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NFT: If your state legalized weed would you take up smoking?

pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 9:58 am
if this thread violates the TOS then please delete, I don't know why it would though.

So, Massachusetts voted to legalize recreational weed this past November.

Conversationally I mentioned to some of my buddies and hockey teammates that I was looking forward to this since I was thinking about taking up smoking weed.

Most were surprised, some felt like "that's what was holding you back all these years? that it was illegal"? Others felt like it was just strange.

I told my wife the same thing and she just thought I was joking and then just thought I was insane (as usual).

But when I thought about it, if alcohol were illegal most of my life I'd probably not drink so much. I might occasionally have had a drink in private (illegally like people did during prohibition) but I probably wouldn't regularly drink alcohol. I don't think as a teenager I'd have been drinking as early and as often, and I am pretty sure my adult drinking habits would be different.

Why should weed be different?

I was never a big smoker growing up, tried it a few times, and whatever didn't appeal to me. and I lived with some 24/7 wake and bake hard core weed users during and after college - I was just never seriously interested, but I'm willing to give it another shot.

For some reason, chilling out on the back deck summer evenings with a high ball of bourbon or scotch or vodka whatever I'm in the mood for that night and smoking a joint or hitting a weed pen seems appealing.

Would anyone else change their habits based on the legal status?
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Yea edibles are crazy if you eat to much  
DennyInDenville : 5/5/2017 1:07 pm : link
I made a large batch of cookies many years ago and ate a good 10-12 cookies in a 3-4 hour period.

Needless to say I was higher then I ever imagined humanly possible on earth.
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 1:08 pm : link
I generally stay away from edibles only because it's harder to gauge how much you're putting in your system at once. Some of them can be really strong so you kind of have to be careful or take it super slow.
I live in California. Legalization already passed.  
81_Great_Dane : 5/5/2017 1:09 pm : link
Will I smoke more? That's a very specific question. No, I won't smoke more. But I don't smoke at all.

Will I consume more marijuana? That's a very complicated question, but the short answer is "yes."

I am looking to try CBD for medicinal purposes. I have several chronic maladies endemic in middle-aged men like me. I would like to try hemp oil, which has been recommended to me by people who are already using it -- illegally, I guess -- for the same conditions.

I'm not much interested in THC or in getting stoned. I got a medical marijuana card a couple of years ago, tried an edible, which was probably the first time I'd been stoned in about 30 years. Meh, didn't care for the feeling then, don't care for it now. My wife and I were using a CBD tincture for a while, hard to know for sure how effective it was. Also hard to know the quality of the thing in a half-legal industry.

Hoping that changes and I can try again with more confidence.
Geomon : 5/5/2017 1:10 pm : link
I have chronic back pain and arthritis so, it's a no brainer for me. Plus I'm so afraid of getting addicted to these damn vicodin pills that I often go days or sometimes weeks without taking any.
DanMetroMan : 5/5/2017 1:12 pm : link
careful with edibles (I don't mean like you might die careful) rather it's much harder to monitor your dosage (especially if you buy them vs. make your own). I've had some great experiences and some that were terrible (basically missed an entire Jack White concert because I was too out of it to stay). Made brownies once, went into the other room came back and saw my brother (back from the bar) downing 3-4 at once... needless to say he was wrecked after.
if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 1:14 pm : link
RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
David in LA : 5/5/2017 1:14 pm : link
In comment 13462025 arcarsenal said:
In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

This is a pretty ignorant take.

Isn't that the majority of his takes?
RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 1:15 pm : link
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:

without a doubt.
RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
David in LA : 5/5/2017 1:15 pm : link
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:

Not sure if serious or joking.
RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
JayBinQueens : 5/5/2017 1:16 pm : link
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:

no - because one harms another person while the other would only potentially harm me
RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 1:17 pm : link
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:

Well, the idiot portion of your handle is certainly accurate...
RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 1:18 pm : link
In comment 13462076 David in LA said:
In comment 13462025 arcarsenal said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

This is a pretty ignorant take.

Isn't that the majority of his takes?

'depends on who, amirite?'  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 1:19 pm : link
''RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?
pjcas18 : 1:15 pm : link : reply

In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:


without a doubt.''
Maybe if Dave in Hoboken smoked weed  
Giantology : 5/5/2017 1:21 pm : link
He wouldn't be such an asshole.
RE: Be  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 1:22 pm : link
In comment 13462070 DanMetroMan said:
careful with edibles (I don't mean like you might die careful) rather it's much harder to monitor your dosage (especially if you buy them vs. make your own). I've had some great experiences and some that were terrible (basically missed an entire Jack White concert because I was too out of it to stay). Made brownies once, went into the other room came back and saw my brother (back from the bar) downing 3-4 at once... needless to say he was wrecked after.

LOL, yeah.. a friend of mine is big on edibles. He and another one of our friends, who really doesn't smoke at all, went to a Knicks game a couple months ago. My friend who had the edibles convinced our other friend to try them before the game and about 10 minutes in, he started freaking out.

It was a funny story in retrospect but he was so paranoid. Which is exactly why I don't mess around with edibles. If I did, I'd eat like a crumb at a time.
RE: 'depends on who, amirite?'  
pjcas18 : 5/5/2017 1:22 pm : link
In comment 13462088 idiotsavant said:
''RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?
pjcas18 : 1:15 pm : link : reply

In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:


without a doubt.''

Exactly, just stay on my good side and you're fine, but once that legalized murder bill is passed if you're on my bad side, you should probably decline that visit invitation. Odds are I'm going to murder you and throw you into the pile in my neighbors hedges with the dead rodents and birds.
RE: RE: Be  
JayBinQueens : 5/5/2017 1:23 pm : link
In comment 13462093 arcarsenal said:
In comment 13462070 DanMetroMan said:


careful with edibles (I don't mean like you might die careful) rather it's much harder to monitor your dosage (especially if you buy them vs. make your own). I've had some great experiences and some that were terrible (basically missed an entire Jack White concert because I was too out of it to stay). Made brownies once, went into the other room came back and saw my brother (back from the bar) downing 3-4 at once... needless to say he was wrecked after.

LOL, yeah.. a friend of mine is big on edibles. He and another one of our friends, who really doesn't smoke at all, went to a Knicks game a couple months ago. My friend who had the edibles convinced our other friend to try them before the game and about 10 minutes in, he started freaking out.

It was a funny story in retrospect but he was so paranoid. Which is exactly why I don't mess around with edibles. If I did, I'd eat like a crumb at a time.

Nick Swardson has a great bit on it. Can't find the video but the opening line is "just a public service announcement - if you're going to have a pot brownie, know how strong it is first"
Lol funny the Knicks game on edibles came up  
DennyInDenville : 5/5/2017 1:24 pm : link
One of the other days I made cookies I ate 8-9 cookies before the game because I abused them and didn't care lol

Anyways my buddy and I drove to Hoboken took the path to msg and sat next to two cute girls our age. I was so damn high I didn't even say 1 word to them lol
Can't compare edibles to bud  
Giants in 07 : 5/5/2017 1:24 pm : link
To me, the edible high is completely different. It's a full body high rather than a head high
People With Moustaches-check  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 1:25 pm : link
People With Two First Names-check

''I mean, you'll be doin society a favor, the sunna bitches braver getting braver.

We gonna put his ass in the STIR.

We gonna pin this trip of MurDer, on him, who did the the old Nigerian Creed''

(Dylan quote within a quote within a quote)

There's bud high, edible high, and concentrate high  
DennyInDenville : 5/5/2017 1:25 pm : link
Aka dabs, wax, etc

mgreenie03 : 5/5/2017 1:26 pm : link
Make them on your own. Take a stick of butter and a half oz of weed, grind up the weed as fine as possible, put on very low heat for about 12-14hrs strain off the leftovers and you have weedbutter to use for anything you would use butter, toast, make cookies or brownies etc.

You can control what goes in. The affect on the body is different than smoking. Edibles are great for pain management. As some have said it can hit harder but it is much different high than smoking. Hard to explain the feeling.
RE: There's bud high, edible high, and concentrate high  
Giants in 07 : 5/5/2017 1:27 pm : link
In comment 13462104 DennyInDenville said:
Aka dabs, wax, etc

Dabs are the best.
DanMetroMan : 5/5/2017 1:28 pm : link
had a cool segment on an "old" lady and her daughter who cook with weed, interesting piece
Link - ( New Window )
Before I smoked, I only had edibles once in a while  
Giantology : 5/5/2017 1:28 pm : link
Now, when I have edibles they have very little effect on me. Of course it depends on whats in them and all of that, but I generally skip them now.
RE: RE: if your state legalised murder would you kill people?  
Deej : 5/5/2017 1:29 pm : link
In comment 13462079 pjcas18 said:
In comment 13462074 idiotsavant said:



without a doubt.

Yeah, Im already putting together a list.
Johnny5 : 5/5/2017 1:30 pm : link
... I been thinking about that Mr. Hand...
I wouldn't smoke  
phil in arizona : 5/5/2017 1:41 pm : link
but I'd probably use some of the other products.

When I was in Colorado this year I bought these low dose mints. I'd have one every so often while skiing, it was great. I'd take another one before bed and I'd sleep like a rock. I think I would use those on the reg.
just to  
phil in arizona : 5/5/2017 1:41 pm : link
sleep like a champ
People who say 'at the end of the day'  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 1:44 pm : link
Anyone in sweats and crocs at the supermarket on weekday mornings.

You know, serious deviants.
regularly, no  
LG in NYC : 5/5/2017 1:46 pm : link
would I be less apprehesive about engaging in it on an 'if any' basis, perhaps.
YAJ2112 : 5/5/2017 1:51 pm : link
The pot.
Link - ( New Window )
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
aquidneck : 5/5/2017 1:52 pm : link
In comment 13462027 Dave in Hoboken said:
In comment 13462015 aquidneck said:


In comment 13462011 Dave in Hoboken said:


In comment 13461992 aquidneck said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

Lol, I'm in my 60s and smoke several times every day.

LOL. Sad.

You think that's sad? Based on what? You don't know me. Don't be an asshole and put strangers down in the insult.

Don't worry, if I'm doing that at that age (or even my current age), I'll call myself the same. Unless one is taking it for medicinal purposes; that's different.

Ok, you are a judgemental asshole who has an opinion on all kinds of things you have no clue about.

That's my take. As valid as yours.
I had to give up mood altering substances tears ago  
TJ : 5/5/2017 1:53 pm : link
Legal and illicit. If not for that I'm sure I would. The determining factor for alot of people would be the attitude of their employers. The fact that it's legal wouldn't necessarily eliminate the current pot use policies of most companies. companies.
Dave in Hoboken is making an absolute fool of himself  
Overseer : 5/5/2017 2:03 pm : link
on this thread.
I'm 39 and a Leukemia survivor  
GiAnT4LYFE : 5/5/2017 2:10 pm : link
and because my company has a zero tolerance on marijuana use, my oncologist couldn't prescribe me medical marijuana when I went through treatments. Instead I was on Zofran and a boat load of other drugs with major side effects to minimize the 8 months worth of treatments.

I do believe that the drug test for marijuana will be reformed to be similar as checking for someone currently under the influence of alcohol. When that happens and my company changes their stance on it, I will be lighting up. Or I just have to wait for the day that I retire to do it. Can't risk losing my job over smoking weed. I have faith that we will move to this within the next 10 years though.
I don't see anything changing.  
Matt M. : 5/5/2017 2:20 pm : link
I don't recall knowing of too many people in HS who openly smoked. In college, I lived with and was friend's with plenty of guys who were doing bong hits daily. It wasn't until late in my college career that I even tried weed and after that probably no more than a down or so times ever. I didn't particularly care for it then, so I can't see myself suddenly smoking now.
RE: Dave in Hoboken is making an absolute fool of himself  
David in LA : 5/5/2017 2:41 pm : link
In comment 13462162 Overseer said:
on this thread.

Just on this thread?
aah lovely a bunch of stoners fightin' over an old roach  
idiotsavant : 5/5/2017 2:58 pm : link
fuchin loverly
Sgrcts : 5/5/2017 3:22 pm : link
What do you do in in the industry? I work in it as well.
RE: Davisan  
Deej : 5/5/2017 4:40 pm : link
In comment 13462270 Sgrcts said:
What do you do in in the industry? I work in it as well.

RE: Dave  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 4:41 pm : link
In comment 13462029 WideRight said:
You are sad.

Whatever age you are

Relax; have a joint.

RE: RE: RE: LOL, of course not.  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 4:43 pm : link
In comment 13462076 David in LA said:
In comment 13462025 arcarsenal said:


In comment 13461980 Dave in Hoboken said:


I'm in my mid 30's and I'm going to do some drug high school & college kids do? Come on, now.

This is a pretty ignorant take.

Isn't that the majority of his takes?

The Stalker strikes!
Don't flatter yourself  
David in LA : 5/5/2017 4:52 pm : link
Your dumbassery tends to stick out above and beyond everyone else. You have that to be proud of.
Sure thing.  
Dave in Hoboken : 5/5/2017 4:53 pm : link
Stalk some more, not like I'm the only one, either, creep-o.
(Mostly) funny thread!  
trueblueinpw : 5/5/2017 6:10 pm : link
Davisian, the pic of Forrest Whitiker is fucking high-larry-us!

idiotsavant with a strong double post move: sharing some of the lyrics from Bob Dylan's "Hurricane" (and apparently some of his own lyrics) and for asking, "if your state legalized murder would you kill people".

Really fucked up to read that someone had cancer but couldn't use medical Mary Jane because of a zero tolerance employer. Please tell me you no longer have cancer or that employer.
I would probably just do edibles  
Jay on the Island : 5/5/2017 6:59 pm : link
once in a blue moon. A friend of my wife routinely gets edible gummy bears that her brother makes and I had them a few times and they were very good. The key is to take a small portion especially if they taste very strong. A friend of mine gave me these thc strips and i took half of one and I was higher than ever before and I will never do that again. I was so paranoid and my eyes were bright red.
RE: I would probably just do edibles  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 7:27 pm : link
In comment 13462516 Jay on the Island said:
once in a blue moon. A friend of my wife routinely gets edible gummy bears that her brother makes and I had them a few times and they were very good. The key is to take a small portion especially if they taste very strong. A friend of mine gave me these thc strips and i took half of one and I was higher than ever before and I will never do that again. I was so paranoid and my eyes were bright red.

Haha. I haven't had many "bad" experiences - but many moons ago, when I was a freshman in college, I had a pretty rough one.

A good childhood friend of mine went to the same school as me, so I went over to his dorm to hang out one of the first days we got there and his roommate had this huge bong and some crazy "blueberry" pot. I took a massive hit and it was one of those "oh fuck that was too much" right away hits and I couldn't even stay there, I had to leave because I was super paranoid.

Anyway, I left their dorm and decided I needed to just go back to mine and let it wear off but I had literally just gotten to the campus about 2 days prior and really didn't know my way around yet. Compound that with the fact that it was night time and I was out of my fucking mind and I wound up wandering around like a lunatic for about an hour before I figured out where the hell I was.

It was terrible at the time but hilarious in retrospect.
How is it different from cigarettes? Or certain food types?  
Bill L : 5/5/2017 7:56 pm : link
Or adultery? Or vices in general. They're (some vices at least) legal but I'm not eager to partake. For some choices, legality is irrelevant.
RE: How is it different from cigarettes? Or certain food types?  
arcarsenal : 5/5/2017 7:59 pm : link
In comment 13462553 Bill L said:
Or adultery? Or vices in general. They're (some vices at least) legal but I'm not eager to partake. For some choices, legality is irrelevant.

I don't understand comments like this.

Cigarettes have cancer-causing carcinogens and chemicals in them. They're deadly. Marijuana is not. There's a HUGE difference.

And I have no idea what adultery has to do with smoking weed.

If you aren't interested in it, that's fine - it's not for everyone. But some of these comparisons are ridiculous and if you want to talk about irrelevance, well.. those comps fall right into that category.
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