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NFT: Game of Thrones season 8 episode 5

eli4life : 5/12/2019 10:21 am
First of all happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and hell even the mother f@& $?3?s on here.

Not making the same mistake like last week this will be the only place I’ll be online untill after it airs. Well maybe some golf clash. I’m sure leaks will be out there as the episode draws closer.

Battle of Mother’s Day the mother of dragons vs “pregnant “ Cersei. Don’t think more than half the episode will be battle but could be epic. I think the death toll will be high this episode since most everyone somehow survived the BoW. Maybe a little foreshadowing but the episode Tywin died was on Father’s Day could his daughter have the same fate tonight?
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Banks : 5/13/2019 1:15 am : link
Book Cersei is a villain, but show Cersei makes her a way bigger antagonist. In the books she's largely incompetent and all her plotting fails.

As for this episode, it's by far better than every episode this season. I felt Euron/Jaime and Clegane bowl was cheesy. One things that bugs me is that they tout these large armies and then show a couple dozen guys. The golden company was small, same with Jon's ground troops, and Euron went from having this massive fleet to a couple of boats. Ignoring issues stemming from prior seasons, I enjoyed it for what it was. I thought Jaime dying with Cersei was touching. I felt sympathy for her at the end and glad she didn't die alone. Dany's meltdown didn't seem completely out of character. She's always been a shitty leader with a sadistic streak and entitlement issues. Curious how next week plays out
from a battle sense probably the best episode they've done  
Eric on Li : 5/13/2019 1:46 am : link
maybe the final episodes of season 6 were better, but this was a spectacle. The scale was ridiculous and the dragon did what it's supposed to do.

From a story standpoint the last 2 seasons have been a rushed mess lacking any pacing. They made a galactic mistake cutting down the number of episodes - especially since the extra episodes would have likely been all talking/minimal action anyway. Although with the way the writing has been perhaps they did us a favor.

That was extremely entertaining TV but the overall story is building towards a mostly unsatisfying end. I was hoping this final season would deliver 1 more "hold the door" moment but the michael bay comparisons are spot on. I know everyone wants to act like the mad queen thing has been set up appropriately just because she toasted the Tarly's and Varys made some comments here and there but I just don't buy it. What was it the s6 finale when she was telling yara/theon they were going to leave the world better than how they found it?
I guess it was okay.  
Bill L : 5/13/2019 1:59 am : link
Better than some of the other episodes this season. I do think people are over-exaggerating it’s “awesomeness”, but I assume it’s because they were jaded by the prior episodes. Or they’re suckers for visuals.

I’m a sucker for visuals too so some of it was fun to see. But count me as being disappointed by Cercei’s ending. You build up a villain, you expect justice. This was pretty much get hit by a bus or die of old age. I feel like there should be at least some retributative quality to her death.

One thing I don’t understand is who and why rang the bells? Is that a universal (Westerosal?) no mas signal? Jon and (perhaps) Greyworm we’re supposed to pull up when the bells rang but the only way the bells could get rung would be by Cercei’s capitulation (per her conversation with Tyrion) and that brought about through asking for terms or by Jaime convincing her to ring them to surrender. Neither happened and yet someone, presumably someone in authority rang them. That puzzles me.
RE: LOL - some Dany fans on the internet websites are not taking this well  
santacruzom : 5/13/2019 1:59 am : link
In comment 14441197 PatersonPlank said:
Its like people making excuses when your favorite player gets benched or cut because he sucks. Its always not fair, he wasn't used correctly, or he didn't get a chance. People saying Dany got screwed and she's not that bad.

As they should be. The character they like pulled a complete betrayal of every value that had been repeatedly established over 7 seasons for absolutely no substantiated reasons, simply because some hackish writers wanted to impose it upon the story they usurped.
RE: Another thing I liked about how Cleganebowl played out  
santacruzom : 5/13/2019 2:06 am : link
In comment 14441225 mfsd said:
was the Mountain betraying Cersei and Qyburn at the last moment to fight his brother. The fight was telegraphed for 8 seasons, but I didn’t see that coming.

I liked how they referenced the fucking Princess Bride of all things by having the Hound easily dispatch the other guards before staring down his prey and saying, "I am Sandor Clegane. You are my brother. Prepare to die."
RE: reading zgiants98's willful drinking in of all of this slop  
santacruzom : 5/13/2019 2:19 am : link
In comment 14441238 Nitro said:
has been my highlight of the night. Apparently this show's existence is sufficient to blind him to the utter mail in this final season's been.

It reminds me of Dep and Eli.
Just watched it (I was on a flight).  
Mike from SI : 5/13/2019 4:09 am : link
I read a bunch of Hiroshima/Nagasaki stuff in college and this really reminded me of that. But this would be like if the US nuked Japan AFTER they had surrendered. My goodness.

I thought the Cersei/Jaime ending was fitting. People complain when characters like Jorah get heroic deaths, and then complain when characters like Cersei and Jaime get non-heroic deaths. The last 2 seasons haven't been quite as good but it's cool now to hate on Thrones. It's still fantastic tv. I'm sorry everyone on the internet didn't get to write the script and direct all the episodes, I guess.
I've got a few thoughts/questions...  
smshmth8690 : 5/13/2019 6:06 am : link
Dany's 'Heel Turn' - I'm good with it. She's a Targaryen, that's what they do.

I guess we will never know what the voice said to Varys when they burned his parts.

Cleganebowl - When the Hound told the Mountain that "he knew who was coming for him" I never thought it was going to be the Hound.

Bran was told that he would fly. I guess there is still time, but I always expected it to be in dragon form, not just as a raven.

Cersi always believed that she would be killed by a sibling. I thought for sure that Arya had come across a dying Jaime, and took his face. I was expecting Arya to cross another name off of her list. Instead we got a finish to the Lanister's that no one expected. So while possibly less satisfying, fitting none the less.

I Tyrion's insisting on Dany's acceptance of surrender at the ringing of the bells, was a plan that he had in place with Cersi. I thought that they would stand down, then the wildfire would erupt, finishing Dany's army, and destroying Kings Landing, and all of the civilians anyway.

"Burn them all"  
eclipz928 : 5/13/2019 6:32 am : link
I thought the ending for Cersei and Jamie was good. Cersei showing a moment of weakness and humanity as she is distraught over the fate of her baby (Tyrion was at least partially right about her). Her death caused by her kingdom literally collapsing on top of her was very fitting, and likely more satisfying than seeing one of the main protagonist execute a pregnant woman.

And I've always felt that the only way that Jamie could ever really redeem himself is by killing Cersei himself - but him running back to be by her side is pretty consistent with his character. He never stopped loving her. And the kingslayer dying while trying to comfort the queen he helped put in to power is poetic.

Meanwhile, this episode contrasts that sharply with Dany, who now feels completely alone in the world and has seemingly abandoned her own humanity and regard for life. Her transformation in to her father the Mad King is complete as she makes the decision to fulfill his last wish and destroy everyone in Kings landing. The remaining green fire under the city that he was going to use to execute his plan igniting itself served to make clear that Aerys is exactly who she has become.
I wonder if we’ll ever see the last two books  
RobCarpenter : 5/13/2019 7:28 am : link
I guess GRRM would rather whine about the Giants taking Jones instead.

It’s a little absurd that he wrote the first book nearly 25 years ago and still hasn’t finished the series.
He may be just tired if it  
UConn4523 : 5/13/2019 7:33 am : link
25 years devoted to something, no matter how successful, can just be taxing. Focusing is also likely hard for him to do given the show and side projects that have spawned. I bet he’s done by now if there wasn’t a show, but there’s no way he could turn down the opportunity he had 9/10 years ago.

I’d like to read the ending but I can’t really get mad at it if I don’t.
RE: I really do wish Emilia Clarke was a better actress  
5BowlsSoon : 5/13/2019 7:52 am : link
In comment 14441220 RobCarpenter said:

I don’t get this one at all. In my opinion Clarke has been spot on whenever the spotlight has been on her. I don’t know what you expect.

But it is obvious to me Clarke polarizes people’s either love her (like me) or you dislike her (like you).
I thought the wildfire should have been more prominent.  
Big Blue Blogger : 5/13/2019 7:59 am : link
The showrunners had set up a much more complex, nuanced option for the destruction of King's Landing: everything is the same until the Lannister army drops their swords and the bells ring. Dany ponders her next move, having mostly limited her attack to legitimate military targets. Then, as she eyes the Red Keep, the remnants of Drogon's flames ignite a cache of wildfire, setting off a chain reaction that torches the city.

The state of play at the end of Episode 5 would basically be the same, except Dany's culpability and madness would be less clear, forcing Jon, Davos and Tyrion to deal with some moral ambiguity in Episode 6.
Next week: Dany v. Arya?  
5BowlsSoon : 5/13/2019 8:10 am : link
It is obvious to all now that Dany has been shown not to be a fit merciful ruler so she has to go. So, how is she going to be taken down?

I think Arya killing Greyworm will be the way she can get close to Dany since he is the one always by her side. Arya obviously takes his face one last time to accomplish this task.

The drawback to this plan: do we really want ARYA to kill both the Night King and the Mad Queen? Is that too much Arya? I don’t believe they will want Jon Snow to be the guy who kills her because then it may appear he is nefarious too.

So, then the next question becomes, who will rule over the 7 k8mgdoms?
So, Dany has been pursuing the Iron Throne since Drogo killed Viserys.  
Big Blue Blogger : 5/13/2019 8:29 am : link
She just blew up the Red Keep, presumably melting the throne as she won it.

Does that make it the Irony Throne?

I'm here all week, folks.
Overall enjoyable but again had some real fan service  
Jim in Forest Hills : 5/13/2019 8:30 am : link
and the dragon can now obliterate everything including buildings with one pass? C'mon now.

I liked Arya walking away from it.
I liked Jamie and Cersei alone, frightened below the castle.
I thought the actress who played Dani was terrific this episode, think about it, she's really alone. Even her man is now rebuking her, she trusts no one anymore, she was just betrayed by Varys.
I wanted Sandor to that thing to the eyes to his brother.

It was a mess but an enjoyable mess for me.
People have a right to complain  
pjcas18 : 5/13/2019 8:31 am : link
the show has definitely changed since the book material dried up and as they became further from the book materials and they were left to their own devices the plots became thinner and less consistent and then they were under pressure (self-created or not) to change the pacing.

that said the complaining is more annoying than the praise. like it great, don't like it great. it's a f-ing TV show.

I still watch because of the investment, first the books, then the shows and at it's worst it's certainly not Dexter. The drop-off is more like the Wire season 5.

Anyway, as I said previously Dany's heel turn was predictable and expected. Sitting on her dragon, the city fell, surrendered, she said she'd call off the attack. Jon, Grey Worm and the rest of the unsullied faced the golden company and kingsguard who dropped their weapons, pivotal moment, and Dany went full targaryen.

the heel turn that I thought was forced was Jamie. the speed in which he went from "I have to help save the realm" to "oh my god I have to save Cersei" seemed forced. His character arc from first villain in the story, to noble knight, back to villain didn't really seem true to the story to me.

So now it's come down to a bat shit crazy Targaryen assuming the iron throne and Starks, Lannisters, and Baratheon's (among others) banding together to remove them. Seems like the story will end how it started. Plot devices at this point may not be fully developed and quality is not season 1 - 4, but it's still a riveting show for many.
Tyrion has become a "hand ringer"  
GiantsUA : 5/13/2019 8:31 am : link
Cersei has been the main Antagonist since season 1, she had a "quiet" death after making so much noise in the series.

That dragon has some stamina! how much napalm came out of his mouth?

Could we see a showdown with Dany and Jon a la Disney -

Not a Pony or dog but a dragon having to choose between two people? Dany ordering the dragon to fry Jon and the dragon filled with indecision?

Tormund - does he reappear - during the Jon/Tormund goodbye scene he hinted he may be back

RE: I thought the wildfire should have been more prominent.  
Cap'n Bluebeard : 5/13/2019 8:38 am : link
In comment 14441286 Big Blue Blogger said:
The showrunners had set up a much more complex, nuanced option for the destruction of King's Landing: everything is the same until the Lannister army drops their swords and the bells ring. Dany ponders her next move, having mostly limited her attack to legitimate military targets. Then, as she eyes the Red Keep, the remnants of Drogon's flames ignite a cache of wildfire, setting off a chain reaction that torches the city.

The state of play at the end of Episode 5 would basically be the same, except Dany's culpability and madness would be less clear, forcing Jon, Davos and Tyrion to deal with some moral ambiguity in Episode 6.

Yeah, that would require a nuance the show used to have but no longer does in exchange for booms and "OMG SUBVERSION OF EXPECTATIONS". Your idea is fantastic. It's a shame the show runners and writers can no longer pull that kind of thing off.

Dany's turn was about as telegraphed as you can get and still somehow made no sense. Why wait until you have literally won everything you've been trying to attain for 7 years to snap like that? They should have given her a reason, in that moment, to torch the city.

If she still had two dragons and watched one of them die at that moment...

If Missandei wasn't executed until that moment...

If the surrender was a ploy by Cersei who lured her troops in before setting off another wildfire bomb...

If she surveyed the field and saw the common people fighting against her troops (Killing Grey Worm?)...

So many possibilities to give some plausible reason for someone who sees herself as a champion of the people, breaker of chains, blah blah blah to go apeshit and "burn them all" at the moment of their victory and the culmination of everything they've worked so hard for.
RE: I wonder if we’ll ever see the last two books  
Mike in NJ : 5/13/2019 8:44 am : link
In comment 14441279 RobCarpenter said:
I guess GRRM would rather whine about the Giants taking Jones instead.

It’s a little absurd that he wrote the first book nearly 25 years ago and still hasn’t finished the series.

I have a feeling we are going to get a release date for Winds of Winter shortly after Game of Thrones wraps up. The one thing that’s been obvious about Martin over the last 10 years is that he loves the spotlight this show has brought him, and now that it’s over the best way to stay in it is to release the books.

Cap'n Bluebeard : 5/13/2019 8:50 am : link
I should add that I actually did really enjoy the episode. I can see how people are upset if they somehow didn't see the Mad Queen coming because they did a really shitty job of showing her character becoming that rather than just telling us.
RE: He may be just tired if it  
giants#1 : 5/13/2019 8:53 am : link
In comment 14441280 UConn4523 said:
25 years devoted to something, no matter how successful, can just be taxing. Focusing is also likely hard for him to do given the show and side projects that have spawned. I bet he’s done by now if there wasn’t a show, but there’s no way he could turn down the opportunity he had 9/10 years ago.

I’d like to read the ending but I can’t really get mad at it if I don’t.

I'm hoping he's as pissed about how they handled the last 2 seasons and it provides some extra motivation for him to finally finish the books!
I don't know that the 'heel turn'  
Mike from Ohio : 5/13/2019 8:57 am : link
was completely her just losing her shit and going mad. The last few episodes has focused on how the people love Jon and will fall in line behind him if he wants the throne. Dany knows she will never have that in Westeros. Her only option is to make everyone fear her. Stopping her assault when the bells ring and the army surrenders shows her to be merciful. It is what Jon would have done.

To some extent Dany may be becoming the Mad QUeen, but I think there is more of a calculation that is happening, rather than she is burning innocent people because she is crazy.
I enjoyed it, certainly best of the season  
GiantsLaw : 5/13/2019 9:03 am : link
Liked: The cinematography; Arya / Hound goodbye; Tyrion / Varys goodbye; Qyburn getting smashed
Disliked: Euron v Jaimie; I agree w/Bluebeard WRT one final push was needed for Dany to snap; Tyrion freeing Jaimie wasn't anticipated by Dany
Meh: Clegane Bowl; Jaimie / Cersie; 45 mins of Drogon burning the city
RE: Next week: Dany v. Arya?  
Justlurking : 5/13/2019 9:14 am : link
In comment 14441293 5BowlsSoon said:
It is obvious to all now that Dany has been shown not to be a fit merciful ruler so she has to go. So, how is she going to be taken down?

I think Arya killing Greyworm will be the way she can get close to Dany since he is the one always by her side. Arya obviously takes his face one last time to accomplish this task.

The drawback to this plan: do we really want ARYA to kill both the Night King and the Mad Queen? Is that too much Arya? I don’t believe they will want Jon Snow to be the guy who kills her because then it may appear he is nefarious too.

So, then the next question becomes, who will rule over the 7 k8mgdoms?

There is a zero percent chance that Jon does not kill Dany.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/13/2019 9:23 am : link
I disagree with those who say the actress who plays Dani is weak. Emilia Clarke started doing this when she was what, 22 or 23? From the beginning, her seriousness on the camera has been nothing like her real-life personality. She can act with a simple facial expression. Same with a number of actors on this show like Tyrion, Varys, Jamie. I thought her face spoke a thousand words last night... that's tough for anyone to do.

On a side note, I wonder how they are going to address Jamie and Cersi "disappearing"... no one should ever know what became of them. They would never find the bodies. "Did they get away? Did they die?"
I think either nobody gets the throne  
GiantsLaw : 5/13/2019 9:24 am : link
or Tyrion. Though I have a feeling Tyrion gets fried early next week.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/13/2019 9:25 am : link
I also think the loss of Jorah was more important to her than the loss of Missandei. I can't see Dany going full Targaryen with Jorah still alive.
So dragon fire is powerful enough to destroy buildings  
Jay on the Island : 5/13/2019 9:26 am : link
and huge stone thick walls with ease but Euron somehow escapes unscathed as he is hit head on with dragon fire?
RE: ...  
pjcas18 : 5/13/2019 9:26 am : link
In comment 14441357 Eric from BBI said:
I disagree with those who say the actress who plays Dani is weak. Emilia Clarke started doing this when she was what, 22 or 23? From the beginning, her seriousness on the camera has been nothing like her real-life personality. She can act with a simple facial expression. Same with a number of actors on this show like Tyrion, Varys, Jamie. I thought her face spoke a thousand words last night... that's tough for anyone to do.

On a side note, I wonder how they are going to address Jamie and Cersi "disappearing"... no one should ever know what became of them. They would never find the bodies. "Did they get away? Did they die?"

Arya would know.
RE: ...  
Jay on the Island : 5/13/2019 9:26 am : link
In comment 14441361 Eric from BBI said:
I also think the loss of Jorah was more important to her than the loss of Missandei. I can't see Dany going full Targaryen with Jorah still alive.

I think so as well. Jorah was her moral compass IMO. Once she lost him there was nobody to talk sense into her since she obviously doesn't trust Tyrion.
RE: RE: Glad the Dothraki are alive and well  
Jay on the Island : 5/13/2019 9:33 am : link
In comment 14441155 ZGiants98 said:
In comment 14441147 UConn4523 said:



I dont even think I counted more than 10 on screen at the same time. That first push there were like 7 Dothraki on horses and then the soldiers were running up right behind them. There definitely wasn't a lot of them.

Right after Drogon blows up the front gate they charge and there was a shit ton of Dothraki charging. I turned to my wife and asked how the hell are there so many Dothraki there when they were basically wiped out at Winterfell?
RE: Just watched it (I was on a flight).  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 5/13/2019 9:33 am : link
In comment 14441263 Mike from SI said:
I read a bunch of Hiroshima/Nagasaki stuff in college and this really reminded me of that. But this would be like if the US nuked Japan AFTER they had surrendered. My goodness.

I thought the Cersei/Jaime ending was fitting. People complain when characters like Jorah get heroic deaths, and then complain when characters like Cersei and Jaime get non-heroic deaths. The last 2 seasons haven't been quite as good but it's cool now to hate on Thrones. It's still fantastic tv. I'm sorry everyone on the internet didn't get to write the script and direct all the episodes, I guess.

This. The butt hurt is real.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/13/2019 9:34 am : link
That they died? She never saw either in the entire episode when they were alive, let alone their demise. She could assume they didn't make it, but no one will find the bodies.

I actually wonder if this comes into play with Tyrion versus Dany. "Did you help them escape?" (Which in fact, he did try to do).
Was anyone else more afraid of Drogon dying last night  
Jay on the Island : 5/13/2019 9:36 am : link
than Dany? When she landed on the wall right before she went full mad Queen I was convinced a stray scorpion arrow was going to come and take out Drogon.
I was never fully comfortable  
pjcas18 : 5/13/2019 9:36 am : link
with the Jorah story line.

He was an exiled knight (actually ordered killed by Ned) and a spy for Varys, and almost led to Dany being killed and her whereabouts known, now he's her most trusted confidante.

Just shows you how desperate she is for someone to be loyal to her that he's her most loyal subject (after of course freed slave/interpreter missandei). another Targaryen trait is trusting no one.

Tyrion and Varys as advisors? holy shit she's an awful judge of character.

RE: pjcas18  
Jay on the Island : 5/13/2019 9:37 am : link
In comment 14441378 Eric from BBI said:
That they died? She never saw either in the entire episode when they were alive, let alone their demise. She could assume they didn't make it, but no one will find the bodies.

I actually wonder if this comes into play with Tyrion versus Dany. "Did you help them escape?" (Which in fact, he did try to do).

I think Tyrion will be the one to figure it out and announce it to Dany once he discovers the boat that he left for them to escape is still there.
What I loved most about the episode  
Jay on the Island : 5/13/2019 9:39 am : link
It showed just how powerful a Dragon is. They teased it last season when Dany and the Dothraki destroyed the Lannister army but last night showed the true power of Drogon.

Honestly I was expecting a close battle with Dany winning and possibly being killed in the process. That was as one sided a fight as we have seen and that is with Dany losing most of her army at the Battle of Winterfell.
Tyrion’s character has taken the biggest fall from grace  
beatrixkiddo : 5/13/2019 9:40 am : link
These past 2 seasons. I believe a huge part of that is the accelerated rate the show is moving at unfortunately. I liked his goodbye with Jamie but overall he just has lost his swagger.

Loved the twist of Dany turning Mad. Sets up one last Targaryen battle for the Throne (or what’s left of it). Hoping Bran has a part to play in the last part, maybe warging into Drogon and taking him out of play in batttle). One thing I think still rings true to my earlier predictions is that the 7 kingdoms will all come together to support one ruler, I think they come all to support Jon as part of Varys last efforts. Dany is alone in Westeros with an army of foreigner warriors. Jon will have to kill her.
I really liked it - it was great  
PatersonPlank : 5/13/2019 9:41 am : link
They have said over and over and over again that when a Targaryen is born a coin is flipped. Even earlier in this show Varys said the same thing, and that he didn't know which side Dany would end up on. Losing everyone close to her, including now the fact that Jon won't sleep with her anymore, sent her over the edge in her fathers footsteps. It was coming for seasons so I don't get why people think there was no basis.

Jon on the other hand has been through many trials and has consistently shown that he is level headed.
RE: pjcas18  
pjcas18 : 5/13/2019 9:42 am : link
In comment 14441378 Eric from BBI said:
That they died? She never saw either in the entire episode when they were alive, let alone their demise. She could assume they didn't make it, but no one will find the bodies.

I actually wonder if this comes into play with Tyrion versus Dany. "Did you help them escape?" (Which in fact, he did try to do).

No, I was thinking maybe their faces could wind up in the hall of faces.

I forget if the killer (or someone) needs to actually skin their faces and place them there like Arya did the waif or if they just show up, but similar to how Arya was Walder Frey, should could use their faces.

I'd be surprised if not locating the actual bodies of two people in a city Dany completed destroyed leads to her "final" betrayal by Tyrion, but at this point anything is possible.
I think Bronn still has a role here  
PatersonPlank : 5/13/2019 9:42 am : link
Something like Dany is going to execute Tyrion for letting Jaime go free and Tyrion busts in and kills her because without him Bronn doesn't get Highgarden
If I was George Martin  
Essex : 5/13/2019 9:43 am : link
I would get to a computer quick and start drafting books and act like the TV show was some fake. I gave the show every benefit of the doubt that I could muster until this week. Really, this whole series has basically came down to Jamie just delayed the Tarageryan holocaust when he killed the Mad King. Is there even an Iron Throne left? Tyrion, the master tactician of Westeros (and my favorite character) all of a sudden tells his brother (a fixture of King's Landing) to sneak into it, rescue Cersei and take a rowboat to live happily ever after? Varys, who survived all the plot intrigues of Westeros under every imaginable bad king (The mad King, Joffrey etc), basically got caught by that pitch to Jon (I don't know about her, but I know you are great). Before you got against the Queen maybe you should be sure which side her coin fell on. THey have one hour to basically repair King's Landing from a total destruction (that resembled a nuclear holocaust). I mean if this episode happened much earlier where they could have repaired King's Landing, dealt with the poltiical fallout in a more thorough way, then yes I might have been able to stomach it. But, this as the penultimate episode, that was pure crap.
if Tyrion is actually targeryen then isn't he  
oghwga : 5/13/2019 9:47 am : link
fire proof? So Dany can try to fry him and then freak when he doesn't burn up? Same with Jon, no?

I can't follow all this stuff.
RE: What I loved most about the episode  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/13/2019 9:47 am : link
In comment 14441389 Jay on the Island said:
It showed just how powerful a Dragon is. They teased it last season when Dany and the Dothraki destroyed the Lannister army but last night showed the true power of Drogon.

Honestly I was expecting a close battle with Dany winning and possibly being killed in the process. That was as one sided a fight as we have seen and that is with Dany losing most of her army at the Battle of Winterfell.

Imagine what the three dragons would have done!
RE: if Tyrion is actually targeryen then isn't he  
pjcas18 : 5/13/2019 9:49 am : link
In comment 14441403 oghwga said:
fire proof? So Dany can try to fry him and then freak when he doesn't burn up? Same with Jon, no?

I can't follow all this stuff.

Targaryen's are not fire proof.
RE: If I was George Martin  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 5/13/2019 9:51 am : link
In comment 14441396 Essex said:
I would get to a computer quick and start drafting books and act like the TV show was some fake. I gave the show every benefit of the doubt that I could muster until this week. Really, this whole series has basically came down to Jamie just delayed the Tarageryan holocaust when he killed the Mad King. Is there even an Iron Throne left? Tyrion, the master tactician of Westeros (and my favorite character) all of a sudden tells his brother (a fixture of King's Landing) to sneak into it, rescue Cersei and take a rowboat to live happily ever after? Varys, who survived all the plot intrigues of Westeros under every imaginable bad king (The mad King, Joffrey etc), basically got caught by that pitch to Jon (I don't know about her, but I know you are great). Before you got against the Queen maybe you should be sure which side her coin fell on. THey have one hour to basically repair King's Landing from a total destruction (that resembled a nuclear holocaust). I mean if this episode happened much earlier where they could have repaired King's Landing, dealt with the poltiical fallout in a more thorough way, then yes I might have been able to stomach it. But, this as the penultimate episode, that was pure crap.

History is filled with "inevitable" holocausts simply being delayed. Game of Thrones was never going to have a "happy" ending.
RE: RE: if Tyrion is actually targeryen then isn't he  
Giantology : 5/13/2019 9:54 am : link
In comment 14441406 pjcas18 said:
In comment 14441403 oghwga said:


fire proof? So Dany can try to fry him and then freak when he doesn't burn up? Same with Jon, no?

I can't follow all this stuff.

Targaryen's are not fire proof.

Some are, like Daenerys.
this has to be one of the most horrible finishes to a series  
GMAN4LIFE : 5/13/2019 9:54 am : link
i didnt expect a happy ending. i expected a good ending.
RE: What I loved most about the episode  
mfsd : 5/13/2019 9:56 am : link
In comment 14441389 Jay on the Island said:
It showed just how powerful a Dragon is. They teased it last season when Dany and the Dothraki destroyed the Lannister army but last night showed the true power of Drogon.

Honestly I was expecting a close battle with Dany winning and possibly being killed in the process. That was as one sided a fight as we have seen and that is with Dany losing most of her army at the Battle of Winterfell.

I agree with this - for so much of the past 2-3 seasons, Dany has been held back from unleashing their full power by everyone around her, all trying her to win the war via politics, not fire and blood.

Olenna's advice to her proved prescient - she finally stopped listening to her advisors and went full nuclear.

Of course, that was apparently how the whole story sets up the end game - to win the war, she had to become the thing she professed for so long to be fighting against.
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