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Landon Collins signs with NYG

CromartiesKid21 : 10/6/2022 10:20 am
Can't wait to see him back alrdy entroute to London
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/6/2022 10:21 am : link
The prodigal son returns home...
Bold Ruler : Mod : 10/6/2022 10:22 am : link
cokeduplt : 10/6/2022 10:22 am : link
To Josina Anderson twitter
Bold Ruler : Mod : 10/6/2022 10:22 am : link
Free agent S Landon Collins tells me he is signing with the #Giants and is heading to London now to be around his new team, per him.
Welcome home!  
fivehead : 10/6/2022 10:24 am : link
Ten Ton Hammer : 10/6/2022 10:24 am : link
Anyone the coaches think can help is welcome to me.

No reason to feel any different.
i Like it  
jmalls23 : 10/6/2022 10:25 am : link
We know he cannot cover but was an exceptional tackler and solid in the box. hope he can still do those things at a high level.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/6/2022 10:26 am : link
Didn't he have a pick six in the '16 London game vs. LAR? Here's hoping for an encore, Haha.
He was a good blitzer  
Giantimistic : 10/6/2022 10:26 am : link
I trust him with Wink.
It would be funny to see multiple people that were victims of the  
NoGainDayne : 10/6/2022 10:26 am : link
great DG culture purge (Collins and OBJ) brought back
No issues with him as a person or leader  
BigBlue7 : 10/6/2022 10:26 am : link
lets just hope he can still play

Will be cool to watch him and McKinney interact
Good luck in London......  
bceagle05 : 10/6/2022 10:28 am : link

Landon Collins to the faraway towns
Now war is declared and battle come down
Landon Collins to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
Landon Collins, now don't look to us
Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust
Landon Collins, see we ain't got no swing
Except for the ring of the truncheon thing
I wonder  
Burt64 : 10/6/2022 10:28 am : link
how many guys are still on the team that played with him during his 1st tenure...

There can't be very many.
As long as he doesn’t take time  
JoeyBigBlue : 10/6/2022 10:29 am : link
From our top 3 safeties McKinley, Love, and Belton I don’t care about the signing.
Be interesting to see how Wink  
Lines of Scrimmage : 10/6/2022 10:29 am : link
uses him. Welcome back.
he still a liability in coverage  
fish3321 : 10/6/2022 10:29 am : link
hopefully a nickel linebacker/blitzer
Now sign OBJ and let’s get this party  
Rjanyg : 10/6/2022 10:30 am : link
Landon Collins in London  
OntheRoad : 10/6/2022 10:32 am : link

I know he's thinking of that broken-field pick 6 the last time he was there.
RE: ...  
JB_in_DC : 10/6/2022 10:33 am : link
In comment 15848077 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Didn't he have a pick six in the '16 London game vs. LAR? Here's hoping for an encore, Haha.

Yea! It was a killer return too. Off the hands of Tavon Austin who ironically was also mentioned by one of the beats as a potential NYG signing this week lol
I guess the coaching staff doesn't trust  
nyjuggernaut2 : 10/6/2022 10:33 am : link
Tony Jefferson or Pinnock enough to fill in for the injured Julian Love.
between him and Klein  
KDavies : 10/6/2022 10:34 am : link
the Giants can hopefully see some improvement at the LB position (assuming Collins plays a kind of LB role)
RE: It would be funny to see multiple people that were victims of the  
Beer Man : 10/6/2022 10:36 am : link
In comment 15848079 NoGainDayne said:
great DG culture purge (Collins and OBJ) brought back
Was Collins part of DG's culture purge? I always thought he wasn't resigned because DG didn't want to tie-up that much of the salary cap on an often injured SS. The Skins gave him a six year $84m contract, with $32m guaranteed over the first couple years.

Plus, OBJ was no victim, he brought that on himself.
RE: I wonder  
Diversify yo bonds : 10/6/2022 10:37 am : link
In comment 15848083 Burt64 said:
how many guys are still on the team that played with him during his 1st tenure...

There can't be very many.

Barkley, Shep, and Davis Webb.
If nothing else  
Pepe LePugh : 10/6/2022 10:40 am : link
It would be great if he can take over Love’s ST snaps.
RE: It would be funny to see multiple people that were victims of the  
Spiciest Memelord : 10/6/2022 10:42 am : link
In comment 15848079 NoGainDayne said:
great DG culture purge (Collins and OBJ) brought back

Lando wasn't part of some Culture Purge, it was just foolishness to pay a box safety stoopid Dan Snyder money.
not as exciting as getting OBJ back but who knows maybe it's a  
Eric on Li : 10/6/2022 10:42 am : link
precursor to that?
Yeah, baby! Welcome back to Big Blue, Landon Collins!!  
Fishmanjim57 : 10/6/2022 10:43 am : link
I am so glad for the return of this powerful defensive player, and I know Wink is gonna love having him on the squad!
I love when an important former Giants player returns to the team, and Landon Collins just made the team better!
Must be a vet league minimum salary  
Rick in Dallas : 10/6/2022 10:44 am : link
I see him playing in the box in Wink's scheme.
I fear the person made happiest by this news  
Giantsfan79 : 10/6/2022 10:44 am : link
is Aaron Rodgers
Nothing like a defense in need of more talent  
mfsd : 10/6/2022 10:46 am : link
and a veteran looking for one more paycheck to mend broken fences!
Will be a good fit as a hybrid in this D  
BLUATHRT : 10/6/2022 10:47 am : link
Still only 28. I'll be glad to see him in blue again.
I barely noticed  
mittenedman : 10/6/2022 10:50 am : link
he was on the field whenever I saw a Washington game.
RE: RE: It would be funny to see multiple people that were victims of the  
mfsd : 10/6/2022 10:50 am : link
In comment 15848107 Beer Man said:
In comment 15848079 NoGainDayne said:


great DG culture purge (Collins and OBJ) brought back

Was Collins part of DG's culture purge? I always thought he wasn't resigned because DG didn't want to tie-up that much of the salary cap on an often injured SS. The Skins gave him a six year $84m contract, with $32m guaranteed over the first couple years.

Plus, OBJ was no victim, he brought that on himself.

Yeah I'm not sure about the culture thing - I recall him being a team leader who played through injuries, even when we sucked. Who knows.

Deciding not to give Landon a deal like Washington did was 100% the right call by DG. As was discussed ad nauseum at the time, DG probably missed a chance to trade him.

But there was something about how it went down that pissed Landon off something awful. He was still spitting bile at Gettleman and the Giants a year later

when we were talking about trading Collins..  
BillKo : 10/6/2022 10:54 am : link
...I specifically mentioned BALT and how they utilize their players.

I really like this move, and I think they'll use Collins as a wildcard/rover type defensive player.

Maybe even some DE!!!!! I think BALT did that with one of their secondary guys lol
RE: RE: RE: It would be funny to see multiple people that were victims of the  
Spiciest Memelord : 10/6/2022 10:57 am : link
In comment 15848128 mfsd said:
In comment 15848107 Beer Man said:


In comment 15848079 NoGainDayne said:


great DG culture purge (Collins and OBJ) brought back

Was Collins part of DG's culture purge? I always thought he wasn't resigned because DG didn't want to tie-up that much of the salary cap on an often injured SS. The Skins gave him a six year $84m contract, with $32m guaranteed over the first couple years.

Plus, OBJ was no victim, he brought that on himself.

Yeah I'm not sure about the culture thing - I recall him being a team leader who played through injuries, even when we sucked. Who knows.

Deciding not to give Landon a deal like Washington did was 100% the right call by DG. As was discussed ad nauseum at the time, DG probably missed a chance to trade him.

But there was something about how it went down that pissed Landon off something awful. He was still spitting bile at Gettleman and the Giants a year later


DG also ticked off Steve Smith and a meddlesome Panthers owner. I absolutely take it as a sign of good GM'ing if players and a meddlesome owner are pissed at you.

Hell not surprising Schoen's best move so far was hiring Daboll over who the Mara's were gumming up the works and pushing.
In Wink we Trust!  
GiantBlue : 10/6/2022 10:58 am : link
If Wink pushed for this signing...he has designs for Landon to be effective in this defense.

I hope he gets in Sunday...I would like to see what he can provide.

Solid signing.
Wink has a role in mind for him, no doubt  
Greg from LI : 10/6/2022 10:59 am : link
He's limited but very good at what he does.
RE: I guess the coaching staff doesn't trust  
Johnny5 : 10/6/2022 11:01 am : link
In comment 15848101 nyjuggernaut2 said:
Tony Jefferson or Pinnock enough to fill in for the injured Julian Love.

I doubt that will happen. We have some injuries and are thin at LB. Giants are pulling in players that they can bring up to speed quickly to fill depth and be situational for Wink. Likely a fit since he was always a good tackler and they can use him as a LB/Safety hybrid in Wink's scheme for nickel and dime defensive formations.
RE: I fear the person made happiest by this news  
BigBlueShock : 10/6/2022 11:01 am : link
In comment 15848119 Giantsfan79 said:
is Aaron Rodgers

Why? Do you honestly think Collins is playing this Sunday?
RE: I fear the person made happiest by this news  
arcarsenal : 10/6/2022 11:02 am : link
In comment 15848119 Giantsfan79 said:
is Aaron Rodgers

Lol what? Collins ain't going to be ready to play in 3 days.
arcarsenal : 10/6/2022 11:03 am : link
Anyway, I'm on board given the circumstances and assumption that he's going to play a lot of LB. I trust Wink to use him in a way that helps the defense.

Welcome back, Lando.
Looks like he can put #21 back on  
Chris684 : 10/6/2022 11:04 am : link
I hate when old players come back and wear new numbers like Jacobs had to. It doesn't feel right.
Wow didnt realize  
Everyone Relax : 10/6/2022 11:04 am : link
he's still only 28
Always a fan favorite  
Producer : 10/6/2022 11:07 am : link
RE: .  
Jay on the Island : 10/6/2022 11:08 am : link
In comment 15848152 arcarsenal said:
Anyway, I'm on board given the circumstances and assumption that he's going to play a lot of LB. I trust Wink to use him in a way that helps the defense.

Welcome back, Lando.

If he is going to be playing LB and exclusively close to the LOS then I really like this move. If he is going to be used as a deep safety at times then I feel much differently.
djm : 10/6/2022 11:10 am : link
we signed one of our draft picks to a second contract!
RE: RE: .  
Costy16 : 10/6/2022 11:10 am : link
In comment 15848159 Jay on the Island said:
In comment 15848152 arcarsenal said:


Anyway, I'm on board given the circumstances and assumption that he's going to play a lot of LB. I trust Wink to use him in a way that helps the defense.

Welcome back, Lando.

If he is going to be playing LB and exclusively close to the LOS then I really like this move. If he is going to be used as a deep safety at times then I feel much differently.

Exactly, if he's in coverage up the seams, it's not going to be good.
RE: Wow didnt realize  
Breeze_94 : 10/6/2022 11:10 am : link
In comment 15848154 Everyone Relax said:
he's still only 28

That’s pretty shocking. Thought he was at least 30.
Mdgiantsfan : 10/6/2022 11:11 am : link
His was the only color rush jersey I purchased. Now I can pull it back out 😂
AcidTest : 10/6/2022 11:13 am : link
assume this means that Love isn't playing. Fine with me, as long as his duties are largely limited to ST and the LOS when he's playing defense.
RE: Good luck in London......  
MeanBunny : 10/6/2022 11:13 am : link
In comment 15848082 bceagle05 said:

Landon Collins to the faraway towns
Now war is declared and battle come down
Landon Collins to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls

That's art!
Landon Collins, now don't look to us
Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust
Landon Collins, see we ain't got no swing
Except for the ring of the truncheon thing
I think it's a bad sign in that it likely means than Julian Love  
Victor in CT : 10/6/2022 11:14 am : link
is going to be out for an extended period. Love has been exceptional.
RE: I think it's a bad sign in that it likely means than Julian Love  
Chris684 : 10/6/2022 11:15 am : link
In comment 15848172 Victor in CT said:
is going to be out for an extended period. Love has been exceptional.

Hasn't it been clarified that the Collins visit was scheduled before Love's injury?
It seems that OBJ would sign with the Rams if he signs anywhere  
SomeFan : 10/6/2022 11:18 am : link
because it is warm weather LA, they are a SB contender, OBJ knows the offense, and Rams likely want him back pretty badly as he can take the heat off of Kupp and their offense was better with OBJ.
A.J. Klein was signed by another team  
Woodstock : 10/6/2022 11:20 am : link
Off the giants practice squad
RE: I  
Jay on the Island : 10/6/2022 11:21 am : link
In comment 15848167 AcidTest said:
assume this means that Love isn't playing. Fine with me, as long as his duties are largely limited to ST and the LOS when he's playing defense.

I would be pretty surprised if Collins is active Sunday. He is traveling to London today and might get one walk thru practice in before the game.
RE: RE: It would be funny to see multiple people that were victims of the  
Blue Dream : 10/6/2022 11:23 am : link
In comment 15848114 Spiciest Memelord said:
In comment 15848079 NoGainDayne said:


They could have franchised him can't remember what the exact number would have been but it wasn't that bad

great DG culture purge (Collins and OBJ) brought back

Lando wasn't part of some Culture Purge, it was just foolishness to pay a box safety stoopid Dan Snyder money.
Woodstock : 10/6/2022 11:24 am : link
Jordan Raanan
Landon Collins is taking the practice squad spot of veteran LB A.J. Klein, per source. Klein was added by the Giants earlier this week. He is being signed by another team off the Giants PSquad.
RE: Good luck in London......  
widmerseyebrow : 10/6/2022 11:25 am : link
In comment 15848082 bceagle05 said:

Landon Collins to the faraway towns
Now war is declared and battle come down
Landon Collins to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
Landon Collins, now don't look to us
Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust
Landon Collins, see we ain't got no swing
Except for the ring of the truncheon thing

I chuckled
RE: A.J. Klein was signed by another team  
Ira : 10/6/2022 11:26 am : link
In comment 15848182 Woodstock said:
Off the giants practice squad

I can't find mention of this anywhere. Please post a link.
From a football perspective  
Breeze_94 : 10/6/2022 11:26 am : link
This move makes a ton of sense on paper.

Good blitzer, downhill attacking style that fits well with what Wink does. Adds bit more more speed and aggressiveness to the second level of the defense alongside Jaylon Smith.

Plus, Giants run defense has struggled. Collins is strong coming down hill. Just don’t leave him in coverage.

I also wonder if they envision him spying a guy like Hurts when they matchup later in the season. I think he’d be okay in that role, and it would allow McKinney to roam free and make plays on the ball (something that has been lacking from a secondary that has 0 picks in 4 games so far)
arcarsenal : 10/6/2022 11:29 am : link
I don't think this means Love is going to be out for an extended time, they had interest in Collins before the game last weekend IIRC.
RE: .  
AcidTest : 10/6/2022 11:30 am : link
In comment 15848186 Woodstock said:
Jordan Raanan
Landon Collins is taking the practice squad spot of veteran LB A.J. Klein, per source. Klein was added by the Giants earlier this week. He is being signed by another team off the Giants PSquad.

Oh. OK. It's just a PS signing, and only because we lost Klein.
RE: hey  
Kevin in Annapolis : 10/6/2022 11:31 am : link
In comment 15848163 djm said:
we signed one of our draft picks to a second contract!

RE: RE: I  
AcidTest : 10/6/2022 11:31 am : link
In comment 15848184 Jay on the Island said:
In comment 15848167 AcidTest said:


assume this means that Love isn't playing. Fine with me, as long as his duties are largely limited to ST and the LOS when he's playing defense.

I would be pretty surprised if Collins is active Sunday. He is traveling to London today and might get one walk thru practice in before the game.

Probably true, but he could play ST at least.
David B. : 10/6/2022 11:34 am : link

My expectations for him are not very high, but it'd be nice to be wrong.
RE: RE: It would be funny to see multiple people that were victims of the  
OdellBeckhamJr : 10/6/2022 11:35 am : link
In comment 15848107 Beer Man said:
In comment 15848079 NoGainDayne said:


great DG culture purge (Collins and OBJ) brought back

Was Collins part of DG's culture purge? I always thought he wasn't resigned because DG didn't want to tie-up that much of the salary cap on an often injured SS. The Skins gave him a six year $84m contract, with $32m guaranteed over the first couple years.

Plus, OBJ was no victim, he brought that on himself.

Yes, not long after he didn't use the tag on Collins Gettleman was asked if the Giants had a culture problem, he answered "not anymore".

link - ( New Window )
RE: .  
BillT : 10/6/2022 11:37 am : link
In comment 15848186 Woodstock said:
Jordan Raanan
Landon Collins is taking the practice squad spot of veteran LB A.J. Klein, per source. Klein was added by the Giants earlier this week. He is being signed by another team off the Giants PSquad.

Makes much more sense than him signing directly to the 53.
I think Breeze  
Lines of Scrimmage : 10/6/2022 11:39 am : link
is on the right path. We will see. Wink has not been happy with the run D.
He would figure to backfill Love  
JonC : 10/6/2022 11:42 am : link
and presumably be better depth than the others.

LC has shown in the past to talk too much to the media for the prior regime's liking, fwiw. He and OB and Josina collectively ...
That's so weird  
Anakim : 10/6/2022 11:48 am : link
It's kind of like what happened with Wyatt Davis. Any team had a chance to claim him, it didn't and like a day or two later, boom! A team decides to sign him.

And now with AJ Klein. He was a free agent all this time, he signs on our PS and a day later, a team signs him to the main roster.
One thing he did well was tackle and play on the box....  
Simms11 : 10/6/2022 11:52 am : link
Just don't ask him to cover anyone.
RE: Jersey  
ArcadeSlumlord : 10/6/2022 11:52 am : link
In comment 15848166 Mdgiantsfan said:
His was the only color rush jersey I purchased. Now I can pull it back out 😂

I learned early on the only names on the back of my jerseys are MINE and the franchise QB. Thats it.
RE: He would figure to backfill Love  
Chris684 : 10/6/2022 11:53 am : link
In comment 15848216 JonC said:
and presumably be better depth than the others.

LC has shown in the past to talk too much to the media for the prior regime's liking, fwiw. He and OB and Josina collectively ...

Yea, you nailed it. I don’t love the shit stirrer that is Josina Anderson having close access to this team, hopefully Daboll is able to watch this more than McAdoo did.
that sucks  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/6/2022 11:58 am : link
about Klein..
Am I missing something here?  
5BowlsSoon : 10/6/2022 11:59 am : link
He has not been good since he left us.
RE: Am I missing something here?  
Ira : 10/6/2022 12:06 pm : link
In comment 15848244 5BowlsSoon said:
He has not been good since he left us.

You're right, but my guess is that Wink will find a way to use his talents.
RE: Am I missing something here?  
81_Great_Dane : 10/6/2022 12:07 pm : link
In comment 15848244 5BowlsSoon said:
He has not been good since he left us.
It does smell of desperation on both sides. The Giants are thin at the position and have limited resources; LC has had trouble finding a job and is probably taking a lot less money than he thinks he's worth. Plus he seemed pretty angry at the Giants when he left, IIRC.

Everybody swallowing their pride here.
RE: RE: Am I missing something here?  
JonC : 10/6/2022 12:12 pm : link
In comment 15848263 81_Great_Dane said:
In comment 15848244 5BowlsSoon said:


He has not been good since he left us.

It does smell of desperation on both sides. The Giants are thin at the position and have limited resources; LC has had trouble finding a job and is probably taking a lot less money than he thinks he's worth. Plus he seemed pretty angry at the Giants when he left, IIRC.

Everybody swallowing their pride here.

Yep. He's only 28 but the player so many remember from 2016 hasn't been spotted very often since then. My expectations are rather low, he's coming off the couch to stopgap.
Schoen getting it done ...  
FStubbs : 10/6/2022 12:17 pm : link
.... second Giant draft pick that's gotten a second contract.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/6/2022 12:17 pm : link
Eric from BBI : Admin : 10/6/2022 12:18 pm : link
Jordan Raanan
Wink Martindale says the Giants play a positionless defense. Where does Landon Collins fit?

“We’ll find some place he likes,” Martindale said.
Agreed that we shouldn't have high hopes  
Johnny5 : 10/6/2022 12:18 pm : link
Still, we need depth and nothing wrong with sifting through the through the throwaways and thrifts looking for pieces that Wink can utilize to keep our defense competitive. I hope we are doing this with WRs as well. Hell I hope we are doing that for every position on the team... lol.
RE: Jersey  
Racer : 10/6/2022 12:20 pm : link
In comment 15848166 Mdgiantsfan said:
His was the only color rush jersey I purchased. Now I can pull it back out 😂

+1 LOL
RE: Am I missing something here?  
BigBlueShock : 10/6/2022 12:25 pm : link
In comment 15848244 5BowlsSoon said:
He has not been good since he left us.

Were you expecting Micah Parsons or Aaron Donald to be picked up off the scrap heap and signed to the practice squad?
Now if we could only find a WR...  
Festina Lente : 10/6/2022 12:31 pm : link
RE: RE: hey  
56n11bestever : 10/6/2022 12:41 pm : link
In comment 15848197 Kevin in Annapolis said:
In comment 15848163 djm said:


we signed one of our draft picks to a second contract!

Webb and now Collins. 2 in a row
RE: Good luck in London......  
averagejoe : 10/6/2022 12:53 pm : link
In comment 15848082 bceagle05 said:

Landon Collins to the faraway towns
Now war is declared and battle come down
Landon Collins to the underworld
Come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls
Landon Collins, now don't look to us
Phony Beatlemania has bitten the dust
Landon Collins, see we ain't got no swing
Except for the ring of the truncheon thing

Lol - used to play this song in a band long ago.

He lives by the river.......
Route 9 : 10/6/2022 1:22 pm : link
Cool. Welcome back.
Klein signed with Baltimore.  
Red Dog : 10/6/2022 1:26 pm : link
Blitz and QB spy ?  
averagejoe : 10/6/2022 1:45 pm : link
Could be a role for him
Interesting...even with the rumors swirling  
Matt M. : 10/6/2022 1:53 pm : link
this still surprises me. I have mixed feelings. In the past, he's expressed no interest in switching to LB and is really undersized to play there. But, at the same time, he has to be better than most of the options we've been putting out there (one excellent game by Crowder against a bad offense aside). I mean, for the second year in a row, Smith essentially came off the street and made a bigger impact than our starters and that has more to do with the roster he walked on to, than his play.

As for S, Collins just doesn't measure up. All the Giants S are versatile. There is no true SS, FS, etc. they can each play either or both at any given time. Collins does not have the speed or cover skills to do a lot of what McKinney, Love, now Belton, do. So, it will certainly be interesting to see how they use him...and how soon.

The bottom line is, I really hope Love is back and truly healthy.
I love how this management is continually looking to upgrade….  
morrison40 : 10/6/2022 2:12 pm : link
Position by position players are finding out they are continually being evaluated and positions will be upgraded whenever possible.
RE: A.J. Klein was signed by another team  
Joe Beckwith : 10/6/2022 2:19 pm : link
In comment 15848182 Woodstock said:
Off the giants practice squad

We’ll screw him!
RE: RE: A.J. Klein was signed by another team  
Johnny5 : 10/6/2022 2:39 pm : link
In comment 15848523 Joe Beckwith said:
In comment 15848182 Woodstock said:


Off the giants practice squad

We’ll screw him!

Speak for yourself!
I'll reserve judgement  
Carson53 : 10/6/2022 3:49 pm : link
on this particular signing, until I see what he does on the field myself. Maybe Wink can get something out of him?
RE: RE: A.J. Klein was signed by another team  
LakeGeorgeGiant : 10/6/2022 3:52 pm : link
In comment 15848523 Joe Beckwith said:

We’ll screw him!

Is there a limit to how many people you can lose off the PS?  
GiantBlue : 10/6/2022 5:02 pm : link
This is 3 this year alone?

How can you build a cohesive practice squad when teams poach from you.

Ridiculous. I know it is a players association-favored rule, but it is ridiculous. There should be a limit or if you get 2 or more....supplemental draft picks.

Come on NFL
If you like the guy that much you gotta roster spot them  
Ten Ton Hammer : 10/6/2022 5:08 pm : link
Easy fix.
RE: ...  
Milton : 10/6/2022 6:34 pm : link
In comment 15848292 Eric from BBI said:
Jordan Raanan
Wink Martindale says the Giants play a positionless defense.
Like Belichick says, the players have jobs to do, not positions to fill.
RE: .  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 10/6/2022 6:41 pm : link
In comment 15848192 arcarsenal said:
I don't think this means Love is going to be out for an extended time, they had interest in Collins before the game last weekend IIRC.

Long past time Julian gets extended IMO.
This is a no brainer  
Larry in Pencilvania : 10/6/2022 6:55 pm : link
Collins is on the practice squad not on a $70 mil contract. If Wink finds a specific role fine if he becomes a problem or doesn't execute than they can cut him. They were looking at him before Love was injured and he takes Klien's spot. If he plays well great because he costs next to nothing and if he stinks he's gone.

Get used to bargain bin shopping for the rest of the year as that's all this team can afford
trueblueinpw : 10/6/2022 7:03 pm : link
I always thought Collins was way overrated here. He had that huge game in London. But, he doesn’t get home enough on the blitz, he’s just not good in coverage, he’s too small to play in the box and he’s not really a playmaker. Also seemed like he might have been a bit of locker room problem too but maybe I’m misremember or just plain wrong about that point. Tough for me to see how he makes the defense any better but - we'll hope for the best.
RE: RE: Am I missing something here?  
mattlawson : 10/6/2022 7:20 pm : link
In comment 15848310 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 15848244 5BowlsSoon said:


He has not been good since he left us.

Were you expecting Micah Parsons or Aaron Donald to be picked up off the scrap heap and signed to the practice squad?

So by the law of syllogism, he should be a pro bowler now that he’s back on the team
I see this as strictly a depth signing.  
BigBlueNH : 10/7/2022 4:10 am : link
Wink wants to be able to play 3 safeties often. But the rookie has played well, so I only see LC being activated if one of the 3 ahead of him are injured. LC would play ahead of Pinnock, who is really a STer.
RE: I see this as strictly a depth signing.  
section125 : 10/7/2022 7:12 am : link
In comment 15849282 BigBlueNH said:
Wink wants to be able to play 3 safeties often. But the rookie has played well, so I only see LC being activated if one of the 3 ahead of him are injured. LC would play ahead of Pinnock, who is really a STer.

Yeah, I am not quite seeing this signing clearly. But, I think you are correct. They need a safety down in the box that can blitz and play the run. I think Love did this a lot, bit Collins is built more for that kind of defender. Collins is 20 lbs heavier than Love and hits like a truck. He may be just quick enough to cover TEs - more so than the ILBs.
Another piece for Wink to move around and attack.
RE: RE: RE: It would be funny to see multiple people that were victims of the  
Beer Man : 10/7/2022 2:34 pm : link
In comment 15848203 OdellBeckhamJr said:
In comment 15848107 Beer Man said:


In comment 15848079 NoGainDayne said:


great DG culture purge (Collins and OBJ) brought back

Was Collins part of DG's culture purge? I always thought he wasn't resigned because DG didn't want to tie-up that much of the salary cap on an often injured SS. The Skins gave him a six year $84m contract, with $32m guaranteed over the first couple years.

Plus, OBJ was no victim, he brought that on himself.

Yes, not long after he didn't use the tag on Collins Gettleman was asked if the Giants had a culture problem, he answered "not anymore".
link - ( New Window )
Come to think of it, Collins did have a bad habit of airing the team's dirty laundry to the press.
Collins said that he and Snacks and OBJ talked up too much  
Reese's Pieces : 10/9/2022 12:19 am : link
about how the team needed to add players who could win?
OBJ was no locker room cancer. He was a leader who just wanted to win.

John Mara texted him that he hated to see him leave, thanked him for what he did for the franchise and "the door is always open," whatever that means.

Last year in 13 games he had three sacks, two picks, seven tackles for a loss, one forced fumble and two fumble recoveries. That's pretty productive.

In 2019 he only played 5 games. Two sacks, one pick five tackles for a loss and a forced fumble.

He can tackle and makes a few plays.

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