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Charles Brown appreciaition thread

dep026 : 11/22/2014 1:36 pm
Come on. Someone had to do it.
A great Giant.  
BrettNYG10 : 11/22/2014 1:40 pm : link
Ring of Honor.
I appreciate  
Gman11 : 11/22/2014 1:40 pm : link
that he's gone.
Now they might do like JPP said and run the table  
illmatic : 11/22/2014 1:41 pm : link
Thanks Charles.
Eli approves.  
MOOPS : 11/22/2014 1:42 pm : link

Anakim : 11/22/2014 1:42 pm : link
A truly sad day for the New York Football Giants
PEEJ : 11/22/2014 1:45 pm : link
I've got nothing
sjnyfan : 11/22/2014 1:51 pm : link
Next man up!  
Blackbeard : 11/22/2014 1:59 pm : link
Jerry Reese!
Giantology : 11/22/2014 2:04 pm : link
It's not an appreciation thread (because you misspelled appreciaition)  
Bramton1 : 11/22/2014 2:07 pm : link

Guys, let's be classy here...  
SHO'NUFF : 11/22/2014 2:13 pm : link
a guy just lost his job right before the holidays, let's all wish him we...fuck that...IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME, TC!
he`s gonna get tough.  
Zig in CT : 11/22/2014 2:21 pm : link
just you wait and see.

Why is everybody picking on me?
there's something to be said for a player  
chris r : 11/22/2014 2:22 pm : link
who isn't a mass murder. Well done Charlie Brown!
No sadness for Brown  
Fast Eddie : 11/22/2014 2:27 pm : link
he wont be out of work long since there is a need for good turnstiles
Beer Man : 11/22/2014 2:38 pm : link
did the port authority come looking for a replacement for one of its missing turnstiles
old man : 11/22/2014 4:25 pm : link
for leaving.
His contract did not include blocking  
Giants2012 : 11/22/2014 4:34 pm : link
The Charles Brown release proves...  
BamaBlue : 11/22/2014 4:58 pm : link
Even the Giants have a limit to the level of incompetence they'll put up with.
He was just terrible even in the preseason  
mfsd : 11/22/2014 5:15 pm : link
when Beatty was still recovering, yet Brown managed to get game checks through week 11 from the Giants

People have been incarcerated for grand larceny for less than that

Best wishes!!

He would have been a great  
spike : 11/22/2014 6:08 pm : link
defensive end.
spike : 11/22/2014 6:09 pm : link
if he were smart, he would have feigned injury and landed on the IR.

$et for the season.
LawrenceTaylor56 : 11/22/2014 6:11 pm : link
he's already set for season  
aquidneck : 11/22/2014 6:24 pm : link
Vested veterans on opening day rosters are guaranteed their full manual salaries.
aquidneck : 11/22/2014 6:25 pm : link
Manual, whatever.
RE: he's already set for season  
spike : 11/22/2014 6:31 pm : link
In comment 11992930 aquidneck said:
Vested veterans on opening day rosters are guaranteed their full manual salaries.

ahh, so by sucking on the field, he is paid while being home for the holidays. Smart man, Charles Brown!
Grab yer shine box  
mrvax : 11/22/2014 6:46 pm : link
and get the F*ck out of here!
Why is it players with last name Brown  
micky : 11/22/2014 7:05 pm : link
doesn't end well with the Giants. Charles Brow, CC Brown, Dave Brown...
This is BBI at its worst  
ed90631 : 11/22/2014 7:30 pm : link
Its not like the guy had loads of talent but took a big contract and refused to perform.

If he simply lacked the talent to be a player in the NFL, that's no reason to kick him in the ass on the way out the door.

Show some class.
RE: He would have been a great  
Giants2012 : 11/22/2014 8:26 pm : link
In comment 11992912 spike said:
defensive end.

Perry Fewell would love to use him in pass defense.
Charles's been real  
BigBlueinChicago : 11/22/2014 9:02 pm : link

those were ugly  
spike : 11/22/2014 9:08 pm : link
Jerry at least tries to keep his man in front of him.

Brown is just a turnstyle.
How did he make the team?  
D-Rod : 11/22/2014 9:14 pm : link
He was horrible in preseason...
if Eli had a NFL quality OL  
spike : 11/22/2014 9:23 pm : link
he would be having his BEST statistical season ever. The team will win a few more games as well
GJ Mara - way to fix the OL  
Giants2012 : 11/22/2014 9:42 pm : link
But in his heart  
Davisian : 11/22/2014 10:23 pm : link
he knows that sometimes a dog is as good as any man..
At least he'll have enough time...  
Dunedin81 : 11/22/2014 10:29 pm : link
to tell us about the true meaning of Christmas.
Do you think Reese will include those GIFs  
SB : 11/22/2014 10:34 pm : link his curriculum vitae?
I agree.....  
Doomster : 11/23/2014 8:51 am : link
The fact that this guy made the team, even though he sucked in preseason, has to question the ability of management/coaching, on assessing their own players.....which has been a problem for some time, now....
larryinnewhaven : 11/23/2014 9:55 am : link
got completely thrown to the ground/runover on one play to the first play I noticed him in the game. It jumped off the screen.
he was a reclamation project  
aquidneck : 11/23/2014 10:10 am : link
that was not reclaimable. One of 10 OL we went into the season with and the very first one given an opportunity to play once injury struck.

Is it on the GM and his crew or the coaching staff that he failed so spectacularly while other folks were not given a chance?

Brewer and Mosley anyone?
WOW those gifs show how bad Brown was  
Gregorio : 11/23/2014 10:12 am : link
I really wished the Giants would have spent 2 of the first 3 rounds picks in 2014 on Oline talent. They relied heavily on free agency for OL players. It looks now like Dallas's method for building OL, high draft picks on OL over 3 years, was more effective.
there were many people here  
aquidneck : 11/23/2014 10:15 am : link
calling for his departure prior to our setting the final 53.
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