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NFT: Facebook has a new name: Meta

Route 9 : 10/28/2021 2:59 pm
Wow. So cool!

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced Thursday at the company’s Connect event that the company’s new name will be Meta. “We are a company that builds technology to connect,” Zuckerberg said. “Together, we can finally put people at the center of our technology. And together, we can unlock a massively bigger creator economy.”

Oh for fucks sake  
Bold Ruler : Mod : 10/28/2021 3:01 pm : link
Giantsfan79 : 10/28/2021 3:02 pm : link
Meta - Data Collection
RE: .  
ImThatGuy : 10/28/2021 3:02 pm : link
In comment 15432744 Giantsfan79 said:
Meta - Data Collection

good one
Wish it was two Ts  
UConn4523 : 10/28/2021 3:03 pm : link
so Artest can file a lawsuit
RE: .  
Route 9 : 10/28/2021 3:06 pm : link
In comment 15432744 Giantsfan79 said:
Meta - Data Collection

World Peace?  
Anakim : 10/28/2021 3:17 pm : link
Metta World Peace  
gmenrule-va : 10/28/2021 3:19 pm : link
aka Ron Artest.
Reminds me of this:  
BillKo : 10/28/2021 3:26 pm : link
Datsun is now Nissan!!
It's an acronym...  
BamaBlue : 10/28/2021 3:28 pm : link
META = Making Everyone Think Alike
To be clear  
Jim in Fairfax : 10/28/2021 3:37 pm : link
Only the company name is changing. Facebook the app/website is unchanged.
RE: .  
Mdgiantsfan : 10/28/2021 3:37 pm : link
In comment 15432744 Giantsfan79 said:
Meta - Data Collection

if only  
KDubbs : 10/28/2021 4:04 pm : link
this creeper got laid in college
RE: To be clear  
Les in TO : 10/28/2021 4:20 pm : link
In comment 15432783 Jim in Fairfax said:
Only the company name is changing. Facebook the app/website is unchanged.
yup similar to Alphabet/Google
Need to create some excitement.  
Ron Johnson : 10/28/2021 4:51 pm : link
He’s running out of stalkers and old ladies to sign up.
RE: if only  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/28/2021 4:56 pm : link
In comment 15432829 KDubbs said:
this creeper got laid in college

The movie was phenomenonal.
I'm guessing they paid millions in  
Section331 : 10/28/2021 5:10 pm : link
marketing consulting and focus groups, and THAT is what they come up with?
Youngsters don’t even use fb  
penkap75 : 10/28/2021 5:12 pm : link
So when all the 40 y/o yentas who currently use it eventually die off, fb
will be irrelevant.
So stupid lol  
Route 9 : 10/28/2021 5:17 pm : link
Reminds me of when Andy comes back to Dunder Mifflin after punching the wall and wants to be known as "Drew" from that point on.

Jim neglects ...
With all the money  
Everyone Relax : 10/28/2021 5:20 pm : link
these companies spend on marketing and PR how do they still manage to create these cringey quotes that all sound like "together we can evolve Facebook into an immersive technological experience with human beings at the center and truth at our core." I just made that up btw.
Dave in PA : 10/28/2021 5:21 pm : link
I guess “destroyer of society” wasn’t catchy enough
RE: With all the money  
Route 9 : 10/28/2021 5:31 pm : link
In comment 15432884 Everyone Relax said:
these companies spend on marketing and PR how do they still manage to create these cringey quotes that all sound like "together we can evolve Facebook into an immersive technological experience with human beings at the center and truth at our core." I just made that up btw.

We will advance into a greater advancement for our future and visit our core values.

Lol. This is fun.

Well I don't think a lot of these people are human beings anyway. Plus a lot of stupid people want to sound highbrow, so, I guess it works.
It should be  
Peter from NH (formerly CT) : 10/28/2021 5:47 pm : link
RE: Huh  
averagejoe : 10/28/2021 6:10 pm : link
In comment 15432885 Dave in PA said:
I guess “destroyer of society” wasn’t catchy enough

thanks - needed the laugh
RE: It's an acronym...  
Joe Beckwith : 10/28/2021 6:25 pm : link
In comment 15432772 BamaBlue said:
META = Making Everyone Think Alike


As in META comment you made that we didn’t like so we fact checked it, and now your in our penalty box.
Let me be the first on BBI to say:  
81_Great_Dane : 10/28/2021 6:29 pm : link
Delete Meta.

I haven’t actually deleted Facebook but I go weeks without checking it and almost never post. I actively try to minimize the time I spend there, never look at my feed, deleted the mobile apps including Messenger. I think I still have WhatsApp because I sometimes have to use it for work, though I don’t trust it. It is actually a problem for my job that I don’t use Instagram but it’s worth it.
So just like when Google ...  
FStubbs : 10/28/2021 6:37 pm : link
... created "Alphabet" as their main company, but it's still Google.

Shenanigans to avoid taxes, is my guess.
Route 9 : 10/28/2021 6:42 pm : link
I remember I got a comment taken down on "Meta" and it was just one word: obese.
I didn’t even know the Google parent company was named Alphabet now.  
Leg of Theismann : 10/28/2021 6:45 pm : link
I guess that goes to show how much this particular change will affect my life.
Terrible name and I think they will lose the Metaverse race  
Ben in Tampa : 10/28/2021 9:44 pm : link
To a company like Roblox or others who have an actual young audience and aren’t hated and mistrusted

RE: I didn’t even know the Google parent company was named Alphabet now.  
Mike in Long Beach : 10/29/2021 9:37 am : link
In comment 15432932 Leg of Theismann said:
I guess that goes to show how much this particular change will affect my life.

This. Facebook is still Facebook. It's the parent company that owns Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook that's now Meta. Which makes this all the more trivial. They're trying to re-brand themselves by renaming a brand that nobody even thought about until they renamed it.
Route 9 : 10/29/2021 12:24 pm : link
Comcast Xfinity

Who gives a shit?
no question one of the best things i ever did  
djm : 10/29/2021 3:46 pm : link
was delete my FB account and not look back, about 5-7 years ago. I'd be a basket case by now if I was watching people on there talk and act like complete fucking wingnuts. Best case scenario I would have bottled up my retorts while taking in way too much stupid. Worst case I would have said things I later regretted or gotten pulled into the stupid. Fuck FB. Fuck Meta fuck all that nonsense. Wild west of stupid.
Route 9 : 10/29/2021 9:36 pm : link
As bad as Facebook/Meta is, it's heaven compared to TikTok and all of that other Snapchat bullshit.

Holy shit. I know I'm not quite a geezer yet but, what absolute garbage filth. Who the hell knows how badly this shit is mentally poisoning today's youth?
Fuck facebook  
adamg : 10/29/2021 10:40 pm : link
And fuck meta too
RE: no question one of the best things i ever did  
Jim in Fairfax : 10/29/2021 11:06 pm : link
In comment 15433932 djm said:
was delete my FB account and not look back, about 5-7 years ago. I'd be a basket case by now if I was watching people on there talk and act like complete fucking wingnuts. Best case scenario I would have bottled up my retorts while taking in way too much stupid. Worst case I would have said things I later regretted or gotten pulled into the stupid. Fuck FB. Fuck Meta fuck all that nonsense. Wild west of stupid.

It all depends on how you use it. I just use it to keep up with goings on of friends and family. I don’t “like” causes or politicians, so I don’t get a lot of BS in my feed. Still get ads of course but I just scroll past them.
As an exec in the High Tech Space for 30 years  
PatersonPlank : 10/29/2021 11:23 pm : link
I can assure you this is bull. Its all about rebranding because they know they are losing mindshare. If it buys them a year or two thats the design.
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