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Justin Tuck's new facemask

Dannyc58 : 6/12/2012 2:00 pm
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put me in the minority on this one  
FETS : 6/12/2012 2:41 pm : link
I think it is awful
Looks like he getting ready to go fight the Ninja Turtles  
Motley Blue : 6/12/2012 2:42 pm : link
Well, you could still grab that thing  
81_Great_Dane : 6/12/2012 2:43 pm : link
but there's a good chance your finger would get torn off. So I guess it makes sense.
Wonder how much it limits his vision?  
micky : 6/12/2012 2:44 pm : link
JosephSkiba : 6/12/2012 2:44 pm : link
The facemask is titanium...light as a feather...
Tuck's been watching a lot of Spartacus, obviously  
10to80for6 : 6/12/2012 2:45 pm : link
Hope he doesn't need  
Pitt G-man Dan : 6/12/2012 2:45 pm : link
to spit much.
these guys think he's a pussy  
the_fridge : 6/12/2012 2:45 pm : link
When did Tuck start playing goalie?  
BlackLight : 6/12/2012 2:46 pm : link
He's really throwing down the gauntlet.  
Mad Mike : 6/12/2012 2:48 pm : link
Canty must be on phone with the helmet designers right now, formulating an appropriate response.
Is the idea with the angle of the bars  
Enoch : 6/12/2012 2:52 pm : link
that a lateral pull will tend to direct the facemask down into the shoulder pads and prevent further neck rotation?

Besides appearances, that's my best guess.
dorgan : 6/12/2012 2:53 pm : link
there must be a significant price difference if that is titanium. Got a percentage on the difference?
I hope Canty does it too.  
arcarsenal : 6/12/2012 2:54 pm : link
Not a fan.  
Stu : 6/12/2012 2:57 pm : link
Joseph Skiba  
Adam XLII : 6/12/2012 2:59 pm : link
can I be a paid intern for you? I love helmets.
Ten Ton Hammer : 6/12/2012 3:01 pm : link
Ten Ton Hammer : 6/12/2012 3:09 pm : link

Love the Skiba!  
BoldRuler : 6/12/2012 3:20 pm : link
Always appreciate you chiming in!
Joey in VA : 6/12/2012 3:24 pm : link
Tuck's next submitted design to Skiba....

I didn't know Tuck was Russian.  
Klaatu : 6/12/2012 3:27 pm : link
Love the Joey.....  
Stu : 6/12/2012 3:28 pm : link
Holy cow...  
Pete in CO : 6/12/2012 4:02 pm : link
I pity the OL to get his finger stuck in that grille...

that'll learn 'im.
He should come out with this beauty.  
Geomon : 6/12/2012 4:25 pm : link

And yes that's a legit facemask from way back. That would scare the shit out of me if I saw that on the field.
Is there any way  
Semipro Lineman : 6/12/2012 4:45 pm : link
for the public to buy a facemask like that or are they only available as custom made orders? I know a lot of guys who would love to upgrade their facemasks to something like this?
Rob_MTL : 6/12/2012 4:54 pm : link
He should just try to go with the Master Shredder look  
zpm89 : 6/12/2012 4:58 pm : link
Rob_MTL : 6/12/2012 4:59 pm : link

Tony Romos
Mad Mike : 6/12/2012 4:59 pm : link
The old one was available, I'm sure this one will be too, if it's not already.
lonk - ( New Window )
If it breaks  
Joey in VA : 6/12/2012 5:10 pm : link
It can always double as a fry basket in a deep fryer.
Let's call it  
Mark C : 6/12/2012 5:28 pm : link
The Tuckbucket
Oh great, fookin wonderful,  
shepherdsam : 6/12/2012 5:37 pm : link
he'll be IR'd with neck problems by week 4.
Thank you Mad Mike  
Semipro Lineman : 6/12/2012 5:47 pm : link
thank you
The center line  
Nick in LA : 6/12/2012 9:29 pm : link
On the bottom is slightly off the center line of the top, pass.
Torn Tendon : 6/12/2012 9:33 pm : link
Will end up snapping some lineman that gets his fingers stuck in that mask. Hopefully the refs will see a hold on that grill.
It's funny.. I feel like his facemasks are a challenge.  
arcarsenal : 6/12/2012 9:41 pm : link
It's like "alright.. let's see you get a fuckin' hold of THIS one".
It'd be cool if the enire DLine got that facemask.  
Dave in Hoboken : 6/12/2012 9:45 pm : link
That would be quite a sight and pretty darn intimidating.
Are you not entertained  
giantsfan227B : 6/12/2012 9:51 pm : link
GeneInOC : 6/12/2012 9:52 pm : link
you know he's going to miss a few weeks for low blood-oxygen levels.
actually looks VERY cool with the blue visor  
darasman : 6/12/2012 10:39 pm : link

I am not into the whole fascination with player's facemasks, but this is pretty cool....
If he wears a visor with that facemask  
Dave in Hoboken : 6/12/2012 10:41 pm : link
which I imagine he would, no one is going to get their fingers in there or pull on the facemask. It'll give him complete protection against shit like that.
I wouldn't even try.  
arcarsenal : 6/12/2012 10:51 pm : link
Someone's finger is going get caught in there and snap.
I doubt any NFL players  
halfback20 : 6/12/2012 11:03 pm : link
fingers will fit in that facemask lol
There's a few spots on the sides...  
arcarsenal : 6/12/2012 11:08 pm : link
..where a pinky or index finger could get caught. Who knows. No one's going to get a good grasp of it, though.. that's for sure.
Unless he has migraines  
Lionhart28 : 6/13/2012 11:19 am : link
or eye problems, won't he have to wear a clear visor with that?
The Hannibal  
NJGiantFan84 : 6/13/2012 11:21 am : link
Lecter mask has been even more Cannibalized.
Looks like a Hockey goalie's mask.  
mjt832 : 6/13/2012 12:54 pm : link
needs a metallic visor under there.
Darasman .. I don't know how I missed that.  
mjt832 : 6/14/2012 1:51 am : link
very cool with the visor. Looks almost Darth Vader-ish. TC should make the entire DL wear that combo. Can you imagine all these Big Blue "Robots" coming at you with no eyes (as an opposing QB)?
How is he  
RETUSAF : 6/14/2012 3:42 am : link
going to find a fumble when he looks down?
funny thing is  
NNJ Tom : 6/14/2012 8:07 am : link
even with all those extra bars, the face mask doesn't extend very low. He is still open to shots to the jaw. That doesn't look any larger than a standard cage.
Midn_Chae : 6/14/2012 8:11 am : link
WTF is Elitemob? We really need his reaction to this new war-mask. This has been up for two days, and he's a no show.
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