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Who will be HC next year?

fkap : 10/14/2024 9:51 am
Sans an agreement to tank in return for coming back, I think Daboll is a goner. I don't think they'll intentionally tank. They'll win another couple games, and pick top ten. It'll be a struggle to get back to 6 wins.

Mara said he wants improvement. Despite adding a top WR, and a functional OL, the O is meh, at best. That's Dabs' side of the ball, and after (allegedly) pounding the table for Nabers over a QB, and taking over play calling, he simply isn't getting the job done.

DJ, with any luck, will be gone. IF the replacement is a draft pick (with or without a bridge QB), I would rather bring in a new HC, rather than saddling the youngster with Dabs on the hotseat, and quite possibly (probably?) having to learn a new system in year 2.

So, who's at the top of your wish list?

Or, alternatively, what odds do you give Dabs to get the boot?
Daboll is not getting fired  
djm : 10/14/2024 9:55 am : link
barring a complete collapse. IT's also early and I know that bothers some here but if they do the unthinkable and win 2-3 in a row, they are right in the playoff hunt. And I don't think this is unthinkable. Tough loss. Move on. Get the next one. They had to win next week no matter what happened last night.

The next month or so will determine the season.
Mike Vrabel or  
nygfaninorlando : 10/14/2024 9:56 am : link
Brian Flores but fearing it will be Belichick. Hopefully Jerry fires McCarthy and takes Belichick off the table. I liked Dabs initially but he coaches scared and repeats the same mistakes, makes me think he’s done.
I think Daboll stays  
Gap92 : 10/14/2024 9:56 am : link
And I don't think that's a bad idea. Let's see what he can do with a new QB while the other players get to stay in the same system.
sticking to my guns  
djm : 10/14/2024 9:57 am : link
8-9 wins. We miss out due to the fucking kicker.

Daboll - I think he is doing all he can with a team without a QB  
PatersonPlank : 10/14/2024 9:57 am : link
It was also obvious on HK he was not inline with Schoen about rolling forward with Jones. He seemed to want Maye or Daniels, if we had either of these we would have won last night
Again, unless he pulls some clown shit like Judge did, or  
logman : 10/14/2024 9:58 am : link
if he loses the locker room, he is going to be back.

Neither of those have happened at this point.
RE: Mike Vrabel or  
djm : 10/14/2024 9:58 am : link
In comment 16646686 nygfaninorlando said:
Brian Flores but fearing it will be Belichick. Hopefully Jerry fires McCarthy and takes Belichick off the table. I liked Dabs initially but he coaches scared and repeats the same mistakes, makes me think he’s done.

Daboll did not coach scared last night. HE went for it on 4th down all night long. He didn't have a kicker and the offense turned it over in the RZ. Shit happens. Not on Daboll.
BigBlueinDE : 10/14/2024 9:58 am : link
not 100% convinced the issues noted here on BBI daily are on Daboll. That noted, it's a good question. Right now, the odds are 50/50.

Would Vrabel, Belichick or another coordinator be an upgrade? I'm not sure. I think Vrable could be. Belichick, I'm not sure. Also, there's no guarantee either one would want to come to NY.
blueblood : 10/14/2024 9:59 am : link
The team is competing and has been in every game except the Viking game.. They dont have a QB.. Its that simple.. Until the QB situation is fixed.. they will continue to be mediocre AT BEST.
Hopefully Daboll with a new QB  
Kent Graham : 10/14/2024 10:01 am : link
This team is playoff-caliber with the glaring exception of our QB
RE: Mike Vrabel or  
JoeyBigBlue : 10/14/2024 10:01 am : link
In comment 16646686 nygfaninorlando said:
Brian Flores but fearing it will be Belichick. Hopefully Jerry fires McCarthy and takes Belichick off the table. I liked Dabs initially but he coaches scared and repeats the same mistakes, makes me think he’s done.

Brian Flores has a pending lawsuit against the Giants. He’s not coming here.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/14/2024 10:01 am : link
BB or Vrabel.
Dabs is staying  
OBJ_AllDay : 10/14/2024 10:05 am : link
If his interviews during the game and after the game tell me that. They have a "everything is going to plan" type feeling to them. Stay competitive, losses don't matter. Like he's been given assurances.

I would like to see him back too. The Giants are close. A lot closer than many think. They have a huge albatross at qb. Fix the qb position and they will start winning games. The defense is flying around out there and will be infused with more talent in the offseason. Talent on this team is leaps and bounds above where it was a year or two ago.

I love the OL Coach.  
Optimus-NY : 10/14/2024 10:10 am : link
They need to dump Neal, but have to try and see if they can salvage him or not first.
Brian Daboll  
Costy16 : 10/14/2024 10:12 am : link
Giants have been in every game but the opener. I think Daboll is doing all we can with the offense, but is also showcasing to those above him (Schoen, Mara) that the limitation is at QB. Giants defense is better than people think, they have an emerging RB in Tracy, and a #1 WR. They need a QB.
If it is Daboll- like if it  
jvm52106 : 10/14/2024 10:17 am : link
is guaranteed then Jones MUST sit now!

I am not convinced that he will be back with where things are starting to go..
Brian Flores?  
arniefez : 10/14/2024 10:20 am : link
That would be fun. How would that introduction press conference go?
It's up to Daboll  
arniefez : 10/14/2024 10:21 am : link
if he keeps starting Jones he deserves to get fired.
i think Daboll will  
LG in NYC : 10/14/2024 10:24 am : link
I lean more towards liking Daboll than not and wouldn't be upset if we kept him, as long as we upgrade the QB position... however, if you asked me right now, I go get Vrabel and try to get tough, hard nosed culture back at 1925 Giants Way.
Defense has kept them in games  
fkap : 10/14/2024 10:28 am : link
Offense (Daboll's wheel house) has shit the bed.

Dabs has 2 things going for him:

He has 2 years left on his contract. After Reeves, there's a aversion to having a lame duck coach, and it would have been hard to give him an extension off a lousy year. 2 years left avoids that, plus the financial side factors in his favor.

DJ could take the blame. As said, it's hard to win with him as QB. On the flip side, though, Dabs was likely involved in the decision to re-sign DJ. Alternatively, if Dabs was over ruled by Schoen/Mara, they might hold it against Dabs for not advancing the talent they see in DJ. This one is a double edged sword.
I think Daboll  
DonnieD89 : 10/14/2024 10:41 am : link
stays. as someone has mentioned, five of the six games, the Giants have been competitive. With an average to above average quarterback, this team is easily 4–2 or 5-1. They’re not many head coaches out there that are quarterback whisperer is in. I think it’s best that the Giants draft a quarterback in order to develop. Let’s get Dabs a chance.
Still think Daboll  
Biteymax22 : 10/14/2024 10:42 am : link
He can very easily sit in front of Mara and articulate that we could have won 4-5 games already if you gave him a franchise QB. I also think they knew Jones was a weak spot coming in hence trying to trade up for Maye.
IDK yet, but I'm leaning towards Daboll  
Anakim : 10/14/2024 10:44 am : link
But I would rather have Vrabel
We'd have a winning record if we had a QB  
SirLoinOfBeef : 10/14/2024 10:51 am : link

The kicker gaff is 100% on Daboll/Schoen. Inexcusable.

Get them a QB.

I Seriouslty Doubt Daboll Gets Fired  
LTIsTheGreatest : 10/14/2024 10:52 am : link
Unless they completely regress. Except for the opening game, they have been in every game till the end and have been a couple of plays away from winning each of them.
RE: Still think Daboll  
fkap : 10/14/2024 10:53 am : link
In comment 16646783 Biteymax22 said:
He can very easily sit in front of Mara and articulate that we could have won 4-5 games already if you gave him a franchise QB. I also think they knew Jones was a weak spot coming in hence trying to trade up for Maye.

But this highlights the baffling decision to bring in a backup universally considered worse than DJ. They were more than willing to leave DJ out to dry with all the talk about wanting to upgrade, but then brought in a backup who is not a threat and didn't address the position in the draft other than trying to trade up. Dabs may not have final say, but he still gets major say.
And if you Hire Vrabel  
SirLoinOfBeef : 10/14/2024 10:54 am : link
who's the OC?

If they're anyone good, they're gone after two seasons. Maybe one.

11 games to go  
Lines of Scrimmage : 10/14/2024 10:54 am : link
Lot of football still to be played that will determine things. Outcome in the remaining division games will be a big factor.

I don't like the idea of keeping a HC for year 4 if your big argument is the team seems to play hard. I also don't like the offensive vision.

If they move on from him I think ownership goes with experience. I like the Detroit OC who will be in high demand.
What does a collapse look like?  
HardTruth : 10/14/2024 10:56 am : link
We are 2-4 and avg 16 ppg under our offensive HC

He is 8-15 over last two seasons

10-20-1 since a 7-2 start

This team has scored under 10 pts in 2 of 6 games this season
RE: And if you Hire Vrabel  
Anakim : 10/14/2024 10:59 am : link
In comment 16646818 SirLoinOfBeef said:
who's the OC?

If they're anyone good, they're gone after two seasons. Maybe one.

That's the big question. IDK. McDaniels? Doug Pederson?
Daboll is a good coach  
chiro56 : 10/14/2024 11:00 am : link
He is not getting fired. The team is getting better. They will find a qb next year. Jones will win more games than most think
g56blue10 : 10/14/2024 11:01 am : link
I think the coaching has been pretty solid outside the decision on the kicker for the Washington game. This team is improved in a lot of areas and I think he has called plays to give us a chance to win. The players have just not always executed. This team makes the playoffs with a decent QB that is consistent
Smart move...  
bw in dc : 10/14/2024 11:03 am : link
let's fire Daboll because the QB can't execute well designed plays.

Now, if you want to kill Daboll for sticking with Jones, okay, that's a different argument.

I contend, however, Schoen decided on Jones more than Daboll. And that Daboll went along with the idea because he's arrogant enough to believe he can still make chicken salad. He did it once with Jones, so he thought it could work again be re-attaching the training wheels and exploiting the upgraded talent on the OL and the weapons.
RE: Daboll - I think he is doing all he can with a team without a QB  
BMac : 10/14/2024 11:07 am : link
In comment 16646690 PatersonPlank said:
It was also obvious on HK he was not inline with Schoen about rolling forward with Jones. He seemed to want Maye or Daniels, if we had either of these we would have won last night

Same stupid argument. In what universe were they going to get either QB? Just because they wanted someone doesn't mean that the team with the whip hand is going to roll over for any price.
Daboll isn’t going anywhere  
George : 10/14/2024 11:10 am : link
He’s a good coach.
A week ago  
allstarjim : 10/14/2024 11:29 am : link
The Giants went on the road and beat the Seahawks, a tough team, with key injuries at 2 starting QB positions. And there defense played very well.

Last night, they held the Bengals to 17 points and one of the best QBs in the game to zero TD passes. Ja'Marr Chase and Tee Higgins, arguably the best WR duo in the NFL, were held to 6-72 and 7-77 with no scores. Obviously, the two long runs they allowed weren't great. But outside of those two plays, the defense was actually pretty dominant and stopping this Bengals team is pretty impressive.
Not sure Daboll gets fired  
Sean : 10/14/2024 11:35 am : link
I think the 2024 draft class will definitely save Schoen.
Hopefully Daboll  
Jerry in_DC : 10/14/2024 11:37 am : link
Hes done a good job here and is substantially better than the other 3 guys Mara hired.

Also if the only way to keep your job is to win 9 games with 6 win roster, the applicant pool is going to dwindle.
RE: Daboll isn’t going anywhere  
OBJ_AllDay : 10/14/2024 11:53 am : link
In comment 16646838 George said:
He’s a good coach.

Agree. I mentioned it in either this or a previous thread but you get the sense that he's been told he is safe. His interviews in game and postgame seem to suggest that. Almost as though he was told to get this team competitive and get good film on tape - which he has. The obvious elephant in the room is the qb. Fix the qb and this team will start winning. I have faith in the coaching staff - both Bowen and Dabs.

I think we keep him. And I prefer to keep him. Put an average qb on this team and the Giants are 4-2 or 5-1 with how these games have played out.
Daboll is far from being without blame  
redwhiteandbigblue : 10/14/2024 11:59 am : link
WTF was the point of calling a timeout with 27 seconds in the half then on the very next play take a knee to end the half.

Also, 4th down on your own 38yd line? I love being aggressive but that was just boneheaded.
Giants4me : 10/14/2024 12:04 pm : link
can't unlock talent in Jones he doesn't have.

He's been coached not to make stupid mistakes for six years...yet it continues to be an issue.
Dabol isn't perfect by any means but the QB play isn't consistently good.
I keep hearing about getting a  
Dave on the UWS : 10/14/2024 12:50 pm : link
"better backup" in here. Did the team NOT meet with Russel Wilson? What backup was coming here KNOWING they were not going to be a starter? Lock played well his 2 starts last year and has a much better arm than Jones.
I would like to see what he can do.
A few thoughts  
Matt M. : 10/14/2024 12:59 pm : link
1) As much as I think I want Daboll gone more and more, I don't think it is a forgone conclusion. Unless this team sits at 2 0r 3 wins, I think management brings him back. I think ownership has this stupid fear of firing another coach. As someone pointed out in another thread, they are realizing they are doormats, but don't want to take the necessary steps to stop being doormats.

2) I have no idea who I want to be the HC and no idea who I think should be the HC

3) As great as he is, I don't think I want Belichick here. Mostly, that is because I don't want Belichick to be the GM or have GM-like input and authority over personnel. He is a genius coach, but his executive skills are lacking.

4) I do think a new coach with a new QB is a huge positive step. It's just who will those 2 be?
RE: A few thoughts  
bw in dc : 10/14/2024 3:08 pm : link
In comment 16647030 Matt M. said:
1) As much as I think I want Daboll gone more and more, I don't think it is a forgone conclusion. Unless this team sits at 2 0r 3 wins, I think management brings him back. I think ownership has this stupid fear of firing another coach. As someone pointed out in another thread, they are realizing they are doormats, but don't want to take the necessary steps to stop being doormats.

2) I have no idea who I want to be the HC and no idea who I think should be the HC

3) As great as he is, I don't think I want Belichick here. Mostly, that is because I don't want Belichick to be the GM or have GM-like input and authority over personnel. He is a genius coach, but his executive skills are lacking.

4) I do think a new coach with a new QB is a huge positive step. It's just who will those 2 be?

I believe the bigger problem is Schoen. I give Daboll much more credit for getting this team a playoff spot in 2022- and six-wins last year despite an old NFL back-up and a UDFA rookie QB.

Further, I think the org chart is misaligned at 1925 Giants Way. The GM should report to the HC, not vice versa. That's the way San Fran and Denver do it. Let the HC dictate what he wants from the GM; and then the GM and his team make personnel recommendations and do the accounting for the cap.
Daboll should be  
Arnie D. : 10/14/2024 3:33 pm : link
the coach next year. Let him have a shot at picking his own QB. He’s excellent working with them, and he’s an excellent offensive mind. He’s been scheming guys open all year, it’s not his fault Jones can’t, or won’t hit them.

Vrabel? Who’s his OC? If he does find a good one, he’ll be gone soon since most teams want an offensive minded head coach, and rightly so. Changing OC’s and schemes every few years isn’t conducive to consistency on offense. Daboll isn’t the problem, Jones is.
I’ve said this a million times.  
DeVito32 : 10/14/2024 3:55 pm : link
My biggest issue with Daboll is not playing the vets/starters in the preseason. They start the season completely out of sync every year because the starters don’t play together all summer. Practice isn’t the same as a game. Neither are scrimmages.

The other major issue I have is the past 2 years he’s fucked up the punt returner to start the season. Whether it’s an injury or not having an established one on the roster is a killer.

Same goes for the kicker 2 years in a row.

All these are inexcusable but correctable so it’s completely baffling to me.

The team plays hard for him, they don’t quit, and I think he tries to call plays for the limitations of the offense.

I’m really torn because I think he’s a good coach but what I mentioned above is inexcusable for a head coach.
Let's try Salah!  
200711 : 10/14/2024 8:36 pm : link
He'll fix Jones right up.
Devour the Day : 10/14/2024 9:04 pm : link
Hopefully it’s BD. He is a good coach.
He needs the Qb to take the next step.
RE: Smart move...  
gridirony : 10/15/2024 12:27 pm : link
In comment 16646832 bw in dc said:
let's fire Daboll because the QB can't execute well designed plays.

Now, if you want to kill Daboll for sticking with Jones, okay, that's a different argument.

I contend, however, Schoen decided on Jones more than Daboll. And that Daboll went along with the idea because he's arrogant enough to believe he can still make chicken salad. He did it once with Jones, so he thought it could work again be re-attaching the training wheels and exploiting the upgraded talent on the OL and the weapons.
They are not well designed plays. Daboll knows that Jones cannot execute them, but still keeps designing plays that Jones will fail at.

If Daboll was an architect (head coach), he'd likely design a 1,000' skyscraper (his offensive play designs) using 2X4s (Jones).
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