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NFT: 3-Year-Old Claims Killed In Past Life, Leads Police to Body

kelsto811 : 5/27/2014 3:43 pm
“Suddenly the boy walked up to a man and said, “Aren’t you … (Eli [Lasch] forgot the name)?” The man answered yes. Then the boy said, “I used to be your neighbour. We had a fight and you killed me with an axe.” Eli told me how the man had suddenly gone white as a sheet. The three-year-old boy then said, “I even know where he buried my body.”

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Rob in NYC : 5/27/2014 3:48 pm : link
a culture whose core belief is reincarnation finds proof of...reincarnation...I mean, what are the odds?
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 3:48 pm : link
If such marks are found on a child they try to discover something from his or her past life as soon as the child is able to speak in order to get the first clues to the circumstances of his or her former death.

Good thing that we know that 3yr olds aren't an impressionable bunch and that there is no such thing as a false memory or I'd have to call bullshit on this story.

Foram Mehta  
Exit 172 : 5/27/2014 3:48 pm : link
looks doable.
How would he have known where the axe was buried?  
oipolloi : 5/27/2014 3:49 pm : link

The boy also led the group to the spot where the axe was buried, forcing the accused killer to eventually confess his crime.

Since that would have happened after he died. He could not possibly have "remembered" it from his past life.
This story first appeared in a book 14 years ago  
Wuphat : 5/27/2014 3:50 pm : link
Since then, there appears to be no evidence of its veracity beyond being a "just so" story.
these stories  
Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy : 5/27/2014 3:50 pm : link
about children always fascinate me.

Crazy story. What explanation could there be outside of it being a fraud?
RE: Foram Mehta  
Rob in NYC : 5/27/2014 3:50 pm : link
In comment 11697933 Exit 172 said:
looks doable.

Best piece of information in the article...
RE: these stories  
Rob in NYC : 5/27/2014 3:51 pm : link
In comment 11697938 Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy said:
about children always fascinate me.

Crazy story. What explanation could there be outside of it being a fraud?

I think we should stay inside and stick with it being a fraud.
I love these threads  
Greg from LI : 5/27/2014 3:53 pm : link
Next week on World of the Psychic.....hairless pets - weird!

there's been other stories  
Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy : 5/27/2014 3:54 pm : link
similar to this one. There was one about a young boy somewhere in America who claimed to be an ex-fighter pilot who had died in a crash and said some very specific details.

Maybe it's all BS and the parents just want some attention. That's the most logical scenario. But I do think kids feel certain things that adults can't.
RE: How would he have known where the axe was buried?  
Johnny5 : 5/27/2014 4:12 pm : link
In comment 11697935 oipolloi said:


The boy also led the group to the spot where the axe was buried, forcing the accused killer to eventually confess his crime.

Since that would have happened after he died. He could not possibly have "remembered" it from his past life.

Well... how could you say that? I mean, think about it, if you really do get reincarnated, I would think it reasonable to believe you still have some type of "consciousness", surely enough to watch your murderer getting rid of evidence before you find another body to inhabit.
I am not sure  
Rob in NYC : 5/27/2014 4:28 pm : link
you used the word "reasonable" correctly...
RE: there's been other stories  
Dave in Buffalo : 5/27/2014 4:57 pm : link
In comment 11697952 Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy said:
similar to this one. There was one about a young boy somewhere in America who claimed to be an ex-fighter pilot who had died in a crash and said some very specific details.

Maybe it's all BS and the parents just want some attention. That's the most logical scenario. But I do think kids feel certain things that adults can't.

soul survivor
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Mike in Long Beach : 5/27/2014 4:59 pm : link
What drivel.
Johnny5 : 5/27/2014 5:09 pm : link
Reasonable is all in perspective I guess. I don't necessarily believe this to be true, but I also am smart enough to know that I don't have a phucquing clue what happens to us when we die. I can only speculate like everyone else.... lol
thomasa510 : 5/27/2014 6:15 pm : link
My brother told similar stories mentioning odd details at age 3 of having his children murdered in Namibia. I was only 8 but clearly remember it.

Very freaky. And I am not religious at all not believe in these things. Strange to consider.
I'm just throwing this out there...  
BamaBlue : 5/27/2014 6:20 pm : link
I wouldn't be surprised if the reincarnation theory is wrong. Considering that organic life is bound by electrical energy that can neither be created nor destroyed, It should be possible for some forms of this energy to be 'picked-up' by people with a high sensitivity. These aren't the actual spirits of the dead, but the residual energy from a tramatic experience in their lives.
Energy is nothing more than the potential to do work  
Wuphat : 5/27/2014 6:23 pm : link
It is not a field or a force like gravity or magnetism.
Look into the calcifying of the  
CromartiesKid21 : 5/27/2014 6:44 pm : link
Pineal Gland, the gradual loss of our third eye.
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 6:51 pm : link
But I do think kids feel certain things that adults can't.

I love hanging out with kids. One of the reasons is that when they're that young they haven't been "corrupted" with all of our rules. "From the mouths of babes" and such sayings are a reference to this.

Don't mistake their not being fully indoctrinated yet with some supernatural ability.

This particular instance...  
Dunedin81 : 5/27/2014 6:51 pm : link
is farfetched, but I'm not sure if I countenance the idea that it's all fraud. There are a variety of explanations that still contain human agency (such as hypnosis, coaching or just delusion) and a few that don't. But I can't say with 100% certainty that every instance of so-called paranormal activity must be one or the other of fraud or wishful thinking.
You hear weird shit like this and its easy to think its a hoax or  
wgenesis123 : 5/27/2014 8:10 pm : link
someone is looney. Than the day comes that you experience something that reason can't explain (atleast to uou) and its a whole differant ballgame. Even with my eyes open to other possible happenings I find this story difficult to buy into. But who knows what is possible?
extraordinary claims  
M in CT : 5/27/2014 8:13 pm : link
require extraordinary proof.

i see an extraordinary claim proof.

Without reference to this particular claim...  
Dunedin81 : 5/27/2014 8:42 pm : link
what sort of extraordinary proof would satisfy you as regards something supernatural? It's not unlike wgenesis said, people instinctively discount the possibility until they encounter something they cannot themselves explain. That's not to say that such a person will assume an explanation lies in reincarnation or a ghost or what have you, but there are plenty of phenomena that seem to deny ready explanation, and they lack "extraordinary proof."
I dont believe in basically anything super natural  
MarshallOnMontana : 5/27/2014 8:56 pm : link
But ive heard 3 or 4 stories like this over the years that make you think. Saw a show on the history channel a few years back about some little kid who claimed to have been a ww2 pilot in a prior life, and the detail with which he described past events that he was later proven right on was insane. Doesnt mean I buy into it but who the hell knows. I would never go to a psychic but I wouldnt rule out the possibility that a very few among us have the ability to tap into a part of the brain that enables these out of body visions.
Occam's Razor  
schnitzie : 5/27/2014 9:00 pm : link
Because it is much more likely that there is a simpler and more mundane, logical explanation for such an extraordinary narrative by a toddler, that the oddity needn't be explained by such an unlikely and extraordinary cause.

The baby knew all about the murder because he fell asleep in front of the TV, and who the hell listens to 3-year-olds anyway???

Like he's talking about a story he saw on tv and played, based on it, with his friends and siblings. This is what my friends and I did with Batman, when we were 2-4.

No, monkeys flew out Lawrence Taylor's butt and implanted the knowledge in the baby's microchip. It's proven!
thats the 2nd time today  
MarshallOnMontana : 5/27/2014 9:02 pm : link
Osi has beaten me to the punch on a point (fighter pilot story)

I should read through threads before posting
Take some DMT and I guarantee some of your perspectives  
David in LA : 5/27/2014 9:05 pm : link
will be altered considerably regarding life, energy, and the universe in general.
all that means  
Sneakers O'toole : 5/27/2014 9:07 pm : link
is that psychedelic drugs mess with your perceptions.
A sort of agnosticism just seems like a more appropriate response...  
Dunedin81 : 5/27/2014 9:08 pm : link
not that we need to accept a particular bizarre or fantastical explanation for a particular occurrence, but simply to acknowledge that at present our knowledge has limits. Simply saying "who fucking knows" makes more sense to me than saying with 100% certainty that this has to be fraud or some form of chicanery.
RE: A sort of agnosticism just seems like a more appropriate response...  
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 9:12 pm : link
In comment 11698480 Dunedin81 said:
not that we need to accept a particular bizarre or fantastical explanation for a particular occurrence, but simply to acknowledge that at present our knowledge has limits. Simply saying "who fucking knows" makes more sense to me than saying with 100% certainty that this has to be fraud or some form of chicanery.

Who fucking knows? is the correct response.

But bullshit about "a part of the brain that other people don't use" is the worst kind of bullshit.

Look, the world is fantastical enough without having to have magic to explain what goes on.

It's okay to say, "I don't know, but I highly doubt that there is magic involved."

You people really need to check out the reincarnated fighter pilot  
Dave in Buffalo : 5/27/2014 9:15 pm : link
story. It's fascinating. My back is screwed up, otherwise I'd give more info. Coast to Coast did a two hour interview with the parents.

You have to pay, not sure how much. It's a really amazing story.

Can also search Soul Survivor.
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There is no  
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 9:18 pm : link

You're a bunch of chemical and electrical reactions that fancies itself special. You aren't. None of us are. And when the chemical and electrical shit stops, you stop. don't really stop until  
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 9:19 pm : link
all of the other chemical and electrical reactions about you in other people stop- at least technically.

Get down to the quantum level regarding memory and then shit gets way weirder than "magic".

Given a choice...  
Dunedin81 : 5/27/2014 9:25 pm : link
between "magic" and whatever explanation onto which BBI's resident Inspector Clouseaus have latched, magic would be more likely.
RE: Given a choice...  
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 9:27 pm : link
In comment 11698553 Dunedin81 said:
between "magic" and whatever explanation onto which BBI's resident Inspector Clouseaus have latched, magic would be more likely.


Any natural explanation, by definition, is more likely  
Wuphat : 5/27/2014 9:27 pm : link
than magic since we know natural explanations occur and not once in history has magic (beyond the sleight of hand style) ever been demonstrated.
Well sure...  
Dunedin81 : 5/27/2014 9:33 pm : link
but there are people who have died before the secrets of their "magic" have been revealed. Doesn't make it supernatural of course, but it is to say that while none has been demonstrated not all has been refuted.
WHOA SHIT! When did Cam in Mo  
schnitzie : 5/27/2014 9:34 pm : link
turn into Rustin Cohle?

why is it so outlandish cam  
MarshallOnMontana : 5/27/2014 9:35 pm : link
People far smarter than you or I have stated unequivocally that human beings arent by and large even close to tapping into their full brain power and accessing all its potential, whatever the percentage they throw out there about what we actually use is very low. Why is it out of the realm to think some among us do experience activity in certain parts of the brain that may trigger senses most minds would deem supernatural, but really arent. If anything that could provide a scientific explanation for the phenomenon that isnt just some simple "magic" as you put it.
Dunedin -- Just so we're clear, you're basically taking the position  
schnitzie : 5/27/2014 9:37 pm : link
of advocating for the outlier.

Yeah it's "possible" ... like the modality has been neither proven nor disproven but "possible."


RE: why is it so outlandish cam  
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 9:41 pm : link
In comment 11698620 MarshallOnMontana said:
People far smarter than you or I have stated unequivocally that human beings arent by and large even close to tapping into their full brain power and accessing all its potential, whatever the percentage they throw out there about what we actually use is very low. Why is it out of the realm to think some among us do experience activity in certain parts of the brain that may trigger senses most minds would deem supernatural, but really arent. If anything that could provide a scientific explanation for the phenomenon that isnt just some simple "magic" as you put it.

It is and it isn't outlandish.

There's no mechanism defined that could do that. That's not to say that one doesn't exist, it's just farfetched considering all that we know about how the brain works.

We're programmed to find patterns in everything- that's what our brains do. We're also masters of rationalization.

Put those two together and you end up with your thesis.

What's more probable, that there's some unknown power that only some folks have, or that your brain is searching for a pattern, picks one, and then rationalizes it into an "unknown power"?

Dave in Buffalo : 5/27/2014 9:41 pm : link
The parents of James Leininger were first puzzled and then disturbed when their two-year-old son began screaming out chilling phrases during recurrent nightmares, such as, "Plane on fire! Little man can't get out!" The centerpiece of a loving family of three, James was a happy, playful toddler who had only just begun stringing together sentences. Determined to understand what was happening to their son, Bruce and Andrea set off on a journey of discovery that was to rock them to their core. For the more they researched the arcane comments and fragmented details little James revealed, the more they were drawn inescapably to a shocking conclusion: that James was reliving the life of James Huston, a World War II fighter pilot who was killed in the battle for Iwo Jima--over 60 years ago! ...


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My position is "who ----ing knows"  
Dunedin81 : 5/27/2014 9:43 pm : link
Either everyone who has ever seen a ghost is completely full of shit or most of them are full of shit and a handful are experiencing something not (perhaps not yet) explicable. Ghosts? Seems pretty unlikely. But so do several thousand discrete incidents of flat-out fraud.
My brother-in-law Keith used to visit this old guy who sat out on his  
wgenesis123 : 5/27/2014 9:44 pm : link
porch every day. One day Keith sees the old man on the porch and stops to spend some time with him. Later that afternoon Keith runs into the old mans daughter at a grocery store. he mentions his visit to the daughter and she tells him thats not possible, he died in his sleep two days ago. How do you explain this if you have every reason as I do to believe Keith? I still kind of thought the whole thing was nuts for years and than one day I had my own experience and it changed my perspective completely.
Bit of a false dichotomy  
Wuphat : 5/27/2014 9:44 pm : link
Either everyone who has ever seen a ghost is completely full of shit or most of them are full of shit and a handful are experiencing something not (perhaps not yet) explicable.

They could just be innocently mistaken by a natural event and not have the capacity to recognize as such.
RE: My position is  
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 9:46 pm : link
In comment 11698698 Dunedin81 said:
Either everyone who has ever seen a ghost is completely full of shit or most of them are full of shit and a handful are experiencing something not (perhaps not yet) explicable. Ghosts? Seems pretty unlikely. But so do several thousand discrete incidents of flat-out fraud.

They don't have to be one or the other.

They could just be rationalizing something they can't explain..and on top of that have biases from "ghost stories" and the like. We're great at fooling ourselves.

I don't think my point precludes that...  
Dunedin81 : 5/27/2014 9:46 pm : link
It does when you present it as an  
Wuphat : 5/27/2014 9:47 pm : link
RE: My brother-in-law Keith used to visit this old guy who sat out on his  
Cam in MO : 5/27/2014 9:48 pm : link
In comment 11698707 wgenesis123 said:
porch every day. One day Keith sees the old man on the porch and stops to spend some time with him. Later that afternoon Keith runs into the old mans daughter at a grocery store. he mentions his visit to the daughter and she tells him thats not possible, he died in his sleep two days ago. How do you explain this if you have every reason as I do to believe Keith? I still kind of thought the whole thing was nuts for years and than one day I had my own experience and it changed my perspective completely.

I guess you've never had someone that you trusted completely destroy that trust?

We barely really know our own motivations much less the motivations of another.

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