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NFT: Bill & Ted 3 Trailer

Anakim : 6/9/2020 12:46 pm
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I never understood the fascination with these movies.  
robbieballs2003 : 6/9/2020 12:51 pm : link
The first two came out when I was a kid. This looks awful.
RE: I never understood the fascination with these movies.  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 12:53 pm : link
In comment 14917056 robbieballs2003 said:
The first two came out when I was a kid. This looks awful.

Same. I a big Reeves fan but never cared for Bill & Ted. Won't be seeing this but I hope it does well.
RE: I never understood the fascination with these movies.  
Johnny5 : 6/9/2020 12:55 pm : link
In comment 14917056 robbieballs2003 said:
The first two came out when I was a kid. This looks awful.

Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 1:23 pm : link
first one was a fun movie.

But once again, Hollywood has to regurgitate something that shouldn't have been done.

Can't wait until Casablanca II.

Why not remake Caddyshack?

Loved the first one  
Matt M. : 6/9/2020 1:24 pm : link
Second one sucked. This doesn't look promising. That is one of the worst trailers I've ever seen. If that's what they put together to sell the movie, the actual film can't be very good,.
ahh yes Eric mad that companies want to make money  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 1:32 pm : link
don't go see it and they won't be made. Or, just ignore movies you don't want to watch and support the many great projects that are coming out just about weekly right now.
RE: ahh yes Eric mad that companies want to make money  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 1:50 pm : link
In comment 14917074 UConn4523 said:
don't go see it and they won't be made. Or, just ignore movies you don't want to watch and support the many great projects that are coming out just about weekly right now.

People have gotten so used to the crap they are making that they don't even know better. The "must see" movies aren't even that good. Everyone was raving about the Korean film Parasite because "it was different." It was interesting, but it really wasn't all that good.

But hey, you're right, audiences want a 10th version of Spiderman! Can't get enough of that!
what's funny is  
Gordo : 6/9/2020 1:54 pm : link
keanu was pretty much considered a burnout when these movies came out and that's why it worked so well. Since then he's really established himself as a great actor and really great dude. SO now to see him go back and play one of his earliest parts again feels like somebody else is doing an impression of him.. the other guy feels completely natural because his career fell flat.
Never saw either 1 or 2  
oghwga : 6/9/2020 1:58 pm : link
But this is directed by dean parisot who directed the great great galaxy quest. So there's hope.
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 2:04 pm : link
or we can watch the watered down flag football NFL game that we get today. Football stinks now compared to when I was a kid, but we all still eat it up (less for me now but I still watch the Giants + big games).

Its fine that you don't like movies made today, but you generalize it to the point where I have to call it out. And when you don't like anything at all that generally means the problem is with you and not the product. Seems pretty convenient to watch movies and not like any of them - weird in fact.

"Parasite" wasn't all the good. Also fine if you didn't like it but it begs the question - what do you like? Was the last good movie you saw "Patton"?
Pete in MD : 6/9/2020 2:16 pm : link
Wyld Stallyns
Replying to
I imagine half the movie will be Bill & Ted trying to find a phone booth and Millennials on their smartphones asking them, "What's a phone booth?"
RE: Eric  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 2:18 pm : link
In comment 14917089 UConn4523 said:
or we can watch the watered down flag football NFL game that we get today. Football stinks now compared to when I was a kid, but we all still eat it up (less for me now but I still watch the Giants + big games).

Its fine that you don't like movies made today, but you generalize it to the point where I have to call it out. And when you don't like anything at all that generally means the problem is with you and not the product. Seems pretty convenient to watch movies and not like any of them - weird in fact.

"Parasite" wasn't all the good. Also fine if you didn't like it but it begs the question - what do you like? Was the last good movie you saw "Patton"?

UConn, I think there is a reason why older movies and shows are doing so well on streaming services. It was just a better product.

I've said many times on BBI that I think there has been a definite upswing in the quality of shows made for TV on premium services (Game of Thrones is just one example... though that said, I'm reading the books now and boy did they go off script).

What did I like recently? Joker (I'm contradicting myself now on the superhero movies, but that wasn't your typical superhero movie).

1917 and Dunkirk were well done (and different in style).

I loved Grand Budapest Hotel and Moonrise Kingdom (same folks made that).

Lincoln was done very well.

They've botched Star Wars to the point where I won't even go see them anymore. I liked Force Awakens originally until I realized I just had watched a remake of A New Hope.

I actually find myself watching old stuff. Want a messed up "old movie"... re-watch High Plains Drifter or "Full Metal Jacket". Hell, even the old crappy movies are better... I re-watched "They Live" yesterday.
eraserhead and re animator  
Payasdaddy : 6/9/2020 2:23 pm : link
two classics
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 2:24 pm : link
Seriously... I'm not trying to be argumentative here (though I love a good argument), but look at this list and how many of these would you actually watch again?
Top 100 Movies of the 2010s so far - ( New Window )
See, you do like some movies!  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 2:27 pm : link
I watch older moves as well but many don't age well. But I watch them because I liked them in the past and nostalgia usually prevails.

Its also fatigue - you've been watching movies since as long as you can remember and sooner or later when doing anything over and over again, you get tired of it. You also have more entertainment options today than you did 30 years ago.

In any case this movie does look like shit. But there's a bunch that look great that are slated for this year. Speaking of Dunkirk, Tenet is still slated for theaters and it better because its going to be epic in iMax.
RE: Uconn  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 2:30 pm : link
In comment 14917101 Eric from BBI said:
Seriously... I'm not trying to be argumentative here (though I love a good argument), but look at this list and how many of these would you actually watch again? Top 100 Movies of the 2010s so far - ( New Window )

I've seen half the top 10 atleast twice by now, some more and I rarely watch movies multiple times - too many others I haven't seen that i need to get to.

There's actually a ton of great movies there. If you don't like any of them then I don't know what to tell you. Just watched the Social Network last week after not seeing it for a couple years, still such a quality movie. Extremely well written (Sorkin) and Directed (Fincher) - two of the best in their respective fields over the last 25 years.
RE: See, you do like some movies!  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 2:33 pm : link
In comment 14917102 UConn4523 said:
I watch older moves as well but many don't age well. But I watch them because I liked them in the past and nostalgia usually prevails.

Its also fatigue - you've been watching movies since as long as you can remember and sooner or later when doing anything over and over again, you get tired of it. You also have more entertainment options today than you did 30 years ago.

In any case this movie does look like shit. But there's a bunch that look great that are slated for this year. Speaking of Dunkirk, Tenet is still slated for theaters and it better because its going to be epic in iMax.

UConn, I agree with you. Some old movies haven't aged well. I just said to my wife (I'm relaying my discussion with you to her in real time - grin) before you typed this, "Hell, I'll admit it when something I thought was good really isn't."

All I know is when I'm told, "this is a great movie that you need to see" I usually end up disappointed now. Lots of CGI...lots of explosions...remakes...sequels... very little original story-telling.

That's what I miss the most... strong plots, interesting characters, and good story telling.
The first one was a classic.  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/9/2020 2:34 pm : link
The second...meh.

Ted: Remember when I asked her to the prom?
The Social Network might be the best movie  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 6/9/2020 2:35 pm : link
of the 2010s.
A lot of use of the words "they" and "Hollywood" here  
Pete in 'Vliet : 6/9/2020 2:40 pm : link
As if all filmakers in Hollywood have a multi-studio meeting about what movies everyone is allowed to make.

This was a project of the original writers Matheson and Solomon. They've been hustling to get is made since 2011. After many re-writes and marketing with the help of Winters and Reeves they finally had the money to make the film they wanted and not another reboot - which is what most studios originally wanted from them.

Its not supposed to look great. Its a fun feel good comedy. Want the type of movie you like to be made? Go out there and do what these filmmakers did. Otherwise enjoy the entertainment people worked their asses off to make happen.

come on  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 2:45 pm : link
"All I know is when I'm told, "this is a great movie that you need to see" I usually end up disappointed now. Lots of CGI...lots of explosions...remakes...sequels... very little original story-telling."

That's a very broad brush. Most of those movies on the list outside of the scifi movies don't have any CGI at all. And I'm there with you anyway, Hollywood went CGI heavy in the 2000's because bigger was better and it sold in Asia - that's why they are still made.

Mad Max Fury Road - next to no CGI and is pretty much #1 all time for me in the action genre.

Arrival - some CGI but a brilliantly told story

Hugo - might be Scorsese's most "interesting" film. Some CGI but a very subtle, let the story unfold and used it to enhance (which was kind of the purpose of the film).

Life of Pi - heavy use of CGI but so well made. Ang Lee is a master, IMO.

Zootopia - 100% animation and one of the best animated movies ever made, IMO. Its up there with "UP" (which could have won best picture flat out in 2009).

I bring these up because they are in that top 100 and reflect when CGI is used properly. Not everything is Transformers.
Films are a product.  
81_Great_Dane : 6/9/2020 2:45 pm : link
The major studios respond to market demand like any other mass-consumption business. If their research says there's a market for another Bill & Ted movie, they run the numbers, figure out what they can spend on one to have a reasonable expectation of making money, and they make one. It's a product made for a market, at a price.

There are filmmakers who make films because they're creative and have something to say, but that's not what drives the sequels, franchises, etc. It's strictly business. The majors want to commoditize films as much as possible, in the sense that they want a product that can be made at a predictable price and deliver a predictable return -- on average, anyway.

The biggest obstacle to more risk-taking in movies is the high cost of marketing. You can make a movie cheaply nowadays, but it still costs something like $20 million to market a movie. Rule of thumb is you need to bring in 3x your costs. If you need to spend $20 million for marketing, you need $60 million in revenue to offset that, give or take. Also 3x the production budget. So your risk-taking movie, that cost maybe $5 million (cheap), needs to bring in $75 million to turn a profit. And that's a lot of revenue for a risk-taking movie.

That's one reason more and more eccentric, individual films are going right to streaming. Lower marketing costs and if the movie drives subscriptions, it can be a loss leader for the streaming service and still pay for itself in other ways.
RE: The Social Network might be the best movie  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 2:48 pm : link
In comment 14917108 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
of the 2010s.

Agreed. I remember when they first announced it, I scoffed at the idea - "how's a movie about facebook going to be good"?

Boy was I wrong. The back and forth between how the idea started and evolved with the private court sessions - so well done. Ohh and Trent Reznor - what a gem he's been in the movie industry.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 2:52 pm : link
I watched Mad Max Fury Road because of all of the glowing reviews on BBI about it.

I thought it stunk. Seriously.

I think we just have different movie tastes.

What I have read (and said here before) is that movies have changed because of the need to cater to overseas audiences, particularly in Asia. That makes sense to me. But it would also explain the blandness that I am picking up (I understand you don't agree).
I am NOT...  
Chris in Philly : 6/9/2020 2:53 pm : link
debating this topic with Eric again. I am not! Walk away from the keyboard, self! Save your strength!
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 2:56 pm : link
Predator is a cheesy, testosterone-laden, over-the-top action flick, but I would pick that any day over the last Mad Max movie.

"I ain't got time to bleed!"

How do you beat that?
They Live  
Ben in Tampa : 6/9/2020 2:57 pm : link
I’ve been hoping one of the big streaming services would adapt They Live into a series. The movie is an all time cult classic, but I’ve always thought if they fleshed it out as a series it would be very popular.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 2:58 pm : link
there is no way Fury Road is better than the second Mad Max movie (Road Warrior).
yeah I don't know what to tell you  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 3:00 pm : link
it just feels like a big troll job at this point. If Fury Road stunk than I just quit.

Yeah Predator is fun to watch but when you actually think about the movie itself, its pretty stupid. But hey it was made in the 80's so it must be good.

Let me guess, Rocky 4 was better than Creed?

I quit.
RE: the  
NDMedics : 6/9/2020 3:00 pm : link
In comment 14917070 Eric from BBI said:
first one was a fun movie.

But once again, Hollywood has to regurgitate something that shouldn't have been done.

Can't wait until Casablanca II.

Why not remake Caddyshack?


You mean like this?
Link - ( New Window )
RE: and  
81_Great_Dane : 6/9/2020 3:04 pm : link
In comment 14917125 Eric from BBI said:
there is no way Fury Road is better than the second Mad Max movie (Road Warrior).

Predator is a pretty high bar to judge movies, actually. John McTiernan was a very artistic young director at that time. That and "Die Hard," both movies that elevated the genre. Really, really good films that have stood the test of time.

I agree that I'd take "The Road Warrior" over "Fury Road," but that's because The Road Warrior is another movie that sets a high bar. I think Fury Road was a fantastic film and was a bracing shot of creativity compared to the very corporate, very safe superhero franchises. Tom Hardy was a less interesting Max than Mel Gibson, but Charlize Theron almost made up for it.

I love those Marvel movies but they're mostly quite disposable. Predator, Die Hard, The Road Warrior, and yes, Fury Road, IMV all essentials.
Still waiting on Titanic II  
CardinalX : 6/9/2020 3:10 pm : link
Leo couldn't have really died, he was awesome in Wolf of Wallstreet
RE: and  
GiantsLaw : 6/9/2020 3:15 pm : link
In comment 14917125 Eric from BBI said:
there is no way Fury Road is better than the second Mad Max movie (Road Warrior).
wow I finally found someone else that hated Fury Road. Cheeeeseball
You Mofos...  
Johnny5 : 6/9/2020 3:23 pm : link
… saying 1 and/or 2 sucked. Dead to me.
RE: RE: The Social Network might be the best movie  
GMAN4LIFE : 6/9/2020 3:26 pm : link
In comment 14917116 UConn4523 said:
In comment 14917108 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


of the 2010s.

Agreed. I remember when they first announced it, I scoffed at the idea - "how's a movie about facebook going to be good"?

Boy was I wrong. The back and forth between how the idea started and evolved with the private court sessions - so well done. Ohh and Trent Reznor - what a gem he's been in the movie industry.

and the trailer really made it. The Creep song sang by the choir. It was just good all around.
I'm predicting it now...  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 3:27 pm : link
Within 10 years, we will see...

Casablanca II: Sam's Revenge
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 3:28 pm : link
Rocky IV... awful movie... but I love it... why?... non-stop music montages... hell, that soundtrack used to be my gym workout.
RE: eraserhead and re animator  
Anakim : 6/9/2020 3:45 pm : link
In comment 14917098 Payasdaddy said:
two classics

Eraserhead is the biggest piece of shit movie in the history of cinema
RE: RE: eraserhead and re animator  
Anakim : 6/9/2020 3:48 pm : link
In comment 14917149 Anakim said:
In comment 14917098 Payasdaddy said:


two classics

Eraserhead is the biggest piece of shit movie in the history of cinema

Best thing about Eraserhead is you can say it's original...because no sane person could come up with such grotesque and nonsensical shit. There's no artistic value or even mindless entertainment in Eraserhead. It's a piece of shit of the highest order.
Watched Fight Club for the first time in years the other day  
Greg from LI : 6/9/2020 3:55 pm : link
Hard to believe it's 21 years old now. It has definitely held up better than that other iconic movie from '99, The Matrix.
I haven't seen it in a while but Fight Club is awesome  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 4:00 pm : link
Fincher is just awesome. Even his worst movie (Gone Girl, IMO) is better than many directors best movies. His upcoming movie Mank should be right in Eric's wheelhouse - will it suck????

But seriously, its about the making of Citizen Kane, specifically the battles between the screenwriter and Orson Welles.
81_Great_Dane and Greg  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 4:02 pm : link
I could watch Die Hard and the Matrix (first one) any time. And folks quote from them all of the time.

I can't even remember a scene from Fury Road.

(And again, before you guys get on me about being "old man Eric", I am on record here many, many times of the years saying which modern TV shows I love...and some recent movies).
Yeah, I'm definitely a Fincher fan  
Greg from LI : 6/9/2020 4:07 pm : link
I like all of his movies that I've seen (didn't watch The Social Network because I can't stand Sorkin). I might put Panic Room below Gone Girl, but I liked them both anyway. The Game is very underrated.
Oh and a few old movies by favorite directors popped up lately  
Greg from LI : 6/9/2020 4:11 pm : link
As free to me on demand, so I finally got to watch Hard Eight and Blood Simple. Liked Hard Eight a lot - Anderson hadn't quite found his groove yet but you could already see where he was headed. Very stylish.

Blood Simple, I have to say I was a little disappointed. It has its moments, but on the whole it was fairly dull.
RE: They Live  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 4:12 pm : link
In comment 14917124 Ben in Tampa said:
I’ve been hoping one of the big streaming services would adapt They Live into a series. The movie is an all time cult classic, but I’ve always thought if they fleshed it out as a series it would be very popular.

Bigger question is who the heck ever told John Carpenter that he was good at composing music?

His soundtracks (other than Halloween) are so bad that in a sick way, they add to the movie.
I can remember Fury Road start to finish pretty easily  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 4:13 pm : link
must have seen it 10-15 times. Its epic level film-making shot under come pretty ridiculous circumstances. Also up there in that regard is the Revenant - Lubezki is unreal and the primary reason for one of the best movies in film history - Children of Men.
RE: the  
PaulBlakeTSU : 6/9/2020 4:15 pm : link
In comment 14917070 Eric from BBI said:
first one was a fun movie.

But once again, Hollywood has to regurgitate something that shouldn't have been done.

Can't wait until Casablanca II.

Why not remake Caddyshack?


Are you really comparing the esteem and artistic appreciation of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure with Casablanca?

This is being done effectively as fan service. Keanu Reeves is a beloved actor fans want the nostalgia to see him re-play the character again. It's no different than a band re-uniting and making old fans happy to see them again. Plus, for some, it's nice to see Alex Winter back in a leading role after what he went through (quit acting because of the pressure of the spotlight and dealing with trauma of being molested as a child).

30 years ago when Hollywood made its seventh Police Academy movie, I'm sure people weren't concerned about what it meant for the fate of Citizen Kane.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 4:22 pm : link
My point is that there is no audience for "Bill and Ted 3". None. People my age (the only ones who even remember the first movie) aren't going to see it. The younger audience doesn't even know who these two guys are.

Based on the movie reviews I see on YouTube (there is a whole genre of YouTubers who cut movies apart now), very few of these reboots, remakes, sequels (after many years) do well, particularly the ones that try to make a buck off of nostalgia shows or movies. I can't tell you how many times when surfing the streaming services, my wife or I have said, "Oh my God, they remade (blank)?!" (These movies almost seem like they went straight to video sometimes they did so poorly).

Do you really think Bill and Ted 3 will be a commercial success?
It likely won't  
UConn4523 : 6/9/2020 4:27 pm : link
but like music or sports or anything else in life, if I don't like it I just don't watch/listen/read it and move on with my day.

Why its being made doesn't even matter, its no skin of your back or mine. I'm focused on what does look good and there's quite a lot to look forward to.
Let me remind  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 6/9/2020 4:39 pm : link
you guys of some of the films/movies they remade (seriously):

Total Recall
Point Break
The Longest Yard
Red Dawn
Conan the Barbarian
The Pink Panther
Clash of the Titans
Death Wish
The Mummy
Planet of the Apes
Land of the Lost
The Beverly Hillbillies
Wild Wild West

And many, many others. WTF?
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