upham shoots. The guy that knifed Mellish is different.
RE: RE: RE: I must have seen the movie  
Anakim : 6/7/2024 10:28 am : link
In comment 16532461 section125 said:
In comment 16532458 Anakim said:


In comment 16532454 section125 said:


a dozen times and always thought the guy they let go(Steamboat Willie), the guy that kills Mellish and the guy Upham eventually kills were the same, until recently.
At that time, Upham shoots Willie because Willie tries to sweet talk Upham into letting he and his guys go, again. Upham was basically a pushover twice but had had enough.

Wait, it's three different people? But then how does the guy Upham kills know his name? He calls him "Upham". I figured he killed Steamboat Willie.

No, two guys. The guy that they let go from the machine gun nest earlier is the same guy Upham shoots. The guy that knifed Mellish is different.

Yeah, I found that out yesterday when I watched it. There was a slight difference in facial features that I never noticed before.
One of the reasons I thought it was all the same guy  
Rob in Rockaway : 6/7/2024 10:28 am : link
other than they look a lot alike, is that he walks right by Upham on the stairs after knifing Mellish, I assumed he did that because Upham was lobbying not to kill him at the machine gun nest.
Story on Steamboat  
section125 : 6/7/2024 10:30 am : link

Didn't realize it was Willie that shot Capt Miller...

Good write up.
Steamboat Willie - ( New Window )
RE: RE: I reread your question since I was still confused by it  
26.2 : 6/7/2024 10:34 am : link
In comment 16532453 Anakim said:
In comment 16532448 UConn4523 said:


you can ignore my initial response. Not sure if it was misdirection but I can see why one might think that since they don’t show who’s grave it is I don’t believe.

Typing on my phone on the go, so I apologize if it wasn't clear.

But yes, once the movie begins, we see an unknown elderly man walking to a grave. As the movie goes on, are you meant to believe that it's POSSIBLE that this elderly gentleman could be Miller (or even potentially someone else)?

I'm pretty sure that the old man at the beginning is Private Ryan. Capt'n Miller died at the end. The only remaining core that lived were Upum and Ryben (sp?).
RE: Story on Steamboat  
widmerseyebrow : 6/7/2024 10:43 am : link
In comment 16532468 section125 said:

Didn't realize it was Willie that shot Capt Miller...

Good write up. Steamboat Willie - ( New Window )

Man, what a trick of the mind. When I look at the picture of the SS guy, it's exactly how I remember him and distinctly different from how I remember Willie. But for whatever reason I thought of them as the same guy when recalling the narrative. I think the main reason is when he ignores Upham on the way out, it felt like a "thanks for letting me go earlier, pussy."
RE: Story on Steamboat  
Bob in VA : 6/7/2024 10:43 am : link
In comment 16532468 section125 said:

Didn't realize it was Willie that shot Capt Miller...

Good write up. Steamboat Willie - ( New Window )

It's clear in the movie that Willie shoots Capt Miller, and Upham sees it. If Upham didn't witness Willie shooting Miller, then I doubt Upham shoots Willie.
RE: RE: Story on Steamboat  
26.2 : 6/7/2024 10:49 am : link
In comment 16532480 Bob in VA said:
In comment 16532468 section125 said:



Didn't realize it was Willie that shot Capt Miller...

Good write up. Steamboat Willie - ( New Window )

It's clear in the movie that Willie shoots Capt Miller, and Upham sees it. If Upham didn't witness Willie shooting Miller, then I doubt Upham shoots Willie.

I disagree here. Only b/c willie says "Upham" with a smile on his face right before Upham shoots him. Dude never thought he'd see combat nor did he consider ever having to kill anyone in the war. Then he got to his breaking point. Kind of like initially when he says he didn't smoke, then he's all of a sudden chain smoking before the final battle.
I think some people are mixing up  
Bob from Massachusetts : 6/7/2024 10:53 am : link
what you know at the end from what you know in the initial scene. I think Spielberg sets it up so during the film you don't know whether it's Miller or Ryan (altho the name of the picture does clearly suggest) or someone else. But you also kind of forget the first scene during the movie so coming back to that at the end I found very powerful
RE: I think some people are mixing up  
UConn4523 : 6/7/2024 11:02 am : link
In comment 16532486 Bob from Massachusetts said:
what you know at the end from what you know in the initial scene. I think Spielberg sets it up so during the film you don't know whether it's Miller or Ryan (altho the name of the picture does clearly suggest) or someone else. But you also kind of forget the first scene during the movie so coming back to that at the end I found very powerful

Agreed, that’s how I initially responded but that’s my take too after re reading
Spielberg is famous for certain shots he likes . . .  
3000_MilesToMeadowlands : 6/7/2024 11:26 am : link
The best example of one is in the first minutes of this movie, it's the facial reaction shot before he shows what it is related to . . .

The slow zoom into the old guy's face at the beginning was great, you knew he was remembering some serious shit, which then: bang you're on the landing craft with Tom Hanks and the rest of his men. Easy to think that was Hanks as an old guy, but you also figured they were going to Save Private Ryan
RE: RE: Story on Steamboat  
section125 : 6/7/2024 11:30 am : link
In comment 16532480 Bob in VA said:
In comment 16532468 section125 said:



Didn't realize it was Willie that shot Capt Miller...

Good write up. Steamboat Willie - ( New Window )

It's clear in the movie that Willie shoots Capt Miller, and Upham sees it. If Upham didn't witness Willie shooting Miller, then I doubt Upham shoots Willie.

Bob, I didn't focus on who shot Miller. I don't usually critique movies while I am watching them. With the battle going on around them and the Germans close to overrunning the US position, I was watching the overall battle - yes I missed that part. Then again I thought it was Willie that stabbed Mellish and that was why Upham shot him...hey, I effed up! Fun to find I was mistaken...
RE: Story on Steamboat  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 11:31 am : link
In comment 16532468 section125 said:

Didn't realize it was Willie that shot Capt Miller...

Good write up. Steamboat Willie - ( New Window )

If that's accurate, it's a major plot hole. There were no Waffen-SS divisions stationed in Normandy. The counter attack at the end of the film I believe is supposed to be an element of the 2nd SS "Das Reich" Division. In other words, the same soldier would not be in the same location. It would be like having a U.S. Army soldier embedded in a U.S. Marine division.
I'll have to go back too  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 11:32 am : link
but wasn't the guy wearing an SS uniform?
RE: I'll have to go back too  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 11:36 am : link
In comment 16532500 Eric from BBI said:
but wasn't the guy wearing an SS uniform?

It's ambiguous... maybe deliberately so. He doesn't have SS runes on his collar but he's wearing SS-style camouflage. My guess is the director wanted to add the twist. But it's not realist. Weird thing is I never thought it was the same guy but it does look like him.
RE: I'll have to go back too  
Greg from LI : 6/7/2024 11:37 am : link
In comment 16532500 Eric from BBI said:
but wasn't the guy wearing an SS uniform?

Indeed he was, which is another reason why we know it's not "Steamboat Willie"

The runes are there  
Greg from LI : 6/7/2024 11:38 am : link
Just faded and hard to see. Another look

Greg from LI  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 11:40 am : link
If you look at the scene where he shot Captain Miller, the SS runes are gone. Never noticed it before but they even changed his uniform.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 11:42 am : link
the SS marks are gone
Upham shoots Steamboat Willie, twice.... - ( New Window )
I just  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 11:44 am : link
told this to my wife and she responded with a well duh like response.

I never thought it was the same guy because it wouldn't have made sense to have been the same guy (different branches of the military). Somehow I missed that. Interesting plot twist but it makes no sense.
Oh, you were talking about Steamboat Willie in an SS uniform  
Greg from LI : 6/7/2024 11:47 am : link
The pics I posted were the guy who kills Mellish.

They didn't change his uniform. He still has what looks like an M44 tunic, same as the earlier scenes, only with an M42 SS camo smock over it.
It’s Steven Spielberg…  
Chris in Philly : 6/7/2024 11:50 am : link
of course it is supposed to be the same guy.
also, since apparently this is a common discussion  
Greg from LI : 6/7/2024 11:50 am : link
While searching for pics I came across a page that said another reason you know they are two different guys is that Mellish's SS killer speaks with an Austrian accent and Steamboat Willie doesn't.
RE: also, since apparently this is a common discussion  
section125 : 6/7/2024 11:53 am : link
In comment 16532520 Greg from LI said:
While searching for pics I came across a page that said another reason you know they are two different guys is that Mellish's SS killer speaks with an Austrian accent and Steamboat Willie doesn't.

My 4 years of high school German didn't get that far as to learning Austrian dialect. Hoch Deutsch and Plat Deutsch yes...
I speak no German  
Greg from LI : 6/7/2024 11:56 am : link
Merely conveying what someone else said.

Also, Steamboat Willie has a fairly noticeable cut over his right eye and a few other smaller cuts on his face when they let him go, which are also visible when Upham shoots him. The SS guy doesn't have any cuts on his face.
RE: Oh, you were talking about Steamboat Willie in an SS uniform  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 12:04 pm : link
In comment 16532515 Greg from LI said:
The pics I posted were the guy who kills Mellish.

They didn't change his uniform. He still has what looks like an M44 tunic, same as the earlier scenes, only with an M42 SS camo smock over it.

OK, now I've completely confused this... I thought Opum killed the guy who killed Mellish. So I got TWO things wrong! Ughh...
I always  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 12:06 pm : link
thought the "redemption" arc was Opum killing the guy who killed Mellish. Boy did I get that wrong.
If they didn't have  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 12:08 pm : link
the Germans have shaved heads all like Russian conscripts, this would have been easier for me. Ha
RE: I always  
section125 : 6/7/2024 12:11 pm : link
In comment 16532532 Eric from BBI said:
thought the "redemption" arc was Opum killing the guy who killed Mellish. Boy did I get that wrong.

I was right there with you and we are not alone....
RE: RE: RE: Story on Steamboat  
Bob in VA : 6/7/2024 12:26 pm : link
In comment 16532484 26.2 said:
In comment 16532480 Bob in VA said:


In comment 16532468 section125 said:



Didn't realize it was Willie that shot Capt Miller...

Good write up. Steamboat Willie - ( New Window )

It's clear in the movie that Willie shoots Capt Miller, and Upham sees it. If Upham didn't witness Willie shooting Miller, then I doubt Upham shoots Willie.

I disagree here. Only b/c willie says "Upham" with a smile on his face right before Upham shoots him. Dude never thought he'd see combat nor did he consider ever having to kill anyone in the war. Then he got to his breaking point. Kind of like initially when he says he didn't smoke, then he's all of a sudden chain smoking before the final battle.

What was the breaking point if it wasn't witnessing Willie (who Capt Miller released) shoot Miller? If that wasn't the breaking point, then why did Upham particularly shoot Willie? Just because he sympathetically said "Upham"?
RE: Mellish death haunted me for a long time  
Sec 103 : 6/7/2024 12:45 pm : link
In comment 16532456 Ben in Tampa said:
I was around 13 when the movie came out. Just brutal.

I have to agree, even wit hall the war violence that takes place in this movie that scene is impossible for me to get out of my head once I saw it and still haunts me today.
What fuckin coward would stand there shitting his pants while his buddy is fighting for his life? Infuriating and so damn hauntying!
I haven't seen the movie in a while  
Blue92 : 6/7/2024 1:22 pm : link
but I always wondered why that guy just walked past Upham without taking him out, too.
To the OP: Yes, there was some deliberate ambiguity.  
81_Great_Dane : 6/7/2024 1:43 pm : link
The cut from the elderly man at the beginning to Capt. Miller is usually an indication in film language that it's the same person. It's a bit of misdirection. The open question as we come in isn't whether Ryan will be saved; it's whether Miller or any of the others will survive. It was actually something of a shock how many of them die in the film.

My reaction when I saw the film was "Oh god, they're not going to try to tell us that the old man is an older Tom Hanks, are they?" Well, no, they weren't, so that was good. But yes, it was a bit of sleight of hand.
RE: One of the reasons I thought it was all the same guy  
bradshaw44 : 6/7/2024 1:57 pm : link
In comment 16532466 Rob in Rockaway said:
other than they look a lot alike, is that he walks right by Upham on the stairs after knifing Mellish, I assumed he did that because Upham was lobbying not to kill him at the machine gun nest.

I’m right there with you. Why didn’t he kill him?
The SS soldier  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 2:00 pm : link
who walked by Opum didn't kill him because he didn't see Opum as a threat.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 2:06 pm : link
did you know that the two "German" soldiers that were attempting to surrender on the beach but who were shot were not German? They were speaking Czech and trying to tell the Americans not to shoot them because they were Czech. There were quite a few "Ost" battalions in Normandy. Some of the prisoners we took spoke languages that our intelligence officers couldn't figure out right away.
RE: The SS soldier  
Blue92 : 6/7/2024 2:07 pm : link
In comment 16532602 Eric from BBI said:
who walked by Opum didn't kill him because he didn't see Opum as a threat.

Upham was still an armed enemy soldier and the guy just turned his back to him and walked away. I never understood that.
RE: RE: The SS soldier  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 2:09 pm : link
In comment 16532610 Blue92 said:
In comment 16532602 Eric from BBI said:


who walked by Opum didn't kill him because he didn't see Opum as a threat.

Upham was still an armed enemy soldier and the guy just turned his back to him and walked away. I never understood that.

The best way I can explain it is that it was almost a bigger insult not to kill him because he viewed him as less than a man.
RE: RE: RE: The SS soldier  
section125 : 6/7/2024 2:11 pm : link
In comment 16532615 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16532610 Blue92 said:


In comment 16532602 Eric from BBI said:


who walked by Opum didn't kill him because he didn't see Opum as a threat.

Upham was still an armed enemy soldier and the guy just turned his back to him and walked away. I never understood that.

The best way I can explain it is that it was almost a bigger insult not to kill him because he viewed him as less than a man.

Also, the guy was totally exhausted from the knife fight, may have just passed him subconsciously, plus Upham could have shot him during the fight...
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 2:16 pm : link
Possible, but I have never viewed it that way. I felt that grenadier had contempt for Opum.

Keep this in mind that that unit was an elite fighting outfit that had seen the worst of the war on the Russian Front, where in such small-action encounters prisoners were not taken. In fact, on it's way to Normandy, "Das Reich" committed one of the more infamous massacres in the West at
Oradour-sur-Glane. They killed everyone in the town. This was commonplace in Russia, but not in the West.
RE: section125  
section125 : 6/7/2024 2:31 pm : link
In comment 16532622 Eric from BBI said:
Possible, but I have never viewed it that way. I felt that grenadier had contempt for Opum.

Keep this in mind that that unit was an elite fighting outfit that had seen the worst of the war on the Russian Front, where in such small-action encounters prisoners were not taken. In fact, on it's way to Normandy, "Das Reich" committed one of the more infamous massacres in the West at
Oradour-sur-Glane. They killed everyone in the town. This was commonplace in Russia, but not in the West.

I was just throwing it out there, as you said elite SS weren't leaving armed enemy living to fight.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 2:33 pm : link
That's why I took it as him reacting as "this guy isn't a soldier, he's not worth the bullet."
the guy  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 2:34 pm : link
knew he let his comrade die.
He let let him live and just walked by him...  
RC in MD : 6/7/2024 2:49 pm : link
Because it's a movie. Simple as that. I don't think you can logically try to rationalize why he was left to live in a real life situation because it isn't.

You guys are thinking too much into it. And besides the first 20 minutes of the movie, Saving Private Ryan is massively overrated.
RE: He let let him live and just walked by him...  
section125 : 6/7/2024 2:53 pm : link
In comment 16532660 RC in MD said:
Because it's a movie. Simple as that. I don't think you can logically try to rationalize why he was left to live in a real life situation because it isn't.

You guys are thinking too much into it. And besides the first 20 minutes of the movie, Saving Private Ryan is massively overrated.

Ha - we don't need a dose of reality. Would make for a very short thread.
Like when that 500 lbs bomb from the P-51 blew the turret off the Tiger and it didn't instantly vaporize Capt Miller...
RE: He let let him live and just walked by him...  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 2:58 pm : link
In comment 16532660 RC in MD said:
Because it's a movie. Simple as that. I don't think you can logically try to rationalize why he was left to live in a real life situation because it isn't.

You guys are thinking too much into it. And besides the first 20 minutes of the movie, Saving Private Ryan is massively overrated.

You'd hate to hear my wife and I try to introduce reality to TV on a nightly basis. LOL

BTW, I do think there are innumerable documented examples of soldiers letting the opponent just walk away... in all wars... and for different reasons.
RE: RE: He let let him live and just walked by him...  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/7/2024 2:58 pm : link
In comment 16532664 section125 said:
In comment 16532660 RC in MD said:


Because it's a movie. Simple as that. I don't think you can logically try to rationalize why he was left to live in a real life situation because it isn't.

You guys are thinking too much into it. And besides the first 20 minutes of the movie, Saving Private Ryan is massively overrated.

Ha - we don't need a dose of reality. Would make for a very short thread.
Like when that 500 lbs bomb from the P-51 blew the turret off the Tiger and it didn't instantly vaporize Capt Miller...

You mean the Tiger without the frontal machine gunner?
RE: the guy  
Bob in VA : 6/7/2024 3:31 pm : link
In comment 16532639 Eric from BBI said:
knew he let his comrade die.

Plus Upham pulled his hand away from trigger, as if to silently surrender.
RE: RE: RE: He let let him live and just walked by him...  
section125 : 6/7/2024 3:34 pm : link
In comment 16532672 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16532664 section125 said:


In comment 16532660 RC in MD said:


Because it's a movie. Simple as that. I don't think you can logically try to rationalize why he was left to live in a real life situation because it isn't.

You guys are thinking too much into it. And besides the first 20 minutes of the movie, Saving Private Ryan is massively overrated.

Ha - we don't need a dose of reality. Would make for a very short thread.
Like when that 500 lbs bomb from the P-51 blew the turret off the Tiger and it didn't instantly vaporize Capt Miller...

You mean the Tiger without the frontal machine gunner?

See, technical BS!
RE: He let let him live and just walked by him...  
81_Great_Dane : 6/7/2024 3:44 pm : link
In comment 16532660 RC in MD said:
Because it's a movie. Simple as that. I don't think you can logically try to rationalize why he was left to live in a real life situation because it isn't.

You guys are thinking too much into it. And besides the first 20 minutes of the movie, Saving Private Ryan is massively overrated.
I’m inclined to agree. It’s fine but nothing special after the landing sequence.
RE: RE: He let let him live and just walked by him...  
RC in MD : 6/7/2024 9:19 pm : link
In comment 16532670 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16532660 RC in MD said:


Because it's a movie. Simple as that. I don't think you can logically try to rationalize why he was left to live in a real life situation because it isn't.

You guys are thinking too much into it. And besides the first 20 minutes of the movie, Saving Private Ryan is massively overrated.

You'd hate to hear my wife and I try to introduce reality to TV on a nightly basis. LOL

BTW, I do think there are innumerable documented examples of soldiers letting the opponent just walk away... in all wars... and for different reasons.

Oh for sure there have been many such instances in real life. And those, you can try to figure out why...because they're real life. But the only way we figure out why it happened in this movie is to ask the script writer...ha!
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