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#20 finally changed helmet & facemask combo to pro CB style

Elite mob32 : 6/4/2012 11:25 pm

Great player, however the helmet and face mask combination, did not look like he was ready for physical war in the trenches. It reminded me of when the helmets used to come in the box, with the label "not made for competitive play The only evidence I have of his helmet and pro facemask change is in the NEWSDAY photo gallery (picture 32 today)of Amukamura spinning the ball.

Its a picture from a distance so I can not totally confirm this discovery. There was also a message on GIANTS MESSAGE board requesting Amukamura update the cage. Titled "Please Mr Amukamura change your cage."

The facemask is serious dress code. Its the equivalent to Police SWATT team gear and part of the intimidation factors in preparation for battle. Looks like he switched to a full legitimate DB cage and a visor.

Another guy who looks ready for battle is Mark Herzlich. He stepped away from the painted college face, to a MONSTER CAGE like Justin Tuck and a U bar.


Its not only how you play the game

welcome back  
YAJ2112 : 6/4/2012 11:26 pm : link
we've missed you and your incoherent ramblings
Nick in LA : 6/4/2012 11:27 pm : link
should post pictures when describing something visual like that.
I've lost my ability to translate  
kickerpa16 : 6/4/2012 11:27 pm : link
what you're saying.
Nick in LA : 6/4/2012 11:27 pm : link
a #20 shouldnt be doing too much battle in the trenches...
oh shit not this  
mikecf2 : 6/4/2012 11:30 pm : link
twerp again!! Werent you banned? lol
He's back!  
arcarsenal : 6/4/2012 11:30 pm : link
hey elite where have you been?  
mikecf2 : 6/4/2012 11:42 pm : link
WTF are you talking about, fool?  
Midn_Chae : 6/4/2012 11:48 pm : link
Seriously, you continue to out do yourself with each post as BBI's worst poster.
Hello Mid ...hows your family and your newborn?  
Elite mob32 : 6/5/2012 12:02 am : link
I read the OP  
darasman : 6/5/2012 12:05 am : link
three fucking times....THREE! and he is right!!! Elite is dead on....
Yeah... for sure.  
arcarsenal : 6/5/2012 12:12 am : link
Especially the part about "Amukamura" being ready for "physical war in the trenches".. since, ya know.. all CB's play on the defensive line.
Man In The Box : 6/5/2012 12:33 am : link
Leave Ronnie alone  
Larry in Pencilvania : 6/5/2012 12:33 am : link
he's busy picking out curtains and pillows for BBI
And this is why I say - you may think you only had one  
jcn56 : 6/5/2012 12:42 am : link
or two drinks, but brother, you're in no condition to be anywhere near a keyboard.
this grammatical gem  
darasman : 6/5/2012 12:44 am : link
still has me shaking my head.....can anyone translate??
The facemask is serious dress code
serious dress codes  
Elite mob32 : 6/5/2012 1:45 am : link
most of the NFL premier defensive backs are wearing the popular facemask allowing open field vision with extra protection around the eye area.
Jon in NYC : 6/5/2012 1:54 am : link
ever change.
yes because  
Nick in LA : 6/5/2012 6:35 am : link
the style of face mask is what makes them premier players. Are you that fucking stupid?
Oh boy... brace yourself.  
BamaBlue : 6/5/2012 7:46 am : link
school is out for the summer.
"YES he changed the CAGE  
Model4001 : 6/5/2012 8:25 am : link
ready for WAR with a MONSTER CAAAAAAAGE!", man?
Look, until you can "totally confirm this discovery" it's not news  
NbgBlue : 6/5/2012 8:55 am : link
How can we tell if he's "True Gladiator" without definative cage photos? Please do your homework before posting Sir!!
Midn_Chae : 6/5/2012 8:56 am : link
Please don't take what I say as anything more than my attempt (along with BBI's collective attempt) to...beat some sense into you...:)

And then newborn is almost a year old...thanks for asking.

Larry...we were able to find some nice pillows and curtains...I can point you in the right direction if you
The picture the original poster is referencing is in the link below:  
Vin_Cuccs : 6/5/2012 9:05 am : link
As he mentioned, the picture is #32 in the album.

I don't understand the fascination with player facemasks. It is all about comfort and visibility.

If Amukamara is comfortable with the facemask below, so be it. He obviously has never had a problem in run support being that he has no issue sticking his nose in there and being physical.

To prove my point, look at the facemask Umenyiora prefers and he is mixing it up on the defensive line. It is all about comfort and vision.

With so many rules preventing hits or blows to the face or head, facemasks can be a player preference.

And with the game being built on speed and agility, players are willing to sacfrifice safety for comfort. Hence smaller shoulder pads (like in the Umenyiora picture above) and no leg pads.

Lastly, technology with the pads/helemts/facemasks make them sturdier an stronger than ever. Which is why players can get the same protection with smaller pads or facemasks.
Link - ( New Window )
Monster CAGE!!!!  
Blue Baller : 6/5/2012 9:15 am : link
girlie man cage  
Blue Baller : 6/5/2012 9:17 am : link
look at how out of style  
RicFlair : 6/5/2012 10:03 am : link
websters cage is.

hes not ready for war.
I won't take it to  
Fast Adam : 6/5/2012 11:10 am : link
the level Elite Mob took it to, but I will say he looks cooler in the new helmet lol.
I think...  
Chris in Philly : 6/5/2012 11:18 am : link
I need to crack out this old tome to make some sense here:

Oh great  
moespree : 6/5/2012 11:23 am : link
The nutbag is back among us.
Excellent points, EMob32.  
CT Charlie : 6/5/2012 11:30 am : link
I look forward to your thoughts on shoelaces.
Seriously though...  
Midn_Chae : 6/5/2012 11:40 am : link
Football players are notorious for wanting to look cool (as other team sport athletes). As Deion Sanders once said (I can't believe I quoting him), "you look good, you feel feel good, you play good" or something to that effect.

So I guess Elite has a point in that a meaner looking facemask makes our players feel mean...mean enough to go fight like gladiators! Or...maybe Elite is babbling again.
I think Neon said  
halfback20 : 6/5/2012 11:51 pm : link
If you look good, you feel good, If you feel good, you play good, If you play good, they pay good.

I like the new facemask.

And did Eli get a new helmet? Not a new facemask...but it looks like he's wearing a newer style helmet.
darasman : 6/5/2012 11:53 pm : link
I vote for babbling...
I think he did.  
halfback20 : 6/5/2012 11:55 pm : link


I think we should focus on helmets as well.....  
darasman : 6/5/2012 11:56 pm : link
like Eli's Gazoo helmet..
I missed you Peggy  
Wuphat : 6/5/2012 11:59 pm : link
As always, this has been run through a number of languages at google translate in order to make some sense of Peggy's post.

A good player, but a helmet and mask combination and not ready for physical battle in the trenches. I remember when helmets are not available in the "for official games, I have evidence that some changes in the helmet and mask Newsday Photo Gallery (32 pictures now) Amukamura spinning ball all his paintings, so that I can fully support this study, the Board has a connection to the mobile Amukamura the shoulders of giants. "Please, sir Amukamura lesions" mask sauce, as a team and transfer of police intimidation factor that seems to be ready for battle, he went to the edge of the cell SS and another one almost ready to go, Mark Herzlich: It's not a monster out of the cage bars, as well as secondary colors, and fighter Justin U. truth, know how to play the game
Eli's cage is pretty weak  
Ten Ton Hammer : 6/5/2012 11:59 pm : link
Throw a U bar and a black visor on that.
Wup thanks man!!!  
darasman : 6/6/2012 12:02 am : link
it makes a little more sense now than the original post...
Eli should wear Ray Lewis' helmet  
Adam XLII : 6/6/2012 12:06 am : link
and vice verca
Sneakers O'toole : 6/6/2012 12:08 am : link
Despite all my rage
I am still just a rat in a cage
Sneakers O'toole : 6/6/2012 12:09 am : link
I'm gonna break
I'm gonna break my
I'm gonna break my rusty cage and run
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