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Who would you rather go fishing with: Eli or Belichick?

Motley Two : 2/27/2019 1:50 pm
And if you don't fish, well then you're not invited.

Just a quick survey.
Please explain your choice. Thanks.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 2/27/2019 1:52 pm : link
To get a PhD in football.
Good question  
Thegratefulhead : 2/27/2019 1:54 pm : link
BB because his stories would be better and he would have more.
both seem a bit "dry" on the surface  
I Love Clams Casino : 2/27/2019 1:59 pm : link
but I heard Eli's a hoot when the media is not around, so I'd take Eli...

Plus Bill would want to talk Patriots too, and I don't give a shit
I realize the longer-term Giants stuff  
Beezer : 2/27/2019 2:01 pm : link
might come from Bill, but Eli seems more likable. Plus, I'd bring my son along, and we'd love every story Eli had from behind the scenes over his career.
10thAve : 2/27/2019 2:03 pm : link
He’d be sneakily good at fishing and quite funny. He’d also pull in the pool-winning fish on his last cast of the day.

Belichick would need to bring Ernie Adams along with him.
pjcas18 : 2/27/2019 2:05 pm : link
he knows how to navigate the New England waters. Though he needs to rename his boat again. It was V rings first time I saw it, then VI rings a couple years ago. I suspect it becomes VIII rings soon.

Gregorio : 2/27/2019 2:06 pm : link
Because Belichick will likely pull up his hoodie and start murmuring;

‘Damnit do your job’
‘Don’t put that fish photo on Instaface’
Bill probably wouldn't talk the whole fishing trip  
rasbutant : 2/27/2019 2:08 pm : link
so Eli.

Plus, I'd probably say something stupid and get the Belichick glare.
Emlen'sGremlins : 2/27/2019 2:14 pm : link
....because he's on Cape Cod and as we're navigating around North Atlantic Mr. Whites I could play Super XLII and XLVI highlights for him on my phone while singing "Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...."
If you have ever seen BB's "A Football Life"  
jlukes : 2/27/2019 2:16 pm : link
BB would be your answer. BB is a great dude and the whole schtick during the season is an act. BB loves being on the water and loves telling stories.
I would choose BB every day and all day...  
EricJ : 2/27/2019 2:18 pm : link
and that is not a knock on Eli.

First.. BB loves to fish so I am not going to have to teach him what to do.

Next, I would have so many questions for BB about the old days and he can share stories from back then.

What would I ask Eli? Do you hate Tiki and Shockey?
ZogZerg : 2/27/2019 2:29 pm : link
The stories must have....
Carl in CT : 2/27/2019 2:34 pm : link
For me
Diver_Down : 2/27/2019 2:37 pm : link
Fishing sucks.
bc4life : 2/27/2019 2:49 pm : link
Bellichick would be cutting up worms and using the parts to draw up plays. he might not even talk to you.
jcn56 : 2/27/2019 2:50 pm : link
I'd love to see the kinds of dirty tricks Ernie Adams could pull off offshore and out of in-state waters.
bc4life : 2/27/2019 2:52 pm : link
He'd sit a bucket of worms on his lap and tell you to grab the one you want. and hint that the best bait worms were at the bottom of the bucket.

And of course, there's a hole in the bottom of the bucket
Don in DC : 2/27/2019 3:26 pm : link
First, because I love him. Second, because he's a funny, cool guy. And lastly, because Little Bill is certainly a football genius, but never has struck me as a fun guy to be around. At all.
If football talk wasn't allowed  
steve in ky : 2/27/2019 3:48 pm : link
then Eli, because I'm assuming he would be a lot more fun to hang out with for a day. If we are going to talk football than BB walking away because he would have countless more stories and insights about a truly great Giants era.
BigBlue in Keys : 2/27/2019 4:20 pm : link
He'd be more goofy, talkative and fun. Plus he's got the little kids which are always funny to fish with. Although he would probably reprogram my GPS to be in German or something when I wasn't looking.

I wonder if BB does the big ceremony to change the boats name each time. "To change the name of a vessel without consulting Poseidon is to invoke his wrath"

RE: Eli  
pjcas18 : 2/27/2019 4:29 pm : link
In comment 14308555 BigBlue in Keys said:
He'd be more goofy, talkative and fun. Plus he's got the little kids which are always funny to fish with. Although he would probably reprogram my GPS to be in German or something when I wasn't looking.

I wonder if BB does the big ceremony to change the boats name each time. "To change the name of a vessel without consulting Poseidon is to invoke his wrath"

If there is a loophole to that rule, I'm pretty sure Belichick has found it.
kinard : 2/27/2019 4:42 pm : link
... for the LT stories alone. I wouldn't even talk Patriots. Just tell me about the glory days of Parcells, Simms and Taylor
LoL PJ!  
BigBlue in Keys : 2/27/2019 4:44 pm : link
Maybe it's been included with his deal with the devil.

It is a big production to do it properly. Nothing like mariners and their superstitions.
Vessel renaming ceremony - ( New Window )
Good question...  
Dan in the Springs : 2/27/2019 5:03 pm : link
considering that Eli's a prankster and I wouldn't want to lose all my fishing gear to the bottom of the water, I'd pick BB.

To be honest, he'd probably be my pick anyway - would love to hear his honest evaluation of the Giants today and learn what I could about football.

Then again, he probably wouldn't give me his honest evaluation anyway, but neither would Eli.
RE: Good question...  
NoGainDayne : 2/27/2019 5:08 pm : link
In comment 14308601 Dan in the Springs said:
considering that Eli's a prankster and I wouldn't want to lose all my fishing gear to the bottom of the water, I'd pick BB.

To be honest, he'd probably be my pick anyway - would love to hear his honest evaluation of the Giants today and learn what I could about football.

Then again, he probably wouldn't give me his honest evaluation anyway, but neither would Eli.

I was just thinking about this exactly like that but I was thinking Eli might tell you some stories off the record to shoot the shit with you. I think BB is cold and calculating 24/7. Obviously that doesn't apply to family, close friends etc. but Eli seems like he might just want to have a good time. I do not think BB cares as much about having a good time.
RE: Belichick  
uther99 : 2/27/2019 5:12 pm : link
In comment 14308356 pjcas18 said:
he knows how to navigate the New England waters. Though he needs to rename his boat again. It was V rings first time I saw it, then VI rings a couple years ago. I suspect it becomes VIII rings soon.

Why do I picture Judge Smails from CaddyShack?
Belichick has shown that  
Bill in UT : 2/27/2019 6:00 pm : link
he's willing to cut bait. So he's my guy
montanagiant : 2/27/2019 6:07 pm : link
Would love to hear all the dirt about McAdoo, Apple, Tiki, and Shockey
Hmmmmmmmm......which one?  
Doomster : 2/27/2019 6:13 pm : link
just as an aside  
Matt in SGS : 2/27/2019 7:16 pm : link
as I've mentioned on BBI before that I've done some work with Byron Hunt in the past and stay in contact with him. He told me that Belichick is actually funny as hell and great to be around when he's not in coaching mode. Tells great stories. What you see is the Belichick who doesn't want to deal with the media's crap.
BB for sure  
markky : 2/27/2019 7:16 pm : link
he's a fisherman and has a nice boat. he'd tell lots of Giants stories.

Eli would pull some nasty prank on you like putting fish guts in your beer. I would never turn my back on him.
There is at least a 50-50 chance  
Mike from Ohio : 2/28/2019 8:39 am : link
BB just glares at you the whole time because you sneezed and chased off the fish. The rest of the day would just be awkward silence. So I'd take Eli.
Yeah I don't think BB would say anything  
Jimmy Googs : 2/28/2019 8:50 am : link
so I go Eli...
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