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3-4 defense sucks

NJ-GMenFan : 1/9/2022 4:22 pm
We do NOT have the players to run this defense and it’s horrible watching teams take advantage week in and week out…
go away  
Allen in CNJ : 1/9/2022 4:23 pm : link
winoguy : 1/9/2022 4:25 pm : link
the defense is the problem...
Learn to read…  
NJ-GMenFan : 1/9/2022 4:27 pm : link
I’m pointing out the defense we run, not saying they’re the only problem. Our O-line is the worst I’ve ever seen so yes, that’s the #1 problem
The D may not be THE problem  
Matt M. : 1/9/2022 4:27 pm : link
but, it is still A problem. This is nowhere near a winning D.
RE: go away  
NJ-GMenFan : 1/9/2022 4:28 pm : link
In comment 15538886 Allen in CNJ said:

Right after you
We haven’t since they switched  
Simms11 : 1/9/2022 4:31 pm : link
with Bettcher taking over. We’re still lacking that Dog at NT, Tomlinson made the job of the other Dlinemen easier IMO. LBers also have really not been addressed well enough. If Martinez can return to form, then the’ll still need another ILB as Crowder is not physical enough inside and completely gets taken out of plays. Ojulari is decent OLB, but needs to get better at setting the edge. Carter is an enigma and has been inconsistent against the run too! In addition to Oline, LBers need to be addressed.
The defense scheme is not the problem  
shadow_spinner0 : 1/9/2022 4:31 pm : link
teams including the Giants have won SB's with a 3-4 defense. However you need the players, you can't sign and add players that doesn't fit your scheme. Giants do that for both offense and defense.
I don’t think the scheme is the issue  
eric2425ny : 1/9/2022 4:32 pm : link
it’s Graham’s questionable play calling at the end of both halves and more importantly, our GM has only brought one competent edge rusher aboard through Free Agency and the draft in four years: Ojulari.

You can’t run a successful 3-4 with poor edge players. Players like Carter, Ximines, etc. have not panned out. DG prefers to spend shit tons of money and picks on the secondary.
"3-4 defense sucks. We don't have the players for it"  
j_rud : 1/9/2022 4:34 pm : link
So that's not the scheme, that's the talent.
It's the talent and the DC  
JonC : 1/9/2022 4:34 pm : link
switching to a 3-4  
bluepepper : 1/9/2022 4:43 pm : link
and not prioritizing getting a quality Edge is one of the dumbest things of the Gettleman era.
No issues with Patrick Graham  
D-Rod : 1/9/2022 4:43 pm : link
The past couple of years.
Meant to say, I have no issues with  
D-Rod : 1/9/2022 4:44 pm : link
The job he's done.
Ron Johnson : 1/9/2022 4:45 pm : link
Don’t have enough of anything to play anything.
RE: Meant to say, I have no issues with  
eric2425ny : 1/9/2022 4:46 pm : link
In comment 15538991 D-Rod said:
The job he's done.

I don’t think he’s bad by any means, but he has blown a lot of late leads, particular last season and the early part of this one. They can never close out games. It’s a problem.
Agreed, that has been his biggest issue.  
D-Rod : 1/9/2022 4:49 pm : link
If we had an offense, that probably wouldn't have been as big an issue.

Also, not sure if Judge is having him play it safe at the end. Just like I'm not sure if he was having Garrett and now Kitchens play conservative.
Our 3-4 defense is lacking  
Bruner4329 : 1/9/2022 5:18 pm : link
You need some quality linebackers to make it work and when you look at this organization when was the last time we had a good linebacking Core and when was the last time we drafted a good linebacker. Bottom line our best linebacker tore his ACL early this season and our second best linebacker is playing on one good leg.
The 3-4 itself isn't the issue  
Matt M. : 1/9/2022 5:24 pm : link
The issue is running a 3-4 without an anchoring NT or any LBs to speak of. Even with a healthy Martinez, their LB corps are terrible. Combine that with running 2 high safeties who regularly play 15-20 yards off the ball and CBs who regularly are 10-15 yards off the ball and what do you expect?

I am also opposed to this notion of EDGE. What they have are a bunch of mediocre at best pass rushers who do nothing else. We need a true OLB who can set the edge, play the run, pursue a backside play, cover a TE, etc.
There’s some VERY good LBers  
Simms11 : 1/9/2022 5:28 pm : link
in this upcoming draft. They need to find a few.
RE: There’s some VERY good LBers  
Matt M. : 1/9/2022 5:29 pm : link
In comment 15539140 Simms11 said:
in this upcoming draft. They need to find a few.
Agreed. But, they need to find LBs, not EDGE. Thjey need impact players.
Our defense was ranked 10th in the NFL in 2020  
Rjanyg : 1/9/2022 5:29 pm : link
We let Tomlinson go and lost our leading tackler in Martinez. If they would have drafted Parsons we may have been a much better overall defense.

Ojulari has been a decent player and he got better as the season went on. Adding Jaylon Smith was smart as he is a smart and instinctively player. I wonder what will happen with Zo Carter, he played pretty well especially late in the season.

We need to add an edge rusher in round 1 or 2 to keep bringing in talent at a critical position. I like Christian Harris from Bama in round 2 or Muma in round 3.

I will say we don’t tackle very well. I’d like to see an improvement there.

The 3-4 defense is not the problem. The play calls yes. Plus we are playing basically a nickel defense 65% of the time.

all defenses require talent to work. the 3/4 requires a talented nose  
plato : 1/9/2022 5:31 pm : link
tackle, something which the giant staff seemingly didn’t realize and fight to keep Tomlinson. Tomlinson walked and Giants defense “nose” dived, pun intended. it’s why we cant stop run nor generate inside pass rush. under parcells and belicheck giants worked for years to get a successful talented nose. when the did the giants defense became legendary.

We need a talented nose and hope martinez comes back as good as he was. i doubt he will and add a mlb to our talent needs on d.

in short for the giants to be competitive they need an infusion of talent to control and improve the inside of the offense and defense lines.
Nobody cared  
louied7535 : 1/9/2022 5:37 pm : link
About the d because the offense was so putrid. This defense was no where near last years
It’s the talent  
Tuckrule : 1/9/2022 6:37 pm : link
The DC has done a great job considering no edge players. No linebackers once Blake went down. Banged up secondary. He’s done a great great job. Also not to mention the offense can’t control the clock and has no run game so the defense is constantly on the field. The defense alone is why we have been in so many games while jones was healthy. Amazing what fans see
RE: The 3-4 itself isn't the issue  
Angel Eyes : 1/10/2022 1:05 am : link
In comment 15539120 Matt M. said:
The issue is running a 3-4 without an anchoring NT or any LBs to speak of. Even with a healthy Martinez, their LB corps are terrible. Combine that with running 2 high safeties who regularly play 15-20 yards off the ball and CBs who regularly are 10-15 yards off the ball and what do you expect?

I am also opposed to this notion of EDGE. What they have are a bunch of mediocre at best pass rushers who do nothing else. We need a true OLB who can set the edge, play the run, pursue a backside play, cover a TE, etc.

From what I understand, EDGE is a nebulous term for 4-3 DEs or 3-4 OLBs, both are essential to setting the end of the line or rushing the passer from the side. Our guys do neither well.
Carl in CT : 1/10/2022 8:38 am : link
You need an outside LB who can rush the passer, set the edge and cover the back out of the backfield. A tall task. Without that player it is tough.
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