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BBI and Social Media in General

SGMen : 3/6/2021 5:02 am
I joined BBI (Pete's Corner) during its first year or so of existence. Early on, I'd comment and discuss moreso than I do today MAINLY because it was more discussion and connection than what I see today.

What is it about Social Media that makes people so slanderous? So ugly?? So childlike???

I use various platforms on social media for "advertisement" and sharing so I am online quite a bit. The dribble I see in so many areas (aka bullying) by keyboard GIANTS saddens me. Simply put, what the heck happened to Critical Thinking and Discussion? Is the disconnect of social media the culprit?
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People are ok telling lies  
section125 : 3/6/2021 6:00 am : link
and peddling BS as absolute truths. Their opinions are "facts" and you are foolish to dispute it.
Cannot go further, but it basically comes down to "voices" being able to lie and then condemn any form of disagreement by belittling and bullying those who disagree.

FYI, this thread will not stay for the reasons you stated.
RE: People are ok telling lies  
SGMen : 3/6/2021 6:11 am : link
In comment 15168094 section125 said:
and peddling BS as absolute truths. Their opinions are "facts" and you are foolish to dispute it.
Cannot go further, but it basically comes down to "voices" being able to lie and then condemn any form of disagreement by belittling and bullying those who disagree.

FYI, this thread will not stay for the reasons you stated.
Perhaps, this is more of a "Psychological / Spiritual" assessment than anything like Politics or Religion which usually gets banned immediately.

I know some folks PERSONALLY that would NEVER speak to me directly in that fashion. I am just beginning to believe more and more and more that I should stick with reading books and socializing in person (I'm NJ so lockdowns make things tougher) than trying to figure out what is "Real" via Social Media (of any kind...).
I too am a long timer.....  
George from PA : 3/6/2021 6:19 am : link
People become less human and more empowered behind a keyboard.
, while being less tolerant and more sensitive....which leads to many hurt feelings and retribution.

I have thick I do not really care....and I also try hard to accept people opinion, not matter how ridiculous it might sound to I try avoid direct confrontation.

Some must be they just instigate and blabber nonsense.

Maturity matters and there is no age limit.

The Giants losing certainly doesn't help.

But for your own sanity....go with

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me😁
No consequences  
Sneakers O'toole : 3/6/2021 6:22 am : link
In person you might get F'ed up, online not so much. It starts there.
RE: No consequences  
jnoble : 3/6/2021 6:34 am : link
In comment 15168100 Sneakers O'toole said:
In person you might get F'ed up, online not so much. It starts there.

Yep, pretty much this
In general  
Lines of Scrimmage : 3/6/2021 7:56 am : link
we have too much ego and entitlement in society imo which leads to most of the issues.

I'll try not to get too political  
USAF NYG Fan : 3/6/2021 8:13 am : link
The US in general seems to hold uneducated opinions in higher regard than educated or experienced ones. For example 97% - 98% of the world's climate scientists agree with the consensus on climate change but we allow, well paid, talking heads with no experience to sell a different take on it.

At some point we stopped looking to experts for answers and instead listen to the loudest person in the room. Social media gives everyone a platform. It always comes down to money and you get more money with more clicks, likes, subscribes, endorsements, etc. It use to be, "Money talks and bullshit walks". That was bad enough. However, now it's more like "Money talks". No bullshit, no facts, just money.

Reeling it back in; FB, Twitter, Reality TV, every major news outlet, and even BBI (any shared platform). It's all about spinning it so you are right and everyone else is wrong. However, this platform is especially about opinions. It's a fan forum. We shouldn't expect anything more than that tbh.
It's not about regarding  
pjcas18 : 3/6/2021 8:26 am : link
educated or uneducated opinions, it's about dissent.

People believe what they want, proven or not, due to confirmation bias and any other opinion is "miss information" or "conspiracy theories" or "incitement" and should be shut down or censored.

that's not how free people live. it's how communists live.

"I may not agree with what you say, but I sure as hell support your right to say it" - none of this stuff is fire in a movie theater, it's in many cases healthy dialog, but still gets shut down by arbitrary arbiters of "fact"

and as mentioned there is also the freedom of people to act or say whatever they want behind the anonymity of a keyboard with no consequences.

the two of those things merged and helped create the cesspool we see today.
same phenomenon as beer muscles  
Victor in CT : 3/6/2021 8:30 am : link
instead of alcohol, the anonymity makes people overly brave and obnoxious.
RE: In general  
eric2425ny : 3/6/2021 8:40 am : link
In comment 15168110 Lines of Scrimmage said:
we have too much ego and entitlement in society imo which leads to most of the issues.

Totally agree with this statement.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 3/6/2021 8:46 am : link
Anonymity. Most of us have no clue who other posters are; I could sit next to you @ a Giants game & neither of us would know who the other person is.
25 years of BBI  
X : 3/6/2021 8:49 am : link
an I posted maybe 25 times. Social media and online platforms are out of hand.

13 Things That Could Happen When You Quit Social Media - ( New Window )
It's sad and it's starting to permeate real life.  
Britt in VA : 3/6/2021 9:01 am : link
Probably will be our downfall as a society, ultimately.
This is the only SM site I’m on ... and sometimes it’s more like S&M.  
Spider56 : 3/6/2021 9:06 am : link
I’m here for breaking news, good rumors, insightful opinion and an occasional NFT funny. To me, reading about my heroes is meant to be a diversion. I have zero use for the negative opinions and ‘expert view’ offered by the usual suspects ... I try my best to ignore them and just move on.
If you think it is bad now...  
PA Aggie : 3/6/2021 9:12 am : link
Just wait until the current teens and 20-somethings get older.

I believe all the observations on this thread so far are accurate, how social media allows you to be someone who you are not, with virtually no consequences for even the most outrageous statements.

My kids, early to mid 20's, are social media crazy, as are most of their friends. It has completely absorbed their lives for the last 10+ years (likely my biggest failure as a parent). What are the results?

Less of an ability to communicate face to face.
Rock solid belief that Twitter has all the real news.
Dependence on others (strangers) to look for approval.
Lack of interest in any hobby, skill, or activities.
Vocabulary limitations or oddities, including spelling like you are typing a text. (The boss will love 'ur' or 'lemme' in a report.)
Having a history of bad photos out there which may spoil a job possibility.
Constant checking of phone, attention spans are low in young people.
Easy manipulation by big tech companies to engineer your media feed, or bend the truth to fit your narrative.
Anxiety levels (Covid excluded) very high.

I do think our country is rapidly changing in almost every facet. And I feel the younger generation is going to think, act, relate differently than previous generations, a lot due to social media. Okay, maybe that is not a bad thing? (I am not a fan of always finger pointing certain generations.) I would love to see some of the 'new thinking' look at issues differently and solve some of this.

My confidence is not high. But we all can try to be more civil and positive to each other one post at a time, so when the baton is passed to the next, we know we did our best.
On sites like this  
MyNameIsMyName : 3/6/2021 9:16 am : link
Anonymous and no consequences. Do you think the people who come on here insulting others every day act like that in real life? Not a chance
RE: If you think it is bad now...  
eric2425ny : 3/6/2021 9:21 am : link
In comment 15168155 PA Aggie said:
Just wait until the current teens and 20-somethings get older.

I believe all the observations on this thread so far are accurate, how social media allows you to be someone who you are not, with virtually no consequences for even the most outrageous statements.

My kids, early to mid 20's, are social media crazy, as are most of their friends. It has completely absorbed their lives for the last 10+ years (likely my biggest failure as a parent). What are the results?

Less of an ability to communicate face to face.
Rock solid belief that Twitter has all the real news.
Dependence on others (strangers) to look for approval.
Lack of interest in any hobby, skill, or activities.
Vocabulary limitations or oddities, including spelling like you are typing a text. (The boss will love 'ur' or 'lemme' in a report.)
Having a history of bad photos out there which may spoil a job possibility.
Constant checking of phone, attention spans are low in young people.
Easy manipulation by big tech companies to engineer your media feed, or bend the truth to fit your narrative.
Anxiety levels (Covid excluded) very high.

I do think our country is rapidly changing in almost every facet. And I feel the younger generation is going to think, act, relate differently than previous generations, a lot due to social media. Okay, maybe that is not a bad thing? (I am not a fan of always finger pointing certain generations.) I would love to see some of the 'new thinking' look at issues differently and solve some of this.

My confidence is not high. But we all can try to be more civil and positive to each other one post at a time, so when the baton is passed to the next, we know we did our best.

Excellent post. You are right about the younger generations. For people like myself (turning 40 later this year) I didn’t grow up with this technology so I am very careful what I post online. The only social media outlets I use are Facebook and this site. But kids growing up with this technology don’t think twice about what they post because it’s so commonplace and encouraged.

If anyone on here hasn’t seen it yet I highly recommend watching The Social Dilemma on Netflix. Very interesting yet very scary how much this technology is controlling our thoughts, interests, etc.
On the other hand...  
trueblueinpw : 3/6/2021 9:30 am : link
People were not exactly wonderful and kind to each other in the absence of social media. I’m not so sure that people have a basis or inclination towards either good or evil. But I’m fairly convinced that we the people are basically sheep. Sometimes the shepherd leads the flock to a pasture of good but more often not so much because goodness isn’t usually as profitable as our lesser human inclinations. The problem isn’t social media, it’s human nature.
RE: On the other hand...  
Britt in VA : 3/6/2021 9:32 am : link
In comment 15168166 trueblueinpw said:
People were not exactly wonderful and kind to each other in the absence of social media. I’m not so sure that people have a basis or inclination towards either good or evil. But I’m fairly convinced that we the people are basically sheep. Sometimes the shepherd leads the flock to a pasture of good but more often not so much because goodness isn’t usually as profitable as our lesser human inclinations. The problem isn’t social media, it’s human nature.

But the technology is manipulating human nature, in nefarious ways.
And the majority of the population....  
Britt in VA : 3/6/2021 9:34 am : link
is either oblivious to the manipulation, or don't care that they're being manipulated.
I participate in a few forums...  
EricJ : 3/6/2021 9:34 am : link
and this one by far is the worst when it comes to how members treat one another.
We have more information available to us  
Dave in Hoboken : 3/6/2021 9:37 am : link
than anyother time in history. But the general population out there (most of the people on the social media platforms, at least) aren't as smart as the general population used to be. They also seem to be more into fighting and whining than being...for lack of a better word...normal...and not completely insane?
RE: In general  
pa_giant_fan : 3/6/2021 9:38 am : link
In comment 15168110 Lines of Scrimmage said:
we have too much ego and entitlement in society imo which leads to most of the issues.

Totally Agree
Great post.  
smshmth8690 : 3/6/2021 9:39 am : link
Nothing new to add, but I couldn't agree more with most of the comments.
And, on the other other hand...  
trueblueinpw : 3/6/2021 9:45 am : link
There’s cosplay reels on Instagram. So, let’s not act like it’s all bad news on social media.
Previously aimless people find causes, no matter how nutty,  
Britt in VA : 3/6/2021 9:48 am : link
that give them an identity. It gives them a purpose when they previously had none, then it consumes them.

A billion examples of this in the past four or five years or so. I’ve heard people comment on changes in people they know intimately, family members, closest friends, who they feel have done complete 180’s and they no longer know the person at all.
RE: Previously aimless people find causes, no matter how nutty,  
Big Blue '56 : 3/6/2021 9:51 am : link
In comment 15168178 Britt in VA said:
that give them an identity. It gives them a purpose when they previously had none, then it consumes them.

A billion examples of this in the past four or five years or so. I’ve heard people comment on changes in people they know intimately, family members, closest friends, who they feel have done complete 180’s and they no longer know the person at all.

In my case, I’ve expunged these people from my life, forever. Doesn’t matter whether they’re blood or not. I don’t ever want their energy around me again
We’ve reached the point where  
UConn4523 : 3/6/2021 9:54 am : link
we need to think long and hard about social profiles no longer being anonymous. There’s lots of chatter around registering your profiles to put accountability back into normal every day online interaction.

I’m both for and against it. But something needs to happen. Until then I don’t really post online outside of this forum, which I don’t consider social media, it’s just a mess on the major platforms.
It’s sad....  
Britt in VA : 3/6/2021 9:55 am : link
Some people would say that social media brought out their true self.

I don’t believe that. I feel the social media targets specific traits, and then amplifies them thus changing a person.

Whoever is controlling all of this, knowingly allowing this to happen, is playing a dangerous game.
Great posts people  
Buzzard64 : 3/6/2021 10:17 am : link
The direction we seem to be heading in scares the shit out of me. It is a Rare young person with whom you can even carry on a face to face conversation these days. Their focus, first and foremost, is with the gadget in their hand. Any digital interruption is cause for immediate attention, leaving a live, person to person meeting far in the dust. As well it's scary to me that it is no longer as important to actually KNOW something...all that is needed is the knowledge to access an answer via digital means. Why bother to know anything when all you need to do is instantly tap in and look it up?
I dont think people are smarter or dumber now then before  
Jim in Forest Hills : 3/6/2021 10:18 am : link
I think there's more information floating but its all shallow information, headlines that dont dive deep.

I think in simpler terms, there's always been half the population that's dumber than the other half (amidst many shades of grey). But dumb people dont know that they are dumb. But you see everyone's posts on social media so the cats out of the bag.
RE: It’s sad....  
EricJ : 3/6/2021 10:33 am : link
In comment 15168183 Britt in VA said:
Some people would say that social media brought out their true self.

I don’t believe that. I feel the social media targets specific traits, and then amplifies them thus changing a person.

Whoever is controlling all of this, knowingly allowing this to happen, is playing a dangerous game.

What it really boils down to is the average person is stupid and easily manipulated. So much so that they believe others are the ones who have been manipulated by all types of media.

People are so tied to their devices now and their world and existence is tied to whatever is trending. What is trending is controlled by someone or an entity.

I am happiest when I stay away from all of that, dont ever turn on ANY news channel... and just go fishing.
RE: Great posts people  
UConn4523 : 3/6/2021 10:36 am : link
In comment 15168186 Buzzard64 said:
The direction we seem to be heading in scares the shit out of me. It is a Rare young person with whom you can even carry on a face to face conversation these days. Their focus, first and foremost, is with the gadget in their hand. Any digital interruption is cause for immediate attention, leaving a live, person to person meeting far in the dust. As well it's scary to me that it is no longer as important to actually KNOW something...all that is needed is the knowledge to access an answer via digital means. Why bother to know anything when all you need to do is instantly tap in and look it up?

I don’t agree. I think kids are incredibly smart these days, they are learning coding in school these days. They also have immense pressure that they overcome on a daily basis, constantly being connected at all times. Interaction isn’t the same as what I grew up with but they aren’t robots either.

I’m not worried about in person interaction, I’m worried about how far online social presence will go before it gets even more dangerous than it already is. Something needs to happen to prevent it, but then we get into government interference and that whole ball of fun.
RE: RE: On the other hand...  
trueblueinpw : 3/6/2021 10:40 am : link
In comment 15168167 Britt in VA said:

But the technology is manipulating human nature, in nefarious ways.

Respectfully, I form an alternative conclusion. it’s humans who are “manipulating” technology to influence other humans. Technology isn’t an entity of itself, it’s a tool like fire or the wheel. In my experience, human nature is what’s actually “nefarious” or more accurately, driven by self serving preservation. Technology is a tool which surfaces and harnesses these basic instincts by pointing them in some gainful direction. But technology isn’t the source of these basic human instincts.

Look, you can say “rock n roll” makes teenagers fornicate. But that’s not actually correct. It’s human nature and animal instinct that makes teenagers fornicate. The music and the accoutrements of rock n roll (blue jeans or body piercings, tattoos, IG or Snapchat, etc.) are just a constructs for enabling the basic instinct of reproduction. (And keeping time!). If you take away rock n roll people are still gonna wanna fornicate. And if you ban anonymous posting on Twitter people are still going to be driven by lousy selfish human nature.

I think we all agree that it’s sad that social media brings out the worst in people. Where we seem to disagree is on the source of from where the bad in people originates. In my experience, people are not fundamentally good. Buy even here, the notion of “good” is actually a debatable construct.
RE: I dont think people are smarter or dumber now then before  
Spider56 : 3/6/2021 10:40 am : link
In comment 15168187 Jim in Forest Hills said:
I think there's more information floating but its all shallow information, headlines that dont dive deep.

I think in simpler terms, there's always been half the population that's dumber than the other half (amidst many shades of grey). But dumb people dont know that they are dumb. But you see everyone's posts on social media so the cats out of the bag.

I find it both entertaining and sad to click on headlines, then actually read the content. The majority of the time the 2 are either at odds or inconsistent. Clearly headlines are meant to catch the eye without regard for the info that follows ..I .pity those that actually believe the bull shit.
RE: RE: Great posts people  
Britt in VA : 3/6/2021 10:50 am : link
In comment 15168198 UConn4523 said:
In comment 15168186 Buzzard64 said:


The direction we seem to be heading in scares the shit out of me. It is a Rare young person with whom you can even carry on a face to face conversation these days. Their focus, first and foremost, is with the gadget in their hand. Any digital interruption is cause for immediate attention, leaving a live, person to person meeting far in the dust. As well it's scary to me that it is no longer as important to actually KNOW something...all that is needed is the knowledge to access an answer via digital means. Why bother to know anything when all you need to do is instantly tap in and look it up?

I don’t agree. I think kids are incredibly smart these days, they are learning coding in school these days. They also have immense pressure that they overcome on a daily basis, constantly being connected at all times. Interaction isn’t the same as what I grew up with but they aren’t robots either.

I’m not worried about in person interaction, I’m worried about how far online social presence will go before it gets even more dangerous than it already is. Something needs to happen to prevent it, but then we get into government interference and that whole ball of fun.

How much farther? Do you think it’s coincidence that depression and suicide among teens is at an all time high? Do you think it’s coincidence that the rise of school shootings starting in 1999 is on a trajectory similar to the prevalence of the internet?

People need to stop ignoring or explaining away that humans have always been bad so this is nothing new. It absolutely is new. When the dust settles, the rise of the internet will be viewed as a turning point of mankind. Perhaps bigger than the industrial revolution.
I want to hold people responsible for  
DonQuixote : 3/6/2021 10:56 am : link
their behaviors, but SM companies must take some of the blame. At this point your news stories are generated by an algorithm that via "likes", accentuates one side of a polarized view and magnifies the most extreme positions on each side. You can blame human nature, after all, people click on the likes, but the algorithms don't have to be written the way they are. For decades, tobacco companies claimed to give people personal choices, but lied about it being a deadly addiction. It is not strictly a matter of choice if you are tapping into human physiology, for profit, to the detriment of your customers or society.

At this point, In my opinion, if you don't think Facebook is a nefarious presence in our society, a presence that continues to obfuscate it's partial responsibility for social political ills, then I don't think you are paying close enough attention.
What’s scary is when you are talking to someone about something  
eric2425ny : 3/6/2021 10:58 am : link
not looking anything up on google and you open your Facebook and there’s an ad for a product, movie, tv show, etc. that you were just discussing with your friend in the last hour.

I thought it was a coincidence when it happened the first time and after three or four instances and hearing other people tell me the same thing happened to them it’s pretty clear Facebook at least is listening to your conversations. Scary stuff and it goes pretty much unregulated because no one in the government really understands how this technology works.

It reminds me of the Dark Knight when Batman is using that surveillance technology and can hear and find anyone anywhere and Morgan Freeman resigns and tells him he should destroy it as soon as possible.
RE: RE: RE: On the other hand...  
Britt in VA : 3/6/2021 11:01 am : link
In comment 15168200 trueblueinpw said:
In comment 15168167 Britt in VA said:


But the technology is manipulating human nature, in nefarious ways.

Respectfully, I form an alternative conclusion. it’s humans who are “manipulating” technology to influence other humans. Technology isn’t an entity of itself, it’s a tool like fire or the wheel. In my experience, human nature is what’s actually “nefarious” or more accurately, driven by self serving preservation. Technology is a tool which surfaces and harnesses these basic instincts by pointing them in some gainful direction. But technology isn’t the source of these basic human instincts.

Look, you can say “rock n roll” makes teenagers fornicate. But that’s not actually correct. It’s human nature and animal instinct that makes teenagers fornicate. The music and the accoutrements of rock n roll (blue jeans or body piercings, tattoos, IG or Snapchat, etc.) are just a constructs for enabling the basic instinct of reproduction. (And keeping time!). If you take away rock n roll people are still gonna wanna fornicate. And if you ban anonymous posting on Twitter people are still going to be driven by lousy selfish human nature.

I think we all agree that it’s sad that social media brings out the worst in people. Where we seem to disagree is on the source of from where the bad in people originates. In my experience, people are not fundamentally good. Buy even here, the notion of “good” is actually a debatable construct.

A nuclear warhead isn’t inherently evil but is a weapon of mass destruction, and is capable of being used for evil purposes. The technology didn’t start out as evil but has been weoponized. Intent doesn’t really matter anymore now that Pandora’s box has been opened.
RE: What’s scary is when you are talking to someone about something  
UConn4523 : 3/6/2021 11:03 am : link
In comment 15168215 eric2425ny said:
not looking anything up on google and you open your Facebook and there’s an ad for a product, movie, tv show, etc. that you were just discussing with your friend in the last hour.

I thought it was a coincidence when it happened the first time and after three or four instances and hearing other people tell me the same thing happened to them it’s pretty clear Facebook at least is listening to your conversations. Scary stuff and it goes pretty much unregulated because no one in the government really understands how this technology works.

It reminds me of the Dark Knight when Batman is using that surveillance technology and can hear and find anyone anywhere and Morgan Freeman resigns and tells him he should destroy it as soon as possible.

You can control your microphone in your settings. If it’s on the apps can listen for buzz words and use them for ads. It’s in their Ts and Cs and it’s why apps ask you for permission to your microphone. So if you have Instagram and want to post a recording, you have no choice.
Human nature  
crick n NC : 3/6/2021 11:05 am : link
Says I'm more concerned about myself to get what I need or want, while not being overly concerned about ourselves in regards to behavior that is toxic to us and others. Instead we trample others to get what we want\need, then ignore our own toxic behavior to only point out other's toxic behavior. Social media heightens this by removing the human contact (seeing or audibly hearing one another) and replacing it with a screen and text. Social media feeds on who we really are with the ability to change us, although the ability to change really comes from within.

Exposing ourselves to something of a positive or negative nature consistent certainly can impact change for the good or bad.

Of course, this is how I feel. What I'm missing from this whole equation is too long to list of course.
RE: RE: What’s scary is when you are talking to someone about something  
eric2425ny : 3/6/2021 11:11 am : link
In comment 15168222 UConn4523 said:
In comment 15168215 eric2425ny said:


not looking anything up on google and you open your Facebook and there’s an ad for a product, movie, tv show, etc. that you were just discussing with your friend in the last hour.

I thought it was a coincidence when it happened the first time and after three or four instances and hearing other people tell me the same thing happened to them it’s pretty clear Facebook at least is listening to your conversations. Scary stuff and it goes pretty much unregulated because no one in the government really understands how this technology works.

It reminds me of the Dark Knight when Batman is using that surveillance technology and can hear and find anyone anywhere and Morgan Freeman resigns and tells him he should destroy it as soon as possible.

You can control your microphone in your settings. If it’s on the apps can listen for buzz words and use them for ads. It’s in their Ts and Cs and it’s why apps ask you for permission to your microphone. So if you have Instagram and want to post a recording, you have no choice.

Thanks! I just searched microphone in my iPhone settings and there is is, Facebook Messenger with the microphone set to on. It’s nice they bury something like that in the T&C’s. I’ll make sure to share this with others.
christian : 3/6/2021 11:16 am : link
I don't participate in social media, but read enough and consume enough media to track the trends.

I think the biggest issue in our society, reflected by and magnified by social media -- is the loss of truth as currency. Too many voices are projected that have no credentials.

I went to a pretty good journalism school for undergrad, and frankly wasn't good enough at it to make a career. It's a grueling, tiring, and at the time shrinking profession. Research, accuracy, and common sense are all in high demand in the profession. It's a profession that should have high regard and high standards.

You'd never hire a plumber without training to swap your lines, you'd never let a pilot without training fly a plane. I'd never trust a source of information without proper training in the art of telling the truth.

There are bad journalists, as there are bad plumbers, and bad pilots. But there are good ones. I seek them out aggressively. Not someone's kid on Twitter.

Not everything is true. There are conspiracy theories. There are liars. There are dangerous people. They should be embarrassed, marginalized, called out, and wore down by the virtues of truth.
We're braver  
crick n NC : 3/6/2021 11:27 am : link
On SM. We speak more freely which exposes a lot about us. Others pick up on that quickly.

I see someone committing hypocrisy, so I call them on it or judge them secretly to myself before settling my own hypocrisies.

I see someone acting arrogantly and call them on it, and, or judge them to myself before settling my own arrogance.

I see someone being insensitive and judge while myself am insensitive.

This list would go on much too long if I were to keep going.

In the end SM exposes a major flaw that wants others to correct their behavior while I stay unchanged.

RE: ...  
pjcas18 : 3/6/2021 11:32 am : link
In comment 15168243 christian said:
I don't participate in social media, but read enough and consume enough media to track the trends.

I think the biggest issue in our society, reflected by and magnified by social media -- is the loss of truth as currency. Too many voices are projected that have no credentials.

I went to a pretty good journalism school for undergrad, and frankly wasn't good enough at it to make a career. It's a grueling, tiring, and at the time shrinking profession. Research, accuracy, and common sense are all in high demand in the profession. It's a profession that should have high regard and high standards.

You'd never hire a plumber without training to swap your lines, you'd never let a pilot without training fly a plane. I'd never trust a source of information without proper training in the art of telling the truth.

There are bad journalists, as there are bad plumbers, and bad pilots. But there are good ones. I seek them out aggressively. Not someone's kid on Twitter.

Not everything is true. There are conspiracy theories. There are liars. There are dangerous people. They should be embarrassed, marginalized, called out, and wore down by the virtues of truth.

The irony in this statement:

I don't participate in social media

Is that this site, where you typed those comments, is just as much social media as anything else.
I don’t agree  
UConn4523 : 3/6/2021 11:40 am : link
That a message board is the same as Instagram or Facebook or Twitter. Maybe some threads can turn into that but for the most part BBI is typically a discussion forum, like Facebook was originally before it went of the rails.

The bad apples tilt the scales at times but it’s nothing close to what I think of for social media.
It's not an opinion  
pjcas18 : 3/6/2021 11:42 am : link

social media is defined as websites or applications that allow people to create and/or share content.

BBI = Social Media, whether you "agree" it is or not.
christian : 3/6/2021 11:46 am : link
That’s fair. I don’t participate in the major social media platforms. BBI is literally the only 1-to-many platform I use. Feels very different to me, but you are right.
Yes technically that’s correct  
UConn4523 : 3/6/2021 11:51 am : link
but they are worlds apart which is my point. I don’t post on any of the major platforms, pretty much avoid it whenever possible outside of links sent to me from friends or checking out sports/movies/tv/music related material.
RE: 25 years of BBI  
montanagiant : 3/6/2021 11:53 am : link
In comment 15168145 X said:
an I posted maybe 25 times. Social media and online platforms are out of hand.

13 Things That Could Happen When You Quit Social Media - ( New Window )

Great link, thank you
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