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NFT: NFT: Corona Virus first hand account

Producer : 2/26/2020 4:11 pm
This was re-posted by a friend of mine who says it is from a close friend's friend living in China. That's all I can say about its authenticity. It's a pretty terrifying account if true:

A friend of mine in Asia has apparently contracted the coronavirus. While I have not seen him in a couple of years, I pass along to all of you his desperate posting. Please take heed:

“For the safety of my friends and family and my love of God, I’d like to let everyone know that I believe I’ve contracted the Coronavirus. I may have gotten a bad dose cuz I’m in pretty bad shape. I would like to tell everyone with the little energy I have what this is like for ur protection.

Don’t believe the media, I was absolutely fine, wearing face mask and disinfecting, and as if from nowhere I almost fainted on the street. I went home and in less than 24 hours I was having horrible respiratory problems and have had 3 mild to medium to almost complete respiratory failures so far. The muscle pain are concentrated in the sternum and feel like sudden heart attacks. Also sitting in a position that puts any weight on the area where your lungs feel strained will cause a feeling like your lungs are locked in place.

I haven’t developed a cough, I had nausea and upset stomach, no sore throat and no fever. In the next 48 hours I developed a fever that goes and comes like lightning. Cold air causes respiratory distress BIG TIME, sleeping agents cause respiratory failure so stay away from Tylenol PM or things to help you sleep. When you are weak, the sleeping agent causes a feeling like you’re about to fall into a coma.
Chopping up onions, what sounds like a dumb home remedy, has actually given some relief. Maybe the acidic elements in the onion help, whatever, I’m breathing a little better, not overthinking it.

It SNEAKS UP ON YOU! That’s my most important warning, pay attention to your body, don’t dismiss any small feeling, it’s sudden. I saw pictures of people in wuhan fainting and thought that those were some ignorant people to go outside when they knew they’re sick. I saw a nurse suddenly collapse and thought well why did she come into work?? No. No no no. It sneaks up on you and you have absolutely no idea how the heck you’re suddenly laying on the floor.

I’m in a stage now where I’m fighting to keep myself breathing. Hospitals are turning people away if they didn’t have contact with a Chinese person first. The numbers we are seeing are impossible to be accurate. No way in hell! If the governments are only testing a select few, then how can people like me who are out there be counted in that number? My neighbor’s kid sounds like he’s going to die from the coughing.

Most important for me is I’m not scared in the spiritual sense. I know who’s got my back and I’m good. I want to take a moment to implore those of you who aren’t quite sure of your own convictions to take a moment and reflect on them, because whatever this thing is feels like more than what we are being told. I was holed up in my apartment for almost a month, ordering from the local market which left the food outside my door, and I left once and caught it. The one time I left there were sick people everywhere, literally like a movie. Please, if you ever had any wonder about your life and the possibility That God exists, now may be the time to think about it and ask Him to speak to you and see if you hear something back i can guarantee you will. This will explode soon and your story might be like mine, thinking no way will I catch it, and then you’ve got it... and it’s worse than you imagined.

Last thing, my mom said “I see now how the elderly are dying from this.” I’m sorry to say yes, please watch over your elders. I’m moving around, fighting with all my heart to keep myself from losing consciousness or from respiratory failure. Every time I feel my lungs lock up, I do everything, pace around the room, lay on the floor, get back up, everything so I can to catch my breath again... I have no idea how an older person will be able to do all that if they catch this. Don’t wait too long to bring them in. God bless everyone. If I feel this might get me in trouble with the government I’ll take my FB down.”
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giantfan2000 : 2/28/2020 8:24 am : link
this video of doctor in wuhan is chilling..
Coronavirus: On the front line in Wuhan - ( New Window )
RE: RE: RE: The Atlantic article linked above is actually a worthy read  
Producer : 2/28/2020 8:26 am : link
In comment 14821590 shyster said:
In comment 14821554 Producer said:


yes. thank you. i think it is pretty important in a thread about coronavirus to point out that *experts* think there is a possibility millions will die in the coming years,

This is not focus I agree with. The point of the Atlantic article is that this novel coronavirus may attain endemic status just because it kills relatively few of its hosts.

well yes and no.. it is actually an irony of virology that the seeming deadliest viruses like Ebola don't kill as many as some more benign viruses like seasonal influenza. Why is that? Well one reason is that influenza doesn't rapidly decimate the host the way Ebola does. And in this regard Covid-19 is like the flu. It may take 10 days for the host to show symptoms meanwhile they are infectious. It is sort of a truism of virology that viruses evolve to sustain the host so it can flourish longer and find more hosts. So if Covid-19 mutates, it might become more benign, closer to influenza in terms of mortality rate. That is the good news. The bad news is that virologists i have heard are saying there is no evidence it is mutating -- yet.

Putting this all together. As FMIC and others have indicated we don't know the actual mortality rate. Cases may be under-reported and many may be asymptomatic, and maybe better intervention can mitigate the numbers we have seen. But whatever the mortality rate is, it is something higher than seasonal flu. If it stays static, a big if I know, we potentially have a new flu-like seasonal epidemic/pandemic, with a still much higher mortality rate. That could be catastrophic. I have seen the author of the Harvard study speak. He won't project mortality rate numbers as the virus takes root and becomes endemic. He doesn't know where that goes, nobody does. But let's say it drops to 1%. Among 40% to 70% of the global adult population, that's a big number. Among hundreds of millions of adult Americans, you do the math.
RE: wow  
bw in dc : 2/28/2020 8:51 am : link
In comment 14821619 giantfan2000 said:
this video of doctor in wuhan is chilling.. Coronavirus: On the front line in Wuhan - ( New Window )

Good link. Those physicians in China are doing heroic work.

Very, very interesting how this doctor basically said China was too slow to react, and how that likely has been the catalyst to the outbreak.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: My sister lives in Beijing  
bradshaw44 : 2/28/2020 10:33 am : link
In comment 14821481 Producer said:
In comment 14821475 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821055 Producer said:


In comment 14821051 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821041 Producer said:


In comment 14821024 bradshaw44 said:


She says she's fine and doesn't even know anyone with the virus. Although everyone is walking around with face masks. She was out of the country when it hit and they kept her in Taiwan until it was deemed safe to come back. Which was two weeks ago. She's back and fine.

BTW, if you look at the mortality rates and track it in line with Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and MERS, it's tracking a little hire than Swine Flu at the same point in time. It's not even in the same galaxy as Ebola. And it's tracking significantly under SARS.

This is being blown way out of proportion. And FMIC has nailed the OP dead to rights.

no FMIC has not and you comparing this virus to Ebola is utterly moronic. The issue with this virus are transmission and infection rates not mortality rates vis a vis Ebola. Ebola is hard to catch, needs to be blood exchange generally, and expresses itself quickly and dramatically. This virus appears to be easy to catch, possibly easier than seasonal flu but with potentially 20x the mortality of seasonal flu.

Yes, comparing this virus with another virus that requires careful containment is moronic. SMH.

You're an obvious troll. FMIC nailed it. Troll.

Ebola is spread through blood transmission and expresses dramatic symptoms within hours/days. Covid19 spreads like the common cold and may not express symptoms for up to ten days while the subject is infectious. Do you understand the difference? These are facts, not trolling. That is why Covid19 is more dangerous than Ebola. It can spread as widely as seasonal flu with potentially 20 times the fatality rate. Do these numbers make sense to you?

You’re telling me Corona is more dangerous then Ebola? You’re being purposefully obtuse. Ebola is a death sentence for just about anyone. No matter the health or age of the recipient. Just because one spreads easier does not make it more dangerous. Ebola is without question more dangerous virus. It kills within days. Corona Virus might spread easier, but that does NOT make it more dangerous. The mortality rates are not even comparable.

You are trolling. Your logic is flawed. And why I’m wasting my time even debating this with you is harder to explain then the fact that Ebola is more dangerous the Corona.

but the difference is that you will never come in contact with Ebola. It is not a threat to 95% of the planet. it is easy to contain and hard to transmit. Covid-19 is a much greater threat to the general population. You and I have a chance to catch it - a high chance. There is a new study out of Harvard that predicts 40% to 70% of all adults worldwide WILL be infected with Covid-19 - linked below.

I ask you, what would you rather have a 0.001% chance to have a 60% chance of dying. Or a 50% chance of having a 2% chance of dying. The answer is you would rather take your chances of catching Ebola - because it is never going to happen. I have tried to explain this as gently as possible. What i have said here is logic. Not trolling. You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus - article - ( New Window )

Why would I care if I'm going to get this virus? I'm a 39 year old healthy adult. The vast majority of people dying are elderly. And even many of them are surviving. I have a chance at dying if I get the flu as well. A 2% chance of dying is gives me a 98% chance of living. That means something would have to go terribly wrong for this disease to kill me. I will GLADLY take my chances with this virus over ever even being in the same CITY as someone that has Ebola. Not too mention, if Ebola ever mutated to an airborn disease, we would lose most of the earths population. THAT is something to worry about.

Again, my sister lives 9 hours away, by car, from Wuhan. She hasn't caught the virus. Nor has anyone she knows personally. While it is a virus that spreads just like the flu, it's not wiping out civilization. And if she catches the virus, chances are I'll see her next Christmas. If she catches Ebola, I'll never see her again. That's the difference.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: My sister lives in Beijing  
Producer : 2/28/2020 11:03 am : link
In comment 14821806 bradshaw44 said:
In comment 14821481 Producer said:


In comment 14821475 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821055 Producer said:


In comment 14821051 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821041 Producer said:


In comment 14821024 bradshaw44 said:


She says she's fine and doesn't even know anyone with the virus. Although everyone is walking around with face masks. She was out of the country when it hit and they kept her in Taiwan until it was deemed safe to come back. Which was two weeks ago. She's back and fine.

BTW, if you look at the mortality rates and track it in line with Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and MERS, it's tracking a little hire than Swine Flu at the same point in time. It's not even in the same galaxy as Ebola. And it's tracking significantly under SARS.

This is being blown way out of proportion. And FMIC has nailed the OP dead to rights.

no FMIC has not and you comparing this virus to Ebola is utterly moronic. The issue with this virus are transmission and infection rates not mortality rates vis a vis Ebola. Ebola is hard to catch, needs to be blood exchange generally, and expresses itself quickly and dramatically. This virus appears to be easy to catch, possibly easier than seasonal flu but with potentially 20x the mortality of seasonal flu.

Yes, comparing this virus with another virus that requires careful containment is moronic. SMH.

You're an obvious troll. FMIC nailed it. Troll.

Ebola is spread through blood transmission and expresses dramatic symptoms within hours/days. Covid19 spreads like the common cold and may not express symptoms for up to ten days while the subject is infectious. Do you understand the difference? These are facts, not trolling. That is why Covid19 is more dangerous than Ebola. It can spread as widely as seasonal flu with potentially 20 times the fatality rate. Do these numbers make sense to you?

You’re telling me Corona is more dangerous then Ebola? You’re being purposefully obtuse. Ebola is a death sentence for just about anyone. No matter the health or age of the recipient. Just because one spreads easier does not make it more dangerous. Ebola is without question more dangerous virus. It kills within days. Corona Virus might spread easier, but that does NOT make it more dangerous. The mortality rates are not even comparable.

You are trolling. Your logic is flawed. And why I’m wasting my time even debating this with you is harder to explain then the fact that Ebola is more dangerous the Corona.

but the difference is that you will never come in contact with Ebola. It is not a threat to 95% of the planet. it is easy to contain and hard to transmit. Covid-19 is a much greater threat to the general population. You and I have a chance to catch it - a high chance. There is a new study out of Harvard that predicts 40% to 70% of all adults worldwide WILL be infected with Covid-19 - linked below.

I ask you, what would you rather have a 0.001% chance to have a 60% chance of dying. Or a 50% chance of having a 2% chance of dying. The answer is you would rather take your chances of catching Ebola - because it is never going to happen. I have tried to explain this as gently as possible. What i have said here is logic. Not trolling. You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus - article - ( New Window )

Why would I care if I'm going to get this virus? I'm a 39 year old healthy adult. The vast majority of people dying are elderly. And even many of them are surviving. I have a chance at dying if I get the flu as well. A 2% chance of dying is gives me a 98% chance of living. That means something would have to go terribly wrong for this disease to kill me. I will GLADLY take my chances with this virus over ever even being in the same CITY as someone that has Ebola. Not too mention, if Ebola ever mutated to an airborn disease, we would lose most of the earths population. THAT is something to worry about.

Again, my sister lives 9 hours away, by car, from Wuhan. She hasn't caught the virus. Nor has anyone she knows personally. While it is a virus that spreads just like the flu, it's not wiping out civilization. And if she catches the virus, chances are I'll see her next Christmas. If she catches Ebola, I'll never see her again. That's the difference.

Ebola going airborne is a science fiction fantasy. Like HIV going airborne. These aren't realistic possibilities. Unless you live in affected areas, like Kenya AND have a family member you need to care for with Ebola OR you're a healthcare worker in those regions, there is a 99.999999999% chance you will never come in contact with Ebola. This virus, there are plausible mathematical models that predict that you will be infected. This whole argument started because people were saying this was nothing, that it would burn out like SARS. Now, with 50+ countries fighting outbreaks, 4000 points down on the DOW, the possible cancellation of the Olympics on the horizon, the largest quarantine in human history, etc etc.. those naysayers have been proved wrong. That is all I and a few others have been saying. This is not SARS. This isn't going away next week. Now the naysayers are saying, I don't care if I get it.. ok... but that's not what they were saying before. The goal posts have moved. I for one don't want to get it. I'm not living in terror, but I'm 54 with a few health issues. One day soon I will be 65 with worse health issues. It's on my mind. I'm not paralyzed by it but I hope treatments make this virus as relatively benign as seasonal flu.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: My sister lives in Beijing  
bradshaw44 : 2/28/2020 11:12 am : link
In comment 14821849 Producer said:
In comment 14821806 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821481 Producer said:


In comment 14821475 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821055 Producer said:


In comment 14821051 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821041 Producer said:


In comment 14821024 bradshaw44 said:


She says she's fine and doesn't even know anyone with the virus. Although everyone is walking around with face masks. She was out of the country when it hit and they kept her in Taiwan until it was deemed safe to come back. Which was two weeks ago. She's back and fine.

BTW, if you look at the mortality rates and track it in line with Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and MERS, it's tracking a little hire than Swine Flu at the same point in time. It's not even in the same galaxy as Ebola. And it's tracking significantly under SARS.

This is being blown way out of proportion. And FMIC has nailed the OP dead to rights.

no FMIC has not and you comparing this virus to Ebola is utterly moronic. The issue with this virus are transmission and infection rates not mortality rates vis a vis Ebola. Ebola is hard to catch, needs to be blood exchange generally, and expresses itself quickly and dramatically. This virus appears to be easy to catch, possibly easier than seasonal flu but with potentially 20x the mortality of seasonal flu.

Yes, comparing this virus with another virus that requires careful containment is moronic. SMH.

You're an obvious troll. FMIC nailed it. Troll.

Ebola is spread through blood transmission and expresses dramatic symptoms within hours/days. Covid19 spreads like the common cold and may not express symptoms for up to ten days while the subject is infectious. Do you understand the difference? These are facts, not trolling. That is why Covid19 is more dangerous than Ebola. It can spread as widely as seasonal flu with potentially 20 times the fatality rate. Do these numbers make sense to you?

You’re telling me Corona is more dangerous then Ebola? You’re being purposefully obtuse. Ebola is a death sentence for just about anyone. No matter the health or age of the recipient. Just because one spreads easier does not make it more dangerous. Ebola is without question more dangerous virus. It kills within days. Corona Virus might spread easier, but that does NOT make it more dangerous. The mortality rates are not even comparable.

You are trolling. Your logic is flawed. And why I’m wasting my time even debating this with you is harder to explain then the fact that Ebola is more dangerous the Corona.

but the difference is that you will never come in contact with Ebola. It is not a threat to 95% of the planet. it is easy to contain and hard to transmit. Covid-19 is a much greater threat to the general population. You and I have a chance to catch it - a high chance. There is a new study out of Harvard that predicts 40% to 70% of all adults worldwide WILL be infected with Covid-19 - linked below.

I ask you, what would you rather have a 0.001% chance to have a 60% chance of dying. Or a 50% chance of having a 2% chance of dying. The answer is you would rather take your chances of catching Ebola - because it is never going to happen. I have tried to explain this as gently as possible. What i have said here is logic. Not trolling. You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus - article - ( New Window )

Why would I care if I'm going to get this virus? I'm a 39 year old healthy adult. The vast majority of people dying are elderly. And even many of them are surviving. I have a chance at dying if I get the flu as well. A 2% chance of dying is gives me a 98% chance of living. That means something would have to go terribly wrong for this disease to kill me. I will GLADLY take my chances with this virus over ever even being in the same CITY as someone that has Ebola. Not too mention, if Ebola ever mutated to an airborn disease, we would lose most of the earths population. THAT is something to worry about.

Again, my sister lives 9 hours away, by car, from Wuhan. She hasn't caught the virus. Nor has anyone she knows personally. While it is a virus that spreads just like the flu, it's not wiping out civilization. And if she catches the virus, chances are I'll see her next Christmas. If she catches Ebola, I'll never see her again. That's the difference.

Ebola going airborne is a science fiction fantasy. Like HIV going airborne. These aren't realistic possibilities. Unless you live in affected areas, like Kenya AND have a family member you need to care for with Ebola OR you're a healthcare worker in those regions, there is a 99.999999999% chance you will never come in contact with Ebola. This virus, there are plausible mathematical models that predict that you will be infected. This whole argument started because people were saying this was nothing, that it would burn out like SARS. Now, with 50+ countries fighting outbreaks, 4000 points down on the DOW, the possible cancellation of the Olympics on the horizon, the largest quarantine in human history, etc etc.. those naysayers have been proved wrong. That is all I and a few others have been saying. This is not SARS. This isn't going away next week. Now the naysayers are saying, I don't care if I get it.. ok... but that's not what they were saying before. The goal posts have moved. I for one don't want to get it. I'm not living in terror, but I'm 54 with a few health issues. One day soon I will be 65 with worse health issues. It's on my mind. I'm not paralyzed by it but I hope treatments make this virus as relatively benign as seasonal flu.

By the time you're 65 this virus will most likely be treated and vaccinated for like our most standard seasonal viruses. They are already making great strides on getting a handle on it and it's only been around a few weeks.

Look at AIDS. People thought they would never be able to stop or slow it down. I have two friends with AIDS and both of them live perfectly normal lives. One of them was near death and they brought him back to the point where the virus is undetectable in his system.

This virus doesn't show any signs of being the grim reaper virus you are equating it to. The main point you're getting across is that it's spreading like the flu. We get that. But it's not wiping out civilization.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: My sister lives in Beijing  
Producer : 2/28/2020 11:23 am : link
In comment 14821861 bradshaw44 said:
In comment 14821849 Producer said:


In comment 14821806 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821481 Producer said:


In comment 14821475 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821055 Producer said:


In comment 14821051 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821041 Producer said:


In comment 14821024 bradshaw44 said:


She says she's fine and doesn't even know anyone with the virus. Although everyone is walking around with face masks. She was out of the country when it hit and they kept her in Taiwan until it was deemed safe to come back. Which was two weeks ago. She's back and fine.

BTW, if you look at the mortality rates and track it in line with Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and MERS, it's tracking a little hire than Swine Flu at the same point in time. It's not even in the same galaxy as Ebola. And it's tracking significantly under SARS.

This is being blown way out of proportion. And FMIC has nailed the OP dead to rights.

no FMIC has not and you comparing this virus to Ebola is utterly moronic. The issue with this virus are transmission and infection rates not mortality rates vis a vis Ebola. Ebola is hard to catch, needs to be blood exchange generally, and expresses itself quickly and dramatically. This virus appears to be easy to catch, possibly easier than seasonal flu but with potentially 20x the mortality of seasonal flu.

Yes, comparing this virus with another virus that requires careful containment is moronic. SMH.

You're an obvious troll. FMIC nailed it. Troll.

Ebola is spread through blood transmission and expresses dramatic symptoms within hours/days. Covid19 spreads like the common cold and may not express symptoms for up to ten days while the subject is infectious. Do you understand the difference? These are facts, not trolling. That is why Covid19 is more dangerous than Ebola. It can spread as widely as seasonal flu with potentially 20 times the fatality rate. Do these numbers make sense to you?

You’re telling me Corona is more dangerous then Ebola? You’re being purposefully obtuse. Ebola is a death sentence for just about anyone. No matter the health or age of the recipient. Just because one spreads easier does not make it more dangerous. Ebola is without question more dangerous virus. It kills within days. Corona Virus might spread easier, but that does NOT make it more dangerous. The mortality rates are not even comparable.

You are trolling. Your logic is flawed. And why I’m wasting my time even debating this with you is harder to explain then the fact that Ebola is more dangerous the Corona.

but the difference is that you will never come in contact with Ebola. It is not a threat to 95% of the planet. it is easy to contain and hard to transmit. Covid-19 is a much greater threat to the general population. You and I have a chance to catch it - a high chance. There is a new study out of Harvard that predicts 40% to 70% of all adults worldwide WILL be infected with Covid-19 - linked below.

I ask you, what would you rather have a 0.001% chance to have a 60% chance of dying. Or a 50% chance of having a 2% chance of dying. The answer is you would rather take your chances of catching Ebola - because it is never going to happen. I have tried to explain this as gently as possible. What i have said here is logic. Not trolling. You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus - article - ( New Window )

Why would I care if I'm going to get this virus? I'm a 39 year old healthy adult. The vast majority of people dying are elderly. And even many of them are surviving. I have a chance at dying if I get the flu as well. A 2% chance of dying is gives me a 98% chance of living. That means something would have to go terribly wrong for this disease to kill me. I will GLADLY take my chances with this virus over ever even being in the same CITY as someone that has Ebola. Not too mention, if Ebola ever mutated to an airborn disease, we would lose most of the earths population. THAT is something to worry about.

Again, my sister lives 9 hours away, by car, from Wuhan. She hasn't caught the virus. Nor has anyone she knows personally. While it is a virus that spreads just like the flu, it's not wiping out civilization. And if she catches the virus, chances are I'll see her next Christmas. If she catches Ebola, I'll never see her again. That's the difference.

Ebola going airborne is a science fiction fantasy. Like HIV going airborne. These aren't realistic possibilities. Unless you live in affected areas, like Kenya AND have a family member you need to care for with Ebola OR you're a healthcare worker in those regions, there is a 99.999999999% chance you will never come in contact with Ebola. This virus, there are plausible mathematical models that predict that you will be infected. This whole argument started because people were saying this was nothing, that it would burn out like SARS. Now, with 50+ countries fighting outbreaks, 4000 points down on the DOW, the possible cancellation of the Olympics on the horizon, the largest quarantine in human history, etc etc.. those naysayers have been proved wrong. That is all I and a few others have been saying. This is not SARS. This isn't going away next week. Now the naysayers are saying, I don't care if I get it.. ok... but that's not what they were saying before. The goal posts have moved. I for one don't want to get it. I'm not living in terror, but I'm 54 with a few health issues. One day soon I will be 65 with worse health issues. It's on my mind. I'm not paralyzed by it but I hope treatments make this virus as relatively benign as seasonal flu.

By the time you're 65 this virus will most likely be treated and vaccinated for like our most standard seasonal viruses. They are already making great strides on getting a handle on it and it's only been around a few weeks.

Look at AIDS. People thought they would never be able to stop or slow it down. I have two friends with AIDS and both of them live perfectly normal lives. One of them was near death and they brought him back to the point where the virus is undetectable in his system.

This virus doesn't show any signs of being the grim reaper virus you are equating it to. The main point you're getting across is that it's spreading like the flu. We get that. But it's not wiping out civilization.

I never once claimed it was wiping out civilization. The 1918 flu didn't wipe out civilization. Not close. But it was catastrophic. The number of dead was mind-boggling and everyone knew people, many healthy people, who died. Civilization will move, of course.
Great job..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 2/28/2020 11:27 am : link
fighting the good fight and warning us about something you don't know anything about.

RE: Great job..  
Producer : 2/28/2020 11:48 am : link
In comment 14821885 FatMan in Charlotte said:
fighting the good fight and warning us about something you don't know anything about.


I know a little something about it. I know more than you. Three weeks ago when you were claiming it was nothing and that it would go away, I disagreed. You were the one spouting off with too little information, and knowledge. You were wrong, not me. But it's ok to be wrong as long as you can admit it. You my friend, seem to double down on wrong a lot. Sorry I tried to correct your misconceptions. I didn't develop an interest in virology last week, but it seems you did, making broad assertions that were untrue.
FatMan in Charlotte : 2/28/2020 11:53 am : link
I never said it was nothing and it would go away. I said now what I said then.

Be vigilant, take precautions and don't act like the fucking world is ending.It is a strain of the flu, not some population-leveling disease.

And what I also said - is learn the facts before spreading fear. Three weeks later - and you still are doing the same fucking thing. A dupe and a troll who signed up to discuss a virus.

Who the fuck acts like that?
And by the way..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 2/28/2020 11:56 am : link
the OP above is still a steaming pile of horseshit:

I didn't develop an interest in virology last week, but it seems you did, making broad assertions that were untrue.

If you didn't develop an interest in virology last week, you sure sound like an idiot when discussing it. What person with an understanding of virology would spread fear and misinformation instead of sticking with what is known?
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: My sister lives in Beijing  
bradshaw44 : 2/28/2020 12:05 pm : link
In comment 14821877 Producer said:
In comment 14821861 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821849 Producer said:


In comment 14821806 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821481 Producer said:


In comment 14821475 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821055 Producer said:


In comment 14821051 bradshaw44 said:


In comment 14821041 Producer said:


In comment 14821024 bradshaw44 said:


She says she's fine and doesn't even know anyone with the virus. Although everyone is walking around with face masks. She was out of the country when it hit and they kept her in Taiwan until it was deemed safe to come back. Which was two weeks ago. She's back and fine.

BTW, if you look at the mortality rates and track it in line with Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and MERS, it's tracking a little hire than Swine Flu at the same point in time. It's not even in the same galaxy as Ebola. And it's tracking significantly under SARS.

This is being blown way out of proportion. And FMIC has nailed the OP dead to rights.

no FMIC has not and you comparing this virus to Ebola is utterly moronic. The issue with this virus are transmission and infection rates not mortality rates vis a vis Ebola. Ebola is hard to catch, needs to be blood exchange generally, and expresses itself quickly and dramatically. This virus appears to be easy to catch, possibly easier than seasonal flu but with potentially 20x the mortality of seasonal flu.

Yes, comparing this virus with another virus that requires careful containment is moronic. SMH.

You're an obvious troll. FMIC nailed it. Troll.

Ebola is spread through blood transmission and expresses dramatic symptoms within hours/days. Covid19 spreads like the common cold and may not express symptoms for up to ten days while the subject is infectious. Do you understand the difference? These are facts, not trolling. That is why Covid19 is more dangerous than Ebola. It can spread as widely as seasonal flu with potentially 20 times the fatality rate. Do these numbers make sense to you?

You’re telling me Corona is more dangerous then Ebola? You’re being purposefully obtuse. Ebola is a death sentence for just about anyone. No matter the health or age of the recipient. Just because one spreads easier does not make it more dangerous. Ebola is without question more dangerous virus. It kills within days. Corona Virus might spread easier, but that does NOT make it more dangerous. The mortality rates are not even comparable.

You are trolling. Your logic is flawed. And why I’m wasting my time even debating this with you is harder to explain then the fact that Ebola is more dangerous the Corona.

but the difference is that you will never come in contact with Ebola. It is not a threat to 95% of the planet. it is easy to contain and hard to transmit. Covid-19 is a much greater threat to the general population. You and I have a chance to catch it - a high chance. There is a new study out of Harvard that predicts 40% to 70% of all adults worldwide WILL be infected with Covid-19 - linked below.

I ask you, what would you rather have a 0.001% chance to have a 60% chance of dying. Or a 50% chance of having a 2% chance of dying. The answer is you would rather take your chances of catching Ebola - because it is never going to happen. I have tried to explain this as gently as possible. What i have said here is logic. Not trolling. You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus - article - ( New Window )

Why would I care if I'm going to get this virus? I'm a 39 year old healthy adult. The vast majority of people dying are elderly. And even many of them are surviving. I have a chance at dying if I get the flu as well. A 2% chance of dying is gives me a 98% chance of living. That means something would have to go terribly wrong for this disease to kill me. I will GLADLY take my chances with this virus over ever even being in the same CITY as someone that has Ebola. Not too mention, if Ebola ever mutated to an airborn disease, we would lose most of the earths population. THAT is something to worry about.

Again, my sister lives 9 hours away, by car, from Wuhan. She hasn't caught the virus. Nor has anyone she knows personally. While it is a virus that spreads just like the flu, it's not wiping out civilization. And if she catches the virus, chances are I'll see her next Christmas. If she catches Ebola, I'll never see her again. That's the difference.

Ebola going airborne is a science fiction fantasy. Like HIV going airborne. These aren't realistic possibilities. Unless you live in affected areas, like Kenya AND have a family member you need to care for with Ebola OR you're a healthcare worker in those regions, there is a 99.999999999% chance you will never come in contact with Ebola. This virus, there are plausible mathematical models that predict that you will be infected. This whole argument started because people were saying this was nothing, that it would burn out like SARS. Now, with 50+ countries fighting outbreaks, 4000 points down on the DOW, the possible cancellation of the Olympics on the horizon, the largest quarantine in human history, etc etc.. those naysayers have been proved wrong. That is all I and a few others have been saying. This is not SARS. This isn't going away next week. Now the naysayers are saying, I don't care if I get it.. ok... but that's not what they were saying before. The goal posts have moved. I for one don't want to get it. I'm not living in terror, but I'm 54 with a few health issues. One day soon I will be 65 with worse health issues. It's on my mind. I'm not paralyzed by it but I hope treatments make this virus as relatively benign as seasonal flu.

By the time you're 65 this virus will most likely be treated and vaccinated for like our most standard seasonal viruses. They are already making great strides on getting a handle on it and it's only been around a few weeks.

Look at AIDS. People thought they would never be able to stop or slow it down. I have two friends with AIDS and both of them live perfectly normal lives. One of them was near death and they brought him back to the point where the virus is undetectable in his system.

This virus doesn't show any signs of being the grim reaper virus you are equating it to. The main point you're getting across is that it's spreading like the flu. We get that. But it's not wiping out civilization.

I never once claimed it was wiping out civilization. The 1918 flu didn't wipe out civilization. Not close. But it was catastrophic. The number of dead was mind-boggling and everyone knew people, many healthy people, who died. Civilization will move, of course.

Good lord. You understand hyperbole as well as virology.

My point is you're acting as if this is the 1918 flu. And to quote you, "The 1918 flu didn't wipe out civilization. Not close. But it was catastrophic."

This is not that.
By the way..  
FatMan in Charlotte : 2/28/2020 12:08 pm : link
what's the endgame here??

Is the goal to save BBI from the virus or is this just a way to direct your anxiety to the masses on a subject? Why not post it on a virology board?? Are we supposed to take action or just cower in a dark room with anti-microbial wipes until it passes?

There must be some motivation to sign up on a football board just to be a Good Samaritan, right, Ace?
i'm going to start a thread called Fatman v. Producer  
MM_in_NYC : 2/28/2020 12:09 pm : link
and you guys can just argue non stop there and stop filling every thread on this
For what its worth...  
.McL. : 3/2/2020 2:00 am : link
I have had direct contact with somebody in Wuhan... I know this person, she is a Chinese American that had gone back to visit family before the original outbreak and got stuck. She was not on the phone with me, however, I was in the room and the phone was on speaker. She is not sick at this time. Because of government restrictions, she wouldn't say much. Just that they are very scared, the only place she feels safe is in her bed, she and her family don't leave the apartment, food is delivered. She also said that things are much worse than has been reported. Like orders of magnitude worse.

That was it.
To be clear...  
.McL. : 3/2/2020 2:11 am : link
The person on the phone with her told her that at the time we knew of almost 79K cases in all of China... Her response of "orders of magnitude worse", was to that.
RE: To be clear...  
bw in dc : 3/2/2020 2:29 am : link
In comment 14823986 .McL. said:
The person on the phone with her told her that at the time we knew of almost 79K cases in all of China... Her response of "orders of magnitude worse", was to that.

Thanks for sharing that. I’ve read and heard some WHO officials just raving about the job China has done managing the outbreak. One guy essentially said if he had to be in one country for this type of health crisis China was his choice. It’s like he was an alien. Or being bribed.

They owe the world the truth. Unfortunately they are incapable of meeting that moral obligation.
RE: RE: To be clear...  
.McL. : 3/2/2020 2:43 am : link
In comment 14823989 bw in dc said:
In comment 14823986 .McL. said:


The person on the phone with her told her that at the time we knew of almost 79K cases in all of China... Her response of "orders of magnitude worse", was to that.

Thanks for sharing that. I’ve read and heard some WHO officials just raving about the job China has done managing the outbreak. One guy essentially said if he had to be in one country for this type of health crisis China was his choice. It’s like he was an alien. Or being bribed.

They owe the world the truth. Unfortunately they are incapable of meeting that moral obligation.

Actually I think both are true... Information has not been allowed to leave China, and they do have an moral obligation to share that. On the other hand, China's top down authoritarian structure has allowed them to mobilize the Army, and put a huge region under very strict Marshal Law. They have army personnel trucking in food and delivering it. They also have large number of army doctors and nurses in the region, and they produce the majority of HazMat suits. They were able to ramp up production before most of the world knew what was happening. They have been able to take unprecedented steps to control the disease. Steps that will be nearly impossible to replicate here in the US.
They also build from scratch  
.McL. : 3/2/2020 2:47 am : link
two hospitals that added about 2,000 beds. And did it in two weeks!

They have taken over sporting arenas and large gymnasiums and converted them into temporary Hospitals, adding over 10,000 more beds.
The US should have ramped up production  
.McL. : 3/2/2020 2:52 am : link
of HazMat suits months ago. Along with respirators. The US has only 75,000 respirators.

If people start getting sick here, something like 15% of the population (typical numbers for the flu), we *may* need 100x that number. What is that going to do to the mortality rate if people can't get them.
RE: They also build from scratch  
bw in dc : 3/2/2020 11:16 am : link
In comment 14823991 .McL. said:
two hospitals that added about 2,000 beds. And did it in two weeks!

They have taken over sporting arenas and large gymnasiums and converted them into temporary Hospitals, adding over 10,000 more beds.

I saw the hospital builds. I think jcn posted one of those fast-forward videos that shows them breaking ground and working around the clock to go live in by 2 weeks.
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