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NFT: If your state legalized weed would you take up smoking?

pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 9:58 am
if this thread violates the TOS then please delete, I don't know why it would though.

So, Massachusetts voted to legalize recreational weed this past November.

Conversationally I mentioned to some of my buddies and hockey teammates that I was looking forward to this since I was thinking about taking up smoking weed.

Most were surprised, some felt like "that's what was holding you back all these years? that it was illegal"? Others felt like it was just strange.

I told my wife the same thing and she just thought I was joking and then just thought I was insane (as usual).

But when I thought about it, if alcohol were illegal most of my life I'd probably not drink so much. I might occasionally have had a drink in private (illegally like people did during prohibition) but I probably wouldn't regularly drink alcohol. I don't think as a teenager I'd have been drinking as early and as often, and I am pretty sure my adult drinking habits would be different.

Why should weed be different?

I was never a big smoker growing up, tried it a few times, and whatever didn't appeal to me. and I lived with some 24/7 wake and bake hard core weed users during and after college - I was just never seriously interested, but I'm willing to give it another shot.

For some reason, chilling out on the back deck summer evenings with a high ball of bourbon or scotch or vodka whatever I'm in the mood for that night and smoking a joint or hitting a weed pen seems appealing.

Would anyone else change their habits based on the legal status?
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I'd smoke the same as I do now  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 10:02 am : link
Like twice a month.
Though I'd probably enjoy an edible every now and then  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 10:03 am : link
in addition.
I guess the next question  
Bleedin Blue : 5/5/2017 10:03 am : link
would be, does your employer prohibit drug use whether legal or not?
Have fun in hell, sinner.  
BrettNYG10 : 5/5/2017 10:08 am : link
Sure there's plenty of devil's lettuce there.
Nope ....  
Beer Man : 5/5/2017 10:08 am : link
Not my thing
take up?  
Sonic Youth : 5/5/2017 10:14 am : link
Already there
hell no  
Greg from LI : 5/5/2017 10:14 am : link
I ain't no fuckin' hippie.

Now, if speed were legal.....
RE: hell no  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 10:16 am : link
In comment 13461726 Greg from LI said:
I ain't no fuckin' hippie.

Now, if speed were legal.....

what about adderall? I have friends who swear by it, say it gets them more focused and more productive. they talk about it like it's a wonder drug. Given their experiences I can see why NFL players like it so much.
Absolutely not.  
GiantFilthy : 5/5/2017 10:18 am : link
Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.
My answer is no...  
EricJ : 5/5/2017 10:18 am : link
Plus, if I was an employer in MA I would not hire someone who is a frequent user of weed....whether it is legal in the state or not.
I don't think so.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 5/5/2017 10:19 am : link
Never been that big into it. I'm more of an alcohol man.
I have dabbled in edibles over the years  
djm : 5/5/2017 10:20 am : link
but not enough to really formulate a strong opinion. I know it's a "body high" or whatever, sort of a more thorough high, lasts longer too....but I had a gummi bear on Sunday night while playing poker. Let's just say I have no clue how I managed to win money. There are

Edibles are fun but be warned. They can pack a wallop. Probably shouldn't have smoked along with it...but I lived to tell about it.

pj, I was actually prescribed adderall when I was in college  
Greg from LI : 5/5/2017 10:21 am : link
There was a problem. Let's just say I'd never take it again.
RE: Absolutely not.  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 10:27 am : link
In comment 13461732 GiantFilthy said:
Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.

Can't tell if serious...
RE: RE: Absolutely not.  
Brown Recluse : 5/5/2017 10:29 am : link
In comment 13461758 UConn4523 said:
In comment 13461732 GiantFilthy said:


Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.

Can't tell if serious...

Filthy is never serious. How have you not figured this out yet? :)
Gary from The East End : Admin : 5/5/2017 10:33 am : link
I'm all in favor of legalization, but I have no desire to try it myself.

Also, even if it's legal in your state, marijuana is still a schedule I drug. It's a federal crime to buy, sell, grow, distribute or possess it. Anyone involved in the "legal weed" industry is betting their freedom on the forbearance of the Department of Justice.
RE: RE: RE: Absolutely not.  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 10:35 am : link
In comment 13461765 Brown Recluse said:
In comment 13461758 UConn4523 said:


In comment 13461732 GiantFilthy said:


Why not just jump straight to heroin and bath salts because that is the gateway you are walking through.

Can't tell if serious...

Filthy is never serious. How have you not figured this out yet? :)

Good point, haha.
I already smoke  
Metnut : 5/5/2017 10:35 am : link
and don't think I'd smoke more if it became legal. It'd be nice to have the "stigma" of smoking go away and have it be treated more like alcohol.
just being able to shop for what you want  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 10:36 am : link
and know its legit and not tainted is a massive plus for anyone that smokes.
No interest, but even if I did want to  
jcn56 : 5/5/2017 10:38 am : link
I get drug tested at random twice a year, and I have enough stress in my life already without having to find ways around that.
I'm with you....  
Tesla : 5/5/2017 10:39 am : link
If NY/NJ legalized I'd smoke probably a couple times/month. Right now I probably smoke once every 2 years or so.
This thread  
Old Dirty : 5/5/2017 10:40 am : link
should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.
Been living in Mass for 30 years  
mgreenie03 : 5/5/2017 10:45 am : link
and have been an everyday smoker for about 25 of them. I don't drink or smoke cigarettes. This is my way of decompressing from a usually busy day at work. It helps me relax and get to sleep at night.
The change in laws here in Mass didn't really have much impact on me. If anything it made it easier to get better quality weed.
I smoked in the later 1970's  
mrvax : 5/5/2017 10:49 am : link
and would probably try it again. I hate getting a paranoid feeling so I'd have to chose the brand carefully.

Probably only do it at night, at home, with wife.
Giants : 5/5/2017 10:50 am : link
Protection is the reason so many older people will turn to weed
RE: This thread  
UConn4523 : 5/5/2017 10:50 am : link
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:
should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.

Same but you gotta go Indica. Sativas are no joke for a minimal smoker, waay to intense for me.
Well, not take up,  
Mad Mike : 5/5/2017 10:50 am : link
but I'd smoke more than I do. Probably once a week'ish.
RE: Been living in Mass for 30 years  
mrvax : 5/5/2017 10:52 am : link
In comment 13461800 mgreenie03 said:
... If anything it made it easier to get better quality weed.

Another point is that it won't be laced with any chemicals, think PCP or something to spike the potency. Nor sprayed with paraquat.
PatersonPlank : 5/5/2017 10:52 am : link
fucking hypocrites. If public weed smoking should be legal  
Victor in CT : 5/5/2017 10:55 am : link
then why shouldn't public tobacco smoking?
Smoked enough in HS  
well...bye TC : 5/5/2017 10:57 am : link
and college to last me a lifetime. Pass.
RE: No  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 10:57 am : link
In comment 13461771 Gary from The East End said:
I'm all in favor of legalization, but I have no desire to try it myself.

Also, even if it's legal in your state, marijuana is still a schedule I drug. It's a federal crime to buy, sell, grow, distribute or possess it. Anyone involved in the "legal weed" industry is betting their freedom on the forbearance of the Department of Justice.

This is true, it's still not federally legal, however, the federal government even under Sessions DOJ, I doubt has the desire or the bandwidth to pursue marijuana users, especially in states that allow it's use recreationally.

plus I doubt congress allows him to.

congress already preempted him on medical marijuana
RE: fucking hypocrites. If public weed smoking should be legal  
giants#1 : 5/5/2017 11:01 am : link
In comment 13461818 Victor in CT said:
then why shouldn't public tobacco smoking?

Who said anything about public smoking?
RE: RE: hell no  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 11:02 am : link
In comment 13461730 pjcas18 said:
In comment 13461726 Greg from LI said:


I ain't no fuckin' hippie.

Now, if speed were legal.....

what about adderall? I have friends who swear by it, say it gets them more focused and more productive. they talk about it like it's a wonder drug. Given their experiences I can see why NFL players like it so much.

At age 31 I got a prescription for it last month. Simply put, I'm a different person.
RE: Alzheimer  
Mark C : 5/5/2017 11:03 am : link
In comment 13461807 Giants said:
Protection is the reason so many older people will turn to weed

Can you say more about that? I wasn't aware that weed could affect Alzheimers...
RE: This thread  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 11:05 am : link
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:
should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.

I've shared the same experience. I had stretches in my early 20s when I'd enjoy it regularly. But same as you, I get paranoid and unsatisfied with the decision shortly after smoking now. Only time I'll do it at this point is 1) before starting a good film 2) after a couple drinks on a weekend
I'd smoke most days like I usually do  
GMenLTS : 5/5/2017 11:05 am : link
Only I'd take advantage of the healthier options more often because they'd be readily available.

Ironically, our fearless AG hobbit and his mindnumbingly stupid stance that good people don't smoke marijuana, and baseless rejection of the factual notion that more access to weed will alleviate other issues in the drug war, I expect he's gonna galvanize the legalization movement more than ever.

But whatever, rabble rabble, gate way drug, rabble rabble, reefer madness, rabble rabble
RE: RE: This thread  
Metnut : 5/5/2017 11:06 am : link
In comment 13461838 Mike in Long Beach said:
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:


I've shared the same experience. I had stretches in my early 20s when I'd enjoy it regularly. But same as you, I get paranoid and unsatisfied with the decision shortly after smoking now. Only time I'll do it at this point is 1) before starting a good film 2) after a couple drinks on a weekend

Imbibing on the porch at McMahon's after a few drinks before walking in and seeing another disappointing Islander game has been a fun little tradition the past two yeasr.
RE: RE: This thread  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 11:06 am : link
In comment 13461808 UConn4523 said:
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:


should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.

Same but you gotta go Indica. Sativas are no joke for a minimal smoker, waay to intense for me.

I prefer Sativa 100 times out of 100. It's more of an "upper" or an energetic high which is my thing. I feel much more in control which is important to me. With indicas I melt into my couch and feel like a piece of shit.
RE: RE: This thread  
mgreenie03 : 5/5/2017 11:07 am : link
In comment 13461808 UConn4523 said:
In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:


should be stickied (no pun intended).

I have messed around in the past with MJ. Used to love the feeling as a teen. In my later years, it makes me paranoid. Maybe it's because I don't really do it all that often, but that's also why I don't. Too much responsibilities. All that said, I would love to try edibles.

Same but you gotta go Indica. Sativas are no joke for a minimal smoker, waay to intense for me.

So the rule is - if you want to relax and veg go indica (AKA - In Da Couch) if you have yard work or other home tasks Sativas are the way to go. They will keep you more focused on the job at hand.

A great site to explore the different strains is - sorry cant post the link below. The site will give you the affect and medical pros and cons of the different strains.
I don't enjoy smoking much,  
Section331 : 5/5/2017 11:09 am : link
but I would partake in edibles now and then, maybe twice a month.
Trainmaster : 5/5/2017 11:13 am : link
Not my thing and since I'm subject to random drug tests from my employer and I value my job, another reason to not do it.

There are already too many semi-zombies on the road addicted to their cell phones.
BrettNYG10 : 5/5/2017 11:13 am : link
I'd smoke


good people don't smoke marijuana

Fact check: True.
RE: RE: RE: This thread  
Mike in Long Beach : 5/5/2017 11:17 am : link
In comment 13461842 Metnut said:
In comment 13461838 Mike in Long Beach said:


In comment 13461793 Old Dirty said:


I've shared the same experience. I had stretches in my early 20s when I'd enjoy it regularly. But same as you, I get paranoid and unsatisfied with the decision shortly after smoking now. Only time I'll do it at this point is 1) before starting a good film 2) after a couple drinks on a weekend

Imbibing on the porch at McMahon's after a few drinks before walking in and seeing another disappointing Islander game has been a fun little tradition the past two yeasr.

Hahaha I do enjoy smoking before an Islander game, but if it actually matters it's way too intense for me lol
RE: .  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 11:18 am : link
In comment 13461855 BrettNYG10 said:


I'd smoke




good people don't smoke marijuana

Fact check: True.

Well I never claimed to be a good person. In fact, before I ever smoked anything I had it on good authority I'd be spending eternity south of the border (aka the underworld, aka perdition).

If you've never been laid while stoned on really good weed...  
x meadowlander : 5/5/2017 11:23 am : link've kind of missed out on something special.

I've grown out of it - enjoyed grass when I was young, too strong for me now - an all-day commitment, plus I've got kids, plus I work for the Government...

That said, if Fed legalized it, I'd probably try it here and there once the kids moved out.
Very interesting topic.  
Gene : 5/5/2017 11:27 am : link
If it were up to me I'd have to say, um...I would, er...perhaps, ah...what was the question?
never have  
jlukes : 5/5/2017 11:38 am : link
never will
until they refine the testing  
Rocky369 : 5/5/2017 11:39 am : link
to know if someone is currently under the effects, that's a no.
Are you people serious?  
Stan in LA : 5/5/2017 11:39 am : link
Have you not seen this?
Wake up folks... - ( New Window )
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