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Thursday Media Transcript: WR Sterling Shepard

Eric from BBI : Admin : 2:11 pm
Wide Receiver Sterling Shepard
July 26, 2018
Q: Sterling you and Evan [Engram] were sort of the last skill position guys last year in terms of so many guys that went down with injury, how does it feel having Odell [Beckham Jr.] back and Saquon [Barkley], and some other guys that can produce?
A:  I think it’ll help us a lot.  You saw how when those guys went down how it affected the team and we’re just happy to have them back.  They’re out there running around and having a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to seeing those guys make big plays.
Q:  What did you get out of the workouts with all the guys out in California?
A:  It’s just trying to build the team camaraderie a little bit, I mean, we were all offensive guys pretty much. We had like two DBs out there, DD [Donte Deayon] and Eli [Apple], but other than that it was all offensive guys so we were just in the playbook constantly and just trying to build that connection.
Q:  Eli Manning said he was concerned about the guys in California acclimating to having to practice with shirts on.
A: I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, Eli was blowing that up a bit [joking].
Q:  Eli [Manning] said yesterday that he thought it was valuable with Odell [Beckham Jr.] being out that guys like you could get some run on the outside during the spring.  For a guy that’s primarily a slot guy, how helpful was it to get some, you know, some outside reps?
A:  Yeah, I mean like I’ve said before this offense you’re going to move around a lot, it’s a lot of moving pieces so you have to know how to play the outside and the inside.  So yeah, it was good for me and that was kind of my main focus going into the offseason, while I was training was getting some of the outside done so it was good having some guys like Odell with me and we had a couple other outside receivers out there too.
Q:  Sterling, what is the biggest difference in this offense compared to what you’ve been used to here?
A:  I’d say the moving parts.  You know in the other offense you’re kind of stuck in one spot if you’re not the F, but in this offense you can be outside, inside, you really don’t know and then we have a lot of personnel changes as well.
Q:  So what was that experience for you when you were the one healthy receiver last year?  You know, you were seeing a lot of double teams so how do you think that experience helps you?
A:  It was tough on me, but I think it helped me grow as a leader.  You kind of are thrown into that spotlight of being a leader and the guy with the most experience and I feel like it’s helped me in that way, just growing as a leader and hopefully progress from there.
Q:  How will it be to have Odell out there and other guys? How much easier do you think it’ll make life for you?
A:  I’d say it’ll make it a lot easier. You’ve got a guy like Odell [Beckham Jr.] who’s so explosive and can make a play at any moment and you’ve got to keep your eyes on him, so the defense is going to be focused in on him and that leaves me one on one a lot of times. That’s something you like as a receiver.
Q:  There’s a stat out there that you were one of the best receivers in the NFL last year with catches in traffic, is there a key to that versus, you know, some other kind of catch?
A:  I think that just comes down to having heart and wanting every ball.  That’s something you have to want to do.  Not many guys like catching in traffic, and I guess I don’t mind it.
Q:  Sterling, I don’t know if it sounds silly, but do you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder?  I mean you’ve kind of heard that the last couple of years “he’s a slot guy, he’s a slot guy” I mean coming into this year, what does Sterling Shepard want to prove about your game?
A:  I mean I’ve carried that chip for a long time now.  In college they said I was just a slot receiver and I proved I could play outside.  I feel like I can do the same thing this year, I mean, people are looking at me as mostly a slot guy – which I am – but its “receiver” at the end of the day. You have to know how to get open, no matter where you are on the field, so I’m looking forward to the challenge and we’ll see how it goes.
Q:  Have they talked to you a lot, the team, you know, the coaches, about playing outside compared to playing the slot or…
A:  No, I mean it’s just something you have to know.  With this offense, you have to know how to do that and I got that real quick. I’m going have to be able to play outside, I’m going have to be able to play inside, you never know.
Q:  That forces players to be more versatile, you think it also helps the offense become less predictable?
A:  Of course, I mean if you stay in the same personnel, every time then the defense only has to prepare for that one personnel. If you’ve got guys moving around it definitely is a challenge for the defense and that’s what you see in this offense a lot of moving parts, like I’ve said, and a lot of different personnel.
Q:  You got an opportunity to spend some time with Odell in California, how would you – in your own words – describe what you feel like his approach and mindset will be, or is, coming into today and after the trip that he took? How you think he’ll handle his enthusiasm for being on the field and trying to balance that as well?
A:  I think he’s just really excited to be back on the field, I think his focus is just getting the plays down so he’s able to play fast.  I mean, honestly, when I was watching him he’s just so much more explosive to me and that’s me watching him before he got hurt and after.  So much more explosive, and he’s just hungry and you can just see that in his game and the way that he trains.  He’s always trained super hard, but training with him this last time was a different animal out there.
Q:  Why is that?  Why do you feel like he’s a different animal?
A:  I don’t know, there’s just something in him, he’s just hungry.  He’s ready to get out there and prove to everybody that he still has it and you guys see the Instagram videos, it’s crazy and to see it firsthand, wow.
Q:  Is there anything that you’ve seen that you feel like is different, or in your mind he’s still working on?  Because he still hasn’t done certain things.
A:  I feel like it’s all mental now, the physical part is there, it’s just mental for him, getting the plays down so he’s able to play fast. 
Q:  How excited are you to start this training camp?  We’ve heard about all the weapons that are here now, now you guys get to work, officially.
A:  Yeah, I mean we have a lot of great names out there on the field, but ultimately it comes down to putting in the work and coming out every day and grinding, so that’s what we’re going to do.  We’re going to put our head down and get to work.
And Big Mac spent all that time scheming that piece of shit offense  
mattlawson : 3:05 pm : link
“You know in the other offense you’re kind of stuck in one spot if you’re not the F, but in this offense you can be outside, inside, you really don’t know and then we have a lot of personnel changes as well. “

Perception is the reality.
mic drop  
Mighty : 3:33 pm : link
Q: That forces players to be more versatile, you think it also helps the offense become less predictable?
A: Of course, I mean if you stay in the same personnel, every time then the defense only has to prepare for that one personnel. If you’ve got guys moving around it definitely is a challenge for the defense and that’s what you see in this offense a lot of moving parts, like I’ve said, and a lot of different personnel.
RE: mic drop  
BLUATHRT : 3:56 pm : link
In comment 14022839 Mighty said:
Q: That forces players to be more versatile, you think it also helps the offense become less predictable?
A: Of course, I mean if you stay in the same personnel, every time then the defense only has to prepare for that one personnel. If you’ve got guys moving around it definitely is a challenge for the defense and that’s what you see in this offense a lot of moving parts, like I’ve said, and a lot of different personnel.

Its hard to imagine how anyone is going hire him again-he was so clearly inept.
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