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NFT: What kind of drinker are you?

BigBlueDownTheShore : 7/2/2018 1:49 pm
Are the I get home from work and have a few beers at night kind of person.

The occasional drinker ie. drinks at a party, or out to dinner etc., but not really interested in drinking every day type.

If you fall into another catagory, go ahead and feel free to put it in.

Me personally I am an occasional social drinker. I can go weeks without having a sip. I had a friend that stayed at my place in May and brought beer that we didn't finish and I just threw it out yesterday since it skunked in the cooler it was in.
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FatMan in Charlotte : 7/9/2018 11:40 am : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11:39 am : link : reply
The way this thread is going, I'm going to need a 6 pack tonight.

I wonder if you have to drink that in a social setting to fulfill the genetic need for alcohol??
RE: ...  
j_rud : 7/9/2018 11:40 am : link
In comment 14008916 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
The way this thread is going, I'm going to need a 6 pack tonight.

You would need that regardless. You're a slave to the double helix my friend...
RE: ...  
UConn4523 : 7/9/2018 11:41 am : link
In comment 14008916 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
The way this thread is going, I'm going to need a 6 pack tonight.

It really is nuts. I’m open to anyone’s views on any topic but once you make bold accusations or state something as fact that clearly isn’t, I’m going to call you out on it.
RE: Some of you just don't listen. What else is new?  
Mr. Bungle : 7/9/2018 12:08 pm : link
In comment 14008894 Aqua Giants said:
Then these will be the same people yelling on Facebook about how addiction is a disease and all that shit.

Sobriety is the only way to go through life.

What was/is your previous/other BBI handle?
FatMan in Charlotte : 7/9/2018 12:17 pm : link
a Simo
He's had...  
FatMan in Charlotte : 7/9/2018 12:18 pm : link
countless other handles
RE: RE: Some of you just don't listen. What else is new?  
giants#1 : 7/9/2018 12:21 pm : link
In comment 14008943 Mr. Bungle said:
In comment 14008894 Aqua Giants said:


Then these will be the same people yelling on Facebook about how addiction is a disease and all that shit.

Sobriety is the only way to go through life.

What was/is your previous/other BBI handle?

FMiC posited he's another simo dupe.
I guess I should've refreshed the thread  
giants#1 : 7/9/2018 12:22 pm : link
This took a weird, weird turn.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 7/9/2018 1:41 pm : link
It started out as a frivolous thread & has devolved into 'Sobriety is the only way to go through life', which reeks of something someone who had problems with substance abuse would now say.

Also, I never thought we'd be debating our genetic code when this thread started.

Well done BBI. Well done.
First, read the link I provided ... it's really quite interesting  
baadbill : 7/9/2018 1:53 pm : link
Alcohol usage dates back at least 9,000 years... consistently since then... and something that consistent wasn't cave men just deciding to get a buzz

But one thing I want to make clear ... I still drink occasionally and I have nothing against alcohol consumption... and I consumed alcohol the majority of my adult life... but I also struggle with some social anxiety (speech making; yet zero problem "performing" in front of crowds whether that be sports or jury trials)... and I am socially awkward in certain settings... as a result I have been interested in the study of human social interactions... I've come to learn that humans have a fairly high level of anxiety in certain social settings and it's interesting to read that article I cited that suggests alcohol was likely used by our ancestors (and humans today) to lessen anxiety in social settings

I go to the local bar and shoot pool with my wife once a month and usually consume 3-5 beers... I just find it interesting why the homo sapiens species found itself relying upon artificial mind altering substances more than any other species ... and it certainly was never pre-ordained that we would need mind altering substances... nor that such substances would even impact our brains (nor that we would find it fun - as we all do) ... we developed this way for a reason ... I'm just one who likes to try to understand these things ... it doesn't cause me to drink any more or less ... but I do like to try to understand my behaviors from the context of what is in our genetic history (and if homo sapiens has acted in a certain way for 9,000 years, I'd call that genetic... if you have a different word for it, I'd love to hear it)
FatMan in Charlotte : 7/9/2018 2:15 pm : link
now you're playing the role of anthropologist??

I just find it interesting why the homo sapiens species found itself relying upon artificial mind altering substances more than any other species

Umm, since homo sapiens can actually create substances, that's why they use them more than other species - it isn't that difficult of a concept.

Animals have partaken in mind-altering plants and fermented things, but they are reliant on nature to produce it for them.

You also keep saying a variation of this:
Alcohol usage dates back at least 9,000 years... consistently since then... and something that consistent wasn't cave men just deciding to get a buzz

Dancing, music, chanting/singing also dates back that long. And it wasn't done just to gyrate, I'm assuming, so does that make those activities also inherent to genetics?

Dude, you are trying to posit that you understand genetics, when with each successive post it is clear you don't.

What's the point?
arcarsenal : 7/9/2018 2:17 pm : link
You could probably consider caffeine "mind-altering" too, technically - a lot of people have at least one cup of coffee each day because they feel like they need it to be alert and take care of their daily tasks. Do you think people have genetic predispositions to coffee?

I think you're looking too hard for a answer that's very simple and on the surface.
Tea dates..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 7/9/2018 2:27 pm : link
back to at least 2367 BC.

Genetic, for sure
So the guy whose family has allegations against it  
bhill410 : 7/9/2018 7:49 pm : link
Of pretty gross fraud is telling people to be sober? Thats ironic
Looked some more briefly this morning ... turns out there is  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 9:48 am : link
a book ("The Drunken Monkey") written by a professor of biology at the University of California, Berkeley that explains the evolutionary/genetic basis for human's current widespread consumption of alcohol.

Link - ( New Window )
I'll read the book and report back to you all ... since I know  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 9:49 am : link
you are so fascinated to understand why humans, as a species, are so reliant upon alcohol consumption /s
UConn4523 : 7/10/2018 9:53 am : link
And yet another author:  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 9:58 am : link

Mixing booze and food is such a good survival strategy that the only monkeys who fucked enough to pass on their genes were the ones who drank. And yes, there's hard scientific evidence to support that claim.

Absolutely genetics.

I'm not going to read two books... I do have a life (although nobody here would ever know it)... I'm just not sure which of the two books to read... I'll be sure to keep you all up to date /s
RE: And yet another author:  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 9:59 am : link
oops .... linky
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FatMan in Charlotte : 7/10/2018 10:06 am : link
that comment - "Absolutely genetics".

Your grasp of science really isn't a strong suit.

But I give you props - you keep trying.

Maybe genetic too?
I like pizza as much as I like  
UConn4523 : 7/10/2018 10:11 am : link
a good beer. Definitely genetics.
alcohol consumption was a genetic adaption 10 million years ago  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 10:11 am : link
And actually, humans ability to digest the ethanol (alcohol) in rotting fruit was due to a GENETIC adaption (evolutionary adaptation) from 10 million years ago.

This makes sense because our arboreal ancestors 40 million years ago were eating leaves (and fruits). So being able to metabolise the chemicals in leaves would have been a really big advantage," says Carrigan. The exposure to ethanol would have been minimal for these ancestors as they had access to unfermented fruits, he adds.

Millions of years later, when ADH4 encountered ethanol in high concentrations in fermenting fruit, it adapted to digesting it really well. "It went from an enzyme that metabolised ethanol incredibly slow to one that metabolized ethanol 40-fold more efficiently," says Carrigan. This was due to a single tweak in the enzyme. This change in ADH4 that occurred 10 million years ago enabled the last common ancestor of humans, chimpanzees and gorillas to break down ethanol.

Ethanol (alcohol) is toxic to most animals except those that have the genetic ADH4 adaptation enabling them to process ethanol and thus enabling them to consume rotting fruit. Science has established that our predecessors obtained that genetic adaptation 10 million years ago.


Natural selection would favour this special ability because it allows these animals to access calories that would normally be toxic to other animals. Those organisms would avoid alcohol because it can impair judgement and is a chemical toxin," says Gochman

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psychological factors ...  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 10:24 am : link
The article completely ignores the evolutionary reasons behind our genetic predisposition to be drawn by the taste and smell of alchohol.

The goal of using drugs is formed in the same way as any other goal. It is determined largely by, first, the value that the person places on drugs and, second, the person’s expected chances of being able to get the desired benefits from their use. This view can be applied to explain the reasons why people decide to drink. The decision to drink alcohol will depend on the value that the person attributes to drinking alcohol (i.e., to elevate positive mood, alleviate negative mood and anxiety, or increase confidence) and the person’s expectation that these outcomes will actually happen.

I've not yet seen any expl not as interested in the involved in consuming alcohol, but for those that are

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FatMan in Charlotte : 7/10/2018 10:28 am : link
now you're confusing genetic mutations with having a genetic need.

Humans have had thousands of genetic adaptations to survive.

You're really obsessed with trying to say that humans have a genetic disposition to alcohol, even though there are numerous examples of social gatherings where alcohol isn't present, there are societies who don't use alcohol and that addiction to alcohol is still a fairly low percentage.

You'd think based on the discussion that alcohol is necessary for people to socially function much like breathing is essential to life.

You can quote authors, but science isn't on your side, even if you keep thinking it is.
So, when our predeccsors lived in trees, they tended to consume  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 10:34 am : link
rotting fruit on the ground which contained lots of calories. But the rotting fruit was naturally fermenting, producing ethanol which is toxic. Our predecessors evolved a liver that can deal with toxins (process them quickly to get them out of our body). This adaptation occurred 10 million years ago - and gave us a leg up in survival since we could digest rotting fruits that remained toxic to the majority of other animals.

Humans evolved while eating and drinking a lot of toxins in our food, so to adapt to this we evolved a liver that can deal with toxins.

And on and on the science goes  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 10:39 am : link
Humans Are Hard-Wired To Drink...

There are endless arguments for why people drink, the simplest being that alcohol is tasty and it makes us feel good.

But those reasons do not address the ultimate explanation for why our brains evolved to like alcohol in the first place...

Our bodies have preserved the biological urge to drink from when alcohol sources were few and far between, even though we live in an age where the supply is unlimited.

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We also..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 7/10/2018 10:40 am : link
developed immunity to diseases.

Confusion with what is genetic disposition is rampant here.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 7/10/2018 10:43 am : link
This thread is going to make me go on a bender.
Whoa ... this is new ... Humans ‘evolving gene’ that may stop us drink  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 10:46 am : link

Researchers believe people have begun evolving so they find it so unpleasant it could stop our species from drinking in the future

An ongoing change in the ADH4 gene - the 10 million year old gene that changed our liver to process alcohol more quickly, is apparently continuing to evolve such that it now appears to be making alcohol consumption unpleasant to more and more people.

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Your DESIRE to consume alchohol is genetic  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 10:47 am : link
Your desire to consume alcohol, as well as your body’s ability to break down the ethanol that makes you tipsy, dates back about 10 million years, researchers have discovered. The new finding not only helps shed light on the behavior of our primate ancestors, but also might explain why alcoholism—or even the craving for a single drink—exists in the first place.

“The fact that they could put together all this evolutionary history was really fascinating,” says Brenda Benefit, an anthropologist at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, who was not involved in the study.

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The change in direction here..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 7/10/2018 10:49 am : link
is staggering.

Here's what you said above:
I've come to learn that humans have a fairly high level of anxiety in certain social settings and it's interesting to read that article I cited that suggests alcohol was likely used by our ancestors (and humans today) to lessen anxiety in social settings

Everything you've posted since indicates alcohol is used for survival of the species, with repeated citings of articles talking about genetic evolution.

So now we've evolved to help us adapt socially??

LOL. I'm done now.
Fatman says  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 11:01 am : link
obsessed with trying to say that humans have a genetic disposition to alcohol

And within 30 minutes I easily show that, yes, there is a genetic disposition to alcohol. Fatman, like so many people, are very good at moving the goal posts when he is shown to be wrong. But that's his gig on BBI. Entertaining. He often makes me laugh.
in all fairness  
UConn4523 : 7/10/2018 11:25 am : link
you are doing the exact same thing you are accusing Fatman of, moving goal posts. You started by making a sweeping accusation that adults need alcohol to socialize and that its disturbing. Then it changed to genetic predisposition. Now its evolution. You also called alcohol a stimulant and kept doing so even after corrected.

I'm not longer interested in arguing with you, but you are 100% twisting this thread every possible way to avoid admitting that you really don't know what you are talking about.
Literally everything that composes who we are as a species  
bhill410 : 7/10/2018 12:30 pm : link
Was the result of generic mutations over the years. That is an entirely different discussion than your hypothesis that humans are predisposed to drink. In fact the are pretty brazenly different things. Capacity v need. I am not sure of your point but this seems like a semi messy introduction to an entire branch of evolutionary science that you are trying to shoehorn into a neurological argument.
I'm ready for a drink too...  
baadbill : 7/10/2018 12:36 pm : link
What I said was:

I have come to realize that most social gatherings - esp with couples - involve the presence of alcohol. What does it say about humans that we aren’t really very capable of interacting with each other without stimulants?

And I subsequently googled the question ... and learned there is indeed an evolutionary genetic basis that drives our desire to drink. One that started as a survival method (enabling our predecessors to consume rotting fruit and quickly process the ethanol that was toxic to other species) - and the articles say the buzz from consuming ethanol (the toxic byproduct) itself became useful in reducing anxieties and encouraging social interaction.
x meadowlander : 7/10/2018 12:48 pm : link
Alcohol most certainly IS a stimulant  
baadbill : 7/11/2018 9:56 am : link
It is both a stimulant and a depressant according to the US Government medical site (see link).


Alcohol produces both stimulant and sedating effects in humans. These two seemingly opposite effects are central to the understanding of much of the literature on alcohol use and misuse...

Increased heart rate and aggression seem strongly associated with stimulation ... There is good agreement that alcohol's ability to induce striatal dopamine release is the mechanism underlying alcohol's stimulatory effects;

There are many articles under the Google search that discuss alcohol's effects as a stimulant (at the same type it has depressant affects, especially as the night wears on, making us sleepy)
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