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Anyone else miss the pre-"razzle-dazzle" sporting scene?

DC Gmen Fan : 6/14/2024 11:15 am
I've been watching a lot of vintage football and baseball games lately on Youtube, finding them tremendously relaxing to take in. I know the cat's out of the bag and we will never go back, but there's something I just miss about sport being just sport...without all the lights/pyrotechnics, loud music, drama, stupid draft outfits, hero worship, etc? Even watching the Saquon video above had a WWE vibe to it which I think is just tacky but I guess that's what's appealing these days.

Yeah I'm a curmudgeonly old fart at this point, but man there is just something pure about watching these vintage games that I sorely miss today. Anyone else agree or am I on an island (like usual)?

Down in front!
It is a different generation's sport  
section125 : 6/14/2024 11:22 am : link
(pick one) now. We have to go with it. The glitz I can do without on a lot. But I even like some of the "show" in baseball.
No, I don't want to go back.
I agree with the OP  
Mike from Ohio : 6/14/2024 11:54 am : link
I miss the days where the "look at me" stuff was much less. But there isn't going to be a return to that.

I don't think it is a matter of being curmudgeonly, I think it is a factor of you want sports to be just like they were when you first started loving them when you were a kid. Sports change as everything else does, but people will always pine away for the first days when everything seemed perfect, even if there were a ton of imperfections they didn't notice.
When it comes to football at least-  
CRinCA : 6/14/2024 12:01 pm : link
I’ll always be a “Summerall & Madden” type of guy. Don’t need or care for the extraneous bells and whistles. No offense to those that do.
I do, but...  
D HOS : 6/14/2024 12:09 pm : link
To me, it's not as much the razzle dazzle it is the lack of restraint, moderation. And the desperate manic forced "more and more", and insisting on not only relevance but being advanced and relevant. But that's all media and perhaps always been part of our culture.

"Just a bit, with subtlety" - no media company ever.
"advanced and unique"  
D HOS : 6/14/2024 12:10 pm : link
is what I meant to write.
It used to be said  
Gman11 : 6/14/2024 12:25 pm : link
that sports builds character. Not any more. It's all about how I'm going to show off after making a routine play and getting into the opponent's face when you make a good play.

I won't watch the UFL or whatever baloney they put on tv in the spring because those guys have all the celebrations down pat even though they can't play worth a shit.
this is why I enjoy watching old games on YouTube  
Greg from LI : 6/14/2024 12:36 pm : link
more than most games being played today
RE: I do, but...  
DC Gmen Fan : 6/14/2024 12:44 pm : link
In comment 16536953 D HOS said:
To me, it's not as much the razzle dazzle it is the lack of restraint, moderation. And the desperate manic forced "more and more", and insisting on not only relevance but being advanced and relevant. But that's all media and perhaps always been part of our culture.

"Just a bit, with subtlety" - no media company ever.

That's pretty much what I was trying to say but you said it better!
What Steve Sabol Demonstrated  
OntheRoad : 6/14/2024 12:46 pm : link

is that creating a story is critical. The rest is window dressing.
For me it’s not so much the look at me  
UConn4523 : 6/14/2024 1:04 pm : link
as it is the access. I want to watch sports like a kid, not a constantly informed adult. There’s nothing magical about sports anymore, hard to really care.
Hype videos and photos are pretty lame  
Go Terps : 6/14/2024 1:13 pm : link
They're just canned clips that probably needed a few takes, so the athlete (who is in his jersey and pads like he lives in them all the time) just has to do the same thing over and over.

One I actually resented  
Go Terps : 6/14/2024 1:17 pm : link
The "Resiliency" video before SB 42. Here we are about to play the Super Bowl and we have to watch Giants players read something that was written by some FOX intern? Douche chills.

Contrast that with the look on Hostetler's face before he ran out the tunnel at SB 25. THAT is organic and real.
Something I miss  
Sean : 6/14/2024 1:42 pm : link
Individual player intros at the Super Bowl. Thanks to New England for ending that very cool tradition.

Something else, not seeing a consistent score box on the presentation. Watching old games with no distraction and just the game was nice.
I love that the Patriots  
pjcas18 : 6/14/2024 1:54 pm : link
came out of the tunnel as a team. I thought that set the tone for the game.

If I remember right, prior to then teams picked either defense or offense to have introduced. right?

Either way, even if it was both, I loved that they said f-this, we're a team, we're coming out of that tunnel together. no one is above anyone else.

That's not razzle-dazzle - what the Patriots did - in fact quite the opposite.
It's the money. You call attention to yourself and you get more money  
Marty in Albany : 6/14/2024 2:15 pm : link
because people recognize your name.

Dye your hair green and they notice you. Celebrate a first down. Do the Rumba when you score a TD. It doesn't matter as long as people remember it. Most people don't know the number on your jersey, but they'll recognize the hair.

Bad publicity is better than no publicity at all. Example: Any insurance ad on TV.
One more thing. Back when us old guys were kids there was only one  
Marty in Albany : 6/14/2024 2:37 pm : link
football game a week on TV, assuming the game was not blacked out. Anything you did in the game was remembered and talked about all week.

If you didn't live in a big city, high school and college sports dominated the local papers, and Television was not saturated with sports the way it is today. There were only half a dozen TV channels to choose from anyway. Cable TV changed all that.

Now you have six or more football games a week, highlights of all the other games, and football talking heads on several channels all day long. The sheer volume of it all reducess its impact on viewers, so it takes a lot more to impress viewers now than it did 50 years ago.

One of reasons I like minor league baseball  
Blue Dog : 6/14/2024 5:09 pm : link
It is an actual relaxing evening out. No real pomp (still nice though). The players aren't celebrities. Tickets are cheap.
I know what you mean and I agree  
jhibb : 6/14/2024 11:54 pm : link
except for maybe the hero worshipping part. In some ways, I think there was actually more of that back in the day.
Back when things were simple  
Breeze_94 : 6/15/2024 10:41 am : link
2 local games on TV, Giants and Jets. One at 1pm, the other at 4. Plus ‘Americas Game of the week’ at the 4pm slot. Then you had NFL Primetime to see all of the highlights around the league with Chris Berman and TJ. Show was always much better when the Giant won. But that show was essential because it was harder to find highlights back then, minus the few you’d catch on the “Fox gamebreak”
Welcome to Roger's NFL  
SirLoinOfBeef : 6/15/2024 2:36 pm : link

And Jerrah's.

Back in the day I remember listening to Giant games on radio.  
joe48 : 6/16/2024 4:18 pm : link
I could be wrong but were Marty Glickman and Al DeRogotis on WOR radio. Giant games were not regularly on TV. I am glad we have the availability today.
Ball carried by Morris  
Jim in Fairfax : 6/16/2024 4:41 pm : link
Driven out by Williams.

2nd and 4…from the 36.
RE: One of reasons I like minor league baseball  
rnargi : 6/16/2024 8:46 pm : link
In comment 16537163 Blue Dog said:
It is an actual relaxing evening out. No real pomp (still nice though). The players aren't celebrities. Tickets are cheap.

Me too..and kid oriented and everyone is relaxed and enjoying the day/evening. We got a hi A team a couple years ago and it's a blast. Great atmosphere and good baseball. Just a joy like it used to be.
christian : 6/16/2024 11:02 pm : link
Ah yes the good old days, when no one made an ass of themselves.

RE: When it comes to football at least-  
Paulie Walnuts : 6/17/2024 11:54 am : link
In comment 16536945 CRinCA said:
I’ll always be a “Summerall & Madden” type of guy. Don’t need or care for the extraneous bells and whistles. No offense to those that do.
I agree with you
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