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The enigma of Daniel Jones

Sean : 10/6/2024 7:34 pm
He's better than his biggest detractors say he is.

He's not as good as his biggest supporters say he is.

When we all think Jones turns a corner, he follows it up with a bad game.

When we all think Jones is done here, he follows it up with a strong game.

He played well today and it was a good win in a tough place to play. I thought they'd win all week because this is what always happens.
He played a good game today  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 7:37 pm : link
But big picture, there is no difference. We can’t get confused by Daniel Jones every time he plays a good game. He does every season. The problem is that he can’t do it consistently.
Sammo85 : 10/6/2024 7:38 pm : link
Will know of Jones future in how they do the next month. Some difficult games ahead with Eagles and Steelers to round out the month.
g56blue10 : 10/6/2024 7:38 pm : link
Season by far has been the best stretch of football he’s played. If he gets more consistent on the deep passes than the decision gets interesting. He has much improved pocket awareness and is consistently making the right read. I am one who has stated I would have drafted JJ this past draft but Jones has been really good outside of the deep ball

I'm still in favor of moving on in the offseason  
Anakim : 10/6/2024 7:40 pm : link
This offense needs to be more explosive if we're going to take the next step. I will say, though that both of DJ's 20+ yard passes were beauties.
Jones has been very good....  
18E : 10/6/2024 7:42 pm : link
Very happy for him. To his shit!
Jones is a middle of the  
46and2Blue : 10/6/2024 7:42 pm : link
Road qb I think a lot of people have come to understand that..,he played a good game today but the giants still need a qb
this is what life  
Enzo : 10/6/2024 7:42 pm : link
is like with an average to below average QB.
I am  
g56blue10 : 10/6/2024 7:44 pm : link
One till this past year believed we could win wit Jones but how can you blame people for doubting him. We have been consist losers with him. He has never but up a really good season going into his 6. 22 was by far his best and his numbers were very pedestrian
RE: Jones is a middle of the  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 7:44 pm : link
In comment 16638506 46and2Blue said:
Road qb I think a lot of people have come to understand that..,he played a good game today but the giants still need a qb

This. We have to stop ignoring this guys entire career because of his last game.

I am happy the Giants won, and glad he played well. But the #1 need this team has is a QB.
ryanmkeane : 10/6/2024 7:46 pm : link
Sean, no offense, I think you’re a good poster.

But you’ve started no less than 70 threads on Daniel Jones. Majority of which say he sucks and Giants need to move on ASAP.

This thread from you today is bullshit.
Sean : 10/6/2024 7:47 pm : link
I fully agree with you, but this is what happens. NYG probably goes 7-10 or 8-9 and the front office says now what?
BrettNYG10 : 10/6/2024 7:49 pm : link
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.
RE: Mike  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 7:49 pm : link
In comment 16638535 Sean said:
I fully agree with you, but this is what happens. NYG probably goes 7-10 or 8-9 and the front office says now what?

Then what is we throw away another year based on hopes instead of honest evaluation.
I am a Jones supporter  
Giantimistic : 10/6/2024 7:50 pm : link
He is very much Alex Smith in many ways.
RE: ...  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 7:51 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

This is spot on. Jones is the opposite of an enigma. Everyone knows what he is.
Those of us that were waiting for an equal playing field  
BillT : 10/6/2024 7:53 pm : link
This year has so far has offered a small bit of hope. Still a long way to go. But another few 100 qbr games and I don’t know.
RE: ...  
Sean : 10/6/2024 7:53 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Every time you think he's close to getting benched, he does just enough to remain the starter. That's what happens here.
There’s no enigma  
ajr2456 : 10/6/2024 7:55 pm : link
We know what he is. They still need to desperately move on
ryanmkeane : 10/6/2024 7:56 pm : link
Jones “did just enough” today? No. He was very, very good. In fact, I don’t recall a single throw he missed. And his receivers let him down again.

He was bad against Minnesota. Real bad. And he missed the deep shots against Dallas.

Outside of that he has been a good quarterback and playing winning football.
Nothing jones  
46and2Blue : 10/6/2024 7:56 pm : link
Does this year should stop this team from drafting a qb…if he plays well we have to trade up for one and it may cost a lot ….but they need to get it right. Of their guys is in this class …short of jones winning a Super Bowl this has to be the plan
RE: RE: ...  
BrettNYG10 : 10/6/2024 7:57 pm : link
In comment 16638580 Sean said:
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:


Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Every time you think he's close to getting benched, he does just enough to remain the starter. That's what happens here.

I don't think he gets benched until we are eliminated from the playoffs. And that's only because of the injury guarantee. He isn't going to string together enough week 1 caliber bad games to warrant benching him for Drew Lock.
As many have said  
callmecrazy : 10/6/2024 7:59 pm : link
he is not an enigma. If he wants to change the narrative, he needs to do a lot more than what he did today.
RE: RE: ...  
BillT : 10/6/2024 8:00 pm : link
In comment 16638580 Sean said:
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:


Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Every time you think he's close to getting benched, he does just enough to remain the starter. That's what happens here.

Sean. “Just enough”. Really? Today was just enough. No, it was far better than that.
RE: We  
wonderback : 10/6/2024 8:01 pm : link
In comment 16638491 Sammo85 said:
Will know of Jones future in how they do the next month. Some difficult games ahead with Eagles and Steelers to round out the month.

RE: ...  
Woodstock : 10/6/2024 8:02 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Spot on
I have a feeling today...  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 8:04 pm : link
made Schoen adjust his draft board to BPA/another-offensive-weapon for 2025.

Just To Reiterate  
wonderback : 10/6/2024 8:05 pm : link
We should be able to judge him fairly by the end of the year. Good, bad or something in between. Let’s all hope for good. It’ll make for a much more enjoyable season.
RE: I have a feeling today...  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 8:07 pm : link
In comment 16638627 bw in dc said:
made Schoen adjust his draft board to BPA/another-offensive-weapon for 2025.


You know there are folks in the front office who are bouncing off the walls, not because the Giants won, but because they won with Daniel!
RE: I am a Jones supporter  
HardTruth : 10/6/2024 8:08 pm : link
In comment 16638562 Giantimistic said:
He is very much Alex Smith in many ways.

He is no way Alex Smith. Smith was 96-67-1 as a starter and led multiple franchises into the playoffs . He had a winning record at every stop.

Daniel Jones is 22-39-1 as a starter
There is no enigma  
hassan : 10/6/2024 8:09 pm : link
the enigma is why the board is so absolute about what to do at the QB position. Jones is probably a mid to lower end starter who was put in a shitty situation. His situation is now better with a functional line and receivers.

Pretty simple to me. Keep signing qbs and maybe even draft one until there is someone better on the roster. Unless Jones regresses again-if he looks more 22 than 23; guess what his cap number is not that terrible in year 3 of this contract given the QB market is reset. Not ideal for sure. But you need to have a better option.

JonC : 10/6/2024 8:09 pm : link
+1 ... it's now or never to put it together on a weekly basis.
Hey! The Giants played a great game today.  
Walker Gillette : 10/6/2024 8:10 pm : link
They went on the road to and won when most said they were going to get destroyed. The QB amongst many others played well. For just one night drop your silly fuckin agendas and talk about what really happened. This "Yeah they won but who cares" crap is sickening. This team is certainly making progress in all areas. How about the pass rush? Tracy and Gray looked sublime, Simmons jumped over the line and blocked the potential game tying FG. Slayton who I criticize all the time stepped up.

I'm sorry the QB didn't give you any more fodder in his 100th last chance, but it is a hell of a lot more than just him!
RE: …  
18E : 10/6/2024 8:11 pm : link
In comment 16638533 ryanmkeane said:
Sean, no offense, I think you’re a good poster.

But you’ve started no less than 70 threads on Daniel Jones. Majority of which say he sucks and Giants need to move on ASAP.

This thread from you today is bullshit.

1000% agree with you.
And the same posters keep posting the same stuff killing him  
hassan : 10/6/2024 8:11 pm : link
then hemming and hawing. Its ridiculous. Some of you should let it breathe a few games.

Hes not the dogshit the media and the haters on the board made him out to be. Does not mean the Giants should not try to upgrade. Does not mean they should anoint him king with no challenger.
RE: ...  
Mad Mike : 10/6/2024 8:11 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

Pretty much. I'm glad he played well, and I hope he plays well for the remainder of his time here. But I don't know how anyone still doesn't understand what he is as a QB at this point.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/6/2024 8:12 pm : link
Move the fuck on.
RE: RE: I have a feeling today...  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 8:12 pm : link
In comment 16638641 Mike from Ohio said:

You know there are folks in the front office who are bouncing off the walls, not because the Giants won, but because they won with Daniel!

OT would have been very interesting to see if Jones could have delivered.

He needs to buy Simmons dinner all week. ;)
Jones is not an enigma. He is consistent  
HardTruth : 10/6/2024 8:12 pm : link
He produces 1-2 very good games a year. Today was one of them, much like the Cards last year, the Colts/Vikings in 2022, the Saints in 2021. The Cowboys in 2020 and the Washington/Bucs in 2019

The fact that this is probably a top 7-8 performance from Jones should tell you all you need to know.
RE: I have a feeling today...  
Ira : 10/6/2024 8:13 pm : link
In comment 16638627 bw in dc said:
made Schoen adjust his draft board to BPA/another-offensive-weapon for 2025.


My guess is that if they don't go qb, cb could be on the agenda.
I’m all for moving on next year for more consistency  
eli4life : 10/6/2024 8:14 pm : link
From that position. But I am starting to feel a lot better about the rest of the team. Yes there’s still spots that need upgraded but from where we were when this regime took over is night and day. Get the qb right and I think we are a division/ playoff contender next season
RE: I’m all for moving on next year for more consistency  
ajr2456 : 10/6/2024 8:16 pm : link
In comment 16638676 eli4life said:
From that position. But I am starting to feel a lot better about the rest of the team. Yes there’s still spots that need upgraded but from where we were when this regime took over is night and day. Get the qb right and I think we are a division/ playoff contender next season

The rest of the team has some holes but even the Chiefs/Texans/49ers do. A more consistent offense helps cover that.

The rest of the roster is good enough to be in the playoffs.
Was at the game. Saw the whole field.  
RAIN : 10/6/2024 8:16 pm : link
He played well. He ran tough. Made some nice throws

His accuracy is/was an issue, and feel for the game isn’t there. If we can find an upgrade, I’m down.. I’m not gonna be super dramatic and say he sucks, but if doesn’t start finding secondary and tertiary targets (which he has time this year to do!) we need to find someone as well have a tough go of it against better teams.

Hope he can take the next step with the revelation our oline has become.
If he has 4-5 more games like today  
hassan : 10/6/2024 8:17 pm : link
that will make it difficult for the Giants to move on. They will potentially draft someone, maybe not. If he has 7 or 8, he will be the starter next year is my guess and Giants will feel vindicated. That is my guess, not what I think they should do (which is basically BPA in draft and free agency and let best man win).
My overall point  
Sean : 10/6/2024 8:19 pm : link
You can see a world where he's here in 2025.
Anyone have Jones's splits?  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 8:19 pm : link
Was under 100 yards for the second half?
RE: Was at the game. Saw the whole field.  
JonC : 10/6/2024 8:20 pm : link
In comment 16638683 RAIN said:
He played well. He ran tough. Made some nice throws

His accuracy is/was an issue, and feel for the game isn’t there. If we can find an upgrade, I’m down.. I’m not gonna be super dramatic and say he sucks, but if doesn’t start finding secondary and tertiary targets (which he has time this year to do!) we need to find someone as well have a tough go of it against better teams.

Hope he can take the next step with the revelation our oline has become.

RE: My overall point  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 8:25 pm : link
In comment 16638695 Sean said:
You can see a world where he's here in 2025.

All of us can see that. That is not hard to imagine at all. Jones is not being critically evaluated - the people in the front office are desperately hoping to be proven right about him, no matter how many seasons have to be sacrificed.
Lambuth has been all over this point  
Sean : 10/6/2024 8:26 pm : link
Jones is a better road QB than home.
RE: Was at the game. Saw the whole field.  
section125 : 10/6/2024 8:26 pm : link
In comment 16638683 RAIN said:
He played well. He ran tough. Made some nice throws

His accuracy is/was an issue, and feel for the game isn’t there. If we can find an upgrade, I’m down.. I’m not gonna be super dramatic and say he sucks, but if doesn’t start finding secondary and tertiary targets (which he has time this year to do!) we need to find someone as well have a tough go of it against better teams.

Hope he can take the next step with the revelation our oline has become.

This. Jones is not the answer. Don't get sucked in. Draft a QB. He has enough tools now to make him look semi-competent.
RE: RE: My overall point  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 8:29 pm : link
In comment 16638713 Mike from Ohio said:

All of us can see that. That is not hard to imagine at all. Jones is not being critically evaluated - the people in the front office are desperately hoping to be proven right about him, no matter how many seasons have to be sacrificed.

This is a point I wholeheartedly agree with.

And that's because I have maintained that Schoen - and Daboll by proxy - wanted to re-invest in Jones for 2023 and were perfectly fine running it back with Jones in 2024 because their interest in trading up in April was tepid, not hot.
Lets not get too high or too low after 1 single game  
PatersonPlank : 10/6/2024 8:29 pm : link
There is a lot of football left and Jones is obviously the QB. His play for the full season will determine what happens with him.
He's Ryan Tannehill  
eclipz928 : 10/6/2024 8:30 pm : link
We'll win some games with Daniel Jones because, naturally, a QB in his 6th year with as many starts as he has had will be able to function competently on the field. But what we're seeing now is his ceiling - and it's not enough.

I don't subscribe to the idea of getting a new QB just for the sake of getting a new QB, but the Giants need to continue to actively seek better options.
there are a lot of qbs in next two to three drafts  
hassan : 10/6/2024 8:31 pm : link
come to grips with him being the bridge through this end of this year but maybe another few years. when they are in position they will draft someone they like. i know that sounds lame and simplistic and doesn’t rile up discussions but i think it’s that simple.

i still think jones is better than darnold or some of the other retreads that were available. So they liked nabers over jj and went that direction this year. let’s see where they draft where they are and who is available.

Good enough to win with  
Lines of Scrimmage : 10/6/2024 8:34 pm : link
when the team around him and coaching are doing their jobs. Expensive and injury prone so the Giants should look to add a QB when the opportunity arises in the draft.
RE: this is what life  
islander1 : 10/6/2024 8:42 pm : link
In comment 16638510 Enzo said:
is like with an average to below average QB.

RE: Lets not get too high or too low after 1 single game  
wonderback : 10/6/2024 9:02 pm : link
In comment 16638730 PatersonPlank said:
There is a lot of football left and Jones is obviously the QB. His play for the full season will determine what happens with him.

Why doesn’t everybody on this site understand what you just said?
RE: Good enough to win with  
wonderback : 10/6/2024 9:05 pm : link
In comment 16638751 Lines of Scrimmage said:
when the team around him and coaching are doing their jobs. Expensive and injury prone so the Giants should look to add a QB when the opportunity arises in the draft.

You mean like not dropping passes that are thrown right into your hands?
We’ll see how the year plays out….  
Simms11 : 10/6/2024 9:15 pm : link
Right now he’s earned the right to continue to be the starter. He’s made some great throws recently and has stacked some decent games. That said, Daboll needs to let him throw into the end zone a little more when they are in the Red Zone. If he continues to now hit some deep balls and get the team back to the playoffs, I’m sure they will have a lot to discuss about him moving forward.
ryanmkeane : 10/6/2024 9:22 pm : link
Again, Nabers catches that pass against Washington, and a combination of 4 receivers catch passes against Dallas, and nobody is talking about Jones being an “enigma.”

Jones is playing well over the course of the last month.
RE: ...  
Eric on Li : 10/6/2024 9:22 pm : link
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:
Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

joe flacco and andy dalton were both 10 year+ starters who went to playoffs. they aren't enigmas, they are old and limited.

sean a few questions for you  
Eric on Li : 10/6/2024 9:25 pm : link
how good do the biggest fans of jones say he is? top 10 qb? top 5?

how many people fall into that fan group?

how many more fall into the group that would blast him to the moon right now if they could?
For a QB that bases much oh his game on running  
SomeFan : 10/6/2024 9:28 pm : link
he still does not know how to slide or protect himself. How many years will it take?
RE: RE: ...  
BrettNYG10 : 10/6/2024 9:33 pm : link
In comment 16638874 Eric on Li said:
In comment 16638549 BrettNYG10 said:


Jones isn't an enigma. He is a low-end starter / high-end backup. These players are certainly capable of great games and even good seasons.

Joe Flacco this week and Dalton a couple of weeks ago both had superb games. Are they enigmas? Or are they back up caliber players who had great games?

Mediocre QBs are not Jake Fromm or Nathan Peterman. Those are disaster QBs. Mediocre QBs have some good games, some bad games, but overall put together average or below average seasons.

joe flacco and andy dalton were both 10 year+ starters who went to playoffs. they aren't enigmas, they are old and limited.

Then substitute DeVito after the Green Bay game or whatever crappy backup QB has a great game this year or last year.

Backup QBs have great games (usually when playing the Giants), great QBs have terrible ones. It's why I care about larger sample sizes (when we have them). Drilling down on Jones, he was never as bad as that week one performance.
RE: For a QB that bases much oh his game on running  
Mike from Ohio : 10/6/2024 9:36 pm : link
In comment 16638885 SomeFan said:
he still does not know how to slide or protect himself. How many years will it take?

Some fans see that as a guy giving 100% and being a competitor. Others see that as being dumb and reckless. Both can be correct.
RE: RE: For a QB that bases much oh his game on running  
BrettNYG10 : 10/6/2024 9:38 pm : link
In comment 16638909 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16638885 SomeFan said:


he still does not know how to slide or protect himself. How many years will it take?

Some fans see that as a guy giving 100% and being a competitor. Others see that as being dumb and reckless. Both can be correct.

As an aside (and maybe people in the game thread talked about it), but Geno sliding a yard ahead of the the first down marker on third down in the second half was absolutely terrible, lol.
RE: sean a few questions for you  
BrettNYG10 : 10/6/2024 9:38 pm : link
In comment 16638880 Eric on Li said:
how good do the biggest fans of jones say he is? top 10 qb? top 5?

how many people fall into that fan group?

how many more fall into the group that would blast him to the moon right now if they could?

Are we including Jack Stroud and Eight shamrocks in this?
RE: sean a few questions for you  
Sean : 10/6/2024 9:42 pm : link
In comment 16638880 Eric on Li said:
how good do the biggest fans of jones say he is? top 10 qb? top 5?

how many people fall into that fan group?

how many more fall into the group that would blast him to the moon right now if they could?

Good questions. I definitely think there are more who would blast him to the moon. Probably by a wide margin.

I just think Daniel Jones is good enough to get you fired as I said last week. This was a nice performance today and he has a knack for playing well on the road.

It's just an interesting thing to me. I'm not sure it's a slam dunk he's cut in February.
include whoever my question is still how good do they think he is?  
Eric on Li : 10/6/2024 9:53 pm : link
im honestly asking, like does anyone think he's as good as mahomes, allen, lamar, dak, burrow, stafford, herbert?

to answer brett's other reply his game against minnesota was definitely bad. that is what bad starters look like. i dont think that's been his usual though, and it isn't what he's been since. im would guesstimate 80% of his starts over his career to have been somewhere in the middle 1/3, with the occasional better game (like today) and the occasional worse game (like min).

this season has been a very "he is what he is" season so far, but relatively speaking i think there are a lot more people who think he's worse than he is than think he's better.
ryanmkeane : 10/6/2024 10:15 pm : link
Jones 5th in the NFL in overall efficiency since week 2 but carry on.
RE: Lambuth has been all over this point  
Lambuth_Special : 10/6/2024 10:17 pm : link
In comment 16638716 Sean said:
Jones is a better road QB than home.

And yet another opportunity for him to flip the narrative regarding his home + prime time performance record next Sunday, against a team that is beatable but will put up points.

I think 25’ is in play but only if he turns it around at home.
RE: …  
ajr2456 : 10/6/2024 10:20 pm : link
In comment 16638984 ryanmkeane said:
Jones 5th in the NFL in overall efficiency since week 2 but carry on.

And the Giants still need to move on. Carry on.
RE: …  
bw in dc : 10/6/2024 10:21 pm : link
In comment 16638984 ryanmkeane said:
Jones 5th in the NFL in overall efficiency since week 2 but carry on.

Are visions of an extension dancing in your head?
They’re averaging 16.4 points on offense  
ajr2456 : 10/6/2024 10:26 pm : link
Don’t be fooled by another 2022 smoke and mirrors
RE: RE: RE: For a QB that bases much oh his game on running  
cosmicj : 10/6/2024 10:50 pm : link
In comment 16638916 BrettNYG10 said:
In comment 16638909 Mike from Ohio said:


In comment 16638885 SomeFan said:


he still does not know how to slide or protect himself. How many years will it take?

Some fans see that as a guy giving 100% and being a competitor. Others see that as being dumb and reckless. Both can be correct.

As an aside (and maybe people in the game thread talked about it), but Geno sliding a yard ahead of the the first down marker on third down in the second half was absolutely terrible, lol.

My son and I were laughing about how terrible a play by Geno that was. It was awful.
GF1080 : 10/6/2024 10:53 pm : link
Had 257 and 2 in a good game for him. He also has no idea how to protect himself and will get hurt again. People love to bring up QBs that bring hits upon themselves and get hurt but Jones does it more than anyone.

I still can’t believe that TD throw  
mittenedman : 10/6/2024 11:06 pm : link
by Geno late. Crazy throw.
RE: I still can’t believe that TD throw  
cosmicj : 10/6/2024 11:09 pm : link
In comment 16639042 mittenedman said:
by Geno late. Crazy throw.

I thought it was an easy busted coverage throw.
RE: My overall point  
rsjem1979 : 10/6/2024 11:09 pm : link
In comment 16638695 Sean said:
You can see a world where he's here in 2025.

That world has been here all along. They will win 7 games and Jones will throw 20 TDs and he will be the unchallenged starter in 2025. I’d bet my next mortgage payment on it.

The Seahawks stink. They have faced Bo Nix, Jacoby Brissett, and Skylar Thompson in their wins, allowed ZERO incompletions to Jared Goff last week, and just got torched by Daniel Jones.

But you know what, let the Jones gang have their fun. We’ll be back here in 2025 doing the same shit, and it won’t be good enough to actually contend.
That point about the Lions game is a good one  
cosmicj : 10/6/2024 11:14 pm : link
Goff lit them up for 18/18 (!!!! Pitch and catch), 292 yds, 2 TDs!

Vs New England, they contained Brissett  
cosmicj : 10/6/2024 11:16 pm : link
Very well but 2 different Pats HBs ran for over 160 yards. Mmmmm.

Throw out the easy win vs Miami. That team is in crisis and winning against them means nothing.
We’re not a QB away. There’s a lot of needs on this team.  
DeVito32 : 10/6/2024 11:17 pm : link
Yes QB is #1. But we also need:
A legit #2 WR. Slayton or Hyatt aren’t it. Just like they need to move on from Jones they need to move on from Slayton. Slayton is a worse WR2 than DJ is a QB1. You’re not winning with Slayton as a 2.

They need a TE. Theo looked good today but they still need a lot more from him and need another legit TE regardless.

They need a good RB. Maybe Tracey is it after today? Who knows…but Singletary and Gray aren’t good.

They need another stud DT. Preferably a 3tech. Davidson looked good today and Chatman has played decent but when Dex comes out of the game there’s a tremendous drop off in the way the defense plays.

They need a legit #1 CB. Or if you think Banks is a legit 1 fine, they need another.

And they need a 3rd edge rusher to rotate in. Azeez has played ok this year but I’ll be shocked if he’s back next year so edge is still a priority.

If they have a shot to get a top QB they have to take it. But they still need a lot of help to be a legit consistent playoff contender.

I’m still not convinced jones is the answer  
djm : 10/6/2024 11:26 pm : link
But I’m focused on this season. I want wins. I want another stupid little annoying playoff season that many here insist would be bad for the long term. I don’t buy that for a fucking second. The wilderness still lurks. We need to put that shit behind us. Another good year means 2-3 good seasons under this regime. That’s a really good thing. Reminder this team was 22-48 from 17-21. Dark dark days. We need to distance ourselves from that shit. Win. Win games. Get out of the woods. Let’s matter again.

I want two out of three good years.
RE: Vs New England, they contained Brissett  
ajr2456 : 10/6/2024 11:27 pm : link
In comment 16639055 cosmicj said:
Very well but 2 different Pats HBs ran for over 160 yards. Mmmmm.

Throw out the easy win vs Miami. That team is in crisis and winning against them means nothing.

Mmmm indeed
djm : 10/6/2024 11:30 pm : link
It’s not against the law to win and find that young quarterback at the same time. you can have your cake and eat it too. The Chiefs did it the Eagles kind of did it when they went from Carson wentz to Hurts.

Keep building —-build this roster up and let’s hope that we can reestablish a winning culture here again. I get the need to tank for the great QB, but losing begets losing —-it doesn’t always work out that way where you get the dream QB and all the problems go away. Just win for now. Learn to walk before we fly. Look at the Knicks their first three years under rose and Thibs and look at where they are now. They won all the while, didn’t seem to hurt their draft positioning did it?
As to the op and jones  
djm : 10/6/2024 11:31 pm : link
he needs to hit big plays like he did today. If he does that this thing gets interesting..
RE: …  
santacruzom : 10/6/2024 11:33 pm : link
In comment 16638873 ryanmkeane said:
Again, Nabers catches that pass against Washington, and a combination of 4 receivers catch passes against Dallas, and nobody is talking about Jones being an “enigma.”

Jones is playing well over the course of the last month.

It's not like any of those were dropped game-winners. Hell, for all we know Jones could have followed any of those dropped passes with a pick six the very next play if they'd been caught.

Other players on the team make mistakes too, yes. But Jones has a history here, his reputation as a below average starting QB is earned, and it's going to take more than playing well a quarter of a season go change it.
RE: RE: Lets not get too high or too low after 1 single game  
Ralph.C : 12:53 am : link
In comment 16638817 wonderback said:
In comment 16638730 PatersonPlank said:


There is a lot of football left and Jones is obviously the QB. His play for the full season will determine what happens with him.


If you want to speculate then fine …. But it’s just speculation.

The season he and the team have will determine the future.


I think this is a SuperBowl team.

It that’s just me.

Why doesn’t everybody on this site understand what you just said?
RE: Anyone have Jones's splits?  
JoeSchoens11 : 1:03 am : link
In comment 16638697 bw in dc said:
Was under 100 yards for the second half?
Pretty sure he was at 145 @ the half, so 112 in the 2nd, fwiw.
RE: …  
bwitz : 2:07 am : link
In comment 16638984 ryanmkeane said:
Jones 5th in the NFL in overall efficiency since week 2 but carry on.

Give the man a huge extension, post haste!
RE: …  
santacruzom : 2:14 am : link
In comment 16638984 ryanmkeane said:
Jones 5th in the NFL in overall efficiency since week 2 but carry on.

That's awesome, I wonder if he'll perform well enough to post a QBR that comes close to Malik Willis, who has the top QBR in the league.
RE: He played a good game today  
In comment 16638487 Mike from Ohio said:
But big picture, there is no difference. We can’t get confused by Daniel Jones every time he plays a good game. He does every season. The problem is that he can’t do it consistently.
Well, bottom line he's 10th in total yds, 13th in TDs and 13th in passes over 20 yds. the rest of his stats are basically in line with that. Point of fact his numbers says hes a top 155 QB. That ain't great, but it's better than most QBs right now, he's playing better than most, bottom line. we had 2 games we should/could have won, and daboll and the kicking game are the difference between a winning and losing record right now, not Jones.
We should be 2-0 in division
He's not an enigma, he's inconsistent  
BH28 : 3:33 am : link
This is what average QBs do, have uneven play but can't pull it together consistently. He'll have good games and he'll have bad games there is no enigma there, it's who he is.
RE: He played a good game today  
Milton : 4:08 am : link
In comment 16638487 Mike from Ohio said:
But big picture, there is no difference. We can’t get confused by Daniel Jones every time he plays a good game. He does every season. The problem is that he can’t do it consistently.
Which means he has twelve more games to prove he has cracked the "consistency" code. Let's see how he does vs Cincy, Philly, and Carolina and revisit this criticism at the bye.
Schoen will draft a on it  
dd in Mass : 4:48 am : link
he's not sold on DJ, however if DJ plays really well for the entire season Schoen may not feel the need to use a 1st rd pick.

Also, Schoen will definitely be here next year. Daboll needs to prove he belongs.
Maybe with a few more games like this  
JT039 : 5:08 am : link
We can trade for Josh Allen - who went 9 for 30 yesterday.

Seriously - 9/30???
He is teasing the front office…  
DefenseWins : 6:06 am : link
With some of these decent performances which could save his starting job here in 2025.

I think Schoen will play it just like he did this past off season. If a qb they like can be drafted either with their pick or via a trade up, then they will do that. If not, they will roll with jones again.

I would be in favor of signing a capable free agent like cousins (if available), then draft the future QB. Then release or trade Jones if possible.
RE: He is teasing the front office…  
section125 : 6:31 am : link
In comment 16639146 DefenseWins said:
With some of these decent performances which could save his starting job here in 2025.

I think Schoen will play it just like he did this past off season. If a qb they like can be drafted either with their pick or via a trade up, then they will do that. If not, they will roll with jones again.

I would be in favor of signing a capable free agent like cousins (if available), then draft the future QB. Then release or trade Jones if possible.

Jones has played decently, but is leaving plays on the field. He missed a few throws yesterday and he seems to conservative on the deep balls. I do not have All-22, but would love to see how many times he just couldn't pull the trigger.

I do think unless Jones all of a sudden gets really good, not mediocre good, really good, they draft a QB.

Will wait and see what Sy has to say on his review.
RE: RE: …  
ryanmkeane : 7:59 am : link
In comment 16639129 santacruzom said:
In comment 16638984 ryanmkeane said:


Jones 5th in the NFL in overall efficiency since week 2 but carry on.

That's awesome, I wonder if he'll perform well enough to post a QBR that comes close to Malik Willis, who has the top QBR in the league.

Posts like this that are completely untrue and devoid of any fact are what kills message boards.
ryanmkeane : 7:59 am : link
section - what throws did Jones "miss" yesterday? I can't think of a single one.
Jones ranks  
jeff57 : 8:06 am : link
12th in QBR. Ahead of Darnold, Prescott, Hurts, Cousins, Stafford and Mahomes, among others.
RE: ....  
section125 : 8:11 am : link
In comment 16639196 ryanmkeane said:
section - what throws did Jones "miss" yesterday? I can't think of a single one.

Try harder. Missed Robinson twice off the top of my head. Not badly, but enough.

He was 23/34. And they all weren't drops or throw aways.
RE: Jones ranks  
ajr2456 : 8:16 am : link
In comment 16639206 jeff57 said:
12th in QBR. Ahead of Darnold, Prescott, Hurts, Cousins, Stafford and Mahomes, among others.

Fools gold, just like 2022
RE: RE: Jones ranks  
section125 : 8:21 am : link
In comment 16639225 ajr2456 said:
In comment 16639206 jeff57 said:


12th in QBR. Ahead of Darnold, Prescott, Hurts, Cousins, Stafford and Mahomes, among others.

Fools gold, just like 2022

Not really. Jones needs to be replaced, but his stats are his stats if you use them correctly. He is not effective enough inside the red zone. Daboll has to do something with that.
RE: RE: RE: Jones ranks  
JT039 : 8:23 am : link
In comment 16639233 section125 said:
In comment 16639225 ajr2456 said:


In comment 16639206 jeff57 said:


12th in QBR. Ahead of Darnold, Prescott, Hurts, Cousins, Stafford and Mahomes, among others.

Fools gold, just like 2022

Not really. Jones needs to be replaced, but his stats are his stats if you use them correctly. He is not effective enough inside the red zone. Daboll has to do something with that.

Like to see Theo get some 1 on 1s on the outside. Nabers will get a ton of attention so it could lead Johnson with some favorable matchups.
RE: …  
IchabodGiant : 8:30 am : link
In comment 16638873 ryanmkeane said:
Again, Nabers catches that pass against Washington, and a combination of 4 receivers catch passes against Dallas, and nobody is talking about Jones being an “enigma.”

Jones is playing well over the course of the last month.

The infamous “if” argument for Daniel.
RE: RE: RE: Jones ranks  
In comment 16639233 section125 said:
In comment 16639225 ajr2456 said:


In comment 16639206 jeff57 said:


12th in QBR. Ahead of Darnold, Prescott, Hurts, Cousins, Stafford and Mahomes, among others.

Fools gold, just like 2022

Not really. Jones needs to be replaced, but his stats are his stats if you use them correctly. He is not effective enough inside the red zone. Daboll has to do something with that.

I'm someone who has used advanced stats to kill Jones, so I would be a hypocrite to pretend they don't matter. The stats and the eye test say he's playing above average, just as it was the case in 2022.

But he also played decently at home in 2022, so until I see a good game from him at Met Life, his stats this year still feel a bit like a mirage. With 3 out of the next 4 at home, we're going to know for sure if his play is for real.
RE: RE: …  
In comment 16639240 IchabodGiant said:
In comment 16638873 ryanmkeane said:


Again, Nabers catches that pass against Washington, and a combination of 4 receivers catch passes against Dallas, and nobody is talking about Jones being an “enigma.”

Jones is playing well over the course of the last month.

The infamous “if” argument for Daniel.

There isn't a pro Jones argument that doesn't contain a bunch of "if"s. That is what happens when the stats and tape don't support your argument.
RE: RE: RE: …  
ryanmkeane : 8:57 am : link
In comment 16639274 Mike from Ohio said:
In comment 16639240 IchabodGiant said:


In comment 16638873 ryanmkeane said:


Again, Nabers catches that pass against Washington, and a combination of 4 receivers catch passes against Dallas, and nobody is talking about Jones being an “enigma.”

Jones is playing well over the course of the last month.

The infamous “if” argument for Daniel.

There isn't a pro Jones argument that doesn't contain a bunch of "if"s. That is what happens when the stats and tape don't support your argument.

Ah yes, the ol "if" argument for passes that are right in the bread basket and dropped, that have a major factor in whether a team loses or wins a game.
How come those are the only “ifs”  
ajr2456 : 9:05 am : link
“If” Jones didn’t miss every single deep throw against Dallas they win.

But it’s always “if” everyone else was better the teams record would be better.
RE: How come those are the only “ifs”  
JT039 : 9:09 am : link
In comment 16639289 ajr2456 said:
“If” Jones didn’t miss every single deep throw against Dallas they win.

But it’s always “if” everyone else was better the teams record would be better.

And it’s the “ifs” with Jones that you only focus on. So who cares? The team has been bad for years because we have had a lot of bad players not doing their jobs.
RE: RE: How come those are the only “ifs”  
ajr2456 : 9:12 am : link
In comment 16639293 JT039 said:
In comment 16639289 ajr2456 said:


“If” Jones didn’t miss every single deep throw against Dallas they win.

But it’s always “if” everyone else was better the teams record would be better.

And it’s the “ifs” with Jones that you only focus on. So who cares? The team has been bad for years because we have had a lot of bad players not doing their jobs.

Wasn’t asking you. But glad you’ve moved on from still talking about a take on the defense that turned out to be pretty correct!
You recovered  
JT039 : 9:16 am : link
From the Giants win? I know you were pretty upset.

Yeah - you were right. The Herculean effort Jones gave yesterday while Seattles defense gave up 11.5 PPG per half should give him 5 more years. Glad you’re coming around.

Watch the upcoming twist from air. He’s never wrong!
RE: You recovered  
ajr2456 : 9:18 am : link
In comment 16639307 JT039 said:
From the Giants win? I know you were pretty upset.

Yeah - you were right. The Herculean effort Jones gave yesterday while Seattles defense gave up 11.5 PPG per half should give him 5 more years. Glad you’re coming around.

Watch the upcoming twist from air. He’s never wrong!

Very odd you’re repeating Ryan’s fake narrative. You should try coming up with your own material.

You don’t know me, or how I felt.
This is what qb hell looks like  
Mattman : 9:20 am : link
Not good enough to win it all or win consistently and not bad enough to get a high pick to replace him.
I've been in the camp of ...  
Csonka : 9:21 am : link
... "let's give him a chance with a competent oline and not one of the worst WR corp in the league".

we're still dropping way too many balls, but guys are getting open and the line is much improved.

Outside of Minnesota, Jones has been good. Anyone not seeing that is just seeing what they want to see to back up their previous declarations about Jones.

I do think Daboll might be trying to get him killed with all the QB draws, though.
typical battered spouse syndrome playing out, here  
The Jake : 9:23 am : link
the abuser walks in with a bouquet of flowers and ALL IS FORGIVEN!

yesterday was a nice win, but those of you who are talking about how we should really be 4-1, or how Schoen has actually done a nice job - you were singing almost the exact opposite tune last week.

that you jump all over one win - a nice win, don't get me wrong - but one game - is demonstrating the same lack of judgment that our front office has shown for years.

someone quoted it perfectly either on this thread or another one - the front office would rather be "right" about Daniel Jones than fix this franchise. those of you talking playoffs because we won one game are of the same mind.

you've been abused for so long that you don't know what a healthy relationship looks like.
The disconnect from reality is astonishing  
HBart : 9:40 am : link
The fact is the Giants QB is, today, #12 in the NFL is Total QBR (ESPN's stat that considers all aspects of play, not just passing), #14 in raw QBR, and 10th in total passing yards. He did his part well enough to win, at the very least, 2 of the teams 3 losses.

Yet with all that, after a stunning road upset when he diced the other guys up, the haters -- irreversibly mired in their reality distortion field - just can't stop hating
RE: The disconnect from reality is astonishing  
Ron Johnson : 9:51 am : link
In comment 16639347 HBart said:
The fact is the Giants QB is, today, #12 in the NFL is Total QBR (ESPN's stat that considers all aspects of play, not just passing), #14 in raw QBR, and 10th in total passing yards. He did his part well enough to win, at the very least, 2 of the teams 3 losses.

Yet with all that, after a stunning road upset when he diced the other guys up, the haters -- irreversibly mired in their reality distortion field - just can't stop hating

when there is time to throw and running game support he usually plays well enough to win. The "he's at best a backup" was always wrong.
RE: RE: He played a good game today  
Ash_3 : 9:55 am : link
In comment 16639136 Milton said:
In comment 16638487 Mike from Ohio said:


But big picture, there is no difference. We can’t get confused by Daniel Jones every time he plays a good game. He does every season. The problem is that he can’t do it consistently.

Which means he has twelve more games to prove he has cracked the "consistency" code. Let's see how he does vs Cincy, Philly, and Carolina and revisit this criticism at the bye.

Why is that the rebuttable presumption? That the burden is on the critics to revisit their argument and stay their hand?

Jones had a good game yesterday. It was, in fact, great on every metric. No one would or could deny that. That he did it without Nabers was even more impressive.

The question is its significance. He's had good games before and he's then gone back to clunkers. Perhaps he's truly turned a corner in year 6. Or perhaps this was a good game and he'll go back to having middling ones and terrible ones, i.e. being an average QB at best.

The historical record is in favor of the critics.
RE: The disconnect from reality is astonishing  
Now Mike in MD : 10:00 am : link
In comment 16639347 HBart said:
The fact is the Giants QB is, today, #12 in the NFL is Total QBR (ESPN's stat that considers all aspects of play, not just passing), #14 in raw QBR, and 10th in total passing yards. He did his part well enough to win, at the very least, 2 of the teams 3 losses.

Yet with all that, after a stunning road upset when he diced the other guys up, the haters -- irreversibly mired in their reality distortion field - just can't stop hating

To your point, there were actually posters blaming Jones for Wandale's first drop. The ball hit him in both his hands and between the numbers! It's just weird at this point.

IMO, DJ has played above average bordering on good. He has missed too many deep throws and left point on the board no doubt. But overall except for the Minnesota game he's maming enough plays to put the team in position to win.

I will also say that despite all that, I still think if there is a QB available that's an upgrade in the first we need to draft him. While DJ has been maybe been top 10 to Top 12 this season, I want a guy who is a true difference maker. That and is injury history make me want to move on.
RE: RE: …  
djm : 10:06 am : link
In comment 16639129 santacruzom said:
In comment 16638984 ryanmkeane said:


Jones 5th in the NFL in overall efficiency since week 2 but carry on.

That's awesome, I wonder if he'll perform well enough to post a QBR that comes close to Malik Willis, who has the top QBR in the league.

DJ is 11th in the NFL as we speak. Ahead of guys like Dak and Hurts and Darnold and Cousins and Stafford.

Willis doesn't qualify because who the hell cares.
Link - ( New Window )
Good win  
HomerJones45 : 10:15 am : link
because all parts of the team contributed- specials, defense, running game, receivers and yes, the quarterback. You really like to see that.

Sorry, not getting sucked back in on Daniel Jones. Daboll was able to scheme the one-read passing game today and isolate receivers. Jones was able to pick up the one read and make accurate and timely throws. Good job by both of them.

Dexter Lawrence is really good at football.

Great win.

Just Wait four Weeks  
Lambuth_Special : 10:21 am : link
3 home games and 1 primetime road game. All beatable opponents. We're gonna know whether this uptick is for real or just a by product of him playing 3 out of his last 4 weeks on the road.
BrettNYG10 : 10:24 am : link
Daniel Jones is better than Patrick Mahomes and Matt Stafford and Andy Dalton is a top ten QB because QBR says so.

Or maybe QBR is an incomplete measure of QB quality and more nuance is required.
RE: .....  
Mike from Ohio : 10:26 am : link
In comment 16639424 BrettNYG10 said:
Daniel Jones is better than Patrick Mahomes and Matt Stafford and Andy Dalton is a top ten QB because QBR says so.

Or maybe QBR is an incomplete measure of QB quality and more nuance is required.

Stop posting things that make sense, hater!
RE: .....  
JT039 : 10:29 am : link
In comment 16639424 BrettNYG10 said:
Daniel Jones is better than Patrick Mahomes and Matt Stafford and Andy Dalton is a top ten QB because QBR says so.

Or maybe QBR is an incomplete measure of QB quality and more nuance is required.

Yeah QBR is kind of ridiculous- I think Firlds was a top 10 QB coming into this week.

What is interesting is some of the best QBs are having down years tho. I mean Dak, Hurts have been pretty bad. Mahomes has looked human and Josh Allen has been pretty bad the last two weeks.

Weird year.
I've been very down on Jones  
Ned In Atlanta : 10:31 am : link
And they are likely going to move on from him, the bad has far outweighed the good. But the DJ sucks people who litter every post have quietly become more annoying, and more vocal, than the DJFC. We can't enjoy a win for 24 hours without the same people reminding us that he sucks and needs to be replaced. It's tiring
RE: I've been very down on Jones  
Mbavaro : 10:35 am : link
In comment 16639439 Ned In Atlanta said:
And they are likely going to move on from him, the bad has far outweighed the good. But the DJ sucks people who litter every post have quietly become more annoying, and more vocal, than the DJFC. We can't enjoy a win for 24 hours without the same people reminding us that he sucks and needs to be replaced. It's tiring

RE: I've been very down on Jones  
Now Mike in MD : 10:42 am : link
In comment 16639439 Ned In Atlanta said:
And they are likely going to move on from him, the bad has far outweighed the good. But the DJ sucks people who litter every post have quietly become more annoying, and more vocal, than the DJFC. We can't enjoy a win for 24 hours without the same people reminding us that he sucks and needs to be replaced. It's tiring

Agree 100 percent. And the problem becomes that if anyone has the temerity to suggest Jones played a good game, the usual suspects berate you with snark.

The Giants played a very good game in a difficutl environment against a good not great team. Almoat no one gave us a chance. And DJ played a good game.

Let's enjoy it maybe
BrettNYG10 : 10:44 am : link
I'd add, I like most statistic sources. QBR, PFF, etc. They're all useful in some way. Not definitive but useful in an argument.

My issue is people throw them out and then when pressed, they run. Look at 2022, which is cited a ton--do people think Jones was the sixth best QB that year? Or is more nuance required? It's a good data point for sure, but people aren't using it to make an actual argument.
RE: I've been very down on Jones  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10:44 am : link
In comment 16639439 Ned In Atlanta said:
And they are likely going to move on from him, the bad has far outweighed the good. But the DJ sucks people who litter every post have quietly become more annoying, and more vocal, than the DJFC. We can't enjoy a win for 24 hours without the same people reminding us that he sucks and needs to be replaced. It's tiring

Fair take. I’ve been very harsh on Jones, but he played well yesterday.
This is an irrelevant discussion now  
PatersonPlank : 10:48 am : link
Jones is the QB for this season obviously, and he will have all season to show what he is. The discussion starts after game 17, not game 5. Until that time I'm just going to root for the Giants, this constant crap is tiring
Boy, some of you guys are really thick-headed  
wonderback : 10:48 am : link
Maybe, maybe Jones is playing better because the team is better! Maybe.
RE: ...  
Lambuth_Special : 10:49 am : link
In comment 16639470 BrettNYG10 said:
I'd add, I like most statistic sources. QBR, PFF, etc. They're all useful in some way. Not definitive but useful in an argument.

My issue is people throw them out and then when pressed, they run. Look at 2022, which is cited a ton--do people think Jones was the sixth best QB that year? Or is more nuance required? It's a good data point for sure, but people aren't using it to make an actual argument.

I always say if you throw a couple of the advanced measures together (EPA, QBR, PFF) and average them, you get an accurate picture. Jones probably wasn't the 7th best QB in 2022, where EPA per play had him, but I don't think he was 17th or so, where PFF had him. Ergo, you put him at 12 or 13 for 2022 and get something that makes sense.
RE: RE: He is teasing the front office…  
santacruzom : 12:02 pm : link
In comment 16639149 section125 said:
In comment 16639146 DefenseWins said:


With some of these decent performances which could save his starting job here in 2025.

I think Schoen will play it just like he did this past off season. If a qb they like can be drafted either with their pick or via a trade up, then they will do that. If not, they will roll with jones again.

I would be in favor of signing a capable free agent like cousins (if available), then draft the future QB. Then release or trade Jones if possible.

Jones has played decently, but is leaving plays on the field. He missed a few throws yesterday and he seems to conservative on the deep balls. I do not have All-22, but would love to see how many times he just couldn't pull the trigger.

He obviously made some really nice deep passes yesterday, navigated the pocket better than usual, and just looked more comfortable and decisive as a whole. That's great. I just still don't have confidence in the guy in certain situations, such as the final third down play. In such situations I'm so far from thinking, "Jones has got this, he's gonna end the game right here." Instead I'm nearly certain of an incompletion at best and an interception is always on the table.

It's a good thing Simmons made the play he did or who knows what the outcome would have been.
3/7 for 17 yards in the 4th quarter  
ajr2456 : 12:15 pm : link
They absolutely need to be better passing the ball late in games and close them out. The 4th quarter play calling/execution with a lead is one of the few question marks I have about Daboll.
RE: 3/7 for 17 yards in the 4th quarter  
speedywheels : 12:42 pm : link
In comment 16639593 ajr2456 said:
They absolutely need to be better passing the ball late in games and close them out. The 4th quarter play calling/execution with a lead is one of the few question marks I have about Daboll.

Haha! I just knew you were going to twist yourself into a pretzel in trying to somehow downplay Jones's performance.

JFC, you are pathetic...He led the offense to 23 points, which should have been 30+ points if not for the fumble (which I'm sure you blame him for) and some BRUTAL drops by Slayton and Robinson. On the road. In one of the most difficult places to play. Oh, and also without his top WR.

But you're going to focus on the one aspect, instead of looking at the overall picture....
RE: RE: 3/7 for 17 yards in the 4th quarter  
ajr2456 : 12:48 pm : link
In comment 16639627 speedywheels said:
In comment 16639593 ajr2456 said:


They absolutely need to be better passing the ball late in games and close them out. The 4th quarter play calling/execution with a lead is one of the few question marks I have about Daboll.

Haha! I just knew you were going to twist yourself into a pretzel in trying to somehow downplay Jones's performance.

JFC, you are pathetic...He led the offense to 23 points, which should have been 30+ points if not for the fumble (which I'm sure you blame him for) and some BRUTAL drops by Slayton and Robinson. On the road. In one of the most difficult places to play. Oh, and also without his top WR.

But you're going to focus on the one aspect, instead of looking at the overall picture....

What are you even talkng about? The post says "they" and "Daboll".

The Giants have penchant for letting teams hang around and have a chance to win (Cleveland and Seattle had both teams missing game tying field goals).

I know thinking is hard for you, but at least humor us sometimes. If that comes off as blaming Jones when he wasn't even mentioned, I'm not sure there's much else to say except that you're pretty pathetic. Not everything is a dig at Daniel Jones, don't be so defensive..
RE: RE: 3/7 for 17 yards in the 4th quarter  
BrettNYG10 : 12:48 pm : link
In comment 16639627 speedywheels said:
In comment 16639593 ajr2456 said:


They absolutely need to be better passing the ball late in games and close them out. The 4th quarter play calling/execution with a lead is one of the few question marks I have about Daboll.

Haha! I just knew you were going to twist yourself into a pretzel in trying to somehow downplay Jones's performance.

JFC, you are pathetic...He led the offense to 23 points, which should have been 30+ points if not for the fumble (which I'm sure you blame him for) and some BRUTAL drops by Slayton and Robinson. On the road. In one of the most difficult places to play. Oh, and also without his top WR.

But you're going to focus on the one aspect, instead of looking at the overall picture....

Completely agreed, we should be looking at the overall picture. The team is 6th worst in PPG this season and Daniel Jones has never been part of an offense that was above 16th.
RE: There is no enigma  
Gatorade Dunk : 12:55 pm : link
In comment 16638646 hassan said:
the enigma is why the board is so absolute about what to do at the QB position. Jones is probably a mid to lower end starter who was put in a shitty situation. His situation is now better with a functional line and receivers.

Pretty simple to me. Keep signing qbs and maybe even draft one until there is someone better on the roster. Unless Jones regresses again-if he looks more 22 than 23; guess what his cap number is not that terrible in year 3 of this contract given the QB market is reset. Not ideal for sure. But you need to have a better option.

Maybe even draft one?

29 NFL teams have drafted a QB more recently than the Giants, who have not drafted a QB since Daniel Jones.

The fact that "maybe even draft one" is the suggestion and not "draft one every single year and in strong years draft two until you find the solution" is a pretty good illustration of just how satisfied with mediocrity this franchise and its fans have become.
RE: RE: He played a good game today  
Gatorade Dunk : 12:57 pm : link
In comment 16639130 Red Right Hand said:
Well, bottom line he's 10th in total yds, 13th in TDs and 13th in passes over 20 yds. the rest of his stats are basically in line with that. Point of fact his numbers says hes a top 155 QB. That ain't great, but it's better than most QBs right now, he's playing better than most, bottom line. we had 2 games we should/could have won, and daboll and the kicking game are the difference between a winning and losing record right now, not Jones.
We should be 2-0 in division

These are the kind of stats that only seem to get applied once bye weeks have begun and before SNF and MNF happens. It's a lot easier to stay in the top half of counting stats when a third of the league's QBs have played one fewer game.
RE: RE: RE: …  
Gatorade Dunk : 12:59 pm : link
In comment 16639195 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16639129 santacruzom said:


In comment 16638984 ryanmkeane said:


Jones 5th in the NFL in overall efficiency since week 2 but carry on.

That's awesome, I wonder if he'll perform well enough to post a QBR that comes close to Malik Willis, who has the top QBR in the league.

Posts like this that are completely untrue and devoid of any fact are what kills message boards.

It might also be posters that resort to sensationalism and drama by suggestion that a message board might die. They probably kill message boards too.
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