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NFT: Movie Recommendation - 7 year old boys bday party

ImThatGuy : 1/22/2019 9:47 am
My son is having some friends over for his birthday trying to decide what movie to put on. Any additional recommendations?

-Star Wars - it's a classic but it's 2 hours long, not sure some kids can sit through it

-Goonies - probably more for me than the kids

-Mighty Ducks - opening scene is a DUI, maybe I'll just say he was speeding

-Fantastic Mr. Fox - someone else recommended but I've never seen it.

What else ya got?
Fantastic Mr. Fox is  
rebel yell : 1/22/2019 9:56 am : link
a wonderful movie for 7 y/o boys. Wes Anderson is a genius. You'll enjoy it too.

I'm dating myself, but as a kid I always thought "Jason and the Argonauts" was the coolest movie. Not sure how often it gets watched anymore--but it's brilliant.

Also--there's a quirky movie called "Time Bandits" that revolves around a boy. Some of the Monty-Python guys are in it. It's hilarious. If you've never seen it you owe it to yourself to watch it with your son.

My kid will almost never sit through a movie  
ron mexico : 1/22/2019 10:01 am : link
But watched The Meg end to end twice.

Silly Jaws rip off fun.

Link - ( New Window )
There's also "The Princess Bride"  
rebel yell : 1/22/2019 10:02 am : link
with one caveat that Inigo Montoya utters a bad word when he runs his sword through Rugen. You might need to bleep that, or cough really loud at that scene.
I'd ask them.  
robbieballs2003 : 1/22/2019 10:08 am : link
While I like a lot of those movies, the kids may not. And I agree that a lot of kids have trouble sitting through a movie. There are too many stimuli around. Most would rather do something more energetic especially if there are a few of them around.
As far as your suggestions  
robbieballs2003 : 1/22/2019 10:12 am : link
I think Star Wars would be last on the list for 7 year olds.

The Goonies is one of my favorite movies but some inappropriate parts with Mouth talking about drugs and sexual torture devices, the statue's dick and balls, the cursing, the naked pictures of his mother part to get Chunk to get into the house.

I would narrow it down to either the the Mighty Ducks or the Fantastic Mr. Fox. The MD is probably your best bet.
Little Giants  
jcn56 : 1/22/2019 10:14 am : link
the sooner they learn and understand the annexation of Puerto Rico, the better off they'll be.
RE: Fantastic Mr. Fox is  
allstarjim : 1/22/2019 10:16 am : link
In comment 14272648 rebel yell said:
a wonderful movie for 7 y/o boys. Wes Anderson is a genius. You'll enjoy it too.

I'm dating myself, but as a kid I always thought "Jason and the Argonauts" was the coolest movie. Not sure how often it gets watched anymore--but it's brilliant.

Also--there's a quirky movie called "Time Bandits" that revolves around a boy. Some of the Monty-Python guys are in it. It's hilarious. If you've never seen it you owe it to yourself to watch it with your son.

Time Bandits is awesome. And Jason and the Argonauts is also a great call.
Getting kids to watch older movies is a challenge  
jcn56 : 1/22/2019 10:19 am : link
Not sure if it's the pacing, the effects, the resolution - but younger children watching older movies, even when they're classics, can be hit or miss.
Had to add this  
allstarjim : 1/22/2019 10:19 am : link
Because the special effects look so comical now!
Jason and the Argonauts - YouTube trailer - ( New Window )
Another great one  
allstarjim : 1/22/2019 10:27 am : link
Clash of the Titans in 1981...had Burgess Meredith and Lawrence Olivier. Also Harry Hamlin as Perseus.

This scene would creep me out when I was a kid:

Perseus and the Witches

Clash of the Titans 1981 - Youtube Trailer - ( New Window )
GMAN4LIFE : 1/22/2019 10:28 am : link
make them learn life in his eyes
RE: As far as your suggestions  
allstarjim : 1/22/2019 10:33 am : link
In comment 14272684 robbieballs2003 said:
I think Star Wars would be last on the list for 7 year olds.

The Goonies is one of my favorite movies but some inappropriate parts with Mouth talking about drugs and sexual torture devices, the statue's dick and balls, the cursing, the naked pictures of his mother part to get Chunk to get into the house.

I would narrow it down to either the the Mighty Ducks or the Fantastic Mr. Fox. The MD is probably your best bet.

When I was a kid watching the Goonies I never even noticed that stuff, really, or it was quickly forgotten about. But you are probably right. Maybe a movie that should wait for a few more years.
Sandlot is a good flick if they are into baseball  
figgy2989 : 1/22/2019 10:35 am : link
Or the original Mighty Ducks
happy gilmore  
lightemup : 1/22/2019 11:05 am : link
is a good one. I remember being a 7 year old and seeing that at a birthday party when it came out.
I was stunned...  
Chris in Philly : 1/22/2019 11:12 am : link
at some of the stuff in Goonies that I forgot was in there when I showed my kids.

The problem with kids at a party is that you don't know what they will react to. Some of them will be afraid of the stupidest stuff. Some have never seen a movie with a kiss or a "hell".

They'll sit through Star Wars. It's still in their wheelhouse. Fantastic Mr. Fox is very well made, but it's just as hard for them to sit through. It's a little esoteric.

The Lego Movie is a blast. ET would be great (though again, you don't know what they're afraid of). I bet they would like the live action Jungle Book. Or Babe. Or The Iron Giant.
What’s with the list of old movies?  
spike : 1/22/2019 11:13 am : link
Go with something more modern
Chris is on point with The Lego Movie  
Greg from LI : 1/22/2019 11:18 am : link
Lego Batman is another good choice. So are pretty much any of the Pixar movies, or other animated movies like Despicable Me, Zootopia, etc.

My son (now 10) was a Star Wars addict at age 7, but as Chris suggests you're taking a risk with that one because some kids that age might be scared more easily than others.
RE: Sandlot is a good flick if they are into baseball  
UConn4523 : 1/22/2019 11:21 am : link
In comment 14272726 figgy2989 said:
Or the original Mighty Ducks

Good recommendations. If going old school is the goal here, can't go wrong with either. If you want more modern movies, they are probably old enough for atleast the first 2 Harry Potters (3 is when it gets darker (scarier)).
When I was 7, my brother made me watch the Shining  
Anakim : 1/22/2019 11:23 am : link
And look how well I turned out to be!
Army of Darkness  
penkap75 : 1/22/2019 11:41 am : link
Showed it to my 4 and 6 year old boys, and they loved it.
Chris in Philly : 1/22/2019 11:43 am : link
I would say don't show Army of Darkness to all of your kid's 7 year old friends unless you want to get 57 calls from angry mothers...
Whatever happened to a good ol' fashioned porno?  
Anakim : 1/22/2019 11:49 am : link
Shit, I must've been his age when I started watching Skin-o-Max
+1 for Iron Giant and a lot of them probably haven't seen it  
oghwga : 1/22/2019 12:10 pm : link
I made my boys watch Time Bandits when they were young, they are still pissed about it, I would pass on that one.
Are they football / sports fans, how about  
PatersonPlank : 1/22/2019 12:18 pm : link
Remember the Titans?
The Sandlot?
Rookie of the Year?
RE: Army of Darkness  
weeg in the bronx : 1/22/2019 1:06 pm : link
In comment 14272822 penkap75 said:
Showed it to my 4 and 6 year old boys, and they loved it.

Uncle Buck  
Jim in Fairfax : 1/22/2019 1:56 pm : link
How about Little Giants  
Dave in PA : 1/22/2019 2:40 pm : link
I loved that movie as a kid
Why don’t you ask him ?  
Ron from Ninerland : 1/22/2019 2:45 pm : link
He’s in the 2nd grade. Right? He’s probably old enough to have formed opinions on what he and his friends like.
skifaster : 1/22/2019 9:25 pm : link
Any of the Madagascar movies
skifaster : 1/22/2019 9:29 pm : link
Despicable Me
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