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Is it wrong for me to wish DJ to have a horrible game today?

DonnieD89 : 9/15/2024 11:53 am
I have been a diehard Giants fan since the early 70s. I’ve always stuck with them bleeding blue all the way. I was kind of optimistic in the beginning when Daniel Jone’s rookie year was not too shabby. I found a lot of hope and encouragement. From then on, I have been more disappointed with the exception of 2022. Although the stats did not back up his play in 2022, I felt that he may have needed more weapons and consistent coaching to improve. I’ve never been a Daniel Jones apologist, but always rooted for him to succeed.

In 2023, the injuries we are becoming more concerning, and I was becoming more nervous and skeptical about his future play. We are now in 2024, six years into his season, and saw one of Daniel Jones worse performances last week. He regressed and made myself and others sick to our stomachs. At this point, I have seen enough of Daniel Jones to come to the conclusion that he is not it, and II want to not play another down as a New York Giants player. His poor play in the injury clause just totally makes me cringe.

This comes to today where deep down inside, I really want him to shit the bed to let all on the giant staff, including Mara, know he has no future as a quarterback in this league. I think the Giants can do better with Drew Locke or Tommy DeVito, although I’m not overly enthused. It’s time to rip the Band-Aid off. I don’t know how you guys feel about it and if you feel negative about this post, I understand being diehard Giants fans. This is the way I feel right now. I don’t know if there are other people on this board that feel the same way, but I want him gone without injury.
g56blue10 : 9/15/2024 11:58 am : link
It’s wrong. I think we all know a high draft pick and a QB is what we need. But there is no way as fans we should actively be hoping for losses. I those wins last year were bitter sweet bc it was fun but I knew they would be costly too.
And if we have players that are willing to lose on purpose we are doomed because players like will never be winners
Is this thread even real?  
DefenseWins : 9/15/2024 12:00 pm : link
or is this guy trolling?
RE: Is this thread even real?  
DonnieD89 : 9/15/2024 12:06 pm : link
In comment 16609372 DefenseWins said:
or is this guy trolling?

No. I’m not trolling. I’ve been an active member for quite some time on this board. This is the way I feel, which feels very weird. Absolutely not trolling. Like I said, I understand how some with this post. I’m not rooting for the Giants to lose games. I would rather have lock or DeVito playing to win games. I just don’t see winning with Daniel Jones.
This team has shown  
santacruzom : 9/15/2024 12:09 pm : link
It doesn't evaluate average performances by Jones very rationally, so I definitely get where you're coming from.
I don't know  
David B. : 9/15/2024 12:13 pm : link
No one's every had to wish for it. As often as not, you get it for free.

Either way, pray he doesn't get hurt.
I feel the same way  
Go Terps : 9/15/2024 12:14 pm : link
The fools running this team need to go through this:

brandozilla : 9/15/2024 12:15 pm : link
Yes unless you are a commandos fan..
Hard to understand ‘Giant’ fans  
Peter from NH (formerly CT) : 9/15/2024 12:18 pm : link
Who root against their own players. But whatever floats your boat.
If Jones plays badly, then we have an answer finally  
WestCoastGMan : 9/15/2024 12:19 pm : link
Jones has this annoying on/off career where he saves his bacon just enough to make everyone thinks he has had seminal moment and he will finally live up to his potential. Like a slow faucet drip.
I sort of hope he plays mediocre enough to finally give us the answer that he is not the answer. The whole Jones era is torture. Plays bad-plays OK-plays bad-plays great.
A draft pick  
Giantsbigblue : 9/15/2024 12:21 pm : link
Is a lottery ticket. I will always root for wins and for the players on the team to achieve success.
Toth029 : 9/15/2024 12:21 pm : link
Root for the coaches and decision makers go make the right calls when the opportunity presents itself.

If Jones plays poorly, and they lose, Daboll has no excuse not to make a switch. He has a team that needs to win or otherwise his job security flushes.
RE: Hard to understand ‘Giant’ fans  
JT039 : 9/15/2024 12:23 pm : link
In comment 16609408 Peter from NH (formerly CT) said:
Who root against their own players. But whatever floats your boat.

There’s many and a few clutter this board.

It’s sad.
Same Old Arguments From Both Sides  
Jim in Tampa : 9/15/2024 12:24 pm : link
Fans who root AGAINST the Giants this year because they want to be in line to get a franchise QB are not bad fans. They’re just willing to sacrifice immediate gratification (yippee, DeVito won another game!) for what they believe is the long-term benefit to the team.

Fans who root FOR the Giants this year (even after the season is lost) because they would never root against their team under any circumstances, are not bad fans either. But taking this short-term view certainly doesn’t make them better fans either, even though they’re convinced that it does.
Go Terps : 9/15/2024 12:26 pm : link
Rooting for them to lose isn't about the quarterback. It's about the GM and the head coach. They've gotta go.
RE: RE: Is this thread even real?  
WestCoastGMan : 9/15/2024 12:28 pm : link
I agree with this thread. DJ has such a patchy career it's just torture. He has been inconsistent. 2022 was a simple, west coast dink and dunk offense that was easy to shut down by better teams. Daboll was under the impression Jones could be Josh Allen but DJ doesn't have instinct and his pattern buffer overloads fast when he thinks too much. Pocket awareness is bad-Devito has eyes in back of his head compared to DJ. I am really afraid Drew Lock is the opposite. Wildly instinctual, a gambler and poor judgement

In comment 16609387 DonnieD89 said:
In comment 16609372 DefenseWins said:


or is this guy trolling?

No. I’m not trolling. I’ve been an active member for quite some time on this board. This is the way I feel, which feels very weird. Absolutely not trolling. Like I said, I understand how some with this post. I’m not rooting for the Giants to lose games. I would rather have lock or DeVito playing to win games. I just don’t see winning with Daniel Jones.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/15/2024 12:28 pm : link
Root however you feel. The Jones experiment has all but broken me as a Giants fan. I have no confidence anymore in anyone employed by this organization. Joe and Dabs have lost all goodwill to me.
RE: Hard to understand ‘Giant’ fans  
Scooter185 : 9/15/2024 12:29 pm : link
In comment 16609408 Peter from NH (formerly CT) said:
Who root against their own players. But whatever floats your boat.

I don't understand fans who take the Jiminy Cricket philosophy of hoping a bad player magically gets better, instead of wanting them replaced

🎵If you wish upon a star
Though we know who they are
Deep in your heart
You want Jones to continue to start

With balls thrown at receivers feet
Washington he's still supposed to beat
There's another pick six
He needs a better WR and he'll be fixed🎵
I ll cheer for Giants . My cheering has no significance on wether we  
Blue21 : 9/15/2024 12:34 pm : link
Win or lose or get a new QB. So to say your cheering against them....go ahead if it makes you feel better.
I'll watch how it unfolds  
Dave on the UWS : 9/15/2024 12:34 pm : link
but I fully expect him to play poorly. I've felt he was done as an effective QB after his second neck injury. The ACL was just the nail in the coffin. If a poor outing speeds up the process where he hits the bench, then I'm all for it.
RE: Hard to understand ‘Giant’ fans  
Gatorade Dunk : 9/15/2024 12:39 pm : link
In comment 16609408 Peter from NH (formerly CT) said:
Who root against their own players. But whatever floats your boat.

I think the part that you need to consider is that some fans don't want that player to be one of their own players, and see that player as an impediment to the success of all the other players who ARE their own players.

If the team's success appears to be at odds with loyalty to one particular player above all others, I don't think it's inexcusable or even particularly difficult to understand how some fans would want to remove all doubt in the minds of the team's collective braintrust, who have already demonstrated an incredible ability to talk themselves into the rare successes being the norm and the frequent failures being the exception.

To me, it's like watching a loved one with a substance abuse problem and knowing that they need to realize that they've reached rock bottom before they'll seek help. You don't want them to fail; you want them to overcome the challenge they're facing. But you also know that things may need to get worse before the addict accepts that the problem even exists.

What fans are actually rooting for when they ostensibly root against DJ is for the team's decision-makers to hit rock bottom on their addiction to DJ.
RE: RE: Is this thread even real?  
DefenseWins : 9/15/2024 12:42 pm : link
In comment 16609387 DonnieD89 said:
In comment 16609372 DefenseWins said:


or is this guy trolling?

No. I’m not trolling. I’ve been an active member for quite some time on this board. This is the way I feel, which feels very weird. Absolutely not trolling. Like I said, I understand how some with this post. I’m not rooting for the Giants to lose games.

If you are wanting Jones to have a bad game today, then you are basically rooting for the team to lose. That is exactly what will happen if Jones has a bad game.

Now, sure I get why you want to see another QB. There is no QB on this roster who gives us a chance at making the playoffs. Therefore, the only benefit to benching Jones is preventing an injury.
You do what you have to do  
UberAlias : 9/15/2024 12:42 pm : link
We all want this team to get good. If that's the only path you can see, and it's hard to blame you, the root like hell for it, and don't let anyone else tell you how you should feel.
Are you a grown man?  
pjcas18 : 9/15/2024 12:44 pm : link
then who cares what other people think is "wrong" for how you cheer for a football team.

The fact you started a thread about it kind of reeks of "look at me-ism" almost as bad as "is anyone else going apple picking Sunday?". No idea why you need other people's validation to have an opinion, but "wrong" isn't a word I would use on this topic.
I wish for the Giants to win every game  
56goat : 9/15/2024 12:45 pm : link
including the Super Bowl. I don't wish bad things on anyone, but my expectations are so low it is hard to watch. The fish stinks from the head on down.
Once you are convinced  
thrunthrublue : 9/15/2024 12:46 pm : link
It just ain’t gonna be Jones that can put another Lombardi in the case….then add, Daboll/JS not capable of drafting tough/smart/dependable and FAST, then having access to the newest crop of talent, makes cruel but perfect sense and makes April 24 ‘25 the only success available to this current team which could be possibly paving the way for little Bill.
Your dream is my dream DonnieD89!  
The Mike : 9/15/2024 12:46 pm : link
The "bad fan police" are back in full force I see. All revved up for their hero quarterback to play well against an atrocious defense. And ready to blame everybody else on the team if he doesn't play well.

The fact is, if you are a Giants fan and are not beside yourself furious with the state of this team and the abominable decision making of this franchise you are suffering from full force Stockholm Syndrome at this point.

The moment DJ takes his last snap under center for the New York Giants there will be a cry of freedom such that the sports world has never heard before.

Manifest away my fellow furious fan!!!
I just feel bad and horrible about this.  
DonnieD89 : 9/15/2024 12:48 pm : link
I have never in my life, rooted for a player on my favorite team too underperform. It is now gotten to this point, and I am tired of the same old broken record. I really hope Daniel Jones could turn it around and play, franchise quarterback caliber, but it’s been proven and proven again throughout his career, that he cannot achieve this. Again, I want to point out that I want the Giants to win, but not with Daniel Jones at the helm long-term. I’m not looking for lottery picks in the draft. I’m looking for a real quarterback that can take the Giants deep into the playoffs and make the Giants Super Bowl contenders.
RE: I just feel bad and horrible about this.  
UberAlias : 9/15/2024 12:49 pm : link
In comment 16609475 DonnieD89 said:
I just feel bad and horrible about this.
Don't. This is on them, not you.
I get it  
Sean : 9/15/2024 12:57 pm : link
The issue is the Giants look for reasons to keep players. How many times was the Philly game referenced for Eli in late 2017?

We've seen Schoen bring up the Vikings playoff game multiple times this offseason.

I can see everyone referencing today's game if it goes well.
RE: Your dream is my dream DonnieD89!  
JT039 : 9/15/2024 12:58 pm : link
In comment 16609468 The Mike said:
The "bad fan police" are back in full force I see. All revved up for their hero quarterback to play well against an atrocious defense. And ready to blame everybody else on the team if he doesn't play well.

The fact is, if you are a Giants fan and are not beside yourself furious with the state of this team and the abominable decision making of this franchise you are suffering from full force Stockholm Syndrome at this point.

The moment DJ takes his last snap under center for the New York Giants there will be a cry of freedom such that the sports world has never heard before.

Manifest away my fellow furious fan!!!

You’re well know for quitting on a team when things don’t go your way. So you’re fandom is always questionable at best.
Blue100 : 9/15/2024 1:05 pm : link
What if our young players do what they are supposed to do. Pick off passes....Rush the and sack QB's
Catch the ball and score........

Is this not what we want?
The blue colored glasses crew...  
vonritz : 9/15/2024 1:15 pm : link
LOL! This franchise has been utter garbage for 15 years now and the cheerleaders can't keep their mouths shut except for sucking the teams dick. Fuck this team.
RE: RE: Your dream is my dream DonnieD89!  
The Mike : 9/15/2024 1:29 pm : link
In comment 16609493 JT039 said:
In comment 16609468 The Mike said:


The "bad fan police" are back in full force I see. All revved up for their hero quarterback to play well against an atrocious defense. And ready to blame everybody else on the team if he doesn't play well.

The fact is, if you are a Giants fan and are not beside yourself furious with the state of this team and the abominable decision making of this franchise you are suffering from full force Stockholm Syndrome at this point.

The moment DJ takes his last snap under center for the New York Giants there will be a cry of freedom such that the sports world has never heard before.

Manifest away my fellow furious fan!!!

You’re well know for quitting on a team when things don’t go your way. So you’re fandom is always questionable at best.

Dep-uty chief of the bad fan police laying down the law!
Multiple dupe who openly admits  
JT039 : 9/15/2024 1:35 pm : link
To quit being a Giants fan.

Someone worth listening too!
Yes, you are  
4xchamps : 9/15/2024 2:41 pm : link
a loser if you root against your team!
Not Wrong to Wish  
Samiam : 9/15/2024 2:56 pm : link
But why the fuvk would you go on a board with die hard fans and say so. Keep it to yourself
I think it is wrong  
US1 Giants : 9/15/2024 3:29 pm : link
even though I can't wait to get a new QB next year.
If only what we wished mattered on the scoreboard  
arniefez : 9/15/2024 4:15 pm : link
Daniel Jones is a bottom tier NFL starter QB on his best day. He has zero ability to find a 2nd or 3rd receiver, let a play develop or create off schedule big plays.

Mentally he plays NFL QB at a high school level. Single read, dink and dunk, everything close to the LOS. Nothing outside the numbers. Did he complete a pass that went more than 15 yards in the air today?

The Giants are at a QB disadvantage in almost every game. Washington is a terrible team. They have a terrible pass defense. The OL gave Jones plenty of time to throw almost every time he dropped back.
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