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Boomer Esiason's Disgraceful Comments in LT Piece

Essex : 9/21/2013 2:51 pm
Boomer's comments during the documentary were absolutely disgraceful. What a moron. First, he says that the Giants organziation and Parcells coddled LT. How does he know that? Was he there in the Giants locker room or organization? Such a moronic comment.

Worse, yet, he says people hate AROD and the PED players, but somehow do not hate the players who use Cocaine and implies that there is this double standard. Yes, Boomer you idiot. LT was not trying to cheat, he was someone who was addicted to drugs. If anything, it hurt his performance. By contrast, A-Rod and the PED players are trying to cheat the game and improve their performance, that is why fans hate them Boomer, you idiot.

I know there is a thread about this show, but this deserves it owns thread. In part because the LT documentary thread should be about an interesting documentary that does an excellent job of trying to explain LT and his many faults, not get bogged down by some idiot (Boomer) who is obviously too dumb to even realize how stupid he is. However, Boomer should be called out.
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He did come off as having an Agenda  
JOrthman : 9/21/2013 2:56 pm : link
The other issue to consider....  
BillKo : 9/21/2013 3:01 pm : link
LT crossed the picket line in 1987. Boomer was the union rep and went thru hell in that role.

He probably resents LT because of that, I'm sure.

I expect nothing less from Boomer  
JonC : 9/21/2013 3:09 pm : link
His view and comments are frequently agenda and emotion driven, imv. Perhaps that's why he was offered a radio gig ...
Boomer should NOT be a "voice"  
feelflows : 9/21/2013 3:14 pm : link
truth of it is, if LT cut a healthy check to Boomer's charity (which, FYI is a GREAT charity), Boomer would find ways to make LT sound like a victim and a football GOD.

he's not someone to listen to if you want a straight thought.
I didn't see the piece  
Bake54 : 9/21/2013 3:14 pm : link
but it's hard to argue that LT wasn't coddled. Dude made some incredibly poor life choices and certainly should not be idolized. His performance on-the-field was amazing but off-the-field, he was pretty much pond scum.

When I look at the totality of who he was, he is one of my least favorite athletes of all-time.
I've never gotten a sense LT was coddled  
JonC : 9/21/2013 3:16 pm : link
but the team certainly often looked the other way because he was a great football player.
Essex : 9/21/2013 3:23 pm : link
the issue is not really whether LT was coddled; the issue is whether Boomer was there to voice an opinion. Parcells fiercely denies it, and Boomer has not first-hand knowledge on this issue and should just be quiet on this score.
LT was awesome on the field...  
Blue Meanie : 9/21/2013 3:24 pm : link
total scumbag off...only Giants fans in denial can defend his off-field behavior...I loved watching him between the lines...but...
As if Boomer's opinion about LT matters.  
Dave in Hoboken : 9/21/2013 3:29 pm : link
If LT was a Jet, Boomer would be in full on excuse mode, that's for sure.
The one voice about LT (and whomever was in the Giants org, etc)  
micky : 9/21/2013 3:33 pm : link
is Banks. And, what he said about LT on WFAN yesterday. Saying LT - despite his off-the-field problems - was a great teammate, cared about his teammates and Giants org, he put team first, etc.

Boomer is what JonC said above about him.
No one here is excusing his behavior off the field  
JOrthman : 9/21/2013 3:34 pm : link
This is really about his comments in the piece last night.
On the field  
dutch1 : 9/21/2013 3:34 pm : link
No one played harder and gave his all more than LT. Even when seriously injured he totally dominated the field of play. He was not a role model and said this himself. Off the field he led a seedy lifestyle but it didn't interfere with his performance. Fuck Boomer, what did he ever do of note on the field.
Doesn't sound like something to get worked up over  
ghost718 : 9/21/2013 3:42 pm : link
The PED's and cocaine comment gave away his true intentions.No one is that dumb

Think those that feel the strongest about LT's behavior either have there own issues,or they have never sat back and analyzed who really are the bad people in this world
Turn Your Head And Coughlin : 9/21/2013 4:04 pm : link
Boomer is worse than his butt buddy Carton.
Why was Boomer Esiason's opinion solicited?  
Exit 172 : 9/21/2013 4:13 pm : link
What did he have to offer about LT's career?
Boomer is the same guy who was cheating on his wife when he was  
Optimus-NY : 9/21/2013 4:18 pm : link
playing with the Jets. Guy used to drive to Molloy in Nassau County in his Beamer to get some ass. Hypocrite.
Most teams "coddle" .. look the other way with the stars ...  
Houston : 9/21/2013 4:20 pm : link
i have to believe that the Patriots "looked the other way" with hernandez's behavior. I am not including the alledged murders ... but the "questionable behavior patterns" .. as long as he was performing, and he was to be a key part of this current season... they just tend to let it go.
RobCarpenter : 9/21/2013 4:36 pm : link
That's probably why he so critical of LT.

I didn't get his comments on PEDs vs. cocaine use. Is he saying cheating shouldn't be seen as worse than off field drug use? LT is no saint and has had major issues off the field, but no one ever accused him of cheating. In terms of LT as a player, he was one of the best. LT as a person, not one of the best by a long shot. But he didn't cheat like seemingly half of the Texas Rangers team in the 1990s.

The only QBs that should comment on LT are those who played with or against him. And those comments from Jaws and Theisman were great.
Jolly Blue Giant : 9/21/2013 4:40 pm : link
Can certainly be used as a PED.
Should say  
Jolly Blue Giant : 9/21/2013 4:41 pm : link
Cocaine can be considered a PED.
All you need to know about Boomer  
blueblood'11 : 9/21/2013 4:42 pm : link
He is a partner with one of the biggest douche bags WFAN has ever employed. At times the Schtick they put across the airwaves leaves one scratching their head as classless and then you see Boomer on Sundays acting like the responsible voice of reason.
Jolly Blue  
Mondo : 9/21/2013 4:47 pm : link
I'm not sure how LT played football smoking crack, absolutely destroys your body, appetite and sleep.
Jolly Blue giant  
Essex : 9/21/2013 4:51 pm : link
under no circumstances could cocaine be a performance enhancing drug, unless, I guess you are using it on the sideline and you were prepared to run through a brick wall, maybe. but, as far as I know, nobody saw him doing lines on the field. it is a momentary high that totally drains your body and would have no positive effect on your body.

Come on, be serious now.
I'm sure no one on the Bengals used cocaine  
lalalalala : 9/21/2013 5:01 pm : link

no one at all.
Some of you assholes are so far off-base about LT  
Randy in CT : 9/21/2013 5:03 pm : link
that it is mind bottling. Coke hurt his performance on the field. He was a bad-ass and one of the best players ever, who also dealt with a lot of demons.

You'll notice he never hurt anybody off the field as a little reminder?

And if you feel the need to bash him you can go fuck yourself in advance, OK?
Micko : 9/21/2013 5:14 pm : link
Never hurt anyone off the field? His family? Underage hookers?

Best player I ever watched but over the years I've soured on him b/c he's such a pathetic loser.
Micko : 9/21/2013 5:15 pm : link
I also think if he wasn't a Giant everyone on this thread would be calling him a drug-addicted loser.
I he wasn't a Giant  
Blue Meanie : 9/21/2013 5:20 pm : link
folks like Randy would never defend him...
BillKo : 9/21/2013 5:20 pm : link
certainly hurt LT's performance....just look back at 1985.

Cocaine is anything but a PED.
I = If  
Blue Meanie : 9/21/2013 5:21 pm : link
it seems like he has not used drugs  
Essex : 9/21/2013 5:24 pm : link
in 15 years.

in any event, nobody is saying that he did not use drugs and you are not free to draw whatever conclusions you wish from an addiction that was apparently kicked 15 years ago. However, Boomer's comparison to PED's is absurd, that is my point. And, since he was not in the locker room or in the building he has no idea if the Giants coddled him or not.

And the documentary was very candid ( and i believe LT said this but I could be mistaken) that drug addiction is not a victimless crime to his family.
Essex : 9/21/2013 5:24 pm : link
you are free
I found myself screaming at the TV  
mattnyg05 : 9/21/2013 5:39 pm : link
"Oh shut up you asshole" by his third or fourth comment. He just came off as a tremendous holier than thou douche.

And I completely agree with everyone regarding the A-Rod PED thing-it is a totally different situation. LT was not a cheater.
there's some times when I think Boomer is a great guy  
gidiefor : Mod : 9/21/2013 5:46 pm : link
and other times when he acts like a douche - and other times when he's a moron - and other times when he is totally sanctimonious - take your poison!
Fort Mill Mike : 9/21/2013 5:49 pm : link
I don;t know that you can say he "hurt" the hooker. I thought I recall reading that he just wanked while she laid naked in front of him. Or something like that.


Of course it was criminal.However I do believe he thought she was old enough to consent and working as a pros was her idea.
I am as big a fan of LT the football player  
giant24 : 9/21/2013 5:50 pm : link
as anyone but if LT was half the person Boomer is off the field, LT's life and that of his ex-wife and children would have been a lot happier and healthier for all of them.
cocaine as a ped  
culloden1745 : 9/21/2013 5:51 pm : link
short term small amounts of cocaine are supposed to heighten your focus, metabolism, dull pain receptors.
larger amounts do not increase performance above that and often work against you both mental and physical.

as you use it you grow tolerant to it and need more to reach the same effect.
I believe the comment wasn't as soft as "coddled" it was an answer to  
Tom in NY : 9/21/2013 5:56 pm : link
a question as to whether the Giants were to blame for LT's ultimate addiction/problems. Boomer, clearly with an agenda, said "Yes, the Giants looked the other way and were to blame."

The key was when they asked Parcells the same question, and his answer was direct, but without detail, that LT and those close to him know that the Giants/Parcells were did make efforts to thwart this behavior....LT would not agree with the original question.
Boomer is a Jet Fan  
Paulie Walnuts : 9/21/2013 5:58 pm : link
As mentioned by Turn Head & Coughlin...  
drkenneth : 9/21/2013 6:09 pm : link
Boomer is just as much an issue as is Carton. If not, moreso.
I'll have to watch the piece  
Bake54 : 9/21/2013 6:09 pm : link
based on what the OP said, I have no problem with Boomer offering that opinion. Obviously, people here see it as an opinion only. I certainly would trust a teammate's opinion more.
BrettNYG10 : 9/21/2013 6:27 pm : link
[quote]Some of you assholes are so far off-base about LT
Randy in CT : 5:03 pm : link
that it is mind bottling. Coke hurt his performance on the field. He was a bad-ass and one of the best players ever, who also dealt with a lot of demons.

You'll notice he never hurt anybody off the field as a little reminder?

And if you feel the need to bash him you can go fuck yourself in advance, OK?[/[quote]

You don't seriously believe this shit do you? If so, you're even stupider than I thought.
Quote fail.  
BrettNYG10 : 9/21/2013 6:29 pm : link
Point remains.
Really, there's a thread about the program? Where?  
Bramton1 : 9/21/2013 6:30 pm : link
Don't have Showtime and can't find any other way to see it.
I guess LT didn't hurt anybody  
Exit 172 : 9/21/2013 6:36 pm : link
during his hit-and-run, either.
I don't think Boomer should judge LT at all.  
Reese's Pieces : 9/21/2013 7:03 pm : link
Boomer grew up in East Islip, Long Island, a nice, 98% white
New York City suburb and went to the excellent, 98% white East Islip high school. He wasn't born with the same demons inside as LT.

To say that Lawrence Taylor is a bad person, those are the words of an idiot - or a person who is speaking from ignorance or doesn't know the man. He's a good person. He's a good guy who is a drug addict," says former teammate Beasley Reece on ESPN Classic's SportsCentury series.

LT was an extraordinary player, there is no doubt.  
manh george : 9/21/2013 7:07 pm : link
I just wonder if he would have been even more extraordinary if he didn't hate the weight room, didn't party at inappropriate times, and if he didn't use coke, at least in season.

It's like Babe Ruth. The greatest player in the history of baseball, on a diet of hot dogs, beer and women. Except that after a severe health scare in 1925, Ruth got a true wake-up call and actually got into great shape. Did LT ever get that wake-up call, or respond to it? Doubtful.

It is also like Dwight Gooden and Daryl Strawberry, however, both of whom were great talents who had an addiction they just couldn't kick. Coke, unfortunately, is like that. Multiple relapses are the norm not the exception.

Did the Giants coddle LT? I think so. It's unlikely they didn't know about his off-field behaviors, and they certainly did little to change them.
Blueblood, couldn't agree more about Carton.  
Reese's Pieces : 9/21/2013 7:08 pm : link
Can't believe that that show started in 2007 and is still around. I would rather listen to three hours of "Schein and the Mad Dog" than listen to Carton for fifteen minutes.

What kind of New York sports fans like this guy?
I love LT  
Danny Kanell : 9/21/2013 7:10 pm : link
but man Randy's post was moronic.
Gregorio : 9/21/2013 7:21 pm : link
I agree about Carton on WFAN. His big mouth and infantile jokes completely turn me off of listening to the WFAN morning show. Boomer alone would be far more enjoyable. As far as what Boomer said about the Giants and LT, I wouldn't kill the messenger here. LT's behavior is at fault.

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