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Thibodeaux responds to Jeff Saturday

Eric from BBI : Admin : 1/4/2023 2:40 pm
Pat Leonard @PLeonardNYDN

Kayvon Thibodeaux, asked about Colts HC Jeff Saturday ripping his celebration:

“I don’t know who he is. So I’m not really too concerned about people who comment on me & I don’t know them.”

He says he’s paid to be a savage & sack QBs

Thibodeaux hopes Nick Foles gets better
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Do you know what I thought was Trash and tasteless  
Fred in Atlanta : 1/4/2023 7:20 pm : link
were all the Colts players trying to get the refs to throw flags for no reason. It seem as if every play I saw a Colt player using the throwing the flag motion, I was getting sick of it.
RE: Essex  
Essex : 1/4/2023 7:41 pm : link
In comment 15978961 Eric from BBI said:
With all due respect, I honestly don't think there is anything KT could do or say that would make you happy.

You seem to have made up your mind that he is some sort of bad person.

This is almost as crazy as the poster who thought KT was a bad person because he made a comment about smoking a cigarette.

No, I have explicitly said the exact opposite. I don’t think it makes him a bad person. I think he acted like an ass and has just made it worse since. I also said I have also acted like an ass in my life, but I also admit when I do and move on. I think the Saturday comment was a perfect opportunity to say “I get where he is coming from” and move on. He didn’t. Again, doesn’t make him a bad person, it just makes his handling of this worse.
Some seemed to have missed  
fkap : 1/4/2023 7:46 pm : link
the part where the celebration went on and on. Thibs had to have known Foles was down. Otherwise, he should have done his celebration, which is perfectly fine, and then gone back to get ready for the next play. He kept celebrating because he knew he had time.
Was it douchey? Yup. IMO, it's also douchey to celebrate a douche. Just my opinion. I was never one to celebrate the bad guy, but I understand their role in the entertainment world.

That said, it was a stupid celebration, regardless of whether the QB was hurt.
RE: Just to be clear  
noro9 : 1/4/2023 7:51 pm : link
In comment 15978813 Russ in NH (formerly Queens) said:
My objection to Thibodeaux's antics would stand whether Foles was injured or not.

I find puerile displays by (putative) adults distasteful. It's one of the aspects of today's game that I detest. I hate it when players on other teams do it and I really hate it when Giants players do it.

I'll cheer the production, but if this is the sort of crap that comes with it, I won't be cheering the player.

If 'swagger' is synonymous with 'asshole' (as it seems to be in this case), I'll take self-effacing every day, and twice on Sundays.

Not gonna draw too much from this  
thefan : 1/4/2023 7:57 pm : link
since I don't know what Saturday said, but they should get this kid in check. I've defended him on this board, especially during the infamous "Our number 1 draft pick wasn't on the stat sheet" thread. Right now, he'd be the last jersey I'd buy. A far cry from the man Strahan was, hopefully he gets his shit together.
RE: Not gonna draw too much from this  
RicFlair : 1/4/2023 8:01 pm : link
In comment 15979011 thefan said:
since I don't know what Saturday said, but they should get this kid in check. I've defended him on this board, especially during the infamous "Our number 1 draft pick wasn't on the stat sheet" thread. Right now, he'd be the last jersey I'd buy. A far cry from the man Strahan was, hopefully he gets his shit together.

Didn’t Strahan try to bash a teammate in the head with his helmet?
Strahan spit an entire PBJ sandwich at the media and threatened them  
Ten Ton Hammer : 1/4/2023 8:04 pm : link
In a press conference for no reason other than the Giants were an underperforming team.

I swear people have selective memories
Holy crap to this thread  
mpinmaine : 1/4/2023 8:07 pm : link
play on the field and celebration were seperate entities as was sideline tweet.

So the media is trying to turn this  
MDJintsFan : 1/4/2023 9:21 pm : link
into something and a rookie, KT, made them look bad. For a rookie, I thought he made those jackals in the media look dumb. Give them an inch and they take a mile. Kavon stopped them in their tracks at every turn. Good for him. That kid is going to be a star.
While not exactly the same thing,  
MDJintsFan : 1/4/2023 9:30 pm : link
this almost reminds me of the media getting bent out of shape because Strahan "disrespected" them by pulling out a sub sandwich and eating it during a post game interview. They are nothing but holier-than-thou douche bags who try to stir shit. Strahan made them look bad then and KT handled the media pretty much the same. I say good for him.
MDJintsFan : 1/4/2023 9:34 pm : link
Strahan's word to the media
Link - ( New Window )
KT on Foles Sack  
MDJintsFan : 1/4/2023 9:38 pm : link
Media shit stirring and KT handles is brilliantly.
KT Comments - ( New Window )
One thing I notice about Thibodeaux  
BlackLight : 1/4/2023 9:43 pm : link
is that he's got a very polished on-camera presence. Rather unusual for a rookie - you'd think he was a veteran just based on the level of comfort he has fielding questions.

I wonder if just that level of composure is what's rankling people.
RE: One thing I notice about Thibodeaux  
MDJintsFan : 1/4/2023 9:48 pm : link
In comment 15979135 BlackLight said:
is that he's got a very polished on-camera presence. Rather unusual for a rookie - you'd think he was a veteran just based on the level of comfort he has fielding questions.

I wonder if just that level of composure is what's rankling people.

I would say absolutely yes. They kept coming at him with questions and he swatted them away as if they (the media) were inconsequential. You could hear their frustration (but, but ,but what about this and this and this?) as they kept asking questions but couldn't rankle him.
Silly topic to keep as a discussion this long.  
NYGgolfer : 1/4/2023 9:55 pm : link
Our coach and players don’t care and have moved on.

BBI certainly doesn’t need to care anymore than that.

Do you Eric?

Eric from BBI : Admin : 1/4/2023 10:05 pm : link
If that's your view, then I was misreading what you wrote. But I stand by what I said, this is not a serious topic.

NYGgolfer.... I'm not the one keeping this going, the media did today, hence KT's reaction.
Hopefully as Giants  
pjcas18 : 1/4/2023 10:17 pm : link
fans we can all agree that regardless of your feelings on this celebration, we would all love for Thibodeaux to have hundreds more chances in his Giants career to celebrate great plays.

and you can all judge his celebration appropriateness on every single one
RE: Essex  
NYGgolfer : 1/4/2023 10:23 pm : link
In comment 15979167 Eric from BBI said:
If that's your view, then I was misreading what you wrote. But I stand by what I said, this is not a serious topic.

NYGgolfer.... I'm not the one keeping this going, the media did today, hence KT's reaction.

Yeah, ok.
I finally had time to listen to the interview  
thefan : 1/5/2023 12:26 am : link
I think he handled himself okay, though saying he doesn't know who Jeff Saturday is sounds foolish. I still don't like how it looked on the field and the snow angel is an all time terrible sack celebration if you're not in the snow. I'm over this. Find another sack dance Thib.
RE: It’s a douchey situation KTs  
ZoneXDOA : 1/5/2023 12:31 am : link
In comment 15978913 Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy said:
Found himself involved in. He’s handling it a little childishly. He’s going to get the “asshole” label for this and deservedly so.

Hopefully it’s not a sign of things to come in terms of his ego. He’s a calmer/smarter guy than Odell but you still worry about that ego getting too crazy.
as long as he stays healthy and backs it up, I couldn’t care less about his ego, man! Think LT didn’t love him some LT? Think Stray was humble? That very well could have been Dexter Lawrence dry humping the air as Foles wiggled around on the ground. Would he draw the same ire from people? Fuck on otta here with all this!
RE: I finally had time to listen to the interview  
BlackLight : 1/5/2023 2:07 am : link
In comment 15979259 thefan said:
I think he handled himself okay, though saying he doesn't know who Jeff Saturday is sounds foolish. I still don't like how it looked on the field and the snow angel is an all time terrible sack celebration if you're not in the snow. I'm over this. Find another sack dance Thib.

When Adam Vinatieri kicked the FG that won New England its first Super Bowl, the Patriots long-snapper ran into the endzone and did snow angels.

Not only was there no snow, that game was played indoors.
Link - ( New Window )
I wasn't thrilled with the celebration, but I sure wish  
BigBlueBuff : 1/5/2023 1:15 pm : link
one of his older teammates would have come over and told him that it was a bad look with another professional injured right next to him. In some ways, I'm more disappointed in that than the celebration itself.
Schoen and Daboll making all the right moves...  
The Mike : 1/6/2023 6:53 pm : link
Rather than lecture Thibs, they bring in Strahan to mentor him. Could not be a better way to handle and diffuse the situation.

Brilliant. Episode over.
Strahan and Thibodeaux - ( New Window )
Anybody remember this game ?  
Ron from Ninerland : 1/6/2023 7:56 pm : link
Decades ago Rich Kotite's Jets played Jimmy Johnson's Cowboys. As expected the Jets got their asses kicked. The most memorable thing about Kotite's press conference was his whining about how the Cowboys ran up the the score and were blitzing the Jets QB ( whose name I've blacked out ) even in the 4th quarter. When word got back to Johnson, he told Kotite in so many words to STFU.

A shit coach was trying to deflect attention from a shit performance by blaming his opponent. If Jimmy Johnson didn't want to put up with it, I don't see why Thibodeaux should be expected to.
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