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Boomer Esiason's Disgraceful Comments in LT Piece

Essex : 9/21/2013 2:51 pm
Boomer's comments during the documentary were absolutely disgraceful. What a moron. First, he says that the Giants organziation and Parcells coddled LT. How does he know that? Was he there in the Giants locker room or organization? Such a moronic comment.

Worse, yet, he says people hate AROD and the PED players, but somehow do not hate the players who use Cocaine and implies that there is this double standard. Yes, Boomer you idiot. LT was not trying to cheat, he was someone who was addicted to drugs. If anything, it hurt his performance. By contrast, A-Rod and the PED players are trying to cheat the game and improve their performance, that is why fans hate them Boomer, you idiot.

I know there is a thread about this show, but this deserves it owns thread. In part because the LT documentary thread should be about an interesting documentary that does an excellent job of trying to explain LT and his many faults, not get bogged down by some idiot (Boomer) who is obviously too dumb to even realize how stupid he is. However, Boomer should be called out.
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LT strikes back...  
Chris in Philly : 9/24/2013 12:48 pm : link

“What the hell you got Boomer Esiason on something that — a piece you do of me? We can’t stand each other, he don’t know a f–k about me. What the hell’s he doing on it?” Taylor told Sid Rosenberg of 640 WMEN radio.

“First of all, Boomer’s a dickhead,” Taylor added. “Hey, listen. I remember when he was there running the streets, screwing all kind of hoes. Don’t give me that holier than thou sh-t. I don’t wanna hear that sh-t. . . . He gets off on it. He’s still talking about me. I ain’t talking about him.”
Greg from LI : 9/24/2013 12:50 pm : link
LT may be a dirtbag but I'll never get tired of him slamming clowns like Boomer.
SanFranGiantsFan : 9/24/2013 12:51 pm : link
Classic LT response.
JOrthman : 9/24/2013 12:56 pm : link
Do you have the audio? I've love to hear that.
LT has lowered the boom on Boomer Esiason before,  
Exit 172 : 9/24/2013 12:57 pm : link
after Boomer took shots at LT:
From 2003. - ( New Window )
hahahaha....this is even better  
Greg from LI : 9/24/2013 12:59 pm : link
From that link:

Taylor told the New York Post, "Maybe he should read the doggone book instead of going out of his way to be controversial--at my expense. ... Hall of Shame? Great. I got two Super Bowl rings, and my Hall of Fame ring. Thank you for my fourth ring. How many does he have?" For those of you counting at home, that would be zero.
NFL Myth #1:  
WideRight : 9/24/2013 1:00 pm : link
LT could have been even better if he didn't do drugs/hit the weight room.

He was the best all-time, and could not have ascended higher, pun intended. That he did it his way is a reflection of his talent and ability. Weight rooms and diets and dabbling in PEDs are for those who come in scond or worse. It's more than likely that any other path - including overdeveloping - could lead to injury or some other impediment to greatness.

Appreciate the GOAT for what he was

Parcells did not coddle LT  
WideRight : 9/24/2013 1:05 pm : link
LT played by a completely different set of rules. He was different, and Parcells did a very good job making it clear to the team that LTs treatment was based on production. The team understood, accepted it and everybody got along. It was a merit award, not favoritism
Anybody remember that clip of Parcells yelling on the sidelines,  
Exit 172 : 9/24/2013 1:08 pm : link
"Some of the these players need to GET THEIR HEADS OUT OF THIER ASSES!!!" as LT walked by?

Total coddling.
Greg from LI : 9/24/2013 1:17 pm : link
It was like the story Banks told about Belichick getting pissed at LT for sleeping in a meeting. LT gets up and diagrams the entire pass rush scheme on the whiteboard. He knew it cold, he knew that he knew it cold and he made it happen on the field, so why did he have to pretend to pay attention in meetings? If you're that good, you can get away with that as long as you get the job done, and LT always got the job done on the field.
My 2 cents  
T-Bone : 9/24/2013 1:33 pm : link
I meant to comment on this thread a few days ago but forgot.

First off, I thought it was a really well done piece that I enjoyed very much. From beginning to end it had me captivated and I really enjoyed the comments from former players, coaches and people who knew LT back then.

Which brings me to Esiason's comments. Although I wouldn't go so far as to call them 'disgraceful', they did seem to have a real agenda behind them. I remember thinking that during the program whenever he came on. Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who had no idea about their past dislike for each other so I was confused as to where it was all coming from. Figured it was because he was a former Jet.

So with that said, I have no idea why they'd include Esiason in the piece. I can see if this was some kind of documentary or biographical piece that was 'unauthorized' (or in other words, the main character the piece was about was him or herself in no way affiliated with the piece on a personal level), but to have a guy that blatantly does not like the person who you're doing the piece on strikes me as strange...and LT letting it go (I'm guessing he had a say in the final cut) is even weirder (and then to complain about it afterwards is the weirdest of them all!).

Lastly, he's got some fine ass daughters! But how messed up that now his son is in trouble for...rape?
this is a bit  
PaulBlakeTSU : 9/24/2013 1:39 pm : link
of an overreaction I think. I didn't have a problem with what Boomer; I didn't see it as him attacking LT so much as offering up his opinion which I think he couched in a way so that it wasn't sanctimonious either.

People forget that soundbites are a part of a much longer expressed opinion and that they are in response to specifically asked questions. Boomer didn't call a press conference to attack LT. He was asked questions and he responded to them. THe director then edited the documentary to use the soundbites that best fit the story he himself was trying to tell.

I think there is a rational discussion to be made about the way NY fans excoriate ARod for taking PEDs but have no problem idolizing LT and condoning his use of cocaine during the games.

In my experiences with cocaine, I was more focused, more energetic and I felt invincible with supernatural confidence. I would consider all of those effects as performance-enhancing with regards to use on a football field. That the long term effects may be debilitating does not alter the short term positives. In baseball, many PEDs taken by players also have long-term debilitating effects-- that's why steroids are illegal in the first place

I'm not saying that steroids and cocaine boost performance in the same way, just that someone against both uses can think that looking the other way with regard to one substance over the other is inconsistent.
Anyone know what Boomer was referring to in this quote?  
steve in ky : 9/25/2013 9:45 pm : link
“The only thing about where LT is wrong is I don’t hate LT,” Esiason said. “He may think I hate him. I don’t hate him. And what I do hate, is I hate the fact that he wrote the book, and he basically trashed the Giants, [Bill] Parcells, [Bill] Belichick and everything else.”

I didn't read LT's book. What could he be referring to when he says that LT trashed the Giants, Parcells, and Belichick?

Link - ( New Window )
I read his book, but I don't recall anything like that.  
JOrthman : 9/25/2013 10:53 pm : link
I'll have to take your word for it  
Bramton1 : 9/26/2013 12:11 am : link
Don't have Showtime, and for whatever reason, the documentary is noticeably absent from the torrent sites I frequent.
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