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Friday Transcript: Wide Receiver Wan'Dale Robinson

Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/27/2024 5:50 pm

Wide Receiver Wan'Dale Robinson

Q: Did you get a chance to talk to (wide receiver) Malik (Nabers) today and see how he is doing?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: Yeah, we watched the game and stuff. I think he's feeling alright. Obviously just going to take it day by day. Luckily, we've got a couple extra days of rest, so I think that'll be good for him.

Q: Do you guys have to spread the ball around more? Because it seems like you're getting a lot, he's getting a lot, and everybody else is not getting as much. Will it help the offense if more people get more touches?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: I mean sure, I guess you could say that. At the end of the day, guys have got to go out there and get open. I think (quarterback) DJ (Daniel Jones) just goes through his reads and once he sees what he sees, and delivers the ball to whoever. Just got to keep going each week and doing what we've got to do and doing what we can as an offense just to go out there and make plays.

Q: You guys are 1-3. Do you feel like you're making progress?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: Yeah, no doubt. We can go in there and we watch it and we see how close we are and know that there's just little things, little details that we've got to clean up. That's what this long week is for. The first quarter of the season's over with, so we've just got to make sure that we're better from here on out.

Q: You're a young veteran, obviously you've been around, but you're still young. How do you avoid a, 'Here we go again,' in a tough stretch to start a season, 1-3, the record is not what you want? How do you just say, 'We can do better things,' and not face the reality of the fact that you haven't won?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: I mean, things can flip in a hurry. It's all on us and we know that we've just got to go out there and do our jobs. There's a couple more plays out there to be made and the outcome of these games will be a little different.

Q: Do you really think that? Do you think things can flip in a hurry? This team has been trending down a little bit. What makes you think it can flip in a hurry?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: I know the type of guys that we have in here. I know they want to go in and work. Everybody feels like it was on them and on themselves. So, just goes to show that everybody cares and wants to get this thing right. We see it. We see it out there on the tape. It's just one little detail, maybe one little thing, one little block. Us as receivers making that one catch. We know it's right there for the taking.

Q: I can remember last year there was a sense in the offensive room that touchdowns were just so hard to come by compared to what everybody else in the league was doing. Now you guys are averaging actually 15 points a game, which is fewer than last year. Why do you think this offense struggles to get touchdowns?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: We just have to execute in the red zone. We're getting down there. We're doing what we have to do. We just can't have negative plays, and we've just got to finish with touchdowns instead of field goals. It's as simple as that.

Q: Do you see a repeat trend? Is there something that is keeping you guys from finishing in the red zone or getting touchdowns or whatnot? Or is it something different each week, which I would assume is probably more head scratching?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: No, it's on us. It's that little detail. Making sure we have that one guy covered up or one little detail with the route. It's definitely not the same as last year or anything like that. I definitely feel like we move the ball much better than we did last year too.

Q: And then the drops, you had one, (wide receiver Darius) Slayton had one, I don't know if Malik's counts. I think some people said the team had five drops. Is that a concentration thing? Do you feel like there's so little room for error for this offense? Like one mistake is too hard to overcome.

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: Us as receivers, we feel like we should catch every ball. Especially if it's coming and hitting our hands. So, that's on us. At the end of the day, we've got to make those plays for Daniel even if it's not a perfect ball. For us, it's just making sure we're looking at it all the way in and not trying to do too much before making the catch all the way.

Q: On that third down on the slant route at the end of the game. Just take us through kind of where you saw what happened on that play…

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: He had inside leverage on me. I was trying to break across his face. Really just trying to get his hands off of me to still be able to get some depth to gain that first down. DJ threw a nice ball, just got to make that play.

Q: The way you catch some of these passes, you're catching it with your back to the defense in the flat. You're so good at making that first guy miss. Can you take us through just how you do that? Do you have to look before you catch the ball yourself? Instinct? Feel?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: It's really more so just instinct and feel. You kind of know where the defender was whenever you made your break and things like that. Just having a feel of if he's coming downhill or over top and knowing if I'm going spinning back or spinning around. Really more so just feel. I think it comes from having the ball a lot as a running back when I was younger.

Q: Is that just your mindset that every time you catch the ball you know that you're going to have to make that first guy miss to get up the field quick?

WAN'DALE ROBINSON: Yeah, no question. That's kind of my mindset anytime I get the ball, is make sure I make that first guy miss. Kind of turn into a running back when I get the ball.
For where Wan'Dale was drafted  
AlwaysASpiral : 9/28/2024 7:23 am : link
he needs to do more. And we need to get Hyatt more in games as Nabers will not be able to do it all himself, especially after the concussion.

Jones, the gift that keeps on giving...
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