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The Case for Lamar Jackson

Go Terps : 1/4/2018 7:45 pm
I feel like I've asked this question in one way or another 20 times the past few weeks: why isn't BBI more actively advocating for (or at least considering) Jackson for our selection? The two primary concerns seem to be his passing ability and his durability. Well let's take a look at his college career and those two issues compared to some of the other guys in consideration.


Jackson: 619 comp., 1086 att., 57% comp., 9043 yds., 8.3 Y/A, 69-27
Darnold: 549 comp., 846 att., 64.9% comp., 7229 yds., 8.5 Y/A, 57-22
Rosen: 711 comp., 1169 att., 60.8% comp., 9301 yds., 8.0 Y/A, 59-26
Allen: 365 comp., 649 att., 56.2% comp., 5066 yds., 7.8 Y/A, 44-21

Where is the big spread here? The narrative has been that Darnold and Rosen are elite passing prospects while Jackson is a runner that will struggle with NFL defenses. I don't see that in the numbers. And I'd add that Jackson enjoyed similar success as a passer while fulfilling a role as a primary runner - which I would think speaks to his ability to function as a passer while taking a physical pounding. Speaking of his role as a runner...


Jackson: 655 carries, 4132 yards, 6.3 Y/A, 50 TD
Barkley: 671 carries, 3843 yards, 5.7 Y/A, 43 TD

Jackson actually outperformed Barkley as a rusher over the course of their college careers - including outrushing him in their sophomore and junior years. Think about that...Barkley is being touted as the next great running back, and Jackson actually has better numbers as a rusher while functioning as his team's passer. I won't post the other QB's rushing stats because other than Allen's sophomore year (142 carries, 523 yards, 3.7 Y/A, 7 TDs) they aren't worth mentioning in comparison.


Games played/games missed to injury:

Jackson - 38/0
Darnold - 27/0
Rosen - 30/8
Allen - 27/2

If durability is the worry, Jackson played more games than the other guys and missed none while pulling double duty and actually outrushing the best running back prospect on the board. If passing ability is the issue, his passing production stands up to the other guys. The running ability is no contest.

So what am I missing here?
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Lefty : 1/4/2018 7:47 pm : link
you posted his college stats as some how a piece of evidence of support, you lost me.

Its a fundamental misunderstanding of both sports statistics and extrapolation.

Again, draft Barkley at 2..  
Sean : 1/4/2018 7:47 pm : link
trade back into the first and take Jackson.
You may not be missing anything.  
81_Great_Dane : 1/4/2018 7:47 pm : link
Jackson is a possibility for any team needing a QB. But I think he'll need to make the adjustment to staying in the pocket rather than running. In the NFL, if he runs the way he has in college, his body won't hold up. He'll have a short career the way RBs have a short career.
I know the game has changed  
BestFeature : 1/4/2018 7:48 pm : link
But I'd much prefer a Russell Wilson type mobile QB than a Michael Vick type mobile QB.
In terms of Jacksons value compared to the other passers,  
Brown Recluse : 1/4/2018 7:48 pm : link
you arent missing anything. Hes right there as far as I’m concerned. I wouldnt pick any of these QB’s at #2, but if they traded down and were able to draft him later in the round I’d be ecstatic.
GFAN52 : 1/4/2018 7:49 pm : link
A running QB's playing career is too much of a risk.
Never draft stats  
sharpshooter66 : 1/4/2018 7:50 pm : link
Rule number one
arcarsenal : 1/4/2018 7:51 pm : link
You don't have to convince me.

Despite us disagreeing on virtually everything else, we're in lockstep on Lamar Jackson.

I think he has the ability to be an absolutely lethal player and have been beating that drum for quite a while now.
Most people who arent as high on Jackson  
bLiTz 2k : 1/4/2018 7:52 pm : link
as the other QBs actually watched a game or two and just dont know by the numbers...

That being said, his playmaking ability is off the charts...him being another RGIII is what scares the hell out of me. Running is in his DNA and its a huge fundamental shift to the NFL.
Go Terps  
Bill2 : 1/4/2018 7:53 pm : link
No other QB I can think of also had major disruption/mismatch players in OBJ and Engram at the same time.

The strain of covering/watching all three while staying in ones pass rushing lanes would be difficult on a defense.

A year while ELi plays longer and the OL jells would be a significant learning period

So given promising upside:

Can he pass the same going left as right?

Once he begins to run does he throw first if its available or once he pulls the ball down does he always run?

Does he do well when he is under center?

Those are all habits that are hard to break.
arcarsenal : 1/4/2018 7:54 pm : link
This narrative that Jackson bails after one read and takes off running also needs to stop, guys.

He took off running so often because his line can't block and he was pressured early and often on many of his dropbacks.

Many of his WR's were injured or sucked. The starting RB this year was a converted QB.

The talent around him stunk.

Jackson can, and will stand in the pocket to throw the ball downfield if you protect him.

His toughness is also underrated. I'd like to see him add a little bit to his frame to withstand some hits, but he's a very tough kid.
on the spectrum of QB mobility, where is Lamar's game?  
markky : 1/4/2018 7:54 pm : link
Eli (of today) - statue

Brady - slow runner, but doesn't matter since he can move and slide within the pocket

Wilson - runs, but protects his body

Vick - sacrifices his body, runs too often

give me #2 or #3. not a big fan of RPO either, don't want to see the QB getting smacked around.
You’re a year late Terps  
Chris684 : 1/4/2018 7:54 pm : link
Deshaun Watson was the guy who won me over last year. I was ready to take him if he fell to us.

His performances against the Alabama defense and his leadership qualities had me sold.


All...running...NFL QBs...get....hurt
Running is in his DNA?  
Go Terps : 1/4/2018 7:55 pm : link
That's not what I saw with him. I saw a bunch of planned runs...he was the de facto running back. I didn't see anything that was all that different from what Carolina is doing with Newton.
I posted a similar thread a few weeks ago  
armstead98 : 1/4/2018 7:57 pm : link
His passing stats this year are better than Rosen and Darnold in some regards.

He's going to be lethal if he finds the right coach.
Bill2 : 1/4/2018 7:57 pm : link
Meant that no other running QB I know of ( other than Steve Young ) had as many other major mismatches as Jackson would have with the Giants
I think Jackson  
mattyblue : 1/4/2018 7:58 pm : link
is very underrated.
Go Terps : 1/4/2018 7:58 pm : link
I think he could start for the Giants next year and we could have a top 5 offense.

This is not a guy that just pulls the ball down and runs at the sight of trouble:

RE: on the spectrum of QB mobility, where is Lamar's game?  
arcarsenal : 1/4/2018 7:59 pm : link
In comment 13772421 markky said:
Eli (of today) - statue

Brady - slow runner, but doesn't matter since he can move and slide within the pocket

Wilson - runs, but protects his body

Vick - sacrifices his body, runs too often

give me #2 or #3. not a big fan of RPO either, don't want to see the QB getting smacked around.

Jackson wants to stay in the pocket and pass. He's not looking to run all the time like Griffin or Vick were - but when he does take off, he's absolutely electric.

So, you want to use that part of his game without exposing him to unnecessary risk.

Good coaches will know how to get the most out of Jackson.

This is a better prospect than RG3. I am very confident in that. A much better prospect.
Torrag : 1/4/2018 8:00 pm : link
I want a QB that is looking to throw the ball, even when he is on the move, until the last possible moment. Steve Young and Russell Wilson are the perfect examples. Jackson is a very athletic RB playing QB.
RE: Most people who arent as high on Jackson  
cokeduplt : 1/4/2018 8:00 pm : link
In comment 13772413 bLiTz 2k said:
as the other QBs actually watched a game or two and just dont know by the numbers...

That being said, his playmaking ability is off the charts...him being another RGIII is what scares the hell out of me. Running is in his DNA and its a huge fundamental shift to the NFL.

I’ve watch a lot of Louisville games the last two years and Lamar is a tremendously exciting player. I think he’s basically Michael Vick and the giants could do worse. Is he my first choice, no but I would be happy with him in blue.
Danny Kanell : 1/4/2018 8:01 pm : link
Running QBs just never last in the NFL. It literally never happens. They don’t survive. He may be one of the best to come out in years and that still wouldn’t make me want to draft him. Russell Wilson is a major outlier and even he is a throw first player. I’m sure Jackson is very good. I don’t think there’s any doubt about it but we have an opportunity to draft a franchise QB and I’d much prefer to draft one who has a much better chance at giving us 10+ years over one who will create some serious mismatches early in his career but may take too many hits and not be available 5 years from now.
AcidTest : 1/4/2018 8:01 pm : link
wouldn't take him at #2 obviously, but would consider him in the mid teens. He's an electrifying player. I still think he's more of a thrower than a passer, but agree his OL and surrounding talent were limited. He was under a lot of pressure on most plays. Opposing defenses were completely geared to stop him. In any event, a trade down from #2 into the mid teens would net extra draft picks that would provide a cushion if he fails.
RE: Pass  
cokeduplt : 1/4/2018 8:03 pm : link
In comment 13772438 Torrag said:
I want a QB that is looking to throw the ball, even when he is on the move, until the last possible moment. Steve Young and Russell Wilson are the perfect examples. Jackson is a very athletic RB playing QB.

No he’s not. He has a cannon for an arm. He will be a QB in the NFL. He and Josh Allen are going to blow up after the combine.
Jackson would be amazing  
mrvax : 1/4/2018 8:04 pm : link
if he didn't become RG4. Learn sliding. Few if any, designed run plays. Just being a threat to run is good enough if he does it occasionally.
Jackson has accuracy issues  
B in ALB : 1/4/2018 8:04 pm : link
that will not translate well at the NFL level. That's my main gripe with him. He's not particularly good or confident in the pocket. He doesn't take big hits and has proven to be extremely durable. But the accuracy both in and out of the pocket might be too much for the Giants to overlook.

At this point, a trade down, get picks and/or players, scoop up Jackson, wouldn't make me upset.

It would certainly increase the entertainment value of this team because he is a ton of fun to watch. Him, Beckham, Engram are three absolutely LETHAL offensive weapons.
RE: Pass  
arcarsenal : 1/4/2018 8:06 pm : link
In comment 13772438 Torrag said:
I want a QB that is looking to throw the ball, even when he is on the move, until the last possible moment. Steve Young and Russell Wilson are the perfect examples. Jackson is a very athletic RB playing QB.

Jackson IS looking to throw the ball.

The runs were either by design or because his line was awful and couldnt hold protections which forced him to bail.

Put a good OL in front of him where he won't get killed and he'll make big time plays.
RE: I know the game has changed  
ajr2456 : 1/4/2018 8:06 pm : link
In comment 13772399 BestFeature said:
But I'd much prefer a Russell Wilson type mobile QB than a Michael Vick type mobile QB.

He's closer to Wilson than Vick. He runs because he has to
'No he’s not'...  
Torrag : 1/4/2018 8:06 pm : link
Yes he is. Arm strength doesn't make a's everything else around it that matters.
Danny I agree completely  
Chris684 : 1/4/2018 8:08 pm : link
Jackson has talent. I just don’t want a QB who runs around a lot.

Even guys who pass first but run/extend plays consistently get hurt. Rodgers, Ben, Romo

Now look at your pure pocket passers.
Peyton, Eli, Brees, Rivers, Ryan, Brady. These are the guys with the consecutive starts streaks and playing into their 40s.

There are exceptions to every rule but all things equal give me the pocket passer all day.
You generally can't learn to be more accurate  
widmerseyebrow : 1/4/2018 8:09 pm : link
And 57% completions in that offense is not good enough.

How many games did Bob Griffin miss due not injury in college? How many running quarterbacks have to be ground up in the NFL before we understand its not sustainable?
Another big bust in the making.  
Red Dog : 1/4/2018 8:10 pm : link
RE: Jackson has accuracy issues  
AcidTest : 1/4/2018 8:12 pm : link
In comment 13772453 B in ALB said:
that will not translate well at the NFL level. That's my main gripe with him. He's not particularly good or confident in the pocket. He doesn't take big hits and has proven to be extremely durable. But the accuracy both in and out of the pocket might be too much for the Giants to overlook.

At this point, a trade down, get picks and/or players, scoop up Jackson, wouldn't make me upset.

It would certainly increase the entertainment value of this team because he is a ton of fun to watch. Him, Beckham, Engram are three absolutely LETHAL offensive weapons.

The accuracy issues are his big criticism. He also needs to add muscle, but I assume that's less of a concern since he'll be in an NFL weight training and nutrition program.

If the Giants trade out of #2, I don't think they'll take Jackson when they pick in the first round.
By the way  
Danny Kanell : 1/4/2018 8:13 pm : link
Looking at those stats just further enhances my hope that we get Sam Darnold.
RE: You generally can't learn to be more accurate  
arcarsenal : 1/4/2018 8:13 pm : link
In comment 13772465 widmerseyebrow said:
And 57% completions in that offense is not good enough.

How many games did Bob Griffin miss due not injury in college? How many running quarterbacks have to be ground up in the NFL before we understand its not sustainable?

He was at 60% this year - his completion% rose in succession each of the 3 years he played @ LOU
While I doubt he'd be there  
Sonic Youth : 1/4/2018 8:17 pm : link
I'd love it if the Giants snagged him at the top of rd 2 if they didn't go QB rd 1 and he somehow fell.

You figure he'd be the 5th QB off the board. 5th qbs don't fall to the top of rd 2 often, but if he does, I'd be ecstatic.

I cant see the logic  
sharpshooter66 : 1/4/2018 8:19 pm : link
Of taking another project QB we already have one.
RE: Once  
UConn4523 : 1/4/2018 8:19 pm : link
In comment 13772395 Lefty said:
you posted his college stats as some how a piece of evidence of support, you lost me.

Its a fundamental misunderstanding of both sports statistics and extrapolation.

That was my reaction. It’s weird because GT would probably point out the same thing if a thread was started using college stats about a player he didn’t like.

As for the OP, if we pulled off abbig trade down than I’d be fine rolling the dice on Jackson later in the 1st. But I can’t see taking him at 2 and if I was going to obscure route I’d rather have Mayfield.
Go Terps : 1/4/2018 8:21 pm : link
Here's a video comparing Jackson and Allen and their poise in the pocket. This guy (I don't know how credible he is but he has a website and he puts some work into these breakdowns) makes the case the Jackson is poised and calm in the pocket where Allen is frenetic.
Link - ( New Window )
No thanks  
WillVAB : 1/4/2018 8:24 pm : link
Won one bowl game in 3 years. Didn’t win a big game his entire career.

I question his ability to stay healthy at the NFL level with his style and build.

Good deep ball but not an accurate passer.

Doesn’t seem like the sharpest tool in the shed.

With a lot of colleges employing QBs like Jackson someone like him or better should be available every draft.
I like him  
Bavaro_the_Mafioso : 1/4/2018 8:27 pm : link
Can anyone speak to this QB classes football acumen? IQs?
Bill2 : 1/4/2018 8:31 pm : link
Is there evidence behind the idea that he is "not the sharpest tool in the shed" ?

I do agree that ( as we can see with Eli) accuracy and touch on mid and short passes is a necessity in the NFL
On this we agree, Terps.  
GiantFilthy : 1/4/2018 8:32 pm : link
I'd love for the Giants to have the balls to take him.
212 pounds  
BlueHurricane : 1/4/2018 8:41 pm : link
Injury waiting to happen. No thank you.
RE: .  
arcarsenal : 1/4/2018 8:41 pm : link
In comment 13772510 Bill2 said:
Is there evidence behind the idea that he is "not the sharpest tool in the shed" ?

I do agree that ( as we can see with Eli) accuracy and touch on mid and short passes is a necessity in the NFL

I was wondering the same thing.
RE: .  
yankeeslover : 1/4/2018 8:45 pm : link
In comment 13772412 arcarsenal said:
You don't have to convince me.

Despite us disagreeing on virtually everything else, we're in lockstep on Lamar Jackson.

I think he has the ability to be an absolutely lethal player and have been beating that drum for quite a while now.

This, I fell in love with his skills when I saw him single handily demolish Syracuse in 2016
I don't know anything  
mikeygiants : 1/4/2018 8:53 pm : link
and I don't watch a great deal of college ball, but I went to the game at Syracuse last year not knowing much about him. He was a specimen to watch, a man among boys.
Here he is  
santacruzom : 1/4/2018 8:53 pm : link
as a 19 year-old being affable and humble in a nationally broadcast interview.

He comes off at least as well as most of us would have in that situation.
Dan Patrick Show - ( New Window )
I would love Lamar Jackson in Blue  
DennyInDenville : 1/4/2018 8:59 pm : link
Only thing is he needs to learn how to slide more often then not otherwise he's the next rg3

He sits nicely in the pocket however from what I've seen, just stands back there tall and poised ..

His speed in the open field is incredible but he should slide all the time or else he's toast in the NFL

He's def a top 3 QB this year imo. Darnold , Allen and Jackson
I’ve read he’s going to be asked at the Combine  
The_Boss : 1/4/2018 9:00 pm : link
About his thoughts about trying out as a WR. That’s all you need to know about how some of the league thinks of his passing acumen. Major F’ing pass on this guy.
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