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In order to beat your opponent you have to eat your opponent

pjcas18 : 10/11/2012 8:22 am
who is playing this week?

Last year I made Cioppino for the NFC Championship game and I'm sticking with it.

unless someone has a better suggestion.

FYI..this picture was not from mine, but it looked this good.

I'm pretty sure this is against the law  
Randy in CT : 10/11/2012 8:38 am : link
you f^&&*ing zombie!
Beez : 10/11/2012 8:42 am : link
49er bread.
Cioppino is a great choice.  
Big Blue Blogger : 10/11/2012 8:47 am : link
Serve with crusty San Francisco sourdough for dipping.

And how about a nice Zin to complete the picture?

Sunday can't get here fast enough  
pjcas18 : 10/11/2012 8:50 am : link
LOL. Last year's best meal was the Saints game because I made gumbo which was incredible, but SF was 2nd best. I already circled this Sunday and the December 9 game because as luck would have it we play both those teams again.
tbonfig : 10/11/2012 8:56 am : link
mind providing your recipe?

I'm also heavily anticipating the Saints game but alas, do not have a trusted gumbo recipe for that either.
Here you go  
pjcas18 : 10/11/2012 8:59 am : link
and it's not mine, I found it online somewhere ( maybe), if I remembered I'd give them the credit for this awesome creation. CRinCA might have a good one.

San Francisco Cioppino Recipe

Recipe Type: Soup & Stew, Shrimp, Clams, Scallops, Crab, Seafood
Yields: 8 to 10 servings
Prep time: 15 min
Cook time: 1 hr


3/4 cup butter
2 medium onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 bunch fresh parsley leaves, minced
2 (14.5-ounce) cans plum tomatoes undrained and cup up*
2 (8-ounce) bottles clam juice
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon dried basil leaves
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano leaves
1 1/2 cups dry red or white wine (whichever you prefer)
12 small hard-shell clams in shell
12 mussels in shell
1 1/2 pounds raw extra-large shrimp, peeled and deveined**
1 1/2 pounds bay scallops
1 1/2 pounds fish fillets (halibut, cod, or salmon), cut into bite-size chunks
1 1/2 cups flaked Dungeness crab meat
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

* To easily cut up the tomatoes, use a sharp knife and cut through the tomatoes while still in the can.

** To add additional flavor, place the shells of the shrimp in a saucepan and cover with water. Simmer over low heat approximately 7 to 10 minutes. remove from heat and strain the broth; discarding shells. Add shrimp broth to soup broth.


In a large soup pot or cast-iron Dutch oven over medium-low heat, melt butter; add onions, garlic, and parsley. Cook slowly, stirring occasionally, until onions are softened. Add tomatoes, clam juice, bay leaves, basil, thyme, oregano, and red or white wine; bring just to a boil, then reduce heat to low; cover, and simmer approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. If sauce becomes too thick, thin with additional wine or water.

NOTE: At this point, stock may be refrigerated, covered, up to 2 days before using. To use stock that has been refrigerated, reheat to boiling and then reduce heat to low, until broth is simmering gently.

Scrub clams and mussels with a small stiff brush under cold running water; remove beards from mussels. Discard any open clams or mussels. Cover with cold salted water; let stand 5 minutes and then pour off the salted water.

Gently stir in the clams, mussels, shrimp, scallops, fish fillets, and crab meat to the prepared stock. Cover and simmer 5 to 7 minutes until clams pop open and shrimp are opaque when cut. NOTE: Do not overcook the seafood (the seafood continues to cook after it is removed from the pan). Remove bay leaves; season with salt and pepper to taste.

Remove from from heat and ladle broth and seafood into large soup bowls and serve.
I also subscribe to this thinking.  
FatHeadTommy : 10/11/2012 9:03 am : link
I don't know if anyone recalls my post during last years run. I ate Rice-a-roni before the San Fran game and this thread just reminded me of that .... so you know what I'm eating on Sunday.

GO Gmen
Can you get cioppino to go from Olive Garden?  
Psycho : 10/11/2012 9:04 am : link
There's one just a few miles from my house...
Started my own thread before I saw this, so I'll post here...  
GP : 10/11/2012 11:33 am : link
Last week's rendition (the Polish Boy sandwich) was a triumph for me personally. Aided heavily by the delicious smokey kielbasa from the local butcher and the addition of my own spicey baked and hand-cut french fries put the sandwich over the top. Delicious and a crowd-pleaser!

Onto this week, I'm leaning towards the 'Super Mario' sandwich that San Francisco's famous "Ike's Place" offers. Okay, I don't know if it is truly a famous spot, but I saw it on Man vs. Food and that's famous enough for me.

The sandwich is simple - handmade meatballs, mozzeralla sticks and marianara. I'll probably assemble on a nice ciabatta or something similar and bake my own mozzerella sticks using fresh mozz. Quite excited about the simple apporach yet delicious capabilites of these ingredients.

I think the name of the sandwich put it over the top as my choice for this week. San Fran restaurant is a good enough connection to the 49ers, however I am stretching the 'Super Mario' name to allude to the Super Bowl catch made by our former favorite, now enemy, Mario Manningham.
And everyone  
NYBEN : 10/11/2012 11:36 am : link
thought Mike Tyson was your opponent and his children
I'm not stitious...  
fend4yourself : 10/11/2012 11:39 am : link
but I don't see how anyone who is could possibly omit the SanFrancisco treat. Nothing represents SanFran better than Rice-a-Roni. (That and di*k.)
Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl  
Greg from LI : 10/11/2012 11:46 am : link
Bread bowl, George. You eat the soup, then you eat the bowl. There's nothing more satisfying than looking down after lunch and seeing only a table.
4.9 ounce burgers,  
shepherdsam : 10/11/2012 11:58 am : link
on sourdough, with wine.
Who is Jeffrey Dahmer?  
Stu : 10/11/2012 11:58 am : link
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