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NFT: How stupid is Disney for attacking diehard Star Wars fans?

Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/16/2019 10:37 am
Full disclosure. My wife is the Star Wars geek. I was more the Star Trek geek (that is, until the latest reboot destroyed Vulcan... I was out at that point). I've gone to the Star Wars movies more out of habit than enjoyment since the original trilogy. I didn't enjoy the second trilogy at all except the stormtrooper scenes. I enjoyed Force Awakens, but I quickly realized I enjoyed it because they had simply copied A New Hope. The last movie was abysmal... just a trainwreck.

As an aside, the cartoon series Clone Wars was really good and I think they are doing a reasonable job with Mandalorian (though it's obviously been made less dark for kids).

But if you are following the YouTube "Fandom Menance" channels and the corporate media trying to save the upcoming movie before it even comes out, the outright attacks on the core fanbase are unbelievable. They are literally biting the hand that feeds them. It would be like if the NFL came out and told its fans to shut-up and that your opinions don't matter. (Now they may actually think that, but even they aren't stupid enough to say it publicly).
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Has there been less hype for a Star Wars movie  
Jints in Carolina : 12/16/2019 10:42 am : link
than The Rise Of Skywalker?

Solo doesn't count.
I’m not sure there is a “core” base for Star Wars  
Oscar : 12/16/2019 10:45 am : link
It’s as mainstream and popular as a franchise can get. Literally everyone knows what Star Wars is and most people see the movies just compulsively at this point.

Have to admit I saw the first two opening this weekend and while I’ll probably see this one as well I don’t have the same sense of urgency. For me it has nothing to do with Disney I just don’t really give a shit about Star Wars anymore. There are so many movies and shows, etc. I am just kind of opting out. If anything I will probably only see this one because I saw the last two. But I didn’t like Rogue One, didn’t see Solo, haven’t watched Mandalorian and don’t plan to.

I am not really interested in these big franchises. I have not seen 95% of the Marvel movies, have no interest in rebooted Ghostbusters, etc. Star Wars is in that category for me now. Will see this one at some point and then probably not anything else.

I still assume this movie will make billions.
Kathleen Kennedy has fucked up Star Wars beyond belief  
Bockman : 12/16/2019 10:45 am : link
How Disney can get the Marvel formula so right, yet get the Star Wars formula so wrong just baffles me.

Of course I have my theories, but it'll send this thread down a rabbit hole we likely don't want.
RE: Has there been less hype for a Star Wars movie  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/16/2019 10:45 am : link
In comment 14721624 Jints in Carolina said:
than The Rise Of Skywalker?

Solo doesn't count.

My wife agrees. Maybe they something... another Leia floating in space perhaps?
I like Solo.  
NoPeanutz : 12/16/2019 10:46 am : link
The Last Jedi was a catastrophe. Unbelievably terrible.
jtfuoco : 12/16/2019 10:47 am : link
I agree they had to bring back the emperor to even provide a decent bad guy for these guys to fight against. On a side note are you excited about the new Star trek Picard series maybe just maybe we can get some good Star Trek back
I loved Rogue is my favorite of the new ones  
Jints in Carolina : 12/16/2019 10:49 am : link
I enjoyed The Force Awakens because Star Wars was back.

The Last Jedi was an embarrassment.

What Scorsese says about Marvel films applies 1000% to SW movies.  
penkap75 : 12/16/2019 10:50 am : link
SW movies are a disney corporate product, no more, no less.

They all suck, although I admit to liking Rogue One. Its the only modern SW that doesn't pander to modern children. It pandered more to adults who were kids when the original SW came out like me.
RE: I’m not sure there is a “core” base for Star Wars  
EricJ : 12/16/2019 10:52 am : link
In comment 14721632 Oscar said:
It’s as mainstream and popular as a franchise can get.

Maybe the cast of the Big Bang Theory
TLJ was a travesty  
Flanker7 : 12/16/2019 10:52 am : link
This new trilogy has been awful. The Force Awakens was okay-ish but it's literally A New Hope 2.0, absolutely nothing fresh or new or interesting about it at all.

TLJ was an abortion of a movie that should never have happened, and IMO it was so in service of a particular agenda that I cringed in the theater at some of the shit. Not to mention mary poppins Leia and hyperspace ramming and completely destroying Luke's character.

I really don't want to take the thread down a bad direction but the problem is that people who criticized TLJ for any of its innumerable faults have been labeled as toxic, or a man-baby, and of course misogynistic/racist/whatever-ist by people who see those traits in any dissension from their point of view... and unfortunately mainstream media has repeated this smear attack on the SW fans.

Also, This might be a hot take, but IMO Rouge One is my favorite Star Wars movie ever. Perhaps because I saw the OT as a kid and perhaps didn't really appreciate them as much as I would have as an adult, but man, I really loved Rogue One.
Rogue one was fantastic  
UConn4523 : 12/16/2019 10:55 am : link
in the top 3 for sure, probably in my top 2.

As for the OP, most "hard core" Star Wars fans that I've been around are unreasonable assholes, its like they will its their IP. Not defending Disney, just pointing out something about the fanbase that's always bothered me.
I'd like to pile on the  
ATL_Giants : 12/16/2019 10:55 am : link
Star Wars has become shit discussion.

It's like they skip using a Quality Control test audience.
Not even for the filming, but the plot.

I did like Rogue One (to be fair). But Last Jedi -What a shit show. Luke is drinking tit-milk from an alien sea-cow?
And that ending, holy shit-snacks was that stupid.
RE: I loved Rogue is my favorite of the new ones  
Andrew in Austin : 12/16/2019 10:56 am : link
In comment 14721647 Jints in Carolina said:
I enjoyed The Force Awakens because Star Wars was back.

The Last Jedi was an embarrassment.

+1. I did like Rogue One as well. Still not sure how the blind dude beat up everyone with a stick though. . . .
I disagree with the premise  
Jim in Fairfax : 12/16/2019 11:01 am : link
They’re not attacking Star Wars fans. They’re attacking trolls passing themselves off as Star Wars fans.
I thought Rogue One was crazy overrated  
Oscar : 12/16/2019 11:01 am : link
Star Wars is just a franchise with a lot more bad than good. I honestly think A New Hope and Empire are the only two that are worth a damn. Jedi is objectively bad but I guess is watchable because it has the original cast. I don’t care if I ever see any of the others again.

Rogue One was great.  
NoPeanutz : 12/16/2019 11:02 am : link
Definitely the best "new" SW picture of the last 30 years.
Disney has gone overboard with Political messages  
Manning10 : 12/16/2019 11:03 am : link
being woke, appealing to SJWs.
I am really trying not to get political, but Disney is in your face with this stuff and attacks anyone who complains.
They have practically taken over RottenTomatoes to tamper down dissent.
Sorry in advance if this is considered political and understand if the post is removed.
I've never understood..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 12/16/2019 11:04 am : link
those who get so dug in with Star Wars. It has always been a guilty pleasure and looked at it as such. Basically, it has been a lot of schlock paired with science fiction.

The early movies had bad acting, bad special effects, bad costumes and fairly predictable storylines. That really hasn't changed.

Just enjoy the movies. They weren't ever meant to be cinematic treasures. Then or now.
Jim, see, you're doing the same thing as they are.  
Flanker7 : 12/16/2019 11:07 am : link
Just like I said. By labeling people who didn't like TLJ as simply "trolls" and "not fans", you're doing the exact same shit.

You can be a true fan of Star Wars and hate TLJ with a burning passion. I'm one of them. Unless you're going to tell me that the more than 50 SW EU books I've read don't count anymore because Disney de-cannonized them and then had the nerve to use the excuse that they don't have any source material ;)
First three episodes of Mandalorian  
widmerseyebrow : 12/16/2019 11:08 am : link
looked like maybe the best thing Star Wars has done since the original trilogy. Not a super original plot, but good table setting in the Star Wars universe and an awesome 80s fantasy movie feel. The last three episodes have good moments but are pretty disappointing in that they seem content doing these one-off, formulaic adventures without a greater story arc.

It is kind of crazy how long they have struggled to write a good story given how vast the SW universe is.
RE: I've never understood..  
BigBlueDownTheShore : 12/16/2019 11:09 am : link
In comment 14721690 FatMan in Charlotte said:
those who get so dug in with Star Wars. It has always been a guilty pleasure and looked at it as such. Basically, it has been a lot of schlock paired with science fiction.

The early movies had bad acting, bad special effects, bad costumes and fairly predictable storylines. That really hasn't changed.

Just enjoy the movies. They weren't ever meant to be cinematic treasures. Then or now.

My thoughts exactly, but the super Star Wars nerds who nitpick everything about the movies are so annoying. Just enjoy the film.
I used to LOVE Star Wars  
allstarjim : 12/16/2019 11:10 am : link
Then came the Phantom Menace, with the horrific acting of Jake Lloyd as a young Anakin Skywalker and of course, Jar Jar Binks. If you can believe it, that movie is now 20 years old. TWENTY YEARS! I'm sorry for making anyone here feel as old as I feel right now.

Then the ridiculous romance between Padme and Anakin in Attack of the felt so forced, and again Hayden Christensen's overacting as Anakin.

Despite all of this in the prequel trilogy, it was actually decent story-telling, with some other great characters like Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku, Mace Windu, and Darth Maul.

They missed again with General Grievous but he at least gave us a pretty good fight scene.

Then came this god-forsaken Disney-driven trash, where they just re-packaged A New Hope and turned the franchise into a SJW infomercial. It became more about gender and race rather than writing a compelling story with great characters. And to top it off, destroyed the legacy of the characters in the original trilogy.

What they did to Luke Skywalker was disgusting.

The only thing I can say, is that the performance of Adam Driver as Kylo Ren might be the only good thing about The Last Jedi.

They will make an obscene amount of money again, but they've destroyed the franchise.
Disney killed Star Wars for the original fanbase.. its kind of poetic  
GMAN4LIFE : 12/16/2019 11:10 am : link
not only did they give shitty deaths to the original characters, but they are also trying to kill the fanbase on top of it.

Listen, there will never another original trilogy. It just wont happen. Hell, even Lucas couldnt do it. But jesus christ, Luke dies from Force exhaustion. Leia does a fucking mary poppins. It was bad. I hear the argument "it was a different movie and just wasnt the same SW formula". True but there is different and POS different. THis was POS different.

Disney got it real right with Rogue One. That had to be the best SW movie in a long time.

I will take the last movie for what it is. The ending of my childhood. Time to grow up i guess.
UConn4523 : 12/16/2019 11:11 am : link
that's my take as well. For example, the Force Awakens had some of the coolest and well executed action shots in the entire series (favorite being when Finn is fighting on the ground with Poe flying around in the background shooting down on the battlefield). And then Rogue One took it to another level with the best of the entire series.

But its funny to read about how amazing the originals were. Empire is the best for me (with Rogue One), but they are still chock full of atrocious writing and acting. I don't know why people get so pissed about it.
Did you ever see the YouTube video on why  
TommytheElephant : 12/16/2019 11:13 am : link
TLJ was a cinematic failure?

Fantastic video. Spot on.
So many movies and tv shows try to do something original and fail  
Ira : 12/16/2019 11:13 am : link
at it. I'm really tired of watching some pretentious attempt at brilliance that just isn't.
i completely ignore  
UConn4523 : 12/16/2019 11:16 am : link
political overtones in movies, just as I ignore them in real life. Its pretty crazy that it can bother people that much in a movie, to each their own I guess.
RE: I've never understood..  
allstarjim : 12/16/2019 11:16 am : link
In comment 14721690 FatMan in Charlotte said:
those who get so dug in with Star Wars. It has always been a guilty pleasure and looked at it as such. Basically, it has been a lot of schlock paired with science fiction.

The early movies had bad acting, bad special effects, bad costumes and fairly predictable storylines. That really hasn't changed.

Just enjoy the movies. They weren't ever meant to be cinematic treasures. Then or now.

Ok, Hamill was bad. He wasn't a good actor in the OT. But he was saved by Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, and Alec Guinness, and tremendous voice of James Earl Jones. There were enough good acting performances to overlook Hamill. Ironically, I felt Hamill was the best actor in TLJ. It was the story, coupled with great villains with Vader and the Emperor, that made that OT so fun.

This latest trilogy isn't fun when you feel the story is less important than the political messaging they are forcing into it.
When you go back..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 12/16/2019 11:16 am : link
and watch The Original Star Wars, if you don't have the urge to slap Luke for bad acting and uncontrollable whining, you have a lot of patience.

We just watched The Return of the Jedi and it is comical to see the costumes used in that movie. Jabba's guards look like they are wearing outfits from a discount rack in a Halloween store. Luke is schreeching at shit.

The Phantom Menace just continued the farce. And that should be OK. Jar Jar Binks was no more nonsensical than the parade of misfits in Jabba's Den.
RE: i completely ignore  
allstarjim : 12/16/2019 11:17 am : link
In comment 14721724 UConn4523 said:
political overtones in movies, just as I ignore them in real life. Its pretty crazy that it can bother people that much in a movie, to each their own I guess.

If it's done well, nobody cares. When the story suffers because of it, then the criticism is deserved.
RE: Did you ever see the YouTube video on why  
GMAN4LIFE : 12/16/2019 11:19 am : link
In comment 14721715 TommytheElephant said:
TLJ was a cinematic failure?

Fantastic video. Spot on.

share. would love to watch
The SW fanbase is fickle  
Scooter185 : 12/16/2019 11:20 am : link
TFA: OMG it's too similar to ANH
TLJ: OMG it's too different

That's not to say they're perfect, but Disney is trying to cater to a fanbase that will never be happy unless the movie panders to their own ideas of how the story should go. And because the hardcore base is generally well versed in the EU/Legends Disney is fighting against expectations from that as well.

Ultimately I think the big flaw was trying to have 3 different writers/directors. The ST should have had a unifying vision from the start beyond just KKs oversight.
TommytheElephant : 12/16/2019 11:20 am : link
Luke was insufferable.
Bitching and moaning and whining.
If I were Obi-Wan I would have been like "you know what? fuck this"

ROTJ had its moments but Christ- the older I get - those fucking ewoks.

My rank
1) ESB
2) ANH
3) Rogue One
RE: i completely ignore  
FatMan in Charlotte : 12/16/2019 11:21 am : link
In comment 14721724 UConn4523 said:
political overtones in movies, just as I ignore them in real life. Its pretty crazy that it can bother people that much in a movie, to each their own I guess.

Well, I'm guessing that if a poster thinks having a female lead and an African-American cast is pandering to the SJW group, they are probably triggered pretty easily, and have already wiped out of memory Leia, Natalie Portman and Lando Calrissian:)
I would consider myself total SW nerd...  
TommytheElephant : 12/16/2019 11:23 am : link
Mandalorian works for the most part because it brings a lot of canon species and mentions in the mix.

This is very satsifying for most SW fans...

1) Reference to Life Day (even though the HS was a travesty)
2) Species/Droids make appearances - Ugnauts, Quarren, IG, Dewbacks, Jawas, etc.
3) Planets and ships like Tat and XWing make appearances.

Simple stuff like this causes us to geek out
UConn4523 : 12/16/2019 11:23 am : link
that actually reminds me of the Rogue One thread and how K-2SO was a pansexual? Which poster was that again? Good lord that was fucking ridiculous.
UConn4523 : 12/16/2019 11:24 am : link
that was the Solo movie with Lando and his robot
RE: Kathleen Kennedy has fucked up Star Wars beyond belief  
Coach Red Beaulieu : 12/16/2019 11:27 am : link
In comment 14721633 Bockman said:
How Disney can get the Marvel formula so right, yet get the Star Wars formula so wrong just baffles me.

Of course I have my theories, but it'll send this thread down a rabbit hole we likely don't want.

That dingbat pushes an extreme social justice agenda, killing the franchise.

Marvel people are actual fans and have for the most part kept away from an agenda.
Star Wars is for children  
since1925 : 12/16/2019 11:29 am : link
The movies are infomercials for toys.
I’ve liked most of the new stuff, but TLJ was uncompromisingly  
732NYG : 12/16/2019 11:33 am : link
terrible. Spit in the face of all the fans who have loved SW for years. I’m excited to see what Jon Favreau does with SW, though, as I’ve enjoyed the Mandolorian so far. Still, disappointed we won’t be getting that KOTOR series.
RE: The SW fanbase is fickle  
allstarjim : 12/16/2019 11:34 am : link
In comment 14721741 Scooter185 said:
TFA: OMG it's too similar to ANH
TLJ: OMG it's too different

That's not to say they're perfect, but Disney is trying to cater to a fanbase that will never be happy unless the movie panders to their own ideas of how the story should go. And because the hardcore base is generally well versed in the EU/Legends Disney is fighting against expectations from that as well.

Ultimately I think the big flaw was trying to have 3 different writers/directors. The ST should have had a unifying vision from the start beyond just KKs oversight.

I couldn't disagree more. I think the SW fanbase was ready and willing to embrace the new movies. Remember when Yoda fought Dooku in Attack of the Clones? Star Wars fans LOVED it. To see Yoda as not just a wise mentor but a warrior was awesome. They took a character we knew and grew his legacy and story.

To make Luke Skywalker a hermit on a remote planet and to die of force exhaustion was the complete opposite. Instead of enhancing his legacy, they soiled it and changed it into something unrecognizable to the character we cared about.
RE: Kathleen Kennedy has fucked up Star Wars beyond belief  
islander1 : 12/16/2019 11:36 am : link
In comment 14721633 Bockman said:
How Disney can get the Marvel formula so right, yet get the Star Wars formula so wrong just baffles me.

Of course I have my theories, but it'll send this thread down a rabbit hole we likely don't want.

We may be wrong, but this is my view also. Not so much in the social view sense, but simply all the ridiculousness of the movie, how it basically crapped on everything the universe we knew counted on.

I do think she's kinda realized this with the blowback from TLJ - or at least, Disney did.

I actually was skeptical going to Solo, but it was pretty solid. It made me wonder (I have no clue) if the last second hiring of Ron Howard to salvage it to something more of a begruding acceptance from her that the 'old way' was better.

RE: The SW fanbase is fickle  
NYG07 : 12/16/2019 11:36 am : link
In comment 14721741 Scooter185 said:
TFA: OMG it's too similar to ANH
TLJ: OMG it's too different

That's not to say they're perfect, but Disney is trying to cater to a fanbase that will never be happy unless the movie panders to their own ideas of how the story should go. And because the hardcore base is generally well versed in the EU/Legends Disney is fighting against expectations from that as well.

Ultimately I think the big flaw was trying to have 3 different writers/directors. The ST should have had a unifying vision from the start beyond just KKs oversight.

I agree with this 100%. Disney fucked up by not creating an overall arc for the three movies and trying to just let three different writers figure it out as they went. Abrams left a bunch of open ended ideas with TFA and Rian Johnson just said fuck that and took a torch to everything he started.
why does Luke need a grandiose legacy?  
UConn4523 : 12/16/2019 11:37 am : link
I'm fine with his death (my theater exploded at the ending sequence with him too). He was never the best character in the series and never will be.
RE: RE: i completely ignore  
allstarjim : 12/16/2019 11:40 am : link
In comment 14721743 FatMan in Charlotte said:
In comment 14721724 UConn4523 said:


political overtones in movies, just as I ignore them in real life. Its pretty crazy that it can bother people that much in a movie, to each their own I guess.

Well, I'm guessing that if a poster thinks having a female lead and an African-American cast is pandering to the SJW group, they are probably triggered pretty easily, and have already wiped out of memory Leia, Natalie Portman and Lando Calrissian:)

That's not it at all. I was all ready to embrace Rey and Finn. I actually think Finn is an interesting character. But they didn't execute these characters very well in the writing, and neither have been very believable in their roles. It's been the totality of the story lines being so SJW-driven, though, not that these two characters are female and black.
I don't think they were "attacking" die hard fans  
Ten Ton Hammer : 12/16/2019 11:40 am : link
When you try to make a move to appease people, you make nobody happy. TLJ was a good but flawed movie, but they made a movie the director wanted to make instead of a near shot-for-shot rehash of ANH.

The issue is more with fans themselves. The most common complaints of TLJ make very little sense to me.
RE: I’ve liked most of the new stuff, but TLJ was uncompromisingly  
Coach Red Beaulieu : 12/16/2019 12:09 pm : link
In comment 14721765 732NYG said:
terrible. Spit in the face of all the fans who have loved SW for years. I’m excited to see what Jon Favreau does with SW, though, as I’ve enjoyed the Mandolorian so far. Still, disappointed we won’t be getting that KOTOR series.

Why is the Clone Wars cartoon and KOTOR better than the movies?
I thought Revenge of the Sith (E3) was good too  
Rong5611 : 12/16/2019 12:11 pm : link
Yes, Hayden Christensen is not a good actor. But, I think it set up the origin of Darth Vader relatively well.

Top 4 -

- Empire
- A New Hope
- Rogue One
- Revenge of The Sith

RE: I thought Revenge of the Sith (E3) was good too  
Moondawg : 12/16/2019 12:16 pm : link
In comment 14721870 Rong5611 said:
Yes, Hayden Christensen is not a good actor. But, I think it set up the origin of Darth Vader relatively well.

Top 4 -

- Empire
- A New Hope
- Rogue One
- Revenge of The Sith

I agree and thing it is unfairly lumped in with the other prequels. It's a great action adventure movie.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/16/2019 12:16 pm : link
you are literally doing what the corporate media shills are doing... demonizing the diehard fan base. They aren't trolls. They are pissed off.

It's not just the modern day political subcontext, it's idiotic stuff like Rey being able to defeat Kylo Ren in the first movie without ANY Jedi training. (1) So why did Luke or any other Jedi ever need ANY training? and (2) She's already beaten the dude. When it happens again, so what?

It's crap like that. Just lazy, stupid writing.
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