T Ereck Flowers
June 15, 2016
Q: Do you feel more comfortable in the second year of the system?
A: Yeah, I feel more comfortable the second go around. Definitely a lot more than when I first got here.
Q: How helpful is it that there is continuity with the line?
A: It is helpful. Last year was the first year that we were all together, so with the second go around we feel a lot more comfortable and things are looking better.
Q: Did it surprise you that guys were in the same spots?
A: No, not at all.
Q: How does that help?
A: Well, you know, continuity. We have been playing together, we know what to expect, have played games together, it helps a lot.
Q: How is your adjustment to the offensive coach?
A: It is a good adjustment, in every way. All of his techniques and different drills and everything he does. He is a great coach.
Q: What is the biggest thing that you learned last year that will help you this year?
A: Going through the speed of the game, long season, preparation, and getting a second go around with it knowing what is going to happen will definitely give you more of an advantage.
Q: Were you aware of the chance the Giants were going to draft another tackle?
A: I could(n’t) care less.
Q: Would you have minded playing right or do prefer left?
A: I could(n’t) care less. I could(n’t) care less about any of that. That entire conversation.
Q: I know you aren’t a guy to make excuses, but how bad was that ankle last year?
A: Oh yeah, my ankle. Well it is, injuries, to play through injuries. You wish you weren’t playing hurt, but you have to go out there and play for your team and try and win some games. I feel a lot better this year.
I would say his answers above are pretty fffn' direct.
David Diehl he is not, vocally. In terms of grit, very similar to DD.
Both are good, IMO.
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