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NFT: How stupid is Disney for attacking diehard Star Wars fans?

Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/16/2019 10:37 am
Full disclosure. My wife is the Star Wars geek. I was more the Star Trek geek (that is, until the latest reboot destroyed Vulcan... I was out at that point). I've gone to the Star Wars movies more out of habit than enjoyment since the original trilogy. I didn't enjoy the second trilogy at all except the stormtrooper scenes. I enjoyed Force Awakens, but I quickly realized I enjoyed it because they had simply copied A New Hope. The last movie was abysmal... just a trainwreck.

As an aside, the cartoon series Clone Wars was really good and I think they are doing a reasonable job with Mandalorian (though it's obviously been made less dark for kids).

But if you are following the YouTube "Fandom Menance" channels and the corporate media trying to save the upcoming movie before it even comes out, the outright attacks on the core fanbase are unbelievable. They are literally biting the hand that feeds them. It would be like if the NFL came out and told its fans to shut-up and that your opinions don't matter. (Now they may actually think that, but even they aren't stupid enough to say it publicly).
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RE: Why is..  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/16/2019 2:22 pm : link
In comment 14722170 FatMan in Charlotte said:
Rey's character a by-product of Corporate shills forcing girl power down our throats in comparison to Leia's character??

Is there some sort of massive campaign underway that women have to model themselves after Rey??

If that's the line of thinking, you can probably draw many more parallels to the Marvel Universe doing this than Star Wars.

She's not talking about Rey but some of the other characters (she has a problem with the purple-haired woman who apparently needs to keep all the men in the dark).
RE: What made the originals  
BigBlueBuff : 12/16/2019 3:14 pm : link
In comment 14721940 Daniel in MI said:
great, and the first two in particular, was they were novel and innovative. They created a whole new universe, with an epic score, and an ultimate battle. They had their own theology with the force. The light sabers were so damn cool and nothing like that was around. Remeber, ILM didn’t exist before this. And apart from 2001 which isn’t for kids, the space element was new. Remember, it came out in the late 70s! Before that kids movies were like Herbie the Lovebug and Benji. Suddenly here’s this cool, epic, modern thing. Darth Vader was a badass villain with the mysterious costume and JEJ’s voice. And when we found out Darth was Luke’s father? Whoa! A truly cool twist. Everything was new - ships, characters, droids, blasters, ton tons, AT-ATs, land speeders, bounty hunters, hover cycles...all new and cool. The cantina scene became legendary for a reason. This world had grit and seediness as well as the cool cold interiors and the force.

Now, there’s no novelty. It’s re-re-rehashing it. Things feel added to try and bring back the novelty but you can’t. The second trilogy was exciting to have back, but terrible movies. The whole thing starts with a trade dispute? Darth’s backstory Is a love affair? Darth is a title? The acting? Famous actors? Jar jar? Pod racing? Mitachlorians? Ugh. The magic was trampled.

I thought Awakens was fresh from the characters, but a rehash for sure. And Hamill did this great appearance where he talked about getting in shape and then he finds out his whole part is turning around and taking off a hood. Pretty funny. Last Jedi, meh. The end was bad and Rey having super Force powers with no training? Weak. I did like the idea of a trooper questioning things.

With the quality of digital effects, it’s a shame but we expect perfection. There is no wow factor. They can throw a few new things in but it’s hard to wow us because we know the universe now. It’s not new. And we’ve seen every effect from dinosaurs to time travel to space to liquid terminators. Much harder to do something to wow an audience.

*slow clap*

Well said!
Lots of good feedback here  
Jim in Forest Hills : 12/16/2019 4:00 pm : link
I also think TLJ meant to kickoff a new direction was so badly received/botched made corporate go backwards. In certain ROS will be more homage/wrap up with friendly force ghosts and a friendly crowd pleaser.

It wasn't an easy task to make these movies but not an impossible one, sequels can be better - look at Mission Impossible Fallout - I thought this was the best MU movie yet and maybe the best action movie of that year. It can be done.

Just like any other long project though it needs a clear overall vision to orchestrate, this is where I think SW failed. I'm ok bringing in talented directors (like Marvel did) but Feige guided that ship correctly. Kennedy did not.
RE: RE: RE: People (sports fans) are actually into this stuff.  
RDJR : 12/16/2019 4:50 pm : link
In comment 14722163 Scooter185 said:
In comment 14722150 Moondawg said:


In comment 14722128 RDJR said:


Who knew?

It's crazy. We also like reading. And chess. And the arts. Complicated world, I'm sure.


E4 or D4?

My post was not necessary and for that I apologize. I’ve been here a long time and there was a time we could joke with each other. I know those days are gone. My bad.
RE: RE: Kotor  
Moondawg : 12/16/2019 6:49 pm : link
In comment 14722165 ShockNRoll said:
In comment 14722011 UConn4523 said:


are the Knights of the old Republic, which also happens to be the best part of the entire Star Wars saga IMO, the video game KotoR. An absolute masterpiece of a game. That and the Clone Ware cartoon.

Have you read the Darth Bane trilogy? To me, that is by far the best Star Wars content ever created. He references Darth Revan in the books so I have been curious about reading that trilogy as well, but I heard that without having played KOTOR, it wouldn't mean much to me. Clone Wars was an excellent show, but I preferred Rebels. I am absolutely looking forward to the next season of Clone Wars.

Imho, the bane books were a great way to explore how there could be a dark side culture. Very good world building. But not good writing. Drew Karpyshyn is a great idea person, but not a good prose writer.
I love Star Wars  
LakeGeorgeGiant : 12/16/2019 6:55 pm : link
always have.

but at the end of the day it's a movie about space wizards. The constant whining and bitching from "die hards" is annoying beyond belief.

If you dislike the new stuff, fine. Watch the old stuff and stop taking yourselves so seriously.

Trekkies are even worse. They hate anything new. I'm old enough to remember Trek die hates raging against the Next,Generation which is now widely considered the pinnacle of that series.
the problem with the opinions  
LakeGeorgeGiant : 12/16/2019 7:13 pm : link
of the fans is that they are literally impossible to please.

I'm speaking in broad generalizations for sure, but I've spent a good amount of time in these communities. When the prequels came out they complained that it "didn't feel like Star Wars". They complained about excessive cgi.

When Disney bought the license they DID listen to fans. They tried to introduce more practical effects back onto the process, and they cut back the cgi. They tried to bring back the feel of the OT.

Then they were accused of ripping off the PT and these same fans now bitched that TFA was too much like the OT.

They can't win.

These people want their childhoods back and that's not possible. The OT is special to most of us because we first saw it as children.

They wanted the new material to be the same but also different somehow.
They want a dark Star Wars. They wanted it to grow up with them, but also somehow make them feel like children again.
This is a good way to express a large measure of it  
Moondawg : 12/16/2019 7:39 pm : link
"These people want their childhoods back and that's not possible."
Chris in Philly : 12/16/2019 7:55 pm : link
I never knew the Disney Wars of 2019 we’re going to rage so fiercely.
I get a kick out of people who think Disney ruined Star Wars.  
Mr. Bungle : 12/16/2019 8:33 pm : link
Given that the steaming pile of shit known as the prequel trilogy was made a decade before the Disney purchase.

And fun fact -- the idea that one of Luke's students would betray him, leading Luke into becoming a recluse was Lucas' idea for a sequel trilogy that he never got to make. And do you know what else Lucas' sequel trilogy would have been about? Ancient microbiotic organisms that fed on the Force.

Yeah, that would have been so much better.
Some of the complaints are from people who don't actually  
Ten Ton Hammer : 12/16/2019 8:39 pm : link
recall the original movies very well. If Rey can be criticized for somehow being good at everything, so can Luke.

Luke, a teenage farmer:
-Survives many gun battle with trained soldiers.
-Shoots down multiple TIE fighters in the Falcon's turrets despite never even being in space before this.
-Does not even know what the Force is at the start of the movie then uses the Force to blind fire torpedoes to blow up the death star, an allegedly impossible shot according to Han and other trained pilots.

And that's just A New Hope.

During Empire, without training, he force pulls his lightsaber to save himself on Hoth.

Despite never receiving any lightsaber fighting experience, he holds his own against Darth Vader on Bespin.

At various points throughout Force Awakens, it's established that Rey is a mechanic, knows ships. She is introduced to the audience as a salvager and mechanic. It's also established that she can fight and take care of herself with a melee weapon. She's far less naive and reckless than teenage Luke was.

And it's also established that Kylo Ren suffers a wound that would have killed a normal person. Chewbacca and Han use the bowcaster at least three times in the movie, and it's shown as a devastating weapon that launches targets through the air with explosive force. Ren is GUT SHOT by this weapon, visibly bleeding out while dueling Rey.

The legitimate criticisms of the movie are multiple, but "Rey's a bad character because she's artificially good at everything" is not valid. Or at worst, it's completely within the realm of Star Wars movies that people worship.
RE: RE: Why is..  
phil in arizona : 12/16/2019 8:57 pm : link
In comment 14722189 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 14722170 FatMan in Charlotte said:


Rey's character a by-product of Corporate shills forcing girl power down our throats in comparison to Leia's character??

Is there some sort of massive campaign underway that women have to model themselves after Rey??

If that's the line of thinking, you can probably draw many more parallels to the Marvel Universe doing this than Star Wars.

She's not talking about Rey but some of the other characters (she has a problem with the purple-haired woman who apparently needs to keep all the men in the dark).

Star Wars is the New York Giants, Female empowerment is 'Culture', Leia is DG, Purple haired lady is Shurmur

Blame the  
SoZKillA : 12/16/2019 10:43 pm : link
Whole Liberal/SJW movement that is being pushed down our throats.
RE: Some of the complaints are from people who don't actually  
LakeGeorgeGiant : 12/16/2019 10:57 pm : link
In comment 14722686 Ten Ton Hammer said:
recall the original movies very well. If Rey can be criticized for somehow being good at everything, so can Luke.

Luke, a teenage farmer:
-Survives many gun battle with trained soldiers.
-Shoots down multiple TIE fighters in the Falcon's turrets despite never even being in space before this.
-Does not even know what the Force is at the start of the movie then uses the Force to blind fire torpedoes to blow up the death star, an allegedly impossible shot according to Han and other trained pilots.

And that's just A New Hope.

During Empire, without training, he force pulls his lightsaber to save himself on Hoth.

Despite never receiving any lightsaber fighting experience, he holds his own against Darth Vader on Bespin.

At various points throughout Force Awakens, it's established that Rey is a mechanic, knows ships. She is introduced to the audience as a salvager and mechanic. It's also established that she can fight and take care of herself with a melee weapon. She's far less naive and reckless than teenage Luke was.

And it's also established that Kylo Ren suffers a wound that would have killed a normal person. Chewbacca and Han use the bowcaster at least three times in the movie, and it's shown as a devastating weapon that launches targets through the air with explosive force. Ren is GUT SHOT by this weapon, visibly bleeding out while dueling Rey.

The legitimate criticisms of the movie are multiple, but "Rey's a bad character because she's artificially good at everything" is not valid. Or at worst, it's completely within the realm of Star Wars movies that people worship.

Let's not forget Anakin Skywalker at 9 years old winning pod races against adults. He goes from sheltered slave to blowing up spaceships in a matter of days.

That was fine, but when a woman does something it's liberal agenda.

It's percerption. People tend to twist things to affirm their already established (and often biased) beliefs. If you think everything is a liberal "sjw" feminist conspiracy you will conjure evidence for it everywhere and cherry pick facts to support it.

Eric from BBI : Admin : 12/16/2019 11:09 pm : link
You and others are taking a poke at Rey, who happens to be a woman, as a sexist attack.

It's not. Tons of people had issues with the stupid pod race too, starting with the criticism that it added nothing to the story.

Somehow this thread morphed into some sort of weird debate on the only reason that Rey is being criticized is because she is a woman.

No novice to a lightsaber should be able to pick one up and defeat a Jedi, no matter what sex, race, alien type, etc. It's not believable.

And it's not the same as Luke pushing a button on an attack fighter at the right moment. He was a pilot. It's not the same as him barely pulling out his light saber out of snow bank.

Beyond all that, as I've repeatedly pointed out above, it's bad story telling. The heroine has already defeated the main villain in the first episode. That has nothing to do with her being a woman.

There are entire videos/articles dedicated to how Disney botched TLJ...story arc, getting away from Star Wars lore and characters, pointless tangents, etc.

I started this thread because Disney's response to this has been to use the corporate media to attack the diehard fan base. I'm not part of that fanbase. But I see it. The Forbes article was just the latest example.

Rey is a strong female character. But I would still contend that Leia remains Star Wars strongest female character, and at a time, when doing so was ground-breaking. (Same with Star Trek a decade earlier).

Banks : 12/16/2019 11:22 pm : link
I'm a casual fan. I was a baby when RotJ came out so I didn't see these films until the 90s so I'm not as attached as some.

I liked the originals though and tried to watch the prequels when they came out. They were terrible except the last one and never watched them again. I gave the new films a chance, but the TFA was ridiculous. I don't know how it stands from a lore standpoint, but it shamelessly followed the ANH. I also thought Kylo Ren getting beat that easily was a mistake. To me, it undid what they established earlier in the film with Kylo being a powerful being. I then viewed him as being fairly weak and figured Snoke would be the big bad. Whoops!

I've heard people mention the power of the bowcaster before, but when I saw the film I never had the impression it was super powerful weapon. I just rewatched some clips of chewie's weapon. In one shot it hits the ground and 2 guys go flying, but every subsequent shot guys just fall down like a normal blaster.

I didn't like TLJ at all, but I didn't get the hate (besides Luke's portrayal), I have since read some articles that detail the issues and I believe they have a legitimate gripe. I may go see the new one, but I don't see how they salvage this story.
RE: Blame the  
Mr. Bungle : 12/16/2019 11:25 pm : link
In comment 14722831 SoZKillA said:
Whole Liberal/SJW movement that is being pushed down our throats.

That's what intellectually lazy, emotionally stunted man-babies do.
I don't know whether I'm just really not paying enough  
jcn56 : 12/16/2019 11:34 pm : link
attention to the latest Star Wars movies, or if some people have completely lost their damn minds.

It's one or the other. I was a big Star Wars fan growing up. I never mistook it for The Godfather when I got older though. Lucas himself called it a spaghetti western in space, and that's exactly what they were - bad acting, cheesy dialog and all. Somehow now, they're cinematic masterpieces whose sequels have to be so picture perfect that anything less would be like taking a Sharpie to the Mona Lisa.

I'm also willing to bet a lot of those people in the second category don't have any daughters.
RE: RE: Blame the  
Zeke's Alibi : 12/16/2019 11:59 pm : link
In comment 14722856 Mr. Bungle said:
In comment 14722831 SoZKillA said:


Whole Liberal/SJW movement that is being pushed down our throats.

That's what intellectually lazy, emotionally stunted man-babies do.

How can you not label it on them, the last one was fucking putrid because they wanted to shove agendas down their throat. Although labeling it liberal is asinine, just like labeling nazis conservative. Its such a fringe minority of people. thats the worst part, the problem is hollywood is infested with these type of people.
I don't know the if this is true or not  
.McL. : 12/17/2019 12:15 am : link
But there have been some hints and tiny plot leaks that suggest that Rey is not what she seems. That in fact she had extensive training before we are introduced to her on Jakku.

One little plot point that most people missed in TLJ was that it wasn't Kylo Ren that turned the light saber and killed Snoke. Snoke was in KR mind, if KR was thinking about killing Snoke, he would have known it. It was Rey. who killed Snoke... Notice who caught the saber... THe stunned look on KR's face. How confident Rey was when she got up and was ready to defend against Snoke's guard.

That said, I was not a fan of TLJ. These are my personal observations that I made to my wife immediately after watching it.

What was done with Luke's character is a complete betrayal of who he was in the original.

Nobody ever acknowledges that Poe saved everybody's ass by destroying the Dreadnought, because otherwise it had the range to destroy all the Resistance ships in the sub-light speed OJ Simpson style chase.

The sub-light speed chase was ridiculous to begin with since the first order could have used hyper-drive to jump wherever they wanted and surround the Resistance fleet.

If it were possible to damage/destroy another ship simple by jumping to light speed and passing through the other ship. Then that would be the ultimate weapon with with to destroy anything with light speed torpedoes... They should even destroy planets.

The whole side trip to Cantobite, and trying to disable their hyperspace tracking device was a huge vat of nothingness. A complete waste of time, it served zero plot purpose.

Finn's suicidal run at the end was a complete betrayal of his character up that point. He was always trying to run away and all of a sudden he is willing to sacrifice himself. Makes no sense.

I don't know if those are any of the complaints that the so called "Trolls" have. I am aware that long time SW fans hated the movie and had lots of complaints, I never followed up on what they were.
Oh one more thing  
.McL. : 12/17/2019 12:20 am : link
If Leia, the commander of all the resistance forces wasn't trying to destroy the dreadnought, and wasn't on board with the plan Poe had hatched. What were all those ships and bombers doing out there facing off with the First Order. The ruse with Poe had worked and he destroyed the surface cannons. If you have committed forces and your plan is working, you don't suddenly turn tail and run, in theory there was a reason you risked your best pilot and put those pieces into play in the first place. If the whole plan had fallen apart from the start, then I could understand a withdrawal and retreat order. But not when your plan is working.
Luke Skywalker called a light saber a...  
Aspiring Slacker : 12/17/2019 12:38 am : link
Laser sword. Seriously. The writers probably never even saw the original Star Wars. Laser sword!!!!!
RE: RE: Kathleen Kennedy has fucked up Star Wars beyond belief  
santacruzom : 12/17/2019 12:51 am : link
In comment 14721776 islander1 said:
In comment 14721633 Bockman said:


How Disney can get the Marvel formula so right, yet get the Star Wars formula so wrong just baffles me.

Of course I have my theories, but it'll send this thread down a rabbit hole we likely don't want.

We may be wrong, but this is my view also. Not so much in the social view sense, but simply all the ridiculousness of the movie, how it basically crapped on everything the universe we knew counted on.

I do think she's kinda realized this with the blowback from TLJ - or at least, Disney did.

I actually was skeptical going to Solo, but it was pretty solid. It made me wonder (I have no clue) if the last second hiring of Ron Howard to salvage it to something more of a begruding acceptance from her that the 'old way' was better.

I haven't followed the personnel responsible for the two most recent entries... how is this Kathleen person involved? She didn't write or direct either of the films did she?
RE: I don't know the if this is true or not  
Mike in NJ : 12/17/2019 1:11 am : link
In comment 14722876 .McL. said:
But there have been some hints and tiny plot leaks that suggest that Rey is not what she seems. That in fact she had extensive training before we are introduced to her on Jakku.

One little plot point that most people missed in TLJ was that it wasn't Kylo Ren that turned the light saber and killed Snoke. Snoke was in KR mind, if KR was thinking about killing Snoke, he would have known it. It was Rey. who killed Snoke... Notice who caught the saber... THe stunned look on KR's face. How confident Rey was when she got up and was ready to defend against Snoke's guard.

That said, I was not a fan of TLJ. These are my personal observations that I made to my wife immediately after watching it.

What was done with Luke's character is a complete betrayal of who he was in the original.

Nobody ever acknowledges that Poe saved everybody's ass by destroying the Dreadnought, because otherwise it had the range to destroy all the Resistance ships in the sub-light speed OJ Simpson style chase.

The sub-light speed chase was ridiculous to begin with since the first order could have used hyper-drive to jump wherever they wanted and surround the Resistance fleet.

If it were possible to damage/destroy another ship simple by jumping to light speed and passing through the other ship. Then that would be the ultimate weapon with with to destroy anything with light speed torpedoes... They should even destroy planets.

The whole side trip to Cantobite, and trying to disable their hyperspace tracking device was a huge vat of nothingness. A complete waste of time, it served zero plot purpose.

Finn's suicidal run at the end was a complete betrayal of his character up that point. He was always trying to run away and all of a sudden he is willing to sacrifice himself. Makes no sense.

I don't know if those are any of the complaints that the so called "Trolls" have. I am aware that long time SW fans hated the movie and had lots of complaints, I never followed up on what they were.

The bit about Rey being the one to kill Snoke likely isn’t true. They pretty clearly show Kylo Ren making a turning gesture and then squeezing his fingers with his off hand to move and activate the lightsaber that kills Snoke. Also, if his intent wasn’t to betray Snoke why would he have cooperated with Rey after she killed him?

That scene to me was more intended to show the growth and improved mastery of the Force of Kylo Ren, not anything with Rey. Who knows how they address it in Episode IX though. Rian Johnson pretty much disregarded anything that Abrams laid out in TFA so wouldn’t shock me to see Abrams do the same with things that Johnson included in TLJ.
Ren & Rey  
Chocco : 12/17/2019 6:20 am : link
I don't get the criticism of Rey being a female lead (I understand that is not the OP's intent).I think there is an intended dynamic with a male and a female sith/jedi. I don't think you have the same ability to have Kylo Ren want to convert some random dude to rule the Galaxy together. There is an underlying attraction there. So your other options if you wanted a similar setup would be a female sith Lord or gay attraction between 2 male or 2 female Jedi/sith. I think the female Jedi lead is the least radical and most in tune with previous Star wars movies as there have been plenty of previous force wielding females on the side of the Jedi, not so much for the dark side.
RE: Blame the  
KDubbs : 12/17/2019 7:40 am : link
In comment 14722831 SoZKillA said:
Whole Liberal/SJW movement that is being pushed down our throats.

Love these takes! Tell us what you think about that Hallmark ad
SW Die Hard throwing in my opinion to balance the force...  
Giants Fan in Steelers Land : 12/17/2019 7:50 am : link
TLJ was the best Star Wars since empire. Rogue one was solid but overrated movie.

In regards to labeling TLJ haters as trolls, I side that side of this polarizing
movie most often proclaiming opinions as facts with statements like saying the movie was “objectively terrible”. That type of stance invalidates the opinion of die hards like myself therefore anyone invalidating their opinion of Star Wars die hard is in fact a troll. I loved the movie but I can see why others didn’t share that level of appreciation without insulting them.

It’s 2019 and the internet and people can nitpick anything to death if they want to. What i loved about the movie outweighed the nitpicks and it’s not even close. TLJ really challenged and pushed some new ideas around the Jedi and the force a good way. Rey is a great character. The space chase and krate were all great. I don’t think it will become a trend for capital ships to hyper speed into other capital ships and the EU had technology to prevent this so it could easily be incorporated. I can’t believe a scene as epic as the silent hyperdrive attack just gets thrown into the cons column when evaluating the movie. That was cinematic gold (and in no way ruins the sci fi universe that has been built)
Here's whats hilarious  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 12/17/2019 10:34 am : link
The "core" Star Wars fans are absolutely toxic.

When the Last Jedi came out. The critics gave it a 91% on rotten tomatoes and had an A cinemascore.

The cinemascore takes the poll of the audience right after they watched the movie. It was overwhelmingly positive.

Ask yourself, did you really hate the movie? Or did the toxicity of the internet influence your opinion.

I remember leaving TLJ and I loved it. Then as I thought about it more, some plot points were headscratching.

But I remember loving the movie when I left the theater and so did the critiques and the majority of the audience polled. In any other type movie... a 91% and an A on cinemascore, we'd be talking about one of the great movies.

Instead... it's Star Wars.

Can't wait for Thursday night. The "core" SW fans are already bashing it and the "regular" fans that have seen it, loved it.

We will see. I'm excited.
UConn4523 : 12/17/2019 10:45 am : link
the internet made everyone an expert in everything, which then got worse with social media.

I have this debate with my friends all the time. For example one of my friends said "The Irishman" was terrible. I asked why. He said "its the same movie as Goodfellas just not as good". I asked him "wouldn't that mean its still pretty good though?" I then asked him, "was it really terrible or was it a movie you just didn't enjoy as much as Goodfellas?"

Everything is a 0 or a 10 which I find pretty damn crazy. I know for a fact he didn't hate the Irishman, he just wants to be that guy to call something he didn't completely love "terrible" when really, he enjoyed seeing it but didn't think it was great (ie, average/solid/whatever word you want to use).

This is exactly how Star Wars debates go. Everything is terrible which I find hilarious. There's so much good in these movies, they are fun to watch, have better acting than the originals, have top notch effects, have the best actions scenes of the series and people are up and arms about Luke Skywalker drinking milk from a sea creature.

Its absurd.
RE: Here's whats hilarious  
KDubbs : 12/17/2019 10:52 am : link
In comment 14723228 Tim in Eternal Blue said:
The "core" Star Wars fans are absolutely toxic.

When the Last Jedi came out. The critics gave it a 91% on rotten tomatoes and had an A cinemascore.

The cinemascore takes the poll of the audience right after they watched the movie. It was overwhelmingly positive.

Ask yourself, did you really hate the movie? Or did the toxicity of the internet influence your opinion.

I remember leaving TLJ and I loved it. Then as I thought about it more, some plot points were headscratching.

But I remember loving the movie when I left the theater and so did the critiques and the majority of the audience polled. In any other type movie... a 91% and an A on cinemascore, we'd be talking about one of the great movies.

Instead... it's Star Wars.

Can't wait for Thursday night. The "core" SW fans are already bashing it and the "regular" fans that have seen it, loved it.

We will see. I'm excited.

I used to consider myself the “core” SW fan but now Im guessing im not. I didnt care for the prequels other than Sith but it didnt ruin my childhood or star wars for me. They just made me skip Phantom Menace and Clones on rewatches. I loved TFA and was just meh with TLJ. Again wasnt great, wasnt horrible but I questioned somethings. Once again, didnt ruin my childhood or SW for me.

I think it took a while in this thread for someone to get to the real problem a lot of people have with disneys SW...a woman hero, a black guy and an asian woman(this poor girl was forced off social media because of the fans harassing her)

Of course there are people who dont like them for other reasons and thats perfectly fine. But the majority of negative shit on the internet is based on this so called SJW movement. Get over yourselves if these are your probs with Disney Star wars
I'm with you Uconn  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 12/17/2019 10:56 am : link
I'm not going to bash others for their opinions. If you didn't like the movie, I get it.

Here's what's sucks thought. Apparently the "core" Star Wars fans bashed TLJ so much that the new movie apparently "course corrects" TOO MUCH.

So now the "core" will bitch that they course corrected too much on a movie that HAD to change it's narrative because it catered to the crowd that was never going to be happy in the first place?

I'm 100% positive that this movie will be just as polarizing at all the rest of the movies.
A New Hope was the only really interesting new idea in the series.  
Ira : 12/17/2019 10:58 am : link
After that, some were better and others worse, but there's nothing else in the Star Wars series worth getting excited about one way or another.
RE: RE: Here's whats hilarious  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 12/17/2019 11:00 am : link
In comment 14723282 KDubbs said:
In comment 14723228 Tim in Eternal Blue said:


The "core" Star Wars fans are absolutely toxic.

When the Last Jedi came out. The critics gave it a 91% on rotten tomatoes and had an A cinemascore.

The cinemascore takes the poll of the audience right after they watched the movie. It was overwhelmingly positive.

Ask yourself, did you really hate the movie? Or did the toxicity of the internet influence your opinion.

I remember leaving TLJ and I loved it. Then as I thought about it more, some plot points were headscratching.

But I remember loving the movie when I left the theater and so did the critiques and the majority of the audience polled. In any other type movie... a 91% and an A on cinemascore, we'd be talking about one of the great movies.

Instead... it's Star Wars.

Can't wait for Thursday night. The "core" SW fans are already bashing it and the "regular" fans that have seen it, loved it.

We will see. I'm excited.

I used to consider myself the “core” SW fan but now Im guessing im not. I didnt care for the prequels other than Sith but it didnt ruin my childhood or star wars for me. They just made me skip Phantom Menace and Clones on rewatches. I loved TFA and was just meh with TLJ. Again wasnt great, wasnt horrible but I questioned somethings. Once again, didnt ruin my childhood or SW for me.

I think it took a while in this thread for someone to get to the real problem a lot of people have with disneys SW...a woman hero, a black guy and an asian woman(this poor girl was forced off social media because of the fans harassing her)

Of course there are people who dont like them for other reasons and thats perfectly fine. But the majority of negative shit on the internet is based on this so called SJW movement. Get over yourselves if these are your probs with Disney Star wars

Right. We can't have a black man, an Asian woman or a female lead but we can have a green creature (Yoda), A shaggy bear like character (Chewie) and Robots. I don't get it.
and that's the point with my friend  
UConn4523 : 12/17/2019 11:00 am : link
its fine if you didn't think it was great. Its fine if you didn't even like it. But terrible? I just can't take anyone like that seriously.

You know what's terrible? That new Michael Bay movie on Netflix, its basically unwatchable (I lasted 8 minutes).
It's an extremist culture  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 12/17/2019 11:13 am : link
Like people in the Christmas movie thread. People saying A Christmas Story and Home Alone are the worst Christmas movies of all time. Lol
see the early reviews thread  
UConn4523 : 12/17/2019 11:16 am : link
that was just posted. I'm sure riots will ensue...
I dont get why  
KDubbs : 12/17/2019 11:24 am : link
People like wait on pins and needles for someone else's review of a movie. Just go fucking see it if you want to or dont. Dont let someone else’s opinion make you go in with a bias one way or the other.

Are we that stupid we need other people to tell us how we should feel before we see it?
RE: RE: I don't know the if this is true or not  
.McL. : 12/17/2019 12:40 pm : link
In comment 14722891 Mike in NJ said:
In comment 14722876 .McL. said:


But there have been some hints and tiny plot leaks that suggest that Rey is not what she seems. That in fact she had extensive training before we are introduced to her on Jakku.

One little plot point that most people missed in TLJ was that it wasn't Kylo Ren that turned the light saber and killed Snoke. Snoke was in KR mind, if KR was thinking about killing Snoke, he would have known it. It was Rey. who killed Snoke... Notice who caught the saber... THe stunned look on KR's face. How confident Rey was when she got up and was ready to defend against Snoke's guard.

That said, I was not a fan of TLJ. These are my personal observations that I made to my wife immediately after watching it.

What was done with Luke's character is a complete betrayal of who he was in the original.

Nobody ever acknowledges that Poe saved everybody's ass by destroying the Dreadnought, because otherwise it had the range to destroy all the Resistance ships in the sub-light speed OJ Simpson style chase.

The sub-light speed chase was ridiculous to begin with since the first order could have used hyper-drive to jump wherever they wanted and surround the Resistance fleet.

If it were possible to damage/destroy another ship simple by jumping to light speed and passing through the other ship. Then that would be the ultimate weapon with with to destroy anything with light speed torpedoes... They should even destroy planets.

The whole side trip to Cantobite, and trying to disable their hyperspace tracking device was a huge vat of nothingness. A complete waste of time, it served zero plot purpose.

Finn's suicidal run at the end was a complete betrayal of his character up that point. He was always trying to run away and all of a sudden he is willing to sacrifice himself. Makes no sense.

I don't know if those are any of the complaints that the so called "Trolls" have. I am aware that long time SW fans hated the movie and had lots of complaints, I never followed up on what they were.

The bit about Rey being the one to kill Snoke likely isn’t true. They pretty clearly show Kylo Ren making a turning gesture and then squeezing his fingers with his off hand to move and activate the lightsaber that kills Snoke. Also, if his intent wasn’t to betray Snoke why would he have cooperated with Rey after she killed him?

That scene to me was more intended to show the growth and improved mastery of the Force of Kylo Ren, not anything with Rey. Who knows how they address it in Episode IX though. Rian Johnson pretty much disregarded anything that Abrams laid out in TFA so wouldn’t shock me to see Abrams do the same with things that Johnson included in TLJ.

Well, I don't think Rey is being passive in that scene. She is a force wielder about to be killed, she will be using the Force in any way she can. Also, She force pulled the light saber across the room. Think about it. A force pull won't go to somebody else. Would anybody catch a lit light saber force pulled by another person, let alone somebody who is potentially your enemy. Rey catches the light saber, if she doesn't catch it, it will slice Kylo in half. Kylo isn't going to kill himself with the lit light saber.
We also know that Rey was in Kylo's mind as well, Snoke sees her there and comments on it. So we know she was at least trying to manipulate Kylo. Kylo looked completely blank, like he wasn't really there. Later, Kylo says that Rey killed Snoke. Maybe he was lying to take control of the First Order, or maybe he was really telling the truth. Kylo is enraged, crazy and hellbent afterwards. Also he and Rey are still force linked even after Snoke dies. Anyway, that's what I thought after rewatching that scene a couple weeks ago... Maybe it's nothing.

Anyway, I'm not a complete hater of TLJ, just not a fan of it either. It ranks near the bottom of SW movies for me. I liked Rogue One, I thought Solo was decent, better than I thought it would be, but maybe I had low expectations having heard bad things about before I saw it.

One last thing that occurred to me after reading this thread yesterday. We know Palpatine is back in TRoS. We also know know that this trilogy is following a script, roughly similar to the original trilogy. Perhaps, Palpatine is manipulating a replay of that script so that he can change the ending.
I think that this has been asked and answered but I don't recall  
Bill L : 12/17/2019 1:02 pm : link
Kids coming home for Christmas and they want to go together to see the new movie. Before we do that, they thought it would be fun to re-watch all of the previous ones.

So is it better to watch 4-5-6-1-2-3-7-8 or 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8?
RE: I dont get why  
UConn4523 : 12/17/2019 1:06 pm : link
In comment 14723353 KDubbs said:
People like wait on pins and needles for someone else's review of a movie. Just go fucking see it if you want to or dont. Dont let someone else’s opinion make you go in with a bias one way or the other.

Are we that stupid we need other people to tell us how we should feel before we see it?

With Star Wars I find reviews to simply be interesting/a talking point. I don't think i'll ever see or not see a Star Wars movie based on reviews. Same for most other movies.
I would just watch them from their release date  
UConn4523 : 12/17/2019 1:07 pm : link
its not like they won't understand what a prequel is.
RE: I think that this has been asked and answered but I don't recall  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 12/17/2019 1:17 pm : link
In comment 14723530 Bill L said:
Kids coming home for Christmas and they want to go together to see the new movie. Before we do that, they thought it would be fun to re-watch all of the previous ones.

So is it better to watch 4-5-6-1-2-3-7-8 or 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8?

Hey Bill. I'd watch them in order. 1-2-3-Rogue One-4-5-6-7-8.

Like I said earlier....  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 12/17/2019 1:24 pm : link
I enjoyed TLJ when I first watched it.

Then certain things made me scratch my head:

1. You know Carrie Fisher died in real life, Why not just have her die in space? Everybody would understand.

2. Or just take the Admiral out of the entire movie and have Leia assume that exact role, in that exact death. It would have made the movie make more sense anyway. And you could have taken out all the scenes with Poe and Finn and the casino.

3. While I was watching the movie I felt the buildup was going to be Luke vs Snoke at the end. This didn't happen in hopes of making Kylo a stronger bad guy but I didn't really like how Snoke went out.

I personally liked how the movie ended. The assumption is that Luke is dead but that won't be confirmed until we watch the new movie.
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