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NFT: Is AMC the next GameStop?

NJBlueTuna : 1/28/2021 7:53 am
I know there is another thread on GameStop but this is AMC. Tomorrow I think contracts come due on GameStop and will be a wild day. At some point, this crazy trend will be looking for the next heavily shorted stock and it seems to be AMC based upon yesterday’s indications. I’m not a market expert and this seems more like gambling then investing as it’s inevitable GME will topple over in a dramatic swift way, but it’s a crazy phenomenon and have to imagine there will be a new GameStop stock very quickly.

Any thoughts? It appears it has to be a heavily shorted stock to qualify.
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mattlawson : 1/28/2021 7:55 am : link
Wanted to get in at 2 bucks in my longer term a couple weeks ago. Really kicking myself and my broker for that one.

There are others too - look for volatile stocks with a high short float
It's definitely more like speculating than investing  
Heisenberg : 1/28/2021 8:08 am : link
There was a good argument that GameStop was a value play a while ago, it was probably driven artificially low and if you believe in the new management and that they can cut the stores they have, reinvent the ones they keep and move into being more of an online gaming retailer, whose valuations are different than brick and mortar.

At this point, it's GME is crazy overvalued and is really just a speculative trade in hopes of joining the squeeze. It's a perfect storm. There are still a lot of folks with short positions or who sold call options at lower prices who will need to buy stock for those positions. There's a herd of whackos at Reddit who are acting like a ruthless hedge fund. I don't think the exposure on those positions at other companies is nearly as deep as it was for GME. Also, the hedge funds know that reddit is looking for the next GME and I'm sure they're quietly clearing those positions now. GME made things worse for the hedge funds, because as they were being shorted and their stock went down, they bought it back - like 34M shares. That's really how they got to 140% short. These other companies haven't done that (AFAIK)

The Reddit bros can probably pump those stocks up a bit but not to the crazy levels they have with GME. Youu can probably ride their coattails for a bit for some nice returns. But the problems for AMC are still there, I don't see any turnaround coming like you could have argued for GME so you could also be the guy who buys it at 18 and sells it for 3. (just my opinion obv)
RE: It's definitely more like speculating than investing  
NJBlueTuna : 1/28/2021 8:29 am : link
In comment 15136655 Heisenberg said:

The Reddit bros can probably pump those stocks up a bit but not to the crazy levels they have with GME. Youu can probably ride their coattails for a bit for some nice returns. But the problems for AMC are still there, I don't see any turnaround coming like you could have argued for GME so you could also be the guy who buys it at 18 and sells it for 3. (just my opinion obv)

That’s the crazy part Re now hope for a turnaround via AMC. GameStop has zero chance of survival as its analogy is Blockbuster. No one goes to a via store to buy gaming discs. It’s all down streamed now even the next gen gaming consoles are designed for streaming. There will also be a place for movies at a theatre as a “night out” once the pandemic ends. Albeit, streaming is big at home now too but it’s a different experience from going to a luxury movie theatre which has big Hollywood dollars behind it.

The conviction of this grassroots stock trading is incredible. Eventually GameStop will fall in a straight line and the mania it has created will force the next stock to follow a similar linear trajectory up, and then down in a straight line. It’s scary stuff
AMC is shorted nowhere near the % of float that GME was/still is  
KerrysFlask : 1/28/2021 8:30 am : link
There is no "next" Gamestop and Gamestop isn't over. The gamma squeeze and retail flurry has driven the price up so far, but the short squeeze has yet to occur.

Hedge funds shorting 140% of GME was one of the catalysts that kicked this off. AMC is maybe what... 20% shorted?
AMC, BB, NOK, BBBY - none of these are the same as GME  
KerrysFlask : 1/28/2021 8:33 am : link
The mechanics just aren't the same.

pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 8:57 am : link
stopped allowing AMC to be traded. also blocked Nokia and Naked Brands (from what i read - I haven't tried to trade them).

No idea their reasoning.
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 8:58 am : link
· 11m
BREAKING: Robinhood removes GameStop, AMC; Puts notice on pages saying 'You can close out your position on this stock, but you can not purchase additional shares' $AMC - @benzinga
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 9:01 am : link
what a clusterfuck this turned into.
It's incredible that they would do that.  
Heisenberg : 1/28/2021 9:10 am : link
Hard to believe. I'd think a class action suit would be filed next week.
I sure hope it is  
bigblue1124 : 1/28/2021 9:13 am : link
I was going to buy GME at 88.00 but pulled back figuring it would not last :( If I could kick myself in the balls I would.

I did get in with AMC yesterday at 13.00 for 700 so obviously hoping we can see something along the lines?

If not live an learn. I am fully prepared to loss money but would love to make a lot. lol
RE: .  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 9:13 am : link
In comment 15136690 pjcas18 said:
· 11m
BREAKING: Robinhood removes GameStop, AMC; Puts notice on pages saying 'You can close out your position on this stock, but you can not purchase additional shares' $AMC - @benzinga

I'm clearly no expert - but is there a way this can be considered market manipulation, not allowing people to purchase a stock?

On another note, it's crazy how divided the media is. Some people are claiming WS is getting a taste of their own medicine while others are trying to run a smear campaign against Reddit.. Financial Times tried linking them to the alt-right, NY Times claiming they're just bored and greedy (haha), one guy on CNBC even thought there was a chance it would be a foreign influencer trying to ruin the market (even funnier)
So Robinhood  
bubba0825 : 1/28/2021 9:15 am : link
Has blocked anyone from trading a few of these popular stocks, pushing the price down, how does the sec not get involved now? Free market my ass
Sec 103 : 1/28/2021 9:15 am : link
If you have to ask BBI about this  
DCOrange : 1/28/2021 9:25 am : link
It is not for you. Someone bought GME at $500 two hours ago and it is now below $300 and the market has not even opened. 40% loss. Stay away. The 'easy' money for the people who got in this 'easy' trade made money and should be bailing.

As the saying goes - bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.
This has kind of become a circular  
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 9:27 am : link
firing squad of chaos.

People claiming the "elites" are getting their asses handed to them by the "nerds".

but two of the primary flame stokers are Elon Musk and Chamath Palihapitiya even Mark Cuban is piling on (saying his 11 year old is making money on it trading on his own). Aren't they the elites?

It almost reminds me of the story behind bringing down the house and the reaction to it.

Cuban and others  
DCOrange : 1/28/2021 9:31 am : link
Easy to trade when there is no fear of losing your rent money. Immoral that they are encouraging people who are to trade when they have no idea what they are doing. Update: AMC down 30%
Robinhood not allowing new deposits  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 9:32 am : link
the page is basically broken, haha.

Sure, the elites have chimed in but this was happening well before them. I think they are just flexing their muscles at this point, part of it is just their own marketing.
Citadel pays Robinhood $100M per quarter  
Metnut : 1/28/2021 9:38 am : link
It’s clear they gave RH a tap on the shoulder here.

RH should be done after this. What’s the point of a brokerage if they won’t let you buy the stock you want? It’s clearly not being done for the retail investors’ benefit here.
pjcas18 : 1/28/2021 9:38 am : link
i think you underestimate a little the reach someone like Musk has.

He posted a meme of DOGE and it doubled in price, a fun, jokey crypto (still can make money on it) but people like Musk have sway.

Agree they didn't initiate it, it was already happening via reddit, but Musk and Palihapitiya blew it up IMO.
RE: Robinhood not allowing new deposits  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 9:40 am : link
In comment 15136728 UConn4523 said:
the page is basically broken, haha.

Sure, the elites have chimed in but this was happening well before them. I think they are just flexing their muscles at this point, part of it is just their own marketing.

It's not broken. It's deliberate
I know its deliberate  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 9:42 am : link
however, its the entire site now. Nothing loads on my phone or PC.
TD Ameritrade blocked GME as well  
bubba0825 : 1/28/2021 9:44 am : link
I think some others as well. I know a lot of us are amateurs but something isn’t right with this
RE: I know its deliberate  
JayBinQueens : 1/28/2021 9:44 am : link
In comment 15136741 UConn4523 said:
however, its the entire site now. Nothing loads on my phone or PC.

ah, sorry. It's loading fine on my phone and I can purchase most stocks except for a certain few...
its back now  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 9:46 am : link
wasn't letting me access my funds at market open.
This is just the start of the shenanigans.  
State Your Name : 1/28/2021 9:49 am : link
"We're screwing you for your own good. Trust the process."
Hahaha everything they try to do just makes it worse.  
guitarguybs12 : 1/28/2021 9:51 am : link
Back up to 400. Full on fuck the system mood this AM.
Yesterday it was limiting the types of opening trades you can make  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 9:56 am : link
Today they just pull the plug. I understand they are manipulating the market to help their Wall Street buddies, but they’re fanning the flames. There are people who are now more emboldened to buy and hold on principle.

Rude awakening. Btw, RH is trash and you should find a new broker.
State Your Name : 1/28/2021 10:01 am : link
This comes to a head
RE: This has kind of become a circular  
giants#1 : 1/28/2021 10:01 am : link
In comment 15136725 pjcas18 said:
firing squad of chaos.

People claiming the "elites" are getting their asses handed to them by the "nerds".

but two of the primary flame stokers are Elon Musk and Chamath Palihapitiya even Mark Cuban is piling on (saying his 11 year old is making money on it trading on his own). Aren't they the elites?

It almost reminds me of the story behind bringing down the house and the reaction to it.

Hard to even claim the initial(?) or at least prominent Redditor that helped start the frenzy with his >$50K position wasn't an "elite". How many everyday Joes are willing to bet $50k on a single stock (with debatable future prospects)?
That guy had done due diligence and was making a case for GME  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 10:06 am : link
Since 2019. He closed up around $48mm yesterday.

Now his position is somewhere around 60-70mm if he’s still holding right now. From 50k.

Elon Musk
Jeff Bezos
Bill Gates
Warren Buffet
Briefly touched 480  
RomanWH : 1/28/2021 10:07 am : link
before coming back down. There's a lot of pissed off buying happening. FWIW, I wouldn't lump Musk in with the "elites." Remember he hates hedge funds. They shorted the shit out of Tesla for years. He's very much in favor of the little guy coming out on top vs any short selling hedge fund.
RE: Briefly touched 480  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 10:12 am : link
In comment 15136781 RomanWH said:
before coming back down. There's a lot of pissed off buying happening. FWIW, I wouldn't lump Musk in with the "elites." Remember he hates hedge funds. They shorted the shit out of Tesla for years. He's very much in favor of the little guy coming out on top vs any short selling hedge fund.

It’s a real good idea to shut out their access. Not like that won’t motivate them even more. A Streisand effect on Reddit steroids.
Ill certainly close  
terz22 : 1/28/2021 10:12 am : link
my robinhood account after this. Total joke. Any suggestions for a better platform.
TDA is where a lot of people decamped to last year when RH couldn’t  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 10:15 am : link
Handle several basic functions and screwed up the leap year dates, too. Tons of people lost money due to their garbage service.
I just hope anyone who is buying right now  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 10:17 am : link
knows when to get out, right now you are just making the people who bought in early very careful and watch it constantly. This is not going to last.

And anyone who thinks this is some amateur common joe who started this is naive..
CoughlinHandsonHips : 1/28/2021 10:24 am : link
So stock purchasing platforms get shut off during all this?

Sure love the level playing field
Citadel handles 60% of Robinhood trades  
The Dude : 1/28/2021 10:32 am : link
the choice to not allow anyone to buy anymore of these stocks came straight from Ken Griffen/Citadel. Unreal
Uh oh - foul language is used on Reddit!  
glowrider : 1/28/2021 10:34 am : link
Better shut them down.
This is elite vs elite  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 10:40 am : link
with the common traders being used as pawns
I guess RH and citadel  
bubba0825 : 1/28/2021 10:42 am : link
Figure the fine will be less than the cost of allowing the trades to happen
With RobinHood having an IPO soon  
The Dude : 1/28/2021 10:43 am : link
it's in their best interests to have the hedgefunds on their side.....
It would be shame  
RomanWH : 1/28/2021 10:46 am : link
if someone decided to short RH.
Looking brutal right now  
widmerseyebrow : 1/28/2021 11:19 am : link
Will the WSB followers be able to jump to another platform in time? Robinhood should be burned down after this.
Robinhood just cancelled my order for  
UConn4523 : 1/28/2021 11:20 am : link
American Airlines and its now pulled off their site.
RE: With RobinHood having an IPO soon  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:29 am : link
In comment 15136836 The Dude said:
it's in their best interests to have the hedgefunds on their side.....

Sure, but not if it comes at the expense of absolutely alienating their core market, retail investors. I can't imagine anyone is going to want to go with them.

The optimist in me says this is a new day. The realist in me says they are just going to make it illegal to retail trade and now need to be licensed or go through a licensed broker. In fact, if something similar happened even 20 years ago, you could almost bank on that happening. Too much information and outcry for that to happen now.
RE: This is elite vs elite  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:30 am : link
In comment 15136831 nygiants16 said:
with the common traders being used as pawns

No expert, but from the outside in, the move right now would seem to be to short the stock today and wait for it's tumble Friday/Monday. I'd imagine thats what some big players are doing now, no?
RE: RE: With RobinHood having an IPO soon  
The Dude : 1/28/2021 11:33 am : link
In comment 15136883 Zeke's Alibi said:
In comment 15136836 The Dude said:


it's in their best interests to have the hedgefunds on their side.....

Sure, but not if it comes at the expense of absolutely alienating their core market, retail investors. I can't imagine anyone is going to want to go with them.

The optimist in me says this is a new day. The realist in me says they are just going to make it illegal to retail trade and now need to be licensed or go through a licensed broker. In fact, if something similar happened even 20 years ago, you could almost bank on that happening. Too much information and outcry for that to happen now.

My point is...they need the billions from wallstreet over the $$ from retail investors.

And again, the fine they'll pay might be in the millions. The loss they would take if they allowed those stocks to be bought would've been in the billions. The games rigged but they saved $$$$$$$$.
RE: I just hope anyone who is buying right now  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:34 am : link
In comment 15136799 nygiants16 said:
knows when to get out, right now you are just making the people who bought in early very careful and watch it constantly. This is not going to last.

And anyone who thinks this is some amateur common joe who started this is naive..

It wasn't, and the movement was started by a guy who frequents the WSB reddit with this in mind. He's posted there that this shorting didn't make sense from a perspective of who joined the board and where they thought they company was heading and evolving into long term. Brilliant play honestly, just needed the proper marketing for it to take off. Fucking over hedgefunds is like Reddit gold.
RE: RE: RE: With RobinHood having an IPO soon  
Zeke's Alibi : 1/28/2021 11:35 am : link
In comment 15136890 The Dude said:
In comment 15136883 Zeke's Alibi said:

My point is...they need the billions from wallstreet over the $$ from retail investors.

And again, the fine they'll pay might be in the millions. The loss they would take if they allowed those stocks to be bought would've been in the billions. The games rigged but they saved $$$$$$$$.

Yeah, but why would retail investors touch Robinhood after these shenanigans? There are other options out there.
RE: RE: This is elite vs elite  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2021 11:39 am : link
In comment 15136886 Zeke's Alibi said:
In comment 15136831 nygiants16 said:


with the common traders being used as pawns

No expert, but from the outside in, the move right now would seem to be to short the stock today and wait for it's tumble Friday/Monday. I'd imagine thats what some big players are doing now, no?

Yup it will go back up because people are shorting it then buying back in at a lower price to cover themselves, it wont be new buyers
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