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Post-Game Transcript: Quarterback Daniel Jones

Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/20/2024 6:15 pm
NYG Postgame (vs. Eagles) Transcripts: QB Daniel Jones

October 20, 2024

Q: What was the most difficult aspect of this game offensively?

DANIEL JONES: I think just our execution wasn’t there. Third down was obviously an issue, sustaining drives and getting in a rhythm, so frustrating. We’ll look at the tape and see where we can improve and certainly look at myself and see where I need to improve.

Q: Is it frustrating getting pulled?

DANIEL JONES: Yeah, it was frustrating. You want to be out there playing with your teammates and fighting to score points and move the ball. So, I was frustrated but not my decision. Yeah, frustrating for sure, I want to be out there playing.

Q: Did they bring more pressure than normal?

DANIEL JONES: They brought some pressure here and there. Maybe a little bit more than they normally do but nothing completely out of the ordinary.

Q: What did (Tackle) Jermaine (Eluemunor) share with you on the sideline?

DANIEL JONES: I think just talking about going forward from here and where we need to go. Kind of supporting each other and having each other's back. I think we have a good group of guys and it’s a critical time for us to come together and support each other as players. Ignore the noise, wherever that’s coming from, and stick together as players and teammates and move forward, address what we need to address and continue to improve.

Q: How much of a hand grenade was it to have that touchdown pulled off the board at the end of the first half when you hit (Tight End) Theo Johnson and they called the penalty?

DANIEL JONES: Tough break there with that penalty. I’ll go back and watch it, we will see what it looks like on film. But yeah, tough to lose that one.

Q: As the play developed you didn’t see any contact?

DANIEL JONES: We will go back and look at it. I thought he (Johnson) ran a good route, I thought he got open and tough to lose that one.

Q: What is your personal approach to trying to recover and rebuild after a game such as this?

DANIEL JONES: Obviously there are physical things on the field that need to be addressed and you do that in the film room, you do that at practice. There is also a mental piece of it and how we move forward, how we continue to build confidence and build belief and spirit. All of those things are important as we go forward.

Q: One thing we always talk about with an offense is having some balance, could not get much of a running game going in the first half either. How much of a detriment was that to try to do what you were trying to do?

DANIEL JONES: We did not run the ball much in the first half. Tough to get much going when you don't run it. Still opportunities, got to convert the opportunities.

Q: What was your immediate reaction when (Head Coach Brian) Daboll took you out?

DANIEL JONES: I was frustrated. I want to be out there, I want to be playing with my teammates and trying to score points. Yeah, I was frustrated and yeah, didn’t like it obviously.

Q: Do you feel like there are a lot more issues, the offense is not functioning for a lot of reasons and it’s—for lack of a better word—not fair to pin it on you?

DANIEL JONES: As quarterback, I think it is my responsibility to get everything going and build rhythm, build momentum, execute the opportunities that are there, and I take that seriously. I will certainly look at myself first and see where I can improve. Football is a team game and it takes everybody playing well but I got a big role in that and take that very seriously.

Q: Did you feel secure in the pocket today? It seems like this was as shaky a pocket as you’ve had all season.

DANIEL JONES: Like I said, we will go back and look at it. I will see where I can get the ball out of my hands quicker, I’m sure there were some opportunities to do that. They have a good pass rush, so credit to them with that. But yeah, will go back and look at where I could have helped out.

Q: Daboll said he pulled you to try to give the team a spark. Considering that, how concerned are you about your standing long-term as the starting quarterback of the Giants?

DANIEL JONES: I’m just going to continue to prepare and try to play as well as I can. Daboll, it’s his team and it’s up to him to make those decisions. Obviously, I believe in myself and believe in this offense, so I’m just going to focus on myself.

Q: Did you guys (Daboll) have some conversation when he made his decision?

DANIEL JONES: Was not much of a conversation, no.

Q: What did he (Daboll) say to you then?

DANIEL JONES: He just said he is going to go with (Quarterback) Drew (Lock). Looking for a spark, that was about it.

Q: Was it difficult to see (Running Back) Saquon (Barkley) thriving for them?

DANIEL JONES: Um, I mean he played a good game. I’d say overall our defense played well with the exception of some of those runs. They played well, yeah, tough to see Saquon do that. He’s obviously a good player and we know that very well.

Q: Is there a common denominator in the inability to create explosive plays week after week for you guys?
DANIEL JONES: I don’t know, we will look at the film and see where we missed some. It is my job to convert those opportunities and give guys chances to make plays. I will look at where I can do better. I think at times this year we have created explosive plays, so going back to look at where those opportunities came from and how we can generate some more.

Q: After the game just now, Brian said that you are the quarterback moving forward. Does that help in any way or does getting benched sting too much that you can’t even think about it?

DANIEL JONES: I’m just going to prepare, go about my week doing what I need to do to prepare to play good football. How he sees that, the decisions he wants to make, that’s on him. That’s a better question for him. I’m just going to focus on myself.

Q: He said you are the quarterback going forward.

DANIEL JONES: I am confident in myself and I’ll be ready to go.

Q: How are you feeling physically?

DANIEL JONES: I am good, feeling good.
Sorry DJ  
DavidinBMNY : 10/20/2024 6:33 pm : link
No one else believes you, but you and Dabs. Your like our Thelma and Louise.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/20/2024 6:39 pm : link
Q: He said you are the quarterback going forward.

DANIEL JONES: I am confident in myself and I’ll be ready to go.

Jesus christ, every time he opens his  
jvm52106 : 10/20/2024 6:42 pm : link
Is like opening an airlock in space- every bit of life saving oxygen gets sucked out..

If Daniel Jones were a soda he would be new coke.

If Daniel Jones were a movie he would be any Steven Seagal movie.

If Daniel Jones were a TV show he would be season 8 of The Office and the final season of Game Of Thrones!

If Daniel Jones were a talk show he would be The View!
This guy...  
bw in dc : 10/20/2024 6:44 pm : link
is like listening to paint dry.

STD...Smart, Tough, Dependable.

BTW, does anyone know what "dependable" means in Giants-speak?
RE: This guy...  
jvm52106 : 10/20/2024 6:46 pm : link
In comment 16654949 bw in dc said:
is like listening to paint dry.

STD...Smart, Tough, Dependable.

BTW, does anyone know what "dependable" means in Giants-speak?

Shoes up for every week
Q: Why are you still confident in yourself?  
Mike from Ohio : 10/20/2024 6:46 pm : link
DANIEL JONES: Ummm…I’ll have to go look at the film. That’s a great question.
RE: This guy...  
jvm52106 : 10/20/2024 6:49 pm : link
In comment 16654949 bw in dc said:
is like listening to paint dry.

STD...Smart, Tough, Dependable.

BTW, does anyone know what "dependable" means in Giants-speak?

STD - IS PERFECT FOR THIS GROUP, Jones is the Quarterback equivalent of herpes..
“Did not run the ball much in the first half”…..  
thrunthrublue : 10/20/2024 7:23 pm : link
Four fucxing yards! WTF! Daboll out coached….JS with no quality O line backups….and JS decision to let 26 go TO the eagles….And then there is the hapless, clueless dumb witted rag arm overpaid coach killing Jones. It all adds up to “Must Flee TV!”
I wish Jones would request a trade  
Fishmanjim57 : 10/20/2024 7:29 pm : link
I'd love to get rid of that bum. I'd accept a case of Miller Lite for him.
this site sucks - really  
stoneman : 10/20/2024 7:33 pm : link
put is all on Jones - he's the single problem, he's broken as Eric and Sye tell you- anybody but Jones will lead you to the promise land.
RE: this site sucks - really  
jvm52106 : 10/20/2024 7:36 pm : link
In comment 16655044 stoneman said:
put is all on Jones - he's the single problem, he's broken as Eric and Sye tell you- anybody but Jones will lead you to the promise land.

What? Dude come on.. 6 fucking years of the same shitty QB!
RE: this site sucks - really  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/20/2024 7:37 pm : link
In comment 16655044 stoneman said:
put is all on Jones - he's the single problem, he's broken as Eric and Sye tell you- anybody but Jones will lead you to the promise land.

There is an easy solution for your distaste of this site.
Hey Eric  
Go Terps : 10/20/2024 7:40 pm : link
I'm looking forward to your meltdown next week after TJ Watt sends Jones limping off the field and rumblings of the injury clause get louder.
RE: RE: this site sucks - really  
jvm52106 : 10/20/2024 7:51 pm : link
In comment 16655054 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16655044 stoneman said:


put is all on Jones - he's the single problem, he's broken as Eric and Sye tell you- anybody but Jones will lead you to the promise land.

There is an easy solution for your distaste of this site.

Just don't understand some folks. If you want CHANGE then it starts with getting rid of what has been in place the last 3 (i mean 6) years.. Jones is beyond awful and people just cut see the bigger picture of just how much his limitations invite the defense in, invite more pass rush and make everything else just look so bad..

We need a QB and quite frankly I think we need a new HC too..
RE: I wish Jones would request a trade  
Jim in Fairfax : 10/20/2024 7:51 pm : link
In comment 16655039 Fishmanjim57 said:
I'd love to get rid of that bum. I'd accept a case of Miller Lite for him.

It’s not possible to trade him, regardless of how little you get in return. The cap hit would be so large it would impossible to cut enough other players without cap hits to cover it.
Something might break this week  
DavidinBMNY : 10/20/2024 7:56 pm : link
I’m not sure even the Mara family can handle another stink fest on national tv.

RE: Something might break this week  
Ten Ton Hammer : 10/20/2024 8:30 pm : link
In comment 16655085 DavidinBMNY said:
I’m not sure even the Mara family can handle another stink fest on national tv.

They accept losing quite well. Nothing will change for next week.

Its too late anyway. Putting lock or devito out there without thomas is pointless.
The Giants are like the Titanic  
kelly : 10/20/2024 9:59 pm : link
Daboll is the Captain and Schoen is the ship designer and there are not enough life boats for all the fans.
RE: This guy...  
Section331 : 10/20/2024 10:01 pm : link
In comment 16654949 bw in dc said:
is like listening to paint dry.

STD...Smart, Tough, Dependable.

BTW, does anyone know what "dependable" means in Giants-speak?

He’s dependably bad?
I can't look at this guy anymore  
Woodstock : 10/20/2024 10:24 pm : link
I can't listen to the same bullshit that comes out of his mouth. Just send him home. Here's your paycheck. Stay home and keep out of the locker room. His next job should be a cooler at a casino
What is so  
Gman11 : 10/21/2024 12:31 am : link
unusual about the starting QB getting pulled when down 28-3 in the 4th quarter? The game was out of reach so give the backup some snaps during garbage time. Come to think about it, whenever Jones is in, it's garbage time.
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