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NFT: 3-Year-Old Claims Killed In Past Life, Leads Police to Body

kelsto811 : 5/27/2014 3:43 pm
“Suddenly the boy walked up to a man and said, “Aren’t you … (Eli [Lasch] forgot the name)?” The man answered yes. Then the boy said, “I used to be your neighbour. We had a fight and you killed me with an axe.” Eli told me how the man had suddenly gone white as a sheet. The three-year-old boy then said, “I even know where he buried my body.”

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RE: Pffft  
Cam in MO : 5/28/2014 6:28 pm : link
In comment 11700376 Wuphat said:
Show me a video of a guy breaking 2x4s with the force.

It's a very guarded secret that only the most skilled jedi knights can master.

Sure you might get Padawans to break through some bricks with the force, but 2x4s? Pshaw!

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

G-d dammit Wu I give up on youse knuckleheads!  
BlueLou : 5/28/2014 6:31 pm : link
I've millered the shit out of this thread in any case!

When med research finally gets to outlining the "electrical system" of the meridians that is currently called Chi, I want to see ya'll say Bluelou told us about this shit looong ago!
Hey, Lou  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 6:33 pm : link
IF medical research ever does that, then and only then, would it be prudent to accept it.

The time to accept a claim is once it's veracity has been demonstrated, not before.

If that does happen, you may indeed have been right, but it would have been for all the wrong reasons.
it's funny that a lot of people on this thread  
oghwga : 5/28/2014 6:44 pm : link
that are saying show me the science and I'll believe it or show me the proof blah blah blah are just showing their close mindedness.

Just because you don't believe it doesn't mean you have to be hostile to the possibility as yet unproven.

There is a difference between not accepting something based on facts not in evidence and ridiculing it because it disagrees with your view of the world.

A lot of cultures accept reincarnation as a fact of existence (some cultures are scared of the sun god some believe there was a son of god some believe in a burning bush blah blah blah.)

We know not nearly as much as we think we know about our bodies, our brains, the planet on which we live, etc etc. There is much to learn it would be wise to keep an open mind.
I'll accept any claim that can be demonstrated  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 6:49 pm : link
And I'll change my view accordingly.

That is the very definition of open-mindedness.

If I were closed-minded, I would deny that the claim had been demonstrated once it had been.

But, no, I'll gladly change my mind on a subject (in fact, I have on many occasions) if the evidence supports the claim.

Wu, I know I can't convince you ar anyone else who hasn't seen  
BlueLou : 5/28/2014 7:17 pm : link
and felt it themself, which is why all the ribbing doesn't bug me in the least.

IF medical research ever does that, then and only then, would it be prudent to accept it.

The time to accept a claim is once it's veracity has been demonstrated, not before...

But that's just it - while it wasn't demonstrated to me in the form of medical evidence, it was demonstrated hands on, directly. I felt the force of Chi in someone else, and at other times years later in myself. I never would have got to the point of feeling it if I hadn't been demonstrated by my master that he had it. It took years of practicing the martial art in class and an extra hour almost every day of meditation to get to that point, and I never would have had the devotion to do that if I hadn't been shown it.

So for me, it's already proven.

Medical research has been pretty slow to catch it and "proove" it but it's not like tons of research $$ are gonna be thrown at something that doesn't show potential to reap huge profits in our world. Just the opposite in fact, because when the electrical system of the body gets figured out it will open up huge areas of preventative medicine, and curative medicine that is largely drug free, and validate gobs of as yet unsubstantiated claims about various life-style practices that can promote and aid good health in the absence of drugs.

But as my teacher suggested, eventually it will be proven by legit western medical style research - because it is real.

Thanks oghwga for chipping in a very reasonable post, but truly the 'close mindedness' of those who haven't seen it demonstrated doesn't bug me. I would have pshawed it myself before I practiced MA, whether that's "close-minded" or not.
River Mike : 5/28/2014 7:21 pm : link
I'll accept any claim that can be demonstrated
Wuphat : 6:49 pm : link : reply
And I'll change my view accordingly.

That is the very definition of open-mindedness.

I would think that a better definition of open mindedness would be to acknowledge possibilities contrary to your convictions. Acknowledging proven facts merely suggests you are not totally boneheaded
Who says I haven't seen it demonstrated?  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 7:22 pm : link
You're making a pretty wild assumption.

Isn't it possible I've seen it demonstrated and come to a completely different conclusion than you have?

Maybe a third person has come to a third different conclusion.

How, then, do we determine which is correct?

We investigate as outlined above.

When you say it's been demonstrated to you, all you're relaying is an anecdote. And you see, the plural of anecdote is not data.
Where have I said it's not possible?  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 7:25 pm : link
I would think that a better definition of open mindedness would be to acknowledge possibilities contrary to your convictions.

Sure Lou's claims are possible, but not likely.

It's possible that the force as described in Star Wars is a real thing, too but not likely.

I could be wrong on both accounts. And if someone were to ever demonstrate either in a testable, repeatable, and falsifiable manner, then I'm on board.

But not a second sooner.
Still one of my favorite ways to get this point across  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 7:27 pm : link
Carl Sagan's "The Invisible Dragon in My Garage" - ( New Window )
You'd be amazed at how often this very thing occurs  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 7:30 pm : link
Acknowledging proven facts merely suggests you are not totally boneheaded
Wu I also had a friend who served in the Peace Corps in Senegal.  
BlueLou : 5/28/2014 7:30 pm : link
A very intelligent and level headed guy, no teaches at a JC in Ohio somewhere I think, in the field of agriculture.

He claims to have seen something much weirder and more far out than I have. He said he saw the tribe witch doctor kill a chicken... by pointing at it!

Darth Vader style.
RE: Still one of my favorite ways to get this point across  
River Mike : 5/28/2014 7:32 pm : link
In comment 11700462 Wuphat said:
... Carl Sagan's "The Invisible Dragon in My Garage" - ( New Window )

One of my favorites also
I completely accept that someone told you that  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 7:33 pm : link
Just curious Wu, if you were shown it directly by a master  
BlueLou : 5/28/2014 7:34 pm : link
would once be enough? Seriously. Because as I understand it, and as Cam so rightly suggested, spending years (decades really) to gain an esoteric kind of power doesn't make it all that smart to blow off a wad of it by pointing at a chicken. Or even the bit my teacher showed me...
In all seriousness? No. Once would not be enough  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 7:38 pm : link
because I am aware of the myriad ways that the brain can trick us into thinking we've seen something we haven't.

That's not to imply duplicity in any way, just that the brain does some weird shit when it's presented with conflicting information.

If something like chi exists, then it must somehow manifest in some measurable way. If someone can show me how that happens, and the mechanism by which it does, then my congrats to them for winning the Nobel Prize.

Absolutely this:  
BlueLou : 5/28/2014 7:41 pm : link
If something like chi exists, then it must somehow manifest in some measurable way.

Oh, it will be.
If I knew the secret, I'd probably use it to fool  
Cam in MO : 5/28/2014 7:42 pm : link
folks into paying me for decades to teach them how to master it, all the while continually telling them about how they have to find the right mental state or some other horseshit to explain why they couldn't do it to keep them coming back for more. I'd keep a low profile and turn down offers by legit scientists wishing to study it while at the same time telling my students that it will be proven by western science as soon as someone bothers to research it. Eventually I'd have a nice following.

I'd also make it a rule that to progress to level 3 (out of a possible 432 levels) that my students girlfriends have to sleep with me.

Boom! Science, bitches!

Great! Can't wait for someone to  
Wuphat : 5/28/2014 7:43 pm : link
demonstrate, measure, and explain the mechanism.

Again, congrats in advance to whoever does on their Nobel Prize.

You'll forgive me if I don't hold my breath waiting for that to happen though, won't you?
LOL Cam I think this one might land you in some hot water...  
BlueLou : 5/28/2014 7:45 pm : link
I'd also make it a rule that to progress to level 3 (out of a possible 432 levels) that my students girlfriends have to sleep with me.
RE: LOL Cam I think this one might land you in some hot water...  
Cam in MO : 5/28/2014 7:49 pm : link
In comment 11700492 BlueLou said:


I'd also make it a rule that to progress to level 3 (out of a possible 432 levels) that my students girlfriends have to sleep with me.

Meh, Charlie managed it and I'm not even planning on starting any race riots.

L Ron Hubbard  
Rob in NYC : 5/28/2014 8:01 pm : link
Has got these martial arts guys beat eight ways to Sunday.

there's a limit to human understanding  
Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy : 5/28/2014 8:01 pm : link
If a dog can't understand concepts that we consider simple like Math, then there are probably concepts beyond our limits that we can't begin to comprehend.

That doesn't mean that there are kids who've been reincarnated or kids that can see dead people. That doesn't mean there's a God or a supreme being. It just means that there is stuff we can't begin to understand.

I always try and lean towards the logical. The majority of these crazy paranormal stories are absolute BS. Usually just stupid douchebags with an agenda. But every now and then you read a story that seems legitimately interesting. I found the story of that kid who thought he was a reincarnated fighter pilot fascinating. If you actually watch video of that story you realize that this kids parents must've coached him extremely well for this to be a fraud. And maybe I'm just naïve but I don't want to believe that every single one of these stories has to do with selfish parents.

I think animals and kids have a better feel for nature than we do. We lose touch with that raw animal aspect of us when we grow and our brain starts becoming more active in other areas. Just straight broscience on my part and doesn't mean that I think kids can see dead people. But I've always been interested in paranormal stories involving young kids.
RE: M - yeah I'm familiar with what's out there on video.  
M in CT : 5/29/2014 12:02 am : link
In comment 11700366 BlueLou said:
Sport science or some similar show that called the individuals they taped 'supermen' found a Muy-Ty guy who could break a baseball bat with his bare leg, and they were very, very impressed. BTW that vid had a big warning at the beginning - DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME.

Muay Thai fighters kicking through the handle of a baseball bat as an exhibition is actually very common. If you knew anything about the sport, you'd know that these guys train by kicking banana trees until their shins develop micro fractures and that the re calcification of the bone allows them to build bigger, stronger shin bones.

to a layman, that may seem like magic, but it's actually easily explained by the adaptability of the human body. break it down in a certain way and it actually builds up stronger.

perfect example of this "I don't get it so it must be magic" position of yours.
and by the way  
M in CT : 5/29/2014 12:08 am : link
aging that your martial arts master can harness chi is equally as absurd as saying that his alter ego is the super villain Electro.
M in CT : 5/29/2014 12:09 am : link
RE: I guess now I'm even more impressed with the regular MA guys  
Johnny5 : 5/29/2014 9:28 am : link
In comment 11700111 shepherdsam said:
who have been breaking boards all these years without doing the whole "use their mystical energies to make their hands glow red and double in size" thing.

Come on Shep... just look at what one of the Chi MASTERS have to work with!

RE: RE: LOL Cam I think this one might land you in some hot water...  
Greg from LI : 5/29/2014 9:43 am : link
In comment 11700499 Cam in MO said:
Meh, Charlie managed it and I'm not even planning on starting any race riots.

Man, I KNEW Cam was a budding serial killer.
RE: RE: RE: LOL Cam I think this one might land you in some hot water...  
Cam in MO : 5/29/2014 10:08 am : link
In comment 11700996 Greg from LI said:
In comment 11700499 Cam in MO said:


Meh, Charlie managed it and I'm not even planning on starting any race riots.

Man, I KNEW Cam was a budding serial killer.

Tell you what- there are some days that I wish I didn't have any feelings.

Luckily my dealer doctor wrote me a script for some great pills that pretty much get rid of them. I saw a commercial for them and all I had to do was ask. A hell of a lot cheaper than trying to buy this shit on the street.

Because depression hurts, but you don't have to:

When you know more about what's wrong, you can help make it right - ( New Window )
RE: RC in deed the secret has always been  
RC02XX : 5/29/2014 10:15 am : link
In comment 11700098 BlueLou said:
Out of the bag if one knew where to look. But I don't imagine you quite have the mental makeup or patience to attain it, lol. Those guys weren't youngsters. They'd been practicing MA seriously for 20-30 years.

Ah damn...I knew I lacked the mental makeup and patience of these master martial artists, who have proven themselves in their dojos or classrooms and rarely in real life settings. I guess I'll never get myself the 10's like this guy.

the only conclusion  
PaulBlakeTSU : 5/29/2014 10:28 am : link
I can draw from this thread is that now I REALLY want a bottle of BlueLou's wine.
M in CT : 5/29/2014 11:37 am : link
i watched this guy make wine once. it was crazy. he did this amazing ritual, squashed the grapes with his bare feet, said "abracadabra" a bunch of times and then POOF! that shit had alcohol in it.

where did the alcohol come from? amazing! i have no clue how he did it, but he's been making wine for 20 years, so he can harness the power of the universe to make alcohol out of thin air.

gotta be magic.
RE: the only conclusion  
Greg from LI : 5/29/2014 11:40 am : link
In comment 11701060 PaulBlakeTSU said:
I can draw from this thread is that now I REALLY want a bottle of BlueLou's wine.

It's bottled directly from the sweat of Shaolin monks, so you know it's quality.
BlueLou : 5/29/2014 11:47 am : link
Wtf? I'm taking the position that harnessing chi is magic? Can you even read? And the bone strengthing by repeated blows, you don't think I watched my teachers doing that? How the fuck did they break 2x4s with bare hands without breaking those bones?

Like your fb comments often are, you're clueless, fool.
M in CT : 5/29/2014 11:50 am : link
i'm not on Facebook and never have been.

good call though.
RE: M  
RC02XX : 5/29/2014 11:50 am : link
In comment 11701237 BlueLou said:
Like your fb comments often are, you're clueless, fool. guys are facebook buddies? Or did you actually shortened football to fb?
ha, didn't even think of that  
M in CT : 5/29/2014 11:52 am : link
if he's talking about my football comments, then i'm just going to consider the source and ignore it.
haha, well this would be a blessing if you could stick to it, M!  
BlueLou : 5/30/2014 10:03 am : link
ha, didn't even think of that
M in CT : 5/29/2014 11:52 am : link : reply
... then i'm just going to consider the source and ignore it.

Please do. Less of you is definitely more.
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