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NFT: How to trap/kill a crafty rat in my garage?

Grey Pilgrim : 3/29/2022 2:31 pm
I bought a smallish trap that has not worked. Maybe the rat is too big for it?

Haven't seen him, but I can hear him scurrying around.

He basically tore through my Pantry in the Garage, leaving not much behind.

He's eating the bread that i placed outside the trap, but not inside.

What should I do? Is poison the way to go?

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RE: Get a cat...  
Kev in Cali : 3/29/2022 6:43 pm : link
In comment 15649307 Kevin999 said:
if a rat just smells a cat, they will leave the area.
There was a story not long ago about cities making shelters for stray cats in rest infested areas and the rats clearing out in no time.

Cats work too.

Just feed the wild one, they will prey in the mean time.

: )
RE: They're like the Viet Cong...Varmint Cong  
Grey Pilgrim : 3/29/2022 6:49 pm : link
In comment 15649089 j_rud said:
So you have to fall back on superior intelligence and superior firepower.


Love Caddyshack!
This thread is funny  
knowledgetimmons : 3/29/2022 7:12 pm : link
Adult human outmatched by a rodent. That’s be a more proper title.

Sounds like someone of your apprehension with regard to harming other low forms of life should just adopt a stray cat. Two birds with one stone.
Hey Pilgrim...  
EricJ : 3/29/2022 7:32 pm : link
you are no Pilgrim. Jesus Christ man..

Stop buying mouse traps. Rat Traps are larger. Get a large trap, bait with peanut butter... be done with it.
joeinpa : 3/29/2022 7:37 pm : link
Bill Murray
Marty in Albany : 3/29/2022 11:42 pm : link
They fought the dogs and killed the cats,
And bit the babies in the cradles,
And ate the cheeses out of the vats,
And licked the soup from the cooks' own ladle's,
Split open the kegs of salted sprats,
Made nests inside men's Sunday hats,
And even spoiled the women's chats
By drowning their speaking
With shrieking and squeaking
In fifty different sharps and flats.
Thanks guys!  
Grey Pilgrim : 3/30/2022 8:00 am : link
He keeps on eating the bread that is outside the trap, but not inside.


I think it's time for a larger cage.

Why is there bread outside the cage?  
Jimmy Googs : 3/30/2022 8:22 am : link
RE: Why is there bread outside the cage?  
Grey Pilgrim : 3/30/2022 9:20 am : link
In comment 15649722 Jimmy Googs said:

To lure him in.

I'm going to try just in the trap now.

Rats can be very smart  
BigBlue in Keys : 3/30/2022 9:35 am : link
Good job baiting outside the trap to get it used to it. I like to bait the snap traps for a few nights before setting it. Sun flower seeds or any nuts work great. Peanut butter usually too, but if they set off a trap and don't get caught they might not eat that bait again especially if there are still other food sources available around. They're like $50 but the electronic shock traps from Home Depot work the best. Snap traps are ok but I've found don't always get them. Tricks for the snap traps: place parallel to the wall right up against it so they have to run right over it. Put something heavy on the back and 2 sides so there is only one way they can approach the bait. Screw them down into a piece of wood, sometimes the big snap traps have so much force they go flying around when they go off.

If you want some homemade fun look for videos of how to make your own bucket trap with a 5 gallon pail and piece of wire. Here is a fun rat song to listen to while you plot his death.
Rat in me Kitchen - ( New Window )
Named Later : 3/30/2022 9:48 am : link
There's an old saying among veteran Rat Exterminators --

"The hungriest cat gets the crafty rat."

Go to the Animal Shelter and adopt the biggest Tom Cat. Don't feed him any kibbles for a week. Then lock him in the garage with your Rat......Problem Solved.

Now, the problem of what to do with a blood-thirsty old Tom Cat is another matter.
RE: Just how crafty is this rat?  
NNJ Tom : 3/30/2022 11:59 am : link
In comment 15649232 FranknWeezer said:
Are we talking like Tom Silva/Norm Abrams levels of craftiness?

2 points for TOH reference
The bread just mysteriously moved in the trap away from the trigger  
Grey Pilgrim : 3/30/2022 3:45 pm : link
and closer to the door.

Got em!  
Grey Pilgrim : 3/31/2022 8:18 am : link
RE: Got em!  
pjcas18 : 3/31/2022 8:24 am : link
In comment 15651138 Grey Pilgrim said:


you don't need to pose with it like a trophy, but I'd like to see what you were dealing with.
RE: RE: Got em!  
Grey Pilgrim : 3/31/2022 9:57 am : link
In comment 15651143 pjcas18 said:
In comment 15651138 Grey Pilgrim said:




you don't need to pose with it like a trophy, but I'd like to see what you were dealing with.
I forgot to take pics, but there might be more than one rat. If so I"ll do so.


Also, I also don't know how to post pics. [yet]

He was a little guy, and I released him in the horse trails nearby.

Definitely a Rat though...  
Grey Pilgrim : 3/31/2022 9:58 am : link
Just set up the trap again...  
Grey Pilgrim : 3/31/2022 10:18 am : link
RE: RE: RE: Got em!  
Johnny5 : 3/31/2022 1:16 pm : link
In comment 15651268 Grey Pilgrim said:
In comment 15651143 pjcas18 said:


In comment 15651138 Grey Pilgrim said:




you don't need to pose with it like a trophy, but I'd like to see what you were dealing with.

I forgot to take pics, but there might be more than one rat. If so I"ll do so.


Also, I also don't know how to post pics. [yet]

He was a little guy, and I released him in the horse trails nearby.

I do the same thing Pilgrim. They are typically on the "catch and release at the park program" at my house... lol. I use the electric zappers only as a last resort for the craftier (and more damaging) ones. I have a buddy that uses the bucket trick where they follow a trail up over the bucket and roll off of a soda can or something. That seems to work well too but I haven't tried it.
I use the bucket of death  
pjcas18 : 3/31/2022 1:58 pm : link
for chipmunks. They ate every strawberry out of my garden and didn't just do it at night or stealthily, they would grab a strawberry in broad daylight, sit right there at the edge of the garden leaning on their back paws and taunt me eating the strawberry in my face.

They don't do that anymore. the bucket of death works.

I didn't think it would work for rats though, i feel like rats are survivalists and would somehow scratch and claw their way out.

but it should work probably.
Got one more!!!  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 7:44 am : link
A Bigger Guy.

I'll try to take and post pics later.

Anyone know how to post pics?  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 8:31 am : link
RE: Anyone know how to post pics?  
pjcas18 : 4/1/2022 8:37 am : link
In comment 15652203 Grey Pilgrim said:

three easy steps. you need to upload the picture to a place it can be accessed with a link. For example, I have an account with imgur, it's free and takes 5 seconds to set up.

1. Set up an account with am image hosting site

2. Upload the picture to the image hosting site and copy the direct link URL.

3. in your BBI post create a link to the like this:

then submit your post
Have to be that guy  
oghwga : 4/1/2022 8:40 am : link
When you release an animal far away it dies a slower more painful death most of the time. No home, no known sources of food, established turf for other animals of it's kind already, etc etc.

Just kill them at the outset.
First try  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 9:08 am : link
Rat - ( New Window )
I released him at the same spot...  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 9:11 am : link
I hope he finds his buddy.
Trying to get the image in the actual post  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 9:22 am : link
A little help please. I'd like to learn how to do this!


Here's the url:
Trying again...  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 9:35 am : link

Isn't this correct? Won't let me post it in the url box.

Not working  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 9:36 am : link
I tried to take a pic of him when he got out of the cage, but  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 9:38 am : link
he scurried away before I could.

One more try...  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 9:40 am : link
Holy Shit  
oghwga : 4/1/2022 9:43 am : link
That is a giant rat. Where there is one, there is more, where there is two, there are many more. I would either burn the house down or move.

I do not like vermin.
pjcas18 : 4/1/2022 10:14 am : link
damn, that's a rat. Do you live near water or a fast food restaurant?

RE: Picture  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 10:42 am : link
In comment 15652349 pjcas18 said:
damn, that's a rat. Do you live near water or a fast food restaurant?

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

RE: Picture  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 10:44 am : link
In comment 15652349 pjcas18 said:
damn, that's a rat. Do you live near water or a fast food restaurant?

No on the fast food, but there is water down the block from me.
RE: RE: Picture  
pjcas18 : 4/1/2022 11:24 am : link
In comment 15652411 Grey Pilgrim said:
In comment 15652349 pjcas18 said:


damn, that's a rat. Do you live near water or a fast food restaurant?

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


when you are in imgur select direct link, not image link and paste those results in between the img and /img tags with the [] like in my post.

One more...  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 11:37 am : link
Thanks pjcas18!  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 11:38 am : link
What are the odds on finding another rat tomorrow morning?  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 12:18 pm : link
RE: What are the odds on finding another rat tomorrow morning?  
pjcas18 : 4/1/2022 12:32 pm : link
In comment 15652548 Grey Pilgrim said:

strong to very strong. I'd get a trail cam if I were you because I want to see how many rats I'm dealing with.

And why do you have food outside? It sounds like you have a pantry with food in it, in a garage (detatched garage?). Is that true?
RE: RE: What are the odds on finding another rat tomorrow morning?  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 1:18 pm : link
In comment 15652572 pjcas18 said:
In comment 15652548 Grey Pilgrim said:



strong to very strong. I'd get a trail cam if I were you because I want to see how many rats I'm dealing with.

And why do you have food outside? It sounds like you have a pantry with food in it, in a garage (detatched garage?). Is that true?

Hey, Yeah, I'm expecting more.

We do (or did) have food outside (and the basement) In retrospect not a great idea.

Outside in the Garage, that is...  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 1:23 pm : link
RE: Outside in the Garage, that is...  
Grey Pilgrim : 4/1/2022 1:30 pm : link
In comment 15652670 Grey Pilgrim said:

Sorry about the reiteration.

Maybe you need enticements beyond bait...  
D HOS : 4/1/2022 2:45 pm : link

"where the mice actually enjoy getting trapped" - ( New Window )
D HOS : 4/1/2022 2:48 pm : link
didn't mean to submit that yet.

Even though I have nothing right now to trap, I'm still building this tomorrow because I have all the materials to hand. I'll see if I have mice or rats in the woods next to my house, I guess.
RE: Have to be that guy  
Johnny5 : 4/1/2022 3:40 pm : link
In comment 15652210 oghwga said:
When you release an animal far away it dies a slower more painful death most of the time. No home, no known sources of food, established turf for other animals of it's kind already, etc etc.

Just kill them at the outset.

I thought about that but I do it as much for the predators in the area. There's little enough food to go around for them so I figure if the varmints make it on their own cool, if they end up as part of the food chain also cool. I just don't have the heart to take somethings life just because they doing what they do... lol.
I think many predators  
pjcas18 : 4/1/2022 4:16 pm : link
will eat dead rodents.

I know I commented on this in a post, but I used to throw all the dead chipmunks (and opossums from my pool, and rabbit carcasses from my dog, etc.) over the fence to my neighbors yard.

I went back there to take inventory and there was not one decomposing animal to be found.

I think the hawks eat them, maybe the foxes too.

RE: I think many predators  
Johnny5 : 4/1/2022 4:19 pm : link
In comment 15652914 pjcas18 said:
will eat dead rodents.

I know I commented on this in a post, but I used to throw all the dead chipmunks (and opossums from my pool, and rabbit carcasses from my dog, etc.) over the fence to my neighbors yard.

I went back there to take inventory and there was not one decomposing animal to be found.

I think the hawks eat them, maybe the foxes too.

Yeah I'm sure you are right, and crows. I have two gigantic Barred Owls that live near where I let them go, so I guess I'm always rooting for the night predators because I figure they would miss out on day scavenging.
And LOL...  
Johnny5 : 4/1/2022 4:20 pm : link
... at throwing them into your neighbors yard.
oghwga : 4/1/2022 7:28 pm : link
Raccoons love a nice dead carcass too. They are the number one carrion eaters on my trail cam.
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