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Possible Giants insider tweet re: GM search

Sean : 1/5/2022 6:42 pm
This account was correct about Jones injury ahead of the beat reporters.
There’s been an about face in the org. Mara knows he cannot retain judge and promote Abrams, although he wants to. Instead he’ll hire an outside Gm, retain judge, and retain Abrams (who’ll be allowed to look for a GM job elsewhere if he pleases). Mara feels the heat from fans.
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Mara had better feel it  
Daniel in Kentucky : 1/5/2022 6:43 pm : link
We need a definite change
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 6:43 pm : link
'although he wants to.' Of course he does because the Giants are an incestuous organization who care more about loyalty than winning.

Bunch of clowns.
Go Terps : 1/5/2022 6:44 pm : link
Fucking half measures  
Go Terps : 1/5/2022 6:45 pm : link
Tired of all the lifers in that building  
Keaton028 : 1/5/2022 6:46 pm : link
It’s no longer about who is best for the job, it’s who is in the family. Bobby Skinner alluded to guys like Chris Petit possibly being forced on a new GM because he’s family. New GM needs complete autonomy, don’t force ANYONE on him!
What is it about keeping guys that can't merit  
Ten Ton Hammer : 1/5/2022 6:46 pm : link
Getting a job with another team. Let Abrams go if he can get a job.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 6:47 pm : link
I guess the silver lining is that it'll be a voice outside of the organization & that '22 is a make or break it season for JJ so he falls flat on his face-as I expect-the next GM won't be saddled with JJ for just one season. Spoiler alert: I think we're going to suck next fall regardless.

Please just don't ask EA to lead the new GM search.
Bite your tongue on Chris Pettit!  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 6:48 pm : link
Read his bio on The man is a whiz!
Means very little  
Lines of Scrimmage : 1/5/2022 6:49 pm : link
If true. Could simply mean a outside guy who will play nice and work within the structure.

Mara may not take heat in the media but his fan base is plenty disgusted and he knows that. Most want to hear the Mara’s are out of the football side and so and so is taking over. He is not fooling anyone and the last decade proves it.
None of these guys deserve a thing  
Keaton028 : 1/5/2022 6:50 pm : link
They’ve been so miscalculated and wrong for YEARS about EVERYTHING and now they’re all trying to convince us that behind the scenes they’ve got it together and it’ll be much better going forward. Pathetic.

It’s insulting how much they view us all as gullible dumbasses.
Retain Abrams to do what? A new GM isn't going to want him  
Jimmy Googs : 1/5/2022 6:50 pm : link
other than for clerical work...
RE: ...  
Sean : 1/5/2022 6:50 pm : link
In comment 15531775 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I guess the silver lining is that it'll be a voice outside of the organization & that '22 is a make or break it season for JJ so he falls flat on his face-as I expect-the next GM won't be saddled with JJ for just one season. Spoiler alert: I think we're going to suck next fall regardless.

Please just don't ask EA to lead the new GM search.

Agreed completely.
RE: Retain Abrams to do what? A new GM isn't going to want him  
Keaton028 : 1/5/2022 6:52 pm : link
In comment 15531779 Jimmy Googs said:
other than for clerical work...

Idk. Maybe even GM’s need fall guys while they’re out on the town.
'Mara feels the heat from fans.'  
Jimmy Googs : 1/5/2022 6:52 pm : link
I guess the free Pepsi thing didn't garner the reaction they had hoped...
And there he is...  
bw in dc : 1/5/2022 6:52 pm : link
John "Half Ass" Mara, Esquire.

What a great plan.
I'm not sure Mara understands why the fans are pissed  
Go Terps : 1/5/2022 6:53 pm : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 6:53 pm : link
It is concerning that-if not for a fan revolt-Mara would likely just promote Abrams to the top job. Like one @ 1925 Giants Way should be promoted after this last decade, unless it is the guy who gives out the free medium sodas.

The Maras seem like good people, but they don't strike me as the best & the brightest either.
RE: RE: ...  
GFAN52 : 1/5/2022 6:54 pm : link
In comment 15531780 Sean said:
In comment 15531775 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I guess the silver lining is that it'll be a voice outside of the organization & that '22 is a make or break it season for JJ so he falls flat on his face-as I expect-the next GM won't be saddled with JJ for just one season. Spoiler alert: I think we're going to suck next fall regardless.

Please just don't ask EA to lead the new GM search.

Agreed completely.

I don't want Ernie A. and his toupee anywhere near the next GM search.
RE: I'm not sure Mara understands why the fans are pissed  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 6:54 pm : link
In comment 15531785 Go Terps said:

I've never met the man, but I don't think he's the sharpest tool in the shed.
RE: I'm not sure Mara understands why the fans are pissed  
Keaton028 : 1/5/2022 6:56 pm : link
In comment 15531785 Go Terps said:

“Chris, are the plebes in a frenzy again? Let them have more Pepsi. Medium size.”
Feeling the heat from the fans?  
GFAN52 : 1/5/2022 6:58 pm : link
my choice would be for them to clean house  
Shirk130 : 1/5/2022 7:00 pm : link
but if Mara truly believe Abrams is the guy he should grow a pair and do it even if it makes the fans unhappy.
bw in dc : 1/5/2022 7:01 pm : link
What happened to the "Mara will listen if the new GM wants a new HC" rumor?

I knew that was garbage - if this latest post from Sean is now true...
The "search" for a new GM  
Ike#88 : 1/5/2022 7:04 pm : link
is sabotaged if the new GM has to keep Abrams. Who would sign up to be undermined or monitored by a holdover running to the owner tattling? Judge has not distinguished himself either and should be canned. A fresh start is warranted except Mara is counting coins while his franchise is a laughingstock.
RE: my choice would be for them to clean house  
Ten Ton Hammer : 1/5/2022 7:05 pm : link
In comment 15531795 Shirk130 said:
but if Mara truly believe Abrams is the guy he should grow a pair and do it even if it makes the fans unhappy.

Hes a garbage can kicking weenie.

I would almost respect the commitment to the gimmick if he just named Abrams. At least we could just conclude he's a bad owner and move forward.

The only thing worse than good or bad is half measures.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 7:05 pm : link
It pisses me off Gettleman-from all accounts-is going to be allowed to 'retire'. What a fucking joke.
I actually think it’s more important to fire Pettit than Abrams  
Sean : 1/5/2022 7:07 pm : link
The scouting department needs to be overhauled.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 7:08 pm : link
I will pushback on this thought that Mara only cares about money. I think he wants to win. But there's 2 problems...1) he's a football idiot, much like his old man. He believes he knows football when he doesn't know shit. If I was lucky enough to become an owner tomorrow, I'd hire people who knew more than me because I've never played/been involved in football personnel. 2) the 'Giants family' is nauseating. It's almost as if you get a gig with the Giants, you're there for life, regardless of your performance. UFB.
The real GM is John/Chris  
Go Terps : 1/5/2022 7:08 pm : link
Best we can reasonably hope for is that Gettleman's chimp cage in the decision-making Politburo is replaced by an actual smart person in a seat.
Given what’s happening with Judge’s public appearances  
cosmicj : 1/5/2022 7:09 pm : link
I wonder if his status is in flux, too.
RE: I actually think it’s more important to fire Pettit than Abrams  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 7:09 pm : link
In comment 15531807 Sean said:
The scouting department needs to be overhauled.

Read Pettit's bio on if you want a laugh. They make him out to be Gil Brandt.
RE: ...  
Ten Ton Hammer : 1/5/2022 7:10 pm : link
In comment 15531810 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
It's almost as if you get a gig with the Giants, you're there for life, regardless of your performance. UFB.

That's exactly it. Pat Hanlon, a VP, said Verderosa sucked at his job for years and he'd been there for 3 decades. And thought nothing of telling the world that bit of fact.
The Tweets opening words  
cosmicj : 1/5/2022 7:13 pm : link
“There’s been an about face” implies that up until recently Mara intended to promote Abrams.
RE: The Tweets opening words  
Sean : 1/5/2022 7:17 pm : link
In comment 15531817 cosmicj said:
“There’s been an about face” implies that up until recently Mara intended to promote Abrams.

This account has been reporting that Abrams will be the GM previously.
Full disclosure, this account also says Jones career is done  
Sean : 1/5/2022 7:18 pm : link
So it would be new GM + Judge + new QB

I have my doubts Judge is returning though.
So, the new GM  
Silver Spoon : 1/5/2022 7:18 pm : link
will be saddled with a coach, a shitty QB, and the moron negotiating awful contracts to bad players. Sounds like another exhaustive search conducted by the spineless owner.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 7:19 pm : link
Of course I believe Mara wanted to promote Abrams, but won't because of fan backlash. It fits everything we know about the man. He is an idiot.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 7:20 pm : link
John Mara might be the worst owner in NY sports. And that is saying something.
C'mon, guys....  
Chris in LA : 1/5/2022 7:20 pm : link
"Trust the process...." LOL
The combination of a head coach on the hot seat,  
cosmicj : 1/5/2022 7:20 pm : link
A mediocre and injured QB, organizational chaos and the managing owner being a fool really has the potential to be disastrous.

Like Eric says, “it can always get worse.”

I think I may need to flip my mental switch, from

Sports Fandom


Dark Humor Fan

When I follow the Giants.
Mara probably had a meeting  
Lines of Scrimmage : 1/5/2022 7:21 pm : link
With Chris and Tim

Guys we are halfway to that 18 year stretch my Dad had so we have some time to correct. I’ll hire someone who goes along as “GM” but Chris you have to nail the next draft. Tim, any FA’s out of ND? Talk to Rudolph and see if he can help. We’ll pay them well. In case it does not work out with Judge I have a couple hot candidates I’ve been monitoring. The fans are are figuring it out so we have to make progress pretty soon. The beats articles aren’t having the desired impact.
This is Joe Judges organization  
GiantsFan42 : 1/5/2022 7:21 pm : link
Mara will hire the GM Joe Judge tells him to .
While this may be what ultimately happens  
bleedgiantsblue : 1/5/2022 7:22 pm : link
I'm not so sure this is the Twitter account to believe.

As Sean mentioned, he also is "reporting" Jones will never play again.
GT - of course John understands  
Dave on the UWS : 1/5/2022 7:23 pm : link
the fans anger, he just doesn’t process it. Just like his father, he’s stubborn, pig headed and a fool. I’m sure he wants to keep the status quo. He’s convinced himself he’s right everyone else is wrong and it’s all the injuries fault.
Making statements  
section125 : 1/5/2022 7:23 pm : link
on a rumor....ok then
I do think it was going to be Abrams until this  
NoGainDayne : 1/5/2022 7:23 pm : link
I don't think they have the guts to put him in.

I'm thinking they are now doing what they did with Abrams before floating this plan to gauge fan outrage. Hopefully it goes equally poorly.

Honestly the only thing I can hope for at this point that I would find realistic is if they pick a GM that is clear intends to innovate. Brings in someone other than Ty Siam, etc.

It seems like where they are at is they are so uninterested in change even the change they are asking themselves. What's the bare minimum we can get away with while still getting to maintain complete control and a semblance of a normal fan base? They are going to undershoot until they have a full fan mutiny I think
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/5/2022 7:25 pm : link
I don't think I've ever seen Giants fans-& I'm talking about people on BBI, Twitter, fellow Giants fans I personally know-this disgusted with what is going on. It is REALLY bad.
RE: Fucking half measures  
AcidTest : 1/5/2022 7:27 pm : link
In comment 15531772 Go Terps said:

+1. Fire them all.

Retaining Judge at a minimum guarantees that the best GMs will pass on the Giants. We desperately need the best talent evaluator we can get after 10 years of mostly horrendous player personnel decisions.
RE: I actually think it’s more important to fire Pettit than Abrams  
AcidTest : 1/5/2022 7:28 pm : link
In comment 15531807 Sean said:
The scouting department needs to be overhauled.

I'd fire him too. Clean slate for the new GM.
Go Terps : 1/5/2022 7:28 pm : link
The thing is, it's been a Politburo for years - well before Gettleman slouched his way into the GM office.

Whomever the GM is is going to be one voice in a committee.
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